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Unit 4

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Unit 4

1. What are the assumptions made by Boussinesq’s in deriving the expression for stress in
soil due to a point load on the ground surface?
2. A rectangular area of 2m x 4m carries a uniformly distributed load 80 kN/sq.m at ground
surface. Find the vertical pressure at 5m below the centre and corner of the loaded area.
Solve the problem by a) dividing the rectangle into four equivalent rectangles, b) 2:1
3. What is an Isobar? And also define Pressure bulb.
4. With a sketch explain the construction of a Newmark’s chart?
i) A long strip footing of width 2m transmits a pressure of 200kPa to the underlying
soil. Using 2 : 1 dispersion method, compute the approximate value of the vertical
stress at a depth of 5m below the footing.
ii) A line load of 100 kN/m run extends to a long distance. Determine the intensity of
vertical stress at a point 2m below the surface at a distance of 2m perpendicular to the
line load. Use Boussinesq's theory
5. Write a note on 2:1 stress distribution method.
6. A ring foundation of 10m external diameter and 9m internal diameter carries a uniformly
distributed load of 150kPa. Determine the vertical stress due to the load at a depth of 6m
below the centre of the foundation.
7. When is New mark’s influence chart applicable? What are the differences between
Boussinesq’s and Westergaard’s theories
8. Two point loads P and Q act on the ground surface 8m apart. The magnitude of P is
100kN and that of Q is 80kN. Point A is at a depth of 6m directly below P and point B is
at a depth of 5m directly below Q. Point C is between P and Q and it is at a distance of
4m from P. Point C lies at a depth of 3m below the ground surface. Calculate the increase
in vertical stresses at A, B and C due to the point loads.
9. What is the increase in vertical stress at a point 5m below a point load of 100kN, using
Boussinesq’s theory?
10. A three-legged tower forms an equilateral triangle of side 4m in plan. If the total weight
of the tower is 450kN and is equally carried by all the legs, compute the vertical stress
increase caused in the soil by the tower at a depth of 4m directly below one of the legs
and also at the same depth below the centroid of the triangle.
11. A ring footing of external diameter 8 m and internal diameter 4 m rests at a depth 2 m
below the ground surface. It carries a load intensity 150 kN/m2. Find the vertical stress at
depths of 2, 4 and 8 m along the axis of the footing below the footing base. Neglect the
effect of the excavation on the stress.
12. Derive an equation for determining the stress intensity at a given on the axis of loading
due to the uniformly loaded circular area.

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