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Editor: A1 | Dahlia

**Contributers** A1 | Skylar, Jackson Pearce,

(As One - guild ID: 228826398) Thank you!
There is a gear and accessory tab at the bottom too
Note: All stats provided are their base star, level 1, no orb upgrades
Unfinished data (marked with red box on right) can be e-mailed to discordiax777@gmail.com or left in comments. Please only send data at the base star level, level 1, and no orb upgrades, otherwise its just too confusing.
Skill definitions are listed as comments, limit definitions are below this chart. If you can't see them, please let me know.

NOTE: To sort data (for example, by base ATK) highlight entire table to include the headers then go to Data (at the top) ---> Filter views ---> Create new temporary filter view

Name Base Star Race Limit Skill Special Gear Base HP Base ATK Base MATK Base DEF Base MDEF Base SPD Base EVA Base ACC How to Obtain Completed Data
Archer Lucio 1 Elf Vortex Needle Lucio's Hot Shot 1028 120 103 86 86 144 111 116 Mana Summon X
Blade Crazed Welver 2 Elf Grand Strike Blade Explosion 1318 178 95 135 101 154 112 107 Mana Summon X
Cannoneer Canon 3 Human Fimbulvetr Rampage Cannon Diamond Summon
Compassion God Baldr Aesir Earthen Breath Gracious Heal
Count Draculoki 3 Aesir Boundless Tomb Bloody Trick
Demon Surtr 2 Jotun Flame Bulb Blazing End Connect
Fairy Luflit 2 Therian Earthen Breath Fairy Guard 924 92 145 94 149 163 152 127 X
Fate God Vali 3 Aesir Grand Strike Destiny Chains 1220 192 124 111 116 199 144 171 Diamond Summon X
Fencer Soara 1 Elf Grand Strike Elvish Sword 1079 137 81 130 80 137 98 98 Mana Summon X
Garm-o'-Lantern 2 Beast Grand Strike Pumpkin Pinball 1713 159 80 169 106 145 102 115 Halloween Summon, Soul Trader X
Guardian God Heimdall 2 Aesir Divine Wrath Godly Protection
Gunslinger Wolfgang 3 Therian Earthen Breath Gunslinger's Grief 1231 124 156 123 122 187 152 193 Diamond Summon X
Harpy Mele 2 Therian Magic Downpour Viva the Song
Harvest God Idun 2 Aesir Divine Wrath Apple Pompom
Hel Hound Garm 1 Beast Black Hole Black Fang 1352 139 81 137 80 123 81 101 Mana Summon X
Hero Sigurd 1 Human Grand Strike Ragna Blade 1311 148 81 139 81 103 92 102 Mana Summon X
Hunter Bertha 1 Elf Vortex Needle Clover Shot 1098 146 108 93 91 157 108 134 Mana Summon X
Hunting God Hodr 2 Aesir Vortex Needle Branding Arrow
Knight Senna 3 Ice Gorge Glory Soak Arena Store
Kung Fu Fei Lang 3 Human Flame Bulb Yenwu Lien-Shenzhi 1336 175 114 159 116 182 138 145 Diamond Summon X
Lady Freya 3 Aesir Fimbulvetr Love Machine
Brisingamen X
1159 117 211 116 192 169 129 153 Diamond Summon X

Lancer Sonia 2 Therian Vortex Needle Sonic Thrust 1445 151 94 124 105 160 123 117 Mana Summon X
Monstrous Fenrir 3 Beast Ice Gorge Icicle Death 1416 158 91 146 97 149 104 113 Fenrir event, Connect X
Hati the Doll,
Moon God Mani 3 Aesir Black Hole Nightmare Ragdoll
Hati the Doll X
1275 112 214 120 189 158 139 144 Diamond Summon X

Necromancer Nadia 1 Elf Magic Downpour Soul Rot 905 83 141 81 133 139 107 105 Mana Summon X
Ninja Momiji 3 Human Boundless Tomb Muso Utsusemi 1179 181 98 116 116 199 186 171 Diamond Summon X
Omnipotent Odin 3 Aesir Divine Wrath Judgment Diamond Summon
Queen Hel 3 Aesir Black Hole Helfire Blaze Storyline Progression
Sage Alviss 1 Dwarf Magic Downpour Invoke Meteor 966 83 150 85 144 96 89 148 Mana Summon X
Sellsword Krozak 1 Therian Boundless Tomb Riot Chop 1450 152 80 117 81 126 92 82 Mana Summon X
Shrine Girl Sakura 2 Human Earthen Breath Petal Dance
Spooky Witch Idun Aesir Earthen Breath Treat Pompom
Thief Shiena 2 Elf Boundless Tomb Biting Dagger
Mjolnir, Mjolnir
Thunder God Thor 3 Aesir Boundless Tomb Ultra Bolt
1620 214 117 189 120 158 118 128 Diamond Summon X

Traveling Trader Corona 1 Dwarf Fimbulvetr Sweep Shot 909 102 117 90 89 131 111 138 Mana Summon X
Trickster God Loki 3 Aesir Magic Downpour Trick Slash 1142 177 141 163 127 160 161 139 Diamond Summon X
Valkyrie Blade,
Valkyrie Skuld 1 Aesir Fimbulvetr Holy Shroud Valkyrie Blade 1103 139 92 120 85 130 105 107 Storyline Progression, Mana Summon X
War God Tyr Arena Store
Seid Rod, Seid
Witch Gullveig 3 Aesir Black Hole Lust Machine
Rod X
1124 104 217 114 208 166 127 158 Diamond Summon X

Limit Descriptions (Limits are stronger if you use more than one hero with the same limit) Who
Helhound Garm
40% of average of ATK and MATK as Dark dmg to all enemies 5 times. All allied heroes' Moon God Mani
Black Hole
ATK and MATK up 10% for 5 turns. Queen Hel
Witch Gullveig
Count Draculoki
Ninja Momiji
Boundless Tomb 40% ATK dmg to all enemies 6 times. All allied heroes' ATK and DEF up 10% for 5 turns. Sellsword Krozak
Thief Shiena
Thunder God Thor
Guardian God Heimdall
10% of average of ATK and MATK as Light dmg to all enemies 20 times. All allied heroes'
Divine Wrath Harvest God Idun
DEF and MDEF up 10% for 5 turns.
Omnipotent Odin
Compassion God Baldr
Fairy Luflit
20% of average of ATK and MATK as Earth dmg to all enemies 10 times. Restore 10% of
Earthen Breath Gunslinger Wolfgang
max HP to all allied heroes.
Shrine Girl Sakura
Spooky Witch Idun
Traveling Trader Corona
Valkyrie Skuld
Fimbulvetr 40% MATK dmg to all enemies 6 times. All allied heroes' MATK up 10% for 5 turns.
Lady Freya
Cannoneer Canon
40% of average of ATK and MATK as fire dmg to all enemies 5 times. All allied heroes' ATK Demon Surtr
Flame Bulb
and MATK up 10% for 5 turns. Kung Fu Fei Lang
Blade Crazed Welver
Fate God Vali
Grand Strike 40% ATK dmg to all enemies 6 times. All allied heroes' ATK up 10% for 5 turns. Fencer Soara
Hero Sigurd
40% of average of ATK and MATK as Water damage to all enemies 5 times. All allied Knight Senna
Ice Gorge
heroes' DEF and MDEF up 10% for 5 turns. Monstrous Fenrir
Harpy Mele
20% MATK damage to all enemies 10 times. All allied heroes' MATK and MDEF up 10% for Necromancer Nadia
Magic Downpour
5 turns. Sage Alviss
Trickster God Loki
Archer Lucio
30% of average of ATK and MATK dmg to all enemies 8 times. All allied heroes' SPD, EVA, Hunter Bertha
Vortex Needle
and ACC up 10% for 6 turns. Hunting God Hodr
Lancer Sonia

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