Then Solicitor Pio C. Guerrero was appointed investigator by the Office of the Solicitor General. He set the
case for hearing on 7 July 1986 with notice to both parties. On 7 July 1986, complainant Dorothy appeared
and presented her evidence ex parte, since respondent did not so appear. The Investigating Solicitor
scheduled and held another hearing on 19 August 1986, where he put clarificatory questions to the
complainant; respondent once again did not appear despite notice to do so. Complainant finally offered her
evidence and rested her case. The Solicitor set still another hearing for 2 October 1986, notifying respondent
to present his evidence with a warning that should he fail once more to appear, the case would be deemed
submitted for resolution. Respondent did not appear on 2 October 1986. The Investigating Solicitor
accordingly considered respondent to have waived his right to present evidence and declared the case
submitted for resolution. The parties were given time to submit their respective memoranda. Complainant
Dorothy did so on 8 December 1986. Respondent Terre did not file his memorandum.
On 26 February 1990, the Office of the Solicitor General submitted its "Report and Recommendation" to this
Court. The Report summarized the testimony of the complainant in the following manner:
Complainant Dorothy Terre took the witness stand and testified substantially as follows: she
and respondent met for the first time in 1979 as fourth year high school classmates in Cadiz
City High School; she was then married to Merlito Bercenilla, while respondent was single;
respondent was aware of her marital status; it was then that respondent started courting
her but nothing happened of the courtship; they moved to Manila were they respectively
pursued their education, respondent as a law student at the Lyceum University; respondent
continued courting her, this time with more persistence; she decided nothing would come of
it since she was married but he explained to her that their marriage was void ab initio since
she and her first husband were first cousins; convinced by his explanation and having
secured favorable advice from her mother and
ex-in-laws, she agreed to marry him; in their marriage license, despite her objection, he
wrote "single" as her status explaining that since her marriage was void ab initio, there was
no need to go to court to declare it as such; they were married before Judge Priscilla Mijares
of the City Court of Manila on June 14, 1977; Jason Terre was born of their union on June 25,
1981; all through their married state up to the time he disappeared in 1981, complainant
supported respondent, in addition to the allowance the latter was getting from his parents;
she was unaware of the reason for his disappearance until she found out later that
respondent married a certain Vilma Malicdem; she then filed a case for abandonment of
minor with the City Fiscal of Pasay City which was subsequently filed before Branch II of the
City Court of Pasay City as Criminal Case No. 816159; she likewise filed a case for bigamy
against respondent and Helina Malicdem with the office of the Provincial Fiscal of
Pangasinan, where a prima facie case was found to exist; additionally, complainant filed an
administrative case against respondent with the Commission on Audit where he was
employed, which case however was considered closed for being moot and academic when
respondent was considered automatically separated from the service for having gone on
absence without official leave.
WON respondent Atty Jordan Terre committed grossly immoral conduct by contracting a bigamous marriage
The Court considers this claim on the part of respondent Jordan Terre as a spurious defense. In the first place,
respondent has not rebutted complainant's evidence as to the basic facts which underscores the bad faith of
respondent Terre. In the second place, that pretended defense is the same argument by which he had
inveigled complainant into believing that her prior marriage to Merlito A. Bercenilla being incestuous and
void ab initio (Dorothy and Merlito being allegedly first cousins to each other), she was free to contract a
second marriage with the respondent. Respondent Jordan Terre, being a lawyer, knew or should have known
that such an argument ran counter to the prevailing case law of this Court which holds that for purposes of
determining whether a person is legally free to contract a second marriage, a judicial declaration that the first
marriage was null and void ab initio is essential. Even if we were to assume, arguendo merely, that Jordan
Terre held that mistaken belief in good faith, the same result will follow. For if we are to hold Jordan Terre to
his own argument, his first marriage to complainant Dorothy Terre must be deemed valid, with the result
that his second marriage to Helina Malicdem must be regarded as bigamous and criminal in character.
That the moral character of respondent Jordan Terre was deeply flawed is shown by other circumstances. As
noted, he convinced the complainant that her prior marriage to Bercenilla was null and void ab initio, that she
was still legally single and free to marry him. When complainant and respondent had contracted their
marriage, respondent went through law school while being supported by complainant, with some assistance
from respondent's parents. After respondent had finished his law course and gotten complainant pregnant,
respondent abandoned the complainant without support and without the wherewithal for delivering his own
child safely in a hospital.
Thus, we agree with the Solicitor General that respondent Jordan Terre, by his actions, "eloquently displayed,
not only his unfitness to remain as a member of the Bar, but likewise his inadequacy to uphold the purpose
and responsibility of his gender" because marriage is a basic social institution.
In Pomperada v. Jochico, 10 the Court, in rejecting a petition to be allowed to take the oath as a member of
the Bar and to sign the Roll of Attorneys, said through Mme. Justice Melencio-Herrera:
It is evident that respondent fails to meet the standard of moral fitness for membership in
the legal profession. Whether the marriage was a joke as respondent claims, or a trick
played on her as claimed by complainant, it does not speak well of respondent's moral
values. Respondent had made a mockery of marriage, a basic social institution which public
policy cherishes and protects (Article 216, Civil Code).
In Bolivar v. Simbol, 12 the Court found the respondent there guilty of "grossly immoral conduct" because he
made a dupe of complainant, living on her bounty and allowing her to spend for his schooling and other
personal necessities while dangling before her the mirage of a marriage, marrying another girl as soon as he
had finished his studies, keeping his marriage a secret while continuing to demand money from complainant.
. . . ." The Court held such acts "indicative of a character not worthy of a member of the Bar."
We believe and so hold that the conduct of respondent Jordan Terre in inveigling complainant Dorothy Terre
to contract a second marriage with him; in abandoning complainant Dorothy Terre after she had cared for
him and supported him through law school, leaving her without means for the safe delivery of his own child;
in contracting a second marriage with Helina Malicdem while his first marriage with complainant Dorothy
Terre was subsisting, constituted "grossly immoral conduct" under Section 27 of Rule 138 of the Rules of
Court, affording more than sufficient basis for disbarment of respondent Jordan Terre. He was unworthy of
admission to the Bar in the first place. The Court will correct this error forthwith.
WHEREFORE, the Court Resolved to DISBAR respondent Jordan Terre and to STRIKE OUT his name from the
Roll of Attorneys. A copy of this decision shall be spread on the personal record of respondent Jordan Terre in
the Bar Confidant's Office. A copy of this resolution shall also be furnished to the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines and shall be circularized to all the courts of the land.