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Brain Signature Profilling

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Brain Signature Profiling (BSP) or Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling (BEOS)

[Based on Gautam Biswas & Anil Aggrawal]

Q) Write a short note on Brain Signature Profiling (BSP) or Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling (BEOS)?
A) (I) Introduction –
(1) Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature profiling is a technique developed by Dr. C.R. Mukundan in the year 2003.
(2) This technique is currently been used in a Forensic set-up to identify the presence of Experiential Knowledge in the
perpetrator of the crime.

(II) Principle –
(1) Knowing and Remembering are two Neurocognitive processes, of which Knowing refers to the cognitive process of
recognition with or without familiarity, whereas Remembrance is the recall of episodic and autobiographical details from a
person’s life. Differentiation of neurocognitive processes of recognition and remembrance have been established by numerous
(2) Recognition or Knowledge is a conceptual representation, acquired through various means of communication and
conceptualization. While Remembrance is the neurocognitive process of bringing personal past to the present and thus involves
Personal Experience of an individual which was gained by personal participation.
(3) The program of Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling does not measure Knowledge but it measures remembrance of
the Experiential Knowledge or autobiographical information, which consists of awareness of internal processing or remembrance,
sensory-motor mental imageries associated with experience.
(4) The electrical activity related to remembrance is called the “Signature” of the experience. The process is defined as the
retrieval of the Experiential Knowledge. The signature will be present only if a remembrance can be evoked by the specially
designed probes. Absence of Experiential Knowledge results in the absence of the signature.
(5) Experiential knowledge is facilitated by awareness of contextual details and emotional arousal if present.

(III) Evidentiary Value of BSP/BEOS –

(1) The technology of BEOS is being currently used in the Forensic Laboratories of Mumbai, Gandhinagar and Chandigarh and
further many more laboratories are planning to start this test.
(2) Currently, approximately 300 subjects have undergone the BEOS test for the cases in which they have been suspected to be
involved and in some of these cases, the Experts have been summoned under Section 45 of Indian Evidence Act.
(3) On the basis of the judgments which have been available, till now no court has objected to the use of this test for the purpose
of the investigation.
(4) Section 45 of the Indian Evidence Act is wide enough to accept results of an expert in any field of science or art, when the
court has to take decision. Hence under this section, courts have been accepting the results of the BEOS test provided they are
being corroborated by other substantive or even circumstantial evidences which together are enough to convict a perpetrator of
the crime.
(5) Court’s opinion in a criminal case – “Since the tests are scientific tests, are conducted in scientific manners and with latest
scientific machines and therefore, these examinations and its results cannot be discarded in this case as it corroborates with
other evidence brought on record by the prosecution including oral as well as documentary and therefore, the results of the said
examinations are acceptable in this case”.
(6) BSP/BEOS has only corroborative value. There has been not even a single case, in which the court has convicted a
subject based only on the results of the BEOS test. In the cases, wherein results of the BEOS tests and other Psychological tests
were Positive but were not supported by other oral or documentary evidences, the subjects in those cases have been acquitted
of the charges against them.
(7) Although, the BEOS test may be used for a particular case, it is not necessary that the reports may get submitted in court.

(IV) BSP/BEOS is not in violation of Article 20(3) of Constitution –

(1) In a criminal case, court opined – “as these tests are not in the nature of Testimonial compulsion, they do not in any way
violate Article 20(3) of Constitution and recourse to such test can be taken if and when investigating agency seeks to introduce
such statement as evidence.” Thus the use of these tests both during the course of investigation and trial is held to be

(V) Conclusion –
(1) Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling (BEOS) is certainly a useful test as an aid to investigation provided it has been
conducted in a scientific manner.
(2) The results of the BEOS test, if positive, and if supported by other direct or circumstantial evidences can be accepted as
corroborative evidence under Section 45 of Indian Evidence Act.
(3) If the result of the test are positive but are not corroborated with other direct or circumstantial evidences, then they are not
substantive enough to convict an individual suspected of the charges of committing the crime.
(4) If the tests of the results are negative, and if they are not supportive of prosecution, the courts may consider that, the purpose
for which the test was taken has not been served.
(5) If the test results are negative, but there is other evidence enough to prove the guilt of the perpetrator, the person would still
get convicted.
(6) Even if the test results are positive, they may not be submitted in court and hence may not even be accepted as evidence.

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