Contractor Performance-2
Contractor Performance-2
Contractor Performance-2
Date: Contractor:
Project Name: Project Number:
Contract start date: Percentage complete:
Original date for practical completion: Adjusted date for practical completion:
Contractor’s Name: Position:
representative Phone: Email:
Assessing a contractor’s performance – reporting officers are to use the table of performance metrics in the Prequalification (PQC)
System – contractor performance reporting guideline to determine the appropriate grading to be used below. Please check one box
Ethical Supplier Mandate (ESM) - where a contractor’s performance on any evaluation criteria marked with an * has been graded as
unsatisfactory or poor, the approving officer or approving officer’s management (whichever is applicable) is to send a copy of the performance
report to the department procuring the project (for possible investigation/action in accordance with the ESM).
Evaluation criteria (comments must Poor Satisfactory Good
must be
be provided)
Subcontractor management
Comments: N/A N/A N/A
In my opinion:
2 Contractor’s representative - comments and sign off (complete and return to reporting officer)
In my opinion:
3 Approving officer - comments and sign off (e.g. superintendent; principal’s representative) Note: Must be a departmental employee
In my opinion:
If comments at 3 are unfavourable toward the contractor go to 4. If not, forward completed report to (refer note 3 below)
In my opinion:
Where the comments provided in the report are significantly challenged by any of the parties above, this report is to be forwarded to the approving officer’s
management – go to 5
5 Approving officer’s management - comments and sign off. Note: Must be a departmental employee
In my opinion:
Complete and return to the approving officer / approving officer’s management (whichever is applicable) for onforwarding to the PQC Registrar
1. As a minimum, the report must be completed and signed at sign-off points 1, 2 and 3 if the report has been agreed with the contractor’s
representative and there is nothing at sign-off point 3 which could be considered detrimental to the contractor.
2. Where comments and opinions are unfavourable towards the contractor, an opportunity to review and comment must be provided to the
contractor’s representative / contractor’s management as required under the provision of natural justice (i.e. sign-off point 4).
3. If required, there is provision on the performance report template at step 6 for final sign off by a Client Representative (to provide an opportunity for
a client department to view the completed performance report before it is submitted to the PQC Registrar). This may be necessary if a client
department has engaged Building and Asset Services, Department of Housing and Public Works to manage the contract on its behalf.
Privacy Notice
The Department of Housing and Public Works is collecting the information on this form for the purpose of reviewing the contractor’s technical and
management performance, and compliance with contractual, statutory, government policy and prequalification requirements. In accordance with the
Queensland Government's Prequalification (PQC) System, contractors engaged through the PQC System are required to contribute to the completion of
performance reports on the service they provide.
The Department of Housing and Public Works may share this information with other relevant government and industry entities for the purpose of
reviewing or monitoring the contractor’s performance.
This information will not otherwise be disclosed to any other third party without the contractor’s consent, unless authorised or required by law.