Ibnu Khaldun Ashabiyah Theory
Ibnu Khaldun Ashabiyah Theory
Ibnu Khaldun Ashabiyah Theory
The contemporary circumstances of economic and social development in
Muslim societies reflect group differences, political ineffectiveness, social
intolerance, economic mismanagement and organizational flaws. These forces have
widened the differences between Muslims which created social divisions and
disharmony that weakened the process of 'asabiyah. Economic development
highlights capacity building supported by sound institutional infrastructure and
effectively driven political programs that are able to allocate resources and promote
change. Western success in recent decades has been built by sharing knowledge and
increasing cooperation among member countries. Ibn Khaldun pointed out that
economic development "requires a stable political framework, again a finding that
has clearly been verified in recent times. The administrative structure must be
simple and must concentrate on several important functions such as defense,
diplomacy and public finance. Market surveillance, regular financial transaction
enforcement, and building inspections to protect residents must be part of their basic
tasks. "
In the view of Ibn Khaldun, development must be balanced through the division
of tasks and responsibilities between the public sector and other economic sectors.
His analysis is very close to the current literature on development studies which
consists of factors such as market freedom, incentives, competitiveness and limited
government intervention. Ibnu Khaldun also recognized the role of institutions in
development by recognizing the importance of finance in production through
incentives and making profits. To increase incentives and increase profits, he rejects
the price controls imposed by the government and that low prices make production
Another important factor for promoting development is for justice and the rise
of civilization, in order to build centralized authority over social organizations. "In
addition, politics requires that only one person be in control. Whether various
people, can be different from one another, to carry it out, the overall destruction can
occur. "If there are other gods besides Allah in both (heaven and earth) will be
destroyed. But such a leader must also have special talents and good qualities to
give him quality to take authority over the people. A good leader must have a
"strong desire for good and good qualities such as generosity, forgiveness of
mistakes, tolerance of the weak, hospitality to guests, support from dependents,
caring for the poor, patience in bad circumstances, faithful fulfillment of
obligations , freedom with monet to preserve honor, respect religious law and for
scholars. "
Socio-cultural strength also plays an important role in promoting
socioeconomic development. In Islam, development is not only limited to the
creation of material wealth, as in the case of the western model where the concept
of western development is tainted by colonial history where happiness is a measure
in the production and consumption of material goods. Ibn Khaldun observed that
the slave wanted to imitate his master. Being the subject of western civilization for
several centuries, Muslims argued to pay more attention to their own development.
However, Ibn Khaldun attributed the decline of civilization to the rise of
materialism and the enjoyment of rulers and residents in a sedentary lifestyle or
which was not marked by the consumption of luxury goods. Sedentary life not only
has a negative effect on lifestyle by encouraging luxury consumption, but also leads
to corruption and moral degradation. In other words, a thriving black market can
involve all kinds of unethical transactions made in the community. "Fornication,
wrongdoing and deception, for the purpose of earning a living in an appropriate or
inappropriate manner, is increasing among them. The soul comes to think about
(make a living), study it, and use all the tricks that are possible for its purpose
(making a living). People are now devoted to lying, gambling, cheating, cheating,
theft, perjury and usury.
In the elaboration of Ibn Khaldun's thoughts about the state, ‘ashabiyah had
a very significant influence on the achievement of power and political survival.
Starting from the beginning of the movement to build strength, then continue to
achieve victory, even to the stage of maintaining the social stability of the country.
Conversely, the waning of ‘ashabiyah ties will potentially weaken the country's
resilience from the onslaught of the enemy as well as from internal turmoil, and the
changing times that are increasingly developing also play a role in testing and
providing very heavy resistance as well. Thus, it can be concluded that the main
key in maintaining stability, continuity, and survival of a country lies in the
elements of the nation, especially its leaders in maintaining the continuity of the abi
ashabiyah attachment.
It can be understood that Ibn Khaldun's thoughts on economics are actually
very brilliant which includes various economic problems, both micro and macro,
especially when he was put forward in the 14th century when Europe was still
backward. Ibn Khaldun has conducted an empirical study of Islamic economics,
because he explained the economic phenomena that occur in society and the state.
From this study it can be concluded that historically, Ibn Khaldun's thoughts on
economics far preceded modern Western scholars. Therefore, who deserves to be
called the father of economics is Ibn Khaldun, not Adam Smith. In addition to his
brilliant thinking about the cycle of civilization, his thoughts on economics in
various fields also need to be considered in the present context, such as his thoughts
on taxes, international trade, monetary, and others. All Ibn Khaldun's thoughts on
economics are very urgent to be considered in the present context in order to create
a prosperous society and country.
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