Hybrid Content Location Failure Tolerant Protocol For Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Hybrid Content Location Failure Tolerant Protocol For Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Hybrid Content Location Failure Tolerant Protocol For Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, National School of Engineers of Sfax, Tunisia
Abstract: The current network evolution has permitted the and dynamic deployment of services to provide the
emergence of new providers of services which offer services of flexibility of communication to the user [1].
different types and qualities including not only simple services
like printers but also complex services like real time encoding.
However, to benefit from a network service, the user needs to be
provided with the address of this service. With this evolution
perspective, the static configuration will not be practical
anymore in the case of a high number of diversified services.
Service location protocols try to overcome this drawback by
providing the user with an efficient and flexible access to
services. The location changes and the exhibition of services
have a particular importance in mobile environments like ad
hoc networks. Indeed, ad hoc networks are wireless self-
organizing networks of mobile nodes and require non fixed
Figure 1. Example of an ad hoc network routing
infrastructure. This paper has for purpose the implementation
of a new protocol of location of services HCLFTP (Hybrid
Content location Failure Tolerant Protocol) for ad hoc networks
within the “Network Simulator” environment.
1. Introduction
the network is only composed of mobile entities, so small - Limited physical security: The mobile ad hoc networks
size, it is unlikely that there is in the network a node with are more affected by the security setting, than the
physical capabilities in terms of memory, energy and conventional tethered networks. Indeed, the physical
bandwidth for allow it to store all the services available and constraints and limitations require reducing the control of
meet the requirements of each other network members. It is the transferred data.
therefore suitable to propose methods to distribute - Lack of infrastructure: The ad hoc networks differ from
information in the network [2]. other mobile networks by the lack feature of existing
infrastructure and any kind of centralized administration.
The mobile hosts are responsible for establishing and
maintaining the network connectivity on an ongoing basis.
In an ad hoc network, meet the requirements and demands
of applications or users of many services and contents arises
many challenges, brought about by the distributed aspect
and use of wireless communication interfaces. Get in a
dynamic and decentralized environment, a working
Figure 3. Discovery of a printer
environment with a quality equivalent to that provided by a
wired network is very difficult but not impossible [11]. We
refer in this paper the basic principles of HCLFTP (Hybrid
Content Location Failure Tolerant Protocol) to meet the
following objectives: (i) ensure fault tolerance and improve
the load distribution, (ii ) solving the problem of locating
and routing of data is improved by using a system based on
hash functions for nodes and data, (iii) the data structures
required are small in size and can therefore ensure the
location of a data fast enough, (iv) and finally the system
implements both technical replication to ensure data
persistence as well as mechanisms of caches to improve data
Figure 4. Central search availability [8]. This paper is organized as follows. In
section 2, we present the main methods of locating content.
Once the service has been found, it will be used. A new Section 3 describes the protocol HCLFTP dedicated to
problem arises when we transit from wired networks to ad service discovery in ad hoc networks. In section 4, we
hoc networks. In wired communication, once the connection present the simulation results of this approach in the
is established, it remained valid throughout the phase of simulation environment "Network simulator” (NS). Finally,
service use. If this is not the case, the network is considered we summarize our contributions and future prospects of our
down. For against, in ad hoc networks, this reliability research work.
situation is no more verified. Indeed, it is not uncommon
that the mobility of nodes leads to the separation of the 2. A survey of content localization protocols
network into several disjoint components. While most
routing protocols propose to change the paths when they The previous solutions of locating nodes and routing data
become disabled, once two nodes cannot physically join, it is are not applicable to a large scale. Indeed, changes in such
sometimes too late to try anything. It then becomes systems are numerous and fast: a node may be present in a
interesting to analyze the state of the network to try to system for a period of ten minutes and then disappears. New
predict when the nodes will be physically disconnected. If solutions are required and necessary to develop new
the event is planned well in advance, it is not later to mechanisms for tracking and routing [4]. Systems-based
respond. This reaction may be of different nature, research content can be classified based on the different techniques of
to duplicate the service, look for another node providing an localization and routing of data.
equivalent service or strengthen the connection. Mobile ad
hoc networks are characterized by the following [3].
- Dynamic topology: The mobile units of the network,
moving free and arbitrary. Hence the network topology may
change at unpredictable moments, with a fast and random.
The links of the topology can be unidirectional or
- Limited bandwidth: One of the primary features of
wireless communication networks is the use of a shared
communication medium. Such sharing is that the bandwidth
reserved for a host is low.
- Energy constraints: The mobile hosts are powered by
independent power sources such as batteries. The energy Figure 5. Search Content
parameter must be taken into account in any control by the
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consider that information about the resources location is 3.1 The hash function
distributed so that each node has to maintain a small The technique of hash table is used both for dissemination
amount of routing information. The search for a resource and for the localization of content. When a server wants to
runs so incrementally through the transfer hop by hop of the announce data content, it must first use a hash function.
corresponding request to the nodes which are better This function will allow the server to determine the set of
"informed" to respond. The nodes of such a system must nodes where to publish the content. In HCLFTP, the content
continually adapt to changes in their environment. The is published by a set of nodes which is located in a particular
following five ideas describe a set of mechanisms for geographic area of the network. It is assumed that the entire
locating with distributed hash table [9]. ad hoc network is divided into n zones, the hash function
- Identification of nodes and resources: each host is assigned will therefore contained a numeric identifier between 0 and
a numerical identifier calculated based on a hash function n-1.The content where the hash value is equal to i will be
applied to its IP address. Each document or shared resource hosted by nodes located in zone zi. The hash function also
is also assigned a numerical identifier (based on a hash allows the localization of content. Indeed, the request of a
function applied to its content or its name). user who is looking for a content, whose hash value is equal
- Distribution of nodes responsibilities: when a node is to i will be redirected to the area zi where it will be resolved.
present in the system, it is assigned the responsibility of The reason for the dissemination of content in an area, not a
several resources. single node, is mainly due to the fact that maintaining a
- Organization of routing information: for reasons of rigid, predefined structure, between the nodes in a mobile
scalability, each node must maintain a partial view of the radio environment, is quite costly in terms of energy and
network topology in which it participates. Thus, each node bandwidth. In addition, routing packets in ad hoc networks
knows a subset of nodes in the system. is far less efficient and less robust than in fixed networks,
- Lookup solving: a host must be able to request access to a making adjustments to take into account mobility is more
document or a shared resource in the system. To do this, it expensive. This results in degradation of system
must know the value of the key corresponding to this performance and limitation of its scalability.
resource. This query is called lookup. The result of a lookup
in the system, for a key k, is a reference to the node
responsible for key k. To resolve a lookup, a host starts by 3.2 Function split of the network
searching among the hosts it knows, that which has the The main objective of splitting the network is the
most feature to verify the relationship with the key distribution of its load while maintaining the topology of
corresponding to the searched resource. It forwards the zones. Indeed, if the number of nodes and contents in an
request to this node, which performs the same operation. unstructured area with no central entity to control exceeds a
The search spread from node to node and ends when it certain threshold, the localization/publishing costs of
reaches the host that is actually responsible for the key. The content become too high. Therefore, a zone could be divided
node issuing the request is then informed of the identity of recursively into sub areas to ensure better performance and
the node responsible for the key. achieve a uniform distribution of the load. In HCLFTP, to
- Management of arrivals and departures of nodes: during measure the load in an area, we rely on the following test.
the arrivals and departures of nodes, the system adapts and
reassigns responsibilities of the nodes to remain in a nh*nch < Th (1)
coherence state. To enter the system, a node only needs to
have access to a node already present. Where nh is the number of nodes located in the zone h, nch
is the number of content hosted in the same area and Th
3. Proposed protocol: HCLFTP means the threshold below which a uniform distribution of
the load is ensured. Indeed, nh*nch represents the cost of
In this section, we present HCLFTP designed specifically for dissemination of nh contents to nch nodes, this distribution is
ad hoc networks. Before describing the basic concepts and based on a simple method of flooding. The decomposition of
architecture of HCLFTP, we present the assumptions made the network into zones is applied whenever nh*nch exceeds
about the ad hoc environment considered in the design of Th. This recursive decomposition stops once nh* nch
this protocol. The target environment of HCLFTP is a becomes below the threshold Th. The advantage of using a
mobile ad hoc network, dense and scale. Indeed, the nodes recursive contents’ dissemination is the uniform distribution
can connect, disconnect, or move in the network at any time. of load in dense and non-uniform networks. Indeed,
All nodes know their own location information using GPS choosing an area of a network, which is potentially broken
or by using relative coordinate. The objective of HCLFTP is down into different areas, requires knowledge of local
to provide an effective mechanism for localization of content information concerning the density and the number of
for dense large and scale ad hoc networks. To achieve this contents to host. Our goal is to use a protocol for content
objective, several components have been implemented: a localization in which the decision is recursively delegated to
hash function to connect the content identifier to the appropriate nodes. In the following, we present the
corresponding area, a recursive function for the split and mechanism of the network decomposition in the simplest
fusion of the network, and a function for dissemination and case where the topology of the network is uniform and the
localization of content based on geographical properties. hash result is evenly distributed between 0 and n-1. In a first
step, if the inequality nc1 * n1> Th is checked (n1and nc1
mean respectively the number of contents and the number of
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nodes in the network), the network is then splitted into n decide whether the query will be resolved directly in the
equal areas. Each zone contains n 1 nodes that should host current area or if it will be forwarded to the next level of the
n hierarchy of the area. Several approaches use the hash
functions with parameters like content and the current level
nc 1 contents. If in a second step, if nc 1*n 1 > Th then
n 2
of the hierarchy to determine to which sub-area the query
n will be forwarded. Suppose that the hash value is equal to k,
each area will be divided into n equal area. Another so the query will be routed to the area zk where the same
decomposition is applied in the case where nc 1 * n 1 > Th methodology will be used. In other words, the request will
n be resolved or will be directly forwarded to the next level
and so on. The number of times necessary to distribute the and so on, until the content is located. To announce content,
network load can be easily found by calculating the the provider sends a notification message to the network in
minimum number i that satisfies the following relationship. the same manner as for localization of content. When the
announcement message finally reached the target area, the
mechanisms of replication of content can be applied within
nc * n 1 1 <Th (2)
this area to improve the availability of content. The
n mechanisms of localization and deployment of content are
this means that i satisfies the following relationship. completely decentralized. Moreover, only a limited number
log nc 1 n 1
* of nodes are involved in the routing and resolution of
T announcement messages and requests for localization. Since
i = int h
+ 1 (3 )
2 * log n all nodes are not required to maintain routing information
and a comprehensive understanding of the whole network is
In HCLFTP, the decomposition of the network nodes is not required, HCLFTP can be regarded as scalable for large
delegated to the central region of each zone. We call the ad hoc networks.
whole central region of nodes that are located a short
distance (d) from the center of gravity of the area. Each
3.4 Function merge of the network
node of the central region maintains an estimate of the
number of nodes and contents within this zone. Thus, it can The problem that arises during the decomposition of the
assess whether the threshold decomposition of the network network to a uniform distribution of the load is: when and
is reached or not. To ensure a recursive decomposition of how to deploy a merge? We note that the main motivation
the network, the hash function above is extended to the use for the decomposition of the network is to maintain a
of two parameters: the content c and the decomposition level reasonable cost for content distribution within an
h. If the network is divided into equal areas, the content c is unstructured area. However, this is possible only in a
hashed with the parameters (c, h = 0) resulting in an ID hierarchical structure in each zone (recursive division of the
number k between 0 and n-1. Thus, the content will be areas), which generates an additional cost of the delivery of
deployed in the area zk. In order to evenly distribute the load messages to the next sub area. For this reason, we propose to
in the area zk, we divide it into n equivalent areas zk,0 … deploy a merging protocol if the query can be resolved
zk,n-1. The content C will then be chopped with the directly in the zone itself.
parameters (c, h = 1) to a number j between 0 and n-1, and Since each node in the central region knows the number of
must therefore be deployed in the area zk,j. This process nodes n and the number of contents nc within the zone, it
continues until the decision to deploy content in the area zk,j can trigger the decomposition of the area only if nc*n> Th.
is taken. The reason for the introduction of a hierarchy level We also propose that the merging process is triggered only
h in the hash function is to efficiently distribute content in if nc*n> Th-H (H> 0) to maintain the stability of the
the case of decomposition of the network. In addition, the splitting/merging of the network. In addition, each node in
hash of the content just does not allow distribution of the central region maintains information regarding the cost
content within the area to a level of decomposition h ≥ 1. In of dissemination of content within the zone. Thus, the
general, to a level of decomposition h, the content c1 ... ci merging is to deliver content to the next broken areas and
combined with h will be chopped at the same identifier zx. disseminate the content in the current area. This intrinsic
At decomposition h+1, the contents c1 ... ci combined with feature allows the passage from splitting to merging, locally,
h+1 will not necessarily be chopped to the same identifier and vice versa without any additional cost.
zx,y. We can perform so a good distribution of content within
the zone zx. 3.5 Designation of an area
Each message of announcement/location must be redirected,
3.3 Location and dissemination of content finally, towards the central region of the current area and
To locate content in a network that is based on HCLFTP, the must be solved by one of the nodes located in this region.
user U1 sends its first request under one of the four For this reason, we need a mechanism that allows the
geographical directions (north, south, east or west) based on designation of the central area of each zone with a fairly
geographical routing. In a dense network, the request will be reasonable cost.
routed by a node which knows the central region of the - Election of “corner nodes" for a rectangular network: if
network hosting the content. The first node in the central the prior knowledge of the positions of all nodes was
region, which receives the request, has the responsibility to possible, the delimitation of the area could be made simply
by identifying all nodes that are on the perimeter of
28 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
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network. But, having whole knowledge of the positions of In addition, nodes in the central region are also responsible
all nodes in a mobile ad hoc environment is costly and even splitting the area and updating the current level of
impossible. Therefore, a distributed algorithm for the decomposition h. To achieve this, each node in the central
delimitation of the area based on local geographical region periodically sends a message that contains the
positions is developed in HCLFTP. The main idea is to use number of advertisements of contents received.
specific nodes called "corner nodes" to delimitate the areas. Although the number of contents can be easily found within
We assume that all nodes are distributed in a rectangular a zone, the estimated number of nodes within this zone is
region. For a rectangular network, if a node does not receive not quite simple. We can include in the deployment of the
messages from the angles which the direction makes an decomposition of the network cost estimate for the location
angle belonging to the interval 90°±α then the node self of contents which itself depends on the number of nodes.
proclaimed "corner node". The advantage of this algorithm
for electing the "corner node" is that it is based on the 4. Simulation of HCLFTP
position of its direct neighbor’s nodes. Since the geographic
routing is based on this information, the positions of direct We conducted a series of simulation in Network Simulator
neighbors nodes are already available and thus the cost of “NS” by considering two metrics: the number of perimeter
messages generated for the election of the "corner nodes” is nodes elected and the number of confusions. We designate
very low. Following the election of a "corner node", the by the number of confusions the number of perimeter nodes
latter tends to inform all the other "corner nodes" by sending elected but who are not actually located on the perimeter.
a message of "Corner Announcement" to "corner nodes” of We have assumed in the simulations that each content size
the same area. This message is sent in two geographic is 512 bytes.
directions (east/south, west/south, east/north or west/north) These metrics were measured for different values of the
according to its location. If a node “corner node” receives a angle α. Each result presented is an average of results
message of "Corner Announcement ", it checks if the obtained on three different topologies. Nodes are deployed
message contains a new "corner node". If a new “corner randomly in an area of 1000m*1000m. Each simulation
node” is found, it updates the local list of "corner nodes” lasts 10 s. Table 1 shows the results for different network
and sends to its neighbors “corner nodes” a new message of sizes.
“Corner Announcement" which contains a list of all the We found that the number of nodes elected as perimeter
“corner node" whose it has known as well as their positions. nodes exceeds the number of nodes actually in the
After a stabilization period, all the “corner nodes” will be perimeter. The confusion increases with the angle α. Table
identified and their respective coordinates allow estimating 2 shows the change in the ratio between the actual perimeter
the position of the center of gravity of the area. The election nodes (real PN) and the elected perimeter nodes (elected
of the "corner nodes” is periodic due to the mobility of PN) as a function of the angle α.
nodes. Similarly, messages like "Corner Announcement"
will be periodically sent to the neighbors "corner nodes”'. In Table 1. Number of perimeter nodes according to α
HCLFTP, the central region of a zone is defined by its
center of gravity. Each "corner node" has a local list of all Nodes’ α Nodes’ α Nodes’
the other "corner nodes”. Thus, the position of center of Number (degre Number (degre) Number
gravity PCG can be calculated without any further exchange in the ) in the in the
of messages. This position will be then propagated to all network network network
nodes in the area. The propagation of the position of center 100 40 20 60 25
of gravity is performed as follows. Each "corner node" sends
200 40 25 60 30
a message of "Gravity Announcement" containing the
300 40 30 60 70
coordinates of the center of gravity along the perimeter and
400 40 60 60 90
along the diagonals. At each hop, the neighbor node is the
500 40 70 60 110
only node that is supposed to receive this message, but all
600 40 100 60 125
nodes who hear the same message will also be informed of
the coordinates of the center of gravity. However, the 700 40 110 60 140
neighbor node is solely responsible for the delivery of the 800 40 130 60 160
message announcement. Nodes located within a distance 900 40 155 60 180
d≤dh from the center of gravity are considered as belonging 100 80 25 100 30
to the central region of the area, consequently, they are 200 80 35 100 60
responsible for routing requests and advertisements. We 300 80 85 100 120
recall that the messages advertisement/location will be sent 400 80 95 100 150
by the provider/client in one of four geographic directions 500 80 120 100 180
and will be intercepted by one of the nodes that know the 600 80 140 100 220
coordinates of the center of gravity. The messages will be 700 80 156 100 245
forwarded to the center of gravity and will be resolved by the 800 80 180 100 300
first node on the routing path belonging to the central region 900 80 200 100 380
of the zone. The latter will decide whether to forward the 1000 80 260 100 425
message to another level in the area.
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 29
Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2009
Table 2. The ratio real PN/elected PN according to α. [3] G. Zussman, A. Segall, “Energy Efficient routing in ad
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Number (degre) elected (degre) elected PN [4] C. Bettstetter, C. Renner, “a comparison of service
in the PN discovery protocols and implementation of the Service
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100 40 0,90 60 0,80 Twente, Netherlands, September 2000.
200 40 0,85 60 0,60 [5] S. Cheshire, “DNS-based Service Discovery”, internet-
300 40 0,65 60 0,55 draft, December 2002.
100 80 0,71 100 0,60 [6] J. Govea, M. Barbeau, “Results of comparing bandwidth
200 80 0,65 100 0,50 usage and latency: service location protocol and Jini”,
300 80 0,45 100 0,36 Workshop on Ad Hoc communications, Bonn,
Germany, September 2001.
Furthermore, we found that the answer to a query for [7] A. Rao, C. Papadimitriou, S. Shenker, I. Stoica,
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same node but by one of the nodes in the central region. In Proceedings of the 9th annual international conference
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central region does not cause inaccessibility for the content 96-108, 2003.
because there are multiple nodes in the central region, [8] E. Cohen, S. Shenker, “Replication strategies in
which are able to fulfill the request. However, the response unstructured peer-to-peer networks”, in ACM
time is not always the same for the same request but it SIGCOMM Conference, august 2002.
depends on the current traffic in the network and the [9] T. Hara, Y. Loh, S. Nishio, “Data replication methods
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5. Conclusion and future work September 2003.
[10] T. Hara, “Effective replica allocation in ad hoc
The sources of information are now spread across networks.
networks for improving data accessibility”, in
However, access to these sources poses challenges for users
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2001, pp 1568-1576,
and applications that need it. Even if several solutions are
April 2001.
proposed for access to sources, it still lacks the support of
[11] A. Datta, M. Hauswirth, K; Aberer, “Updates in highly
the dynamism that is essential in mobile environments such
unreliable, replicated peer-to-peer systems”, in 23th
as mobile ad hoc networks. The protocols for service
International conference on distributed computing
discovery mechanisms should provide autonomous
systems (ICDCS), May 2003.
management of mobility and quality of service and fault
tolerance. In this paper, we studied the features of some
localization protocols in dynamic environments. The Author Profile
comparison of these protocols aimed to deduce the ideal
Maher Ben Jemaa received the
mechanism for the discovery of data. From these different Engineering degree from National School
approaches, we presented a new solution for the discovery of of Computer Science in Tunisia in 1989,
services deployed on mobile sources. The protocol is DEA degree in Computer Science from
intended to HCLFTP for location services in a central region University of Nice France in 1989 and the
rather than in one node in mobile networks. It is based on Phd in Computer Science from INSA of
dynamic hash table. The prospects of this work are the Rennes France in 1993. Actually, he is an
evaluation of this protocol on a real platform and explore Associate Professor in Computer Science
the various proposals currently available for descriptions of in National School of Engineers of Sfax.
He is carrying his research in the ReCAD
data sources.
research unit (www.redcad.org). His research topics concern
Mobile communication, routing and fault tolerance in wireless
References networks;