ADMIN Reviewer
ADMIN Reviewer
ADMIN Reviewer
Chapter I – Introduction Private rights
o Chief concern is the protection of private rights.
Administrative Law – the entire system of laws which the machinery of the o SUBJECT MATTER – nature and mode of exercise of
State works and by which the state performs government acts. administrative power and the system of relief.
It includes all the laws that regulate or control the Delegated powers and combined powers
administrative organization and operations of the government o Generally concerned with agencies with delegated powers and
including the legislative and the executive branches. not with the exercise of the constitutional powers of the
It provides for the structure of government and the procedure. president.
It is the law on governmental administration
It fixes the organization and determines the competence of Administrative Law International Law
administrative authorities and indicates the remedies for the Lays down the rules which guide the not binding upon the officers of the
violation of an individual's rights. officers of the administration in their government considered in relation to
it is the system of legal principles to settle the conflicting claims of actions as agents of the government their own government except insofar
executive and administrative authority on the one hand and of the as it has been adopted to their
individual or private rights on the other. administrative law.
It is the part of law which governs the organization,
functions and procedures of administrative agencies of the Administrative Law Constitutional Law
government which quasi legislative powers are delegated and judicial Gives and carries out the general Prescribes the general plan or
powers are granted and the extent and manner to which such plan in minute details framework of the governmental
agencies are subject to the control by the courts. organization
Treats the rights of individuals from Treats of the rights of individuals.
SCOPE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW the standpoint of the powers of the The emphasis is on the rights.
Fixes the administrative organization government
Law which governs public officers and their rights, duties,
liabilities, election and competence. It emphasizes the powers of the
It creates administrative agencies defines their powers and government and duties of the citizens
functions, procedures including adjudication. Indicates to the individuals the It prescribes the limitations on the
Provides the remedies available to aggrieved parties in remedies for the violation of their powers of the government to protect
administrative actions rights the rights of the individuals against
Governs judicial review of the administrative actions or decisions abuse in their exercise.
Includes the rules, regulations, orders and decisions made by the Note: Administrative law is necessary the supplement of the
administrative authorities dealing with the interpretation of the law Constitutional Law. But administrative law also complements
and enforcement entrusted to their administration. constitutional law insofar as it determines the rules relative to the
Judicial decisions dealing with the abovementioned. activity of the administrative authorities.
Note: It is not only the law that governs the administrative authorities, but Administrative Law Criminal Law
also the law made by the administrative authorities whether of general
Note: Criminal law is applied to all branches of the law, including
or particular applicability.
administrative law.
Administrative authorities – all those public officers and organs of the
The most common and efficient way of enforcing an
government charged with the amplification, application and execution of the
administrative rule is by giving it a penal sanction. The mere affixing
law but do not include the doctrine of separation of powers.
of the penalty does not deprive such rule of its administrative character.
Note: Day to day administration shall be left to the discretion and judgment of LINE BUREAU AUTHORITY
the executive officer of the agency or corporation. If there is a disagreement, Line bureaus shall exercise supervision and control over their regional
the matter shall be brought to the President. and field offices.
GOCCs shall submit to the secretary their audited financial statements They are directly responsible for the implementation of plans and
within 60 days after the close of the fiscal year. programs
o Pending submission, the budget shall be that of the previous The regional and field offices shall be the operating arms of the bureau
fiscal year. for the direct implementation of the plans and programs.
The BOT granted provisional permits for the operation of excess Note: the regulatory power of an agency may be either legislative or
taxicab units allegedly despite the lapse of its power to do so judicial in nature. The power to conduct investigations and the power to
under the law. As argued, the petitioners stated that the decree carry out the provisions of law are essentially executive or administrative in
limited the period of the BOT to 6 months. nature but the latter is classified as adjudicatory where it involves the exercise
of judgment and discretion.
The court held that the exercise of the power is not subject to the alleged time
limitation. The reading of the law indicates that it was a step towards the As to degree of subjective choice
legalization of colorum taxicab operators without the alleged time limitation. o Discretionary
There is nothing in the law which suggests that the power exists only for 6 o Ministerial
months. It merely provides for the withdrawal of the state's waiver of its right
to punish said colorum operators for illegal acts. Discretionary Ministerial
the person may choose which of In respect to which, nothing is left to
There should be a liberal construction of the law in this case. several courses will be followed. discretion.
Not every function wherein there is judgment and discretion are exercised is Respondent questioned the legality of the subpoena issued by an
a judicial function. The test of judicial function is not the exercise of judicial administrative agency charged with the function, among others,
discretion, but the power and authority to adjudicate upon the rights and to investigate graft and corruption, when there was no charge or
Issuances of the president: REGULATIONS
o Rules of a general or permanent character in implementation Issued on the authority of the law
of constitutional or statutory powers in executive orders Not contrary to the constitution or law
o Particular aspects of governmental operations through in accordance with the procedure
administrative orders
o Declaration of a status or condition of public moment or Note: In certain cases, notice and hearing or publication may be necessary to
interest through a promulgation satisfy due process.
o Matters administrative in detail through memorandum
o Internal administration matters to agencies or departments legislative grant
through memorandum circulars implication of powers expressly granted
o Acts and commands as commander in chief through general
whether the rule relates to the subject matter on which power to
BUREAUS, OFFICES OR AGENCIES whether the rule conforms to the standards prescribed in the
Shall be in the form of circulars or orders. delegatory statute
o Circulars – policies, rules, regulations and procedures whether the rule is invalid on constitutional grounds such as due
pursuant to law applicable to individuals outside the process
o Orders – directed to particular officials or employees Note: If interpretative, it should be correctly interpreted and that there be
concerning specific matters including assignments, etc. nothing new added.
Chronologically numbered
They shall keep a logbook in which all shall be recorded in TEST OF DETERMINING VALIDITY OF THE RULES
chronological order all official acts. Invalid if it exceeds authority granted
o It shall be in the custody of the chief administrative officer Invalid if it conflicts with the governing statute
and open to public for inspection. Void if it extends or modifies the statute
o The records management and archive offices in the Void if it has no reasonable relationship to the statutory purpose
general services administration shall provide Set aside if unreasonable, arbitrary or unconstitutional
Philippine Lawyer's Association v. Agrava
SPECIAL ADVANCES OF THE RULE-MAING POWER According to a circular issued by the Director of Patents pursuant to the
Freed from concern with details Patent Law (which states that he shall have the power to promulgate the
Additional time to investigate necessary rules and regulations for the conduct of all business in the Patent
Easier to correct mistakes and meet changing conditions Office), members of the Philippine bar, engineers and other persons with
Hands are untied from red tape of legislative details sufficient scientific and technical training are qualified to take said
examination. It, in effect, requires members of the Philippine bar in good
EXTENT OF JUDICIAL OR QUASI-JUDICIAL POWERS OF NHA was legally empowered to decide on the matter at issue by
ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES virtue of PD 957. It has the authority to decide cases of claims involving
Their jurisdiction is limited because the need for special competence refund and any other claims filed by the subdivision lot unit buyer against the
and experience has been recognized as essential in the resolution of project owner and cases involving specific performance of contractual and
questions of complex or specialized character and because of the statutory obligations filed by the buyers of subdivision lots against the owner.
BEU has no authority to issue such order. The order merely makes a Licensing, Administrative or quasi-judicial
vague reference to a violation of BEU laws without stating the specific enabling or Dependent upon the ascertainment of facts by the
provision of law violated. BEU, moreover, has no power to issue the order to approving administrative agency.
vacate since it is only empowered to impose a fine and order the suspension If it depends upon the ascertainment of the
of the operations of the establishment. existence of certain past or present facts upon which
a decision is to be made and the rights and liabilities
Furthermore, BEU has no power to decide contractual disputes between to be determined, it is quasi-judicial.
gasoline dealers and oil companies in the absence of express provision of law Fixing Legislative or quasi-judicial
granting such power. The BEU's jurisdiction is limited to cases of violation Rates and If legislative, giving of prior notice and hearing is not
and non-compliance with any term or condition of any certificate, license, Charges required.
permit issued by it or of any of its orders, decisions, rules or regulations. If quasi-judicial, prior notice are essential to the
validity of such rates.
Investigative Adjudicative
Purpose is to discover, find out, To settle in the exercise of judicial Note: May be empowered by law to approve provisionally,
learn, or obtain information. It does authority. It implies a judicial when demanded by urgent public need, rates of public
not include the power to decide or determination of a fact and the entry utilities without a hearing.
resolve a controversy involved in the of a judgment. The rate must be non-confiscatory and established
facts inquired into by application of in the manner provided by the legislature.
the law to the facts established by the Must not be so low as to be confiscatory or too high
inquiry. as to be oppressive.
Acts which auditing accounts of a receiver of public moneys
Legislative or Rule-Making Adjudicative are not determinations of CSC in classification and grading
Resembles a legislature's enactment Declares and enforces liabilities as judicial positions
of statutes. It looks into the future they stand or present or past facts passing upon a petition to call an election
and changes existing conditions by and under laws supposed to exist. draft boards
making a new rule to be applied ascertaining correctness of a tax return
thereafter parole of prisoners
transfer of prisoners
preliminary finding of probable cause
Lays down the general regulations Applies to named persons or to initial determination as public nuisance
that apply to or affect classes of specific situations closing and taking charge of banks found to be
persons or situations insolvent
People v. Vera The court held that this is a valid statute. There is no undue delegation
The probation act was promulgated which provides that it shall be of legislative power. It is nothing more than a delegation of administrative
applicable only to those provinces in which the respective provincial boards power in the Fiber Board to carry out the purpose and intent of the law. The
have provided for the salary of a probation officer at the rates not lower legislature itself could not be expected to do the baling, inspecting, itself. The
than those now provided for provincial fiscals. Said officers shall be power to do that would have to be vested in a board or commission.
appointed by the Secretary of Justice and shall be subject to the direction of
the Probation Office.
Edu v. Ericta
The court held that the act does not contain definite standards Administrative Order No 2 is issued by the Land Transportation
thus void. It does not lay down any rule or definite standard by which the Commission, otherwise known as the Reflector Law, which requires that all
officer or board may be guided in the exercise of the discretionary powers vehicles shall not be registered if not equipped with reflectors. The enabling
granted to it. In reality, the act leaves the matters for the various provincial law provides for such authority and further indicates the luminosity
boards to determine for themselves whether the probation law shall apply to intensity, section of dimensions, placement and color of the reflectors to be
their provinces or not at all. All it has to do is decline to appropriate the imposed.
needed amount for the salary of the officer. The time of its taking effect
would be based solely upon the will of the provincial boards and not upon the The court ruled that this is a valid delegation. In the law, it is clear
happening of a certain specified contingency or upon the ascertainment of that the objective is public safety. Such standard may be express or
certain facts or conditions by a person or a body other than the legislature. implied. The court finds it impractible to require that the legislature
anticipate and provide for multifarious and complex situations that may be
met in carrying out the law.
The law is void since it clearly authorizes 2 authorities to implement People v. Rosenthal and Osmeña
its provisions – the Justice Secretary and the Director of the Bureau The Blue Sky Law was enacted by Congress which requires every person,
of Customs. It can easily spawn legal absurdities and incongruities. partnership or corporation to obtain a certificate or permit from the Insular
The legislative choice is as important as the standard to which Treasurer before offering for sale to the public speculative securities. The
should guide the delegate in making the rules. treasurer was empowered to cancel or revoke a certificate or permit
It gives the director the power to determine the sequence of events previously issued by him. The petitioners assail the constitutionality of the
before and after the execution which is the most significant aspect of act on the ground that there is no standard fixed for the determination on
the execution process and worse, it ordered that the manual whether or not to grant a certificate or permit.
governing such details shall be confidential and its distribution shall
be limited to prison personnel. The manual denies a convict of the The court held that there is a sufficient standard provided. The act
right to know how he will die. specifically provides that the person, partnership or corporation
applying therefore must comply with the provisions of the act
SUFFICIENCY OF STANDARDS before a permit can be issued. Which only means that the permit shall
It depends upon the nature of the power exercised and the nature of be issued when the provisions in the enabling law is complied with.
the right restricted by such power. It also depends upon whether or not
the proper regulation or control requires the vesting of such discretion. On the other hand, the authority to cancel a permit was conditioned upon a
Detailed standards are not required especially in regulatory finding that such cancellation is in the interest of the public. Such
enactments under the police power. The legislature is not standard has been deemed sufficient by the courts and the term is without a
required to provide such a standard as confers the least amount of settled meaning.
discretion, detailed standards in precise and unvarying forms would be
wholly unrealistic and more arbitrary than a general indefinite one. Cervates v. Auditor General
The personal judgment of the agency, where unrestrained, is not a The Government Enterprises Council was created by the president under an
standard or a sufficient standard. Even where broad standards executive order pursuant to RA No. 51 which authorizes the president to
are laid down, but the statute expressly adds in the words "in the effect reforms and changes in GOCCs for the purpose of simplicity, economy
opinion" of the agency, or expressly confers policy-making and efficiency in their operation. The petitioners contend that this is an
power upon the agency, it is not a standard. undue delegation of power.
The court held that there is a substantial standard laid down. It Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities v. Secretary
actually lays down a standard policy that the purpose shall be to meet the of Education
exigencies attendant upon the establishment of the free and independent Act No. 2706 was promulgated authorizing the Secretary of Public
government of the Philippines and to promote simplicity, economy and Instruction to maintain a general standard of efficiency in all private
efficiency in their operation. The standard was fixed. schools and colleges of the Philippines. It shall also have the authority to
inspect and regulate all said schools and colleges in order to determine the
efficiency of instruction given in the same.
Mutual Film Co v. Industrial Commission of Ohio Petitioners herein assert that the law leaves everything to the uncontrolled
Section 3 of the enabling law herein authorizes the board to examine and discretion of the Secretary or his department to determine what constitutes
censor motion picture film to be publicly exhibited and displayed in the a general standard of efficiency and what statement of conditions, acts or
state. It states that "only such films as are in the judgment and discretion of factors must be taken into account to determine the efficiency of instruction.
the board of censors, of a moral, educational or amusing and harmless
character shall be passed and approved. It is clear that the sections empower the secretary to prescribe
rules fixing the minimum standards of adequate and efficient
The court held that there is no undue delegation of legislative instruction to be observed by all schools and colleges as may be
powers herein since the statute provides provisions against permitted to operate. The secretary has fixed standards as shown by the
various judgments and its terms, like other terms, get precision memoranda fixing or revising the curricula, the calendars, entrance and final
from the sense and experience of men and become certain and examinations, admission and accreditation, etc. and the system of private
useful guides in reasoning and conduct. The exact specification of the education has been in operation for 37 years. The legislature can validly rely
instance to their application would be as impossible as the attempt would be on the education, experience and training of those in charge of the
futile. Upon such sense and experience, therefore, the law properly relies. department to ascertain and formulate minimum requirements for adequate
instruction as the basis of government recognition of any private school.
People v. Jollife
RA 265 conferred upon the Monetary Board and the President the power to Balbuena v. Secretary of Education
subject to licensing all transactions in gold and foreign exchange in order to RA 1265 requires all educational institutions to observe daily flag
protect the international reserve of the Central Bank during an exchange ceremonies and it authorized the secretary of education to issue rules and
crisis and to give the Board and the government the time in which to take regulations on the proper conduct of flag ceremony.
constructive measures to combat such crisis. The Board was authorized to
take such remedial measures as are appropriate to protect the international That the legislature did not specify the details of the flag ceremony
stability of the peso, when in the opinion of the Board, the international is no objection to the validity of the statute for all that is required
reserve is falling and are contrary to national welfare. is the laying down of standard and policy that will limit the
discretion of the regulatory agency. To require a standard in detail
The standards provided for in the RA are sufficiently concrete and would be to destroy the administrative flexibility that the delegation is
definite to vest authority to fill in the administrative details in the intended to achieve.
enforcement of the law and to place the grant to said authority
beyond the category of undue delegation. It sufficiently marks the field
within which the board is to act so that it may be known whether he has kept
within it in compliance with the legislative will. International Hardwood and Veneer Co v. Pangil Federation
CA No. 103 is held to empower the court of Industrial Relations to determine
La Union Labor Union v. Philippine Tobacco Fluecuring and Feliciano v. Director of Patents
Redrying Corporation An application for Patent was filed with the Patent Office. M filed a motion
Under the Section 9 Article 7, Chapter 3 of the Code of Rules and Procedure to intervene claiming that the applicant inventors sold, bartered and
Promulgated on Jan 1953 by the Secretary of Labor, pursuant to the assigned to him the right to contract or deal with the sale of their invention
Minimum Wage Law, the Wage Administration Service was empowered to through the corporation that they were organizing under his direction and
render a decision binding on the parties in cases involving claims for wages, prayed that the applicants be directed to acknowledge it and another
underpayments and in cases where the parties enter into a written contract before the notary public, to have both contracts recorded in the
agreement to submit their dispute to the WAS for arbitration. LULU (a Patent Office and in the Office of the RD and that a patent be issued in his
union) filed a case for wage differentials with the WAS and the latter name and in the name of the inventors.
rendered a decision in favor of the claimants and ordered the employer to
submit the payroll pertaining to the period covered by the claims. The Director of Patents had no authority to comply with such
prayers. He, in effect, is praying that the director of patents compel the
The court held that the authority of the WAS was limited to applicant inventor to sign the contract executed and signed by the other
conciliation of dispute involving claims for wages. Its ordinary applicant inventor and have said documents acknowledge it. Under the
function was to hear complaints or claims for wages and conciliate the provisions of the Patent Law, the director has no authority to compel.
parties. If possible, and if they are willing to submit their case for arbitration, Such amounts to a judicial function which would require the
to have said parties enter into a written agreement that they submit the case determination or finding by a court of competent jurisdiction as to
for arbitration and decision, and that they would abide by the result of said whether there was a meeting of the minds of the contracting
arbitration, otherwise, all that WAS could do is, if it found the claims parties.
for wages meritorious, is to file the complaint in a competent
court. The law governing the WAS authority requires a written agreement
signed by the parties to submit to arbitration and to abide by the result of the PROEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED
decision flowing from said arbitration. WAS, being without jurisdiction, Administrative procedure may refer to the procedure performing
its decision is without any legal force and effect. purely executive or ministerial functions or for rule-making
or ministerial functions. The procedure to be followed here is not
the ones prescribed for ordinary civil actions.
CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENT OF NOTICE AND HEARING The court held that this was in violation of due process in that
Administrative agencies may not deprive, nor may a statute empower there was no hearing and opportunity to be heard. There could be no
them to deprive a person of his constitutional rights without notice and shortcuts in the disposition of the time-honored principle that no one should
hearing which is adequate and fair. A hearing or opportunity to be be deprived of his constitutional rights without due process.
heard before the citizen is deprived of his rights is absolutely essential
to due process.
It is only essential when the agency exercises its quasi-judicial
function. In executive or legislative functions, issuing rules and
regulations are not required. Commissioner of Immigration v. Fernandez
C and his 3 brothers were admitted to the Philippines on the ruling of the
Board of Special Inquiry of the BI that they were Filipino citizens. The
Danan v. Aspillera ruling was affirmed by the Board of Commissioners. However, the new
This is a case where a certificate of public convenience was cancelled solely board reversed the decision and issued a warrant of exclusion without
on the basis of the report of an engineer of the Public Service Commission. notice given to C of the exclusion proceedings.
They failed to appear during the hearing allegedly because of an incident
they met on the way to Manila. The court held that this was a violation of due process. The right to
Philippine citizenship had already passed upon by the Board of equally and
The court held that the ex parte revocation was in violation of due duly constituted commissioners. At least, they could have notified C or
process since it was revoked without giving the operator’s exerted efforts to cause his presence, by or through the instrumentalities and
previous notice and opportunity to explain their side. The agency agencies that the government has at its command. The review of the new
has the duty to maintain a due regard for the constitutional rights of parties- Board may breed chaos in the Bureau of Immigration.
PROCEEDINGS IN WHICH NO HEARING IS REQUIRED The court held that the cancellation was not whimsical or
Due process is dependent on the circumstances. While a day in court is capricious. Where the holder of a passport is facing a criminal charge in
a matter of right in judicial proceedings, it is otherwise in our courts and left the country to evade criminal prosecution, the Secretary,
administrative proceedings since they rest upon different principles. in the exercise of his discretion, revoke the passport already issued When
In some instances, even a hearing and notice are not discretion is based upon an undisputed fact, such as the filing of a criminal
required. complaint, hearing may be dispensed with by such officer.
Only when constitutional rights are claimed does the
constitution require notice and hearing.
o In many cases, to decide whether a right or a privilege is to
be granted, notice and hearing is not necessary in the Bishop v. Galang
absence of an express or implied statutory provision. An application herein for an extension of stay of an alien was denied by the
o If no personal property rights are involved and it is only a DFA on the basis of confidential reports without conducting a formal
privilege, notice or hearing may not be essential. hearing on the application.
o Where a right is granted conditionally and subject to
termination, it may be withdrawn in accordance with the The court held that the extension of stay of aliens is purely
discretionary on the part of the immigration authorities. The
The court held that the secretary had authority to determine Note: A delay of more than 3 years in acting upon an application for re=hearing
questions of fact such as the existence of a river even inside titled does not deprive the administrative authorities of jurisdiction to grant the
properties. He never declared that the titles of the petitioners over same.
the lots were null and void. Such fact finding power was incidental to the
duty to clear all navigable streams of unauthorized constructions hence, its APPLICATION OF RES JUDICATA
grant does not constitute an unlawful delegation of power. Even so, the river Res judicata – is the final judgment on the merits rendered by a
being of public nature, cannot be subject to appropriation, even by court of competent jurisdiction. It is conclusive as to the rights of the
prescription. The secretary's more specific authority to remove
Weigall v. Shuster
The Collector of Customs imposed a fine upon a captain of a British steamer
for a violation of the Chinese Exclusion Law, in permitting the escape of an
immigrant from his ship and asserted a lien upon her, refusing clearance
papers unless the fine be paid.
The court held that the collector had no power to impose a fine
when not expressly conferred on the administrative bodies. The Apelaga v. Dizon
fine imposed herein was not one for administrative action because it had to H filed a notice of claim for compensation with the regional office of the
be laid and enforced in accordance with the laws of Congress in which it had Department of Labor for injury sustained by him while under the employ of
authorized such action. the petitioner. The award having been final and executory declared by
WCC, the regional office of the department of labor issued a writ of
execution against the properties of the petitioner pursuant to the
Workman's Compensation Act.
Civil Aeronautics Board v. Philippine Air Lines
The CAB imposed a fine upon AL for making a flagstop without first The court held that because of the amendment of the law, the
obtaining permission from the Board. authority to enforce awards transferred from the courts of justice
to the Regional Administrator and the Workmen's Compensation
The court held that the fine imposed was in the nature of a civil or Commission. It was expressly given to the commission or the duly
administrative action and that CAB had the power to impose fines deputized officials in the Regional Office of the Department of Labor.
for violations of the provisions of the enabling law as may be
necessary to prevent further violation of such provisions, or rules
and regulations so issued. The fine in this case was imposed because of
the violation of the CAB rules on flagstops without previous authority. If Potente v. Saulog Transit
every time the CAB would like to impose a civil penalty on an erring airline P, a former employee filed a claim with the Wage Administration Service
for violation of its rules and regulations, it would have resort to courts of for unpaid overtime compensation, unjust dismissal and vacation and sick
justice in protracted litigations, then it could not serve its purpose of leave pay allegedly due him. An investigator recommended the rendition of
exercising a competent , efficient and effective supervision and control over a decision finding that he was entitled to a sum of money. The acting chief
air carriers in their vital role of rendering public service by affording safe and recommended the approval of this decision and the same was approved. A
convenient air transit. few years later, he filed an action praying for the issuance of a writ of
execution with the CFI.
In this case, the question could have been resolved in a manner satisfactorily Exhaustion Doctrine Due Process
to the parties if the Games and Amusements Board which certainly had the Applies when the ruling court or A violation occurs when a court or
necessary qualifications to view its manifold aspects. In effect, there was an tribunal is not given the opportunity tribunal rules against a party without
unwarranted disregard of the concept of primary jurisdiction. to re-examine its findings and giving him or her the opportunity to
conclusions because of an available be heard.
opportunity that a party seeking
Industrial Enterprises v. Court of Appeals recourse against the court or the
IEI was granted a coal operating contract by the government through the tribunal's ruling omitted to take.
BED. IEI and MMC executed a memorandum of agreement whereby IEI Based on the perspective of the Considered from the point of view of
assigned to MMIC all the former's rights in the 2 coal blocks covered by its ruling of the court the litigating party against whom a
coal operating contract. Subsequently, for alleged violation of the coal ruling was made.
operating contract, IEI filed an action in court for rescission of the
memorandum of agreement with damages. DOCTRINE OF RIPENESS FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW
Also determines the point at which the courts may review
The court held that BED has jurisdiction over the case. While the administrative action except that it applies to administrative
action herein appears to be an ordinary civil contract cognizable by a civil action other than adjudication.
court, the fact is that the MOA sought to be rescinded is derived form a coal- o judiciary machinery should be conserved for problems which
operating contract and is inextricably tied up with the right to develop coal- are real and present or imminent and should not be
bearing lands. Its action is not merely the rescission of a contract but the squandered on problems which are future, imaginary or
reversion or return to it of the operation of the coal blocks. These remote.
matters fall within the domain of BED which is tasked to establish a o Statutes are invalid only if unconstitutional but that
comprehensive and integrated national program for the exploitation and regulations are invalid only if they are either unconstitutional
development of the country's coal resources. or in excess of statutory authority.
o Statutes have the force of law but that regulations may be
If the case is such that its determination requires the expertise, specialized either legislative, interpretative and interpretative regulations
skills and knowledge of the proper administrative bodies because technical may sometimes lack the force of law.
matters or intricate questions of facts are involved, then the relief must first
be obtained in an administrative proceeding before a remedy will APPLICATION OF THE DOCTRINE
be supplied by the courts even though the matter is within the An issue is normally ripe for judicial determination when
proper jurisdiction of a court. Since the question of what coal areas interests of the plaintiff are in fact subjected to or
should be exploited and developed and which entity should be granted coal imminently threatened with substantial injury.
operating contracts over said areas involves a technical determination by the A statute may be ripe for constitutional challenge in advance of official
BED, the doctrine finds application in this case. action, if the statute is self executing (mere existence without
However, the case is not to be dismissed it need only be suspended until A statute enforceable through criminal prosecution should be subject
after the matters within the competence of the BED are threshed to challenge in a suit for injunction or declaratory judgment brought by
out and determined. a party who is immediately confronted with the problem of complying
or violating.