Kuis Akman 2 - 72 - Esay
Kuis Akman 2 - 72 - Esay
Kuis Akman 2 - 72 - Esay
Impact Impact
Likelihood (on lost Alternatives Likelihood (on lost
Risk revenues) revenues)
It is estimated by Planet's management thatthat the incremental cost of implementing risk response A is
$15,000,000 and the incremental cost of implementing risk response B is $14,000,000.
Risk Response B
Residual risk = impact on lost revenues x likelihood of risk
= $15.000.000 x 40%
= $6.000.000
Risk Response C
Residual risk = impact on lost revenues x likelihood of risk
= $76.000.000 x 50%
= $38.000.000
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