Lie detection or polygraphy test is one of the scientific methods in crime detection. The
polygraph is always one of the scientific instruments in the detection of crime the criminal
investigation department in all police organization. This is used to test or question individuals for
the purpose of detecting deception or verifying the truth of statement through a visual,
permanent and simultaneous recording of a person’s cardiovascular and respiratory pattern as
a minimum instrumentation requirement.
The instrument merely measures certain identifiable physical reactions as affecting the
respiratory rate, blood pressure/pulse rate and galvanic skin resistance to a very minute amount
of current in connection with the of a reliable questioning technique for diagnosing deception.
The effectiveness of the polygraph in recording symptoms of deception is based on the well
stablished fact that a conscious mental effort on the part of normal person to deceive, cause
involuntary physiological changes, which are in effect, body’s reaction to an imminent danger of
it’s well being.
Cardio-Pneumo Psychogram was Larson’s first instrument which wa borrowed form Dr.
Robert Jessel and was invented by Earl Bryant
= in 1921, Earl Bryant made an instrument for Larson in which he used a breadboard as a base
and from that it became in the industry as Breadboard Polygraph- capable of recording
continually and simultaneously the respiration and cardiovascular activities.
Today he is known as the Father of Scientific Lie Detection and at the same time the father
of Polygraph
Galvanograph Component
1897 Worked on the galvanograph component and studied the influence and relation of the
sweat glands to the skin resistance.
Otto Veraguth
1907 Formulated the term Psycho-galvanic skin Resistance (PSR).He claimed that the electrical
phenomena are due to the activity the sweat glands.
Richard O. Arthur
Developed an improvised polygraph machine with two galvanic skin resistance.
Pneumograph Component
Vittorio Bennussi
1914 Noted changes in inhalation and exhalation ration occurring during deception. He recorded
the respiratory curves of the pneumograph.
Harold Burtt
1918 A scientist who determined that the respiratory changes were signs of deception and
concluded the systolic pressure changes are valuable in determining deception.
Kymograph Component
Leonard Keeler
1926 Invented the kymograph machine. In 1949 the keelers polygraph incorporated in the
galvanograph with measurement, blood pressure and respiration component and kymograph
component. He also devised the metal recording bellow, rolled chart paper polygraph
Considered the father of modern polygraph
Leonard Keeler= in 1926, he made a modification of Larson’s instrument. He developed that
metal bellows and kymograph that pulled a chart paper at a constant speed under recording
pens from a roll of chart located inside the instrument.
= in 1938, Keeler included the Psychogalvanometer (PGR), a third measuring component of his
instrument which was also known as Galvanic Skin Reflex (GSR) invented by Italian
Physiologist Galvani in 1791.
= credited as the creator on Relevant-Irrelevant Technique.
= today Keeler is known as the Father of Modern Polygraphy
Is a statement of facts, partial acknowledgement of guilt and usually given with some
justification or exemplification in admitting.
Chart or Polygrams
Refers to the composite records of the pneumograph, galvanograph and cardiosphymograph
tracing recorded from series of questions.
Direct acknowledgement of guilt or a statement of guilt.
Is the act of deceiving or misleading usually accompanied by lying
Is the act of discovering the existence of facts or something that is hiding.
Diastolic blood pressure
Refers to the downward blood pressure representing the low pressure to the closing of the
valves and heart relaxed.
Diacritic notch
Refers to the short horizontal notch in a cardio-tracing located at the middle of the diastolic stem
Is an emotional response to specific danger that appears beyond a person defensive power.
Is an uttering or conveying falsehood or creating a false or misleading impression with the
intention of affecting wrongfully the acts through the opinion or affection of another.
Is an instrument used for recording changes of blood pressure,pulse rate, respiration and skin
resistance as indication of emotional disturbance especially of lying when questioned. Derived
from Greek word POLY means many and GRAPH means writing chart.
Polygraph examiner
Is one who conduct or administer test.
Is the scientific method of detecting deception with the aid or used of a polygraph
It is an action in mental attitude evoke by external influence.
Is any activity of the previous activity of an organism or part of the organism resulting from
Is a force or emotional response to organism.
Refers to person being examined.
Systolic Blood pressure
The upward blood pressure as the apex of the curve caused by the contraction of the heart,
valves are open and blood is rushing into the arteries.
Specific response
Is any deviation from the normal tracing of the subject.
Normal response
Is a tracing on the chart wherein the subject answered in the irrelevant question.
Polygraph examiner
Is one who conduct or administer test.
Chart or Polygrams
Refers to the composite records of the pneumograph, galvanograph and cardiosphygmograph
tracing recorded from series of questions.
Refers to person being examined.
Limitation of Polygraph
It is an invariable investigate aid but never a substitute for an investigation.
It is not a lie detector but is a scientific diagnostic instrument
It does not determine facts but is a diagnostic reaction
It records responses which the subject knows to be truth
It is accurate as the examiner is competent
The test will not be given until enough facts of the case have been established to permit an
examiner to prepare a complete of suitable questions.
A test will not be given without the voluntary consent of the subject
No indication will be given to any person or any place in any report that a person will be
considered guilty.
A test will not be given until the accusation have been explained to the subject.
No attempt to use the polygraph for mental or physical evaluation of any person
No exam will be conducted to unfit subject
Ascertain if the subject is telling the truth, obtain leads to the facts of the offense, location of the
stolen goods and the where about of the wanted person.
Compare conflicting statement
Verify statement
Obtain the facts after the test indicates that a person lied or tried to cover what he knew.
It is an aid to an investigator
It speed up the process of investigation
It will eliminate innocent subject
The investigator could concentrate to one subject to determine the truth or deception.
What is Lie?
A lie is any untruthful statement, anything that deceives or creates false impression, untrue
statements especially with intent to deceive or to give an erroneous or misleading impression.
What are the general kinds of lie?
1. White lie or benign lie- these are the kind of lies used to protect relationship or
2. Pathological lie- this is a lie who cannot distinguish right from wrong.
3. Red lie- this involves political interests and motives because this is a part of communist
propaganda strategy. This is prevalent in communist countries.
4. Black lie- a lie which accompanies pretentions and hypocrisies, intriguing to cause
dishonor or discredit ones good image.
5. Malicious or Judicial lie- this is very pure and justifiable kind lie that is intended to
mislead or obstruct justice.
What are the other kinds of lie?
1. Fabrication- a lie told when someone submits a statement as truth, without knowing for
certain whether or not it is actually true.
2. Bold face lie- is one which is told when it is obvious to all concerned that is a lie.
3. Lying by omission- one lies by omission by omitting an important fact, deliberately
leaving another person with a misrepresentation.
4. Lie to child- often platitude which may use euphemism, which told to make an adult
subject accepted to children.
5. Noble lie- one which normally cause discord if it were uncovered but which offers some
benefit to the liar and assist in an orderly society, therefore potentially beneficial to
6. Emergency lie- is strategic lie when the truth may not be told because it may harm a
third party.
7. Perjury- the act of lying verifiable false statements on a material matter under oath or
affirmation in a court of law or in any various sworn statements in writing.
8. Bluffing- pretending to have a capability or intention which one does not actually
9. Jocose lie- are those which are meant in jest and are usually understood as such by all
present parties. Teasing and sarcasm are examples
10. Contextual lies- one can state part of the truth out of the context, knowing that without
complete information, it gives false impression. Likewise, one can actually state accurate
facts, yet deceive with them.
11. Promotion lie- advertisements often contain statements which are incredible.
No fear of detection
Apparent inability to consciously control response by means of certain mental sets of
A condition of sub shock
Extensive interrogation prior to the test.
Attempt to beat the machine by controlled breathing or by muscular flexing.
Unobservable application of the gadgets
The test requires the subject to answer the question by yes or no. It infers the use of intelligence
and attention or other mental faculties which is self incriminatory therefore, a person cant be
compelled to be subjected to the test.
The polygraph techniques are still in the experimental stage and have not received the degree
of standardization acceptance among scientist.
The truth of facts is to give almost conclusive weight to the polygraph experts opinion.
That there is no way to assure that a qualified examiner administer the test. The important areas
that may affect the accuracy of the test result are:
a. Polygraph training
b. The extent of the experience
c. The operation of the instrument
d. The accuracy of the polygraph techniques
The test itself cannot be relied upon because it ha so many errors.
A polygraph examiner is one who is capable of being able to detect deception or verify truth of
statement through instrumentation or the use of mechanical device.
The following qualifications and qualities of polygraph examiner are expected.
Technical know how
He must have a complete knowledge of the instrument and its capabilities and limitations
He must have a sincere desire to be a polygraph examiner in its strictest sense, by devoting
himself to polygraph profession through maintenance of a highly personal integrity and
increasing personal proficiency through constant
Be mindful of his official obligation
He constantly bear in mind that his primary official obligation to his subject is to afford them all
possible safeguards against error and must never accept for a polygraph examination any
subject whose physical and mental conditions or state makes him unfit.
He is an impartial seeker of the truth to conduct his examination in a professional and ethical
manner and never allow his personal feelings, sympathies or prejudice influence the result of
the examination.
There must be an identifiable response
It must form a divergence from norm of the subject
It must be seen in at least 2 or more test
The paramount indication of deception is the simultaneous responses in three tracing of the
chart namely the pneumograph, galvanograph and the cardiosphygmograph tracing.
Pneumograph tracings usually found on the top of the chart it is a record of the subjects
respiratory action during questioning process and may be classified normal or abnormal.
Galvanograph tracing usually located at the canter position of the chart, when properly
balanced takes the form of a slightly wavering line across the middle portion of the chart with
minor response to spoken stimuli.
Cardiosphygmograph tracing usually found at the bottom of the chart, refers to the record of
the activity of the heart during the questioning process.
It was designed to detect changes in the blood pressure and pulse rate of the subject. It can
record changes of systolic blood pressure and pulse rate of the subject. It is made up of the
Blood pressure cuff- Which is attached to the upper right arm of the subject, slightly above the
branchial artery.
Sphygmomanometer- which is utilized to indicate the amount of air pressure inflated in the
Pump bulb assembly- which is inflates air into the system, also known as an air pump it has a
hose connecting the blood pressure the recording pen.
Resonance control unit- which is used for reducing or increasing the amount of air pressure to
reach the bras bellows and thus reduce or increase the amplitude of pen excursions.
Centering control- which is used to provide adjustment of the tracing so that the composite
records pattern would be on the guideline.
Provide the means by which air the system can be released.
Recording pen unit
Which is used to record the blood pressure, pulse rate changes on the chart paper by means of
five inch recording pen.
Cardio tracing taking the form of specific responses indicative of deception are:
Increase or decrease in blood pressure
Increase and decrease in pulse rate
Increase and decrease in amplitude
Change in position or disappearance of diacritic notch Extra systoles (Premature contraction of
an auricle or ventricle while fundamental rhythm of the heart is maintained)
Its primary function is to detect changes of alterations in skin resistance of the subject.
It is made up of the following components:
Finger electrode assembly- which has a finger electrode plate and retainer bond attached to
the left index and ring finger of the subject. And a connecting plug designed to fasten the
system to the polygraph machine.
Recording pen unit- which usually seven inches in length.
Amplifier unit- which is made to support the galvanometer in converting electrical to
mechanical current.
Vertical rise at point of deception
Double saddle response
Long duration of response
Following point of deception
Planging Galvano tracing
It is designed to detect changes of respiration of the subject. Its major components are the
pneumograph chest assemble and recording unit.
Rubber convoluted tube- which is ten inches in length corrugated rubber attached to the chest
and abdominal area of the subject.
Pneumograph recording unit is made up of brass bellows, a frame, crankshaft, countershaft,
adjustable screw pen, vent limiting screws, pen cradle and pen centering control. The backward
and forward right movement is then recorded ro the chart paper.
The changes from the individual norms which may be considered indicative of deception.
Change in rhythm o regularity
Change in amplitude or volume
Change in the inhalation/exhalation ratio
Change of baseline
Loss of base line
Respiratory block
Suppression- approaches but does not quite equal the typical respiratory blocks in A and B.
Its primary serves as the paper feed mechanism of the polygraph machine. It is a devise that
records the different tracing by driving the paper out under a recording pen unit. Its pulls or
drives the chart paper under the recording pen unit simultaneously at the rate of 6 to 12 inches
per minute. The chart must travel in a uniform speed to facilitate the valid interpretations.
Chart- which is rolled graph paper composed of 12 division in 60 seconds run designed o
measure the of various body function.
Rubber roller- which pulls the paper out of the machine.
Paper trail guide- which serves as to secure or ensure the chart papers forward movement
without shaking.
Initial Interview- usually conducted by the investigator handling the case or a polygraph
examiner who given brief significant details of the case. It is designed to obtain pertinent
information necessary for the conduct of the test.
The investigator must furnish the following documents:
Sworn statement of the suspect, witness and complaints incident or spot report BI of suspects,
witnesses and victims Rough sketch or pictures of the crime scene and other facts
Pre-test Interview
Administered by the polygraph examiner designed to condition or prepare the subject for the
actual test. Its duration usually last 20 to 30 minutes.
Prior to the polygraph examination the following consideration are taken into account:
The subject must refrain from smoking at least two hours prior to the test.
The subject should avoid taking medication for at least 2 days prior to the examination.
The subject should not be hungry.
The subject must refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages for at least 12 hours prior to the
actual test.
The subject should not be suffering from physical or emotional abuse.
The subject should calm down and relax, if the female subject is pregnant having menstruation,
the test will not be undertaken
The subject should not wear tight apparels or clothing as this may cause inference in the test
The subject should have at least five (5) hours of sleep prior to the test.
Before the actual polygraph examination is administered to the subject, the polygraph examiner
must take the necessary preparations which are as follows:
The appraisal of the subject’s constitutional rights.
Obtain the subject’s consent to undergo a polygraph examination.
Taking the subject’s personal data.
Informing the subject’s involvement with the case.
Evaluation the psychological preparations.
Determine his/her suitability as a subject.
Actual Test
The conditions of the room must be ideal that it should be spacious, well ventilated and lighted;
it should be sound proof and not be decorated so as not to distract the subject. The major
components of the polygraph machine are attached to the subject. And question are asked one
by one at specific intervals.
Polygraph is assumed to be effective if the examination room is:
The room must be spacious for two persons with a polygraph desk, subject’s chair with arm rest
and an examiner’s stool.
The room must be devoid of pictures, paintings, ornaments and other decors.
The room must be adequately ventilated and well lighted.
The room must be private and generally free form all outside noise preferably at least 90%
sound proof and distracting influence.
The room may be installed with an observation one way mirror and remote sound system or
video device, amplifier for monitoring and recording the test proceedings to authorized
As to the machine to be used it should be tested and widely used by most Asian countries, it
should be the latest version, it should be well maintained, properly set and in a well running
Post Test Interview
It is similar to the method of interrogation administered by the polygraph examiner which is
designed to obtain admission or confession of the subject. An interview is conducted when the
subject indicates an innocent response, while interrogation is undertaken if signs of deception
are indicated by the results of the actual polygraph test. Subject for giving consideration and
In cases where in the polygraph result indicates that the subject is innocent, it is the duty
of the examiner to cordially release the subject and to thank the subject for giving
consideration and cooperation.
If the polygraph examiner is convinced of the guilt of the subject rom the chart taken, the
post-test interrogation technique is used to secure admission or confession. It is
undertaken following these procedures
Inform the subject that he cannot be cleared from his chart.
Advice the subject that the responses were the result of his emotion and not by means
of any mechanical manipulation.
Use sympathetic and persuasive attitude as well as perseverance in drawing out
confession or admission.
Indicate recorded reactions with brief explanations of their importance as an objective,
tangible and concrete evidence to be used against the subject.
Listed conscientiously to any consequences, pursue a line of mild questioning as to the
reasons why the criminal act was committed.
If confession or admission is coming allow the subject to narrate it in his own words.
Carefully listen to precise details and write it down at first instance
Never make any guarantee as to immunity, reward or leniency.
Inform the investigator on case
If no confession was given, cordially release the subject.
Purpose of Post-test interview:
To clarify findings
To learn if there are any other reasons for the subject’s responding to a relevant question other
than the knowledge of the crime.
To obtain additional information and an admission for law enforcement purposes if the results
suggest deception.
Rules to be observed in formulating test questions:
Questions must be concise as possible.
Questions must be direct and simple
Questions should not be in the form of an accusation.
All queries must be answerable by yes or no.
The terms must be used should be clear and understood by the subject.
All questions must refer to one offense only
All questions must refer to one element of a felony
Questions must not entail legal terminologies.
All questions should not contain inferences to one’s knowledge, religion, race, ideology, or
Types of Questions
Irrelevant Questions
Are those pertaining to basic data and information regarding the background of the subject not
related to the case but is asked to establish the normal response of the subject. Example.
Name, address age etc. Such questions are only answerable by YES only.
a. It has no connection to the matter under question
b. No threat to the subject
c. Neither innocent nor guilty suspects have reason to lie.
d. Usually about the subject background.
e. Generally used at the beginning of polygraph technique to establish a norm for
examinee or throughout the examination as needed to establish norm pattern.
Relevant Questions
Are those queries related to the issue?
Strong relevant or crucial questions are designed to test for direct involvement which is
specifically designed to produce an emotional response in guilty subjects it having an intense
specific relationship to the crime.
Weak relevant indicates deception on the part of the subject.
1. Knowledge- questions given for the purpose of determining information known to the
2. Evidence connecting- is designed to link the subject and the crime.
3. Sacrifice questions- used to determine truthfulness on the part of the subject. It is
answerable by NO.
Secondary Questions- are formulated and given to bring about guilty knowledge or partial
Control Questions- these are questions which are unrelated to the matter under investigation
but are similar nature although less serious as compared to those relevant questions under
Test procedures: all test polygraph examination must be conducted only having a pre-test
interview with the subject to condition him to the test. Polygraph examination should consist of
asking the subject a list of not more than twelve prepared questions in planned sequence.
Types of Test
General question test- answerable by YES or NO this questions which the subject known as
true. Peak of tension test- it is the asking of series of questions in which only one bearing upon
the matter under investigation has. This is conducted when there is a wide spread knowledge
pertaining to a crime but the intimate details are known only by the offender. It is answerable by
NO only.
Card test- It is conducted immediately after the completion of the first test while the blood
pressure cuff is still deflated. The subject is asked to choose from one from seven numbered
cards. The card is then shuffled by the examiner and instruct the subject to answer NO
concerning the card when shown. This is to single out which among the answer given by the
subject is lie.
Silent answer test- this is confirmatory test because the subject is afraid of the unfamiliar and
the unknown. It is an examination in which the subject is instructed by the examiner to avoid
AUDIBLE response to the questions asked.
Guilt complex test- in case the subject is overly responsive, this test given which consist of the
test pertaining to purely fictitious incident of a similar nature to the one under query.
Mixed question test- this consist of an arrangement of first and third test question, administered
for the purpose of discounting possible factor of accident responses and to compare the degree
of reaction between control or relevant question.
Chart markings- are annotations of the physiologic tracing to denote stimulus (question) onset
and offset, examinee’s answer, number, question label, artifacts and other details important to
the interpretation of the physiological data.
Two types of chart markings
1. Primary markings- these are markings which indicate the beginning and end of
examination as well as the question and answers of the subject. These are usually
placed at the bottom or top of the polygraph chart.
a. X it indicated start of the test. The examiner informs the subject that the test is about to
b. – is a stimulus mark. The first vertical line marks when the examiner starts asking
question. Second vertical line marks when the examiner finishes asking question.
c. + a positive sign which indicates that the subject answer the question with YES. It
also indicates the period when the subject answer the question and usually followed by a
number indicating the order number of question example +1, +2, +3…
d. - a negative sign indicating that the subject answers the stimulus with “no”. This
also indicates the period when the subject answer the question and usually followed by a
“number”. 1, -2,-3
e. XX indicates the end of the test. Markings
2. Secondary markings- are markings which are placed only if the examinee does
something which will cause the physiological tracing to distort. These marking are
usually placed below the affected tracing.
M- Movement
T- Subject
TI- Talking Instruction
C- Coughing
N- Noise
S- Sign
L- Laugh
Y- Yawn
B- Burps
A- Downward adjustment of Galvano pen.
V- Upward adjustment of Galvano pen.
PJ- Paper jump
CT- clearing troat
SN- sniff
SZ- Sneeze
BI- Breathing Instruction
DB- Deep Breathing
IS- Ink Stop
MI- Movement Stimulus
OS- Outside Stimulus
M-M Prolonged movement
Sequence of test
1. Irrelevant question (Normal question) (N)
Ex. Is today may 24, 2019?
2. Sacrifice Question (SR) Sacrifice question- used to determine truthfulness on the part of the
subject. It answerable by NO.
3. Symptomatic question (S)- outside issue question
4. Control question (C) Control questions- these are questions which are unrelated to the matter
under investigation but are similar nature although less serious as compared to those relevant
questions under investigation.
5. Relevant question (R) questions pertaining to the crime under question
Ex. Did you steal the missing money?
6. Control question (C)
7. Relevant question (R)
8. Irrelevant question
9. Control question (C)
10. Relevant question (R)