Arrangement, Dealling, Confirmation
Arrangement, Dealling, Confirmation
Arrangement, Dealling, Confirmation
We use confirming expressions when we want to make sure about our arrangement on meeting,
flight booking , and etc.
The confirmation can be about the time, the place, and more details releating to our
Cancelling :
If we can’t come to the meeting or we void the flight, we can use cancelling expressions here are
the expression
Expressions used in confirming :
I would like to confirm about…
I want to make sure that..
I want to ensure that..
Expression used for cancelling :
I regret to tell you that I haveto cancel the meeting
I am sorry that I will have to cancel my reservation
Focus Grammar
uld you / would you mind
1. Would you + Verb1 + please ?
Would you send this letter, please ?
Would you please leave a massage ?
Jawaban Positif
Why not
With a pleasure
I’d be glad to
Jawaban Negatif
I’m afraid I can’t
I’m sorry I can’t
2. Would you mind + verb + ing, please ?
Would you mind examining this record ?
Would you mind calling him for me ?
Jawaban positif
No, I don’tmind
Not at all
No of course not
No, that would be fine
Jawaban Negatif
I am afraid yes
Yes, I do mind
3. Would you mind if + verb1
(Digunakan untuk meminta izin)
If I would you mind
Would you mind if used your phone
Would you mind I sat here
Example Dialogue
irman : Do you have any events this afternoon?
o : no sir, may I help you?
irman : yes, I invite meeting this afternoon to meet with clients
o : Okay sir, where and at what time the meeting will be held?
irman : about 01.00 pm after lunch
o : yes sir I will try later
irman : Okay I'll see you later
o : see you later sir
Example Letter :
Employees of the entire Marketing
In connection with the implementation of the meeting will be to determine how the company's
progress CV. FORWARD JAYA I hope you to attend a preparatory meeting will be held on:
Day / Date : Friday, March 25, 2013
Time : 09:00 to 11:00 pm
Venue : Meeting Room
Thus we convey this invitation, given the importance of this event then Mr / Ms please come on
time. For your attention, we thank you.
Malang, March 23, 2013
Andi Ardumas
Abby : can we change the time of next week’s meeting
Mike : why ? what’s the problem ?
Abby : they confirm the meeting schedule. It’ll be free after lunch
Mike : i am cannot make it
Abby : what about the 3 p.m ?
Mike : all right. I’ll be there
Questions :
1. What will they have ?
2. When will it be ?
3. Where will it be ?
4. Can they make it on that day ?
5. Do they cancel the meeting to the another day ?
6. What the solution ?
Travel Agents :
Good morning, Mars Travel, richard speaking.
Vania : good morning. I am Vania from Avecto Oil Company. I talked to you last week about Mr. Smith’s trip to
New York. You asked me to call you back today.
Travel Agent : yes, that’s right, let get your file. I have confirmed all air reservation, but i am still waiting to hear from the
hotel owing to the time difference, i don’t expect to hear until 2p.m our time
Vania : did i tell you i wanted bussiness class ?
Travel : well, i don’t have anything on file requesting Bussiness Class seat.
Vania : can you up-grade it Business Class, please ?
Travel Agent : weel, i will see what i can do. Mean while, let me check the rest of the detais. Depart London Heathrow,
Wednesday 31 September 2011 at fourteen hundred hours. Arrive New York in the same day at seventeen hundre
Hours. A single at the Wardlof Austriafrom 31st september to 7th October. Depart New York for London twenty
two hundred hours October 7th and arrive London Hethrow October 7th and arrive London at 7th at 08:00 a.m.
Vania : yes, that’s right. Which terminal at the airport ?
Travel Agent : terminal C4. Before i forget, Mr. Smith has two accounts with us, which one shall i charge it to.
Vania : Avecto, 145 Sudirman Street
travelAgent : i’ll call you back at two o’clock to confirm
Vania : thanks. Good bye
Question :
1. Who will go to New York ?Mr. smith
2. How will he go ?he go by travel agent
3. Who arranges his reservation ?caroline
4. What kind of tickets does she want ?bussiness class
5. When will Mr. Smith go to New York ?on Wednesday, 31 september 2011
6. What time will he arrive in New York ? at seventeen hundred hours
7. How long will he be in New York ?for seven days
Task 4
Practice dialogue with your partner. List the problem and write down the action
Tya : i’m afraid all meeting rooms are reserved.
Aldo : we’ll have to begin earlier.
Tya : we can’t do that.
Aldo : why not ?
Tya : the people from the branch office can’t come before eleven.
Aldo : why don’t we meet in your office?
Tya : oh okay, let’s do that
Problem : 1).
Solution :
Cindy : are you still OK for Monday ?
Bagus : no, I’m sorry. Can we make it another day ?
Cindy : yes, what’s the problem ?
Bagus : i have an important deadline and my secretary is going to be away.
Cindy : Ok, call me next week, we’ll arrange another day.
Problem : 1).
Solution :
1. I am sorry. I did’nt understand what you said. Would you mind (repeat)... repeating .. that.
2. I am getting tired. I’d like to go home and go to bed. Would you mind (leave) ..if i left.. early.
3. A : are going to the post the post office?
B : yes
A : would you mind (mail ) ... this letter for me ?
B : not at all
4. A : are you coming with us ?
B : i know i promise to go with you , but i’m not feeling very good
Would you mind ( stay ) ... home ?
5. A : i still don’t understand how to work this algebra problem. Would you mind ( explain ) ... it again ?
B : no at all. I’d be happy to.
6. It’s getting hot in here. Would you mind ( open ) ... the window ?
7. This is probably none of my bussiness. Would you mind ( ask ) ... you a personal question ?
8. A : would you mind ( smoke ) ... ?
B : i’d really rather you didn’t.
9. A : excuse me. Would you mind ( speak ) ... a little more slowly ? i didn’t catch what you said.
B : i’d be happy to.
10. I don’t like this TV program. Would you mind ( change ) ... the channel ?
Task 4 4444444
1. What about the contains about this video ?
2. What the nexy process after bring up your confirmation email ?
3. From the video we can cancel the meeting using ? And what the name of application ?
4. What is receive after confirmation stating the cancellation ?
Task 5
a. Made a. postponed
b. Is made b. Be postponed
c. Make c. postpone
d. Is making d. postponing
In this unit, we will learn about job conversation. There are many conversations dealing
with job. Reservation making, complaint handling, and interviewing are some of them. Besides,
there are some grammatical reviews which is used in this theme.
We have to practice it frequently in order to master all of these conversation. It will be
useful for you to find a job in the future.
Now, let we start our lesson!
Making a Reservation
Making a Reservation maksudnya adalah memesan kamar Hotel atau penginapan lainnya.
Pemesanan Kamar dapat dilakukan langsung atau melalui telepon. Melayani pemesanan kamar
merupakan hal yang perlu dilakukan. Orang-orang yang bekerja di garis depan atau orang yang
pertama sekali melayani tamu, adalah orang-orang yang menentukan dan merupakan cerminan
dari semua orang yang bekerja di Hotel tersebut. Oleh karena itu, gunakan bahasa dan ungkapan
yang baik sebagai bentuk Pelayanan Prima (Service Excellent) bagi tamu Hotel Anda.
Berikut ini adalah contoh-contoh ungkapan ataupun percakapan conversation bahasa
inggris yang sering digunakan baik bagi resepsionis atau tamu Hotel.
Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk mengajukan keluhan dengan tepat.
Read the dialogue of handling complaint above. Write the wrong things and the right things
that must be done by customer and receptionist in making and handling complaint!
Tamu harus tahu aturan yang berlaku dan benar-benar yakin untuk membuat keluhan.
Dalam kasus ini tamu tersebut tidak mengetahui aturan yang berlaku di
hotel tersebut.SeharusnyaTamu tersebut harus mengetahui bahwa waktu terakhir tamu harus
meninggalkan hotel adalah pukul 12:00 siang menurut aturan yang biasa digunakan secara
Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
….“ Apa??? (dengan suara keras). Apa sih yang sedang Anda bicarakan? Mengapa saya harus
membayar? ”
The guest must know the rule and make absolutely sure it is necessary to complain. In this case
the guest doesn’t know the rule that applied in hotel. The guest should know that 12.00 PM is
hotel’s last check out time, according to international rule.
It is shown in this sentence:
…. “What ??? (with the loud voice). What the hell are you talking? Why I have to pay?”
b. Tamu tidak boleh berkata kasar saat menyampaikan keluhan. Namun dalam kasus ini tamu
berbicara kasar saat menyampaikan keluhan. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
….“ Tapi apa? Dengar... .. hei dengarkan saya. Saya tidak akan membayar satu senpun untuk 4
jam. Apakah Anda tuli? Saya tidak akan membayar lagi. Apakah sudahjelas bagi Anda?”
….“Sialan! Anda gila. Dengarkan saya dengan jelas. Saya tahu betapa sulitnya untuk
mendapatkan uang. Saya tidak akan membayar lagi untuk 3 sampai 4 jam.”
The Guest never be rude when complaining. But in this case the guest talking rudely . It is shown
in this sentence:
….“ What but? Listen…..hey listen to me. I will not pay a single cent for 4 hours. Are you deaf? I
will not pay anymore. Is it clear to you? ”
….” Damn it man! You people are mad. Listen to me clearly. I know how hard to earn money. I will
not pay anymore for 3 to 4 hours. “
c. Keluhan harus disampaikan sesegera mungkin untuk meminimalisasi permasalahan. Pada
percakapan ini, tamu tersebut segera menyampaikan keluhannya setelah dia mendengar
informasi yang membuat dirinya tidak nyaman. Hal ini ditunjukkan secara implisit dalam
percakapan di atas.
d. Anggaplah baik perusahaan maupun tamu berada di posisi yang benar. Namun dalam kasus ini
tamu bersikeras bahwa kesalahan ada pada pihak hotel. Hal ini ditunjukkan secara implisit dalam
percakapan di atas.
Consider both the company and guests in the right position. But in this case the guests insisted
that the fault in hotel side. This is shown implicitly in the conversation above.
b. Pelanggan bisa marah ketika mereka mengeluh, jadi cobalah menjadi simpatik (pengertian),
mendengarkan mereka dengan sabar, tidak pernah menaikkan suara Anda atau berdebat.
Jangan pernah mengakui bahwa produk perusahaan Anda cacat/rusak, malah sebaliknya,
yakinkan bahwa keluhan tersebut adalah kasus yang tidak sering terjadi di perusahaan. Pada
saat yang sama, yakinkan bahwa Anda memahaminya dan memberikan simpati , namun jangan
membuat janji yang ada kemungkinan untuk tidak bisa ditepati. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat
…. “Pak, saya benar-benar mengerti masalah Bapak. Tetapi saya takut tidak dapat melakukan
apa pun. Tamu harus meninggalkan hotel paling lambat jam 12.00 siang dan jika Anda ingin
tinggal lebih lama, anda harus membayar, ini adalah aturan yangkami terapkan untuk semua
tamu kami”.
Customers can get mad when they complaining, so try to be sympathy, listen to their complaint
patiently, do not ever raise your voice or debating with your customer. Don’t ever claim that your
company product is failed, otherwise, convice them that this case is unusual in your company. In
the same time, make them believe that you understand and sympaty with their problem, but don’t
ever make a promise that can’t be fulfiled. It is shown in this sentence:
…. “Sir, I really understand your problem. But I am afraid I have nothing to do. 12.00 PM is our
last check out time and if you want to stay more you have to pay, that is the rule we have for all
our guest”.
c. Selalu mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pelanggan (meskipun mereka benar atau salah), atas
pengaduan yang mereka sampaikan untuk mendapatkan perhatian perusahaan (membuat Anda
menjadi tahu permasalahannya). Dan katakan kepada mereka bahwa perusahaan Anda akan
selalu siap untuk membantu mereka. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
…. “Terima kasih untuk pengertian Bapak”
Always say thank to the costumer (wheter they right or wrong) for their complaints, that make you
know and aware with the problem. And say to them that company will always ready to serve and
help them. It is shown in this sentence:
…. ”Thank you Sir for your patience !”
Kegiatan belajar 3
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
1. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk membuat kesepakatan.
2. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk memastikan dan membatalkan kesepakatan dengan
Task 3
Kegiatan belajar 4
Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk menyatakan keinginan atau situasi yangtidak nyata
baik untuk masa depan, masa kini atau masa lampau dengan tepat.
Grammar Review
Conditional sentences are also known as conditional clauses or “if” clause. They are used to
express that the actions in the main clause (the clause without if) can only take place if a certain
condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of conditional sentences.
(If Clause)
it is possible to happen.
if+Simple Present I may graduate in
If I graduate in November so I may
I will take master degree in December
November take master degree in
Simple Present
if+Simple Past I don’t graduate in
If I graduated in October so I can’t take
I would take master degree in November
October master degree in
Simple Past
if+ Past Perfect I couldn’t take master
If I had graduated in degree in July because
I would have taken master degree in July.
March. I didn’t graduate in
1. Pernyataan dalam SUBJUNCTIVE dan CONDITIONAL SENTENCES selahu
bertentangan dengan fakta.
2. Perubahan-perubahan TENSES yang terjadi dalam SUBJUNCTIVE juga berlaku
3. IF dalam IF CLAUSE dapat dihilangkan jika terdapat kata bantu SHOULD,
WERE, dan HAD dalam IF CLAUSE.
ex: If I had been rich – Had I been rich
Task 4
Make a conditional sentence based on the situation below!
1. my friend will not come this afternoon.
2. you can’t come.
3. Bobby is not coming with Angelia.
Tipe 2:
1. I am not rich.
2. I don’t have enough time to finish my wor
3. Ririn is not old enough to be John’s girl friend
Tipe 3
Subjunctives are used after if/if only (kalau saja), as if/as though (seolah-olah) and
afterwish (berharap)
Past subjunctive has the same form as the simple past in all verbs , except to be, of which the
past subjunctive is were for all persons.
- if only I had much money ( I don’t have much money)
- I wish I were rich ( I am not rich)
Past perfect subjunctives are used when the supposition refers to the past.
- if only I had accepted my wife’s request (I didn’t accept my wife’s request)
- many people wish tsunami hadn’t stricken the beach area ( tsunami struck the beach area)
Past perfect subjunctives have the same functions as past subjunctives, but they refer to the
- if only you had called me last night (you didn’t call me last night)
- I wish you had given me a gift (you didn’t give me a gift)
Task 5
A. Create a dialogue of making and handling complaint based on the situation below !
You just returned from a holiday in Solo. Unfortunately, the holiday was spoiled because the
hotel room was dirty, the hotel was very noisy and the food was atrocious. You feel that the travel
agent should refund you some of the money. Telephone him and make your complaint tactfully.
B. Fill the following sentence space of the dialogue with the sentences or phrases provided !
Receiptionist : …………………(1). Can I help you ?
Mr. Arga : Yes, could I have ……………(2) for the night ?
Receiptionist : Certaintly. Single room or a double ?
Mr. Arga : Single, ……………..
Recepcionist : Would you like a room with (4) …………… or a bath ?
Mr. Arga : A shower. How much is the room ?
Receiptionist : (5) ………… for the room and breakfast. Would you like an
evening meal ?
Mr. Arga : No, thanks. Just breakfast. Can I buy by (6) ……….. ?
Receptionist : Yes, of course. We take Visa and Master Card as well as Dinner
Club. Could you sign (7) ………… please ?
Mr. Arga : Yes, sure. Do you want my address,too ?
Receiptionist : No, just a signature. Do you have (8) ………… ?
Mr. Arga : just a bag
Receiptionist : (9) …………. Your room number is 311. I hope you
(10) …………
Mr. Arga : Thanks.
1. The President wishes all Indonesian people donated some money to the tsunami victims
Fact: _____________________________________________________________________
2. Many people wish earthquake and tsunami had not stricken the beach areas
Fact: _____________________________________________________________________
A. Skor maksimal 30
A : hello, good morning. Jasa Mulia Travel Agent. Can I help you ?
B : Good morning, this is your costumer who has just returned from a holiday in Solo
A : What’s seem to be the matter?
B : Well, I am disappointed with facilities given at your recommended hotel.
A : What make you be disappointed with it?
B : the room was dirty, it is very noisy, and the food was atrocious, can you give me refund for
` some money of mine ?
A : We are really sorry, and we would make a confirmation to our recommended hotel for taking a
half of you money. Then, we will call you later.
B : Thank you for the responses.
B. Skor maksimal 10
1. good morning
2. a room
3. please
4. a shower
5. Rp. 225.000
6. credit card
7. the register, please
8. any luggage
9. here is the key
10. enjoy your stay
C. Skor Maksimal 10
D. Skor Maksimal 10
1. The President wishes all Indonesian people donated some money to the tsunami victims
Fact: Few Indonesian people donate some money to the tsunami victims.
2. Many people wish earthquake and tsunami had not stricken the beach areas
Fact: Earthquake and tsunami did not strick the beach areas.
10. The sun isn’t shining. I wish the sun was shining right now
Subcompetence 4 Making confirmation and cancellation
Dialogue one
Situation : Mr Herlambang is calling yellow bird airline to confirm about this reservation .
Man : Yes, I’d like to confirm my reservation for the first flight tomorrow.
Woman : All right, let me check it for you. Mr Herlambang. Yes we pleased to reserve you a
business class ticket from Jakarta to Bali for March 14, 2006. The flight number
is YB 0047, and the departure time is0700A.M Is that correct, sir?
There are several expressions used to deliver confirmation and cancellation. Examples of
expressions used to make confirmation are :
I Would like to confirm about my table for dinner tomorrow morning
I Call on behalf of my General Manager to confirm his appointment with Mr.
Edwards tomorrow
I want to make confirmations about my booking .
Examples of expressions used to make cancellations are:
I regret to tell you that I have to cancel this meeting.
I am sorry but I have to make cancellation on the seats I have reserved.
We regret to tell you that we have to cancel our order.
I’m sorry that I have to cancel my booking.
Complete the following dialogue using your own words.
You : …….
You : ….
Man : Yes, we have two single bedrooms reserved with your name from April 27, to April
You : ….
You : ……and…..
Communications and human relations are tightly related to each other. To speak of one without the other
is difficult. Communication is the main highway to all human relations. It is through the transmission of thought,
belief, opinion, and information, and through intercourse of words, letters, and messages that we shape our
relations with others. Compatibility and good feeling, Where -ever they exist, Whether between and among
nations or individuals are a result , in most instances, of effective communication. Mental attitude, tone,
psychological approach, timing, expressions, and method of presentation-all are vital to successful
The terms of communication and communications should be differentiated. Communication refers to the
transmission of thought in general. It signifies what –ever is communicated and transmitted. Communications
indicates the various means employed, such as telephone messages, telegrams, business letters, and
memoranda. Like the telephone operator, the receptionist, the interviewer, the correspondent, the
salesman, the messenger or the delivery driver, help to make communication possible.
Human relations in business and industry are concerned with people and their relationships during their
workday world. It includes external relations with other organizations or companies and internal relation.
Internal relation includes public relation functions and activities, within an organization , that is labor relations,
or relation between management and unions, employee relations or relations between employer and
employee, or personnel relations such relation in recruiting , interviewing, selecting, and Hiring employees.
Many companies recognize the influence of good employee relations upon public relations. In fact, they
regard their employees as representative of the public and realize that good employee relation is in the
direction of good public relations . This idea has merit provided, that management does not lose sight of the
fact that much more personal relationship should exist between itself and its employees that between itself
Find the synonym of the following words taken from the passage, from the words in the box.
A Form
E Closely 1. Recognize =…
B Be
F Consider
2. Signify =…
C Know
G Interaction
3. Shape =…
D distinguish
H Imply
4. Tightly =…
5. Exist =…
6. Regard =…
7. Intercourse =…
8. Differentiate =…
Complete the following sentences using the words from the box above. Make any changes as
1. We must … the budget for establishing facilities and the budget for productions
2. The escalation of lung cancer … that the bad habit of smoking cigarette in the society is getting worse.
3. Good attitude, good behavior, good character of parents are good examples to … good children.
5. All entrepreneurs… that a strategic place is one of very important points to establish a business.
6. As Mr. Briggs’s trusty man, Mr logins must… in every meeting he has and attends.
Read the passage below aloud, pay attention to your intonation and pronunciation.
We can buy many things in this worlds with money. But good manners, like friendship, love, and respect can not
be gained with money. It can only be obtained through early foundation with the aid of understanding parents
and teachers. That way in school, teachers not only prepare but also us for work in the future, but also teach us
good manners. Parents take care of the children with love and affections, giving the children good examples of
behavior, and teaching them moral values.
Good manners mean good behavior and the right way of doing things. Thus, it is one of the most distinctive
characteristics of a person. Through our manners, friends can judge us and respect or despise us, and we can
develop a greater love for and friendships with our fellows beings. If we are snobbish, rude, impudent, and vulgar
in speech, people will shrink away from us.
In the business world, good manners are essentials. Service industry as hotel and restaurant will lose their customers
if they can not give them good service. For example, when there is a complaint from the customers, they have to
respond it seriously. They must not feel annoyed or angry even if the customers is cancelling the reservation without
any strong reason. Despite his or her annoying behavior, the customers will feel disappointed if their information is
not regarded as important or the hotel staffs give response insolently.
Nonetheless, not only services providers who must have good manners. In fact, good customers must have goods
manners, too. They should behave politely. If they have a complaint, he must deliver the complaint politely. If he
cancels his reservation or order, they may express a regret for the cancellation. Moreover, good customers also can
give compliments to the hotel or restaurant for the s
In short, having good manners is important, not only in a business world, but also at home, in the society, and
everywhere. If we like to get along well with other s, be respected, and be successful in business, we must have good
3. Feel contempt.
a) Foundation b) judge
Fill in the blanks using the words provided below.
1. Good quality of a product can be … according to the choice of materials , the outcome, and the price.
2. His colleagues seemed did not want to interact with him because of his arrogant….
3. Being courteous and skillful are some basic…for those who work in service industry to serve the
customers well.
5. Whether you are in a good mood or bad mood, you have to… to your parent’s questions and words
a. Respond
b. Foundation
c. Cancellation
d. Judge
e. Compliment
Below are several uses of modal auxiliary would.
1. Assumption, possibility:
3. (shall, will, Would) I carry the baggage into the house for you?
4. You ( mustn’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t) light a match. The room is full of gas.
6. Billy said that I (would, could, must) use his telephone anytime.
b. Honey is sweet.
3. In exclamatory sentences, beginning with here and there to express what is actually taking place in the
a. There he goes!
Table of Content:
1. Education Calendar
2. Annual Program
3. Syllabus
4. Lesson Plan
5. Class Agenda
8. Appendix
Acknowledgement By
The Supervisor of SMK
NIP: 196405071988031007
A. Standard Competence
Communicate with English as Intermediate Level.
B. Basic competence
3.1 Comprehend the monolog’s questions that appear on occasion certain work.
C. Indicators
1. Cognitive
• Product:
Able to arrange the jumbled roles into good dialogue.
Able to make short talk about Advertisement.
• Process:
Arrange the jumbled roles into good dialogue.
Make short talk about Advertisement.
2. Affective
3. Psychomtor:
• Arrange the jumbled roles into good dialogue & write down a new short talk about
Advertisement correctly.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Cognitive:
• Product:
The studentts are able to make short talk about Advertisement
The students are able to arrange the jumbled roles into good dialogue.
• Process:
The students Understand to arrange the jumbled roles into good dialogue
The students understand to make short talk about Advertisement.
2. Affective
• The students are actively involved in teaching & learning activities showing the particular
character(creative, cooperative, honest & awareness).
• The students can work cooperatively, actively teaching & learning activities by asking
• The studetns can give idea, opinion & communicate in good manner.
3. Psychomotor
• The students can arrange the jumbled roles into good dialogue also write down a new
short talk about Advertisement correctly.
E. Materi
Arrange the jumbled roles to be a good dialogue!!!
F. Learning method
• Cooperative learning (in group)
• Individual
G. Activities plans
No. Teaching Activities Students Activities
C. Opening Activities(10’).
1. Greeting & preparing the students to learn.
2. The teacher review & ask some questions related to the topic.
Main activities(65’).
Activity 1 (Writing)
1. Teacher sets the students to sit in group of four.
2. Teacher distribute the jumbled sentences & the students comprehend it.
8. Teacher sets the students into a group of three and ask them to sit face to face.
9. The students are rearranged some words/sentences become good Advertisements.
10. The students & the teacher discuss the answer of the talk.
11. The students collect the task to the teacher.
Activity 3 (Speaking)
12. The students comprehend the complete short talk about advertisement.
15. The students make four questions based on the short talk.
Closing Activities(5’)
1. The students retell about what they have learned.
2. Teacher instructs the students to make a new short talk about advertisements in pairs.
1. The students respond the teacher’s greeting.
2. The students give attention.
H. Material / media
• Advertisement
• White board
I. Grading
J. Source
• English in Progress Grade XII
By The Supervisor of SMK
A. Standard Competence
Communicate with English as Intermediate Level.
B. Basic Competence
3.2 Comprehend the expressions of Reservations, Complaints, Arrangements, Confirmation,
Cancellations, Conditional Sentences Type 2 & Type 3 (imagination).
C. Indicators
1. Cognitive
• Product:
Able to comprehend in complete dialogue about Reservation.
Able to memorize the dialogue about Cancellation & Confirmation.
Able to make some sentences about Imagination.
Able to comprehend the expressions use in Reservation, Complaints, Arrangements,
Confirmations, Cancellation & Imagination.
• Process:
Comprehend in completing dialogue about Reservation.
Memorize the dialogue about Cancellation & Confirmation.
Make some sentences about imagination(conditional sentences type 2 & type 3).
Comprehend the expressions used in Reservation, Complaints, Arrangements,
Confirmations, Cancelltion & Imaginations.
2. Affective
• Character
3. Phsychomotor
• Complete dialogue about Reservation.
• Demonstrate the dialogue about Cancellation & Confirmation.
• Write some sentences about Imagination.
• Find the expressions used in Reservation, Complaints, Arrangements, Confirmation,
Cancellations & Imagination correctly.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Cognitive
• Product:
The students are able to complete incomplete dialogue about Reservation.
The students are able to memorize the dialogue about Cancellation & Cofirmation.
The students are able to make some sentences about Imagination.
The students are able to comprehend The Expressions used in Reservation, Complaints,
Arrangements, Confirmation, Cancellations & Imagination.
• Process:
The students understand to complete dialogue about Reservation.
The students undersatnd to memorize the dialogue about Cancellation & Confirmation.
The students understand to make some sentences about Imagination.
The students understand the expressions used in Reservation, Complaints, Arrangements,
Confirmation, Cancellations & Imagination.
2. Affective
• The students are activety involved in teaching & learning activities showing the particular
character (creative, cooperative, honest, awareness).
• The students can work cooperatively, actively in teaching & learning activities by asking
• The students can give idea, opinion & communicate in good manner.
3. Psychomotor
• The stdents complete dialogue about Reservation.
• The students demonstrate the dialogue about Cancellation & Confirmation.
• The students write some sentences about imagination.
• The students find the expressions used in Reservation, Complaints, Arrangements,
Confirmation, Cancellations & imagination correctly.
E. Materi
1. Complete the diloague below by listen your teacher’s voice!!
Receptionist : Thank you for calling the splash restaurant. May I help you,?
Arif : I’d like to make a reservation.
Receptionist : For which day & what time?
Arif : It’s for Friday. August 17th, at 7 p.m
Receptionist : How many people will be coming?
Arif : There will be seven of us.
Receptionist : And the name for the reservation?
Arif : Arif, Muhamad Arif Budiman.
Receptionist : May I have your phone number, please?
Arif : 455439
Receptionist : Okay, let me repeat the information I have. This is a reservation for Friday,
August 17th, at 7 p.m. is the correct,?
Arif :Yes, that’s right. Can we have a table by the window in a nonsmoking section? I want
to be far away fromthe kitchen, if possible.
Receptionist : Our restaurant is all non-smoking. We can guarantee a window table, but I’ll
note your preference.
Arif : Okay, that’s fine. What is the parking situation at the restaurant?
Receptionist : We have a large parking lot behind the restaurant, also valet parking service.
Do any of guests haveany special requeats?
Arif : I’m glad you asked, I’ll need two chairs & four booster seats.
Receptionist : I’m sorry, but id you say two high chairs & four booster seats?
Arif : Yes I did. I’m taking all of my nieces & nephews out to dinner.
Receptionist : That’s sounds nice. It should be a lively evening.
Arif : You’re telling me.
1. Reservation Clerk : May I have your name & your flight number, please?
2. Reservation Clerk : Mercury airways. Can I help you?
3. Reservation Clerk : And your destination?
4. Reservation Clerk : Sure, but please check in at least two hours before the departure
5. Reservation Clerk : When are you leaving?
6. Reservation Clerk : Wait a moment, please. You seat is confirmed, Mrs. Naufal. You’ll be
arriving in Denpasar at 5:30 p.m. local time.
7. Allyn Naufal : Hello. I’d like to reconfirm my flight,please.
8. Allyn Naufal : Friday, August 17th at 2:45 p.m.
9. Allyn Naufal : My name is Allyn Naufal, my flight number is MCA 454.
10. Allyn Naufal : Denpasar
11. Allyn Naufal : Thank you. Can i pick up my ticket when I check in?
F. Learning method
• Individual
• Cooperative learning (in pairs)
G. Activities Plans
No. Teaching activities Students Activities
Activity 2 (Speaking)
6. The teacher sets the students into couple.
Activity 3 (Writing)
11. The teacher sets the students in pairs & asks them to sit face to face.
12. The students are asked to make 5 sentences about their imagination (the sentences in
Conditional type 2 & 3)
13. The students collect their excercise to their teacher.
7. The students write down the expression used in Cancellation & Confirmation in their
H. Material/Media
• Students work sheet.
• Reservation at Hotel Form.
• White board.
I. Grading
Technique Written Test Oral Test
Form the students are asked to fill in a Reservation Form at Hotel The students are asked to
demonstrate the dialogue about Cancellation & Confirmation
Grading Excellent, Very good, Good, Average, Poor
J. Source
• Get Along With English Grade XI
• adapted from
Performance Evaluation Scheme
Catagories Score
Body language 25
By The Supervisor of SMK
A. Standard Competence
Communicate with English as Intermediate Level.
B. Basic competence
3.3 Writing & Present the Report.
C. Indicators
1. Cognitive
• Product:
Able to comprehend a Diagram.
Able to make & present the out line of industry practice report.
Able to comprehend a Laboratary Report.
• Process:
Comprehend a Diagram.
Make & present the out line of industry practice report.
Comprehend a Laboratary Report.
2. Affective
• Character
3. Psychomtor
Write a Simple Report based on a Diagram.
Write & present the out line of industry practice report.
Find true or false statements based on a Laboratory Report correctly.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Cognitive
• Product
The students are able to comprehend a Diagram.
The students are able to make & present the out line of industry practice report.
The students are able to comprehend a Laboratary Report.
• Process
The students understand to comprehend a Diagram.
The students understand to make & present the out line of industry practice report.
The students understand to comprehend a Laboratary Report
2. Affective
• The students are actively involved in teaching & learning activities showing the particular
character(Honest, Creative, Friendly, Responsible & Communicative).
• The students can work cooperatively, actively teaching & learning activities by asking
• The studetns can give idea, opinion & communicate in good manner.
3. Psychomotor
The students write a Simple Report based on a Diagram.
The students write & present the out line of industry practice report.
The students find true or false statements based on a Laboratory Report correctly.
E. Material
Use the diagram to complete the paragraph. Discuss the process below with your group!!!
Cut Down Chemical
Cut Very Small → Mix & Cook→ Pressed Through Roler→ Dried
Every people all over the world use paper, in offices, schools, company’s, and in any other
places. How ever, we never know hhow it come in front of us in the form paper.
Here is the process how paper is made & processed.
First, into small pieces then in pressed through rolers, the sheet finally
F. Learning Method
• Individual
• Cooperative Learning (in pairs)
G. Activities Plans
No. Teaching Activities Students Activities
• Whats is a Report
• What do we usually write in a Report
• Do we have to do any experiments before writing it?
• What are the features of a good
2. The students are asked to make a simple report based on a diagram about “How Paper is
3. The students collect their task to their teacher.
4. The teacher explain commonly used headings for reports.
• Title
• Abtract (executive summary)
• Table of contents
• Introduction
• Discussion or Body
• Conclussion
• Recommendations
• Reference list
• Appendices
6. The teacher explains how to write a Report Outline in Power Point Slide or short
sentences of transparency.
Activity 3 (Speaking)
10. The teacher gives some tips to make a good report presentation.
• How to open speech: greet the audience corteous & remember oral communication
• How to propose ideas
• How to elaborate ideas
• Clossing the report
11. The students complete the Report Outline of their industry practice in front of the class
in group.
12. Some students ask some question based on their friend presentation.
13. The teacher gives some suggestion to his student’s presentation.
11. The students write the true or false statemants based on a Laboratory Report.
H. Material/Media
• The students work sheet
• The students report outline
• White board
I. Grading
J. Source
Catagories Score
Sentences Development
Body Language 20
By The Supervisor of SMK
A. Standard Competence
Communicate with English as Intermediate Level.
B. Basic competence
3.4 Comprehend the manual content usage.
C. Indicators
1. Cognitive
• Product:
Able to comprehend a dialogue about “How To Using The Printer”.
Able to match the picture with the sentences in good Instructions.
Able to rearrange the sentences into good Instructions.
• Process:
Comprehend a dialogue about “How To Using The Printer”.
Match the picture with the sentences in good Instructions.
Rearrange the sentences into good Instructions.
2. Affective
• Character
3. Psychomotor
Memorize & demonstrate a dialogue about “How To Using The Printer” in front of the
Complete the picture with the sentences in good Instructions.
Rearrange the sentences into good Instructions.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Cognitive
• Product :
The students are able to comprehend a dialogue about “How To Using The Printer”.
The students are able to match the picture with the sentences in good Instructions.
The students are able to rearrange the sentences into good Instructions.
• Process:
The students understand to comprehend a dialogue about “How To Using The Printer”.
The students understand to match the picture with the sentences in good Instructions.
The students understand to rearrange the sentences into good Instructions.
2. Affective
• The students are actively involved in teaching & learning activities showing the particular
character(Creative, Cooperative, Responsible, Honest & Awareness).
• The students can work cooperatively, actively teaching & learning activities by asking
• The studetns can give idea, opinion & communicate in good manner.
3. Psychomotor
The students memorize & demonstrate a dialogue about “How To Using The Printer” in
front of the class.
The students complete the picture with the sentences in good Instructions.
The students rearrange the sentences into good Instructions.
E. Materi
Read & Complete the following dialogue in front of The class with your partner!!!
G. Activities plans
Activity 1 (Speaking)
1. The teacher sets the students to sit in their pairs.
2. The teacher shares a piece of task paper.
3. The students role playing the dialogue about “HOW TO USING THE PRINTER”
4. The students memorize the dialogue with their couple.
5. The students demonstrate the dialogue in front of the class.
10. The students & the teacher discuss the answer of the task.
11. The students collect the task to their teacher.
Closing Activities
1. The students retell about what they have learned.
2. The teacher instructs the students to rearrange the sentences into good Instructions.
7. The students match the picture with the sentences in good Instructions.
H. Material/Media
• The students work sheet.
• White board.
I. Grading
Technique Written Test Oral Test
Form the students are asked to rearrange the sentences into good Instructions The students
are asked to role playing the dialogue about “HOW TO USING THE PRINTER”
J. Source
By The Supervisor of SMK
A. Standard Competence
Communicate with English as Intermediate Level.
B. Basic competence
3.5 Comprehend The Content of Busines Letters.
C. Indicators
1. Cognitive
• Product:
Able to comprehend in complete The Busines Letters.
Able to comrehend The Part of Busines Letters.
Able to comprehend a Personal Letter & make a Personal Letter.
• Process:
Comprehend in complete The Busines Letters.
Comprehend The Part of Busines Letters.
Comprehend a Personal Letter & make a Personal Letter.
2. Affective
• Character
Active & Creative
3. Psychomotor
Listen to complete The Business Letters.
Mention The Part of Business Letters.
Write down a Personal Letter.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Cognitive
The students understand to comprehend a Business Letters.
The students understand to comprehend The Part of Business Letters.
The students understand to comprehend a Personal Letter & make a Personal Letter.
2. Affective
The students are actively involved in teaching & learning activities showing the particular
character(Active, Cooperative , Creative, Responsible & Honest).
The students can work cooperatively & responsible in teaching & learning activities by
doing the task well.
The studetns can give idea, opinion & communicate in good manner.
3. Psychomotor
The students complete The Business Letters.
The students mention The Part of Business Letter.
The students write down a Personal Letter correctly.
E. Materi
Study & comprehend the following business letters & then listen to your teAcher voice TO
the complete letter!!!
Dear sir,
Attention line – Inside adress – date line – letter head – salutation – colon – foot – on the
left – subject line – body ofthe letter.
1. The simple from the contains the name & addres of the firm.
2. The is placed on the right corner below the letter head.
3. The complimentary adress is also called the adress is also called the
4. In a business letter, the inside adress is placed side of the page at least four lines spaces
below date line.
5. You must not place the inside adress at the of your business letter.
6. You want your letter to be delivered immediately, you may
7. The introductory greeting of the letter is the it always start at the left margin.
8. In business letter, the salutation is the followed by a
9. The will be help full to the person to whom yo write to know at a glance what your letter
is about.
10. The contains your message directed to the person with whom you wish to comunicate.
Read carefully the example of personal letter below!!!
Dear Geraldine,
It was good to see you at the pasific northwest science association meeting. I appreciate all
you did to make my stay at the university pleasant. I accomplished a great deal, especially
with the people concerned with the new solar energy program. I know you were responsible
for making sure I had the right appointments & I want you to know how grateful I am.
The general arrangements for the metting seemed to me to be very good. I heard only
compliments from the other members and I’m sure this is due to your skill full
organisational ability.
You had your hands full with many details, all requiring your personal attention at the same
time. I’m all the more gratefull for the time & attention you gave me.
Now write a letter to a friend expressing your thanks for a gift thet you recently received.
Use the letter to geraldine as a models.
F. Learning Method
• Individual
• Cooperetive Learning (in group of four)
G. Activities Plans
Activity 3 (Writing)
13. The teacher shares a piece of task paper
14. The students write a Private Letter/Personal Letter based on the context given by the
15. The students collect their Private Letter to their teacher
3. The students answer the teacher’s questions based on their background knowledge.
8. The students comprehend the teacher’s explaination about The Part of a Business Letter.
I. Grading
J. Source
A. Standard Competence
Communicate with English as Intermediate Level.
B. Basic competence
3.6 Comprehend the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
C. Indicators
1. Cognitive
• Product:
Able to comprehend the SOP of method for hand washing in the biotechnology laboratory.
Able to comprehend four kinds of Procedures.
Able to comprehend some sentences Imperative Sentence.
• Process:
Comprehend the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of method for hand washing in the
biotechnology laboratory.
Comprehend four kinds of Procedures.
Comprehend some sentences about Imperative Sentence.
2. Affective
• Character:
Work hard
3. Psychomotor
Retell the SOP of method for hand washing in the biotechnology laboratory by their own
Match four kinds of procedures with the correct title.
Change some sentences into Imperative Sentence.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Cognitive
• Product:
The students are able to comprehend the SOP of method for hand washing in the
biotechnology laboratory.
The students are able to comprehend four kinds of Procedures.
The students are able to comprehend some sentences about Imperative Sentence.
• Process:
The students understand to comprehend the SOP of method for hand washing in the
biotechnology laboratory.
The students understand to comprehend four kinds of Procedures.
The students understand to comprehend some sentences about Imperative Sentence.
2. Affective
The students are actively involved in teaching & learning activities showing the particular
character(Responsible, Friendly, Work hard, Active & Creative).
The students can work cooperatively & responsible in teaching & learning activities by
doing the task well.
The studetns can give idea, opinion & communicate in good manner.
3. Psychomotor
The students Retell the SOP of method for hand washing in the biotechnology laboratory
by their own words.
The students Match four kinds of Procedures with the correct title.
The students Change some sentences into Imperative Sentence.
E. Materi
Read the following SOP and then retell it in your own word!!!
1. Purpose
These procedures describe the correct method for hand washing in the Biotechnology
2. Scope
These procedures apply to all students, lab assistants and instructors who perform
experimental work in the Biotechnology Laboratory.
3. Responsibility
Everyone who conducts experimental work in Biotechnology Laboratory is responsible ror
understanding and implementing these procedures when entering or exiting the laboratory.
4.2 Procedures
4.2.1 Remove all jewelry from fingers, thumbs and wrists. This includes the removal of
bracelets and watches or other wrist jewelries.
4.2.2 Put on lab coat and button it up.
4.2.3 Put on hair cover.
4.2.4 Have some paper towels and towels ready.
4.2.5 Turn on the hot and cold water in the sink. The water temperature should be hot but
not too hot as to cause paint ot burns.
4.2.6 Wash hands thourougly.
4.2.7 Apply soap and lather. Be sure to wash each finger and thumb thourughly, wash up to
several inches above the wrist area for a minimum of 1.5 minutes.
4.2.8 Rinse thoroughly and dry hands at the clean paper towel.
4.2.9 Use the paper towel to turn off the water so thet you do not have to touch the faucets
with your now clean hands.
4.2.10 Dispose of the paper towel in a waste container, not in the sink.
5. References
Biological Safety Principles and Pratices 3rd edit. (2000). Pg 400. D.O fleaming and D.L.
Hunt (edits) ASM Press, Washington D.C.
The text below are four kinds of prosedure. Match each procedure with the correct title!!!
Procedure :
1. In the office, all waste is collected in a separate bin with clear signs &color coding, as
2. Adequate bins shall be provide in the office.
3. A bin is located in the kitchenette on each floor & the cafe operates is own bin.
4. Limited ammount of general waste bins shall be placed in the office, not at each
employee’s desk.
5. Each employee shall have a tray, box or bin for clean paper waste at their desk.
6. Cleaners shall empety all bins in the office daily & place segregated waste into specifically
markeds bins in the loading dock for contractor collection.
7. Contractors shall remove waste & deal with it according tocontract requirements.
Significant contamonation of waste for recycling shall be reported to the EMS co-ordinator.
Similary an accurrence of significsnt recyclable waste in the general waste bin shall also be
F. Learning Method
• Cooperative Learning
• Individual
G. Activities Plans
2. The students comprehend the SOP of method for hand washing in the biotechnology
3. The students memorize the SOP by them selves.
Activity 2 (Reading)
4. The teacher sets the students in pairs to do the task.
5. The students comprehend four kinds of Procedures.
6. The students collect the task to their teacher.
Activity 3 (writing)
7. The teacher explains the material about Imperative Sentence.
• When we want to ask someone to do something we said, it means that we are using an
imperative sentence. With an imperative , we use, at least one innfinitive verb &
object/objects. The negative form is don’t + infinitive verb.
8. The students comprehend some sentences of a procedure.
9. The students & teacher discuss about the correct answer of the task.
H. Material/Media
• The students work sheet.
• White board.
I. Grading
J. Source
Very good
Poor 9,1 – 10
8,5 – 9,0
7,5 – 8,4
6,1 – 7,4
By The Supervisor of SMK
A. Standard Competence
Communicate with English as Intermediate Level.
B. Basic competence
3.7 Comprehend about Business Letter, reply Business Letters & Advertisement
C. Indicators
1. Cognitive
• Product:
Able to arrange the jumbled sentences into a meaningful letter.
Able to comprehend an Application Letter and make 4 questions based on it.
Able to make a Curriculum Vitae.
• Process:
Arrange the jumbled sentences into a meaningful letter.
Comprehend an Application Letter and make 4 questions based on it.
Make a Curriculum Vitae.
2. Affective
• Character
3. Psychomotor
Can arrange the jumbled sentences into a meaningful letter.
Understand an Application Letter and make 4 questions based on it.
Fill in a Curriculum Vitae.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Cognitive
• Product :
The students are able to arrange the jumbled sentences into a meaningful letter.
The students are able to comprehend an Application Letter and make 4 questions based
on it.
The students are able to make a Curriculum Vitae.
• Process:
The students understand to arrange the jumbled sentences into a meaningful letter.
The students understand to comprehend an Application Letter and make 4 questions
based on it.
The students understand to make a Curriculum Vitae.
2. Affective:
The students are actively involved in teaching & learning activities showing the particular
character(Creative, Cooperative, Responsible, Honest & Awareness).
The students can work cooperatively & responsible in teaching & learning activities by
doing the task well.
The studetns can give idea, opinion & communicate in good manner.
3. Psychomotor
The students arrange the jumbled sentences into a meaningful letter.
The students Understand an Application Letter and make 4 questions based on it.
The students fill in a Curriculum Vitae.
E. Materi
Read carefully the following an application letter than make 4 queStions based on it!!!
JUNIOR TYPIST required for busy office in local firm centrally situated. Short hand not
necessary but good standard of english essential — ‘O’ level or CSE equivalent. Aplly by
letter to : Office Manger, millard & perkins Ltd. St christopher’s trading estate, brooms wood
645 5 TB.
7 Rose Cresdent
Garden View Estate
Broom WOOD
645 7 TA
January 11, 3013 Telephone : 455439
The office Manager
St. Christopher’s Trading Estate
645 5 TB
Dear Sir,
I am 18 years of age & have finished my examinations, so should be able to leave school at
any time.
If you would you me to call for an interview, I shall be pleased to do so on any day & at any
time to suit your convenience.
Yours Faithfully
Fill in the curriculum Vitae form below with your own data!!!
Name :
Address :
Country :
Telephone :
Email :
Date of Birth :
Place of Birth :
Citizenship :
Visa Status :
Gender :
Work History :
Academic Position :
Research & Training :
High School :
University :
Graduate School :
Post – Doctoral Training :
Certifications & Accreditations :
Computer Skills :
Awards :
Professional Member Ship :
Languages :
Interest :
F. Learning Method
• Cooperative Learning (in group of three)
• Individual
G. Activities Plans
Opening Activities (10’)
1. Teacher sets the class
Activity 2 (Reading)
7. The students comprehend an Application Lettter.
3. The students answer the teacher’s questions based on their background knowledge.
H. Material/Media
I. Gradings
Technique Written Test Oral Test
Form the students are asked to complete a Curriculum Vitae _
Grading Excellent, Very good, Good, Average, Poor
J. Source
Catagories Score
Sentences Development
Body Language 30
Very good
Poor 9,1 − 10
8,5 – 9,0
7,5 – 8,4
6,1 – 7,4
xamples below.