Second Language Acquisition: The Pidginization Hypothesis
Second Language Acquisition: The Pidginization Hypothesis
Second Language Acquisition: The Pidginization Hypothesis
John H. Schumann
University of California a t Los Angeles
39 I
Alberto’s development
TLgp views 2LLgp views TLgp desires 2LLgp desires TLgp desires 2LLgp desires
2LUP itself of 2LLgp for itself for 2LLgp for itself
m al c e
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P I P I a c c
2 2 Ea 2
A. Bad language learning
Situation I * * * * * *
B. Bad language learning
Situation I1 J J J J J J
C. Good language learning
situation X X X X X X
D. Latin American c
workers J J J J J J 0
E. Latin American
professionals X X X X X X
TLgp’s 2LLgp’s
Length attitude attitude
Cohesiveness Size Culture of Stay toward 2LLgp toward TLgp
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