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Sir Aquino

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NAME: _______________________________________


1. The Scope of Works of Registered Master was enumerated on what Section of RA 1378?
a. Section 2 b. Section 3 c. Section 4 d. None of the Above
2. When NAMPAP still the APO for Master Plumbing, what was their Accreditation number from PRC?
a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 14
3. The legality of Revised Plumbing Code of the Phils last 1999 was base on what Section of RA 1378?
a. Section 2 b. Section 3 c. Section 4 d. None of the Above
4. Date of first amendments of National Plumbing Code of the Philippines.
a. November 28, 1967 b. November 28, 1968 c. November 29,1967 d. November 29, 1968
5. Date of signing by Pres. Joseph Estrada of Revised Plumbing Code of 1999?
a. December 20, 1999 b. December 22, 1999 c. December21, 1999 d. December 23, 1999
6. The board of Master Plumber can refuse to issue Certificate of Registration on the following grounds EXCEPT,
which one?
a. To any person unsound mind b. guilty of immoral or dis honourable conduct
b. Convicted for any criminal offense d. None membership of APO Organization for Master Plumber
7. Basic principles listed in Revised Plumbing Code of 1999 was base on what Section of RA 1378?
a. Section 4 b. Section 3 c. Section 5 d. None of the Above
8. Required number of years of experience to become member of the Board of Master Plumber?
a. 10 b. 5 c. 8 d. None of the Above
9. Who has the authority to remove any members or Chairman of the Board of Master Plumber if found guilty of in
competence, resignation, malpractice, unethical, unprofessional and dishonourable conduct?
a. PRC Chairman b. Supreme Court c. Secretary of DOLE d. President of the Philippines
10. When was the Board of Master Plumber Resolution No. 04 Series of 1999 that covered the Adoption and
Promulgation of Revised Plumbing Code of the Philippines approved?
a. September 30, 1998 b. September 29, 1999 c. September 30,1999 d. September 29, 1998
11. What is the referral Code of Republic Act No. 6541 known as Building Code of the Philippines?
a. National Plumbing Code of 1955 c. National Plumbing Code of 1959
b. National Plumbing Code of 1958 d. National Plumbing Code of 1954
12. Who is the current Chairman of the Board of Master Plumber?
a. Engr. Pedrito Camilet c. Engr. Valentino Mangila
b. Arch. Yolanda Reyes d. Arch. Prospero Abellano
13. Founding year of National Master Plumber Association of the Philippines.
a. 1902 b. 1903 c. 1934 d. 1935
14. On what particular Chapter of RPCP you will read and refer of design standards for Joints and Connections?
a. Chapter 10 b. Chapter 11 c. Chapter 12 d. Chapter 13
15. On what particular Chapter RPCP you will read and refer of design standards for Inspection and testing?
a. Chapter 4 b. Chapter 05 c. Chapter 08 d. Chapter 07
16. Take the advantage of a salaried government position to compete unfairly with a practicing Registered Master
a. Code of Ethic No. 2 b. Code of Ethic No. 1 c. Code of Ethic No. 3 d. Code of Ethic No. 4
17. Supplant another Registered Master Plumber after definite steps have already been taken toward his/her being
commissioned to perform the contract.
a. Code of Ethic No. 2 b. Code of Ethic No. 1 c. Code of Ethic No. 3 d. Code of Ethic No. 4

Basic Principles

18. If water closets or other plumbing fixtures are installed in buildings where there is no sewer within a reasonable
distance, suitable provision shall be made for disposing of the building sewage by some accepted method of
sewage treatment and disposal, such as septic tank.
a. Principle No. 14 b. Principle No. 15 c. Principle No. 16 d. Principle No. 17
19. Each family dwelling unit shall have at least one water closet, one kitchen type sink, a lavatory and a bathtub or
shower to meet the basic requirements of sanitation and Personal Hygiene.
a. Principle No. 6 b. Principle No. 7 c. Principle No. 8 d. Principle No. 9
20. Proper protection shall be provided to prevent contamination of food, water, sterile goods and similar materials by
backflow of sewage. When necessary, the fixture, the device or appliance shall be connected _______ with the
building drainage system.
a. Directly b. Indirectly c. series d. None of the Above

21. Plumbing shall be installed by Registered Master Plumbers with due regard to the preservation of the strength of
structural members and the prevention of damage to walls and other surfaces through fixture usage.

a. Principle No. 18 b. Principle No. 19 c. Principle No. 20 d. Principle No. 21


22. What is DAO No. 34 Series of 199 all about?

a. Revised Effluent Regulation of 1990

b. Revised Water Usage/ Classification/ Water Quality Criteria

c. Philippine National Standard for Effluent Discharge of 2007

d. Philippine National Standard for Drinking Water of 2007

23. What is DAO No. 35 Series of 1990 all about?

a. Revised Effluent Regulation of 1990

b. Revised Water Usage/ Classification/ Water Quality Criteria

c. Philippine National Standard for Effluent Discharge of 2007

d. Philippine National Standard for Drinking Water of 2007

24. What is DOH Administrative Order No. 2007-0012 all about?

a. Revised Effluent Regulation of 1990

b. Revised Water Usage/ Classification/ Water Quality Criteria

c. Philippine National Standard for Effluent Discharge of 2007

d. Philippine National Standard for Drinking Water of 2007

25. Accessibility Law of the Philippines is ______________.

a. PD 9275 b. PD 1067 c. BP 220 d. BP 344

26. Sanitation Code of the Philippines is ______________.

a. PD 9275 b. PD 1067 c. BP 220 d. PD 856

27. Water Code of the Philippines is ___________.

a. PD 9275 b. PD 1067 c. BP 220 d. BP 344

28. Clean Water Act of the Philippines is ____________.

a. PD 9275 b. PD 1067 c. BP 220 d. RA 9275

29. Clean Air Act of the Philippines is __________.

a. PD 9275 b. PD 1067 c. RA 8749 d. RA 1364

30. Sanitary Engineering Law of the Philippines is __________________.

a. PD 9275 b. PD 1067 c. RA 8749 d. RA 1364

Code of Ethics

31. To advertise in self-laudatory language or in any other manner _______________ to the dignity of the Registered
Master Plumber.

a. derogatory c. personal supervision

b. Master Plumber’s Profession d. reducing his usual charges

32. To act in any manner or engage in any practice which will tend to bring discredit on the honor or dignity of the
___________________. It shall be considered unprofessional and inconsistent with honorable and dignified
bearing for any registered master plumber.

a. self-laudatory language c. personal supervision

b. Master Plumber’s Profession d. reducing his usual charges

33. To attempt to _______ falsely or maliciously, directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects, or
business of another Master Plumber.

a. bolster b. defame c. injure d. None of the above

34. To review the work of another Master Plumber for the same client, except with the knowledge or consent of such
Master Plumber, or unless the connection of such master Plumber with the work has _________________.

a. to supplant b. officially terminated c. the professional reputation d. a faithful agent or trustee

Basic Principles

35. All premises intended for human use or habitation shall be provided with a supply of pure and wholesome water,
neither connected to unsafe water supply nor subject to backflow or _________.

a. reverse flow b. back-siphonage c. counterflow d. None of the Above

36. Plumbing fixtures, devices and appurtenances shall be supplied with water in sufficient volume and pressure
adequate to function satisfactory and without undue ______.

a. Disturbance b. odor c. Noise d. None of the Above

37. Plumbing shall be designed and adjusted to use the _______ quantity of water consistent with proper performance
and cleaning.

a. Maximum b. Minimum c. satisfactory d. None of the Above

38. Devices for heating and storing water shall be so designed and installed as to prevent dangers from ______
through overheating.

a. Explosion b. burst c. rupture d. None of the Above

39. Every building abutting on a street, alley or easement with a public sewer shall connect its plumbing fixtures to the
_______ system.

a. Plumbing b. Storm c. Sewer d. None of the Above

40. Each family dwelling unit shall have at least one water closet, one kitchen type sink, a lavatory and a bathtub or
shower to meet the basic requirements of sanitation and ________.

a. performance b. Personal Hygiene c. Cleaning d. None of the Above

41. Plumbing fixtures shall be made of _______ non-absorbent material, free from concealed fouling surfaces and
shall be located in ventilated enclosures.

a. Transparent b. new c. Smooth d. None of the Above

42. The __________________ system shall be designed, constructed and maintained to safeguard against fouling
surfaces, deposit or solids, clogging and with adequate cleanouts so arranged that the pipes may be readily

a. Plumbing b. Storm c. Drainage d. None of the Above

43. All piping shall be of _____________ NAMPAP - approved materials, free from defective workmanship, designed
and constructed by Registered Master Plumbers to ensure satisfactory service.

a. Strong b. durable c. proven d. None of the Above

44. Each fixture directly connected to the drainage system shall be equipped with a ________ - sealed trap.

a. Air b. gas c. water d. None of the Above

45. The drainage pipes piping system shall be designed to provide adequate ___________ of air free from siphonage,
aspiration or forcing of trap seals under ordinary use.

a. Ventilation b. Circulation c. Spacing d. None of the Above

46. Vent ____________ shall extend to the outer air and installed to prevent clogging and the return of foul air to the

a. Outlet b. opening c. Terminals d. None of the Above

47. Plumbing systems shall be subjected to such tests to effectively disclose all leaks and defects in the _________.

a. performance b. workmanship c. a & b d. None of the Above

48. ________ which will clog the pipes, produce explosive mixtures, destroy the pipes or their joints or interfere unduly
with the sewage-disposal process shall not be allowed to enter the building drainage system.

a. Chemical b. Substance c. a & b d. None of the Above

49. Proper protection shall be provided to prevent contamination of food, water, sterile goods and similar materials by
backflow of sewage. When necessary, the fixture, device or appliance shall be connected ____________ with the
building drainage system.

a. Directly b. Indirectly c. Series d. None of the Above

50. No water closet shall be located in a room or compartment which is not properly lighted and _________.

a. spaced b. arranged c. ventilated d, None of the Above

51. If there is no sewer system in the area, ______________ provision shall be made for the disposal of building
sewage by some accepted method of sewage treatment and disposal, such as a septic tank.

a. appropriate b. equivalent c. suitable d. None of the Above

52. Where a plumbing drainage system may be subjected to backflow of sewage, suitable provision shall be made to
_________ its overflow in the building.

a. arrest b. cure c. prevent d. None of the Above

53. _________________ systems shall be maintained in serviceable condition by Registered Master Plumbers.

a. Water b. Plumbing c. Sewer d. None of the Above

54. All plumbing fixtures shall be __________ properly spaced, to be accessible for their intended use.

a. designed b. fabricated c. installed d. None of the Above

55. Plumbing shall be installed with due regard to the preservation of the ______ of structural members and the
prevention of damage to walls and other surfaces through fixture usage.

a. strength b. integrity c. soundness d. None of the Above

56. Sewage or other waste from plumbing systems, which may be deleterious to surface or sub-surface waters shall
not be discharged into the ground or into any waterway, unless first rendered __________________ through
subjection to some acceptable form.

a. treated b. innocuous c. a & b d. None of the Above

Permits and Regulations

57. Which of the following is the intent of the plumbing code?

a. To produce revenue for the local jurisdiction c. To regulate plumbers

b. To ensure public safety d. All of the above

58. When is an alteration or repair to an existing plumbing system in violation of the plumbing code?

a. When it is done without permit

b. When it is not done by a master plumber

c. When it renders the plumbing system unsafe

d. Any of the above

59. When is an alteration or repair to an existing plumbing system in violation of the plumbing code?

a. When it is done without prior code approval

b. When it is not done by a master plumber

c. When it adversely affects the performance of the plumbing system

d. Any of the above

60. All plumbing repairs and replacements are required to be made in what manner?

a. By a master plumber

b. In compliance with the local plumbing code

c. By a journeyman plumber

d. Both a & b

61. All plumbing repairs and replacements are required to be made in what manner?

a. By a master plumber

b. In compliance with the local plumbing code

c. In a safe and sanitary manner

d. Both a & b

62. When minor repairs and replacements are made to an existing plumbing system, which of the following rules
a. All work must be brought up to current code requirements for new plumbing

b. The repair or replacement may be made in the same manner and arrangement as an existing system

c. A permit must be obtained

d. Both b & c

63. Who has a right to modify the provisions of the local plumbing code?

a. The mayor c. A code of official

b. A master plumber d. Any of the Above

64. Variances of the code are sometimes approved if it is felt by the proper authorities that there is just cause for the
request. If a variance is requested, who is required to make the request?

a. A master plumber d. A journeyman plumber

b. A property owner e. either a or d

c. A property owner’s representative f. either b or c

65. When a variance to a code requirement is requested, how should be request be made?

a. In person c. By phone

b. In writing d. In the presence of the appeal board

66. When a variance from the plumbing code is requested, it may be approved if the alteration is considered to be in
the spirit and intent of the code and does not represent a risk to public health, safety and welfare. Who has the
authority to grant a variance?

a. The clerk of the court c. a code official

b. The mayor d. an independent engineering firm

67. Who has the authority to authorize the use of previously use plumbing materials and equipment?

a. A master plumber c. the property

b. A property owner’s representative d. the local code official

68. Before used plubing materials or equipment can be approved for use in new applications, the materials or
equipment must be:

a. Reconditioned c. Palced in working order e. all of the above

b. Tested d. approved

69. Who has the authority to allow the use of materials and equipment that are not covered in the code book?

a. A property owner c. An independent engineering firm

b. A property owner’s representative d. A code official

70. For an alternative material or piece of equipment to be approved for use, it must meet which of the following

a. The design must be satisfactory of the code

b. It must comply with the intent

c. It must be approved by the property owner

d. It must be approved by the Master Plumber’s Guild

e. Both a & b

f. Both b & c

71. If an alternative material is submitted for approval, the local code official may request that research and
investigation be conducted to prove the material suitable for use. Who is responsible for the cost of such research
and investigation?

a. The master plumber c. The property owner

b. The applicant of the request for acceptance d. The code enforcement office

72. According to the plumbing code, who is the executive official in charge of the code?

a. The code official c. The clerk of the court

b. The mayor d. The town council

73. Who is responsible for code-compliance inspection of plumbing system?

a. The master plumber c. The code official

b. The property owner d. The fire Marshall

74. Who is responsible for keeping records of applications received, permits and certificates issued, fees collected
reports of inspection made, and notices and orders issued in regards to the plumbing code?

a. The health department

b. The public works department

c. The local code official

d. The Master Plumber involved in the work being performed

75. When a plumbing permit is required for proposed work, the work may bot be commended util:

a. A permit is applied for c. A permit is issued

b. A permit is approved d. A permit is signed by a code official

76. Which of the following types of work requires plumbing permit?

a. The replacement of an electric water heater

b. The repair of a pipe that froze and split

c. The replacement of a faucet stem

d. The clearance of a drain stoppage

e. The replacement of a faulty gate valve

77. Which of the following individuals will not normally be eligible to receive a plumbing permit?

a. A master plumber

b. A journeyman plumber

c. A property owner who will personally perform all plumbing work described in the permit application on a primary
residence owned by that person.

d. Both b & c

78. A plumbing permit is not valid until it is:

a. Posted in a conspicuous place on the job site

b. Signed by the master plumber, or an authorize representative

c. Signed by code official, or an authorize representative

d. Both b & c

79. As a journey plumber, you will not bear the burden that a master plumber does in the areas of administration that
pertain to permit acquisition. You will, however, be responsible for parts of the compliance required by a permit.
As a journeyman plumber who is installing plumbing under a permit obtained by a master plumber, you must
adhere to which of the following rules?

a. All works must be done under the direct supervision of a master plumber

b. All works must be done in compliance with the plumbing code

c. All works must be done in the manners as it was expressed to the code official at the time of appliccation for the

d. All of the above

80. While you are working on a job, as a journeyman plumber, you are required to have what records accessible to the
local code official at all times?

a. Material invoices

b. Test results from previous inspections

c. Previous inspection result

d. Both b & c
81. When will a code officer issue a notice of approval fro a plumbing system?

a. When all work is complete

b. When all tests and inspections prove the works is in compliance with the local plumbing code

c. When requested in writing to do so

d. When the owner of a property requests a notice of approval

82. According to the plumbing code, what constitute good workmanship?

a. Any work done by a licensed master plumber

b. Any work that is clean and neat

c. Any work that secures the result is intended by the plumbing code

d. Any work acceptable to the property owner

83. Work which requires a plumbing permit may not be started until _________________________.

a. A permit is applied for c. Either a or b

b. A permit is issued d. Neither a or b

84. A permit is not required for the repairs that involve only ________________________.

a. Relocation of fixtures

b. The working parts of faucets and valves

c. The replacement of water heaters

d. None of the above

85. What particular section RPCP which states the practice Master Plumber is without limitation n accordance with RA
1378 known as Plumbing law?

a. Section 101.9 b. Section 102.2 c. Section 102.3 d. None of the above

86. How many sets of Plan to be retained by the administrative authority in accordance to Section 103.2 of RPCP?

a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 d. 2

87. Inspection Request must be done________ days before inspection according to Section 105.4?

a.3 b. 6 c. 9 d. 2

88. Name of Registered and Licensed Master Plumber at the _________ center.

a. Lower b. center c. upper d. None of the above

89. The portion of the drainage system which ventilates two or more fixture traps that discharge into a soil or waste
a. Loop vent b. Unit vent c. Main vent d. Back vent

90. The portion of the vent pipe system which ventilates two fixture of similar design installed on opposite sides of a

a. Loop vent b. Unit vent c. Main vent d. Back vent

91. The principal portion of the vent pipe system to which vent branches may be connected. It serves as a collected
vent line.

a. Loop vent b. Unit vent c. Main vent d. Back vent

92. The portion of the vent pipe system which serves a single fixture.

a. Loop vent b. Unit vent c. Main vent d. Back vent

93. Yoke vents are installed on every _____________ story counting from the top down and are connected to the soil
or waste stack below the last connected fixture on that floor.

a. third b. fourth c. fifth d. tenth

94. The portion of the vent pipe installation that permits additional circulation of air around the drainage pipes to
eliminate back pressure and retardation of waste flow.

a. Relief vent b. Unit vent c. Main vent d. Individual vent

95. ________- that portion of a vent pipe through where waste water also flows through.

a. Dy vent b. Wet vent c. Branch Vent d. Yoke vent

96. ________- an approved tank or pit which receives sewage or waste water and is located below the normal grade
of the gravity system and must be emptied by mechanical means.

a. Cistern b. Fire tank c. sump d. None of the above

97. ________- the installation of all pipings and fitting parts of the plumbing system, which can be completed prior to
the installation of fixtures and accessories.

a. Sleeve b. Stub out c. Roughing In d. None of the above

98. Expiration of Plumbing Permit if plumbing work is suspended or abandon after the issuance of plumbing permit as
per Revised Plumbing Code.

a. 4 months b. 5 months c. One year d. 6 months

99. How much fee will be paid in case of renewal of an expired Plumbing Permit?

a. 100% Original Fee b. 50% Original Fee c. 70% Original Fee d. 40% Original Fee

100. Section 33 of Sanitary Engineering Law State that “Act not affecting other provisions and/or trades. -- This
Act shall not be constructed to affect or prevent the practice of any other legally recognized profession, and/or
trade nor shall it be constructed to diminish the fields of practice already embraced by civil engineers duly
registered under the __________, Republic Act Numbered Five hundred and forty-four, or those by duly licensed
___________ under existing law.”

a. Civil Engineering, Master Plumber c. Mechanical Engineering Law, Civil Engineers

b. Architectural Law, Master Plumber d. Civil Engineering Law, Mechanical Engineer

“Intellect is not found in the answer, but in the question. Those who can question things themselves
are those who will be able to find answers.”

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