Frequency reusing is the concept of using the same radio frequencies within a given area, that are
separated by considerable distance, with minimal interference, to establish communication.
For example, when N cells are using the same number of frequencies and K be the total number of
frequencies used in systems. Then each cell frequency is calculated by using the formulae K/N.
In Advanced Mobile Phone Services (AMPS) when K = 395 and N = 7, then frequencies per cell on an
average will be 395/7 = 56. Here, cell frequency is 56.
Antenna and Wave propagation plays a vital role in wireless communication networks. An antenna is an
electrical conductor or a system of conductors that radiates/collects (transmits or receives)
electromagnetic energy into/from space. An idealized isotropic antenna radiates equally in all directions.
Co-channel interference or CCI is crosstalk from two different radio transmitters using the same channel.
Co-channel interference can be caused by many factors from weather conditions to administrative and
design issues. Co-channel interference may be controlled by various radio resource management
CCI between links that reuse the same frequency band (channel). It is also referred to as inter-cell
interference in cellular systems. The effect of CCI may be minimized by employing fixed frequency re-use
patterns. Common methods for CCI management in cellular networks include: Frequency re-use, MIMO
techniques, Interference alignment, and adaptation to interference variation. High frequency re-use
factor implies a constant data rate across the service area (reference). This situation leads to similar
throughput experience by users at different locations of the cell, and the service rate distribution.
Another method of dealing with CCI is by considering co-operation among transmitters. Such techniques
have been investigated in the literature under the name of network MIMO (Gesbert et al., 2010; Huang,
Lau, & Chen, 2009). In network MIMO, the interference channel is transformed to a broadcast channel
by considering the co-operating transmitter as a single transmitter (Janis, 2013). Data traffic may be
shared between multiple cooperating transmitters from which it may then be coherently transmitted to
the destination receiver.
ACI is the interference induced between links that communicate in the same geographical location using
neighboring frequency bands. A transmitter occupying a certain frequency band also leaks energy on
frequency adjacent to that band. The out-of-band emissions are perceived as interference by other
receivers. The effect of the out-of-band emissions may be quantified using the adjacent channel power
ratio (ACPR).
Signals outside the nominal frequency band generate interference components on the in-band
frequencies at the receiver. The adjacent channel sensitivity (ACS) determines the ability of the receiver
to cope with an out-of-band interferer. The properties of the RF chain that contribute to ACS
characteristics include; the quality of channel selection filters, analogue-to-digital converter bit width,
and the linearity of amplifiers and mixers.
It is the process of subdividing a congested cell into smaller cell with its own base station having the
corresponding reduction in the antenna heights & the transmitted power.
a. Permanent splitting
b. Dynamic splitting
This technique utilizes the allocated spectrum efficiency in real time. In situations such as traffic jams,
the ideal small cell sites may be rendered operative in order to increase the cell’s traffic capacity enter
image description here OR
Cell splitting is the process of subdividing a congested cell in to smaller cells, each with its own base
station and corresponding reduction in antenna height and transmitter power.
Cell splitting increases the capacity of a system since it increases number of times that channels are
In cell splitting original cell is split in to smaller cells. New cell radius is half of the original radius.
In this the cell boundaries need to be revised so that the local area which was earlier considered as a
single cell can now contain number of smaller cell ,these new cells are called microcells
Dynamic cell splitting: This technique is based on utilizing the allocated spectrum efficiency in real time.
In this of splitting techniques cells are not splitted permanently depending on requirement of traffic the
splitting of the cells are carried out.
The algorithm for dynamically splitting cell sites is a tedious job since we cannot afford to have single cell
unused during cell splitting at heavy traffic hours. Proof:
When the cell radius is reduced by a factor, it is also desirable to reduce the transmitted power. The
transmit power of the new cells with radius half that of the old cells can be found by examining the
received power PR at the new and old cell boundaries and setting them equal.
This is necessary to maintain the same frequency re-use plan in the new cell layout as well. Assume that
PT1 and PT2 are the transmit powers of the larger and smaller base stations respectively. Then, assuming
a path loss index n=4, we have power received at old cell boundary = PT1/R4 and the power received at
new cell boundary = PT2/(R/2)4. On equating the two received powers, we get PT2 = PT1 / 16. In other
words, the transmit power must be reduced by 12 dB in order to maintain the same S/I with the new
system lay-out.
At the beginning of this channel splitting process, there would be fewer channels in the smaller power
As the demand increases, more and more channels need to be accommodated and hence the splitting
process continues until all the larger cells have been replaced by the smaller cells, at which point splitting
is complete within the region and the entire system is rescaled to have a smaller radius per cell.
If a cellular layout is replaced entirety by a new layout with a smaller cell radius, the signal-to-
interference ratio will not change, provided the cluster size does not change. Some special care must be
taken, however, to avoid co-channel interference when both large and small cell radii coexist.
It turns out that the only way to avoid interference between the large-cell and small-cell systems is to
assign entirely different sets of channels to the two systems.
So, when two sizes of cells co-exist in a system, channels in the old cell must be broken down into two
groups, one that corresponds to larger cell reuse requirements and the other which corresponds to the
smaller cell reuse requirements.
The larger cell is usually dedicated to high speed users as in the umbrella cell approach so as to minimize
the number of hand-offs.