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Course Code: ECONTAX

Course Name : Economics with Agrarian Reform and Taxation

Course Description: This course gives the students an overview of microeconomics,

macroeconomics, taxation, and agrarian reform as applied in the
Philippine setting.

Course Credit: 3.0 units

Course Prerequisite: none

Objectives: General :
At the end of the course, the students are expected to understand how
the basic principles of economics, land reform and taxation will aid
them in managerial decision-making and becoming good citizens.

Specific :
The students are also expected to be able to:
1.explain basic concepts such as economic systems, opportunity costs,
demand and supply, elasticity, factors of production, household/
firm behavior and choice, production, cost, profit, revenue, types
of market structure, national income, consumption, savings,
unemployment, inflation, monetary policy, fiscal policy, agrarian
reform and taxation.
2. construct and interpret graphs
3. solve decision problems applying the tools of Economics


Topic 1 : Microeconomics

Objectives : At the end of this topic, the students are expected to be able to :

1. identify the basic economic problems that any economy must face.

2. identify the different types of resources available to an economy and develop awareness
how scarce they are.

3. state the concept of scarcity and opportunity cost and illustrate it by constructing a
production possibility frontier (ppf).

4. state the law of supply and demand and illustrate how equilibrium price and quantity is

5. state the concept of elasticity and use it in pricing decisions.

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Learning Activities :

1. Lecture - Discussion
2. Proper Assignment of Tasks based on Opportunity Cost
3. Construction of Graphs
4. Computation of equilibrium price and quantity
5. Computation of elasticity
6. Computation of optimum quantity of production


Modules 1–3 Historical Background of Economics

Module 4 Goals of Economics
Module 5 Branches of Economics
Module 6 The Economic System


Modules 7 – 8 Elements of Demand and Supply

Module 9 Market Equilibrium
Modules 10 – 12 Quiz No. 1


Modules 13 – 15 Concept of Elasticity

Modules 16 – 18 Consumer Behavior


Modules 19 – 20 Concept of Production

Module 21 Analysis of Cost, Profit and Total Revenue
Modules 22 – 24 Quiz No. 2


Module 25 Perfect Competition

Modules 26 – 27 Non-Perfect Competition (Monopoly, Oligopoly, Oligopolistic
Modules 28 – 30 Quiz No. 3

Topic 2 : Macroeconomics

Objectives : At the end of this topic, the students are expected to be able to :

1. establish the link between microeconomics and macroeconomics.

2. understand how the health of a nation’s economy is measured.

3. understand the issues related to unemployment and generate ideas on how to attain full
employment of the labor force.

Learning Activities :

1. Lecture - Discussion
2. Construction of Graphs

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3. Computation of GDP, GNP, Unemployment and Inflation
4. Ranking of Countries in terms of Gross National Income


Modules 31 – 32 Measuring the Economy

Modules 33 – 34 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) / Gross National Product (GNP)
Module 35 Consumption and Savings
Module 36 Aggregate Expenditure Model


Module 37 Business Cycle

Modules 38 – 39 Unemployment and Inflation
Modules 40 – 42 Quiz No.4

Topic 3 : International Economics

Objectives : At the end of this topic, the students are expected to be able to :

1. outline how a country’s economic activities are affected by the world economy.

2. understand the rationale behind the government’s monetary and fiscal policies.

Learning Activities :

1. Lecture - Discussion
2. Conversion of domestic currency to foreign currencies


Module 43 Theoretical Bases of International Trade

Module 44 Need for Trade Protection of Developing Nations
Module 45 Types of Trade Protections
Module 46 Arguments for the Imposition of Tariff Protections
Module 47 The Foreign Exchange Market
Module 48 Balance of Payments


Modules 49 – 51 Monetary Policy / Fiscal Policy

Modules 52 – 54 Quiz 5

Topic 4 : Taxation

Objectives: At the end of this topic, the students are expected to be able to :

1. accept one’s obligation to pay the correct amount of taxes.

2. compute personal income tax.

Learning Activities :

1. Lecture - Discussion
2. Computation of Personal Income Tax
3. News Analysis about Tax Evasion Cases


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Modules 55 – 56 Principles and Theories of Taxation
Module 57 Forms of Escape from Taxation
Module 58 Tax Remedies of the Government
Modules 59 - 60 Computation of Personal Income Tax

Topic 5 : Agrarian Reform

Objectives : At the end of this topic, the students are expected to be able to :

1. understand the plight of farmers clamoring for true agrarian reform.

2. form opinions and generate ideas for an effective implementation of agrarian reform.

Learning Activities :

1. Lecture – Discussion
2. News Analysis about the implementation of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform


Modules 61 – 63 Principles Behind Agrarian Reform

Modules 64 – 65 Agrarian Reform in the Philippines
Module 66 Funding Sources of Comprehensive Agrarian Reform


Module 67 Procedure of Land Acquisition

Module 68 Land Distribution
Module 69 Payment by Beneficiaries
Modules 70 – 72 Quiz No. 6


Modules 73– 78 Project Presentation

WEEK 14 Final Exam

Textbook: Gabay, B. K. G., Remotin, R. M., Jr., & Uy, E. A. (2012). Economics: its concepts and
principles (with Agrarian Reform and Taxation)(2nd ed.). Manila: Rex

References: Case, K. E., & Fair, R. C., (2011). Principles of economics. (10th ed.). Singapore:
Pearson Education.
Villegas, B. (2010). Guide to economics for Filipinos. Manila: Sinag-tala Pub.
Peter, J.P. (2010). Consumer behavior & marketing strategy. (9th ed.) Boston :
Duncano, D.A. (2010). Philippines taxation handbook : a simplified course. Manila :
National Book Store.
Bello, A. L., Bello, R. T., Camacho, J. DV. , Jr., Catelo, M. A. O., Cuevas, A. C., &
Rodriguez, U. E. (2009). Economics. Quezon City: C & E Publishing.
Manapat, C.L., Olaguer, RJ.A., Pedrosa, F.R. (2010). Economics, taxation, and
reform. Quezon City: C & E Publishing.

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Web References : www.prenhall.com/casefair

Instructional Strategies : Lectures, Class Discussions, Debates, Graphing, Major Examinations,


Grading System:

Class Standing, 1st half (quizzes, assignments, participation) 20%

Midterm Exam 20%
Class Standing, 2nd half (quizzes, assignments, participation) 20%
Group Project (written report and oral defense) 20%
Written Final Exam 20%
Total 100%

Passing Grade 70%

1. Each module is a 30-minute classroom instruction.

2. MTH/TF/WS classes will have to finish 2-3 modules per session.
3. A 30-minute consultation period is allotted per week.
4. A student is considered late, and is considered half-absent, if he/she arrives in class
after the official
start time but within the allowable period of 30 minutes.
5. A student is considered absent from class if he is not present within the first 30
minutes of the
scheduled class session.
6. A maximum of 5 absences is allowed; beyond this, a student is considered deficient
in course
requirements, and is given a grade of 0.0 (Fail).

rfontanosa/vmercado/cibañez 05/06/13

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