Lalita Rana SC2
Lalita Rana SC2
Lalita Rana SC2
Received: 24 June 2013; Revised: 10 July, 2013; Accepted: 29 August, 2013 Uploaded: 11 September, 2013
Indian astronomers propounded the theory that Acharya Kanad, a genius in philosophy, was the
the earth is a sphere. The ancient Indian scholars pioneer expounder of realism, law of causation
were adepts in all fields known to humanity. and the atomic theory. Acharya Sushrut, with
Some of these scholars are listed below with his Sushruta Samhita, was another giant in the
their major field of study (Table 1) . This arena of medical science and his is an
interdisciplinary knowledge lies at the root of unparalleled work of the medical science of
geographic development. ancient India, popular as Ayurveda. Siddhārtha
Acharya Kapil contributed to the Gautama was a spiritual teacher who founded
science of cosmology. Acharya Bharadwaj is Buddhism. Panini is known for his Sanskrit
known for outstanding discoveries in aviation grammar, and his Ashtadhyayi is the
science. Baudhāyana was an Indian foundational text of the earliest known
mathematician, noted for writing the earliest grammars of Sanskrit that stands at the
Sulba Sutra, the texts dealing with geometry beginning of the history of linguistics. Nagarjun
and mathematical principles. Acharya Charak, was an extraordinary wizard of science whose
crowned as the ‘father of Medicine’, produced research produced maiden discoveries and
Charak Samhita as his most renowned work, in inventions in the faculties of chemistry and
which he has described the functions and metallurgy.5
medicinal properties of some hundred thousand
Name Field
Acharya Kapil (3000 BC) Cosmology
Acharya Bharadwaj (800 BC) Aviation technology
Baudhāyana, (800 BC) Mathematics
Acharya Charak (600 BC) Medicine
Acharya Kanad (600 BC) Physics (Atomic Theory)
Acharya Sushrut (600 BC) Medicine (Surgery)
Gautama Buddha (563 to 483 BC) Philosophy
Pānini (400BC) Grammar
Nagarjuna (100 AD) Chemistry
Âryabhatta I (476–550 AD) Mathematics & Astronomy
Varahamihir (499-587 AD) Astrology & Astronomy
Brahamgupta (598-668) Mathematics & Astronomy
Bhāskara I (600 - 680) Mathematics & Astronomy
Adi Shankara (788 AD - 820 AD) Philosophy
Aryabhata II (about 920) Mathematics & Astronomy
Sridharacharya (AD 991) Mathematics
Brahmadeva (1060- 1130) Mathematics & Astronomy
Bhaskaracharya (1114-1183 AD) Algebra
The Indian scientists, like Aryabhatta-I, the heterodox systems are those which reject
Varahmihira, Brahmagupta, Aryabhata-II, it.7 The ancient Indian scholars dealt with many
Sridhara and Bhaskaracharya, have shaped the problems pertaining to Cosmology (the science
course of mathematics and astronomy for the of Universe), Cosmogony (the origin of
world to marvel upon. Aryabhatta's Magnum Universe) and Cosmography (the description of
Opus, Āryabhatīyam (498 B.C.), was the Universe). Today scientists rely on powerful
summary of Hindu mathematics up to the time. telescopes and sophisticated computers to
It was recognized as a masterpiece and through formulate cosmological theories. In former
its translation European mathematicians got times, people got their information from
enriched by the facts that Aryabhatta discovered traditional books of wisdom and the ancient
1,000 years before Copernicus and Galileo. Adi schools of philosophy. Followers of India’s
Shankara was an Indian philosopher who ancient culture, for example, learned about the
stressed the importance of Vedas, and his efforts cosmos from scriptures like the Srimad-
helped Hinduism to regain strength and Bhagavatam, or Bhagavata Purana and the
popularity. Sankhya School of Thought. The Srimad-
Ancient Indian contribution to Bhagavatam presents an earth-centered
geography came through various fields of conception of the cosmos .
learning as Philosophy, Cosmology, In India, mathematics has its roots in
Mathematics, Astrology & Astronomy, Physics, nearly 4000 years old Vedic literature. Various
Chemistry & Metallurgy, Science & treatises on mathematics were authored by
Technology, Medicine, and Linguistics. In fact, Indian mathematicians in which were set forth a
the Indian scholars contributed significantly in number of mathematical traditions for the first
the growth and development of geography and time. Important contributions were made by
its allied sciences. Although, the classical Indian scholars like Aryabhata, Brahmagupta, and
scholars have richly contributed to the various Bhaskara II. Their mathematical concepts were
fields of geographical study as physical transmitted to the Middle East, China, and
geography, regional geography, climatology, Europe and led to further developments that
mathematical and practical geography, their now form the foundations of many areas of
knowledge, particularly in astronomy (Khagol- mathematics. Vedic literature is replete with
Shashtra), was fascinating. concepts of zero; Calculus; arithmetic; geometry
The philosophy in India developed from (rekha-ganita);the techniques of algebra and
the common reservoir of Upanishadic ideas. algorithm, square root and cube root. The
This philosophic thought is classified into two decimal number system in use today was first
broad categories viz. Orthodox (astika) and recorded in Indian mathematics9 In addition,
heterodox (nastika)6. Orthodox systems are trigonometry, having evolved in the Hellenistic
those which accept the authority of Vedas, while world and having been introduced into ancient
India through the translation of Greek works, From the Vedic times, Indians (Indo-
was further advanced in India . It has been Aryans) had classified the material world into
suggested that Indian contributions to four elements viz. Earth (Prithvi), fire (Agni),
mathematics have not been given due air (Maya) and water (Apa). To these four
acknowledgement in modern history and that elements was added a fifth one viz. ether or
many discoveries and inventions by Indian Akasha. These five elements or Pancha
mathematicians were known to their Western Mahabhootas were identified with the various
counterparts, copied by them, and presented as human senses of perception; earth with smell,
their own original work; and further, that this air with feeling, fire with vision, water with
mass plagiarism has gone unrecognized due to taste and ether with sound. Since very ancient
Eurocentrism11. times Indians had perceived the material world
Astronomy is one area which has as comprising these five elements and believed
fascinated all mankind from the beginnings of that these elements were physically palpable and
history. In Indian language the science of hence comprised miniscule particles of matter.
Astronomy is called Khagola-shastra. The word The last miniscule particle of matter which
Khagola is derived from the famous could not be subdivided further was termed
astronomical observatory at the University of Parmanu ( the term being a combination of
Nalanda which was called Khagola. The Param, meaning ‘beyond’ and anu meaning
Nalanda University was the center of education ‘atom’). Thus the term Parmanu is suggestive of
for scholars from all over Asia. Many Greek, the possibility that, at least at an abstract level
Persian and Chinese students studied here. The Indian philosophers in ancient times had
lack of a telescope hindered further conceived the possibility of splitting an atom
advancement of ancient Indian astronomy. which, as we know today, is the source of
Though it should be admitted that even with atomic energy. This Indian concept of the atom
their crude instruments, the astronomers in was developed independently and prior to the
ancient India were able to arrive at near perfect development of the idea in the Greco-Roman
measurement of astronomical movements. The world. It was Acharya Kanada who first
ancient scholars like Aryabhatta-I, propounded that the Parmanu (atom) was an
Bhaskaracharya, Brahamgupta and indestrutible particle of matter. Indian ideas
Varahamihira were associated with Indian about atom and atomic physics could have been
astronomy. They developed their views transmitted to the west during the contacts
regarding the planetary positions, planetary created between India and the west by the
movements and planetary forces, and also made invasion of Alexander. Even after Alexander's
the related astronomical calculations. What departure, massive trade and diplomatic
Copernicus and Galileo propounded was relations existed between Indians and Greeks
suggested by Aryabhatta nearly 1500 years ago. (who had settled in Asia). This way, Indian
ideas travelled westwards where they were floating on the water like a sailing boat on the
developed further. Thus, it remains a fact that river. They were also aware of the fact that there
Indian ideas about atom are the oldest. Parallel is more land surface in the Northern
to the development of the concepts of atom and Hemisphere. The concept of Prithvi (Earth) was
atomic permutations and combinations in the most basic in the study of geography. It has
physics there also was a similar development of been profusely used in the Vedas and Puranas.
ideas in the area of Chemistry & Metallurgy. The use of the term Bhugol for the discipline of
Geography is the most appropriate and it clearly
Geographical Inheritance suggests that the ancient Indians endorsed the
Although geography was not then earth being a sphere, and not a flat disc as
developed as a formal discipline, early Indian believed by some of their parallel civilizations.
scholars had a well developed geographical The facts related to the size and dimension of
sense and clearly understood spatial the earth were quite near to accuracy. It was
relationships. The earliest mention of geography well known to the ancient Indian scholars that
as a discipline is traced to Bhagwat Purana, the the earth is an oblate spheroid slightly flattened
8 century puranic text when Bhugol, or at the poles. about 1000A.D. Akshansh and
Bhoogol, a vernacular term for geography in Deshantar are the terms used for ‘latitudes’ and
most Indian languages, is derived from Sanskrit. ‘longitudes’ respectively in the ancient Indian
A large amount of geographical information is literature. Puranas have a reference of three
contained in the Mahabharata and Ramayana: imaginary lines of latitudes passing through
the two great epics still unsurpassed in the Equatorial belt, North Pole and South Pole.
classical Indian literature. Accordingly, three major regions have been
The earth studies of ancient Indian identified in the Literature, viz. Equatorial
scholars dealt with its origin, sphericity, (Nirakshadesha), Northern Polar (Meru) and
eclipses, size and dimensions, latitudes, Southern Polar (Bhadvanala). The North Pole
longitudes and local time, directions or cardinal has been called as Zenith and the South Pole as
points, earthquakes and volcanoes, atmosphere Nadir. The South Pole was truly considered as
and seasons, and its physical divisions. As far as the antipode of the North Pole, i.e. diametrically
the origin of the earth is concerned, many of the opposite to it. However, the world was not
facts as put forward by the ancient Indian believed to exist beyond Equator, as the region
scholars were more or less accurately known. here was compared to hell of the earth. The
They believed in the solidification of earth from Eastern part, on the other hand, was believed to
gaseous matter. The earth’s crust, according to be ‘the land of Gods’. This thinking is in
them, is made of hard rocks (sila), clayey consonance with that of the Europeans in the
material (bhumih) and sandy material (asma). Early Medieval period, when the Dark Ages
The Puranas mention the earth to be apparently prevailed and the East in ‘T-in-O’ Maps was
assumed to be the place of Adam and Eve. The For ‘earthquakes’ the term bhukamp has
ancient Indian scholars have also drawn Prime been used in Puranas. It was assumed that the
Meridian. These imaginary lines, the position of deities of Air, Fire and Water cause the
Sun and various stars have helped them to earthquakes. The ancient Indian scholars have
determine local time at various places. identified the vacuum between the earth and the
In Rigveda, there is formulated idea of heaven as Antariksha. They were also aware of
four main directions, viz. Purva (East), Paschim its vast extent and the occurrence of various
(West), Uttar (North) and Dakshin (South). By weather phenomena here, as rain, winds, clouds,
adding Zenith (Meru) and Nadir (Bhadvanala) it lightening, fog, and frost etc. Bhaskaracharya
was raised to six. But, afterwards, ten directions has conceived the thickness of this Antariksha
have been frequently mentioned in the Puranic around the earth to be 12 yojans (or 96 kms; one
literature. The designation of these directions in yojan being equal to about 8 kms.). As far as the
the Puranas is significant in the sense that it knowledge about the seasons is concerned, it is
bears concept of the Gods dominating in each of based largely on the studies in India. Rigveda
these directions. The ten directions and the mentions five seasons. In Valmiki Ramayan,
ruling deity of each is mentioned below (Table however, six seasons have been identified, viz.
2). Basant (Spring), Grishma (Summer), Prouri t/
The knowledge regarding the Varsha (Rainy), Sharad (Autumn),Hemant
earthquakes, atmosphere, weather, climate and (Winter) and Shishir (severe Winter).
seasons in this period is excellent.
Table 2: Cardinal Points and the Ruling Daities as per Puranic Literature
In the ancient period, the knowledge margins of Equatorial regions of monsoon lands
about various parts of the world was limited. It with moderate rainfall. Most of present Europe
was due to the poor means of communication was Kraunca. Lastly, Shaka formed South-East
and transportation. Even then, the attempts were Asia and adjoining Island groups. Hot and
made to divide the world into several regions, moist climate and thick evergreen forests
on the basis of available information. Such characterize the region.
descriptions exist in Puranas. Although The geographical knowledge of ancient
incorrect, the term Dwipa has been used to period about Indian Sub-Continent is related to
designate various realms (continents) of the its identification, people & culture and relief &
earth. Accordingly, the known world during the drainage. In Vedic and Puranic literature, the
Puranic period was divided into seven Dwipas entire country from Himalayas to Kanyakumari
or ‘regions’. These Puranic divisions exclude has been referred to as Bharatvarsha. This name
the American Continents, Greenland, England has both geographical and historical
and Antarctica, since they were discovered only significance. Bharata is construed by many
during the Age of Discovery in the late historians as having been an Indo-Aryan king,
medieval period. The regions seem to have and as king he unified the entire Indian
derived their names from the existing popular subcontinent with the Dravidian peoples and
trees or grasses here. These seven regions were other indigenous peoples as his subjects.
known as Jambu Dwipa, Krauncha Dwipa, According to the Mahabharata, Bharata's empire
Kusha Dwipa, Plaksha Dwipa, Pushkara covered all of the Indian subcontinent,
Dwipa, Shaka Dwipa and Shalmali Dwipa. Afghanistan and Persia. The Republic of India is
Jambu dwipa formed the centre of all these also known as Bharat after Bharata. Although,
continents. In relation to the present day this Bharatvarsha, in ancient times was sub-
context, Jambu covered present Central Asia divided into several regions certain parts of the
from North to South, including India, or the country are very distinctively mentioned in the
region north of Salt Sea. Jambu, in fact, is a ancient Indian literature. They are, e.g. Sapta-
bush found in Himalayan region. Kusha Sindhu (Punjab Plains), Aryavarta (the Aryan
extended over present Middle East and most of domain) and the region of Indus valley or the
Africa. The name is taken from a sacred grass, Upper Gangetic Plains. The Vedas, Epics and
Kusa, used in brahmanical ceremonies. The Puranas make mention of a series of mountains
present Eastern Asia and adjoining lands in Bharatvarsha. They are, for instance,
constituted Pushkara. The present Himalayas (Himavat), existing like a bow in its
Mediterranean region formed Plaksha. Shalmali northern part and divided into Antagiri (Inner
represented the region of Eastern Africa and Himalayas) and Bahyagiri (Outer Himalayas);
Madagascar Island. This region is rich in Kailash Parbat, the abode of Apsaras (nymphs)
Salmala, the silk-cotton tree, found on the and Devas (Deities) and rich in diamonds,
minerals and other precious stones; Vindhayans, contact with the Arabs in 712 AD when they
the extensive mountains with hundreds of peaks, came into Sind, but it was not until 1206 that
variegated trees and creepers; Mahendra Mali, Moslem rule started in Delhi and the geographic
the Eastern Ghats; Sahyadri, the Western Ghats; thought of the Arabs made an impact on the
Rika, the mountain range from Ken to Ton Indian society. In 1030 the Arab geographer Al-
rivers north of Vindhayans; and Suktiman, the Biruni wrote the geography of India. The Arab
mountains of Khandera, Ajanta and Golkunda. geographical work was based on the
The descriptions are also available for a number development of the methods for making
of Himalayan and other Inland rivers. Rigveda observations and using these for inventory of
has mentioned various rivers originating from soil, products, and economic aspects of the area.
Himalayas, viz. Ganga, Yamuna, Brahamputra, From the 9th to the 15th century important new
Saraswati, Satudri (Sutlej), Asikni (Chenab), data were collected through direct observation
Vitasta (Jhelum), Arjikeya (upper part of Indus), by Arab and Indian geographers. After the 15th
Susoma (Savan), Sindhu (Indus), Kubha century geographical information and ideas
(Kabul), Gomati (Gomala), Krumu (Kurrum), began to emanate from Europe. These ideas
etc. Among the inland river the important ones were brought by the British colonialists to India.
that get a mention are Narmada, Tapti (Tapi), The Medieval period contributions to Indian
Godavari, Krishna, Cauvery and Tungbhadra. geography came largely through the works of
However, the most elaborate descriptions exist the Arab scholars like Al-Beruni, Ibn-Batuta
about Ganga and Brahamputra. The religious and Abul Fazl. The contribution came through
flavour is very strong in these descriptions, as ‘Kitab ‘l Hind’ of Al-Biruni;’s Travels in India
the rivers have been considered sacred, to be & China during 1325-54, a travelogue of Ibn-
worshipped as Goddesses in Hindu mythology. Batuta; and ‘Ain-i-Akbari’ the third volume of
Akbarnama, of Abulfazl-i-Allavi.
The Middle Ages
During the middle Ages the The Colonial period
geographical area known to Indians extended Geography, like all other social
into Southeast Asia. Hindu emigrants brought sciences, was historically and socially
civilisation to Burma, Combodia, and Champa, conditioned during the colonial period (i.e. until
and in the East Indies set up the powerful sea- 1947). In the colonial milieu, geography
states of Sri Vijaya and Majapahit. India marked developed to meet primarily the needs of the
the effective limits of mercantile enterprise from administrators in the process of expansion and
China in the east to Greek- Roman world in the consolidation of the colonial empire. One of the
west. During this period the Indians efficiently major goals of geographic research carried on in
applied the knowledge of geography to trade, India under the protective umbrella of colonial
commerce and colonisation. India came into authorities was to provide descriptive accounts
of the land, people and products of different of India followed by Geological, Zoological,
parts of the Indian subcontinent to colonial Botanical, Linguistic, Archaeological and
administrators. Maps and gazetteers were Anthropological Surveys. All these surveys
produced to acquaint the colonial civil service worked to document meticulously the territories
with basic geographic information. Geography and the resources of the land. The survey work
was introduced into Indian universities during proceeded rapidly and by the end of the first
the 1920s. During this decade a number of quarter of the 19th century, the British had a
Indian geographers pioneered in establishing fairly good notion of the Indian territories and
geography as an academic discipline and took by 1881, the first map of India, on a scale of “1
the initiative to organise geographical societies Inch to 32 Miles” was produced. The
to promote research and publication. India’s establishment of the Great Meridian Arc of
great luminaries during this period were N. India, passing from near Cape Comorin to
Subramanyam (Chennai), R.N. Dubey Banog, near Mussorie, in1881 and the
(Allahabad), K.S. Ahmad (Lahore), Tahir Rizvi completion of the survey of the entire sub-
(Aligarh) and S.C. Chatterjee (Patna). During continent in due course was certainly a great
this phase two leading geographical societies achievement for the Survey of India, which
were established – the Indian Geographical simultaneously became a rich and reliable
Society at Madras (1926) and the Geographical source of geographical information. Further, the
Society of India at Calcutta (1932). gazetteers, the reports of the Geological,
The arrival of the Europeans on Indian Archaeological as well as Anthropological
scene marked a novel and vigorous approach to survey of India, the Census data and reports, and
the geography of this land. Europeans were statistical reports produced periodically and the
strangers of this land and after the initial climatic data from the Indian meteorological
skirmishes with the regional rulers they were department of Government of India have been
able to establish their foothold in India. As the the reliable source of geographical information.
prospects of territorial expansion appeared in A comparative study of the concept,
sight, the most successful of the European sources and methodology of geographical
powers, the British, struggled to know and learn studies in the pre-colonial and colonial period
more about India, its territory, regions, places, shows that the aspect common to the points of
physical features and its resources on the one view of both the periods is the centrality of
hand and its people, and their social and space, place or region as a theme. The
economic life, on the other. From the mid-19 description of the earth has been the sheer
century the British represented by the East India anchor of both the periods. The Colonial
Company were on the prowl. To promote their geography had, to its advantage, far more
knowledge of the territories and the resources authentic information of places and people-
they set up a number of Surveys like the Survey based as this information was and accurate
surveying, based on extensive fieldwork and Stage: The 1950s; (3)The Confirmative Stage:
reports. Secondly, the concept and content of The 1960s; and (4)The Reformative Stage:
geography also changed from one of mere Since 1971.Following lies a brief review of the
accumulation of facts and their description, to progressive transformations in the spirit and
one of systematic description and interpretation¸ purpose of geography over the past century.
a scheme in which the character of place and
pattern of distribution of specific elements in the The Formative Stage: Pre-1950s
landscape demanded explanation. Initially in the Modern geography was introduced as a
colonial period, the emphasis in Indian British cultural import in Indian schools in the
geographical study was on the collection and latter half of the 19th century. The outlines of a
presentation of information to illuminate the more professional and academic approach to the
various regions of the country, and to a much discipline date from the 1920s when it entered
lesser extent, the continuing geographical the portals of the Indian universities and was
analysis of classical Indian literature. The upgraded as a subject of study at the
regional cataloguing of information was later undergraduate level at Lahore in 1920, Aligarh
encouraged by British colonial administrators’ in 1924 and at Patna in 1927. Beginning in the
perceived need for detailed information on areas mid-1930s and extending up to the time of
within their responsibility. The magnificent independence in 1947, Indian geography fell
collection of Indian district and other under the influence of three individuals trained
gazetteers was an outgrowth of such efforts. in French universities – R.N. Dubey, M.H.
These reference books are as useful today as Rahman and S.P. Chatterjee. These scholars
they were over a century ago when they first gave Indian geography its first particular
appeared. Nevertheless, these works remain methodological orientation. Man-land
primarily encyclopaedic in nature, with virtually relationships expressed through the possibilist
no methodological or conceptual basis. philosophy of the great French geographers
Similarly, the Indian Census reports have made became a significant aspect of the ‘newly-
an excellent contribution to the advancement of forming Indian geography’. German geographic
Indian geographical knowledge and study. philosophy and ideas correlating physical
elements with cultural elements to form
Profile of Progress ‘landscape’, also were introduced, larlgely by
Although the roots of Indian academic N.R. Kar and K.R. Dikshit. Nevertheless, the
geography lie deep in antiquity, the discipline is outlines of Indian geographical orientations
now achieving maturity. Its development may were most strongly influenced by the then
be viewed as contained within a series of current British geographical orientations. British
sequential phases12, sketched as: (1) The geographical study was in a period of
Formative Stage: Pre-1950s; (2)The Informative considerable ferment with historical, political
The Informative Stage: The 1950s (The establishment of the National Atlas
Immediate Post-Independence Period) Organisation, provided a great impetus for the
The Second Phase (1950-60), of course growth and development of geographical
an advanced form of the preceding one, was a teaching and research which is well-reflected in
march towards using geography in national the expansion of colleges and postgraduate
development. However, it followed again the teaching at universities, and the increasing
prototypal framework to promote storing number of geographical publications. The birth
information, mostly on the path shown under the of two more geographical serials, viz. the
torchlight of the British, especially Stamp and national Geographical Journal of India in
Spate. The growth and development of the Varanasi and National Geographer in Allahabad
Indian geography during its informative stage was also a welcome.
started with a promising note particularly with On the eve of India’s independence in
the initiation of the planning era when the role 1947 only four universities- Aligarh, Calcutta,
of geographers was increasingly recognised by Allahabad and Banaras- offered postgraduate
the National Government and the Planning studies in geography. By 1950 four other
Commission for carrying out regional surveys, universities – Agra, Punjab (Chandigarh),
preparing resource inventories and mapping. Madras and Patna began to offer postgraduate
Several journals and serials also started in this programmes. The next 30 years witnessed major
period to serve the purpose. The most influential expansion of geographic studies in India.
text book released in this period was O.H.K. Geographers who made major contributions to
Spate’s India and Pakistan (1952). The sub- the development of the discipline during this
branching of geography in both streams, period are S.P. Chatterjee, H.L. Chibber, M.
physical and human, took shape in the form of Shafi, S.L. Kayastha, etc. Geographic studies
several publications. R.L. Singh’s Banaras: An during this period reflected an awareness of the
Urban Geography (1955) opened a new door to relationship between geography and other social
study city in India, which later served as a base and physical sciences. Chatterjee approached
model for further studies. With the initiatives the study of geography from the point of view
and guidance of S.P. Chatterjee, the National of a natural scientist. His approach and methods
Atlas & Thematic Organisation (NATMO) was were essentially of a physical scientist – field
established in 1956. The year 1956 with four work, observation, mapping and the elucidation
major events – International geography Seminar of the principals. Chatterjee believed that for
(Aligarh), the foundation of the Indian Council anyone who hoped to write scholarly works in
of Geographers as a national forum and an geography, direct observation in the field was
associate body of the Indian Science Congress, essential, for only there could the scholar
the inauguration of the Indian Statistical observe the patterns and associations out of
Regional Survey (Geography Unit) and the which geographical problems emerged. Along
with Kurian, Chibber, Dubey, Ali and Rizvi, generally. Urban geography, because of the
Chatterjee strongly influenced many of the increasing number of urban dwellers, the
people who were to effect the increasing concentration of power in large
professionalisation of geography as a separate cities, and the continuing rapid growth of urban
discipline in India. Their major contributions centres, began to be the popular field of
were in bringing geographic ideas and concepts geographic study after World War II. During the
acquired in Europe and finding many next two decades that followed the publication
applications in India. George Kurian encouraged of R.L. Singh’s book on urban geography,
graduates to enter the teaching profession at all numerous studies of Indian towns and cities
levels. He also made notable contribution to the were completed at Banaras Hindu University
development of the Indian Geographical under the guidance of R.L. Singh. Among other
Society, in particular its journal – the Indian urban geographers K.Sita and V. Nath had
Geographical Journal. H.L. Chibber fired major impact on the development of the subject
people with enthusiasm for the discipline of of India. Another major thrust of Indian
geography. Although he always thought of geography was an emphasis on local or district
himself as a student of land forms, he instilled land use and population studies. The
into students the need for an understanding of popularisation of such research stemmed from
human geography based soundly on the the importance of agriculture and the essentially
principals of physical geography and the rural nature of India. The inspiration now was
experience in the field. Together with R.L. drawn from the great British geographer and
Singh, he had founded the National student of Asia, L. Dudley Stamp. Thus, the
Geographical Society of India at Varanasi major preoccupations of the Indian geographers
in1946. With the establishment of this Society a during the 1950s were the physical geography
number of scientific surveys and inventories (geomorphology, hydrology, climatology,
were completed by geographers to meet the pedology and biogeography); economic
national goal of development. geography (land use and agricultural geography,
After Independence, a consideration for geography of trade and transport and industrial
national, regional, and even local development geography); human geography (urban
began to dominate the field. R.L. Singh’s geography and population geography);
pioneering work on Banaras published in 1955 cartography; and regional planning for
laid the foundation for the development of urban understanding the physical, economic and social
geography in India. Beginning in 1955, urban milieus and for harnessing the resources for
geography came to occupy a steadily more national planning and development. The set
important segment of all geographic enquiries. back to studies in historical geography is
The situation in India was not unlike that in noteworthy whereas a little more awareness
Western and Western-oriented countries about geographical thought and methodology is
quite perceptible. Among the outstanding Indian local context”.13 Obviously, it is a hard reality –
geographic contributions of the 1950s, 3 deserve “the geographical profession in India over the
special mention, viz. (1) O.H.K. Spate’s India past half-century has failed to keep pace with
and Pakistan, (2) the National Atlas of India by the progress in theory and practice of geography
S.P. Chatterjee and (3) R.L. Singh’s Banaras: A internationally.14 However, that should be
Study of Urban Geography. accepted as a source for reformation in
As has been the case earlier, most geography.
studies by geographers still emphasised
description much more than analysis. The early The Confirmative Stage: The 1960s
German and French influence was not long In the history of Indian geography the
sustained and most Indian geographers, up to 1960s may be termed as its confirmative stage.
1960s, received their advanced training in the The epoch making event of the decade was the
United Kingdom. It may be admitted that the 21st International Geographical Congress held in
quality of teaching and research remained New Delhi in 1968 under the presidentship of
highly uneven with only a few strong geography Prof. S.P. Chatterjee. It inspired the Indian
departments at Aligarh, Allahabad, Banaras, geographic community which actively and
Calcutta, Madras and Patna. But there was a vigorously engaged itself in research activity to
perceptible re-orientation of the Indian conform to the international standards. As a
geography in view of the end of the British result the number of research contributions rose.
colonial hegemony and new links with the Also, during the 1960s the number of
Commonwealth countries – UK, Australia and universities imparting postgraduate teaching and
Canada in particular, the USA, the USSR, research in geography rose to 36 as compared to
France and West Germany; and a few 24 in 1959. A few more geographical
methodological stirrings, subdued though they societies/associations came into being and
were, were causing feeble ripples in the placid started new journals of geography, e.g.,
waters of conservative traditionalism and Transactions of the Indian Geographers (Patna),
consequently in started moving away by field Deccan Geographer in Secunderabad,
studies and cartographic aids. After Geographical Outlook (Ranchi). Indian Journal
independence, since 1950s, ‘quite a few early of Geography (Jodhpur), Geographical
geographers trained abroad, introduced similar Knowledge (Kanpur). Geographical Viewpoint
courses in Indian universities, many of them (Agra), and the two Hindi journals known as
replicated their doctoral work through their Uttar Bharat Bhoogol Patrika (Gorakhpur) and
Ph.D. students, and a patterned, often outdated, Bhoodarshan (Udaipur). Besides, the
thoughtless research emerged. The result was Government of India set up a National
mass production of doctoral dissertations on committee for Geography. The UGC appointed
identical themes in slightly different regional or a Review Committee for Geography and helped
organisations, viz. National Geographic Society geography at Delhi University were nurtured by
of India, Institute of Development Studies and R. Ramachandran in the 1970s. He provided the
National Book Trust in particular, have made link between the early pioneering phases of
major contributions to Indian geographic geography at Delhi concerned mainly with
literature. traditional studies and the new context of
The Phase,1980-90, seen as the ‘stage regional, economic and social geography
of speculation’, marks the arena of confidence associated with the evolution of the discipline in
among Indian geographers through proper the 1960s. In the contemporary Indian
selection of approaches, methodologies and geography Rana P.B. Singh, Executive Editor
terminologies, of course stemmed mostly from (1985-1995) of the National Geographic Journal
the British and American sources. It is noted of India, is well known for his outstanding
that ‘a brief and largely ineffective infatuation original works on social, cultural and pilgrimage
with techniques of Marxist methodology geography of India.
occurred in the 1970s and 1980s and remained The reformative stage began by a
concentrated largely around JNU in Delhi. By challenge for the first time in the history of
1992 over 60 institutions of higher education Indian geography in 1991, when the voices were
offered courses in geography. For the most raised that Indian geography must reach its own
part, the leading departments of geography in identity and roots.18 The Phase 2000 onwards is
India today are those of long standing. Among the ‘prospective stage in searching the roots’
such institutions may be listed the departments and may be accepted as a technology-mirage; of
at the University of Madras, University of course this phase is in infancy.
Calcutta, Banaras Hindu University, Aligarh
Muslim University, University of Delhi, JNU, Contemporary Trends & Fields of Study
Punjab University at Chandigarh, University of In the post-independence period,
Bombay and Pune University. geography has expanded rather fast in the
Among the contemporary Indian university education system. This is because of
geographers, A.B. Mukherji has set high the efforts of and under the leadership of the
standards of scholarship that has become geographers like George Kurian, S.P.
legendary among students who studied with him Chatterjee, C.D. Deshpande, V.L.S. Prakasha
and others who know him and his work. His Rao, R.L. Singh, Mohammad Shafi, Muzaffar
contributions to the geographical literature are Ali, R.P. Misra and Manzoor Alam. These
exceptionally wide ranging from geographers have been academically active in
geomorphology to cultural and historical. the decades of 1950s to 1980s. As a
Moonis Raza has made significant contribution consequence, geography got promoted as a
to the development of geographic education in popular discipline, particularly in the
India. The intellectual and academic roots of universities of Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata,
size relationships; the demographic and spatial Their main themes are based, for instance, on
relationships among cities; the urban structure; the study of structural elements of Indian social
analysis of metropolitan systems; urbanisation organisation; spatial organisation of castes;
and planning as vehicles of modernisation and religious composition of India’s population and
development; the impact of industrialisation on patterns of religious diversity; the social factors
urban growth; analytic study of town-country shaping the urban morphology; the socio-
relationship; market towns and their spatial economic profile of the slums; a perceptive
development; role of small towns; use and analysis of social patterns and social space in
misuse of urban land; economic base and the Indian village; communal harmony and
commodity flows; the place of commercial social space; spatial patterns of disease and
structure in urban morphology; urban ecology; hunger; the relationship between utilisation of
and functional classification of urban centres. health care facilities and the elements of rural
A.B. Mukherji and Kashi Nath Singh social structure; the state of urban poor; and the
laid the foundation for the study of cultural impact of developmental programmes on the
geography in India. Their work on the socio-economic conditions of the scheduled
relationships between landscape, settlement castes.
patterns and cultural features covers a wide As far as the medical geography is
spectrum, from research on specific concerned, Akhtar and Learmonth20 have made
communities, through studies that concentrate substantive contributions to this branch in India.
on particular social institutions and processes. Besides, two other scholars also pioneer in this
Some other works can also be identified on the field and they are Rias Akhtar and A. Ramesh.
subject covering the themes like study of Their work is closely associated with the
cultural landscapes; dispersal and resettlement scientific upsurge of medical geography. Their
of refugees in independent India; study of research on the ecology of disease in India
cultural patterns and processes; geographical reveals interesting relationships with
patterns of acceptance of family planning environmental and behavioural factors. Other
methods in India; an analytical account of works in the field explore the themes as the
accessibility and cultural stress in rural areas; impact of colonisation of malaria; the spatial
the spatial association of pluralism and incidence of malaria; the diffusion and ecology
development levels in India; the evolution of of cholera; the spatial patterns of cancer; the
clan territorial units through land occupancy; the food production efficiency; the spatial patterns
mechanism of the diffusion of clan settlements; of nutrition and nutritional deficiency indices;
and the patterns of landscape, religion and folk the nutritional levels in village; the study of
art. food intake and deficiency diseases in rural
Social geography has claimed an areas; the spatial perspective of health care
increasing attention of the Indian geographers. planning in rural areas; the growth and
disparities in provisions of medical facilities; pattern, etc., recent studies have tended toward
and the spatial patterns of health care facilities increased application of quantitative techniques
in India. in regional economic analysis. Such studies
R.N.P. Sinha, R.D. Dikshit and Govind have been related to, for instance, (i) physical
Saran Singh are best known for the development environment in relation to land use; (ii) resource
of political geography in India. R.D. Dikshit, base; (iii) population patterns; (iv) industries;
particularly, has made a valuable contribution21 (v) inter-regional Surveys, regional types, and
to this area by blending political theory and disparities in level of economic development;
spatial analysis in the context of Indian nation- (vi) regional relationship; and (vii) the economic
state. Besides, other studies have a focus on geography of India in relation to regional and
electoral geography; a perceptive analysis of national planning. Important for the studies in
voting behaviour in the assembly election; economic geography have been the
spatial structure of administrative units and the distributional aspects of population, regional
development process; boundary problems; inter- differences in growth rates, rural-urban
state tensions and boundary persistence; a relationship, and population in relation to
geographical perspective on centre-state resource development, income and occupational
relations; the political-territorial changes in patterns. Here, basic data, reports, maps and
India since independence and their impact on atlases prepared by Census Organisations from
development process; economic resource base 1961 onwards provide a bench mark in the
and contemporary political patterns; and socio- analysis of spatial patterns. It would not be
political tensions in the north-eastern region. overstatement to say that in the early decades of
planned development in India the natural
Economic Geography environment was given importance especially in
Implicit in the study of economic the allocation of financial resources and inputs
geography is the analysis of spatial organisation for agriculture in those areas where the physical
of economic activities which are directly or environment provided near optimal conditions
indirectly related to the physical or human for the growth of crops. The traditional division
resources of a country and its level of of the country into mountains, plateaus, and
development. A comparison of the quality and plains and further regional division as envisaged
variety of studies relating to economic by Stamp and later on improved by Spate
geography of India reviewed in ‘Progress of provided a groundwork in the study of regional
Geography’ by S.P. Chatterjee with those physical conditions. As far as the progress made
brought out later reveals a sharp shift in in this direction, the basic work of mapping the
emphasis. Though there are still descriptive landform features in detail and drawing
accounts of the distribution of resources, generalised regional divisions of the country
industrial location, variations in land use was undertaken in the National Atlas
Organisation under the dictatorship of Prof. S.P. Valuable contributions to the industrial
Chatterjee. However, as natural resources are geography of India have been made particularly
very unevenly distributed, least so in relation to in the fields of inter-regional industrial
agriculture as a whole, studies relating to structure; industrial location; location of
efficient use, and integrated development of industrial agglomeration; location dynamics of
mineral and power, agricultural and human Indian manufacturing industries; industrial
resources, need top priority in studies of applied landscape; impact of electrification on industrial
economic geography in India. The foregoing development; patterns of industrial location and
review of recent studies reveals some new environmental pollution; the impact of
trends in the development of different branches industrialisation on rural habitat transformation;
of economic geography, particularly, the structure of industrial employment;
agricultural, industrial, resource, transport and industrial planning; and spatial analysis of
marketing geography. industries and industrial planning in India.
Agricultural Geography has been well The research endeavours of Indian
received both quantitatively and qualitatively geographers in Resource Geography are
especially in the areas of study as – the trends focussed on resource inventories, their
and patterns of agricultural development; land appraisal, conservation, management and
use studies; agricultural origins and dispersals; development on macro and micro levels. It is
the changing patterns of food grain production well reflected in the works of R.P. Misra24 and
and sufficiency; the impact of Green B.Thakur25. NATMO has initiated a series of
Revolution; land use changes, arable potentials resource atlases – featuring forest, water,
and land use development; land classification; agricultural and tourist areas of India. Besides,
ecological assessment of land capability; others have taken up the issues related to
delineation of agricultural regions; spatial population and environment; analysis of
changes in agricultural wasteland; the patterns existing situation of world population growth in
of agricultural colonisation of wasteland; food relation to land and food and their future
productivity; agricultural efficiency; agricultural prospects; scientific analysis of India’s water
planning; methods and techniques in delineation and mineral resources; status report on forest
of agricultural typology; agricultural cover; critical evaluation of sustainability of
development; spatio-temporal analysis of irrigation based agriculture; the maintenance
cropping patterns and crop-associations; land and development of livestock resources; and the
use planning; agricultural change; and dominant-dependent relationship between the
competitive demands for agricultural land use areas rich in resources and those which utilise
and non-agricultural land use. Jasbir Singh and them. The remote sensing and GIS have
N. Reddy are among the few Indian geographers provided new techniques for scientific and
to study agricultural geography.
necessity of seeking to identify the causes and Environmental Geography, Ecology &
search for the cause and effect sequences. There Ecosystem Research
has been a gradual change in the geomorphic Geography, like ecology, is concerned
methods of study and concepts. From mere with the distribution, organisation and
description of landforms, then mapping, the morphology of phenomena on the surface of the
stage has come to study the processes, quantify earth and has developed similar concepts and
them and attempts are now being made to techniques to tackle similar problems. The
explain the landscape as parts of the same development of ecology as a formal branch of
stochastic process, and their individual study has led to the use of term ‘human
differences as related to variations of the energy ecology’ as a scientific substitute for human
intensity and mass distribution. A.B. Mukherji geography. With Lindeman28 defining the
is a pioneer scholar in the study of landforms. ecosystem as ‘any system composed of
K.R. Dikshit and Savindra Singh have fully physical-chemical-biological processes within a
incorporated the post-1950 developments in space-time unit of any magnitude’, a definition
landform studies with their swing to quantitative which clearly includes the operational range of
measurements and the application of statistical geography, geographers began increasingly to
techniques. Savindra Singh and R.C. Tiwari use the ecosystem concept of their research. The
have opened up new vistas of environmental ecosystem research in Indian geography is
geomorphology (Geomorphology and related to: (i) agro ecosystem; (ii) river
Environment). ecosystem; (iii) socio-technical systems; (iv)
Climatology has relatively lagged settlements; and (v) human populations. First
behind in research pursuits. However, the glimpses of ecosystem research in Indian
available studies in this field are related to the geography undoubtedly appeared in agricultural
themes as the climatic conditions and water and land use studies. Environmental geography,
balance; agro-climatic studies in the with a focus on ecology and ecosystem research,
development of Indian agriculture; areal extent has vigorously emerged as the new research
of drought/flood during the south-west monsoon area since 1970s, and the Indian geographers
season; study of seasonality and regionalisation have been addressing the issues of environment
in the agriculture; the patterns of radiation and and development; environmental pollution;
evaporation distribution; variations in the environmental degradation and hazards;
moisture regime of Indian arid zone; a environmental conservation, management and
perceptive analysis of temporal patterns of planning on different spatial scales; perceptive
climatic fluctuations; and forecasting of analysis of environment, development and
monsoon performance over India. quality of life; environmental problems and
policies; environmental priorities and
sustainable development; visualising regional
A.D.) depicted India on a map of the habitable survey and mapping effort for another four
world as it was known at that time. Ptolemy’s decades or so, India turned out to be one of the
map which was repeatedly reproduced later best mapped countries of the world on the eve
served as the only source of cartographic of Independence in1947. India is now covered
information on the country up to the end of the by some 5000 topographical sheets at different
th th
15 century A.D. From 16 century onwards, scales, one inch to a mile or its metric
the Flemish, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch equivalent (1:50,000) and smaller scales.
cartographers (as Bertoli, Gastaldi, Gerard Besides, over the years the Land Record and
Mercator,etc.) made considerable improvements Revenue Survey Departments of different states
in the art of making maps of the Indian sub- have brought out some 3000 and odd standard
continent. Seventeenth century onwards, maps of administrative divisions based on
English cartographers started contributing to rigorous cadastral surveys.
mapping efforts in India. The second half of the Thematic cartography in this country
18 century was marked by considerable got a spurt since Independence in 1947,
improvement in production of good maps of especially after setting up in 1956 of the
India by European cartographers. Late 18 National Atlas and Thematic Mapping
century onwards, a number of military Organisation (NATMO). Thematic maps are
cartographers and revenue surveyors contributed now playing important roles in development
vastly to the initial development of Indian planning in India and are being increasingly
cartography, James Rennel, the first Surveyor utilised by administrators, planners,
General of Bengal (1767-1777), being the technologists and specialists in different
foremost of all of them. Rennel’s maps and branches of social, physical, biological and earth
atlases were the only reliable cartographic sciences. While NATMO has been specifically
source till well beyond the middle of the 19th set up for the preparation of general thematic
century when the regular sheets of the Survey of maps, several other agencies also prepare
India based on more modern instrumental special purpose and scientific maps in India.
observations started coming out. By the end of These include such organisations as the Survey
the 19 century, as a result of one hundred years of India, the Map Office of the Registrar
of continued triangulation work, precision General, National Remote Sensing Agency,
levelling and plane table surveys covering a Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Indian
very large part of the country, sufficient Meteorological Department, Geological Survey
cartographic information was now available of India, Naval Hydrographic Office, Town and
enabling the Survey of India to produce modern Country Planning Organisation and
contour maps on uniform scales having standard Departments of geography in different Indian
sheet lines and with correct values of latitudes Universities. The census data, especially
and longitudes. Thus, in the course of continued relating to the period from 1951 onwards, have
terms of time is history (or historical science, of years of the 20th century, under the influence of
which geology is the other example); and that in the social Darwinist thought, as reflected in the
terms of space is geography (spatial science, of works of Ratzel (1844-1904) and others,
which astronomy is the other example). Thus, geography had become so closely identified
while history is narrative, geography is with environmental determinism that with the
descriptive in approach. The two together fill up rejection of environmentalism and physical-
the entire circumference of human experience. external explanations of social processes and
By virtue of their conceptual structure, both formation of human consciousness, human
geography and history focus on the study of geography was thrown out of the bathwater of
phenomena of diverse origins existing together: environmental determinism.
in terms of periods (time) in the case of history, By the mid-1950s geography had
and in terms of spatial segments (regions) in the changed focus from area (areal differentiation
case of geography. and areal organisation) of space (the study of
In everyday experience time and space distance-based relationships- social, economic
are inseparable. The one cannot be imagined and political). This implied change over from
without the other. However, in their over absolute space to relative space – thus paving
enthusiasm to emulate the 19 century model of the way for the change-over from description to
science as pre-eminently an analytical mode of analysis, and from the study of places as
thought, geographers began to view time and unrepeatable entities to the study of areal/
space (history and geography) as mutually spatial phenomena as particular cases in the
unrelated and independent of each other. The manner of the systematic sciences, so that the
proponents of both areal differentiation and mathematical mode of reasoning began to be
post-Schaefer spatial science schools of thought insisted upon. This was the beginning of the
had insisted on separation of time from space, quantitative revolution. The pace of progress
so that spatial context was treated independent was so rapid that the revolution was over by
of, and unrelated to, the temporal context. early 1960s.36 The frequency with which new
Insofar as isolation from the social sciences and ideas came into currency was so rapid thereafter
history was concerned, the most important that within the span of a decade we had three
reason was that, from around 1880 to the end of different ‘revolutions’ (behavioural, humanistic,
the First World War, a series of sweeping radical-Marxist) following one another in quick
changes in technology and culture had given succession. Whereas, the humanistic perspective
rise to distinctive modes of thinking about, and had focussed on the role of human agency, the
experiencing, time and space. Another radical-marxists concentrated on the role of
important factor in the disciplinary isolation of structural relationships in the explanation of
geography during this period was that in the man-environment system. Thus, to begin with,
closing decades of the 19 century and the early the two perspectives were treated as alternative
ways of looking at man’s relationship with the over in perspective was essentially a reflection
environment. The convergence between the of the changed societal perspectives in the face
spatial and the historical materialist perspectives of globalising and post-modernist context of the
marked the change of focus in the study of late 1970s and 1980s. Thus, alongside the fall of
geography from the earlier emphasis on relative conceptual barrier between space, society and
space to rational space, so that by the end of the history, the 1980s also witnessed rapprochement
1980s human geography had become between the humanist and the historical
increasingly focussed on the study of the materialist perspectives, so that by the end of
spatiality of human life in all its manifestations 1980s it had come to be widely believed that the
– social, economic and political – thereby study of human geography raises theoretical
raising the status of human geography as a core questions as to the nature and relationship
social science discipline: one sharing active between the individual and society, and that
research frontiers with every other social human agency and social structure are equally
science discipline – whatever its subject of integral to social and spatial understanding.
study – since every aspect of human With such a changed perspective on place and
organisation, inevitably, is spatially rooted. space, geography has now been transformed
The rapprochement between spatial and into an all-inclusive and open-ended field of
the historical materialist perspective through the enquiry focused on the inherent spatiality of
initiative of Marxism in the late 1960s and the human life in the total context of the man-
1970s (reflected in the Marxist geography of the environment system, thus making it
decade) eventually led to the rise of new critical simultaneously both an environmental and a
human geography around 1980. Since then, a social science discipline, in the true sense of the
considerable convergence between spatial and two terms. In such geography there is no
sociological perspectives has taken place.37 With dichotomy between the physical and social
the adoption of structuration as a spatio-social aspects of the discipline, between moral and
process, the barrier that had supposedly material, and between time and space – so that
separated the spatial perspective from the social, questions of do’s and don’ts have become
economic, and political spheres of man’s life meaningless. Thus, as part of the social science
upon the earth surface, could no longer be fraternity, geographers are concerned to
sustained. This heralded the end to the almost discover not only the world in which we are
three-quarters of a century old academic living, but also to discover, as geographers, how
isolation of geography from the rest of social we inhabit, reproduce and change that world.38
science. Today it is a universally accepted
premise in social science that every aspect of Paradigm Changes in Indian Geography
human organisation– social, economic, and However, considering the works carried
political- is spatially constituted. This change– out during the 20th century, it is clearly revealed
how the focus of Indian geography shifted from colonial administrators. British geographers
much criticised ‘gazetteer approach’ to promoted this imperialist paradigm designed to
relatively analytical works. The main highlights serve colonial interests. The scientific
of the problems with which Indian geography is publications in Indian geography in those years
faced are over-subsistence on foreign (western) revealed a reluctance to explore conceptual and
concepts and methods, consequent hence epistemological premises, and there was
impoverishment of indigenous methodological far too much reliance on descriptive
system, and the growing disparity in methodology, and relationship sometimes latent,
geographical research, education and related sometimes unaware with deterministic
resources - personal quality, number and overall approaches. All of these pointed to a scientific
distribution. However, it is still a big challenge community in which the prevailing attitude was
and acquires a greater attention, utmost care for that of making geography rather than thinking
the identity of Indian geography. The basic need of geography.
is to make our own philosophical roots stronger. During the late 1930s and early 1940s, a
Geography in India started with a strong small group of geographers such as R.N. Dubey,
physical bias. In fact, most of the geographers of S.P. Chatterjee and M.H. Rahman whose basic
yesteryears came from geology and physical concepts were deeply rooted within the
streams. Perhaps as a reaction against possibilistic thinking generally began to opt for
deterministic approach, as also in conformity a more critical regional account involving
with the shift in the discipline in England (most explanatory description and classification.
Indian geographers then were products of These regional studies followed a standard
British universities), Indian geography moved outline of topics, starting with surface features
from its physical bias and ultimately changed and climate, advancing to the organic life in
over to economic stream. And within the relation to the physical features, and then
economic stream, emphasis came to be laid on proceeding o the human inhabitants, looked at
British style urban geography. And, Indian both as controlled by the environment and
geography tried to become a pure social science. modifying the environment.
The conceptual framework of the India’s independence in 1947 and the
discipline has undergone changes during the last start of the process of decolonisation were
hundred years. A comparison of recent accompanied by dramatic changes in the role of
geographical research publications with those of geography. The focus of geographical studies
the 1920s reveals a progressive change in the shifted to national development. Under the
conceptual framework. During the 1920s and leadership of S.P. Chatterjee the National Atlas
1930s the discipline was concerned mainly with Organisation was established at Calcutta in
descriptions of regions. Its objective was to 1950s to provide accurate maps and spatial data
provide factual information about areas to for development. The Indian National
Committee for Geography set up by the there appeared a different way of ‘doing’
Government of India organised many seminars geographical: nomothetic, deductive, and
and summer schools on a variety of topics in tending towards the theory of systems. With the
applied geography. Geography also began to introduction of quantitative techniques, the
play an important role in the work of the Census system of beliefs, methods, theories, and
of India, the Planning Commission, Central Arid language of geography also changed radically,
Zone Research in Jodhpur, Town and Country among the geographers who followed the new
Planning in Delhi, Calcutta Metropolitan paradigm.
Planning Organisation Hyderabad Metropolitan There can be no doubt that in the last
Project, All India Soil and Land Use Survey, hundred years Indian geography has undergone
and the Regional Survey Unit of the Indian major paradigm changes: from idiographic
Statistical Institute. In these organisations regional descriptive theme during the colonial
geographers such as Nath, Sundaram, Misra, period to a concern with applied geography
and Roy contributed to the development of during the years following decolonisation, to a
strategies for eliminating economic differences nomothetic, deductive approach alongside the
between regions, ecological disasters, energy traditional regional studies. The perusal of the
issues, problems of urban living, land use, Indian geographic literature for the last century
industrial decentralisation, economic reflects obvious signs of this change. The
restructuring and many other issues related to increased circulation of ideas and concepts
development. All of this activity greatly outside India, and the participation of increasing
increased the demand for spatial information number of Indian geographers in research
and data. This demand has been met by a conferences and symposia abroad facilitated
proliferation of a vast assortment of government emergence of pluralism in contemporary
agencies and research centres which supply data geographic research. This pluralism of the
for planning, and development purposes. 1990s is in contrast to the monolithism that
During the early 1960s, the nomothetic characterised the tiny circle of Indian geography
approach began to reach India as a result of in the 1930s. In one of the surveys examining
scholarly exchanges with geographers from the ‘credibility’ and ‘topic of concern’ comparison
United States, Canada and the UK; and the is made between 1950s and 2000s that indicated
Indian geographers were attracted by the the shifting of orientation (Table 3).39
persuasiveness of nomothetic approach in Thus, the methodological roots of contemporary
geography. During the early 1970s, despite all geographic research in India may be traced to
the reluctance and obstacles, theoretical and British, French and American geography. Links
quantitative geography made some progress. In with British geography have continued through
Indian geography, alongside the traditional a number of Indo-British seminars and
geography, possibilist and descriptive in nature, exchanges. Ties with American geography are
growing stronger as many Indian geographers The four stages of its growth sketched
have visited or studied in the US or Canada. above reveal that geography has moved away
India occupies a prominent place in world from the initial ‘gazetteer map’ to a more
geography¸ and geographic research and descriptive / analytical framework which is still
education in colleges and universities continues in its making and there are many gaps to be
to increase rapidly. There has been a sharp filled in. The need of the hour is to develop a
upturn in doctorate degrees awarded during the methodological system of Indian geography
past decade. which has its distinctive traits as an intellectual
and scientific discipline that can provide a
Future Directions meaningful synthesis of our cultural heritage
Clearly, Indian geography is today at an and physio-technological progress, our habits
important turning point. The foundation laid and habitats, as well as our opportunities and
down after independence by geographers who challenges and that can be more substantive,
are now in retirement is being challenged by productive and satisfying. Modern Indian
newly developed or introduced methodologies Geography, if it has to reach the status of
or research techniques, such as remote sensing, science, must start studying our problems of life
quantitative analysis and GIS. At the same time, and living.40 Unless we identify the
the Indian geographers are just now beginning geographical perspectives of these problems and
to look beyond their own regional boundaries, seek an explanation, there can be no Indian
indeed even to the rest of the world for research geography.
It is possible to make an advance in two doing today. It would be possible, then, to make
directions: make the already existing subfields a viable contribution to the solution of our social
strongly problem oriented, and research for gaps and economic problem, and also to the
that need to be filled up. In the first case, it is approaches of theory building in geography as a
necessary to correct the present imbalance, science.
subfield wise in favour of ‘physical’ side, and The most essential step in recreating
we may revive our faith by noting the Indian geography is to open up the intellectual
contemporary studies in the USSR and Germany horizon of our students through a sound
instead of mainly trailing the bandwagon of programme of training in the discipline’s
‘chrystallanized’ practitioners. In the second philosophy and methodology, as it has evolved
category, there appear to be many gaps that over the past 50 years, through a truly
need our attention. On the physical side, there is contextual perspective on the course of this
hardly much that has been done by geographers development , in order that the technological,
in the sub-fields of ecological and intellectual, and societal cross-currents that had
environmental studies as well as studies in necessitated the successive transformations in
resources and their conservation. So is the case theory and practice of geography, are suitably
of medical geography which spans over both the underlined. Only a thorough grounding in the
physical and human aspects. There is still a philosophy and methodology of the subject can
world to conquer in human geography. help to awaken the students’ consciousness
Identification of traditional cultural regions, about the status of geography, as a socially
social cores, and the patterns of religious, of useful discipline. The next most important step
languages including regional dialects, are some in the reconstruction of the discipline (and the
of the themes which hold an exciting prospect. profession) pertains to the logical restructuring
Of a greater significance and urgency is the of syllabi at all levels but most particularly at
study of behavioural pattern of social and the Bachelor’s and Master’s level incorporating
economic group in space. The interface between the latest thinking on the spirit and purpose of
the physical and human is both challenging and geography.
rewarding, if we identify, through our
geographical perspective, traditional regions and Towards Rebuilding Indian Geography
measure a deep impact that the forces of modern Any disciplinary restructuring must
urbanisation and industrialisation are making on begin with the fundamental premise that a
them. In sum, they might say that ends of the discipline is a field of study, an organised body
telescope need to be reversed, and we try to of information, and a method of inquiry- the
identify the problems in real life first and then three things rolled into one. The term ‘field of
apply suitable methodology and techniques, study’ refers to the nature of the data studied,
rather than the other way round, which we are and the kind of questions asked by the
practitioners of the field. Indeed, a discipline’s physical geography as a basic component of the
data and its boundaries are defined by the type discipline. It only means that the focus in
of questions it tries to seek answers to. research has shifted away from it. The fact
Secondly, every discipline is an organised body remains that without a sound grounding in the
of knowledge, so that the structure of the field knowledge about the earth environment, it is
refers to the way in which facts and concepts are difficult for a geographer to justify fully his
related. Disciplinary structure includes the professional identity, which is inescapably tied
concepts, generalisations, and theories of the to the study of places and regions as well-
field, which give focus and direction to inquiry: defined ecological entities, born out a series of
The concepts are the tools of inquiry, so that relationships between a piece of land and a
they differ from discipline to discipline. A group of people, who have transformed that
through grounding in disciplinary theory- the physical entity into a human creation. Concern
philosophy and methodology of the field- is with environment has now become so
therefore, the foremost priority in professional specialised, following the threat to global
training. In this context, it should also be noted ecological balance in the face of
that disciplinary structures keep evolving overexploitation of resources beyond the natural
progressively, as new information is added, and capacity of such resources to renew themselves,
existing concepts are modified and changed to that – owing to superficial attention given to the
cope with it. Change also occurs following the teaching of physical geography in India over the
development of new and improved techniques past 50 years – geography is today in danger of
of collection and analysis of data which was losing its identity as an environmental science.
previously considered beyond the power of the However, in any scheme of restructuring of
discipline to study. courses of study in the discipline we must bear
As a discipline focused on the study of in mind the central reality that man is the
the earth surface as the human habitat, measure in geography, so that we study the
geography must necessarily be concerned with physical earth not for itself (as other branches
both physical as well as man-made elements of of physical science do), but primarily as the
the landscape, which together constitute our human habitat. Accordingly, the central
environment. Physical and human geography, objective in the study of physical geography,
therefore, are equally essential components of since the beginning of the 20th century, has been
the discipline. However, since the beginning of to develop an understanding of the earth’s
the 20 century, ‘increasingly, the problems environment and resources with a view to
with which geographers deal are those relating developing the ability to appreciate the
to men in society and less to those concerning problems, potentials, and prospects of
the physical characteristics of the earth”.41 That, development as posed by the local environment
by no means, downgrades the importance of in different parts of the single system.
Geography in India is one of the rare man-environment specialist- one with adequate
examples of an established discipline in which appreciation of environment related problems of
little attention is paid to the students’ training in the day. A comprehensive course on
disciplinary structure. Since around 1970 most environmental appreciation prepared and
university syllabi at the postgraduate level imparted in collaboration with specialists in the
include a course on the history of geographical relevant disciplines, need therefore to be
thought, essentially structured in the style of urgently introduced. A third compulsory
Dickinson’s Makers of Modern Geography- component of the postgraduate syllabi should
focused more on the makers than the things focus on cartography, map interpretation
made. Besides, the narrative seldom goes (including the study of aerial photographs and
beyond the so-called quantitative revolution, so imageries), theory and practice of social survey
that there is all round illiteracy in respect of the and field work.
post-1970 developments in geographical theory.
Indeed, at no stage in his training, from the Notes
school to graduate level, is the student ever 1. Rana, L. (2011),
taught the basic concepts and methodology of 2. Singh, R.S. (2009).
geography. Partly this is a legacy of the British 3. Rana, L. (2011), op.cit.
system of education. The trend to include a 4. The Shulba Sutras are part of the larger
corpus of texts called the Shrauta
course on the History of Geographical Thought Sutras, considered to be appendices to
in our syllabi, around 1970 was influenced by the Vedas. They are the only sources of
knowledge of Indian mathematics from
the winds of change blowing over British the Vedic period. The four major
geography at that time. This source of Shulba Sutras, which are
mathematically the most significant, are
inspiration was soon to end as we closed the those composed by Baudhayana,
window on English, so that, conceptually Manava, Apastamba and Katyayana.
The texts have been dated from around
speaking, Indian geography had stopped 800 BCE to 200 CE, with the oldest
growing over the last 30 years- some exceptions being the sutra that was written by
Baudhayana around 800 BCE to 600
here and there notwithstanding. BCE.
Serious attention to the student’s 5. Julia Leslie, (2003), p. 154.
training in theory and methodology of 6. Radhakrishnan and Moore, (1957),
geography should, therefore, be our first "Contents", and pp. 453-487.
priority. Another essential aspect of training of 7. The āstika schools are: (i) Sankhya, a
dualist exposition of mind and matter;
the geographer as a professing relates to toning (ii) Yoga, a school emphasizing
up of his consciousness about geography as an meditation closely based on Sankhya;
(iii) Nyaya or logics; (iv) Vaisheshika,
environmental discipline, focused on the study an empiricist school of atomism; (v)
of and in society. Other specialists in the social Mimamsa, an anti-ascetic and anti-
mysticist school of orthopraxy; and (vi)
sciences identify the geographer as some kind of Vedanta, opposing Vedic ritualism in
favour of mysticism. The nāstika
AGS Study Material Series, Paper- VIII, 2013 33
Rana, 2013 The Association for Geographical Studies
schools are Buddhism, Jainism and 27. Singh,S. & R.C. Tiwari (1989),
Cārvāka, a skeptical materialist school. Geomorphology and Environment,
AGS, Allahabad.
8. Rana, L. (2011), op.cit
28. Lindeman, R.L., “The Trophic-dynamic
9. Bourbaki 1998, p. 46
aspect of ecology”, Ecology, vol.23,
10. "algebra" 2007. Britannica Concise 1942, pp: 399-418.
29. Misra, R.P. et. al.: (i) Regional
11. G. G. Joseph (1997), pp:67-68. Development Planning in India: A New
12. Singh, L.R. (1996), pp:1-57. Strategy, New Delhi, 1974; and (ii)
Regional Planning and National
13. Dikshit, R.D. (2001), pp: 1-18. Development. Vikas, New Delhi, 1972.
14. Deshpande, C.D. (1983). 30. Bhatt, L.S. (1972), Regional Planning in
15. Raja, M. (1979). India, Calcutta.
16. Singh, R.L. & Rana P.B. (eds.) (1992). 31. Singh, R.L., L.R. Singh & B.Dube
17. Noble, Allen G. (2004), p: 9.
32. Schwartzberg, J.E. (1978), A Historical
18. Dikshit, K.R. (2006). Atlas of South Asia, Chicago University
19. Mitra, Ashok (1965). Press.
20. Akhtar, Rais and A.T.A. Learmonth (i) 33. Singh, L.R. (1980).
“The Resurgence of Malaria in India”, 34. Karan, P.P. (1992).
Geojournal, 1(50, 1965-76, pp:69-80;
(ii) “Malaria Annual Parasite Index 35. Noble, Allen G. (2009), op.cit.
Maps of India by Malaria Control Unit 36. Burton, I. (1963), “The quantitative
Areas, 1965-76” in L.R. Singh, Ed., Revolution and Theoretical geography”,
New Perspectives in Geography, The Canadian Geographer, 7, pp: 151-
Thinkers Library, Allahabad,1981, 162.
pp:251-260; & (iii) Geographical
Aspects of health and Disease in India, 37. Giddens, A. (1984), The Constitution of
1985,New Delhi. Society, Cambridge, The Polity Press.
21. Dikshit, R.D. (i) “Geography and 38. Kobayashi, A. and S. Mackenzie
Federalism”, Annals of AAG, 61 (1), (1989), Remaking Human Geography,
1971, pp: 97-113; & (ii) “The Crisis of Unwin Hymen, Boston, pp: 1-14.
Identity in Political Geography”, 39. Kapur, Anu (2004), “ Geography in
Transactions of IIG, 14 (2). 1992, pp: India: A Languishing Social Science”,
103-111. Economic & Political Weekly, 39 (3),
22. Bhatt, L.S. & A.T.A. Learmonth (1983). pp: 4187-4195.