Jazz Band Sign-Ups
Jazz Band Sign-Ups
Jazz Band Sign-Ups
WEDNESDAYS: JAZZ BAND 2 (primarily 5th and 6th grade)…. intended for less experienced players and non
“traditional” jazz instruments (ie. Flutes, Clarinets, Baritones, French Horns). Drum Set, Piano, Guitar, Electric
Bass, Saxophones, Trumpets and Trombones are needed, but other instruments may participate as well. This
group is non auditioned, however students that have not at least passed level 2 in their lesson material will be
asked to work on lesson material during rehearsals until they pass that level in their lesson books.
Please have transportation arranged. The activity bus is an option, please contact the transportation office
for more details. Activity bus does not leave the school until about 5:15) Students that need to leave early
(appointments, etc.) should bring in a note or have a parent contact Mr. Sensor, this will ensure students do
not leave the school campus without permission.