Chapter 10 NoPW
Chapter 10 NoPW
Chapter 10 NoPW
Organic chemistry
10.1 Introduction
Introduction (AHL)
10.4 Alcohols
10.5 Halogenoalkanes
10.1 intrOductiOn valence level (2,4 or 1s2 2s2 2p2) it forms four covalent
bonds. When these are all single bonds, they have a
10.1.1 Describe the features of a homologous tetrahedral arrangement. In organic molecules carbon
series. always forms four bonds, oxygen two, hydrogen and the
halogens one (refer Section 4.2)
10.1.2 Predict and explain the trends in boiling
points of members of a homologous Carbon atoms can combine with each other and with
series. other atoms (especially H and O) to form millions of
compounds. Compounds of this kind are the basis of
10.1.13 Discuss the volatility and solubility all known life, hence the term ‘organic’. he existence of
in water of compounds containing the such a large number of stable compounds is partly due to
functional groups listed in AS 10.1.9. the strength and stability of the C—C and C—H bonds
(348 and 412 kJ mol-1 respectively). he former ensure
©IBO 2007 that carbon can form long chains (a process known as
catenation) and rings of carbon atoms; the latter that these
Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds structures are relatively stable and unreactive. Multiple
(excluding compounds such as metal carbonates bonds can also be formed between carbon atoms, but the
and oxides). Organic compounds constitute a major presence of these usually leads to an increase in chemical
component of energy sources (petroleum, coal, natural reactivity. Similarly functional groups containing other
gas), food (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, enzymes, atoms, such as oxygen, nitrogen and the halogens, can be
hormones, steroids), drugs (anaesthetics, antiseptics, attached to the hydrocarbon chain and result in greater
antibiotics) and materials such as ibres, fabrics, plastics, reactivity. he reactions of these functional groups are
paints, dyes, soaps, detergents, explosives etc. the dominant feature of organic chemistry. Organic
compounds may therefore be usefully regarded as
Carbon is in group 4/14 of the periodic table and it always comprising a hydrocarbon skeleton to which functional
forms covalent bonds. As carbon has four electrons in its groups are inserted and/or attached:
Boiling point / °C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
hese points are illustrated by the examples below: graphic formula and displayed formula) shows all the
atoms and bonds. For example the full structural formula
for butanoic acid is:
Figure 1003 Ethane
Mr = 30 Non–polar b.p. = –89°C
Figure 1006 Structural formula for butanoic acid
A structural formula indicates in an unambiguous manner
how the atoms are arranged in the molecule. A condensed
structural formula, that can usually be written on a single
Figure 1004 Methanal line, is one in which the bonds are omitted, side chains
Mr = 30 Polar b.p. = –21°C put in brackets and repeated identical groups collected
together. Again using butanoic acid as the example:
H C O H condensed structural formula
As noted previously, the molecular formula gives the
actual number of each type of atom in the molecule and
Figure 1005 Methanol the empirical formula the simplest whole number ratio of
Mr = 32 Highly polar b.p. = 65°C these. For butanoic acid these are:
Most organic compounds are non–polar and hence tend to C4H8O2 molecular formula
be insoluble in water owing to the strong hydrogen bonds
between the water molecules. If however the functional C2H4O empirical formula
groups can hydrogen bond to the water (that is those that
hydrogen bond to themselves, plus those containing the Note that an alkyl group (CnH2n+1, like an alkane with one
>C=O group which can form hydrogen bonds to water), H removed) can be represented by R. hus alcohols (which
then the substance will be water soluble, as long as the contain the hydroxyl group —OH) can be represented as
hydrocarbon chain is relatively short. As the carbon chain ROH. Similarly the benzene ring can be represented as
increases there is a gradual decrease in the solubility as so that phenol (a benzene ring with an —OH attached) is
is the case with the alcohols. hus, ethanol, CH3CH2OH, represented as HO— .
is water miscible (mixes in all proportions), but hexan-1-
ol, CH3(CH2)5OH, dissolves only slightly in water. Some
functional groups interact with the water and hence
afect the pH of the resulting solution. Carboxylic acids, 10.1.4 Describe structural isomers as compounds
for example behave as weak acids and so reduce the pH. with the same molecular formula but with
Amines act as weak bases in a similar manner to ammonia different arrangements of atoms.
and so increase the pH. ©IBO 2007
Positional isomers have the same hydrocarbon skeleton Alkene and Cycloalkane
and the same functional group; it is just that the functional H5C2 C2H5 CH2
group is joined to a diferent part of the skeleton. A simple C C H2C CH2
example of this type of isomerism is propan–1–ol and
3 2 2 CH2
Propan-1-ol Propan-2-ol Hex-3-ene Cyclohexane
Hydrocarbon chain isomers have, as the name would Aldehyde and Ketone
imply, diferent hydrocarbon skeletons that the functional H
group is attached to. Butane and methylpropane illustrate O
this type of isomerism: H3C C CH3
the functional group, which usually dictates the reactivity
of the molecule, is unchanged therefore they have quite 2 C2H5OH (l) + 2 Na (s) 2C2H5O-Na+ (eth) + H2 (g)
similar chemical properties. With functional group
isomerism the change in the functional group can have Methoxymethane (at room temperature and pressure)
a profound efect on both the physical and chemical is a gas, since there is no hydrogen bonding, and it does
properties of the molecule. In the previous example not react with sodium because it has no hydroxyl group.
ethanol is a liquid (at room temperature and pressure) Similarly methyl methanoate is a sweet smelling liquid
that will react with sodium to release hydrogen. Sodium that forms neutral solutions, whereas ethanoic acid has a
sharp smell (vinegar) and forms acidic solutions.
The different types of formulas referred to in this chapter are certainly employed for different purposes. “Empirical”
means “by experiment” and that’s exactly what the empirical formula is – the result of a microanalysis experiment
in which all of the carbon in the compound is converted into carbon dioxide and all the hydrogen into water, so
the relative amounts of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen can be calculated, but on its own it is not of much further
use. Combine it however with some information about how heavy each molecule is and we can then deduce some
much more interesting information; how many atoms of each element are present in every molecule. That then
allows us to test our theories of chemical bonding to work out the structural formulae showing how atoms can join
together. Sometimes this can really stretch the mind and require creative thought, like Kekulé’s dream.
This question also started me thinking about the words “formula” and “model” – do they mean the same thing
and if not how do they differ? Both transfer information, but models (like the Bohr model of the atom) are also
used to help with our “understanding” (whatever exactly that is) of the world and maybe that is a facet we do not
seek in a formula. When I look, even at a full structural formula, I do not think that it helps my “understanding”, it
just conveys “information” about how the atoms are joined in the molecule and hence its probable shape. Now
that leads us back to “models”, though perhaps a slightly different use of the word – I’ll leave you to judge. We get
an even better idea of the shape using molecular models of different types. These are rather like different maps,
each show some things clearly and other things less well, “Ball and stick” models for example give a clear idea of
shape and what bonds are present, but the atoms always seem to be a long way apart. “Space filling” models more
accurately reflect bond lengths as well as the different sizes of the atoms involved. Actually the concept of atomic
size is an interesting one considering that we envisage the outer regions of an atom as just a cloud of electron
density. How do we know where it ends? It’s a bit like asking where does the Earth’s atmosphere end; it doesn’t
really it just sort of fades away to nothing.
atoms with one of the following functional Figure 1008 The naming of hydrocarbon chains
groups: alcohol, aldehyde, ketone,
carboxylic acid and halide. Note that it pays to inspect the formula carefully as the
most obvious carbon chain is not always the longest one;
10.1.11 Identify the following functional groups CH3—CH(C2H5)—CH=CH2 has a principal chain 5
when present in structural formulas: amino carbons long, not 4 carbons long as shown below:
(NH2), benzene ring ( ), esters (RCOOR).
10.1.12 Identify primary, secondary and H3C C CH CH2
tertiary carbon atoms in alcohols and
halogenoalkanes. CH2
©IBO 2007
which is the same as
Figure 1009
Alcohol —O—H or —OH -anol (or hydroxy-) CH3CH2OH; ethanol
C H -anal CH3CHO; ethanal
Carboxylic acid -anoic acid
C O H or COOH ethanoic acid
(chloro, bromo, or X (i.e. Cl, Br, I) CH3CH2Cl; chloroethane
(luoro-, chloro-, bromo-, or iodo-)
Amine CH3CH2NH2; ethylamine
N H or NH2 (or amino-)
Amide H -anamide CH3CONH2; ethanamide
H or CONH2
O he naming of esters is covered in CH3—CO—O—CH3
R C OR’ or CO—O— section 20.4, Methyl ethanoate
—C≡N -anenitrile
Nitrile Ethanenitrile
or-CN (or cyano-)
this latter way, brackets are used to denote side chains, for the name ‘propanol’ is ambiguous as it could be referring
example methylbutane would be CH3CH(CH3)CH2CH3. to propan-1-ol or propan-2-ol.
he naming of esters is slightly diferent in that they Comprehensive IUPAC nomenclature is a very complex
are named as if they were salts of the carboxylic acid, as subject, but this brief summary should enable you to cope
explained in Section 20.4. with most of the compounds commonly encountered.
• If there is more than one functional group or side Organic compounds oten contain functional groups
chain present then a principal functional group bonded on to diferent types of carbon chains. hese can
deines the ending and the other functional groups oten be usefully distinguished using the terms primary,
and side chains are indicated as preixes, arranged in secondary and tertiary. Primary means that the carbon
alphabetical order: that the functional group is joined to is bonded to only
one other carbon atom, secondary means that it is bonded
e.g. HO—CH2—CH(CH3)—CHO is to two other carbon atoms and tertiary three other carbon
3-hydroxy-2-methylpropanal (“h” comes before “m”; atoms. his is illustrated in Figure 1011 where X represents
note CHO must be a terminal group and the COOH the functional group.
group is the same)
e.g. HO–CH2–C(CH3)=CH–COOH is
4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enoic acid C H
• If there are a number of identical side chains or
substituents, then this is indicated by placing the
preixes di– (2), tri– (3), tetra– (4) immediately in
e.g. CH3CH2CH2 CH2Cl
front of the preix/suix.
A C3H8
1. Which of the following is correct about the number B CH3CH=CH2
of bonds formed by atoms of diferent elements in C CH3(CH2)3CH3
organic compounds? D C4H10
Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen 7. How many isomers are there of the molecular formula
A 4 2 2 C3H7Cl?
B 4 1 2
C 4 1 3 A 2
D 3 2 3 B 3
C 4
2. he alcohols, methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol D 8
etc., form a homologous series. his means that
they: 8. To which series of compounds does the molecule
A have similar chemical properties, but O
gradually changing physical properties. CH3 CH2 C CH3
B have similar physical properties, but
gradually changing chemical properties. A Ketone
C have the same molecular formula, but B Alcohol
diferent physical properties. C Carboxylic acid
D have similar physical properties and the D Aldehyde
same structural formula.
9. Which of the following is the structure of
hese structural formulae are required for questions 3 & 4: but–1–ylamine?
3. Which one of the above compounds would have the 11. he molecular formulae of a group of closely related
lowest boiling point? molecules are given below.
5. Which one of the following lists the alkanes in order a) What name is given to a group of compounds
of decreasing boiling point? related in this way?
A Octane, Methane, Butane, Ethane b) Write a general formula for this group of
B Methane, Ethane, Propane, Butane compounds.
C Hexane, Octane, Propane, Methane
D Hexane, Pentane, Propane, Ethane
c) How would you expect the boiling points of 10.1.5 Deduce structural formulas for the
these compounds to change with increasing isomers of the non-cyclic alkanes up to C6.
numbers of carbon atoms? Explain.
10.1.6 Apply IUPAC rules for naming the isomers
d) Compared to alkanes of a similar molar mass, of the non-cyclic alkanes up to C6.
would you expect these compounds to be
i) more or less soluble in water. ©IBO 2007
ii) more or less volatile.
Explain your answers.
e) CH3NO2 can be reduced to CH3NH2 by Hydrocarbons are compounds containing only carbon
reacting it with hydrogen over a nickel and hydrogen. he simplest homologous series of this
catalyst. What product would you expect type is that comprising the straight chain alkanes. he
when C5H11NO2 was treated in the same irst six members of this series, along with their names and
way? On what do you base your prediction? structural formulae are given in Figure 1014.
d) 2–methylbut–1–ene
e) 3.3–dichloro–2–methylbutanoic acid
2 C2H6 Ethane H H
13. he structural formula of 1–methoxybutane is H H
3 C3H8 Propane H H H
Draw structural isomers of this compound that H H H
1. here are 8 carbon atoms so these must form 8 carbon
c 5h12 dioxide molecules.
2. here are 18 hydrogen atoms so these must form 9
H C C C C C H water molecules.
3. here are now 25 oxygen atoms on the right hand side,
Pentane H
requiring 12½ O2 molecules.
H H he inal equation is therefore:
C8H18 + 12½ O2 8 CO2 + 9 H2O
H C H his form is acceptable, but the ‘½’ can be eliminated by
H H H H doubling all the coeicients.
Methylbutane Dimethylpropane Gasoline and many other fuels very rarely burn in this
way. If the supply of air/oxygen is limited, as is the case
Figure 1015 Isomers of C4H10 and C5H12 in an automobile engine, then incomplete combustion
occurs, so some of the carbon in the fuel, rather than
forming carbon dioxide, is converted to carbon monoxide
10.2 aLkanes (CO, a colourless, odourless, highly toxic gas) or the
element carbon itself (hence black smoke). Note that the
10.2.1 Explain the low reactivity of alkanes hydrogen is still converted to water. hese products, along
in terms of bond enthalpies and bond with other minor products of hydrocarbon combustion
polarity. and the residue of the lead compounds still added to some
gasolines, are a major source of air pollution in large cities.
10.2.2 Describe, using equations, the complete Many countries now require the installation of catalytic
and incomplete combustion of alkanes. converters which ensure that the combustion process is
©IBO 2007 more nearly complete. For more details of these pollution
problems, refer to Option D.
he most familiar reaction of the alkanes is combustion. 10.2.3 Describe, using equations, the reactions
Like almost all organic compounds, the alkanes are of methane and ethane with chlorine and
lammable and oxidise when burnt in the air to form bromine.
carbon dioxide and water if suicient oxygen is present. he
combustion of organic compounds is a highly exothermic 10.2.4 Explain the reactions of methane and
process and is one of the most common sources of energy ethane with chlorine and bromine in terms
in society. Equations for these reactions oten involve quite of a free-radical mechanism.
large coeicients, but balancing them is easy provided the ©IBO 2007
following procedure is adopted:
Alkanes can also react with chlorine or bromine in a
1. All carbon atoms are converted to carbon dioxide substitution reaction, to give an initial product in which
ixing this coeicient one hydrogen atom is replaced by the halogen. Usually
these reactions are brought about by exposure to ultraviolet
2. All hydrogen atoms are converted to water, ixing a light or sunlight, though they will also occur without light
second coeicient
If you said “Charlie” to your mother for example she 1.4-dimethylbenzene, which is probably why IUPAC
probably wouldn’t know who you were talking about. names have never really caught on with biochemists
To her “Charlie” is probably the name of the security and industrial chemists.
guard at the hospital where she works. You would
then have to go into a longer explanation – joined the An IUPAC equivalent with humans might be to have
school from Finland last term / has ginger hair / did a a system that looks at facial characteristics so you
solo in the school concert / father drives a Ferrari etc. can draw somebody from their name? For example:
It’s useful not to have to go through all of that each {gender / hair colour / hair length / eye colour / nose /
time you want to tell a friend about something that chin} - I’m sure my children used to have a game that
took place during the last lesson, so names have their was based on this idea – what was it called? Anyway,
uses and pitfalls. Chemistry has the same problems; on this system I might be {male-brown-neck length-
names that are unique and universal. For example brown-medium-bearded} - though it would be
in one research group TCP might be trichlorophenol strange to have to change your name if you altered
and in another it might be tetrachloropropyne. your hairstyle! The advantage is you now have
The IUPAC system tries to tidy this and goes one some idea what I look like, but it requires a lot more
step further because it should allow us to draw the writing than “John” and it’s hardly unique. How many
structure of an organic compound from its name. Is it characteristics would I have to list until my name was
worth it? Why don’t we just draw the structure? In a unique?
at very high temperatures. Taking ethane and chlorine as up but another formed) and termination which consumes
an example: radicals. As a result the initiation stage occurring once can
cause the propagation steps to occur many times before
CH3–CH3 (g) + Cl2 (g) CH3–CH2–Cl (g) + HCl (g) the radicals are consumed in a termination step. he
details of such a process are given below using the reaction
Note that the inorganic product is the hydrogen halide of methane with chlorine as an example.
(in the above case HCl) and not hydrogen (H2). hese
Cl Cl Cl + Cl
substitution reactions can replace more than one hydrogen,
so that some of the chloroethane produced above will react
with more chlorine to produce dichloroethanes. hese Figure 1016 - Initiation
substitutions also occur in a random manner so that the
product will be a mixture of both 1.1-dichloroethane and Cl + H CH3 Cl H + CH3
CH3 + Cl Cl CH3 Cl + Cl
C2H5Cl (g) + Cl2 (g) HCl (g) + C2H5Cl2 (g)
(both ClCH2CH2Cl and CH3CHCl2)
Figure 1017 - Propagation
Further substitution of hydrogen atoms by chlorine can
take place eventually yielding, with a large excess of
Cl + Cl Cl Cl
chlorine, hexachloroethane (C2Cl6)
It is traces of this inal product, ethane that give a clue as hydrocarbons. he simplest compounds of this type
to the nature of the reaction mechanism. Note that the are the alkenes, which contain a carbon–carbon double
hydrogen atom (H•) does not occur at any stage in the bond. he alkynes, containing C≡C triple bonds, are also
mechanism. he mechanism of the reaction with ethane unsaturated hydrocarbons. he general formula for the
is very similar except that it involves the ethyl radical alkene homologous series is CnH2n (note that this is also
(CH3CH2•) rather than the methyl radical and traces the general formula of the cycloalkanes) and the structural
of butane (C4H10) are found in the product from the formulae and names of the simplest isomers of the irst
combination of these in a termination step. ive members of the series are given in Figure 1019.
Bromine reacts in an almost identical manner to chlorine. hough double bonds are stronger than single bonds, they
Because of its brown colour the speed of reaction with are not twice as strong (C=C 612 kJ mol–1, C—C 348 kJ
bromine is easily followed and if a mixture of an alkane mol–1). his means that it is energetically favourable for a
and bromine is placed in sunlight the brown colour slowly double bond to be converted into two single bonds. he
fades, but there is no reaction in the dark. activation energy for these reactions is also relatively low,
owing to the high electron density in the double bond.
his means that alkenes are considerably more reactive
10.3 aLkenes than alkanes and are an important starting point in the
synthesis of other organic compounds. As a result alkenes,
10.1.7 Deduce structural formulas for the usually formed by the cracking of fractions of petroleum,
isomers of the straight-chain alkenes up are very important intermediates in the economically
to C6. important petrochemicals industry.
©IBO 2007
3 C3H6 Propene
4 C4H8 But-1-ene
5 C5H10 Pent-1-ene
6 C6H12 Hex-1-ene
10.3.1 Describe, using equations, the reactions of the basis of the conversion of vegetable oils, which contain
alkenes with hydrogen and halogens. a number of C=C double bonds, into margarine, which
has fewer double bonds and hence a higher melting
10.3.2 Describe, using equations, the reactions of point.
symmetrical alkenes with hydrogen halides
and water. With water (in the form of superheated steam), the addition
reaction is reversible. At a temperature of ~ 300°C and a
10.3.3 Distinguish between alkanes and alkenes high pressure (~7 atm) the equilibrium shown is driven to
using bromine water. the right (Le Chatelier’s principle) and this provides the
basis for the industrial manufacture of ethanol. Ethanol is
10.3.4 Outline the polymerization of alkenes. used in large quantities by industry both as a solvent and as
an intermediate in the manufacture of other compounds,
10.3.5 Outline the economic importance of the hence this is a very commercially important process. At
reactions of alkenes. atmospheric pressure the equilibrium lies to the let and
©IBO 2007 alkenes are formed by the dehydration of alcohols. he
reaction in both directions is catalysed by either acids
A reaction in which the double bond of an alkene is (usually H2SO4 or H3PO4) or heated aluminium oxide,
converted to a single bond and two new bonds are formed Al2O3.
to the species it reacts with is known as an addition
reaction and they are typical of alkenes and alkynes. A
C C + H2O C C
number of important addition reactions are illustrated in
Figure 1020: H OH
his may also be represented by the equation below in All of these polymers are produced in very high tonnages
which the repeating unit is shown in square brackets. for the manufacture of a wide variety of products, hence
these polymerisation reactions are economically very
n CH2=CH2 [–CH2–CH2–]n important. Polymers are discussed in greater detail in
the Chemistry in Industry and Technology Option,
Two other common addition polymers are Chapter 14.
poly(chloroethene), better known as PVC (short for
its old name of PolyVinyl Chloride), formed by the
polymerisation of chloroethene
Exercise 10.3
n CH2=CHCl [–CH2—CHCl–]n
1. It is found that natural gas from a particular source
decolourises bromine water. From this it can be
concluded that
Figure 1022 Polymerisation of chloroethene to form 3. Which one of the following molecular formulae does
poly(chloroethene) not represent an alkane?
Polypropene polymer
5. Which one of the following would you not expect to 8. a) Name and write the structural formula of the
ind in the exhaust gases of a normal car? organic product formed when ethene reacts
with hydrogen bromide.
A Nitrogen
B Hydrogen b) To what class of reactions does this belong?
C Water vapour
D Carbon monoxide c) What reagents and conditions are required
for the conversion shown below?
the fermentation of sugars such as glucose, a slow process Alcohols may be subdivided into three classes according to
requiring warm, anaerobic (meaning in the absence of the number of carbon atoms attached to the same carbon
oxygen) conditions: atom as the the hydroxyl group, -OH, group:
he mechanism of this dehydration is discussed in more he hydrogen atoms attached to the same carbon as the —
detail later on. OH group are readily oxidised and so these three classes
of alcohols behave in rather diferent ways when they
react with oxidising agents such as acidiied potassium
10.4.1 Describe, using equations, the complete dichromate(VI). Tertiary alcohols do not have any reactive
combustion of alcohols. hydrogen atoms and are not readily oxidised. Secondary
alcohols have one reactive hydrogen and so undergo one
©IBO 2007 stage of oxidation to yield ketones. Primary alcohols have
two readily oxidised hydrogen atoms and so the oxidation
Alcohols, like most other organic compounds, burn readily occurs in two stages producing irstly aldehydes and then,
in air to form carbon dioxide and water, hence they are on further oxidation, carboxylic acids.his is summarised
useful fuels. An equation for this reaction is given below, in Figure 1025.
using ethanol as the example:
Both aldehydes and alcohols are polar, however, alcohols
C2H5OH (l) + 3 O2 (g) 2 CO2 (g) + 3 H2O (g) have higher boiling points as these experience hydrogen
bonding in addition to dipole-dipole forces. hus, in
As with all such combustion reactions, carbon monoxide practice to obtain the aldehyde, the alcohol is added to the
or even carbon can be produced if the supply of air boiling oxidising agent so that as soon as the more volatile
is restricted, hydrogen however is never a product of aldehyde is formed, it distils of (see Figure 1026a) before
combustion. it can be further oxidised. In order to obtain the carboxylic
acid a more concentrated solution of the oxidising agent
is used and the mixture is reluxed so that the aldehyde
Alcohol C
C C O H Not easily oxidised
Alcohol H Ketone
C C O H C C O No further oxidation
Alcohol H Aldehyde Carboxylic acid
cannot escape further oxidation (see Figure 11.8b). square brackets. Hence the oxidation of ethanol to its inal
Heating under relux allows us to carry out a reaction at product, ethanoic acid, can be written as:
the boiling point of the solvent without any loss of the
solvent. he vapour from the boiling solvent turns back to CH3—CH2—OH + 2 [O]
a liquid in the vertical condenser and drips back into the ethanol Cr2O72–/H+
lask (see Figure 1026b).
Intermediate stage
If dichromate(VI) is used as the oxidising agent, then CH3—CHO + H2O + [O]
the orange dichromate(VI) ion (Cr2O72–) undergoes a ethanal
colour change to the green chromium(III) ion (Cr3+). he CH3—COOH + H2O
balanced equation is rather complex (though writing one ethanoic acid
is a good test of understanding of half equations) and so
in such reactions the convention has arisen to indicate Other oxidising agents, such as the permanganate(VII) ion
the oxygen from the oxidising agent as an oxygen atom in in acidiied solution, may also be used, but care must be
Water out
Reaction mixture
Reaction mixture Heat
Figure 1026 Apparatus for distillation and reflux
R C R C + H+
– (aq)
O H O 10.5.2 Explain the substitution reactions of
(aq) (aq)
halogenoalkanes with sodium hydroxide
in terms of SN1 and SN2 mechanisms.
FIgure 1027
2. When propan-1-ol is burnt in a plentiful supply of Warming 1-bromobutane with aqueous sodium hydroxide
air, how many molecules of oxygen are consumed for will therefore produce butan-1-ol:
each molecule of propanol?
C4H9—Br (l) + OH– (aq) C4H9—OH (aq) + Br– (aq)
A 4½
B 5 here are two distinct mechanisms by which nucleophilic
C 9 substitution reactions occur. A mechanism is a model
D 10 of how a reaction occurs through series of steps). he
irst of these is known as SN1. In this mechanism there
3. Propan-1-ol can be oxidised to propanoic acid in the is a slow, rate determining, unimolecular (hence the 1),
same way as ethanol to ethanoic acid. heterolytic ission of the carbon–halogen bond to yield
an intermediate electron deicient carbocation. his then
a) What reagents would you use for this reacts rapidly with the hydroxide ion to yield the inal
oxidation? product.
b) What colour change would you expect to
observe during the reaction?
c) How would you expect the product to react C X C+ + X- (slow)
with sodium carbonate? Carbocation
C+ + OH C OH (fast)
Experimentally, the rate expression for this reaction is With primary halogenoalkanes (for example
found to be: CH3CH2CH2CH2Cl) reaction with nucleophiles, such as
the hydroxide ion, usually occurs by the SN2 mechanism,
rate = k •[R—X] whereas with tertiary halogenoalkanes (for example
(CH3)3CCl) it usually occurs by the SN1 mechanism. With
that is it is irst order with respect to halogenoalkane and secondary halogenoalkanes (such as CH3CH2CHClCH3)
independent of (zero order in) the concentration of the both mechanisms can occur.
hydroxide ion.
Transition state
] A
10.6.1 Deduce reaction pathways given the Another example of a conversion that cannot be directly
starting materials and the product. carried out is be the preparation of butanone from but-
2-ene. In the scheme in Figure 1031 the only reaction to
©IBO2007 produce a ketone is the oxidation of an alcohol. In fact it
must be a secondary alcohol, as a primary alcohol gives an
Oten in organic chemistry the desired product cannot be aldehyde then a carboxylic acid. Butanone must therefore
produced from the available starting material in a single be produced by the oxidation of butan-2-ol. his reaction
step. In these cases the reaction must be carried out in a can be brought about by heating the alcohol with acidiied
number of steps, referred to as the reaction pathway. For potassium dichromate(VI):
example if you wanted to convert 1-iodopropane into Cr2O72-/H+
propanal you could not achieve this in a single step, so you CH3—CH2—CH(OH)—CH3 (aq) + [O]
must consider what substances can be easily converted to CH3—CH2—CO—CH3 (aq) + H2O (l)
aldehydes (alcohols can) and whether you can form such a
compound directly from the available starting material (in he scheme in Figure 1031 shows that it is possible to
this case “yes”; if the answer is “no” then the pathway would convert an alkene to an alcohol. his can be brought about
involve more than 2 steps. he conversion can therefore by reacting the alkene with water in the presence of an
be brought about by irstly hydrolysing 1-iodopropane to acid catalyst, so that the reaction with but-2-ene will be:
propan-1-ol and then oxidising this to propanal: H+ cat
CH3—CH=CH—CH3 (g) + H2O (l)
CH3—CH2—CH2—I + OH– CH3—CH2—CH(OH)—CH3 (aq)
CH3—CH2—CH2—OH + I–
Note that it is important to use but-2-ene as but-1-ene could
CH3—CH2—CH2—OH + [O] also produce some of the primary alcohol (butan-1-ol),
CH3—CH2—CHO + H2O which would oxidise to the aldehyde, not the ketone.
M = mechanism required
Figure 1031 Standard Level Reaction Pathways
alkene halogenoalkane nitrile
alcohol amine
M = mechanism required
(* indicates hL question)
20.5 reactiOn
1. Which one of the following would be a suitable
pathways (ahL) intermediate in the conversion of methane to
20.5.1 Deduce reaction pathways given the
starting materials and the product. A CH3Cl
B CH2Cl2
©IBO2007 C CHCl3
D CCl4
An example of a more advanced conversion of this type
would be the formation of ethylamine from ethene. 2. An alkene can be converted to a ketone via
Here the alkene could be converted to a halogenoalkane,
which could then be converted to an amine, (refer to A an aldehyde.
Figure 1032) B an alcohol.
C a halogenoalkane.
CH2=CH2 (g) + HBr (g) CH3—CH2—Br (g) D an alkane.
CH3—CH2—Br (l) + NH3 (aq) 3. Which one of the following cannot be produced by
CH3—CH2—NH2 (aq) + HBr (aq) the oxidation of an alcohol?
6. Indicate by means of balanced equations how you 20.2.3 Describe and explain how the rate
could convert 2-chlorobutane to butanone. Give the of nucleophilic substitution in
reagents and conditions for the reactions that you halogenoalkanes by the hydroxide ion
give. depends on whether the halogenoalkane
is primary, secondary or tertiary.
7*. Given just ethanol, how could you produce an
ester? Name the ester and outline the reagents and ©IBO2007
conditions required for all of the reactions you
he reaction of halogenoalkanes with the hydroxide
ion is just one example of a class of reactions known as
nucleophilic substitution reactions. As outlined above
these can occur by two diferent mechanisms, SN1 and SN2.
In the SN1 mechanism, the slow heterolytic ission of the
carbon-halogen bond to form a carbocation intermediate
is the rate determining step. he intermediate then reacts
rapidly with the nucleophile (Nu–) to form the inal
product. Note that the intermediate has a inite existence
and occurs at a potential energy minimum on Figure
Extent of reaction
In the SN2 mechanism the breaking of the carbon-halogen Tertiary halogenoalkanes (R3C—X) usually react by
bond occurs simultaneously with the formation of the new an SN1 mechanism, whereas primary halogenoalkanes
bond to the nucleophile. he point at which both are half (RCH2—X) usually react by an SN2 mechanism. his is a
completed is known as the transition state and it occurs at result of a number of factors:
a potential energy maximum on the energy level diagram
in Figure 1034. • Tertiary carbocations are relatively stable because of
the inductive efect of the alkyl groups, which reduces
Transition state the charge on the central carbon, so stabilising the
carbocation intermediate required for SN1.
C -- X: ½ broken
Ea { C -- Nu: ½ made • he change from tetrahedral to trigonal planar geometry
when the carbocation is formed increases the bond
Figure 1034 Energy profile of a SN2 reaction Secondary halogenoalkanes (R2CH—X) can react by
either or both mechanisms. Because SN1 reactions
he rate at which these reactions occur depends on the generally occur faster than SN2 reactions it is found that,
nature of both the nucleophile and the halogenoalkanes. all other factors being equal, the rate of hydrolysis of
For example some species are described as being stronger halogenoalkanes decreases in the order
nucleophiles because they more readily attack a carbon with
a partial positive charge. he hydroxide ion, for example, tertiary > secondary > primary.
is a stronger nucleophile than the water molecule because
it is negatively charged and hence attracted to the partial Note that halogenated aromatic compounds, in which
positive charge on the carbon attached to the halogen. As the halogen is bonded directly on to the benzene ring, are
a result SN2 hydrolysis reactions occur far more rapidly in much less reactive than other halogenoalkanes. he main
aqueous alkali than in neutral solution. reasons for this are:
he nature of the halogen also afects the rate of reaction. • the carbon-halogen bond is stronger and more diicult
here are two factors. Firstly, as the halogen changes from to break because one of the lone electron pairs on the
chlorine to iodine, the polarity of the carbon–halogen halogen atom interacts with the delocalised σ-bond
bond decreases and this would be expected to decrease of the benzene ring giving the carbon-halogen bond
the rate of reaction going from chlorine to iodine because partial double bond characteristics.
the partial positive charge on the carbon would become
smaller. Secondly, the strength of the carbon–halogen bond • attack from the opposite side to the carbon-halogen
decreases going from chlorine to iodine and it would be bond is blocked by the electron rich benzene ring.
expected to have the opposite efect. In practice it is found
that the rate of hydrolysis is greater for iodoalkanes than it • the partial charge on the carbon bonded to the halogen
is for chloroalkanes, implying that the bond strength is the is reduced because of adjustments in the mobile
dominant factor: see Figure 1035. electrons of the delocalised σ-bond.
[ ]
20.2.6 Describe, using equations, the reduction
of nitriles using hydrogen and a nickel
catalyst. Transition state
Besides the hydroxide ion, a variety of other molecules NC C + X
and ions can behave as nucleophiles and participate in
nucleophilic substitution reactions with halogenoalkanes.
Two examples of these are the reaction with ammonia to Figure 1037 The SN2 mechanism for the formation of a
form a primary amine and reaction with the cyanide ion nitrile from a halogenoalkane
to form a nitrile:
In forming this product a new carbon-carbon bond has
R—X (l) + NH3 (l) R—NH2 (l) + HX (l) been formed and hence it is a useful way to lengthen the
hydrocarbon chain of a molecule. he triple bond in the
With a primary halogenoalkane this will occur by an SN2 nitrile may be readily reduced, using hydrogen and a nickel
mechanism as shown in Figure 1036. catalyst to form a primary amine, but note that this amine
contains one more carbon atom than the one formed by
direct reaction with ammonia.
Exercise 20.2
Transition state
] 1. When a halogenoalkane reacts with ammonia, the
product is:
A a nitrile
B an amine
C a carboxylic acid
H+ + H2N C + X D an amide
B Ethanol 0.5 mol dm-3 40˚C When alcohols are heated with carboxylic acids in the
presence of concentrated sulfuric acid, they produce sweet
C Water 5 mol dm-3 40˚C smelling compounds called esters. Because of their aroma
and taste, esters are oten incorporated into artiicial
D Water 0.5 mol dm-3 70˚C perfumes and lavours. hey are also used as solvents and
plasticisers. A simple reaction of this type is that of ethanol
with ethanoic acid to form ethyl ethanoate:
2. In the elimination reaction of 1-bromoethane to
produce ethene, the hydroxide ion acts as: CH3 CO OH + CH3 CH2 OH
ethanoic acid ethanol
A a nucleophile.
H2 SO 4
B an oxidising agent.
C a reducing agent. catalyst
D a base.
CH3 CO O CH2 CH3 + H2O
3. When 3-bromopentane undergoes an elimination
reaction the product will be In these reactions, known as esteriication reactions, the
small amount of sulfuric acid has two functions. Firstly,
A pent-1-ene only. and most importantly, the hydrogen ions act as a catalyst to
B pent-2-ene only. increase the rate of the reaction and secondly it reacts with
C a mixture of pent-1-ene and pent-2-ene. the water formed to shit the position of the equilibrium
D a mixture of pent-1-ene and pentan-3- to the right hand side (Le Chatelier’s principle) ensuring
ol. a good yield of product. Note that unlike the acid and
alcohol, an ester does not contain an –OH group and so is
4. Explain how varying the reaction conditions can afect much more limited in its ability to hydrogen bond to water
the product of the reaction between 1-bromopropane molecules, hence esters tend to be insoluble in water.
and sodium hydroxide.
It can be seen that the naming of esters is rather diferent
5. 2-bromohexane is added to a concentrated boiling from that of other organic compounds. hey are named as
solution of potassium hydroxide in ethanol. if they were salts of the alcohol and the acid; the alcohol
provides the irst half of the name (alkyl) and the organic
a) What class of reactions does this belong to? acid provides the second half of the name (alkanoate). In
naming an ester it is important to remember that the –CO–
b) Draw the mechanism by which this reaction group is part of the carboxylic acid. he molecule below
occurs. is therefore methyl propanoate (not propyl methanoate),
because it can be considered as being formed from
c) Explain why two diferent products can be methanol and propanoic acid.
obtained and name these products. This bond is part This bond is part
of the alcohol of the acid
d) How would the product change if the
halogenoalkane were warmed with dilute CH 3 O CO CH2 CH3
aqueous alkali? methanol/propanoic acid
20.4.2 Describe, using equations, the reactions of polymers, two diferent functional groups are required
amines with carboxylic acids. and for each new bond between the monomer units
©IBO2007 (shown coloured below), a small molecule (oten water) is
produced. Each monomer must also have two functional
Ammonia and primary amines initially react with groups. his can involve two diferent functional groups on
carboxylic acids to form a salt of the acid, but if this is the same monomer or more frequently, as in the examples
heated it dehydrates to form an amide. If ethanoic below, two diferent monomers which have two identical
acid is reacted with methylamine, and the initially groups on them. One group of condensation polymers are
formed methylammonium ethanoate is heated, then the polyesters, so called because the bonding depends on
N-methylethanamide is formed: the reaction of an alcohol with a carboxylic acid to form an
ester. he best known example of this polymer is Terylene,
CH3—CO—OH (aq) + CH3—NH2 (aq) formed by the reaction of benzene–1.4–dicarboxylic acid
Ethanoic acid Methylamine with ethane–1.2–diol. as shown in Figure 1042(a)
20.4.3 Deduce the structures of the polymers an amine group with a carboxylic acid to form an amide.
formed in the reactions of alcohols with hese polymers are better known as nylon, though there are
carboxylic acids. actually a whole range of nylons. One of the most common
is nylon 6.6, formed by the polymerisation of hexanedioic
20.4.4 Deduce the structures of the polymers acid with hexane–1.6–diamine (See Figure 1042[b]).
formed in the reactions of amines with
carboxylic acids. he repeating unit in this is therefore
Figure 1042(a) The polymerisation reaction forming a polyester - Terylene
C ethyl propanoate.
D methyl butanoate.
3. Which one of the following could not be a monomer Stereoisomers are molecules, in which the order that the
for a condensation polymer? atoms are joined in is the same (hence they are isomers
with the same structural formula), but the molecules
A HO–CO–CH2–CH2–CH2–CO–OH have a diferent arrangement of atoms in space and hence
diferent three dimensional shapes. Stereoisomers can be
B HO– –CO–OH sub-divided into geometrical isomers and optical isomers
(or enantiomers).
geOmetric isOmerism
4. Write a balanced equation for the reaction that you It is possible for a molecule to rotate freely around a single
would expect to occur when the initial product (σ-)bond so that, for example, the two CH3 groups in
formed between butanoic acid and ethylamine is ethane can rotate relative to each other. Atoms joined by a
strongly heated and give the full structural formula double bond are however not free to rotate. his is because
of the organic product. the π-bond in the double bond involves two regions of
high electron density on opposite sides of σ–the bond,
5. a) What reagents would you require to prepare a hence rotation would involve breaking this π–bond. As
sample of methyl butanoate? a consequence in a molecule containing a double bond,
if the form produced by rotating one end of the bond by
b) Write a balanced equation for the reaction 180° is not identical to the original, then there can be two
that occurs giving structural formulae for all separate forms of the molecule. See Figure 1043.
organic compounds.
hese isomers are known as geometric isomers and the cis–1.2 dichlorocyclopropane
forms of 1.2-dichloroethene (ClCH=CHCl) is a typical Cl
example. he isomer in which the groups or substituents C
are on the same side of the double bond is known as the
cis–isomer, the one with them on opposite sides is the H H Cl
trans–isomer. C C
Rotate by 180°
*C *C *C
CH3 C5H5 C5H5 CH3 CH3 H
H H C5H5
Mirror images
Optically inactive
Vertical Horizontal
Incident Vertical Second Light maximum none
normal polarising polarising passing
light filter filter through
Optically active
Maximum light at an angle
‘The existence of optical isomers provided indirect evidence of a tetrahedrally bonded carbon atom. This is an
example of the power of reasoning in allowing us access to the molecular scale. Do we know or believe those
carbon atoms are tetrahedrally coordinated?’ ©IBO2007
Knowledge and belief; the relationship between I suppose that the strength of a justification lies in
these is the basis of so many issues in TOK. One of whether we can think of any alternatives to explain
the most common definitions of knowledge (though observations that we agree upon. In this case that
strongly challenged about 50 years ago by Edmund there are two substances, identical in every way
Gettier) is that knowledge is “Justified True Belief”. except for the effect they have on the plane of
Taking this as a starting point, the difference between polarisation of polarised light. One explanation
knowledge and belief therefore lies in Truth and for this is the familiar one given in this chapter.
Justification. How do we know what is true? On truth The real test is to come up with an alternative
test is “correspondence”; that something is true if it explanation, which preferably also explains a few
corresponds with reality, but can we consider atoms other phenomena as well (the way that relativity
and molecules part of reality in the way that this book did), and does not contradict other evidence relating
is? A second test is “coherence”; that something is to the tetrahedral arrangement of bonds in carbon,
true if it fits in, and does not contradict, other ideas such as x-ray diffraction data about the structure of
we consider true. Now this might be a little more diamond. In other words it’s back to Popper again
hopeful. What of justification? This is a far more – our confidence in any theory depends only on our
personal thing. Even before the days of space flight, attempts to refute it (see TOK Box in Chapter 5). It
most people still accepted that the world was a sphere probably follows that our knowledge of the universe
in spite of our observations, especially when in the is constrained only by our inability to imagine better
middle of the ocean, that it looks pretty flat. This was theories than the ones we currently have.
because we accepted the many justifications for this,
though inevitably there were still those who were not
Plane polarised light can be considered to be light in which Apart from this the physical properties of optical isomers
the oscillation of the wave is restricted to one plane, say the are identical. Chemically, the behaviour of the optical
vertical. his can be achieved by passing the light through a isomers is identical unless the reaction also involves another
polarising ilter. If the light is now passed through a second pure optical isomer. Chemical reactions that produce an
polarising ilter orientated in the same direction (vertical) asymmetric (chiral) carbon atom in a molecule usually
then there is virtually 100% transmission (see Figure 1045). give rise to a mixture containing exactly equal amounts
If the second polarising ilter has its axis at right angles to of the two optical isomers. Such a mixture is known as a
the irst (horizontal) then no light will pass. A pure optical racemic mixture. he efects of the two optical isomers in
isomer placed between the two ilters will rotate the plane a racemic mixture cancel each other out and so it is not
of polarisation in one direction (say clockwise) so that optically active. In contrast almost all natural products,
maximum transmission is no longer when the second produced by enzyme catalysed biochemical processes,
ilter is aligned with the irst one. he second optical result in just one pure optical isomer and hence produce
isomer will rotate the plane of polarisation by exactly the optically active material. Natural turpentine (produced
same amount (assuming equal concentration), but in the from pine tree resin) can, for example, be diferentiated
opposite direction (anticlockwise). Substances that afect from white spirit (a substitute produced by the chemical
polarised light in this way are said to be optically active. industry) because turpentine is optically active and will
An instrument containing two polarising ilters that can be rotate the plane of polarised light, whereas white spirit will
rotated relative to each other, separated by a compartment not.
in which the plane polarise light passes through a liquid,
allowing the angle through which the plane of polarisation
Conventions, and the extent that they are a result of appears to be smaller the further away from us it goes,
cultural conditioning, is a fascinating subject. The hence as it disappears towards the horizon the sides
diagrams in this book have to attempt to represent of the road appear to get closer together, meeting at
three-dimensional molecules through the two- the horizon (in theory an infinite distance away!). We
dimensional medium of the page of the book. This have grown up with these tricks of the graphic artist
is a problem that graphic artists also have to contend and find it difficult when viewing a scene drawn using
with and as a result they developed the technique of perspective, to imagine in any other way.
perspective. Our drawings have attempted to draw
on some of these techniques, but added a few other It is reported that when drawings incorporating
little conventions, such as things with dotted lines perspective are shown to people of more ‘primitive’
being below the plane of the book and wedge shaped cultures, they do not realise that some of the objects
lines coming out of the page. Like so many things, the are supposed to be further away than others, in other
concept of perspective was well known to the Greeks, words the appreciation of perspective is something
but was then lost to be rediscovered and thoroughly that we develop by growing up in a culture where it
developed in the Renaissance period. It depends on is widely employed. Others however contest this say
the apparent diminution of size with distance and the that the appreciation of perspective, even though not
resulting convergence of lines. If we show two human developed by all societies, is innate to humans rather
figures in a drawing, but one is much smaller than the than something that is culturally developed. Anyway
other we can either assume the smaller one is further I hope that you have all been exposed to enough
away from us, or that it represents a leprechaun or Escher “impossible geometries” to be able to pick up
some other kind of diminutive human. Usually for the three-dimensional shapes that we are trying to
us the former explanation is more convincing. A represent.
consequence of this is that the constant width of a road
Reflux with
acidified R/H-CH2 -CO-OH React then heat to R/H-CH2 -CH2 -NH2
Cr2O72- dehydrate salt
Organic chemistry
7/12/2007 8:53:21 AM
Exercise 20.6
1. Which one of the following compounds will exhibit 6. a) Samples of 2–bromobutane may exhibit
geometrical isomerism? optical activity. Explain why.
D he fourth
D (CH3)3C—OH