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RBI Assistant Prelims Model Question Paper PDF (Set-2)

We ExamPundit Team, have created a separate website to provide the Best Free PDF Study Materials
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English Language rate (TFR). India, too, is slowly moving this way. Life
expectancy in India stood at 68.3 for 2015 (up from 62.5
Directions (1 – 5): Read the passage carefully and in 2000) as against the global average of 71.4 and the
answer the questions. highest life expectancy of 83.7 for Japan. Also, the life
India’s much-vaunted demographic dividend makes it a expectancy at age 60 was up at 17.9 in 2015 vis-à-vis
young country, with the bulk of the population under the 16.5 in 2000. The country’s TFR, which refers to the
age of 25 years, and expected to remain so for the next number of children born or likely to be born to a woman
couple of decades. As per United Nations (UN) in her lifetime, has decreased drastically over the years.
population estimates, almost 90% of the population was The UN Population Division considers a TFR of 2.1
below the age of 60 years, and the proportion of working children per woman as the replacement-level fertility
age population stood at 44% as of 2015. But behind this rate. As per the latest UN projections, India is expected
youthful façade, the population has been ageing by the to reach this TFR level by 2025-30.
day. The share of the elderly in total population has risen The combined effect of life expectancy and total fertility
to 8.6% in 2011 compared with 5.6% in 1961. According rates can be seen through the old age dependency ratio,
to the ‘Population Projections for India and States 2001- or the total number of elderly aged 60 years and above to
2026’, this would increase to 12.4% by 2026. the total population aged 15-59 years (multiplied by
Further, by 2050, every fifth Indian will be a 1,000). For India, the old age dependency ratio as per
sexagenarian compared with one in 12 now, bringing 2011 census data stood at 142 -- or one elderly person for
India to a position similar to today’s developed world in 7 people of working age. As per population projections,
terms of the share of the elderly in population. This the old age dependency ratio will rise to 192 by 2026,
comes at a time when India’s joint family structure – the implying we would have only 5 people of working age
traditional old age support and one of the five pillars of for each elderly. What’s more, the ratio varies across
pension planning as defined by the World Bank – is states – it is the highest for Kerala at 196. Higher fertility
disintegrating. Ensuring the elderly have sustenance thus rate and lower life expectancy reduces the old age
becomes an urgent imperative. The government has a dependency ratio in some states.
window of opportunity to address this, with the To avoid the pitfalls of having an underdeveloped
demographics still favourable. Should this opportunity be pension industry when the population is ageing, it is
lost, the fiscal cost of providing a basic pension to those important that the government takes steps to develop the
without such a cover say three decades on would turn industry from now. Given the variations in terms of
staggering indeed. income groups and states, it is important that the
The situation the developed world faces today on social government take a multipronged approach. For the
security for the elderly is due to two main factors – an elderly among indigent poor, the government could
increase in life expectancy and a decline in total fertility evaluate a targeted pension scheme (TPS). Using the Jan-
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Dhan, Aadhar and Mobile – the JAM trinity, in place of 1. A decline in infant mortality rate
the current structure of sparing and varied pension.
Several factors have a bearing on the fiscal spending the 2. A decline in total fertility rate
government would need to incur. For instance, since 3. An increase in life expectancy
females have been mostly dependent on their male
counterparts, and have a longer life expectancy (69.9) – a) Only 1
versus 66.9 for males – it is implied that they would need
b) Only 2 and 3
increased social support from the exchequer.
c) Only 1 and 3
1. What does the data given in the first paragraph
indicate? d) Only 1 and 2
a) Population of India is increasing. e) All 1, 2 and 3
b) The percentage of the elderly in the total population 4. As per the passage, which of the following statements
will rise. is NOT true?
c) Majority of the Indian population belongs to the a) The old age dependency ratio in India is uniform
working age group. across all states.
d) India is not in a position to exploit its demographic b) A TFR of 2.1 is called the replacement-level fertility
dividend. rate.
e) None of the above c) The life expectancy of Indians was higher in 2015 as
compared to 2000.
2. Why does the author emphasises the need to safeguard
the sustenance of the elderly? d) The old age dependency ratio of India is going to rise.
a) The elderly living in rural areas do not have access to e) None of the above
quality medical services.
5. What are the steps suggested by the author to
b) The sedentary lifestyle of the elderly has made them strengthen the pension industry?
vulnerable to many diseases.
1. Using the help of the private sector to improve the
c) The cost of medical treatment is going to rise quality of rural healthcare.
2. Using JAM trinity to deliver pension.
d) Disintegration of joint family structure has made the
future of the elderly vulnerable. 3. Using a targeted pension scheme for the elderly
among the poor.
e) None of the above
a) Only 1
3. Which of the following is NOT a factor which has
contributed to the problems related to social security in b) Only 2 and 3
developed countries?
c) Only 1 and 3

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d) Only 1 and 2 e) e

e) All 1, 2 and 3 9. We killed loads of frogs by accident(a)/ but we

subjected them(b)/ to the extreme (c)/ cold too fast.(d)/
Directions (6 – 10): The given sentence has four parts. No error (e)
One part has an error. Choose the part with an error
as the answer. If all are correct choose 5 [ no error] as a) a
your answer.
b) b
6. After the brief appearance before the waiting crowd,
(a)/ he was taken (b)/ to the Governor chamber (c)/ for c) c
the swearing-in ceremony. (d)/ No error(e) d) d
a) a e) e
b) b 10. The mechanism helps explaining the mystery of
c) c some of the (a)/ massive ancient salt deposit found in the
Earth’s crust (b)/, such as the thick salt layer (c)/
d) d underneath the Mediterranean Sea.(d)/ No error (e)

e) e a) a

7. Building biogas plants will help to reduce (a)/ b) b

greenhouse gas emissions by reducing (b)/ the
consuming of conventional fuels (C)/ such as firewood c) c
and kerosene. (d) No error (e) d) d
a) a e) e
b) b Directions (11 – 15): A sentence with one blank is
c) c given, indicating that something has been omitted.
Choose the word that best fits the blank
d) d appropriately.

e) e 11. The board members have _________ concerns about

the efficiency of the programme.
8. While I am (a)/ doing the houseworks, (b)/ I like to
listen to (c)/ music on the radio. (d) No error (e) a) elevate

a) a b) prefer

b) b c) turning

c) c d) raised

d) d e) sorts
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12. Pollution in areas ________ the railway station is d) cleaner

much higher than areas around busy roads.
e) cleanses
a) surrounding
Directions (16 – 22): In the following passage, some of
b) approach the words have been left out and replaced by a blank
represented by an alphabet. Against each blank, five
c) next
words are suggested, one of which fits the blank
d) away grammatically and contextually. Choose the option
providing the correct word that fits into the blank.
e) alone
Product managers are the glue that ______________(A)
13. Industrial agriculture contributes to environmental the many functions that touch a product: engineering,
devastation as animals in livestock ___________ climate design, customer success, sales, marketing, operations,
warming methane. finance, legal and more. Unlike product managers of the
past, who were ____________(B) focused on execution
a) built
and were measured by the on-time delivery of
b) creating engineering projects, today's product manager is
increasingly the mini-CEO of the product. They wear
c) construct many hats, using abroad knowledge base to make trade-
off decisions, and bring together cross-functional teams,
d) emit
ensuring _____________(C) between diverse functions.
e) makes The emergence of the mini-CEO product manager is
__________(D) by changes in technology, development
14. Schools are being encouraged to set a target of methodologies and how consumers purchase. While
eliminating their ____________ on 'single- use' plastic. software-as-a-service products are becoming simpler for
a) reliance customers, with modular features, they are increasingly
_____________(E) for product managers. Managers
b) usage must now ___________(F) multiple bundles, pricing
tiers, dynamic pricing, upsell paths and pricing strategy.
c) provisioned
Life cycles are also becoming more complex, with
d) depend expectations of new features, frequent improvements and
upgrades after purchase. Further, the value of the
e) supports surrounding ecosystem is growing: modern products are
increasingly just one element in an ecosystem of related
15. Australia's beaches are more _________ than those
services and businesses. This has led to a __________
in many other parts of the world.
(G) in responsibilities from business development and
a) cleared marketing to product managers.

b) pristine 16. A

c) unspoiled a) together

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b) bind c) reflex

c) shows d) perplex

d) elaborate e) complex

e) hastens 21. F

17. B a) overstate

a) sequentially b) oversee

b) mannerly c) overrate

c) quietly d) expected

d) primarily e) none of the above

e) liberally 22. G

18. C a) hover

a) alignment b) grant

b) cordial c) distortion

c) relation d) shift

d) respective e) yet

e) speculative Directions (23 – 26): A sentence is given in which

certain words are highlighted. Choose the option with
19. D
the pair/s of words that need to be interchanged to
a) shown make the sentence grammatically correct and
meaningful. If no change is required, mark E as your
b) produced response.
c) driven 23. Home affordability (A) has increased in the last
decade (B) and is expected to become better (C) due to
d) out
factors like stagnant (D) prices and higher (E) growth
e) grieved in incomes.

20. E a) C-D

a) sophisticated b) A-B

b) simple c) B-C

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d) A-E Directions (27 – 30): In the following questions two

columns are given containing three sentences/phrases
e) No change required
each. In first column, sentences/phrases are A, B and
24. If technology (A) magazines are to be believed (B), C and in the second column the sentences/phrases are
Artificial Intelligence (AI) moral (C) have to make D, E and F. A sentence/phrase from the first column
would (D) choices in the very near future (E). may or may not connect with another sentence/phrase
from the second column to make a grammatically and
a) A-B contextually correct sentence. Each question has five
options, four of which display the sequence(s) in
b) C-D
which the sentences/phrases can be joined to form a
c) A-C grammatically and contextually correct sentence. If
none of the options given forms a correct sentence
d) B-D after combination, mark (e), i.e. "None of these" as
your answer.
e) No change required
25. While income support (A) to farmers is a welcome
waivers (B), it is, like in the case of farm loan relief (C),
Column A Column B
not a solution (D) to the structural crisis impacting (E)
Indian agriculture.
(A) The company can afford (D) they have become
a) C-E to splurge because more fluent and fun.

b) A-D
(B) Reading comprehension (E) it has become
c) B-C has improved as increasingly prosperous.

d) D-E
(C) Entitlements established (F) statutes may now
e) No change required in a host of federal become mandatory.

26. For the last two decades (A), the Supreme Court has
been proactive (B) in empowering (C) voters and in
infusing (D) transparency in the system (E). a) A-F and B-D

a) C-D b) B-E and C-F

b) A-E c) B-F and C-D

c) B-C d) A-D and C-E

d) A-B e) None of these

e) No change required 28.

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Column A Column B e) None of these

(A) It was when Brian was a (D) who still live at
toddler that Connie home. Column 1 Column 2

(B) Her husband will watch their (E) which live in A. High out-of-pocket D. offering free diagnosis
five children poverty. expenditure incurred and treatment for patients,
during treatment keeps rescuing them from
(C) The real issue is the low scores (F) decided to live people in poverty otherwise sure death.
posted by students healthier.
B. Forest fire will make
a) A-F and B-D E. for seven years after
the ecosystem susceptible
completing treatment.
to exotic species,
b) B-E and C-F

c) B-F and C-D C. In 1993, the Revised

F. which is detrimental to
National TB Control
d) A-D and C-E the existing natural
Programme (RNTCP) was
e) None of these launched,


Column A Column B a) CE

b) AF
(A) People should hear about (D) cuts from a student's
the schools' budget point of view. c) AD and CE

d) AE and BF
(B) I think one in 100 in 10 (E) worrying about
years from that points lemonade. e) CD and BE

(C) If life fails to give you (F) will still be living

lemons, there's no point in that way.

Quantitative Aptitude

a) A-F and B-D Direction (31 – 40): What will come in place of the
question mark (?) in the following question?
b) B-E and C-F
31. 6/35 × 1 7/48 ÷ 4/7 = ?
c) B-F and C-D
a) 11/36
d) A-D and C-E

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b) 7/33 c) 3/10

c) 16/39 d) 9/10

d) 11/32 e) None of these

e) 18/37 36. (36 + 16 × 36 ÷ 9)/2 = ?

32. 39.94 + 48.36 – 21.76 = ? a) 40

a) 63.64 b) 50

b) 66x.54 c) 80

c) 68.74 d) 100

d) 69.59 e) None of these

e) 63.34 37. (24 × 16 ÷ 15 + 32.4) ÷ ? = 4

33. 3 × 4 + 18 ÷ 6 – 10 =? a) 18

a) 4 b) 14.5

b) 5 c) 12

c) 7 d) 16.5

d) 6 e) 15.5

e) 3 38. (21 ÷ 5) × (12 ÷ 5) ÷ (42 ÷ 5) = ?

34. 468 ÷ 4 × 5 – 285 = ? a) 15/14

a) 200 b) 5/8

b) 300 c) 3/10

c) 400 d) 8/25

d) 45 e) 6/5

e) 100 39. (0.3 + 0.9 + 0.06) (0.1 + 0.4 + 0.05) = ?

35. 4/5 + 7/10 – 1/2 = ? a) 0.936

a) 2 b) 0.693

b) 1 c) 0.369

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d) 0.963 d) 60

e) 0.639 e) 54

40. (4 × 4 × 4 × 4)4 × (4 × 4)6 ÷ (4)2 = (16)? 44. 19, 23, 31, 43, 59, ?

a) 12 a) 84

b) 13 b) 79

c) 16 c) 80

d) 14 d) 76

e) 18 e) 72

Directions (41 – 45): What will come in place of the 45. 47, 43, 54, 50, 61, 57, ?
question mark (?) in the following series?
a) 72
41. 24, 34, ?, 60, 76, 94
b) 70
a) 40
c) 65
b) 46
d) 63
c) 48
e) 68
d) 44
46. A 100 liter of milk and water mixture contains 75%
e) 42 of milk. 20 liters of this mixture is taken out and replaced
by water. If the price of the initial mixture was Rs
42. 5, 7, 13, 25, 45, 75, ? 45/litre then what is the price of per liter of mixture after
a) 117 this operation? (water is free of cost)

b) 142 a) Rs 42

c) 120 b) Rs 36

d) 125 c) Rs 50

e) 104 d) Rs 46

43. 16, 8, 8, 12, 24, ? e) Rs 40

a) 50 47. Two partners invested Rs.2000 and Rs.1500

respectively for one year. If they decided to distribute the
b) 70 60% of the profit such that one partner received Rs.60
more than other and rest of the amount is given to
c) 66
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charity, then what share of profit is received by partner empty a full tank in 4 hours. If all the pipes are open,
who received large amount? how long does it take for the tank to be full?

a) Rs.400 a) 100 min

b) Rs.320 b) 120 min

c) Rs.240 c) 150 min

d) Rs.215 d) 180 min

e) None of these e) 160 min

48. A headphone was sold for a profit of 20%. The gain Directions (51 – 55): Pie chart given below represents
would have been 30% if its cost price was 5% less and it the number of person(in degrees) who like different
was sold for Rs 77 more. The cost price of the superheroes. It is given that one person likes only one
headphone is superhero unless specified in the question. Read the
following instructions carefully and answer the
a) Rs 2000
following questions.
b) Rs 1800
Superman Captain
c) Rs 2200 , 450 America,
Wonder 750
d) Rs 2400 Woman,
e) Rs 2100

49. Ajit is swimming in a river between two points A and

B and he takes 2 hours to complete one round trip Iron Man ,
Butman, 900
between the two points. If the speed of Ajit in still water 540Black
is 16 km/hr and his upstream speed in the river is 12 Widow,
km/hr then what is the distance between the points A and 360
51. If the total number of persons who like different
a) 15 km
superheroes are 11280, then find the difference between
b) 16 km number of persons who like Iron man and those who like
c) 14 km
a) 2880
d) 18 km
b) 2820
e) 17 km
c) 1410
50. A tank has 5 inlet pipes each of which can fill the
tank in 6 hours and 2 outlet pipes each of which can d) 2730

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e) 1490 a) 25%

52. If the total number of persons who like different b) 15%

superheroes are 2880, then find those who like black
widow is what % less than those who like Butman? c) 10%

a) 33 1/3% d) 5%

b) 66 2/3% e) 12%

c) 25% Directions (56 – 60): In the question, two equations I

and II are given. You have to solve both the equations
d) 50% to establish the correct relation between x and y and
choose the correct option.
e) 16 2/3%
56. I. x2 + 23x + 132 = 0
53. If the total number of persons who like different
superheroes are 10800, then find the average number of II. y2 + 18y + 77 = 0
persons who like Wonder Woman, Butman and Captain
America? a) x > y

a) 1800 b) x < y

b) 1690 c) x = y or the relationship cannot be established

c) 1990 d) x ≥ y

d) 1890 e) x ≤ y

e) None of these 57. I. 2x2 – 17x + 36 = 0

54. If the total number of persons who like different II. 6y2 – 43y + 77 = 0
superheroes are 10800, then find how many do not like a) x > y
Captain America?
b) x < y
a) 2250
c) x = y or the relationship cannot be established
b) 8750
d) x ≥ y
c) 6850
e) x ≤ y
d) 6400
58. I. 5x + 7y = 144
e) 8550
II. 7x + 5y = 144
55. Find the difference in percentage between those who
like Iron man and those who like black widow? a) x > y

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b) x < y e) 61

c) x = y or the relationship cannot be established 62. Neha scored 1.2 times as many marks in Science as
in Sanskrit and in Social Science she scored 20 more
d) x ≥ y marks than Science. If she secured 85.5% marks in these
e) x ≤ y three subjects out of a total 600 marks (in the given three
subjects only), how much did she score in Social
59. I. x2 – 40x + 391 = 0 Science?

II. y2 = 529 a) 194

a) x > y b) 174

b) x < y c) 170

c) x = y or the relationship cannot be established d) 185

d) x ≥ y e) None of these

e) x ≤ y 63. A is 6 year younger than B. The ratio between B's

present age and C's present age is 12 : 5 respectively. If
60. I. x2 – 13x + 42 = 0
A's present age is twice C's present age, what is B's
II. y2 – 17y + 72 = 0 present age (in years)?

a) x > y a) 30

b) x < y b) 36

c) x = y or the relationship cannot be established c) 42

d) x ≥ y d) 15

e) x ≤ y e) 24

61. In an examination, a student scores 6 marks for every 64. The average height of four girls was recorded as 140
correct answer and loses 4 marks for every wrong cm. If the average of the heights of three girls out of the
answer. If he attempted 80 questions and obtained 310 four was 137 cm, what was the height of the forth girl ?
marks, how many questions did he attempt correctly?
a) 149 cm
a) 59
b) 147 cm
b) 67
c) 152 cm
c) 63
d) 154 cm
d) 65
e) none of these

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65. The average monthly expenditure of a man for the d) 3

first seven months is Rs. 140 and for the next five
months it is Rs. 110. If he saves Rs. 330 in that years, his e) 4
monthly average income is: 68. Who is sitting 2nd to the right of D?
a) Rs. 140 a) A
b) Rs. 155 b) E
c) Rs. 160 c) C
d) Rs. 175 d) None of these
e) None of these e) No one
Reasoning Ability 69. Who is facing the person standing to the immediate
left of D?
Directions (66 – 70): Study the information carefully
and answer the questions given below: a) No one is standing to the immediate left of D
6 persons A, B, C, D, E and F are standing in row-1 b) P
facing north. 6 persons P, Q, R, S, T and U are standing
in row-2 facing south. Each person from row-1 is facing c) S
one of the persons from row-2. A is standing 2nd to the
d) T
left of F, who is facing Q. Q is standing 2nd to the right
of R. 2 persons are standing between P and S. S is facing e) None of these
C, who is standing 2nd to the left of B. D is facing
neither T nor R. 70. Number of persons standing to the right of __ are
66. How many persons are standing between P and T?
a) A and P
a) 1
b) B and S
b) 2
c) U and D
c) 3
d) R and F
d) 4
e) Q and C
e) 0
Directions (71 – 73): P is the father in law of U. O is the
67. How many persons are standing between Q and R? grandmother of V. R is wife of Q and had a son. T is the
mother of R and was married to P. S is the husband of U.
a) 0
71. How is S related to Q?
b) 1
a) sister in law
c) 2
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b) brother H3P K7R P15T W31V ?

c) brother in law a) F64W

d) cousin b) E63W

e) none of these c) F61U

72. What is the relation of O with R? d) G64Y

a) mother e) F63X

b) mother in law Direction (76 – 78): Read the following information

carefully to answer the questions based on it.
c) father
Zara moved 65 km towards west then turned right and
d) aunt moved 56 km. She then turned to east and moved 25 km
e) cannot be determined then she took a right turn and moves 60 km. After that
she turned left and moves 22 km and finally she turned
73. What is the relation of T with V? right and moves 76 km.

a) mother in law 76. What is the shortest distance between starting and
end point?
b) grandson
a) 65 km
c) grand mother
b) 72 km
d) mother
c) 76 km
e) cannot be determined
d) 82 km
74. If in a certain code language, 'BRAVADO' is coded
as 'SZERENF', then how will 'RESPECT' be coded in the e) None of these
same code language?
77. What is the total distance travelled by Zara in east
a) VAWLIYX direction during the entire journey?

b) XYLIWBV a) 47 km

c) VAULIYX b) 112 km

d) XYILWGV c) 87 km

e) XYILWAV d) 90 km

75. Which of the following will be the next term of given e) None of these

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78. What is the direction of end point with respect to the d) None of these
starting point?
e) Can’t be determined
a) South-East
81. How many persons live between S and W?
b) North-West
a) Two
c) South-West
b) Four
d) North-East
c) Three
e) None of these
d) Five
79. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word
‘WOODCUTTER’ each of which has as many letters e) None of these
between them in the word as in the English alphabet 82. Who lives immediately below X?
(Both forward and backward)?
a) V
a) 4
b) U
b) 6
c) W
c) 5
d) R
d) 7
e) None of these
e) None of these
83. If R lives below P, which among the following
Directions (80 – 84): Answer the questions based on the doesn’t form a group?
information given below:
a) Q, V
Nine persons live on different floors of a nine storey
building. The bottommost floor is numbered 1 and b) U, W
topmost floor is numbered 9.
c) X, T
T lives four floors above V. There are four floors below
d) W, P
X. Number of floors below V is same as the number of
floors above W. U is two floors above Q. S neither lives e) T, W
on an odd number floor nor above U. P and R live above
S. 84. Which among the following statement(s) is/are true?

80. Who lives on the topmost floor? a) Q lives five floors below W.

a) R b) X live two floors below T.

b) T c) S lives on fourth floor.

c) P d) W lives below U.
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e) None is true. 87. Who joined the company on 12th June?

85. 6 persons A, B, C, D, E and F have different heights. a) A

A is taller than only B and C. only 1 person is taller than
B but shorter than F. E is not the tallest then who is the b) C
2nd shortest person? c) B
a) B d) E
b) C e) G
c) D 88. How many persons joined the company after G?
d) E a) 5
e) F b) 2
Directions (86 – 90): Study the following information c) 1
and answer the questions followed:
d) 3
8 persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H joined the company
in different months of the same year among January, e) 4
April, June and August, not necessarily in the same
89. Who joined the company in the same month as that
order. Each one joined on different dates and joined
of H?
either on 12th or 23rd of the month.
a) A
Only three persons joined the company between A and F,
who joined on 23rd of the month having even number of b) C
days. A and D joined the company in the same month.
Only two persons joined the company between F and B. c) F
B and E joined the company in the same month. Neither
d) E
C nor H joined the company in June. G and H joined the
company on different dates. e) D

86. Who joined the company in the same month as that 90. How many persons joined the company between C
of F? and D?

a) C a) 5

b) D b) 2

c) E c) 1

d) G d) 4

e) H e) 3

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Directions (91 – 95): In each question below, some a) Only I follows

statements are given followed by some conclusions.
b) Only I and II follows
You have to take the given statements to be true even
if they seem to be at variance with commonly known c) Only III follows
facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which
of the given conclusions logically follows/follow from d) None of these follows
the given statements, disregarding commonly known
e) All of these follows
93. Statements:
91. Statements:
All cats are running.
No litchi is banana.
Only a few rats are tiger.
Only a few dates are litchi.
No tigers are running.
No apple is banana.
I. All rats are running.
I. Some apple are dates.
II. The rats which are tiger can never be running.
II. Some dates are not banana.
a) If only conclusion I follows.
a) If only conclusion I follows.
b) If only conclusion II follows.
b) If only conclusion II follows.
c) If either conclusion I or II follows.
c) If either conclusion I or II follows.
d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
e) If both conclusions I and II follow.
e) If both conclusions I and II follow.
94. Statements:
92. Statements:
All cats are running.
No litchi is banana.
Only a few rats are tiger.
Only a few dates are litchi.
No tigers are running.
No apple is banana.
I. All tigers are cats.
I. Some banana are dates.
II. Some rats are cats.
II. Some litchi are not dates.
a) If only conclusion I follows.
III. All litchi are apple.

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b) If only conclusion II follows. c) 1

c) If either conclusion I or II follows. d) 0

d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows. e) 5

e) If both conclusions I and II follow. 97. How many persons live below N?

95. Statements: a) Two

A few bikes are motors. b) Three

Only few motors are bicycles. c) Four

No bicycles are buses. d) Five

Conclusions: e) Six

I. No buses are motors. 98. Who lives in between E and S?

II. Some bikes can be bicycles. a) A and N

a) Only conclusion II follows b) T

b) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows c) H

c) Only conclusion I follows d) T and H

d) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow. e) None of the above

e) None of the above 99. Who lives on the floor immediately above N?

Directions (96 – 100): Study the following information a) H

and answer the questions given below:
b) S
There are eight floors in a building from numbered from
0 to 7 from ground floor to the top floor respectively. A c) T
lives on floor no. 4. There are two floors in between A d) G
and B. G lives immediately below B. There are two
floors in between G and E. There is one floor in between e) B
E and N. There are two floors in between N and T. S
100. Which of the following is true?
lives immediately below T. H lives below N.
a) S lives on floor no. 2.
96. On which floor does H live?
b) N lives below floor no. 5.
a) 3
c) T lives below floor no. 5.
b) 2

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d) G lives above floor no. 6. e) All the statements are true.

Answer and Explanation

English Language 3. Answer: A)

1. Answer: B) (a) is the right answer. Refer to the lines: The situation
the developed world faces today on social security for
(b) is the right answer. Refer to the lines: The share of the elderly is due to two main factors – an increase in
the elderly in total population has risen to 8.6% in 2011 life expectancy and a decline in total fertility rate (TFR).
compared with 5.6% in 1961. According to the India, too, is slowly moving this way. The passage does
‘Population Projections for India and States 2001-2026’, not state that a decline in infant mortality rate is also a
this would increase to 12.4% by 2026. The first factor.
paragraph states that the percentage of elderly in the total
population will rise to 12.4% by 2026. 4. Answer: A)

A is incorrect. The first paragraph does not talk about (a) is the right answer. Refer to the lines: What’s more,
Indian population. the ratio varies across states – it is the highest for Kerala
at 196. Thus, the ratio is not uniform.
C is incorrect. Refer to the lines: As per United Nations
(UN) population estimates, almost 90% of the population B is true. Refer to the lines: The UN Population Division
was below the age of 60 years, and the proportion of considers a TFR of 2.1 children per woman as the
working age population stood at 44% as of 2015. 44% replacement-level fertility rate.
does not constitute majority.
C is true. Refer to the lines: Life expectancy in India
D is incorrect. The paragraph does not comment on stood at 68.3 for 2015 (up from 62.5 in 2000) as against
India’s position to leverage its demographic dividend. the global average of 71.4 and the highest life
expectancy of 83.7 for Japan.
2. Answer: D)
D is true. Refer to the lines: As per population
(d) is the right answer. Refer to the lines: This comes at projections, the old age dependency ratio will rise to 192
a time when India’s joint family structure – the by 2026, implying we would have only 5 people of
traditional old age support and one of the five pillars of working age for each elderly.
pension planning as defined by the World Bank – is
disintegrating. Ensuring the elderly have sustenance thus 5. Answer: B)
becomes an urgent imperative. The second paragraph of
the passage states that the joint family structure was the (b) is the right answer.
traditional old age support of the elderly and it is 2 is correct. Refer to the lines: Using the Jan-Dhan,
disintegrating. This makes it necessary to safeguard the Aadhar and Mobile – the JAM trinity, in place of the
sustenance of the elderly. The other options have not current structure of sparing and varied pension.
been stated in the passage.

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3 is correct. Refer to the lines: Given the variations in participle form can be used after it to form a present
terms of income groups and states, it is important that perfect tense. Thus, option D is the correct answer.
the government take a multipronged approach. For the
elderly among indigent poor, the government could 12. Answer: A)
evaluate a targeted pension scheme (TPS). We need a word in the blank which describes an area
1 is incorrect. The passage does not comment on the role with relation to the railway station where the pollution
of the private sector. can be observed. “Next” would require the preposition
‘to’ after it, hence can be eliminated. Similarly, “away”
6. Answer: C) would require the preposition “from” after it. Only
“surrounding” fits perfectly in the blank, implying the
It should be Governor's chamber- as possession is sense of areas encircling the railway station. Thus, option
denoted using an-- apostrophe. A is the correct answer.
7. Answer: C) 13. Answer: D)
Consumption will be used in place of consuming as we Methane is a gas. So, the most appropriate words that
need a noun after the verb reduce. could be used with it are “release” or emit. Cattle do not
Here the word Consumption fulfils the desired purpose. built, construct or make gas, they emit it. Thus, option D
is the correct answer. The present participle verb
8. Answer: B) “creating” would be grammatically incorrect in the
housework should be used in place of houseworks as it
is an uncountable noun, it remains as a singular. 14. Answer: A)

9. Answer: B) As the name suggests, “single- use” plastic is the one

which can be used only once, i.e. the disposable plastics.
In the second part of the sentence the word 'but' should
Logically speaking, schools should encourage to
be replaced with the word 'because' as the reason of the
eliminate their dependency on such plastics. “Usage”
action is mentioned in the later part.
does not fit as it would take the preposition “of” after it.
10. Answer: B) “Depend” is a verb and we would require the noun form
“dependency” to make the sentence correct. Thus,
In the second part of the sentence the plural form of the “reliance”, which means dependency, is the correct
word 'deposit', i.e. 'deposits' should have been written as answer.
the word 'some' is used to express 'more than one'.
15. Answer: B)
11. Answer: D)
The usage of “more” before the blank and “than” after it
To raise a concern means to state those things that you indicates comparison. We, thus, need an adjective which
believe could become problems. Since the phrase can be made comparative by adding “more” before it.
appropriately fits in the context of the sentence, “raised” This eliminates options E and D. “Cleaner” itself is a
is the correct answer. Also, note that the blank is comparative adjective and cannot take “more” before it.
preceded by the verb ‘have’, and only a verb in the past Among rest of the options, “pristine” is the most

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appropriate as it means clean and fresh. Thus, option B is The sentence prior to the concerned sentence, talks about
the correct answer. the complex nature of the products for a manager. This
sentence now elaborates on what the complexities and
16. Answer: B) the responsibilities are. Overstate- exaggerate; oversee-
A verb is required in its plural form in the given blank. supervise, especially in an official capacity; overrate-
Therefore, options a), c) and e) are eliminated. The have a higher opinion of (someone or something) than is
sentence compares the managers to glue and hence, 'bind' deserved. The word that fits in the blank is 'oversee'; it
would be the right choice. The answer is option b). fits both grammatically and contextually. Hence, the
answer is option b).
17. Answer: D)
22. Answer: D)
The given options are all adverbs and the adjective
'focused' can be modified with the adverb 'primarily' The phrase 'this has led' hints that the sentence brings to
which would then refer to the main task a product light the effect of some activity or event. The word 'shift'
manager was 'mainly' concerned with. None of the other would fit in the blank as this would refer to the transfer
options can lend a suitable meaning to the sentence when of responsibilities from business development and
used in the blank. Hence, the answer is option d). marketing to product managers. Other words do not fit
into the context of the sentence. Hence, the answer is
18. Answer: A) option d).

The sentence given here talks about the various roles or 23. Answer: E)
functions a manager performs. A noun is required in the
blank; hence, options b), d) and e) are eliminated. The The sentence is grammatically correct and meaningful in
word 'alignment' will fit in the blank as it points to the the given form. Option E is the right answer.
balance between the functions performed. Hence, the 24. Answer: B)
answer is option a).
Since a noun 'choices' follows D, it needs to be preceded
19. Answer: C) by an adjective. 'Would' is not an adjective. 'Moral' is the
The sentence talks about the emergence of a "mini-CEO" right fit here, to indicate the type of choices to be made
product manager. Driven- cause to happen or develop; by Artificial Intelligence in the future. 'Would' can be
grieve- feel intense sorrow. The word 'driven' would fit placed at C to make the sentence grammatically correct.
well in the blank, both contextually and grammatically. It Option B is the right answer.
would refer to what caused the emergence to happen. 25. Answer: C)
Hence, the answer is option c).
The sentence tells us that income support to farmers is
20. Answer: E) not a solution to the crisis in Indian agriculture. At B,
The sentence starts with 'while' and thus compares the 'waivers' is incorrect as a singular noun is needed due to
software with respect to the user and the manager; for the the use of the article 'a'. 'Waivers' is better suited at C, to
user it is simpler, so, for the manager it should be complete the 'farm loan waivers' - another measure
'complex'. Hence, the answer is option e). directed towards farmers - to fit in the context of the
sentence. 'Relief' can fit at B, as it can mean 'help' or
21. Answer: B) 'aid'. Option C is the right answer.
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26. Answer: E) Her husband will watch their five children who still live
at home.
The sentence is grammatically correct and meaningful in
the given form. Option E is the right answer. The real issue is the low scores posted by students who
live in poverty. ('which' is incorrect)
27. Answer: E)
29. Answer: D)
Out of all the given options, combination of sentences
(A) and (E) together as well as combination of sentences Out of all the given options, combination of sentences
(C) and (F) together makes a grammatically and (A) and (D) together as well as combination of sentences
contextually correct sentence. (B) and (D) would have (C) and (E) together makes a grammatically and
formed a correct pair if (D) had started with the phrase 'it contextually correct sentence. (C) & (F) would have
has' instead of 'they have'; using 'they have' violates the formed a correct pair if 'points' was replaced with 'point
subject-verb-agreement rule. Since no option contains on'. As, option d) contains the correct pairs, it is the
the correct pairs (AE) & (CF), option (e) would be the correct answer.
correct answer.
The correct sentences will be as follows:
The correct sentences will be as follows:
People should hear about the schools' budget cuts from a
The company can afford to splurge because it has student's point of view.
become increasingly prosperous.
I think one in 100 in 10 years from that point on will still
Reading comprehension has improved as it has become be living that way. ('points' is incorrect)
more fluent and fun. ('they have' is incorrect)
If life fails to give you lemons, there's no point in
Entitlements established in a host of federal statutes may worrying about lemonade.
now become mandatory.
30. Answer: D)
28. Answer: A)
AE, BF and CD are the correct pairs. AE - A tells us that
Out of all the given options, combination of sentences the expenditure of treatment keeps people in poverty; E
(A) and (F) together as well as combination of sentences tells us how long. BF - B tells us that forest fire makes
(B) and (D) together makes a grammatically and the ecosystems vulnerable to exotic species; F tells us the
contextually correct sentence. (C) & (E) would have effect on existing natural vegetation. CD - C tells us
formed a correct pair if 'who' was used in place of 'which' when a TB control programme was launched; D tells us
in (E); for referring to people we use 'who' and avoid what the program did. Option D is the right answer.
using the pronoun 'which'. Option a) contains the correct
pairs; hence, option (a) is the correct answer. Quantitative Aptitude

The correct sentences will be as follows: 31. Answer: D)

It was when Brian was a toddler that Connie decided to

live healthier.

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32. Answer: B) 36. Answer: B)

33. Answer: B)

34. Answer: B)

37. Answer: B)

(24 × 16)/15 + 32.4 ÷ ? = 4

25.6 +32.4 ÷ ? = 4
58 ÷ ? = 4
? = 58/4 = 14.5

38. Answer: E)
35. Answer: B)
(21/5 × 12/5) / 42/5 = 21/5 × 12/5 ×5/42 = 6/5

39. Answer: B)

(0.3 + 0.9 + 0.06) (0.1 + 0.4 + 0.05) = ?

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=> 1.26 × 0.55 = 0.693 19 + 1 × 4 = 23

40. Answer: B) 23 + 2 × 4 = 31

Tricks:- In case of multiplication power added but in 31 + 3 × 4 = 43

case of division power subtracted
43 + 4 × 4 = 59
16 12 2 16+12-2 26 2 13 13
(4) x (4) ÷(4) = 4 --->(4) = (4 ) = 16
59 + 5 × 4= 79
41. Answer: B)
45. Answer: E)
5 – 1= 24
47 – 4 = 43
6 – 2= 34
43 + 11 = 54
7 – 3= 46
54 – 4 = 50
8 – 4= 60
50 + 11 = 61
9 – 5= 76
61 – 4 = 57
10 – 6= 94
57 + 11 = 68
42. Answer: A)
46. Answer: B)
Volume of water in the initial mixture = 25 liter
7 + 2 × 3 = 13
Volume of milk in the initial mixture = 75 liter
13 + 3 × 4 = 25
Volume of milk in 20 liter of mixture = (20 X 3/4) liter =
25 + 4 × 5 = 45 15 liter

45 + 5 × 6 = 75 Volume of milk in the mixture after replacing 20 liters of

mixture with water = (75 - 15) liter = 60 liter
75 + 6 × 7 = 117
Volume of water in the mixture = 40 liter
43. Answer: D)
Now water is free of cost, so value of mixture is
16 × 0.5 = 8 proportional to percentage of milk available in the
8×1=8 solution.

8 × 1.5 = 12 So, new price = 45 x 60/75 = Rs 36/litre

12 × 2 = 24 47. Answer: C)

24 × 2.5 = 60 Let a and b are two partners and p is total profit.

44. Answer: B) Investment ratio, a: b = 2000: 1500 = 4: 3

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Profit ratio, a: b = 4: 3 Each inlet pipe can fill 1/6th part of the tank in one hour
and each outlet pipe can empty 1/4th part of tank in one
According to the question, hour.
60 = ((4 - 3)/7) x (60/100) x p Since there are 5 inlet pipes and 2 out let pipes hence
p = 700 part of tank filled in one hour = 5 x 1/6 - 2 x 1/4 = 1/3

Share of a = (4/7) x (60/100) x 700 = Rs.240 Hence total tank will be filled in 3 hours.

48. Answer: C) 51. Answer: C)

Let the cost price of headphone be Rs P. then, selling

price = 1.2P

New CP = 0.95P, new SP = 1.2P + 77

New profit = 1.2P + 77 - 0.95P = 0.25P + 77 52. Answer: A)

According to the question, the new profit is 30%.

Hence, (0.25P + 77)/0.95P x 100 = 30

=> 25P + 7700 = 28.5P

=> 3.5P = 7700

=> P = Rs 2200

49. Answer: A)
53. Answer: D)
Speed of Ajit in still water = 16 km/hr

And his speed upstream = 12 km/hr

Hence speed of river water = 16 - 12 = 4 km/hr

Therefore his downstream speed = 16 + 4 = 20 km/hr 54. Answer: E)

Let the distance between points A and B = d km

Hence, d/12 + d/20 = 2

55. Answer: B)
=> 8d/60 = 2

=> d = 15 km

50. Answer: D)

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56. Answer: E) y = 11/3, 7/2

From I: 58. Answer: C)

x2+ 23x + 132 = 0 From I:

x2+ 11x +12x + 132 = 0 5x + 7y = 144

x(x +11) +12(x +11) = 0 x = (144 – 7y)/5

(x + 11)(x +12) = 0 From II:

x = -11, -12 7x + 5y = 144

From II: x = (144 – 5y)/7

y2 + 18y + 77 = 0 From I and II, we get

y2 + 7y + 11y + 77 = 0 (144 – 7y)/5 = (144 – 5y)/7

y(y + 7) + 11(y + 7) = 0 1008 – 49y = 720 – 25y

(y + 7)(y + 11) = 0 24y = 288, y = 12

y = -7, -11 So, x = (144 – 7 × 12)/5 = 12

57. Answer: A) 59. Answer: C)

From I: From I:

2x2 – 17x + 36 = 0 x2 – 40x + 391 = 0

2x2 – 8x – 9x + 36 = 0 x2 – 17x – 23x + 391 = 0

2x(x – 4) – 9(x – 4) = 0 x (x – 17) – 23 (x – 17) = 0

(2x – 9)(x – 4) = 0 (x – 17)(x – 23) = 0

x = 9/2, 4 x = 23, 17

From II: From II:

6y2 – 43y + 77 = 0 y2 = 529

6y2 – 21y – 22y + 77 = 0 y = 23, -23

3y(2y – 7) – 11(2y – 7) = 0 60. Answer: B)

(3y – 11)(2y – 7) = 0 From I:

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x2 – 13x + 42 = 0 3.4x + 20 = 513

x2 – 6x – 7x + 42 = 0 x=145

x(x – 6) – 7(x – 6) = 0 Thus marks scored in social science = 20 + 1.2x = 194

(x – 6)(x – 7) = 0 63. Answer: B)

x = 6, 7 Let the present age of B and C be 12X and 5X

From II:
A = 2C .........(Given)
y2 – 17y + 72 = 0
A = 10X
y2 – 9y – 8y + 72 = 0
According to the question:
y(y – 9) – 8(y – 9) = 0
A=B-6 ....... (Given)
(y – 9)(y – 8) = 0
10X = 12X - 6
y = 9, 8
61. Answer: C)
B's present age:
Let the correct questions be x
B = 12X = 12 × 3 = 36 years
Therefore incorrect questions are (80 – x)
64. Answer: A)
According to the question
Total height of 4 girls = 140*4 = 560 cm
6x - 4(80 – x) = 310
Total height of 3 girls = 137*3 = 411 cm
6x - 320 + 4x = 310
so Height of forth girl = 560-411 = 149 cm
10x = 310 + 320
65. Answer: B)
x = 63
Average expenditure of man for 1st seven months = Rs.
62. Answer: A) 140
Let marks scored in Sanskrit be x Thus, total expenditure of man for 1st seven months = Rs.
Marks in science = 1.2x (140 × 7) = Rs. 980

Marks in social science = 20 + 1.2x Also, average expenditure of man for last five months =
Rs. 110
Total marks scored by Neha = 85.5% of 600 = 513
Thus, total expenditure of man for last five months = Rs.
Thus x + 1.2x + 20 + 1.2x = 513 (110 × 5) = Rs. 550

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Therefore, total expenditure of that year = Rs. (980 +

550) = Rs. 1530

His annual savings = Rs. 330

Hence, his annual income = Rs. (1530 + 330) = Rs. 1860

Case 1 is invalid.
∴ His monthly average income = 1860/12 = Rs. 155
Continuing with case 2:
Reasoning Ability
D is facing neither T nor R.
(66 – 70): Common Explanation:
Final solution:
A is standing 2 to the left of F, who is facing Q.

Q is standing 2nd to the right of R.

Case 1: -

66. Answer: D)

67. Answer: B)

68. Answer: C)
Case 2: -
69. Answer: B)

70. Answer: E)

(71 – 73): Common Explanation:

2 persons are standing between P and S.

S is facing C, who is standing 2nd to the left of B.

Case 1: -

71. Answer: C)
Case 2: - 72. Answer: B)

73. Answer: C)

74. Answer: E)
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The code language works in the following way:







76. Answer: D)
In the Pythagoras Triangle:
Height = 76 + (60 – 56) = 80 km
75. Answer: E)
Base = 65 – (25 + 22) = 18 km
We have three different series in above case:
AG x AG = 80 x 80 + 18 x 18
First letters of the series follow the below mentioned
pattern: AG x AG = 6724 km

H, K, P, W, F (+3, +5, +7, +9) AG = 82 km

Second position of each term is a numeric value which 77. Answer: A)

follows the below mentioned pattern:
Total distance travelled by Zara in east direction = 25 +
3, 7, 15, 31, 63 (+4, +8, +16, +32) 22 = 47 km

Third letters of the series follow the below mentioned 78. Answer: C)
Clearly, point G is to the south-west of point A.
P, R, T, V, X (+2, +2, +2, +2)
79. Answer: C)
Thus, required next combination = F63X

(76 – 78): Common Explanation:

Clearly, there are 5 pairs.

(80 – 84): Common Explanation:

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As there are four floors below X, so X live on 5th floor. 80. Answer: E)

T live four floors above V. 81. Answer: C)

Number of floors below V is same as the number of 82. Answer: A)

floors above W, so
83. Answer: E)
Case I Case II
9 84. Answer: A)
8 T W
85. Answer: A)
6 W T A is taller than only B and C.
5 X X
4 V __> __> __> A > B/C > B/C
2 V Only 1 person is taller than B but shorter than F. E is not
1 the tallest.
U is two floors above Q.
So, we get: -
S neither lives on an odd number floor nor above U.
Case I(a) Case I(b) Case II
9 U U B is the 2nd shortest person.
8 T T W
7 Q Q (86 – 90): Common Explanation:
6 W W T Only three persons joined the company between A and F,
5 X X X
who joined on 23rd of the month having even number of
4 V V S
3 U days.
2 S S V
A and D joined the company in the same month.
1 Q
P and R live above S, this is not possible in case I(a) and Case 1: -
case II, so case I(a) and case II are rejected.
Month 12th 23rd
Case I(b) January
9 P/R April F
8 T June
7 R/P August D A
6 W Case 2: -
5 X
4 V Month 12th 23rd
3 U January D A
2 S April
1 Q June F
Only two persons joined the company between F and B.
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B and E joined the company in the same month.

Case 1: -

Month 12th 23rd

January B E
April F
August D A
Case 2: -
Some apple are dates ====> not follows
th rd
Month 12 23
Some dates are not banana ====> follows
January D A
April B E 92. Answer: D)
June F
Neither C nor H joined the company in June.

So, case 1 is invalid.

Continuing with case 2;

G and H joined the company on different dates.

Final Solution:
Some banana are dates ====> not follows
Month 12th 23rd
January D A Some litchi are not dates ====> not follows
April B E
June G F All litchi are apple ====> not follows
August C H
93. Answer: B)

86. Answer: D)

87. Answer: E)

88. Answer: D)

89. Answer: B)

90. Answer: A)

91. Answer: B)

All rats are running ====> not follows

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The rats which are tiger can never be running ====> 0

follows G lives immediately below B. There are two floors in
between G and E.
94. Answer: D)
Floor Case 1 Case 2
7 B
6 G
4 A A
3 E E
1 B
0 G
There is one floor in between E and N.

Floor Case 1 Case 2

All tigers are cats ====> not follows 7 B
6 G
Some rats are cats ====> not follows 5 N/ N
4 A A
95. Answer: A)
3 E E
1 /N B
0 G
There are two floors in between N and T.

Floor Case 1 Case 2

7 B
6 G
5 N N
4 A A
From the figure, conclusion II follows 3 E E
2 T T
(96 – 100): Common Explanation: 1 B
0 G
A lives on floor no. 4. There are two floors in between A S lives immediately below T. So, case 2 is invalid. H
and B. lives below N.
Floor Case 1 Case 2 Floor Case 1
7 B 7 B
6 6 G
5 5 N
4 A A 4 A
3 3 E
2 2 T
1 B 1 S
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0 H 98. Answer: B

99. Answer: D
96. Answer: C
100. Answer:C
97. Answer: D

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