Ransom Lesson Plan
Ransom Lesson Plan
Ransom Lesson Plan
Topic : Short Story Analysis
Subject : English Literature
Grade : 7th/8th
SC Standards Competence:
Meaning and Context 5.1, 6.1, 8.1,
Language, Craft, and Structure 9.1, 9.2, 10.1, 11.1
• To assist students in reading and analyzing context for predictions, irony, story
elements, setting, and character development.
• These competencies will aid students as they work toward analyzing more
difficult texts.
• Students will become more confident, discerning readers in everyday life.
At the conclusion of the lesson/unit students will be able to:
• Explain the main elements of a story and their significance.
• Explain the different types of literary conflict.
• Understand what irony is and the role it plays in the text.
• Articulate setting, character development, and writing techniques.
Text: The Ransom of Red Chief by O. Henry
Essential Question: What elements are used by O. Henry in constructing his story, The
Ransom of Red Chief, and how do they contribute to the writing and overall
effectiveness of his text?
Instructional Process:
Model : Collaborative learning Discussion Direct Instruction Task assignments
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Conduct pre-reading discussion about Participate with personal/real examples
plans that have gone awry in real life
Instruct on literary conflicts. Note taking. Participate in discussion.
Collaborate within groups to provide
examples from previously read stories.
Share with large group
Instruct on predictions Note taking. Participate in discussion
Introduce text with connections to conflict Following along with text
and predicting. Generate interest with
animated, amusing read-aloud.
Assign reading with purpose points Complete reading
Day 2
Check understanding by leading Participate in discussion
retelling/discussion of key concepts and
Organize discussion groups for more Participate in discussion, creating a group
personal discussion of irony, conflict, and presentation to share
character development
Conclude lesson with assessment Choose and complete one assessment
assignments: compose your own story or by due date
storyboard, complete a series of
postcards from the various characters’
perspectives, produce a video or podcast
of key points, complete a traditional test.
All instructional ideas/activities are my own.
Graphic: Lance,V. (2012,August 17) The Ransom of Red Chief/OHenry/Characters
[Illustrations]. Behance. Retrieved from https://www.behance.net/gallery/4852731/The-Ransom-
SC Standards: SC Department of Education. ELA Standards by Grade Level. Retrieved from