Iliade-143 Ethanol Gc-Fid
Iliade-143 Ethanol Gc-Fid
Iliade-143 Ethanol Gc-Fid
1. Scope
The method is suitable to determine ethanol in Completely Denatured Alcohol (CDA)
required for calculation of the content of denaturing substances as specified in
Regulation (EC) 3199/93 of 22 November 1993 and its amendments, concerning the mutual
recognition procedures for the complete denaturing of alcohol (CDA) for the purpose of
exemption from excise duty.
In addition, this method is also suitable for some alcoholic beverages such as vodka, rum,
whisky, brandy, fruit distillates as well as fraudulent distillates containing denaturants. The
method can be used also for determination of ethyl alcohol in commercial mixtures such as
antifreeze and screen-wash preparations.
2. Principle
Ethanol is separated from other volatile substances (i.e. methanol, ethyl acetate or
denaturants such as IPA and MEK) using capillary column gas chromatography and is
detected by FID. The ethanol concentration is determined against a calibration curve using
an internal standard.
4. Apparatus
4.1. Analytical balance with precision of 0.1 mg.
4.2. An electronic densimeter.
4.3. A gas chromatograph (GC) with split/split less injector, flame ionization detector, auto
sampler and PC for control of the GC and data processing.
5. Procedure
5.1. Preparation of calibration solutions
Solutions for calibration points 1-5 are prepared as follows: an empty 20 ml glass vial
(including septum and cap) is weighed and its weight (ms) is recorded. The balance is then
tarred. 15 ml of methanol is added to the 20 ml glass vial. The vial is closed by cap and
weighed (the weight of methanol mm is recorded). The balance is tarred. Then 0.5 ml of
internal standard (e.g. 1,4-dioxane) is added through a septum using a syringe, the content
of the vial is mixed and weighed (the weight of internal standard mi is recorded). The
balance is tarred. Finally 10, 100, 300, 700 or 1000 µl of ethyl alcohol (for calibration
standards 1 to 5, respectively) are added to the vial through the septum using a syringe. The
content of the vial is mixed and weighed (the weight of ethyl alcohol ma is recorded). The
balance is tarred and the vial is removed from the balance. Final weight reading mf is
recorded (as positive value). The maximum acceptable difference between mf and the sum
of all the weights is 0.5 mg (see Equation 1). When the difference is higher, the preparation
of that particular calibration solution must be repeated. Each calibration solution is mixed,
then opened and 2 ml of the calibration solution is transferred to a 2 ml glass vial. The 2 ml
glass vial is closed and stored in the refrigerator until the GC analysis is completed.
Note: Depending on final ethanol concentration in the sample the calibration range can be
modified providing the quality control conditions described below are met.
5.2. Sample preparation
Solid impurities in sample must be filtrated.
Sample preparation is carried out exactly as described above, however, instead of ethanol,
1000 µl of the sample is added and the weight mvz is recorded. Every sample is prepared in
5.3. Chromatographic conditions
With regard to the operation of the GC, the analytical sequence is programmed in the GC
software (e.g. sample number, sample position in auto sampler, analytical method, amount
of the internal standard, dilution factor).
The chromatographic conditions to be used with the GC capillary column DB624 (30 x 0.32
mm x 1.8 µm) are as follows: inject volume: 1 µl, split approx. 120 ml/min., injector
temperature 230 °C, detector FID temperature 230 °C, temperature gradient: 45 °C (4 min) /
10 °C/min / 90 °C (0 min) / 20 °C/min / 200 °C (2 min), carrier gas helium velocity (32 cm/s).
If a different type of GC column is used or if the ethyl alcohol peak co-elutes with the peak of
another substance (i.e. separation of ethanol peak is less than 0.75 %) or if the shape of the
ethyl alcohol peak is not obvious (broad peak, tailing peak, etc.), the GC temperature
programme may be modified.
Between each sample injection, the auto-sampler must be programmed to thoroughly rinse
the injection syringe using methanol to prevent any possible cross-contamination.
The chromatographic conditions can be modified for other columns used to achieve a good
separation of ethyl alcohol and internal standard from possible interferences.
Each sample is prepared in duplicate: if the difference between the first and the second
sample result is higher than the repeatability limit, the sample must be prepared and
measured in duplicate again.
6. Calculations
The concentrations of ethyl alcohol as well as the internal standard are calculated for each
calibration solution using the Equations 2 and 3. The ethanol content in the sample is
calculated using the GC software and is obtained from the calibration curve (evaluation is
done using the area of the peaks) and multiplied by sample dilution factor (using Equations 4
and 5).
8. Precision
Precision data obtained from the 1st CLEN proficiency test on completely denatured alcohol,
performed in 2019 (final report issued 4 September 2019) by 41 laboratories on 3 samples.
Ethanol Matrices
denatured Burning alcohol Screen wash
alcohol (CDA)
Ethanol content
94.6 89.6 33.9
(robust mean), % vol.
Repeatability (SD), % vol. 0.2 0.2 0.1
Repeatability, % 0.2 0.2 0.3
Reproducibility (SD), % vol. 0.7 0.7 0.2
Reproducibility, % 0.7 0.7 0.7
Annex – examples of chromatograms
Typical chromatogram of a formulation including the internal standard (1,4-dioxane) and a series of
other potential denaturants.