Recruitment & Selection in Starup
Recruitment & Selection in Starup
Recruitment & Selection in Starup
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The process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an
organization) for a job opening, in a timely and cost effective manner. The recruitment process
includes analyzing the requirements of a job, attracting employees to that job, screening and
selecting applicants, hiring, and integrating the new employee to the organization.
Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting, shortlisting, selecting and appointing
suitable candidates for jobs (either permanent or temporary) within an organization.
Recruitment can also refer to processes involved in choosing individuals for unpaid roles.
Managers, human resource generalists and recruitment specialists may be tasked with ca rrying
out recruitment, but in some cases public -sector employment agencies, commercial recruitment
agencies, or specialist search consultancies are used to undertake parts of the process. Internet -
based technologies which support all aspects of recruitmen t have become widespread.
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For any organization, staffing is a crucial part of emerging and upholding an effective and
efficient team. A good staffing plan will cut down the wastage of time and money, which would
have experienced for wide training and growth of unqualified resources.
Have you ever believed of, how a recruiter finds the right candidates? Recruiters use, unlike
methods to source, screen, shortlist, and select the resources as per the necessities of the
organization. Recruitment types clarify the means by which an organization reaches potential job
1. Internal Sources
2. External Sources.
Internal bases of employment refer to appointment employees within the group internally. In
other words, candidates looking for the diverse positions are those who are presently employed
with the similar organization.
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At the time recruitment of teams, the initial contemplation should be given to those staffs who
are presently working within the organization. This is an significant source of staffing, which
delivers the chances for the growth and utilization of the current resources within the
Internal sources of recruitment are the best and the coolest way of choosing resources as
presentation of their work is previously known to the organization. Let us now debate more on
the numerous internal sources of recruitment.
Promotion refers to advancement the team of the employees by estimating their presentation in
the organization. It is the procedure of shifting an employee from a lower position to a higher
position with more tasks, remuneration, facilities, and status. Ma ny organizations fill the higher
vacant positions with the process of promotions, internally.
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Transfer refers to the procedure of switching from one job to another without any alteration in
the rank and duties. It can also be the shifting of empl oyees from one department to another
department or one location to another location, depending upon the requirement of the position.
Employee Referrals
Employee referrals is an real way of obtaining the right applicants at a low cost. It is the
procedure of hiring new resources through the references of employees, who are currently
working with the organization. In this procedure, the current staffs can refer their friends and
relatives for filling up the available positions.
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Organizations inspire employee referrals, since it is cost effective and saves time as likened to
hiring candidates from external sources. Maximum organizations, in order to inspire their
employees, go ahead and prize them with a transfer bonus for a successful hire.
Previous Applicants
At this point, the hiring team orders the profiles of preceding applicants from the organizational
employment database. These candidates are those who have applied for jobs in the past. These
resources can be simply advanced and the reply will be optimistic in most of the cases. It is also
a cheap way of filling up the vacant positions.
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External bases of recruitment, refer to hiring staffs outside the organization outwardly. In other
words, the candidates seeking job chances in this case are those who are external to the
External employees carry innovativeness and fr esh opinions to the organization. Though hiring
over external sources is a bit costly and tough, it has marvelous potential of driving the
organization forward in achieving its goals. Let us now debate in detail the numerous external
sources of recruitment.
Direct Recruitment
Direct recruitment mentions to the external source of employment where the recruitment of
experienced candidates is done by assigning a notice of opportunity on the notice board in the
organization. This technique of sourcing is also c alled as factory gate recruitment, as the blue -
collar and technical workers are hired over this process.
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Employment exchanges
As per the law, for definite job vacancies, it is compulsory that the organization offers details to
the employment exchange. Employment exchange is a government object, where the particulars
of the job seekers are stored and given to the bosses for filling the vacant positions. This external
recruitment is cooperative in hiring for inexpert, semi -skilled, and skilled workers.
Employment Agencies
Employment agencies are a decent external source of employment. Employment agencies are run
by numerous sectors like private, public, or government. It offers inexpert, semi -skilled and
skilled wealth as per the necessities of the organi zation. These agencies hold a database of
capable applicants and organizations can use their services at a cost.
Advertisements are the maximum popular and very much favored source of external source of
recruitment. The job opportunity is stated through numerous print and electronic media with a
precise job description and stipulations of the requirements. Using ads is the best way to source
candidates in a short span and it offers an well-organized way of screening the candidates’
specific requirements.
Let’s take an instance. Accept that there is a Sales Company called XYZ Ltd which has got a new
project of retailing a product in a short span of time, as the opposition is ve ry high. In this
situation, selecting the specific staffing plays a vital role. Here the ideal type of staffing which
should be chosen is Advertisement.
Advertisement is the best appropriate repetition for this kind of hiring, because a large capacity
of hiring in a small span can be done through Ad only. Advertisement is one of the highest way
to recruit candidates, but when time and number are significant, then advertisement is the best
basis of recruitment.
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Professional Associations
Professional associations can help a business group in signing professional, technical, and
managerial personnel, on the other hand, they focus in sourcing mid -level and top-level
resources. There are various professional relations that act as a bridge between the
administrations and the job-seekers.
Campus Recruitment
Campus recruitment is an exterior basis of recruitment, where the educational organizations such
as colleges and universities offers chances for hiring students. In this procedure, the
organizations visit technical, management, and professional institutions for recruiting students
directly for the new positions.
Word of mouth is an imperceptible way of obtaining the candidates for filling up the empty
positions. There are numerous reputed administrations with good image in the market. Such
administrations only requisite a word -of-mouth advertising concerning a job opening to attract a
large number of candidates.
External sources of recruitment, i.e., employing staffs outside an organization, has both its
profits and disadvantages. The profits are as follows −
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Likened to recruiting through internal sources. time, as the selection process is very
The cost experienced is very high when
External candidates demand more remuneration and benefits.
To clinch, the HR department must be stretchy enough to select between internal or e xternal
methods of recruitment, contingent upon the requirement of the organization.
Selection is the process of picking or choosing the right candidate, who is most suitable for a
vacant job position in an organization. In others wo rds, selection can also be explained as the
process of interviewing the candidates and evaluating their qualities, which are required for a
specific job and then choosing the suitable candidate for the position.
The selection of a right applicant for a vac ant position will be an asset to the organization, which
will be helping the organization in reaching its objectives.
Different authors define Selection in different ways. Here is a list of some of the definitions −
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Selection of a candidate is a process of choosing the applicants, who have the qualifications to
fill the vacant job in an organization.
Selection is a process of identifying and hiring the applicants for filling the vacancies in an
Employee selection is a process of matching organization’s requirements with the skills and the
qualifications of individuals.
A good selection process will ensure that the organization gets the right set of employees with
the right attitude.
Selection is an important process because hiring good resources can help increase the overall
performance of the organization. In contrast, if there is bad hire with a bad selection process,
then the work will be affected and the cost incurred for replacing that bad resource will be high.
The purpose of selection is to choose the most suitable candidate, who can meet the requirements
of the jobs in an organization, who will be a successful applicant. For meet ing the goals of the
organization, it is important to evaluate various attributes of each candidate such as their
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qualifications, skills, experiences, overall attitude, etc. In this process, the most suitable
candidate is picked after the elimination of th e candidates, who are not suitable for the vacant
The organization has to follow a proper selection process or procedure, as a huge amount of
money is spent for hiring a right candidate for a position. If a selection is wrong, then the cost
incurred in induction and training the wrong candidate will be a huge loss to the employer in
terms of money, effort, and also time. Hence, selection is very important and the process should
be perfect for the betterment of the organization.
As we have discussed that Selection is very important for any organization for minimizin g the
losses and maximizing the profits. Hence the selection procedure should be perfect. A good
selection process should comprise the following steps –
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Recruitment Selection
Both recruitment and selection work hand in hand and both play a vital role in the overall growth
of an organization.
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A startup is a company that is in the first stage of its operations. These companies a re often
initially bankrolled by their entrepreneurial founders as they attempt to capitalize on developing
a product or service for which they believe there is a demand. Due to limited re venue or high
costs, most of these small-scale operations are not sustainable in the long term without additional
funding from venture capitalists.
“Startup life was appealing because my peers were taking on roles that fell far outside their
traditional responsibilities. I was eager to be challenged, and to learn.”
Hence, the concepts of startups and entrepreneurship are similar. However, entrepreneurship
refers all new businesses, including self-employment and businesses that never intend to grow
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big or become registered, while startups refer to new businesses that intend to grow beyond the
solo founder, have employees, and intend to grow large. Start -ups face high uncertainty and do
have highrates of failure, but the minority that go on to be successful companies have the
potential to become large and influential. Some startups become unicorns, i.e. privately held
startup companies valuedat over $1 billion.
Start Up actions
Startups typically begin by a founder (solo-founder) or co-founders who have a way to solve a
problem. The founder(s) of a startup will begin market validation by problem interview, solution
interview, and then building a minimum viable product (MVP), i.e. a prototype, to develop and
validate the business models. The startup process can take a lo ng period of time, by one estimate,
three years or longer.
As a young company with limited cash flow, hiring the wrong employee can potentially break
your startup.
Therefore, you have to be very careful with your decisions and do your best to hire top talent.
Below you can find some suggestions on hiring the best startup employees.
In your earliest days, you won't have the financial resources to offer big paychecks to your
employees. In order to convince top talent to come and work for you, you need to build a
company with a great missio n and vision that excites them. As a founder, you must be able to
share your long-term vision with your potential employees and present your company in the best
way. “Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me
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and change the world?” That single question was how Steve Jobs convinced John Scully, a Pepsi
executive at the time, to join Apple.
Hiring fans means hiring people who will take ownership within the company and, as a result,
will work harder than regular employees. Also, fans are great for word -of-mouth marketing. If
they truly enjoy working for your startup, they will tell their friends how great it is to work for
you and eventually, these friends will want to work for you as well. If y our fans do not have the
right skills for your startup, you might consider finding a place for them anyway. Attitude can
trump skills in some roles.
If you are having difficulty finding talent in your local area, remo te employees are a necessity.
Hiring remote means you have an entire world full of talented employees from which to choose.
Remote working options are a no-cost perk. And if remote employees are not a viable choice for
your startup, perhaps you can offer flexible working arrangements, such as working from the
office three days a week and two days at home to entice talent to choose your company.
Word of mouth is an effective tool for finding great talent. If your current employee s are happy
with their work environment, they will talk to their friends about it. Build and maintain a great
company culture, be a great place to work and great people will want to work for you. People
who enjoy their jobs, co-workers, and environment will work harder, churn less, and add more
value to your company.
One of the main reasons people want to work for certain companies is to be associated with a
popular brand. Everyone wants to invest himself/herself t o take their career one step further and
a hot, new brand with possible growth opportunities can be exciting for top talent. It’s crucial
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that you effectively market your company on social media and blogs, sponsor events, meetups
and show people what it is like to work for you.
Talented people want to work with other talented people. They are interested in constant growth
and being around other talented people inspire and drive motivation. Learning from each other
and celebrating each other’s successes help talented people build momentum. And when you have
great talent, it becomes easier to attract even more prime talent.
Talented people don't want to waste their time working on boring proje cts. They want to be
challenged, so give people big, stimulating, ambitious goals and they will meet the challenge and
thank you for it.
Be open and have a blog, and contribute guest content on relevant sites. Build your brand into a
thought leader, and talk about your company. Share the lessons you learned. Talented people will
read your writing and some of them will want to join your team.
You can expand your talent hunt by tak ing the time to speak at events and meetups. Speaking
engagements are great opportunities to sell your company and vision to potential future co -
workers. Plus, these are great networking environments.
This new form of organisation, i.e., ‘virtual organisation’ emerged in 1990 and is also known as digital
organisation, network organisation or modular organisation. Simply speaking, a virtual organisation is a
network of cooperation made possible by, what is called ICT, i.e. Information and Communication Technology,
which is flexible and comes to meet the dynamics of the market.
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Alternatively speaking, the virtual organisation is a social network in which all the horizontal and vertical
boundaries are removed. In this sense, it is a boundary less organisation. It consists of individual’s working out
of physically dispersed work places, or even individuals working from mobile devices and not tied to any
particular workspace. The ICT is the backbone of virtual organisation.
It is the ICT that coordinates the activities, combines the workers’ skills and resources with an objective to
achieve the common goal set by a virtual organisation. Managers in these organisations coordinate and control
external relations with the help of computer network links. The virtual form of organisation is increasing in
India also. Nike, Reebok, Puma, Dell Computers, HLL, etc., are the prominent companies working virtually.
Partners in virtual organizations share risks, costs, and rewards in pursuit of a global market. The
common characteristics of these organizations include a purpose that is motivated by specific
market opportunities, world -class core competence, information
networks, interdependent relationships, and permeable boundaries.
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Virtual organizations represent structures that are motivated by specific market opportunities.
Once the alliance has been formed and the opportunity has been exploited, partners may move on
to new partnerships and alliances.
Each partner in a virtual corporation contributes a world -class core competence, such as design,
manufacturing, or marketing. This ability of multiple firms to create synergies among world -
class functions and processes creates untold poss ibilities.
HR doesn’t have to be a chokehold for growing startups and small and medium size businesses.
There are ways to organize your human resources and hiring, while still being flexible.
Here’s why startups and SMBs should embrace structured HR and recruit ing processes:
Startup and SMBs rely on a flexible business culture. They need to be able to fail fast and pivot.
Structured HR and recruiting practices aren’t the first things they prioritize because executives
see them as dreadful “corporate,” culture -killers that threaten innovation and flexibility. So,
developing good HR and recruiting processes usually takes a backseat.
But when left unchecked, unstructured HR and recruiting processes can do more harm than good.
They can foster toxic work environments, create confusion and negatively impact
employee morale and retention.
Businesses that deliberately develop a strong HR function show that they value employees and
their business. These companies are better at:
Hiring employees;
Developing employees;
Retaining employees.
HR processes help startups and SMBs hire employees
When you invest in HR, you are better at hiring because you’re more likely to:
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1. Create inclusive job titles and descriptions that aren’t discriminatory . HR staff help
you come up with accurate job titles and job descriptions to entice qualified candidates to
apply. This is key for startups looking to scale and hire diverse teams.
2. Conduct structured job interviews. Hiring the right people is critical for small
businesses, and unstructured interviews invite bias into hiring processes. HR and
recruiting staff can help startups follow structured interview processes to rate candidates
on fair, predetermined criteria.
3. Protect businesses from lawsuits . HR staff are the point-people for legal matters –
including state and federal labor laws. HR staff help you understand complex legislation
and what it means for your business (e.g. how to interpret the Family Medical Leave Act
in the U.S.)
Startups and SMBs with strong HR practices are better positioned to develop and retain
employees, and both are important for business growth. They are more likely to:
1. Fairly compensate workers. Compensation and benefits are a huge part of HR. Without
HR professionals, conversations about pay increases are fraught and could come down to
how managers ‘feel’ about an employee or position instead of what the fair market value
for a role is. Fair compensation practices also prevent you from developing a gender pay
2. Invest in training managers. Startups are full of people who are “ generalists” –
employees who wear a lot of hats. These generalists oft en find themselves in management
roles, without any formal management experience. Management training is important
because the quality of your managers directly affects whether employees decide to stick
with you, or abandon ship.
3. Care about workplace culture. Good HR and recruiting departments take the pulse of
employees in a way that doesn’t feel like policing. They consider their candidate
experience, conduct new hire check-ins and meet with employees regularly. This builds a
strong culture that feeds a strong employer brand, which leads to better hires.
4. Recognize the need for policies. As businesses grow, new employees may encounter new
workplace issues: e.g. how to manage noise, process expenses and manage paid time off.
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HR departments work with executives to create policies that answer those questions
uniformly. This helps manage small conflicts before they become bi g ones.
5. Cultivate career paths. When companies reach at least 30 employees, figuring out how to
develop those employees becomes critical to retaining them. HR is the best arm of your
company for developing career-pathing programs to prevent turnover, which is expensive
and disheartening for employee morale.
Some of the roles which require HR expertise at a star tup company are:
Recruitment - as in all companies, the founders can take care of the technical requirements but a
recruiter will bring in the important expertise of assessing fit. You don’t want to start off a
company by hiring the wrong people right in the beginning.
On boarding - Many large companies are known to people and so is their culture. Having
someone with an understanding of On boarding processes is crucial to ensure the new joinee fits
into the company a. effectively and b. in the quickest tim e possible
Compensation - Start-ups usually focus on hiring people with niche skills. You need to
compensate them accordingly. Talent is competitive and so is the employer’s market. An HR
professional comes with an understanding of market benchmarks, compe nsation strategies and
the whole gamet.
In addition, TEAM MANAGEMENT and TEAM BUILDING is very crucial at the growing stage
of a company. This is one of HR’s roles as well.
California colours is an USA based clothing company .The company was founded in 2018.Were
the company’s main phase of production was casual wears, footwear and accessesories.
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CALIFORNIA COLOURS delivers its products worldwide under the Tommy Hilfiger and Denim
brands, and also has a breadth of collections including CC Collection. CALIFORNIA COLOURS
Tailored, men’s, women’s and kid’s sportswear, denim, accessories, and footwear. We target to
women’s, men’s and kids wear. Basically we target to the audience of a age group of 2 -
35years.The main motive of the organisation was to have a mix blend of Indian fashion with
American fashion and to create something innovative which can attract the youngsters and help
them to present themselves in a more presentable way.
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RESEARCH METHOLOGY is the process, which guide the researcher during the whole course of research. It
works as a device without which an effective research cannot be done. Hence it is, very much necessary for the
researcher that he / she have to adopt the design best suited to them.
If the due importance is not given to the research design it would create impurities in the research process, thus
the work would lose the reliability. This is the reason that it is not desirable but also important to construct a
good research methodology.
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Objective of Research
1. It reviews the list of objectives of the company and tries to achieve them by promoting the company in
the minds of public.
2. It gives better understanding of importance of HR activities in a Start up company.
3. It forecasts how many people will be required in the company.
4. It enables the company to advertise itself and attract talented people.
5. It provides different opportunities to procure human resource.
6. When recruiting new employees, aim should be to find those with particular skills and training.
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7. New recruits must fit into your company's culture. Look for employees who connect with others on a
personal level.
Research Design
Research Design is the overall description of all the steps though which the projects have preceded from
the setting of objectives to the writing of the project report. The success of the project depends on the
soundness of the research design, which includes problem definition, specific method of data collection
and analysis and time required for the project. Actually it is the blue print of research project.
While doing the research, questionnaire was prepared for collecting the primary data through the
company representative of the organization after visiting its premises personally. Questionnaire
contained 16 questions. They were open ended questions.
Sources of Data
A questionnaire consists of a number of questions printed or typed in a definite order on a form or set of forms.
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For collecting Primary Data I have prepared a structured questionnaire for the respondent through interview
method. After meeting the individual employee of the organization in study, I filled the questionnaire and got
the data through the answers shared by the concerned authority. I prepared my questionnaire having the
objective of the study in my mind. My questionnaire has closed ended questions.
Designation: Founder
The project is restricted only to the inputs of the IT company personally visited, hence it
may vary for other companies in the same sector
The information provided by the official may be not completely true so as to put up a good
image of the company.More questions could not be posed in the interview as he was not
willing to answer more queries.
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Keeping them engaged: No mismatch between expectations and delivery is the promise when
people are hired at WebEngage
What crosses your mind when you think about HR in start -ups? Is it the absence of it? Or a
bright coloured office and casual dress code? Startups are mostly run by a founder and his core
team, who care the least about structures, functions and policies. That's why entrepreneurial HR
is a system that works mostly on the basis of mutual agreement and unwritten rules.
"HR in start-ups is a lot more than free beer in the fridge and the ping pong table," says Kanchan
Kumar, Founder, Emportant, a payroll processing firm. Start -ups, being nimble-footed, have the
luxury of disrupting the HR function. And they are doing just that. When yo ur employer spends
his revenue to build your net worth and not merely to pay you a take -home salary, or when the
founder himself delivers the induction programme to explain the companys culture right on day
one, you know that the HR function is too mature to be called frivolous. Bring Your Own Device
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is now Bring Your Own Cloud, showing the transparency and the trust in employees that these
start-ups are pioneering.
Blending roles and diminishing boundaries calls for the founder to deliver on HR
responsibilities. The first priority is managing people rather than managing a product. "We don't
have a traditional HR person. I double up as the HR manager, among other things," says Anand
Jain, Founder, Clever Tap, a mobile technology start -up.
Let us look at each HR process and how it is being disrupted at start -ups.
Social seems to be the unanimous choice for hiring with referrals leading the way. A twist or two
paves the way for integration of the new hires.
"All my employees were hired through referrals. The induction is informal. Since new employees
come through referrals, they hit the ground running as they have the knowledge of the company
and the product," says Jain.
Ankur Agarwal, Founder, PriceBaba, an online price comparison s ite, echoes this. "The biggest
plus of social recruiting is that the candidate is vetted much before joining. We also have a good
history of getting interns to join us full time after they complete their education. That loop is
priceless. Once someone joins full time, he helps us recruit more good candidates from his
Crowd Fire, a social media product marketing company, approaches talent sourcing differently. It
organises meet-ups for brainstorming design ideas and pools in talent for future hirin g.
WebEngage, a company that provides online marketing tools for ecommerce firms, flies down the
interviewee to its office in Mumbai for several rounds to find the right capability, with minimal
mismatch between expectation and delivery.
Instamojo, an instant payment solutions provider, focuses on direct hiring through sources such
as the Career page, AngelList, Referrals and Instahyre. Referral bonus becomes a lump sum if
the employee facilitates joining of five or more people. Media Magic pays Rs 10,000 t o the
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interviewer once the candidate completes three months in the organisation. This builds ownership
and expertise among the leaders in the firm.
FreeCharge also depends on referrals. Employee referrals are enhanced with gamification, which
is interesting, fun and rewarding. As part of the programme, there is an online portal which helps
employees share the jobs available on social networking sites and relevant forums. 'Tech
Carnival' offers a Goa vacation after every successful referral.
New Hire Integration POCE (Post Offer Candidate Engagement) at FreeCharge offers a platform
for candidates to interact and integrate and get to know the workplace culture, norms and
expectations. New hires are invited for informal meets and greet lunch sessions with the h iring
managers. New laptops are sent even before they come on board.
Big Basket invests in a strong cultural orientation with focus on integrity, speed and urgency.
Growing at a whopping 200 per cent, deepening the vision and the mission of the founder remain
imperatives. Creating the best last mile for the customer requires each and every employee to
deliver on the core culture. Managing employees on payroll and on -demand labour requires
rigorous training on the core culture and mission along with skill -based programmes.
Time Management
The focus at start-ups is on productivity and attendance is secondary. "We dont track vacation or
work hours. If an employee is thinking about attendance, he is not thinking about the product or
tech," says Jain of Clever Trap.
Work arrangement that works best for the talent is offered, and this goes beyond work -from-
home. Agarwal of PriceBaba offers traffic -friendly work hours. "We never measure attendance.
We ask team members to declare their leaves to their managers ove r email. We recently did away
with timings altogether. Our previous policy was that employees could come in any time between
9am and 11am. We have now left it to the individual. So, employees choose the timings, and
most of them have their creative ways of beating the Mumbai traffic."
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Developing skills requires a similar focus. WebEngage, being a small and fast -growing company,
doesn't have enough slack and structure to put employees through a training programme. So, the
employee, after joining, is given a solo task. For techies, it is a problem they wanted to solve for
long but couldnt focus on, due to various reasons. Sales guys attend a number of sessions with
the CEO and the sales team where they decode the process they follow and note down points to
be kept in mind while approaching the clients.
Instamojo combines various forms with hands -on training and interactive methods such as
townhall presentation, role-playing, facilitation along with mentoring, and e -learning.
At times, employees are allowed to interact with mentors outside the firm."One of our biggest
challenges is that our young team lacks the experience of setting up processes or dealing with
tricky management issues. So, we have a set of mentors to help us out. We ha ve empowered our
team members to directly speak to these mentors. For instance, Jain of Clever Tap and Aditya
Mishra of SwitchMe, a loan switching platform, are directly accessible to several people in our
team as mentors. We have internal Barcamp -like unconference sessions, delivered by individuals
within the company, and the topics can range from 'productivity' to 'spirituality', says Agarwal of
FreeCharge organises 'bugathon' and 'hackathon' before the launch of any new product.
Teaming up
Structures are designed according to work and responsibility. Sampad Swain, Founder,
Instamojo, says, "Considering that we are a very small group, we have no designations or
hierarchies. This way each person focuses on his responsibilities, working as a te am and
learning. This also reduces corporate politics."
Kunal Shah, Founder, FreeCharge, says, "We follow a flat structure and this has helped us build
a great work culture. We give our employees a lot of freedom to implement their ideas and
access senior leadership teams."
But growth fuels structures. WebEngage, being at that stage, has leads to teams, including
development, design, support, marketing and sales. "Timely execution of things demands
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ownership and, hence, the leads, but other than that we pre fer no hierarchy as such and follow an
open culture, both physically and philosophically," says the founder, Avlesh Singh.
The tools that are mostly used are JIRA for project management and Salesforce for the sales
team. Trello, Slack and Google Docs remai n the next favourites.
Balancing Act
When passion drives performance, the work -life balance is re defined. Jain agrees. "While there's
no organised attempt at employee engagement, we try to have fun as a team as much as we can.
We took the team out for an IPL match and called in an astronomer for a star -gazing event." At
times, the absence of budget helps
employees gel better. Kushal Agarwal,
Co-Founder, Gift XOXO, shares an
incident. "Our old office building required
painting and decoration. Since we did not
have a big budget, we announced a 'paint
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your wall' programme that became a hit with the em ployees. Everyone went beyond painting and
decorated the office with captions and favourite cartoon characters. In no time, our office started
looking swanky, with far greater sense of ownership among employees." Instamojo had a 'bring
your pet to work' day. But it's the ease of work it focuses on more with work -from-home options,
no rigid swipe in & out time and flexible work hours. There is also no restriction on the number
of earned leaves as long as this does not harm the business/key deliverables. Ther e are no
defined work stations and employees can sit wherever they want. FreeCharge takes it a step
ahead with flexible work hours and extended maternity leave.
Deciding compensation is like walking on a knife and requires maintainin g a balance between
being profitable and creating value for employees. Clever Tap offers market or above market
salaries apart from stock options. The goal is to make sure that the employees are not worried
about salaries in the short term. Stock options a re issued to encourage them to build something
they will be proud of in the next few years. This takes care of long -term wealth generation. A
similar trend is followed at PriceBaba, where the employee can decide the distribution of cash
and equity. "We never try to retain someone for money. That is a race we cannot afford to run
and do not want to run. We offer leadership and growth to people. The key takeaway for them is
the learning. At the same time, we offer a combination of equity and cash. The candida te can
choose if he wants more equity or more cash," says Agarwal.
Blending roles calls for the founder to deliver on HR responsibilities. The first priority is
managing people rather than managing a product.
HR functions in startups run in the vein of every other process as managing people is deeply
integrated with the development of the product. Segregation and defining of functions is
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The founders are disrupting the process without often realising the maturity that they ha ve
achieved. The stickiness of disruptive functions in startups should help them solve bigger
business problems as they grow.
Are such disruptions possible at large corporations? Big firms have better platforms and bigger
budgets, with often the best brains, to innovate. Is it possible to have lean workflows with high
degree of transparency where the employee will know his performance with every delivery and
not with the year-end appraisal ranking? Can large organisations sustain the holographic
structure where the core culture of the founder gets imbibed in each of its parts?
The author is Partner, CITE, an open corporate community knowledge platform to share
HR experiences.
As the startup expanded and pulled in tens of millions in revenue, then -Chief Executive Officer
Miki Agrawal never developed HR policies or hired an HR manager.
"You can ultimately do all sorts of ground -level things, like improve benefits, but none of those
matter if the leadership doesn’t change."
The founder of Thinx has lost control of the period-underwear company largely because of one
serious blind spot: human resources.
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As the startup expanded and pulled in tens of millions in revenue, then -Chief Executive Officer
Miki Agrawal never developed HR policies or hired an HR manager.
Agrawal is out as CEO as of earlier this month, soon before Racked published a story in which
current and former Thinx employees complained of low pay, sparse benefits, and erratic behavior
by management. Suddenly a company that had touted itself as a champion of feminism stood
accused of mistreating its largely female workforce.
In a personal essay she posted Friday on Medium, Agrawal called HR a "problem area" that she
"didn't take time to think through" and cited the lack of an HR apparatus to explain the absence
of competitive benefits and pay. She didn't address employees' complaints to Racked about her
"My gut would say: If you're gettin g up to 25 employees, you should seriously look at hiring an
HR person," says Jon Decoteau, a divisional director at the Society of Human Resource
Management. Thinx employs around 35. "You've got to get the organization to meld and the CEO
to start operating it as a company, as opposed to a project that they incubated at their house, in
their garage."
"If your business depends on keeping good people and keeping them productive and happy, you
need someone whose job it is to do that," said Charles Gray, who r uns the startup HR consulting
firm Gray Scalable. He recommends that startups hire internal HR managers before they hit 50
"And by HR person, I mean someone who is the advocate for the employees. You can go to your
manager, your friend, or the founder, but those people aren't the employee advocate."
Agrawal founded Thinx in 2014 with her twin sister Radha and with Antonia Saint Dunbar. The
company marketed its absorbent, washable und erwear—which come in styles from boy shorts to
thongs and cost between $24 and $39 a pair —as alternatives to tampons.
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It raised an undisclosed amount of funding in late 2014, garnered buzz with lots of press and
bold advertisements, positioned itself as pr oudly feminist, and shot out newsletters to customers
with the subject line, "This Week in Feminism."
The narrative began to shift last year, when Agrawal's feminist bona fides came into question. "I
only started relating to being a feminist, literally, ri ght when I started my company,” she told
New York magazine. “Every time I thought about the word feminist, I thought about an angry...
Critics charged that her company was co -opting feminism as a marketing gimmick. In response,
Agrawal doubled down. "Less than five years ago, feminism was considered angry and ranty,"
she later told the Ringer. "The fact that the word feminism and marketing [have] been used in the
same breath has actually showed me progress."
Then came the chatter about Thinx disreg arding its employees' needs.
Startups neglect HR for a variety of reasons. Founders get busy; growth gets prioritized. "I didn't
put HR practices in place because I was on the road speaking, doing press, brand partnerships,
editing all of the creative and shouting from the rooftops about THINX so we can keep going,"
Agrawal wrote.
Startups often ignore HR until it's too late. They may fear that HR, and the corporatization it
symbolizes, will threaten the culture they say has led to their success. But with out HR baked into
its culture, a company can end up with deeper issues.
Snapchat created an HR department only after offensive internal emails from its CEO were
leaked to the press. Uber didn't make its first HR hire until 2014, by which point it had 500
employees, which Decoteau says is way too big. It has since weathered multiple HR -related
scandals—in particular, recent accusations of widespread sexual harassment and discrimination.
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But with a dedicated HR manager, managers learn how to resolve issues with their teams. "You
need someone who can respond to employees if they say we're all thinking of leaving because
our benefits aren't competitive," said Gray. "Someone who is responsible for the health and well-
being of the employees." Gray also advises that startups consider compensation analysis to align
salaries with the competitive market. He also helps with management training.
Thinx is now hiring its first HR manager and is "putting in much more rigid HR practices,"
Agrawal wrote in her essay Friday. The company has not yet disclosed specific policy changes.
"The respect we have for our employees is of utmost importance to us, and we are actively
working to improve our corporate culture," a Thinx spokesperson said Monday.
The company should, of course, adjust the pay and benefits it offers its employees, said Gray.
But he also suggests Thinx "recognize and take ownership of the problem and then take some
dramatic steps to reverse it," including i nterviewing employees and managers to get to the root of
the problems. "I would try to fix it top -down," he said. "You can ultimately do all sorts of
ground-level things, like improve benefits, but none of those matter if the leadership doesn’t
Startups are hard. You are faced with uncertainty and you pull all -nighters. You lack resources
and you feel like you’re making it up as you go. Your direction seems to change every other day.
With so many challenges, how can one argue that startups don’t need an HR department? Well
here are my three reasons:
Making the next quarter’s numbers doesn’t get anyone out of bed. At large organizations, HR
measures employee performance and trains high -potential employees, provides strategic thinking
and support to leadership, and recruits employees to join the company. HR makes sure the team
is aligned with the company’s goals. These are all unnecessary in “startup land.”
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Early in a startup’s life, (before hitting 50 employees), th ese functions are done
collectively. The office space is tight and you’re together 24/7. At a startup, if someone isn’t
pulling their weight everyone immediately notices. At a startup, everyone is a high potential
employee and all strategic thinking is done on the product. Everyone recruits. But at a startup,
HR doesn’t need to keep employees aligned with the company’s goals. By their very nature,
startups are intensely goal-oriented We build and join startups to change the world.
Of course the back-office HR functions are crucial. People have to be paid. Benefits be provided,
and taxes withheld. Thus, professional employer organizations (PEOs) partner with everyone in
startup land.
The PEO enters into a co-employer relationship with the startup by which it becomes the HR,
payroll, and benefits emplo yer of record, and assumes the legal employer responsibility for
employment tax, benefit plans, and other human resource purposes. The startup still controls all
other day-to-day aspects of their employees. In this way, we get “big company” benefits throug h
TriNet. If we tried to get benefits on our own we would pay much more per employee. When you
compare what we spend with what we would spend without a PEO, we end up saving quite a bit
of money.
Someone else can help us stay compliant with ACA and give us the software to efficiently
onboard team members and run payroll. I want all my team members either building or selling
our product. Ops infrastructure is a luxury startups can not afford.
In my experience, employees join a company and stay at jobs for three reasons:
The economic return (salary and the expected value of their options)
Having fun
Startups are optimized for all three. More traditional companies are not. Those
companies need HR functions to find and sell candidates on the benefits of working with their
company, and to retain those employees.
Startups are trying to solve big problems, and our success comes with enormous economic
returns. We are building things that didn’t ex ist before, so the learning is constant. And the fun?
I don’t know if it’s the kegs, ping pong table and open floor plans that create it, or if we are all
just over-tired, but we tend to have lots of fun.
Many people will disagree with what I’m saying. But I’m writing from my experience. It took us
five years at Work Market to hire our first HR employee, and she’s awesome
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What happens after a company raises capital? Usually a massive hiring spree.
Finding qualified and relevant applicants is no easy task. Add the responsibility of
applicant screening, interviews, and onboarding, and hiring becomes time-consuming and
Not surprisingly, entrepreneurs are trying to make recruiting a bit less awful.
Hiring is especially hard at the moment. In tech, the fight for talent between deep -pocketed
behemoths and heavily funded unicorns has restricted the hiring pool in startup hotspots.
In-demand computer and data science positions are increasingly hard to fill.
Happily, there are startups looking to shake up the hiring space. According to Crunchbase,
That was down about 33 percent from the year prior. So far in 2018, near ly $612 million has
Early stage deals make up about 40 percent of this year’s deals of known type.
Below, we take a look at two growing companies, Hired and, that are aiming to
help companies attract top talent w hile cutting costs and time.
Recruiting platform Hired focuses on talent sourcing. Its platform allows candidates to vet
companies’ offers, rather than the other way aro und, by facilitating conversations prior to
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Hired’s customers, which include companies like Dropbox, Zillow, and Twitch, sign up for a
pay-as-you-go or subscription plan that gives them access to profiles of pre -vetted
potential employees.
“Our intelligent job matching is powered by machine learning and suggests potential candidates
that are actually qualified to fill open positions,” explained co -founder and CEO Mehul Patel.
When companies receive a new batch of potential hires, they can post anonymous questions prior
Patel says that the technology increases transparency in the hiring process, specifically where
“Salary and benefits packages should be a part of your very first conversation with a
candidate, opening the door for a negotiation and cutting down on unnecessary interview
Patel says it the combination of a shifted model with machine learning -enabled sourcing also has
the benefit of reducing the time customers spend on the hiring process by a third.
What’s a tech industry these days without at least one blockchai n startup? Arran Stewart, the
co-owner of the aptly named acquired the 20-year-old company with his colleagues in
Stewart, a longtime hiring industry entrepreneur, believes that the money and time lost when
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“Recruitment agencies are incentivized through commission so consultan ts want to get the
candidates in as quickly as possible… They’re not always concerned about retention,” Stewart
The idea behind the Singapore-based company is that blockchain technology can eliminate the
need for a headhunter or contract recruiter that turns over candidates quickly without a
proper assessment. The startup uses machine learning technology to grade submitted resumes
on the skills required for job listings. Candidates then apply to matched positions. All
subsequent interactions between the applicant and the potential employer are recorded through a
smart contract on the blockchain, and the applicant is notified of status changes.
“One of the problems that we wanted to solve within the interaction process on Jo– any
action that the hirer does about the candidate’s application is instantly sent back, even if it’s
bad news,” Stewart said, positing that one of the most frustrating problems for candidates is lack
of visibility.
The company plans to attract more individuals to the platform with signing bonuses.
collects a 6 percent fee from the employer and gives the hired employee 80 percent of that fee,
which, according to Stewart, is about a 5 percent signing bonus. J is aiming to raise
$25 million in its ICO in August, and Stewart says that nearly 2,000 companies have already
The quality of employees can make or break a start -up. Here's how to make sure you don't end up
with bad hires
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When the co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Bengaluru -based start-up Log 9
Materials, AkshaySinghal, needed to recruit a senior researcher, the company brought in
someone on the recommendation of its head of development. There was no formal in terview
process to vet the candidate’s suitability to work at the three -year-old graphene research and
development company. A key team member vouching for the person’s expertise was considered
enough. Exactly 22 days later, this senior researcher was fired for being indiscreet about
company information.
Singhal has since resolved not to hire any personnel without an official interaction or proper
background check.
The challenges a start-up faces in its formative years are manifold. But whether it’s finding a
product or service that meets a critical need, developing a business model, raising and managing
funds in order to scale or managing and motivating employees, the one thing every entrepreneur
needs is the right set of people. “Ask any investor or second -time entrepreneur and they will tell
you that 90% of an early-stage start-up’s success is about the team and just 10% can be attributed
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to the quality of the idea," Shradha Sharma and T.N. Hari write in their book Cut The Crap And
Jargon: Lessons From The Start-up Trenches.
Ironically, this very aspect is often neglected. Without a formal procedure for recruitment, and,
in some cases, the absence of a human resources department, many early -stage start-ups end up
hiring people mainly on the basis of referenc es. This type of quick, informal decision making
doesn’t allow them to realistically gauge whether the person is suitable for the job. As a result,
they’re often left in the lurch when candidates, who appeared great on paper, quit abruptly. “In
the first one year, our attrition rate was almost 30 -35%," says ManavJeet, managing director
(MD) and CEO, Rubique, a Mumbai -based financial technology company. Jeet says employees
hired on the basis of their skill set and past experience were unable to adapt to the start-up
Hiring for an early stage start -up is very different from recruiting for a corporation. “In an
established company, you can boast about the salary, perks, work -life balance, swanky office,
provident fund, leave policies, unlike in a start-up, where you boast about vision, learning
opportunity and ownership," says TamannaDhamija, co -founder of Baby Destination, an online
maternity and parenting lifestyle management start -up.
The first 10 hires in a start -up are critical because this core team will set the tone and culture of
the organization. “At this stage, interviewing people, writing the job description, etc., should be
the founder’s responsibility," says Ganesh Krishnan, a serial entrepreneur and investor who has
worked with over 15 start-ups. Only after scaling to a certain size should start -ups consider
outsourcing recruitment of key positions.
“One must see if the candidate has any record of being a risk taker, fast riser in his/her career,
the ability to take on more responsibilities than his/her own job," says DedeepyaAjith John,
associate director, Knowledge & Advisory, SHRM India. She adds that entrepreneurs must also
carefully consider whether they want to hire for potential, not experience, in this sector. “Be
wary of people who have a sense of entitlement or do not want to work hands on," says Subodh
Kumar, co-founder and CEO,, a Bengaluru-based speech-recognition start-up.
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In a start-up, every employee exit has the potential to disrupt the workflow, or even leave the
company’s operational plans in disarray. The situation is exacerbated by the time and effort that
goes into hiring a replacement. Which is why it’s imperative f or start-ups to evolve a formal
recruitment policy, even in the early stages.
Droom, a three-year-old online marketplace for buying and selling used vehicles, has put
together a list of core competencies and values expected from employees, including key as pects
such as customer centricity, passion, energy, frugality, learning from mistakes, strong work
ethic, and humility. The company has also devised a 2/2 metric system that assigns a point each
to the deliverables of the job and whether they are a good cu ltural fit for Droom. Anyone who
doesn’t score on both metrics doesn’t make the cut.
Sandeep Aggarwal, founder and CEO of Droom, explains, “Since candidates come from different
educational backgrounds, age groups, regions, and work in different functional areas, we felt the
need to have a common thread to bind this diverse workforce to build a strong institution, and
hence came up with these core values."
After its bad experience, Log 9 Materials has introduced a one -month probation period that gives
new recruits space to experience the company culture. The company, in turn, gets time to
evaluate employee performance. Singhal says the system is working for them. “We have retained
60% of the people hired in the last year, and I believe that is the most dedica ted and passionate
lot I could have got."
So you made a bad hire and find yourself dealing with a challenging employee. How do you
know when it’s time to part ways? In ‘Cut The Crap And Jargon: Lessons From The Start -up
Trenches’, authors Shradha Sharma and T.N. Hari share two tips:
■ Underperformers are easy to spot. But employees who are on the cusp of underperformance,
especially if they report to you or are in key roles even two levels below you, can weaken the
foundation of your start-up. Keep a close eye on them. To see improvement after feedback but
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later be faced with the same issue again can be frustrating. In such cases, it’s important to take a
quick call.
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A series of questions were asked to the concerned authority while an interview was conducted o
the telephone as he was not available in India.
ANS. Basically, we are an start up company so as of now we have less number of people working
in our organisation. We are a 10-15 people based company were these 10 -15 people are divided
in different segments according to their skills, area of interests and knowledge and also
according to their specialization.
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Since it is an start up the roles are not defined so employees are less but eventually the
organization structure will be defined and hence the organization will grow with more number of
ANS. It actually depends upon the company development and it’s increased standards at the
future stage. If we feel we need more human resource at that point of time then surely we will go
on recruiting more talented and smart working personally.
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DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT and we have all the skilled and qualified human resources for
all of these departments who are interconnected to each other.
As it is a start up all the functional department which he has mentioned are the basic and most
important functions but if the company expands it will include more departments will be added to
ANS. Yes, we do have an separate Human resource department who can look after recruitment,
selection, compensation, resource management etc.
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As it is a start up the HR only carries out this four basic functions but as long as the company
grow old and developed the HR will also be the part of grievance handling, analyse the need for
training and development, engage them in aligning their goals with organisation goals.
ANS. We have two people working in this department where they share the responsibility
according to their skills and knowledge and by their professionalism in those activities.
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As they are the face of the company it is important to have the HR department but most
importantly to do the work effectively and to do it in a specific period of time we need toh
manage the HR functionality.
ANS. We have various ways to recruit individual in the organisation such as we have a paid
LinkedIn profile were we connect to people for the purpose of recruitment, we go for hiring the
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personally with the medium of social media platforms, and most importantly we have naukri
portal were we can screen some profile as per our requirement.
As it is a start up to engage with the new recruits you can throw some activities like referral,
recruitment campaign, or either by outsourcing.
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ANS. Yes , as I mentioned before that we use an Naukri portal for recruitment and screening
some profiles as currently in the portal industry it’s is the leading portal and helpful for recruiter
as well.
As the portals give ample of profiles for one single designation even the recruiter have several
talented people for the single job .Portals make it easy for recruiter so that they need not to hunt
for the data all the accumulated data is been present over there.
Q.8.What is the exact recruitment and selection process that you follow or plan to follow?
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ANS. The hiring process is the process of reviewing applications, selecting the right candidates
to interview, testing candidates, choosing between candidates to make the hiring decision and
performing various pre-employment tests and checks. Review job applications.
As there is standard process to deal with selection process the one must follow it.if the
company wants to bring some change in the selection process they can accordingly.
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ANS. It basically depends upon positions or the type of skills we need, we don’t do tentative
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ANS. Hiring Policy and Procedures Objective. CALIFORNIA COLOURS believes that hiring
qualified individuals to fill positions contributes to the overall success of the company.
Personnel requisitions.
Intake meetings.
Job postings.
Internal applicants.
Interview process.
Reference checks.
Job offers.
Being a start up, organization can not be stringent on their hiring policy as generally
people refrain from getting associated with a small firm.
ANS. Eventually we do both . But yes as of now we are hiring people on contract basis.
As it is a start-up with the limited financial resources they need to hire people on contract
basis to make the optimum utilization of resources.
ANS. Yes ,we use ZOHO for management and Human resource services.
Trello for project management and coral draw for design
ANS. As being an start up it took a month to hire the people for different position.
As convincing the candidate at this starting stage is most difficult.
As the company will be familiar to the people it will be easy for recruiter to recruit
people and it will also consume the less time.
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ANS. As a start-up we are not engaged in the activities like CRM, EMPLOYEE
which will enhance the recruitment.
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This presents the summary of the study and survey done in relation to the Recruitment and
Selection in CALIFORNIA COLOURS. The conclusion is drawn from the study and
survey of the company regarding the Recruitment and Selection process carried out there.
The recruitment process to some extent is not done objectively and therefo re lot of bias
hampers the future of the employees. That is why the search or headhunt of people should
be of those whose skill fits into the company’s values.
Most of the employees were satisfied but changes are required according to the changing
scenario as recruitment process has a great impact on the working of the company as a
fresh blood, new idea enters in the company.
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Manpower requirement for each department in the company is identified well in advance.
I f t h e m a n p o w e r r e q u i r e m e n t i s h i g h a n d r e c r u i t m e n t t e a m o f t h e H R dep
artment alone cannot satisfy it, then help from the placement agencies is needed.
But as being the start-up they don’t need the help of outsourcing partners
Time management is very essential and it should not be ignored at any level of
the process.
The recruitment and selection procedure should not to lengthy and time consuming.
The candidates called for interview should be allotted timings and it should not overlap
with each other
As it is a virtual organisation the employer needs to provide some of the job assurance
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HR Magazines
Textbook on Recruitment & Selection – Vipul Prakashan
Human Resource Management - Ashwathappa
Page | 69
WEBLIOGRAPHY -lessons-from-start-
ups/story/224411.html -biz/hr-leadership/leadership/heres-proof-
your-startup-needs-hr/articleshow/57748003.cms -need-to-think-about-hr-before-they-
need-them 6/02/26/why-startups-dont-need-
hr/#45211ad13daa -aim-to-make-recruiting-less-painful/ -startups-
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5. If yes, then how many people are working in the HR depar tment?
9. What is the exact recruitme n t and selection process that you follow or plan to follow?
13. Do you use any software for storing and maintaining the data?
14. Can you elaborate about ZOHO and TRELLO? How muc h helpful are these software?
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