Or 1 R 10 O22 R4 Difference PDF
Or 1 R 10 O22 R4 Difference PDF
Or 1 R 10 O22 R4 Difference PDF
Mohan M. Shantanagoudar, J.
Leave Granted.
2. This appeal arises out of the judgment dated 05.03.2014 passed by the
Gujarat High Court in Special Civil Application No. 16985 of 2011 dismissing
the Special Civil Application filed by the appellant, consequently affirming the
order passed by the trial Court rejecting the application filed under Order 1
Rule 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure (hereinafter Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed by NEELAM GULATI referred to as the “Code”).
The appellant filed a suit on 24.06.2008 seeking to set aside a sale deed
executed in March 1995 in respect of a parcel of land which was purchased
by defendant no. 7. As on the date of filing of the suit, defendant no. 7 was
already dead. Upon the report of the process server to this effect, the trial
Court on 31.03.2009 ordered that the suit had abated as against defendant
no. 7. Initially, the appellant filed an application under Order 22 Rule 4 of the
Code for bringing on record the legal representatives of deceased defendant
no. 7. The trial Court while rejecting the said application on 09.09.2009
observed thus:
“According to the ratio laid down in the above said cases Order 22 Rule 4 of
Code will apply only when the party dies during the pendency of the
proceeding. Further held that a suit against dead person is admittedly a
nullity and therefore, Order XXII Rule 4 cannot be invoked. Further held that
the provisions of Order XXII Rule 4 of Code and Order 1 Rule 10 of Code are
Supreme Court of India
Pankajbhai Rameshbhai ... vs Jethabhai Kalabhai Zalavadiya ... on 3 October, 2017
Supreme Court of India
Pankajbhai Rameshbhai ... vs Jethabhai Kalabhai Zalavadiya ... on 3 October, 2017
Supreme Court of India
Pankajbhai Rameshbhai ... vs Jethabhai Kalabhai Zalavadiya ... on 3 October, 2017
be allowed to file another application for the same relief by invoking different
provision of the Code.
5. The only question which is to be decided in this appeal is, whether the
legal representatives of one of the defendants can be impleaded under
Order 1 Rule 10 of the Code where such defendant expired prior to the filing
of the suit, particularly when the application filed by the plaintiff to bring the
legal representatives of the deceased on record under Order 22 Rule 4 of
the Code was dismissed earlier as not maintainable.
6. The bare reading of Order 22 Rule 4 of the Code makes it clear that Order
22 Rule 4 of the Code applies only in the case where the death of one of the
several defendants or the sole defendant occurs during the subsistence of
the suit. If one of the defendants has expired prior to the filing of the suit, the
legal representatives of such deceased defendant cannot be brought on
record in the suit under Order 22 Rule 4 of the Code. Before proceeding
further, it is relevant to note the provisions of Order 1 Rule 10 and Sections
151 & 153 of the Code, which read thus:
1. Where a suit has been instituted in the name of the wrong person as
plaintiff or where it is doubtful whether it has been instituted in the name
of the right plaintiff, the Court may at any stage of the suit, if satisfied that
the suit has been instituted through a bona fide mistake, and that it is
necessary for the determination of the real matter in dispute so to do,
order any other person to be substituted or added as plaintiff upon such
terms as the Court things just.
2. Court may strike out or add parties.- The Court may at any stage of
the proceedings, either upon or without the application of either party,
and on such terms as may appear to the Court to be just, order that the
name of any party improperly joined, whether as plaintiff or defendant, be
struck out, and that the name of any person who ought to have been
joined, whether as plaintiff or defendant, or whose presence before the
Court may be necessary in order to enable the court effectually and
completely to adjudicate upon and settle all the questions involved in the
suit, be added.
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Pankajbhai Rameshbhai ... vs Jethabhai Kalabhai Zalavadiya ... on 3 October, 2017
5. Subject to the provisions of the India Limitation Act, 1877 (15 of 1877),
section 22, the proceedings as against any person added as defendant
shall be deemed to have begun only on the service of the summons.
Section 153: General power to amend – The Court may at any time,
and on such terms as to costs or otherwise as it may think fit, amend any
defect or error in any proceeding in a suit; and all necessary
amendments shall be made for the purpose of determining the real
question or issue raised by or depending on such proceeding.
7. In the matter on hand, the sale was made in favour of defendant no. 7, and
the validity of the sale deed was the subject matter of the suit. The purchaser
of the property, i.e. defendant no.7, though dead at the time of filing the suit,
was made one of the defendants erroneously. The persons who are now
sought to be impleaded under Order 1 Rule 10 of the Code are the legal
representatives of the deceased defendant no. 7. Therefore, there cannot be
any dispute that the presence of the legal representatives of the deceased is
necessary in order to enable the Court to effectively and completely
adjudicate upon and settle all the questions in the suit. Their presence is
necessary in the suit for the determination of the real matter in dispute.
Therefore, they are needed to be brought on record, of course, subject to
the law of limitation, as contended under Section 21 of the Limitation Act.
8. Merely because the earlier application filed by the appellant under Order
22 Rule 4 of the Code was dismissed on 09.09.2009 as not maintainable, it
will not prohibit the plaintiff from filing another application, which is
Supreme Court of India
Pankajbhai Rameshbhai ... vs Jethabhai Kalabhai Zalavadiya ... on 3 October, 2017
9. Order 1 Rule 10 of the Code enables the Court to add any person as a
party at any stage of the proceedings, if the person whose presence in Court
is necessary in order to enable the Court to effectively and completely
adjudicate upon and settle all the questions involved in the suit. Avoidance of
multiplicity of proceedings is also one of the objects of the said provision.
Order 1 Rule 10 of the Code empowers the Court to substitute a party in the
suit who is a wrong person with a right person. If the Court is satisfied that
the suit has been instituted through a bona fide mistake, and also that it is
necessary for the determination of the real matter in controversy to
substitute a party in the suit, it may direct it to be done. When the Court finds
that in the absence of the persons sought to be impleaded as a party to the
suit, the controversy raised in the suit cannot be effectively and completely
settled, the Court would do justice by impleading such persons. Order 1 Rule
10(2) of the Code gives wide discretion to the Court to deal with such a
situation which may result in prejudicing the interests of the affected party if
not impleaded in the suit, and where the impleadment of the said party is
necessary and vital for the decision of the suit.
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Pankajbhai Rameshbhai ... vs Jethabhai Kalabhai Zalavadiya ... on 3 October, 2017
per Section 22 of the Limitation Act of 1908. This Court, though it concluded
that the Court has got the power to join a particular person as a party under
Order 1 Rule 10 of the Code, did not interfere in the matter in as much as
this Court found that the suit was barred by limitation. It is relevant to note
that the said suit was of the year 1958. Since the Limitation Act, 1963 (now in
force) was at that time not in existence; this Court applied the old limitation
law and held that the suit was barred by limitation. As of now, the proviso to
Section 21(1) of the Limitation Act 1963 empowers the Court to direct that
the suit shall be deemed to have been instituted on an earlier date, where
the omission to include a new plaintiff or defendant was due to a mistake
made in good faith. Therefore, it is open to the plaintiff in the matter on hand
to prove “good faith” on his part in not including the legal representatives of
deceased defendant no. 7, during the course of trial of suit.
11. It would be relevant to note that in the Case of Bhagwan Swaroop and
Ors. vs Mool Chand and Ors., 1983 (2) SCC 132, this Court observed thus:
“4. It is true that it was incumbent upon the appellants to implead the
heirs and legal representatives of deceased respondent 1 in time. It is
equally true that the appellants were negligent in moving the proper
application. We would not question the finding of the High Court that
appellants 2, 3 and 4 knew about the death of the deceased respondent
This being a suit for partition of joint family property, parties are closely
interrelated and it is reasonable to believe that at least some of the
appellants must have attended the funeral of deceased respondent 1,
as contended on behalf of the contesting respondent 2. There is some
force in the contention that when a specific provision is made as
provided in Order 22, R. 4, a resort to the general provision like Order
1, Rule 10 may not be appropriate. But the laws of procedure are
devised for advancing justice and not impeding the same. In Sangram
Singh v. Election Tribunal, Kotah (AIR 1955 SC 425), this Court
observed that a code of procedure is designed to facilitate justice and
further its ends; not a penal enactment for punishment and penalties;
not a thing designed to trip people up. This was reaffirmed in Kalipar
Das v. Bimal Krishna Sen(1983) 1 SCC 14.
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Pankajbhai Rameshbhai ... vs Jethabhai Kalabhai Zalavadiya ... on 3 October, 2017
Supreme Court of India
Pankajbhai Rameshbhai ... vs Jethabhai Kalabhai Zalavadiya ... on 3 October, 2017
5. It is noteworthy that the trial court did not attribute any neglect or
contumacy to the conduct of the plaintiff-respondent. It was rather
observed that the plaintiff could have known the date of the death of the
first defendant only by the counter filed to IA 265 of 1975. Normally, if
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Pankajbhai Rameshbhai ... vs Jethabhai Kalabhai Zalavadiya ... on 3 October, 2017
he had known about the date of death of the defendant, he would have
filed the suit in the first instance against his heirs and legal
representatives. The trial court has also opined that the plaintiff was
ignorant as to such death and that is why he filed IA 265 of 1975 under
Order 22 Rule 4 of C.P.C. The High Court too has recorded a finding
that there was nothing to show that the plaintiff was aware of the death
of the first defendant and yet knowing well about it, he would persist in
filing the suit against a dead person. In conclusion, the learned Single
Judge held that since plaintiff respondent had taken prompt action it
clearly showed that he had acted in good faith. Thus the High Court
made out a case for invoking the proviso to Sub-section (1) of Section
21 of the Act in favour of the plaintiff-respondent. Sequally, the High
Court found no difficulty in allowing IA 785 of 1975 permitting change of
the provision whereunder IA 265 of 1975 was filed and in allowing IA
265 of 1975 ordering the suit against the heirs and legal representatives
of defendant 1 to be dating back to 14.11.74, the date on which the
plaint was originally presented.” (underlining is ours)
13. In the Case of Banwari Lal vs Balbir Singh, 2016 (1) SCC 607,
defendant no. 1, (who was respondent no. 1 in the first appeal) had expired 2
years prior to the decision in the first appeal, but no steps were taken to
bring his legal representatives on record. The first appellate Court decided in
favour of the plaintiff. When the matter came up in second appeal, the legal
representatives of defendant no. 1 filed an application for condonation of
delay and restoration. This Court though observed that the application ought
to have been filed under Order 22 Rule 4 of the Code inasmuch as the death
had occurred during the subsistence of the matter before the Court and the
application under Order 1 Rule 10 of the Code was not maintainable, had
proceeded to allow the application on the ground that it would be unjust to
non-suit the applicant on the ground of technicalities. This Court permitted
the legal representatives of defendant No. 1 to convert the application into
one filed under Order 22 Rule 4 of the Code.
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Pankajbhai Rameshbhai ... vs Jethabhai Kalabhai Zalavadiya ... on 3 October, 2017
the suit stood abated. The case of Arora Enterprises (supra) is also not
applicable as it deals with the finality of an abatement order. In that context,
the Courts have concluded that the only course open to the
plaintiff/appellant in case if the death occurs in a pending matter, is to file an
application under Order 22 Rule 4 of the Code, and not under Order 1 Rule
10 of the Code or under Section 151 of the Code.
14. In the matter on hand, though the trial court had rightly dismissed the
application under Order 22 Rule 4 of the Code as not maintainable at an
earlier point of time, in our considered opinion, it needs to be mentioned that
the trial Court at that point of time itself could have treated the said
application filed under Order 22 Rule 4 of the Code as one filed under Order
1 Rule 10 of the CPC, in order to do justice between the parties. Merely
because of the non- mentioning of the correct provision as Order 1 Rule 10
of the Code at the initial stage by the advocate for the plaintiff, the parties
should not be made to suffer. It is by now well settled that a mere wrong
mention of the provision in the application would not prohibit a party to the
litigation from getting justice. Ultimately, the Courts are meant to do justice
and not to decide the applications based on technicalities. The provision
under Order 1 Rule 10 CPC speaks about judicial discretion of the Court to
strike out or add parties at any stage of the suit. It can strike out any party
who is improperly joined, it can add any one as a plaintiff or defendant if it
finds that such person is a necessary or proper party. The Court under
Order 1 Rule 10(2) of the Code will of course act according to reason and
fair play and not according to whims and caprice. The expression “to settle
all questions involved” used in Order 1 Rule 10 (2) of the Code is susceptive
to a liberal and wide interpretation, so as to adjudicate all the questions
pertaining to the subject matter thereof. The Parliament in its wisdom while
framing this rule must be held to have thought that all material questions
common to the parties to the suit and to the third parties should be tried
once for all. The Court is clothed with the power to secure the aforesaid
result with judicious discretion to add parties, including third parties. There
cannot be any dispute that the party impleaded must have a direct interest in
the subject matter of litigation. In a suit seeking cancellation of sale deed, as
mentioned supra, a person who has purchased the property and whose
rights are likely to be affected pursuant to the judgment in the suit is a
necessary party, and he has to be added. If such purchaser has expired, his
Supreme Court of India
Pankajbhai Rameshbhai ... vs Jethabhai Kalabhai Zalavadiya ... on 3 October, 2017
legal representatives are necessary parties. In the matter on hand, since the
purchaser of the suit property, i.e., defendant no.7 has expired prior to the
filing of the suit, his legal representatives ought to have been arrayed as
parties in the suit while presenting the plaint. As such impleadment was not
made at the time of filing of the plaint in view of the fact that the plaintiff did
not know about the death of the purchaser, he cannot be non-suited merely
because of his ignorance of the said fact. To do justice between the parties
and as the legal representatives of the purchaser of the suit property are
necessary parties, they have to be impleaded under Order 1 Rule 10 of the
Code, inasmuch as the application under Order 22 Rule 4 of the Code was
not maintainable.
15. Having regard to the totality of the narration made supra, there is no bar
for filing the application under Order 1 Rule 10, even when the application
under Order 22 Rule 4 of the Code was dismissed as not maintainable under
the facts of the case. The legal heirs of the deceased person in such a matter
Supreme Court of India
Pankajbhai Rameshbhai ... vs Jethabhai Kalabhai Zalavadiya ... on 3 October, 2017
can be added in the array of parties under Order 1 Rule 10 of the Code read
with Section 151 of the Code subject to the plea of limitation as
contemplated under Order 7 Rule 6 of the Code and Section 21 of the
Limitation Act, to be decided during the course of trial.
In view of the above, the impugned judgment of the High Court is set aside.
The appeal is allowed. The Trial Court is directed to implead the legal
representatives of deceased defendant no. 7 and bring them on record,
subject to the plea of limitation as contemplated under Order 7 Rule 6 of the
Code, as well as under Section 21 of the Limitation Act, 1963, to be decided
during the trial.
October 3, 2017.