Purple Topshells
Purple Topshells
Purple Topshells
Sea snails are a common cuisine all across the world, be it in Great Britain or
Ireland, or even as far as Africa and Asia where they are considered a delicacy.
Some sea snails are known to have been an important source of food as far back as
7500BC in Scotland. One of the reasons the sea snail is such a popular dish is due
to their high levels of protein, and extremely low levels of fat. On average a raw
snail is about 80% water, 15% protein and only 1.4% fat.() This got me wondering,
where would you go to find the sea snails with the largest foot (the bit we eat) and
whether the size of the foot is affected at all by the exposure of the beach, and so I
decided to conduct my project on the effect of exposure on the size of the foot of
one species of sea snail.
However I was then faced with the problem of choosing which species to use,
fortunately however, on the rocky shores there was one sea snail that stood out on
both the exposed and the sheltered shores. The purple topshell was extremely
abundant on both shores, above and beyond the rough periwinkles and dogwhelks
that were also present on the rocks. This would mean that I would have no problem
in locating individuals to measure. I also found it interesting that whilst the rough
periwinkle avoided the strong waves on the exposed shore by being a lot smaller
than those on the sheltered shore (and as such were able to hide in cracks in the
rocks) the purple topshell did not vary in size significantly. This suggested to me
that the purple topshells were enduring the harsher conditions as opposed to
avoiding them, and so would seem sensible for the topshells to have a larger foot
(which is indicated by the aperture size) relative to its body size (which is indicated
by the shell length) to hold on to the rocks with on the exposed shores. For these
reasons the purple topshell looked to be the most suitable species to conduct my
project on.
Although a larger aperture would render the purple topshell more vulnerable
to desiccation, I believe that due to the continuous spray on exposed shore, this
would not happen. In addition, despite the fact that having a small aperture is
beneficial in preventing predators from accessing the soft innards of the snail, this
also would not be a problem on the exposed shore where crabs, one of the main
predators, do not thrive. For these reasons I believe that purple topshells on the
exposed shore will have a greater aperture/length ratio than those on the sheltered
Snails are one of the few unmistakable groups of animals. There are four
major groups amongst the larger species on British rocky shores, limpets, whelks,
winkles, and topshells. Whilst limpets and winkles are very distinct, winkles and
topshells can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from one another. Topshells have
a circular operculum whereas winkles have an ear-shaped or sub-oval operculum.
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Topshells have a nacreous layer on the inside of the shell which is most prominent
on the outer lip whereas the winkles do not. The inside of the outer lip is dark or the
same colour as the outer surface. Topshells have a shell that is marked with a
complicated pattern composed of blotches and/or zigzag lines but the winkles have
shells that are uniformly coloured or have broad or narrow bands that run around
the spiral at right angles to the lip.() Purple topshells, unlike other topshells, have a
hollow spiral through the centre of the shell (the hole can be seen when turned
over).This information will help me to identify the correct species in my pilot and
final projects and to help me avoid any anomalous results.
The organs of the topshell that remain permanently within the shell are held
in a bag, called the mantle. The edge of the mantle ends in a flexible collar, known
as the mantle edge. This edge is the location of the topshells various sensory
organs as well as the cells that produce the outer layers of new shell. The inner
layer of the shell however is secreted by the whole outer surface of the mantle. The
body of the topshell is attached to the shell with the columella muscle, which can
also pull the body completely into the shell. The head is pulled back first into the
shell, followed by the foot and finally the operculum, which protects the head of the
snail from any predators. As the head and foot are drawn into the body, much of the
water inside the shell is forced out. Normally the water inside the cavity is wafted
by the cilia on the gill, which creates a water current, pulling fresh sea water into
the upper left side of the cavity, through the gills and then past the excretory
organs on the way out.
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Purple topshells on the exposed shore will have a greater aperture/length ratio than
those on the sheltered shore.
Null Hypothesis
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Risk Assessment
• The rocky shore has the potential to be a hazardous environment. The rocks are
often covered with seaweed, which can be extremely slippery and easy to fall on.
On top of that falling over on the rocky shore has the potential to cause serious
injury, with sharp edges and hard rocks. As a precaution I wore wellington boots
with good grip and always walked on barnacle covered rocks when possible, as they
provide addition grip underfoot.
• The tide also poses a potential risk, with it being quite easy to quickly become cut
off from the shore on the rocks. As a precaution I made sure to always have a copy
of the tide schedule for that day as well as a watch so that I was constantly aware of
how much time I had before the tide would reach the height at which I was working.
• It was also quite easy to get lost while moving from beach to beach and back to
field studies centre, through the fields. To make sure I did not lose my way I stuck
to well-known and well-marked routes.
• In addition to all of the above I always stayed in a group of three during the day and
that at least one person in the group had a first aid kit. This meant that should
someone be injured there would be one person able to stay with the incapacitated
and another to head back to the centre to seek aid.
As my pilot I decided to prepare for my final project by investigating two
things. Firstly I wanted to find out at what height would be best to take my samples
from in my final project, as well as how many samples I would need to take. To
determine these I employed two techniques. Firstly I conducted an interrupted belt
transect on both the exposed and sheltered shores to find out what height had the
greatest abundance of purple topshells. Secondly I carried out a random stratified
sampling and cumulative mean investigation. This would allow me to determine
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how many samples I would need before their average ceases to fluctuate
significantly, after which any further samples are not needed.
My pilot studies informed me that the height with the greatest abundance of
purple topshells on both shores was 3 metres above chart datum and that I would
need to take 29 samples for my results to be representative.
1 Metre Ruler
1 Optical Level
• Firstly I placed my metre ruler at the point where the water level met the
shore. I was able to determine the height of this point using my tide chart for
that day and the time.
• Having noted the initial height down, I aligned my optical level up with the
50cm mark on the metre ruler.
• While looking down the groove, I asked a peer to mark the point which I could
see. This point would be exactly 50cm above the water level.
• I then placed a quadrat there (with the base of the quadrat at the marked
point) and counted the number of Purple Topshells that were present it.
• Having recorded the value, I then repeated the process, proceeding up the
rocky shores at height intervals of 50cm.
• Once I had completed the transect on each shore I plotted a graph of the
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• 1 Tape Measure
• 1 Vernier Calliper
• Calculator
• I laid down a tape measure along the rocks that was 3 metres above the
chart datum.
• I then used the Ran# command on my calculator to obtain 35 random
• I used these numbers as points on the tape measure, and where the number
was on the tape measure, I measured the dimensions of the nearest purple
• To measure the length and aperture of the purple top shells I used Vernier
• I repeated this 35 times and then created a table containing my results and
plotted them on a graph.
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Table of Results
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This line is the
final value
multiplied by
On my graph I plotted two lines, one 0.25% above the final value, and the other
0.25% below. Once the cumulative mean remained within these boundaries I
plotted a line down from the second value and took this as the number of samples I
would need to take, which turned out to be 29.
Final Project
For my final project I conducted a random stratified sampling at each shore,
measuring both the length and the aperture size of the purple topshells. Factors I
had to control included:
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Height above chart datum. Different heights I took all my samples from
experience different levels the same height above
of submersion. This may chart datum. I used an
have an effect on the optical level and metre
shape of the purple ruler to determine the
topshells. For example height, and then laid a
further up the shore the tape measure along the
purple topshells may have rocks at that height, and
smaller apertures to only measured the
reduce water loss). topshells present within a
small distance from the
tape measure.
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• Using my tide chart for the day and an optical level I measured 3 metres
above chart datum and laid a tape measure down along the rocks at that
• Using a calculator I then generated a random number, and then using the
values as a distance along the tape measure, found a purple topshell closest
to that value, making sure that it was not in a unrepresentative microhabitat,
such as rock pool.
• Using Vernier Calipers I then measured the length and aperture of the
topshell and recorded them in my results table.
• I repeated this 29 times, as my pilot study informed me that I would need to
take this many samples before my data was representative.
Once I have obtained my results I will have to perform a statistical test in order to
assess the reliability of my results. I must perform a statistical test to prove that my
results are significant, in other words, that they did not occur by chance. I will use
the Student t-test to evaluate the reliability of my results, because in my project I
am looking at the difference between two locations, and the student t-test works
best when comparing two different sets of results. For my results to be proved
reliable my statistical test will need to disprove my null hypothesis at the 5%
significance level. This means that 95 times out of 100 the experiment will yield the
same result. The reason we use the 5% significance level is purely conventional in
the scientific community.
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Sheltered Exposed
n Xs Xs2 Xe Xe2
Anomalous Results
My third sample from the sheltered shore, highlighted in red is an anomalous result.
I believe that this individual was most likely very young, due to its small size,
compared to the other results. To confirm my theory I looked at the thickness of the
shell. Young purple topshells produce a much thinner shell than older ones, and as I
had expected, the shell of this individual was significantly thinner than a larger
topshell which I compared it to. I discounted this anomalous result and did not
include it in either my graph or statistical test and instead I obtained another
sample for the sheltered shore. To avoid this from occurring again, I only recorded
the measurements of topshells with a length of greater than 12mm.
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Finally, using all of the above, calculate the final value for t
Because my value for ‘t’ exceeds the critical value of 2.021 at 58 degrees of
freedom, I can reject my null hypothesis of ‘There is no statistically significant
difference between the aperture/length ratio of purple topshells on an exposed and
on a sheltered rocky shore’ at the five percent significance level. However since my
calculated ‘t’ value also exceeds the critical value of 2.423 I can also reject my null
hypothesis at the 2% significance level.
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would encourage water loss and eventually desiccation, on an exposed shore there
is constant water spray from the waves hitting the rocks. I believe the water gained
from the spray would counteract the increased water lost through the larger
aperture. In addition to this, the main predator of the purple topshell, the crab, is
much less abundant on exposed shores, and so the increased risk of predation that
comes as a result of having a larger opening to the soft innards of the snail is not an
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