1. Scope
1.1 This test method describes the procedure, using constant-rate-of-elongation equipment, for determining
four tensile breaking properties of paper and paperboard: tensile strength, stretch, tensile energy absorption, and tensile
1.2 This procedure is applicable to all types of paper and paperboard within the limitations of the instruments
used, whether the instruments perform horizontal or vertical tests or whether they are manually operated or computer
controlled. It is also applicable to handsheets, with modifications, as specified in TAPPI T 220 “Physical Testing of
Pulp Handsheets.” It does not apply to combined corrugated board.
1.3 TAPPI T 404 “Tensile Breaking Strength and Elongation of Paper and Paperboard (Using Pendulum-
Type Tester)” describes a procedure for measuring tensile strength and stretch using constant rate of loading instruments.
2. Definitions
2.1 Tensile strength, the maximum tensile force developed in a test specimen before rupture on a tensile test
carried to rupture under prescribed conditions. Tensile strength (as used here) is the force per unit width of test
2.2 Stretch, the maximum tensile strain developed in the test specimen before rupture in a tensile test carried
to rupture under prescribed conditions. The stretch (or percentage elongation) is expressed as a percentage, i.e., one
hundred times the ratio of the increase in length of the test specimen to the original test span.
2.3 Tensile energy absorption (TEA), the work done when a specimen is stressed to rupture in tension under
prescribed conditions as measured by the integral of the tensile strength over the range of tensile strain from zero to
maximum strain. The TEA is expressed as energy per unit area (test span × width) of test specimen.
2.4 Tensile stiffness, the ratio of tensile force per unit width to tensile strain within the elastic region of the
tensile-strain relationship. The elastic region of the tensile-strain relationship is the linear portion of the load-elongation
relationship up to the elastic limit. The elastic limit is the maximum tensile force above which the load-elongation
relationship departs from linearity. (Tensile stiffness is numerically equivalent to E t, where E is the modulus of
elasticity and t is sample thickness.)
2.5 Breaking length, the calculated limiting length of a strip of uniform width, beyond which, if such a strip
were suspended by one end, it would break of its own weight.
2.6 Tensile index, the tensile strength in N/m divided by grammage.
Approved by the Physical Properties Committee of the Process and Product Quality Division
T 494 om-96 Tensile breaking properties of paper and paperboard / 2
(using constant rate of elongation apparatus)
NOTE 1: ISO/TC6 recommends the use of tensile index over breaking length. See TIP 0800-01 “Units of Measurement and Conversion
3. Significance
3.1 Tensile strength is indicative of the strength derived from factors such as fiber strength, fiber length, and
bonding. It may be used to deduce information about theses factors, especially when used as a tensile strength index.
For quality control purposes, tensile strength has been used as an indication of the serviceability of may papers which
are subjected to a simple and direct tensile stress. Tensile strength can also be used as an indication of the potential
resistance to web breaking of papers such as printing papers during printing on a web fed press or other web fed
converting operations. When evaluating the tensile strength, also consider the stretch and the tensile energy absorption
for these parameters can be of equal or greater importance in predicting the performance of paper, especially when that
paper is subjected to an uneven stress such as gummed tape, or a dynamic stress such as when a sack full of granular
material is dropped.
3.2 Stretch (sometimes evaluated in conjunction with bending resistance) is indicative of the ability of paper
to conform to a desired contour, or to survive nonuniform tensile stress. It should be considered important in all papers,
but is of particular importance in papers where stress-strain properties are being modified or controlled. This includes
creped paper, pleated paper, air dried paper, and paper that has been made extensible through mechanical compaction.
Stretch may be used as an indication of the amount of crepe in tissues, towels, napkins, and similar grades. Stretch is
evaluated in decorative papers and certain industrial grades such as paper tapes and packaging papers, both as an index
of how well the paper will conform to irregular shapes and, along with tensile energy absorption, as an indication of the
paper’s performance under conditions of either dynamic or repetitive straining and stressing. Stretch has also been found
important in reducing the frequency of breaks on high speed web fed printing presses such as are used to print
3.3 Tensile energy absorption is a measure of the ability of a paper to absorb energy (at the strain rate of the
test instrument), and indicates the durability of paper when subjected to either a repetitive or dynamic stressing or
straining. Tensile energy absorption expresses the “toughness” of the sheet. An example of this is a multi-wall sack that
is subject to frequent dropping. In packaging applications such as multi-wall sacks, favorable drop tests and low failure
rates have been found to correlate better with tensile energy absorption than with tensile strength.
3.4 Tensile stiffness tells of the stiffness of the sheet and often gives a better indication of the mechanical
response of the sheet to converting forces than does failure criteria.
4. Apparatus
4.1 Tensile testing machine1, a constant-rate-of-elongation type (1), meeting the following requirements:
4.1.1 Two clamping jaws, each with a line contact for gripping the specimen, with the line of contact
perpendicular to the direction of the applied load and with means for controlling and adjusting the clamping pressure.
NOTE 2: “Line contact” describes the clamping zone resulting from gripping the specimen between a cylindrical and a flat surface or between
two cylindrical surfaces whose axes are parallel (2).
NOTE 3: For certain grades of paper “line contact” jaws may not be appropriate and it may be necessary to substitute flat gripping surfaces.
Certain grades are damaged by the “line contact” loading between cylindrical and flat surfaces. The use of emery cloth on flat
gripping surfaces will help minimize slippage for some board grades.
4.1.2 The clamping surfaces of the two jaws shall be in the same plane and so aligned that they hold the test
specimen in that plane throughout the test. The clamping lines shall be parallel to each other within an angle of ± 1,
and shall not change more than 0.5 during the test. The applied tensile force shall be perpendicular to the clamp lines
within ± 1 throughout the test.
4.1.3 The distance between line contacts at the start of the test shall be adjustable and resettable to ± 0.5 mm
(nominally 0.02 in.) for the specified initial test span (6.4). (See 11.3.)
4.1.4 The rate of separation of jaws shall be 25 ± 5 mm/min (nominally 1.0 in./min), or as otherwise noted (6.5)
and once set shall be resettable and constant to ± 4%. (See 11.3.)
Names of suppliers of testing equipment and materials for this method may be found on the Test Equipment Suppliers list in the bound
set of TAPPI Test Methods, or may be available from the TAPPI Technical Operations Department.
3 / Tensile breaking properties of paper and paperboard T 494 om-96
(using constant rate of elongation apparatus)
4.1.5 Recorder or indicator capable or indicating the actual force on the specimen within 1% or 0.1 N,
whichever is greater.
4.1.6 Recorder speed or indicator shall be adjustable to provide a readability and accuracy of ± 0.05% stretch.
4.2 Alignment jig (optional) (2) to facilitate centering and aligning the specimen in the jaws, so that the
clamping lines of contact are perpendicular to the direction of the applied force and the center line (long dimension) of
the specimen coincides with the direction of applied force.
4.3 Planimeter or integrator, respectively, to measure the area beneath the load-elongation curve or to
compute directly the work to rupture, with an accuracy of ±1%.
4.4 Specimen cutter, for cutting specimens of the required width, with straight parallel sides (5.3).
4.5 Magnifier and scale or optical comparator, capable of measuring the specimen width to the nearest 0.1
mm (0.004 in.).
NOTE 4: Fully automated laboratory management and/or data acquisition systems are available which perform several functions such as:
automatic calibration check, pre-setting and storing a variety of test programs, cutting the test strip, acquiring test data, and
accurately determining the tensile breaking properties of paper and paperboard. These tests may be performed with the test strip
horizontal or vertical by such equipment. Such equipment may be suitable for use in performing this method; however, the user
is responsible for making independent assessment of this fact on the basis of data generated using specific equipment.
5.1 For sampling for acceptance of a lot of paper, paperboard, related product, without prior agreement
between buyer and seller, use TAPPI T 400 “Sampling and Accepting a Single Lot of Paper, Paperboard,
Containerboard, or Related Product.”
5.2 For sampling for quality control and other purposes, use accepted and agreed upon company and
laboratory sampling practices.
5.3 Precondition, then condition, the sample in accordance with TAPPI T 402 “Standard Conditioning and
Testing Atmospheres for Paper, Board, Pulp Handsheets, and Related Products” prior to cutting the specimens.
NOTE 5: The exposure of the paper to a high relative humidity before preconditioning and conditioning can lead to erratic results varying from
a decrease in stretch and tensile to a substantial increase (30% increase in stretch not uncommon) in these properties. Consequently,
TEA is similarly affected. Careful protection of the sample from the time of sampling until testing is therefore very important.
5.4 Cut 10 test specimens from each test unit of the sample in each principal direction of the paper 25 ± 1
mm (nominally 1.0 in.) wide with sides parallel within 0.1 mm (nominally 0.004 in.) and long enough to be clamped in
the jaws when the test span is 180 ± 5 mm (nominally 7.0 in.), leaving enough length so that any slack can be removed
from the strip before clamping. (See 11.3.) Insure that strips are free from abnormalities, creases, or wrinkles. In some
cases, it may be impossible or impractical to obtain a test specimen having a length long enough to be clamped in the
jaws having the test span specified here. In such cases, see Appendix A.3.1 for special considerations and procedures
required for testing samples at smaller test spans.
6. Procedures
NOTE 6: For purposes of determining shipping sack and shipping sack paper TEA compliance with Carrier and Federal requirements,
Uniform Freight Classification Rule 40, National Motor Freight Classification, Item 200, UUS 48 and Department of Transportation
178.236, 4.8 in. (122 mm) between the jaws and 1 in. (25 mm) per minute jaw separation should be used.
T 494 om-96 Tensile breaking properties of paper and paperboard / 4
(using constant rate of elongation apparatus)
6.6 Select recorder speed or indicator to give a readability equivalent to 0.05% stretch.
6.7 Select the full scale reading, if possible, so that breaking force can be read in the upper three-fourths of
the scale. Make preliminary trial tests if necessary to determine full scale load.
NOTE 7: If, for any reason, any of the testing conditions specified above (specimen length, rate of jaw separation, sample width, etc.) cannot
be followed because of the small sample size or other reason, the method variance must be stated in the report.
6.8 Align and clamp the specimen first in one jaw and then, after carefully removing any noticeable slack,
but without straining the specimen, in the second jaw. While handling the test specimen, avoid touching the test area
between the jaws with the fingers. Use a clamping pressure determined to be satisfactory (Appendix A.1.4), i.e., so that
neither slippage nor damage to the specimen occurs. Automated instruments for which both jaws close simultaneously
are within the context of this method.
6.9 Test 10 specimens in each principal direction for each test unit.
6.10 Reject any value in which the test specimen slips in the jaws, breaks within the clamping area, or shows
evidence of uneven stretching across its width. Also reject any values for test specimens which break within 5 mm of
the clamp area if further inspection indicates the break location is due to improper clamping conditions or misalignment.
If more than 20% of the specimens for a given sample are rejected, reject all readings obtained for that sample, inspect
the apparatus for conformance with specifications, and take any steps necessary to correct the trouble.
6.11 If determining tensile strength and stretch, read and record the breaking force to 0.5% of full scale and
the elongation at break to the equivalent of 0.05% stretch.
6.12 If determining tensile energy absorption, record the integrator reading or use the planimeter to determine
the area under the load-elongation curve from zero load to the breaking load.
NOTE 8: For the purpose of terminating integration, the specimen will be deemed broken when maximum tensile load has been reached and
the tensile load has dropped no more than 0.25% of the full-scale load below the maximum load. This procedure is applicable in
the determination of TEA as long as maximum strain occurs at rupture, which is usually the case.
6.13 If determining tensile stiffness, measure the strain at two force levels within the elastic region of the
tensile force-strain relationship. The lower of the two force levels must be at least 5% of the apparent elastic limit, the
higher not more than 75%, and the two force levels must be separated by at least 20% of the apparent elastic limit. For
purposes of this measurement, the apparent elastic limit is defined as the point at which the tensile force-strain
relationship departs from linearity. Alternately, the slope can be continuously monitored, and the maximum value taken
as the measure of tensile stiffness. Determine the tensile stiffness, St, from:
St = (f L) / (w L)
7. Calculations
7.1 For each test unit and in each principal direction, calculate from the recorded values the average breaking
force, average elongation at break, average integrator or planimeter value, and the average elastic slope, as required.
Correct the instrumental results, if necessary, according to the correction curve described in the Appendix (A.2.2).
Corrections for instrumental deflection need to be applied to both the elongation and energy measurements. Determine
the range or standard deviation in each case.
7.2 Divide the average breaking force by the specimen width (as determined in 6.2) to obtain the tensile
strength. If this has been measured in pounds and inches, convert to kN/m by multiplying by 0.1751. If this has been
measured in kg/mm, convert to kN/m by multiplying by 9.807.
NOTE 9: To calculate the breaking length (air dry) in meters use the following formula:
5 / Tensile breaking properties of paper and paperboard T 494 om-96
(using constant rate of elongation apparatus)
To calculate the tensile index in newton meters per gram use the following formula:
7.3 To calculate the percentage stretch, divide the average elongation at break by the initial test span (as
determined in 6.4) and multiply by 100.
7.4 Multiply the average integrator or planimeter value by the appropriate factor for the equipment and
settings used to obtain the area under the load-elongation curve (Note 8) in energy units, joules (preferred) or inch-pound
force. Then calculate the tensile energy absorption, according to one of the following formulas (see Appendix A.4 for
proof of constants):
tea = 12 a/lw
7.5 Divide the elastic slope by the specimen width to obtain the tensile stiffness. If the slope has been
measured in pounds and inches, convert to kN/m by multiplying by 0.1751.
7.6 Determine the corresponding ranges or standard deviations from the ranges or standard deviations of the
measured values (7.1).
NOTE 11: Hardware/software systems are available that will perform all calculations required in the desired units of measurements.
8. Report
8.1 Report for each test unit and in each direction to three significant figures:
8.1.1 The average tensile strength and the range or standard deviation in kN/m and (if desired) in lbf/in.
8.1.2 The average stretch and the range or standard deviation as a percentage.
8.1.3 The average tensile energy absorption and the range or standard deviation in J/m2 and (if desired) in ft
• lbf/ft2.
8.1.4 The average tensile stiffness and the range or standard deviation in kN/m and (if desired) in lbf/in.
8.2 Report, in each case, the number of tests rejected and the reasons for rejection.
T 494 om-96 Tensile breaking properties of paper and paperboard / 6
(using constant rate of elongation apparatus)
8.3 Report any deviation in test procedure, as when a short specimen must be used, alternate clamping
configurations are used, a wide or narrow strip was tested, or when the rate of jaw separation was varied from 25 ±5
mm/min (nominally 1.0 in./min) as described in 6.5.
9. Precision
9.1 On the basis of studies (3) made in accordance with TAPPI T 1200 “Interlaboratory Evaluation of Test
Methods,” two test results, each representing an average of 10 determinations, from the same or different samples as
noted, are expected to agree within the amounts shown in Table 1. The interlaboratory study included 20 laboratories
and 22 samples. The samples ranged in tensile strength from 2 to 12 kN/m, in stretch from 1 to 9%, and in TEA from
30 to 450 J/m2.
strength* % Stretch* % TEA* %
9.2 In each case, the coefficient of variation of a test result (average of 10 determinations) is expected to be
about 0.36 times the value shown in Table 1.
9.3 The repeatability of tensile stiffness measurements, based on test results from a single laboratory, is
estimated to be 7-8%.
10. Keywords
Paper, Paperboard, Tensile tests, Tensile strength, Stretch, Rupture work, Stiffness, Tensile energy absorption
1 lbf = 4.448 N
1 kgf = 9.807 N
1 N • m = 1.000 J
7 / Tensile breaking properties of paper and paperboard T 494 om-96
(using constant rate of elongation apparatus)
1 ft • lbf = 1.356 J
1 m • kgf = 9.807 J
Tensile strength:
1 lbf/in. = 0.175 kN/m
1 kgf/15 mm = 0.654 kN/m
Tensile index:
The breaking length in meters is numerically equal to 102 times tensile index in newton meters per gram.
Tensile energy absorption:
1 ft • lb/ft2 = 14.60 J/m2
Tensile stiffness:
1 lbf/in. = 0.175 kN/m
11.5 This method was first published in 1964 as a Suggested Method and became an Official Method in 1970.
Tensile stiffness was added to the 1996 revision of the method.
11.6 Related methods: ASTM D828 “Tensile Breaking Strength for Paper and Paperboard,” American
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA; AS 1301-4485 “Tensile Strength of Paper and Paperboard,”
Technical Association of the Australian and New Zealand Pulp and Paper Industry, Parkville, Australia; BS 4415,
Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Montreal, Canada; AFNOR QO 3-001, Association Francaise de Normalisation,
Paris, France; VXPCI, V12, Zellcheming, Rheinstrasse, Germany; ISO 1924, “Paper and Board, Determination of
Tensile Strength,” International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland; SCAN P38, “Tensile Strength
Stretch TEA and Tensile Stiffness of Paper and Paperboard,” Scandinavian Pulp, Paper, and Board Testing Committee,
Stockholm, Sweden. ISO 1924, and other methods noted above, may differ from T 494 in required specimen dimensions,
testing speed, or number of tests.
NOTE 12: Papers prepared from the more highly hydrated or beaten stocks, such as tracing paper or glassine, present the most difficult gripping
problem. Thus, it is recommended that the clamping pressure be adjusted by making a test with a strong tracing paper. The
clamping pressure is adjusted to give satisfactory results with this wide variety of papers in the intermediate weight and strength
range. The use of excessively high pressure is shown by straightline breaks in, and immediately adjacent to, the clamping zone;
whereas the use of too low a pressure shows an abrupt discontinuity in the load-elongation curve, or failure of the specimen beyond
the clamped zone, or, following the test, a wider-than-normal impression of the clamping line.
NOTE 13: This calibration procedure is only applicable for vertical tensile instruments. For horizontal instruments, follow recommended
manufacturer's procedures.
A.2.2 Calibrate the extension measuring mechanism with inside vernier calipers or other appropriate means
over the entire load range of interest (1). Read the elongation scale at a number of points evenly spaced over the range
from about 1 to 20% strain. If readings are in error by more than 0.1% strain, construct a correction curve.
A.3 Modifications of procedure (and effects thereof)
T 494 om-96 Tensile breaking properties of paper and paperboard / 8
(using constant rate of elongation apparatus)
NOTE 14: The tensile breaking load, and consequently the breaking strain and TEA, is known to decrease as the test span increased. The
decrease occurs because tensile specimens fail at the weakest part along their length, and because as the test length is increased the
probability of including a still weaker part also increases.
The effect of test span on breaking load of paper has been found (4) to follow the Pierce (5) weak-link theory which states that:
Table 2 shows the predicted change in tensile breaking load at several test spans and levels of variability, relative to the breaking
load at a test span of 200 mm (4, 5). For example, if a paper is tested for tensile strength using a test span of 50 mm, and the
coefficient of variation is 6% of the average measured tensile, then that test result would be 8% higher than would be obtained had
the test been made using a span of 200 mm.
A.3.1.3 The sample width is used in the calculation of tensile strength, TEA, and tensile stiffness. Studies have
shown that lower results will be obtained for specimens having widths less than about 12 mm. For specimens having
widths greater that 12 mm, test results per unit width are not significantly affected by specimen width.
A.3.2. Procedure
A.3.2.1 At shorter initial test spans, adjust the rate of jaw separation so that the strain rate matches that achieved
with the test span and rate specified in 6.4 and 6.5. This strain rate (rate of jaw separation/test span) is 0.14 ± 0.04
(mm/min / mm). For example, if only one-half (90 mm) of the specified test span were used, the test speed would be set
at one-half (12.5 mm/min) of the specified speed.
A.3.2.2 Doubling the test speed (for same length specimen) will increase the apparent tensile strength and may
increase TEA for some papers approximately 3%. In other cases stretch will be reduced, thus acting to keep TEA nearly
9 / Tensile breaking properties of paper and paperboard T 494 om-96
(using constant rate of elongation apparatus)
Literature cited
1. Van den Akker, J. A., and Hardacker, K. W., “Instrument Studies. LXXXI. The Automatic Recording of the
Load Elongation Characteristics of Paper. III. The Table Top Model Instron (Universal Testing Machine),”
Tappi 41 (8): 224A (1958).
2. Wink, W. A., Hardacker, K. W., and Van Eperen, R. H., “The IPC Line Type Specimen Clamps,” Tappi 47 (1):
13 (1964).
3. Lashof, T. W., “Precision of Methods for Measuring Tensile Strength, Stretch, and Tensile Energy Absorption
of Paper,” Tappi 46 (1): 52 (1963).
4. Wink, W. A., Hardacker, K. W., Van Eperen, R. H., and Van den Akker, J. A., “The Effect of Initial Span on the
Measured Tensile Properties of Paper,” Tappi 47 (1): 47 (1964).
5. Midgely, E., and Pierce, F. T., Text. Inst. J. 17: T355 (1926).
Your comments and suggestions on this procedure are earnestly requested and should be sent to the TAPPI Technical
Divisions Administrator.