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Charles University in Prague

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics


Bc. Jan Blažek


Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic

Supervisor: RNDr. Barbara Zitová, Ph.D.

Study program: I1 – Theoretical Informatics

I would like to express a great gratitude to my supervisor RNDr. Barbara Zitová, PhD.
and thank her for her professional feedback and help during my work. I would also like to
thank RNDr. Janka Hradilová who has introduced the problem of fresco restoration to me.
I am much obliged to Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic and Academy of Fine Arts in Prague for providing us with all materials necessary
for our work.
Last, but not least, I am very grateful to all my linguistic advisors for their help with the
final stylistic polishing of this thesis.

I declare that I wrote this diploma thesis independently using exclusively sources cited
herein. I agree with lending of this thesis.

Prague, 30th July 2009

Jan Blažek

1 Introduction 9
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2 Idea of restoration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3 Environmental effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2 Goals 12

3 Methodology 13
3.1 Process overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2 Colour Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4 Image enhancement 16
4.1 Denoising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.2 Subpixel Interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.3 Contrast Enhancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.4 Edge Sharpening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.4.1 Sobel operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.4.2 Laplacian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5 Registration 22
5.1 Perspective transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.2 Alignment of referential points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.2.1 Covariance measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.2.2 Mutual information measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

6 Image fusion 26
6.1 Principal Component Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
6.2 Fusion Based on Wavelets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

7 Segmentation 30
7.1 K-mean Colour Quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
7.2 Ohlander Price Reddy Segmentator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
7.3 Region growing methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
7.4 Morphology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

8 Alternative approach 37
8.1 Diffusion model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

9 Results 40

10 Conclusion 44
10.1 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Bibliography 45

A Appendix 47
Title: Digital restoration of fresco paintings
Author: Jan Blažek
Department: Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic
Supervisor: RNDr. Barbara Zitová, Ph.D.,
Institute of Information Theory and Automation
Supervisor’s e-mail address: zitova@utia.cas.cz
Abstract: In this thesis we present the application of digital image processing algorithms
for the process of fresco restoration such as image registration, image fusion,
and image segmentation. We have worked with images of various modalities
(visual and ultraviolet spectra) and at different times. Moreover, during the
image analysis we also have taken the local chemical analysis into account.
The robustness of proposed algorithms is required to be high with respect to
the bad state of the fresco. The achieved results provide a better insight into
the evolution of the fresco aging to the art conservators and show the way
how a proper conservation method can be chosen. All developed methods are
illustrated by generated output images.
Keywords: virtual restoration, wall painting in the fresh plaster, fresco painting, image
analysis, image fusion, image registration

Název práce: Digitálnı́ restaurovánı́ nástěnných maleb

Autor: Jan Blažek
Katedra (ústav): Katedra teoretické informatiky a matematické logiky
Vedoucı́ diplomové práce: RNDr. Barbara Zitová, Ph.D.,
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR
E-mail vedoucı́ho: zitova@utia.cas.cz
Abstrakt: Diplomová práce zpracovává nástěnné malby za použitı́ algoritmů pro image
processing. Součástı́ jsou algoritmy pro registraci, fúzi a segmentaci obrazu.
Vstupnı́mi daty jsou snı́mky v různých modalitách (viditelné a ultrafialové
spektrum) a staré snı́mky z předchozı́ doby. V úvahu byla vzata i možnost
použı́t chemické vzorky zı́skané z maleb. Kvalita vstupnı́ch dat vyžaduje ro-
bustnı́ metodu, která zároveň nabı́zı́ lepšı́ představu o vývoji fresky, pomáhá
při jejı́m datovánı́ a poskytuje lepšı́ podklady pro jejı́ restaurovánı́. Výsledky
všech použitých metod jsou ilustrovány na obrázcı́ch.
Klı́čová slova: virtual restoration, nástěnná malba do vlhké omı́tky, freska, analýza
obrazu, image fusion, image registration
Chapter 1: Introduction

Computer technology is so advanced nowadays, that even such a complicated task as the
image processing or the restoration of old paintings can be solved virtually on your monitor.
This virtual restoring is a very useful and powerful tool especially in the field of culture
heritage. Every real interference with the work of art is very risky and simulations can
increase the quality of restorers’ final product. In addition to great usability of such virtual
processing, virtual restoration is also cheaper than other types of extraneous analysis.
Despite the obvious utility of such vir-
tual restoration there is still no specialised
software suited to that purpose, even though
there is a very long list of image processing
algorithms already available. That includes
algorithms for image recognition and algo-
rithms for processing of multimodal data as
well as plenty of algorithms for improving vi-
sualization of noisy images especially from CT
or MR medical devices. At first glance there
seems to be no connection between ancient
art and CT images, but on closer look we
find many mutual issues such as image regis-
tration, contrast enhancing, segmentation, or
texture synthesis. Of course there is a lot of
differences as well, e.g. dissimilar erosion of Figure 1.1: The church of st. George in Kos-
images (lacunas and scratches on the paint- tolany pod Trı́bečom (Slovakia)
ings compared to the noise on CT images). So even though there are many specialised
algorithms for image processing, they are not exactly what we need.

1.1 Motivation
As our first motivation we gained the images from a church in Kostolany pod Trı́bečom in
Slovakia (see Figure 1.1). The church of st. George is pre–Romanesque firstly mentioned in
1113 A.D. It is decorated with a very large set of wall paintings on the fresh plaster. Our
approach to virtual restoring is based on those paintings and all examples mentioned in this
thesis shows results obtained on Kostolany paintings. Presented methods were developed

in close cooperation with conservator scientists from ALMA1 , therefore we propose methods
which facilitate work of conservators. The presented method would be useful also for another
freco paintings.

1.2 Idea of restoration

However, our goal is not that simple for sake of the restoration rules. In virtual restoration
we can use a lot of techniques which are for restoration of real art work prohibited. The
goal of restoration process is to present the original look of the piece of art. It ought to be
as precise as possible, without any synthesized regions or putative information. All regions
filled in with such a method, especially the holes in walls, must be distinguishable at first
glance (different material, different colour). On the other hand the virtual image can be used
to fill in some synthetic parts to the real work without any damage and can offer a “better”
visualization of original state (before many years) to the laics.
At the beginning we have to understand
how is our painting created. Hence we use the
restoring techniques which give us necessary
information. We obtained a lot of different
types of input data of different characteristics.
The simplest type of input data (already ac-
cessible) are the classic photos (wave–length
380–780nm, see Figure 1.2), which depict ac-
tual state of the art work. Besides that we use
also very common photos in UV spectra (see
Figure 1.3 (c),(d)) or different wave–length,
which can penetrate through the first layer
and can uncover images under surface. Our
input images are very often affected by hu- Figure 1.2: Photo of a wall painting on the
midity or by a new layer of painting made fresh plaster in visible light spectrum
over the old one. We say that those images
have nonzero depth. Classic photos and photos in UV spectrum are often supplemented with
photos in infra–red spectrum and point–based chemical samples from colour layers.
This thesis is based on the data collected by the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy
of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Academy of Fine Arts. The supplied data consists of
the images in broad-band UV spectrum (UVB) see Figure 1.3 (c), narrow-band UV spectrum
with maximum at 369nm (UVN) see Figure 1.3 (d), photos in visible spectrum see Figure
1.3 (a) and old photos from ‘1960s 1.3 (b).

Academic Materials Research Laboratory for Painted Artworks – joined laboratory of the Academy of
Fine Arts, in Prague, and The Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, The Academy of Sciences of the Czech

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 1.3: Original input data set. Photos of wall painting on the fresh plaster.
Image in visible spectrum (a), old photo from ‘1960s (b), wide–band UV spectrum (UVN) (c), narrow–band
UV spectrum with maximum at 369nm (d). All can be seen different photographic angle and also different

1.3 Environmental effects

The degradation process of wall paintings is inflicted by humidity and light or any mechanical
damage. Under those influences the dyes fade away or change their original colours. The
countours, primarily sharp, are blurred into different sides or disappear completely i.e.: with
the march of time a dye can be found under the point where it was placed originally while
the surface layer of the image can fade away to deeper layers. This process is very hard
to simulate or estimate because it is also necessary to take many different influences into
account. After a long degradation process the edges of the image vanish, which causes that
different objects can be fused together and interpreted as a single one.
Better results can be achieved by developping a more proper physical model of diffusion
including dyes chemical degradation caused by light and substances from the atmosphere.
From this model we need to develop the inverse function, if it is possible. The inverse
function can then enhance original contours but it can be difficult to obtain all parameters
of the inverse function such as granularity of plaster or the effect of the water viscosity.
Also mechanical damage, which is unpredictable and can affect paintings more than water
diffusion or light effect, can be a serious problem.
Our thesis presents an approach without such degradation model. Therefore the results
correspond mainly with the current quality of the piece of art and on quality of input data
obtained from original wall paintings in the fresh plaster.
Chapter 2: Goals

The main purpose of this work is to propose a set of methods suitable for virtual restoration
of old paintings and helpful in the analysis procedure. We want to enable more effective
object identification in wall painting, to simplify orientation between different modalities of
the same painting and show differences between layers in the sense of different modalities.
This goal essentially contains the testing of known methods and their improvement as well
as development of new ones, that should react better within this type of work.
From the view of great complexity of such goal we propose systematic consecution of
digital image processing which contains image enhancement (noise reducing, contrast en-
hancement, edge sharpening), image fusion (especially multimodal data) and segmentation.
For every part of this model we suggest methods that are suitable foremost for our type of
input data.
Chapter 3: Methodology

Work with old paintings requires many different

points of view, because the information embed-
ded in the image can be split in three parts.
First part includes visible information such as
colours and textures; second part consists of
information that is not visible (colours in UV
spectra, chemical structure of colour layers) and
the last part implies the information lost in time
(holes or scratches). Our goal is to find de-
pendencies among the data sets and to extract
the invisible information of the currently visible
state or to define state of painting before 1000

3.1 Process overview

Virtual restoration process covers many of
known image processing algorithms, which
should help us considerably reach our goal.
Whole image correction consists of such algo-
rithms ordered as follows. First we try to im-
prove our input data (Chapter 4), which consists
of using appropriate denoising filter (Section
4.1), edge detection and sharpening (Section
4.4) and contrast enhancement (Section 4.3).
These algorithms form pre–processing phase, Figure 3.1: Image processing algorithm –
which has to be human–controlled. Following UML diagram (unified model)
is image processing phase we have to register
images (Chapter 5). Image registration is necessary for image fusion (Chapter 6) that comes
next. Each layer of fused image is then segmented (Chapter 7). Segment masks in different
modalities can be compared and output image is prepared for any of image inpainting meth-
ods. Results of those methods can be found in Chapter 9. Whole image processing diagram
is shown in Flow chart 3.1. We recommend to substitute all segments without relevant in-

formation by the colour mean or synthesized by using the artificial texture for creation final
virtual look of the art work.

3.2 Colour Spaces

When we use different colour spaces, we can
extract information about edges and regions
from the visible parts. This transformation
from one three-dimensional space to another
can simplify edge sharpening and contrast en-
hancement (greater part of colour range is
used) as well as improving visual evaluation.
For demonstration of this effect we can use a
photograph of wall painting on fresh plaster
shown in Figure 3.2. Differences between his- Figure 3.2: Example of wall painting on the
tograms are presented in Figure 3.3. fresh plaster
We can see on the hue graph more than one
peak and the curve is more complicated than
in other histograms. Peaks in this colour band come from combining peaks in red, green
and blue bands. From the changes of derivation values we can mark out single segments and
better quantize the values of coloured pixels. Such distribution is in harmony with human
visual system and therefore useable without being disruptive.
4 4 4
x 10 x 10 x 10

8 7

5 4

1 1

0 0 0

0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250

red green blue

hue saturation value

Figure 3.3: Comparsion of RGB histogram and HSV histogram

Histograms obtained from Figure 3.2. Concentration of peaks in hue histogram are created by mixing peaks
in RGB

For our purpose we often employ HSV, HSL, Yuv, or CIElab colour space [1]. Broadly
used are also images in gray spectra. Among these spectra we can simply convert our image
using functions mentioned in Chapter 6 in [1].
Chapter 4: Image enhancement

First we concentrate on methods that can improve our input image before further processing
as well as emphasise differences between measured values. All these methods scale measured
values to possible maximum of defined range so that we can better recognise objects and also
make the input smoother. Such operations do not need to show us any “real” image but can
positively affect all other algorithms.
Ideally we use data that can be described by a continuous two-dimensional function, where
the function range is the pixel colour. Unfortunately, reality is different. Images are affected
by omnipresent noise and truncation error and are completely discrete due to splitting into
pixels. Our goal is to reduce noise by smoothing the image (Section 4.1). Then we can use
an interpolation function for subpixel points (see Section 4.2). This process guarantees that
the image function behaves as continuous in spite of being based on discrete values. Finally
we equalize histogram of the image to increase contrast of input data (Section 4.3).

4.1 Denoising
Denoising is standard image processing method which clears off high–frequency information
with or without respect to edges. Most common and used approximations of noise are white
Gaussian noise and salt and pepper noise. For our input data we assume white Gaussian
noise approximation, which means gauss function added to image function f . Image obtained
after digitalization process is then f 0 :

f 0 = f + n, (4.1)

where n = N(0, σ 2 ). For reducing noise we can use many different filters (see [1]). Modern
denoising methods are using the decorrelation properties of wavelet decomposition [2] or
pleasible beavior of dictionary-based approaches [3]. The result depends mainly on the quality
of images. In our case we can expect that the purchase of high quality images is possible,
because the creation of fair input data is a part of the conservation process. Using this
assumption we can use arbitrary and a very simple filter with variable size and weights.
The formula of denoising filter is as follows:

M[x, y] = , (4.2)
(x2 + y 2 + 1)

1 0.5

0.9 0.45

0.8 0.4

0.7 0.35

0.6 0.3

0.5 0.25

0.4 0.2

0.3 0.15
5 0
0 5
0 5 5
−5 −5 0 0

(a) (b)

Figure 4.1: The shape of smoothing function M

Second version (b) of smoothing function M is independent on the de–noised pixel - the weight of point [0, 0]
is set to 0.

where x, py ∈ {−R, . . . , −1, 0, 1, . . . , +R} and M[x, y] represents weight of pixel value at a
distance x2 + y 2 from the denoised pixel. Graphically shown in Figure 4.1. After convolu-
tionPof pixel neighbourhood with the weight matrix M we have to normalize obtained value
by M[x, y].
In some cases we need a filter independent on the original pixel value and so we use the
same formula as in equation 4.2 but with M[0, 0] = 0. Surface of this function is shown in
Figure 4.1(b).
Described pre–processing should improve efficiency of algorithms sensitive to noise i.e.
algorithms which mostly run only on local range (region growing methods in segmentation).
We choose radius size for the smoothing filter with respect to actual noise in input data.

4.2 Subpixel Interpolation

To set the subpixel values we use simple bilinear interpolation and each band is counted
separately. For bilinear interpolation we need four neighbouring pixels

P1,1 = (x1 , y1 ) = colour[bxc, byc],

P1,2 = (x1 , y2 ) = colour[bxc, dye],
P2,1 = (x2 , y1 ) = colour[dxe, byc],
P2,2 = (x2 , y2 ) = colour[dxe, dye].
where bac is a value of the floor function of a and dae is a value of the ceiling function.
There we substitute α = xx−x 1
2 −x1
and β = yy−y 1
2 −y1
. Colour of the subpixel can then be counted
as follows:

colour[x, y] = αβP1,1 + (1 − α)βP2,1 + α(1 − β)P1,2 + (1 − α)(1 − β)P2,2 (4.4)


Multidimensional colours are substituted in every single band.

4.3 Contrast Enhancing

As we can see in Figure 1.3 our images are very fuzzy and blurred and have very low contrast.
This defect can be improved by enhancing contrast and sharpening edges (see Figure 4.4).
We choose algorithm for adaptive histogram equalization [4], specifically its improved version
with saturation and desaturation effect [5]. We enhance contrast in HSV spectrum (as in [5])
where contrast is represented by the value of V component.
The principle of these algorithms is histogram stretching [1]. We distribute the input
image into square–shaped fragments of uniform size with a centroid. For each of these
fragments we then compute a histogram and we stretch it. Value in each pixel is received as
bilinear interpolation of the values from stretched histograms of neighbouring centroids.
For example we have pixel A = [x, y] and its neighboring centroids C1 , C2 , C3 , C4 . We
look at their stretched histograms histC1 , histC2 , histC3 , histC4 for the colour value of A. We
sum up these values as in equation 4.4, where Pi are the transformed values of our pixel A
by the histograms histCi , α and β are relative distances from the centroids (with respect to
the distance of the centroids from each other).
The effect of adaptive histogram enhancing method depends mostly on the size of frag-
ments and on given borders for histogram stretching, which both affect the ratio of contrast
enhancing. The histogram is stretched in such a way that the first colour with non–zero value
in the histogram (i.e. gray level 58) is transformed to zero colour (to gray level 0) and the
last colour with non–zero value is changed to maximum colour value (for one byte colour is
set to 255). If we use concrete borders for this stretching, then the first colour is set to the
lower border and the last to the higher border. Colour values between these new borders are
distributed by their original distance ratio in the new range (which means mostly uniform
distribution). Effect of such stretching can be seen on histograms in Figure 4.2.











1000 1000

0 0

0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250

Figure 4.2: Comparsion of original and equalized histogram

Method presented in [5] combines histogram equalization with saturation and desatu-

ration process, which should improve colouring of the image. Process affect only u and v
components in uvY colour space, where u and v specify chromaticity and Y stands for bright-
ness. Histogram equalization is then applied on Y component. Principle of saturation and
desaturation is enhancing pixel chromaticity, which have some colour value (i.e. those that
are not near a white point). These colours are saturated - two of RGB colours are maximized
proportionally in ratio of the original pixel and after saturation are desaturated allow the
center of gravity by the law of the colour mixing. Details can be found in [6].
Influence of these improving algorithms is shown in Figure 4.3.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 4.3: Original and enhanced images. The three enhanced images were made using
adaptive histogram equalization algorithm.
Used ranges were 2 (b), 150 (c) and 800(d) respectively.

4.4 Edge Sharpening

Edge detection methods are essentially based on changes in image gradient. In case of colour
images we can specify representation of the gradient. It is possible for example to examine

gradient for each spectrum of used colour space and improve each spectrum separately or
to examine the “global” gradient measure. These algorithms can lead to different gradient
measures, so we have to choose the best one experimentally.

4.4.1 Sobel operator

Matrix operators, particularly Sobel’s present one of the simplest edge detection methods.
Sobel’s operator is based on two weighting matrices which increase high differences and de-
crease low differences between neighboring pixels. Each matrix searches for edges in different
   
1 2 1 1 0 −1
Sy =  0 0 0  , Sx =  2 0 −2  .
−1 −2 −1 1 0 −1

For both matrices we compute the convolution with the original image

G = Ω ∗ S. (4.5)
Finally from Gx and Gy we receive the value of G = G2x + G2y . The interpretation of this
value is then the image containing all the found edges or a matrix for image improvement.
The operator G is a discrete representation of the first derivative splitted into two matrices
- each matrix represents the partial derivative.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4.4: Edge detectors

Original image (a), scaled Sobel operator result (b) and Marr-Hildreth filter (c) with size 5 × 5

4.4.2 Laplacian
A edge detection method using Laplacian was firstly mentioned in [7] and is often known as
Marr–Hildreth algorithm. The second derivative of a function is represented by the Laplacian

x 10



20 20
10 10
0 0
−10 −10
−20 −20

Figure 4.5: Graph of the Laplacian of the Gaussian operator

(or the laplace operator in discrete digital image space). The Laplacian of a function f is
defined as:
δ 2 f (x)
∆f = ∇ f = ∇ · ∇f = 2
, (4.6)
δx i

which for two dimensional image function gives:

δ 2 f (x, y) δ 2 f (x, y)
∆f (x, y) = + . (4.7)
δx2 δy 2
If we presume Gaussian smoothing of the image we need the Laplacian of Gaussian operator
denoted as LoG, which expresses second derivation of a gaussian 2D function:
1 x2 +y 2
G(x, y) = √ e− 2σ 2 . (4.8)
2πσ 2
LoG can be simply calculated as a sum of the partial derivatives:
 2   2 
δ 2 G(x, y) δ 2 G(x, y) x − σ2 y − σ2
LoG(x, y) = + = G(x, y) · · . (4.9)
δx2 δy 2 σ4 σ4
We can see this in Figure 4.5. Discrete form of this continuous function can be a convolution
matrix n × n. Frequently used are 3 × 3 and 5 × 5 filters:
 
  0 0 1 0 0
1 1 1  0 1 2 1 0 
 
 1 −8 1  ,  1 2 −16 2 1  . (4.10)
 
1 1 1  0 1 2 1 0 
0 0 1 0 0
Chapter 5: Registration

As mentioned earlier we use different types of data (chemical samples of colour layers, pho-
tos of different light spectra) for virtual restoration. Data are acquired in misaligned two-
dimensional meshes of coordinates (except for special cases when tripod or another position
fixing method is used). These meshes have different scales and can be deformed towards
each other. If we want to use universal coordinate system for images obtained from different
camera position we have to register them.
There are two approaches to such registration [8]: local and global. Let’s assume, for
the sake of simplicity, that the paintings are completely flat, making the second type of
registration better suited to our purpose, because we can transform each point using the same
transformation parameters. Local registration could still be used for corners of buildings, but
such data input can be split into two flat images.

5.1 Perspective transformation

With flat images it is a very good idea to use perspective transformation. Our images are
flat and obtained from different camera positions. The perspective transformation of two-
dimensional data has following universal formula:
axi + byi + c dxi + eyi + f
ui = , vi = . (5.1)
gxi + hyi + 1 gxi + hyi + 1

For this reason we need to have four referential points [x1 , y1 ], [x2 , y2 ], [x3 , y3 ], [x4 , y4 ] in
referential image and four target points in aligned image [u1 , v1 ], [u2 , v2 ], [u3 , v3 ], [u4 , v4 ] from
which we can enumerate values a, b, c, d, e, f , g and h from the formula (5.1). The equation
system obtained from (5.1) can be expressed also in matrix notation:
 −1    
x1 y1 1 0 0 0 −x1 u1 −y1 u1 u1 a
 0 0 0 x1 y1 1 −x1 v1 −y1 v1   v1   b 
     
 x2 y2 1 0 0 0 −x2 u2 −y2 u2   u2   c 
     
 0 0 0 x2 y2 1 −x2 v2 −y2 v2   v2   d 
  × = . (5.2)
 x3 y3 1 0 0 0 −x3 u3 −y3 u3   u3   e 
     
 0 0 0 x3 y3 1 −x3 v3 −y3 v3   v3   f 
     
 x4 y4 1 0 0 0 −x4 u4 −y4 u4   u4   g 
0 0 0 x4 y4 1 −x4 v4 −y4 v4 v4 h

Figure 5.1: Example of image transformed by perspective mapping

First image is the original from the camera and the second one is transformed by perspective mapping. Result
of the transformation can be improved when using DPI higher than in this example. In the upper part of
transformed image we can recognise smoothing due to the lack of information in input image.

Difficulty of perspective transformation lies in vanish–points. A vanish point gives zero in

denominator gxi + hyi + 1 = 0, making the values in the area incorrect due to discretization
and limit in infinity. For manual setting it is highly recommended to place referential points
as near as possible to image borders. This set up ensures that the vanish points occur outside
of the image.
On the other hand, the transformation is quite powerful. Results shown in Figure 5.1 are
very impressive. One disadvantage of presented registration method is the manual setting
of referential points. We have not found a method sufficient to register multimodal data
automatically especially old images from ‘1960s. There is a possible way mentioned in [9],
however it is very hard to use it for eight parametres of perspective transformation.

5.2 Alignment of referential points

As we mentioned above we set the referential points manually. For good registration output
we have to select suitable points as precisely as possible. With manual selection it is likely
that these points are misplaced. To eliminate this possibility we use alignment algorithm
based on covariation measure or on mutual information measure within small vicinity area
of misplaced pixel. Such a measure can not be used on the whole image without previous
registration. We assume that the transformation has just a small impact on closest vicinity.
To achieve good results of aligning method this assumption must be hold.

5.2.1 Covariance measure

Covariance shows the dependency between images. We presume that the differences between
mean value and pixel values are corresponding in both images.
For each point at a distance of radius R from the target point we calculate covariance
between points lying in the neighborhood of this pixel and points situated in the vicinity of
referential pixel. We use the best result (highest value) instead of misplaced target pixel.
Covariance is defined as:

cov (A, B) = E((X − EX)(Y − EY )). (5.3)

where X represents the pixel values in vicinity {[−R, −R], . . . , [+R, +R]} around new target
pixel A and Y represents pixel values in the same range around referential pixel B center.
Both, X and Y , are random values. E represents the expected value and it can be calculated
as follows:

E(X) = colour[Ax + i, Ay + j], (5.4)
(2R + 1)2 i=−R j=−R

E(Y ) = colour[Bx + i, By + j]. (5.5)
(2R + 1)2 i=−R j=−R

These values are calculated separately for each colour band and then added together (with
equal weights). Also often used similar measure is correlation which is also usable and where
is covariance normalized by standard deviation:

cov(A, B)
cor(A, B) = (5.6)
σx σy

5.2.2 Mutual information measure

In case of multimodal data when the covariance assumption (differences between the mean
value and the pixel values correspond in both images) is not valid, it is better to use mutual
information as a measure, because it is not derived from the real values but from entropy
of the region, which should correspond in both images without any restricting presumption.
With such kind of data it is likely, that it does not come from the same object (independent).
This method was published at [9] and for alignment of misplaced referential points used in
We use the infomation entropy, conditional entropy and joint entropy defined by 5.7,
5.8 and 5.9 respectively. It is easy to see that two random variables are independent if
H(Y, X) = H(Y ) + H(X).
H(Y ) = − p(Y = yi ) ∗ log[p(Y = yi )], (5.7)
yi ∈ΩY

H(Y |X) = − p(Y = yi |X) ∗ log[p(Y = yi |X)], (5.8)
yi ∈ΩY
H(Y, X) = − p(Y = yi , X) ∗ log[p(Y = yi, X)]. (5.9)
yi ∈ΩY

We define mutual information as:

I(X, Y ) = H(X) + H(Y ) − H(Y, X). (5.10)

According to this formula we want to maximize I(X, Y ); that means maximizing entropy of
the image Y and minimizing joint entropy of Y and X, with H(X) constant for our purpose.
Now we concern a small vicinity of the referring point and we calculate in this vicinity mutual
information to target point Ii,j (Y, X) for each pixel, where X and Y do not represent whole
image, but a small vicinity of our actual pixel [i, j] only. Then we choose the pixel with
Ii,j (X, Y ) maximal.
A discrete version of Ii,j (X, Y ) would be:

p(Y = I)=p(Y = I|Y = colour[x, y], [x, y] ∈ A), (5.11)
H(A) = − p(Y = I) · log[p(Y = I)], (5.12)
#colours #colours
H(A, B) = − p(Y = I, X = J) · log[p(Y = I, X = J)], (5.13)
I=0 J=0

Ii,j (X, Y ) = H(X) + H(Y ) − H(X, Y ). (5.14)

In order to maximize I(X, Y ), we focus only on the term H(Y ) − H(X, Y ). The pre-
sumption for using of the mutual information (and covariance also) as a measure is that the
difference after transformation on vicinity of referring pixel would be insignificant. If this
assumption is not valid we must split transformation to small steps where the assumption
valid is.

Now we finish pre–processing phase of image enhancing. In the next few chapters we propose
methods for the image fusion and uncovering connections between different layers of wall
painting. For the connection we use segment masks, which can be compared and fused
images, which contains the most important information from single images.
Chapter 6: Image fusion

As it was mentioned above as an input we obtain different images. We want to extract from
these images all the useful information which is important for conservator analysis. From
n input images we want to have only one image with all valuable information. The most
important is to decide what is the valuable information. Let us have a closer look on following
two methods: the principal component analysis (PCA) and the fusion based on wavelets.

6.1 Principal Component Analysis

This method project the data from the input space into a less dimensional space with by
the user defined dimensionality. In this process is the most interesting information (the
dimension with the greatest variability) stored priorly. The original algorithm is based on
the covariance matrix which can be for the image of 2000x1000 pixels too complex (as a
dimension we take a colour band). Therefore we use the Oja’s iterative algorithm mentioned
in [11]. We want to project the input images to the three major components (we compose a
RGB image) which characterize the input data with a minimal error. We have a set of pixels
(colours) which have to be normalized. To normalize the given set of pixels we compute in
each band separately:
1 X
X[b] = xi [b], (6.1)
|X| i=0
where xi [b] represents colour of the pixel xi in colour band b i.e.: b = 3 represents the value
of the pixel in blue spectra of the first image and the variance of our set:
|X|  2
var(X)[b] = xi [b] − X[b] . (6.2)

Values of each pixel are normalized according with the next formula:

xi [b] − X[b]
i [b] = p . (6.3)

After normalization we can use the Oja’s iterative algorithm which counts in each step the
value of the principal component −

w . In the first iteration we initialize this component by a

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6.1: Join based on PCA

The first two images show registered images in visible light spectrum (a) and ultra–violet spectrum (b). The
image (c) shows result of PCA analysis.

normalized random value and in every next step we actualize value as follows:

w k+1 = −

w k + γk φ(xbi − φ−

w k ), (6.4)

where φ = x → and γ is a learning factor. This step guarantees normalization of vector −
w k

and converges to its local optima if is valid:

X ∞
γk = ∞ and γk2 = C.
k=0 k=0

To reach the global optima is necessary to use an extra learning method such as simulated
annealing. The details can be seen in [11].
Assumed that Oja’s algorithm converges, it is necessary to project the n–dimensional
space generated by input images to n − 1-dimensional which is orthogonal to our vector −
Then we can compute the next component for projected xbi .
The recursive use of this methods generates up to n orthogonal vectors with descending
importance. We can simply use the first three components which we interpret as RGB or
HSV colours. These colours are synthetic such as interpretation of the first component in
grayscale. The output image give us only the information about the position of interesting
objects. One example of the transformation can be seen in Figure 6.1 and each of principal
components in a grayscale in Figure 6.2

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6.2: Three most important principal component of 6.1 (c)

6.2 Fusion Based on Wavelets

Another way of image fusion is the combination of corresponding frequency bands from
different images see Figure 6.3. A technique of frequency decomposition can be found in [12]
especially the image fusion based on wavelets in [13]. However, our results (see Figure 6.4)
was not sufficient for our purpose and therefore we present just one example.

Figure 6.3: The diagram for image fusion algorithm


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6.4: Fusion based on wavelets.

The first image is in visible light spectrum second in UV light spectrum. On the third image we can see that
additive information or combination is insufficient; in addition to that there are residua of wavelet function.
Chapter 7: Segmentation

The last part of our work consists of the segmentation which constitutes splitting of the real
image Ω in to regions Ri containing pixels of similar characteristics. In those regions hold
two conditions:
Sn T
i=0 Ri = Ω and Ri Rj = ∅ for i 6= j,

however, the splitting criteria can be very variable. For our purposes it is very advisable
to obtain segments which had originally the same colour or texture. We also want to mark
regions where the information has been lost (scratches, lacunas). As well as the comparison
of segment masks in different layers of image is desirable to a great extent. It means exactly
to compare the segment masks in the images in visible spectrum and in UV spectrum.
There are three main ways how to segment images. A global look represents the K–
mean algorithm which compare the information at every point in the whole image. And
the top–down and the bottom–up approach, where the segments are splitted in accord with
their inconsistency or where the segments with local similarity among neighours are joined
together, respectively.

7.1 K-mean Colour Quantization

The presented simplest segmentation method is the K-mean algorithm. At first is necessary
to define requested number of colours K in output image. These colours are then selected by
minimizing of the squared error (7.1). We have C i colours where i = 1, . . . , K and we want
to minimize
arg min k(xj − C i k2 , (7.1)
i=0 xj ∈Ci

where xj is a pixel value and xj ∈ Ci means that the nearest colour mean for xj is Ci . This
minimization is even more complicated when we use three colour bands i.e. RGB. The first
possibility is C i three dimensional colour and term (7.1) minimized for all the three colour
bands at once. In this case we obtain C i without chromaticity close to any level of gray
colour especially for images with more than one colour. The other way, to split quantisation
for each band, is more sensitive to chromaticity, but we take a risk of splitting the image
into too many segments. More precisely there are K × K × K different segments (we obtain
for each band K independent segments which). For the minimisation of term (7.1) we use

Figure 7.1: Effect of colour quantization

The first image has 3 different means in each colour band. There are three red, three green and three blue
means (120000 segments), so we can see more colours and less details. The second image has 5 means over
the whole colour space, we can see more details and no colour (155000 segments). The original image has
equalized histogram and for a notion of size contains about 3.5 megapixels.

iterative algorithm. At first we randomly set the value of C i = color[x, y] where x, y are set
randomly. In each loop of this iterative algorithm we act using the next scheme:

1. Select randomly the pixel P from the image.

2. Find N nearest colour means C i to P and denote their order with oi

3. Update the values of the colour means by the formula:

C i,k+1 = C i,k + (P − C i,k ) (7.2)
oi · w i

As was said above, we can use different means for each colour or universal for all colour
bands together. The effect of both possibilities shows Figure 7.1
Another variant of the K-mean algorithm is add to the colour means also coordinates of
pixels. Then the algorithm keeps more continuous segments with this information.

7.2 Ohlander Price Reddy Segmentator

An original method was published in [14] by Ohlander, Price and Reddy (OPR). It is based
on segment splitting; at the beginning there is only one segment – the whole image, which

we split into segments by using any peak in its histogram. The splitting algorithm works in
a loop:

1. Choose any non–processed segment.

2. Create colour histogram of this segment.

3. Find all peaks in histogram.

4. Count left and right threshold of each peak and choose the best peak in
the histogram.

5. Split segment to smaller segments by counted thresholds.

As we show in Figure 3.3 it is very important here in which colour space we use the
histogram. Each operation as smoothing 4.1 or the histogram equalization 4.3 have changed
our histogram. In general, the contrast equalization adds a lot of peaks into the histogram
therefore we obtain oversegmented image. On the contrary, the smoothing reduces number
of peaks. So the small peaks vanish in spite of their crucial sense for deeper hierarchical
splitting. Therefore the utilization of these enhancing methods before OPR Segmentator is
not easy and needs some experience.
The peak selection is based on the multispectral searching. We prepare several histograms
– in red, green and blue spectra and also in hue, saturation and value spectra. We can add
also another colour histogram as uvY and thus improve the effect of the peak selection. At
first we smooth the histograms in order to reduce noise effect. A peak candidate we define
as a point in the histogram where the previous and the next value are smaller than the peak
candidate value in the histogram and it is valid:

1. The difference of the histogram values between a peak candidate and its
nearest local minima is sufficient

2. The ratio of a peak candidate value and its nearest local minima value
is sufficient

3. The distance between the nearest peak candidates is sufficient

A particular setting of the parametres is discused in [14].

We have changed the part of the best peak selection from peak candidate set. The original
method uses priority table mentioned in [14]. We substitute this table with entropy reduction
measure. From the set of the peak candidates we choose that one which reduce entropy of
processed the segment more than other. The entropy is counted over the splitted histogram
of the segment. This histogram has two parts – first one around the peak value and second









0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Figure 7.2: Splitted histogram by peak value and borders on left and right

one as a background. The entropy we count as in equation 5.12, a splitted histogram we can
see in Figure 7.2
Finally we have to show how the borders of the best peak are selected. The first condition
is the local minima, the other conditions are similar to the peak selection:

1. The difference between the histogram value of local minima and the next
local maxima is sufficient

2. The ratio between the local minima value and the nearest local maxima
value is sufficient

3. The distance between the nearest peak candidate and our cadidate is

We show the effect of our method in Figure 7.3

7.3 Region growing methods

The last group of segmentation methods contains algorithms based on joining segments. At
the beginning we create some primitive segments like simple pixels or nodes in a quadtree
and according to their local similarity we join them together. Different variants are based on
the difference of the primitive segments and various local measures for segment joining. We
propose a simple method which begins with primitive segments i.e. created by the K-mean
colour quantization 7.1. For these primitive segments we count similarity of neighbours. The

Figure 7.3: The original and the segmented image with using Ohlander Price Reddy algorithm
On the segmented image can be seen a problem of segmentation with the parts with different brightness.
The segmented image consists of 107000 segments

proposed measure for the similarity is based on the colour mean difference, the variance of
colours in segments, the size of segments and on the size ratio of joined segments.
The mean colour in each segment is counted as an average in each band by equation 6.1.
The mean difference we count simply as:

A = |X − Y |. (7.3)

The variance is counted by equation 6.2. The aim is to minimize variance in the segments.
We want to minimize variance after joining. Clear counting of variance for each pair of
candidates is very time consuming. Therefore we reduce this expensive enumeration and
instead of the variance var(X) we compare standard deviation σX and colour mean distance
A. The standard deviation is given by:
σX = var(X). (7.4)

Now we can define a “range” of the colours in the segment X as follows:

RX = h↓ RX , ↑ RX i = hX − σX , X + σX i. (7.5)

We can prefere joining of such segments where Y ∈ RX or X ∈ RY is true. We particularly

use the distance from the nearest border as a measure. To put it more precisely:

A− ↓ RB if |A− ↓ RB | < | ↑ RB − A|,
B= (7.6)
↑ RB − A else.

(a) (b)

Figure 7.4: The effect of the region growing method

At (a) is presegmented image by the 10-mean colour quantization (36227 segments) at (b) the region growing
method is used (20000 segments).

There we take the better result from X and Y .

We also want to join the small segments together as well as join the small segments to
the big segments. This requirement we interpret as a measure of the sum of segment sizes
and ratio of segments sizes:
C = |X| + |Y | and D = max |X| , |Y |
|Y | |X|

All these measures A, . . . , D we join in one, where the results in A, . . . , D represent votes
for the best candidate. We compare all the neighbouring segments and take the best result
according with used combined measure.
Effect of segment reduction is on Figure 7.4.

7.4 Morphology
After a pure segmentation are segments often jagged and aliased. Those segments need not
to be in the harmony with real borders in the image. For reduction of small segments on the
borders and for border smoothing we can use morphology algorithms. Two basic algorithms
is the segment opening and the segment closing. Both of this methods are composed from
the segment dilatation and the segment erosion in different order.
The erosion of the segment S by the structuring element E is defined by:

S E = {z ∈ S|Ez ⊆ S}, (7.7)

where Ez is the translation of E by the vector ~z, i.e. Ez = {e + z|e ∈ E}, ∀z ∈ S.


Figure 7.5: The effect of segment closure

For our purpose we take the structuring element as circle and from the segment cut border
of width of the radius of our circle.
The dilation of S by the structuring element E is defined by:

S ⊕ E = {e + z|e ∈ E, z ∈ S}. (7.8)

As in the erosion we take circle as the structuring element and add border of width of
the radius of our circle.
By a combination of these two operators we obtain the segment closure as:

A • B = (A ⊕ B) B, (7.9)

and the segment opening as:

A ◦ B = (A B) ⊕ B. (7.10)
Effect of segment closing can be seen in Figure 7.5
Chapter 8: Alternative approach

As an alternative approach which has appeared during our work is the study of degradation
processes. The wall painting is for a long time under the effect of the atmosphere, the acids
created in the plaster or under the effect of a mechanical damage. Based on contemporary
images and a good degradation model we can reconstruct the probable look of art work
many years ago. A complex model of the degradation process is not easy to create due to the
unpredictable effects like changes in humidity, possible previous restoration or the information
lost (a hole in plaster etc.). We have to simplify our model but on the other hand, model
have to reflect the most of the important influences. There we present a modelation of the
water diffusion effect.

8.1 Diffusion model

A good idea for the image enhancing is to find the degradation function which through
the ages blur the wall painting. We have image function I(x, y, τ, p) where x and y are
the coordinates of pixel, τ represents for how long the diffusion affected the image and p
represents type of pigment; for each pigment can have different characteristics. Then we
obtain a set of M × N × p equations for every pixel:

M ×N
I(x, y, τ, p) = pi,p (x, y, τ ) · I(xi , yi , 0, p), (8.1)
where pi,p (x, y, τ ) represents a distribution function and represents additive joining of
colours. This distribution function we can try to compose from the gaussian diffusion and
a shifting vector which represents gravitation or another preferred direction of humidity
At first we suppose that the granularity of the plaster is constant for each point of the
image and therefore the diffusion is homogenous gaussian. For gaussian distribution we
obtain equation:
1 (xi −x)2 +(yi −y)2
pi,p (x, y, τ ) = √ e− 2σ 2 (8.2)
2πσ 2
where [xi , yi] is position of our pixel in the image and variance σ 2 depends on τ and on the
type of pigment p particularly σ = f (τ, p). This equation is valid for both, continuous image
and discrete digital image difference, only in domain of i.

[xi , yi ] [αxi , αyi ]

[x, y]
[xbi , ybi ]


Figure 8.1: Weight distribution between shift function and diffusion function

0.03 −1



0.025 −4
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5

0.02 5


0.01 0


0.005 −3

−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5

20 5

10 20 3

0 10 2

0 1

−10 0
−10 −1

−20 −20 −2


−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 8.2: Diffusion in discrete model

The original point of pigment has been set at [0, 0] these images shows diffusion effect in pixels with variation
1, 2 and 5. Effect of gravitation is 55%. First graph shows surface of diffusion function but with wider range
and higher variation.

The implementation of the shifting vector can be used as follows. We suppose that
distance of pigment from the original position is given by the type of pigment p and by time
of degradation τ . Then the length of the vector [xi − x, yi − y] used in pi,p (x, y, τ ) we divide
to the shifting vector and the original direction by the ratio of water viscosity in plaster and
gravitation. This ratio will be represented by the coefficient α ∈ h0, 1i. Finally, we obtain:

1 xi −x)2 +(c
(c yi −y)2

î,p (x, y, τ ) = √
pc e− 2σ 2 , (8.3)
2πσ 2
where [xbi , ybi] = (1 − α)[x, y − F [y]] + α[xi , yi]. The effect of the vector splitting can be seen
in Figure 8.1. An example is shown in Figure 8.2.
In spite of the first look our model is not as robust as we desire. The parametres which we
include are the preferred direction F , the period of degradation τ (with unspecified transfor-
mation function to variance σ 2 ) and the effect of a preferred direction α. On the other hand,

we suppose that there is no colour change and that the process of diffusion is homogeneous.
Both of these presumptions are not realistic but they are necessary for the sake of simplifica-
tion. The colour change is very common phenomenon that we cannot solve without a special
knowledge about dyes. The diffusion also can be homogenous only when special conditions,
like constant humidity in the atmosphere hold. If these conditions are not guaranteed, all of
our parametres can differ in times and strongly affect the diffusion function.
Chapter 9: Results

In this chapter we present the results of our approach to the virtual restoration. Each image
contains the description of used algorithms and order of images keeps chronology of used
algorithms. All presented result was made on original images (see Figure 9.1)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 9.1: Original input images

From the left: (a) photography in visible spectrum, (b) old black and white photography from ‘1960s, (c)
broad–band ultra–violet spectrum (UVB), (d) narrow–band ultra–violet spectrum (UVN) with maxima at
368 nm

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 9.2: Contrast enhancement of input data with region size of 200 × 200 pixels.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 9.3: Edge detection in detail (head) of input data

Smooth was necessary only for visible spectra (a) with radius of filter R = 1. At (d) are very good visible
lacunas in the painting

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 9.4: Registered images

As a reference image for registration was taken image (c). In other images see corners for difference.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 9.5: Fused images

At image (a) are fused images from visible and UVN spectra. This image shows well the edges and the
lacunas, but all information hidden in lacunas is lost. (b) contains visible spectra and old photo and shows
well the information in lacunas if there is any. (c) is created by fused UVN and visible spectra. The image
has high contrast and very good visible contours. And finally (d) contains old photo and UVN image. There
we can see details as a collar and a wristlet of person.

(a) (b)

Figure 9.6: The fusion of all input images. (b) shows enhanced verison
We can see lacunas and a collar of the person from UV spectrum and shape from visible spectrum. Some
details are visible in lacunas and also on improved look of wrist.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 9.7: Mask comparsion

Emphasized region represents segment obtained from image 9.6(a). Segment mask was applied on all input
images. There we can recoginse information added from UVN to other modalities.
Chapter 10: Conclusion

Our work presents an approach to the virtual restoration. Our exploration in restoring shows
useful algorithms from image processing which can improve the quality and uncover possible
hidden parts of the art work. During our work we fight with unspecified parts of our work
which was uncovered subsequently and often change the direction of our work. Similarly the
conservators uncover the possibilities of the virtual processing. The possibility of a simulation
of the degradation process appear a short time before the thesis finalization and also input
data were continuously filled up. For that reason there remain a great motivation for the
future work.
As our contribution we consider

• Creation of the software for virtual restoration.

• The improvement of Ohlander Price Reddy algorithm.

• Special measure for region growing method.

• New approach to study of degradation processes.

10.1 Future work

Our future work have two possible directions. The first direction continues with a deeper
study of degradation processes and their simulation. The second direction improves the
virtual restoration and image synthesize.
The degradation processes simulation should improve the work of conservators including
the study of the art work and its layers. The possible ways are a study of water diffusion in
plaster and diffusion analysis of dyes. Dyes also can decompose (change the chemical struc-
ture) and then without a deeper study can be the input image useless due to unpredictable
chromaticity changes.
The synthetic images which we want to compose from the input images need corrections
or scratches and lacuna filling. Such process requires algorithms for texture synthesis and
better segmentation algorithms.

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Chapter A: Appendix

Content of enclosed CD:

• Text of this thesis in pdf and ps format

• Figures used in this thesis in encapusulated post–script format (in the directory figures)

• Fresco software (in the directory runnable)

• Source code of the software (in the directory src)

• User documentation (in the directory doc)

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