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The SunderKand which is a chapter in the 'Ram-Charit-Maanas' or Tulsi Ramayana

penned by Goswami Tulsidas is considered to be as auspicious to read, as it is to recite
the 'Hanuman Chaalisa'. It is awarded as much importance as the Bhagavad Gita in the

Like the Gita, the Sundarkand can be read independently at any time. It has a powerful
theme: When you are on a good mission, God gives you strength to overcome all

In the Sunder-kand, Hanumanji is reminded by Jambavan about the fact that Hanumanji
has great powers that the latter has no memory of. In this case Hanumanji is made to
remember about the fact that he is capable of flying. Jambavan exhorted Hanuman to
undertake the crossing of the Mighty Ocean. Hanumanji's flight was necessary to search
for Sita who had been abducted by Raavan. Sundarkand commences with Hanuman’s
departure for Lanka in search of Sita and ends with Rama and his army’s preparation to
reach Lanka across the sea. This entire episode is called sundar or beautiful because
every act described in it is auspicious, elevating the human mind and promoting right
human values.

 Hanuman initiates action for the friendship between Rama and Vibheeshana because of
which eventually, Vibheeshana comes to be accepted in Rama’s camp. The Sundarkand
paves the way for the reunion of Rama and Sita.

 Even Lanka’s burning is described as a beautiful act as it is to destruct evil. Throughout

the episode Hanuman resorts to right speech and right action, hallmarks of a perfect man.
Sundarkand also describes various human emotions like love, anger, sorrow, disgust and

It describes the unmatched strength of Hanuman: Both physical and mental. Good and
evil co-exist. In the city of evil- doers there is Vibheeshana in Lanka, a perfect example
of goodness and purity. Also, Mandodari in Ravana’s palace advises him on right

Reciting the Sundarkand confers liberation or moksha on devotees as it depicts the

process of liberation. Hanuman as an aspirant of self-realisation crosses the ocean to
reach Lanka to find Sita.

The ocean of Samsara and discovery of Sita by Hanuman symbolizes the discovery of
divinity which completes the process of liberation. The aspirants struggle to attain self-
realisation - Hanuman’s efforts in negotiating obstacles en route to Lanka and Sita’s
efforts to unite with the Supreme Spirit represented by Rama.
 In Sundarkand, the entire sequence is being watched by Lord Shiva and Bhavani. Their
dialogues form the core of the episode’s teachings. Lord Shiva states that God’s grace is
essential for completing difficult tasks. But to obtain God’s grace one has to constantly
do good, and those who take Rama’s name in speech, thought and action will be trouble-

Hanuman tells Ravana that Rama gives shelter to those who take refuge in Him, despite
past misdeeds. Similar surety is given by Lord Krishna in the Gita: Even the worst sinner
can overcome sin with right knowledge and by invoking God and practising yoga. Rama
tells Vibheeshana that if one gives up vanity, fad and falsity and comes to Him, he can
get transformed into a model of virtue.

Description of Rama’s love for Sita is an extraordinary example of man’s devotion to his
wife. Chastity in a husband-wife relationship is applicable equally to both man and
woman. The suffering of Sita in Lanka while in Ravana’s custody shows that even good
people like Sita have to suffer in life.

If suffering is a part of life, then the best course is to meet it bravely and ultimately rise
above it rather than surrender to it. Sufferings of good people contribute towards
achieving a bigger aim in the cosmic plane.

 In Sundarkand everything ends on a positive and bright note. Hanuman finds Sita,
ultimately leading to her rescue from the clutches of Ravana. Vibheeshana is liberated
from evil surroundings and is accepted in Rama’s camp. Rama learns the secret of
crossing the sea from the sea God.

 Tulsidas ends stating that those who listen to the Sundarkand with reverence are
empowered to cross the ocean of worldly existence.

There are many reasons why the reading of Sundarkand is very popular. When Sri Rama
ascended to his supreme abode, Sri Hanuman also wished to follow him. But the Lord
asked him to remain in this world as his representative and attend all the assemblies of
men where discourses on his deeds were held and heard, and help his devotees in
cultivating devotion. He is a Chiranjeevi. He is everywhere. He who has eyes and
devotion beholds him and receives his blessing.

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