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Serpents Simians

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Serpents & Simians

Serpents & Simians

Compilation, Editing, and Layout by

Daniel Proctor AKA “Gorilla Spawn”

Written by
Timothy S. Brannan AKA “Web Warlock”

Nicholas Dowbiggin AKA “Crackedjacked”

Daniel Proctor AKA “Gorilla Spawn”


Beth Robertson AKA “Mrs. TexasZombie”

W. D. Robertson AKA “TexasZombie”


Gerry Saracco AKA “Urbwar”

Cover art by
David Fox AKA “Canadian Pittbull”

Interior art by
David Fox AKA “Canadian Pittbull”

All original material © 2005 by their respective authors.

All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Dungeons and Zombies, One of the Living, Pulp Zombies, Terra
Primate, Witch Craft, and Armageddon are © Eden Studios 1999-2005. Used here without
express permission.

Serpents & Simians

Serpents & Simians

Table of Contents

Aping Dungeons and Zombies .............................................................. 5

New Qualities and Drawbacks ............................................................................ 6

Archetypes................................................................................................. 10

Equipment ................................................................................................. 20

Beasts of the Realm ...................................................................................... 21

Random Catacomb Compiler ............................................................................ 30

Random Demon Designer ............................................................................... 31

Demonic Rivals..................................................................................... 34

Stormwreaker ...................................................................................... 43

Swords, Sorcery & Silverbacks ............................................................ 48

Character Sheet, Front ......................................................................... 56

Back ......................................................................... 57

Contributor List .................................................................................... 58

Serpents & Simians

Serpents & Simians

Aping Dungeons and Zombies

The Terra Primate Answer to Dungeons and Zombies
The Enthusiastic fans of Eden Studios

Introduction D&Z Dungeons and Zombies

We’re not going to let the zombies have all OoTL One of the Living
the fun! From the Elric saga to the movie Heavy PZ Pulp Zombies
Metal, intelligent apes make an appearance in TP Terra Primate
the fantasy genre. WC Witch Craft
Although this fan-compiled and fan-written
supplement is meant as a nod toward Terra Pri- How to Use this Netbook
mate and Dungeons and Zombies, much of the Technically this book is meant to supplement
material presented here borrows from several Terra Primate, but it is also meant to supplement
Eden Studios product lines, and this netbook Dungeons and Zombies. Yes, that means that in
takes off in slightly different directions than some sense this is a supplemental supplement.
Dungeons and Zombies. Now say that three times fast.
Special thanks goes to Jason Vey, author of Much of the material here (and the format) is
Dungeons and Zombies, for writing such a great blatantly “old school.” Why? Certainly fantasy
fantasy sourcebook. That book is the primary can be done in a number of ways, but playing
inspiration for this “aped” version (You’ve been around with the “old school feel” is refreshing
aped Jason!). Furthermore, this work would not because it allows us to have fun with it in a light
have been possible without the enthusiasm of hearted nod to what, for many of us, represents
all of its contributors. Hey, it’s ok to pat our- our initiation into the odd hobby we call role-
selves on the back now and again, isn’t it? playing. I dare say some of our fondest gaming
memories go back to those first tentative baby
Abbreviations steps in the dungeons where so many of us lost
Throughout this book references will be made our dearest first alter egos.
to other books in the Eden Studios product lines. In the end, to answer the question of How to
The following key is a means for interpreting Use this Netbook, one should use it however
these abbreviations: seems best appropriate. Take this material and
use it directly, or use it for ideas. Molest it, fon-
AFMBE All Flesh Must Be Eaten dle it, or laugh at it, but most of all those of us
who put this together hope you enjoy it.

Serpents & Simians

New Qualities and Drawbacks

This section includes new Racial Qualities and
Profession Qualities.

5-Point Profession Quality
The kind of assassin detailed here is a profes-
sional, not your fly-by-night-stab’em-in-the-
back-type. Alright, so maybe they often do just
that. Almost exclusively belonging to an Assas-
sin’s Guild, these individuals are trained to kill
for profit. Amateur assassins or those not be-
longing to a guild will attract the attention of
the local guild, and trespassers won’t often be
asked for an explanation. They’re eliminated.
Due to their extensive training, Assassins gain
a +1 to Dexterity, two levels of Disguise, two
levels of Lock Picking (Mechanical), two levels
of Notice, two levels of Stealth, and two levels
of Surveillance.
As a consequence of the profession, Assassins
have a two point Adversary– other Assassin
Guilds. Guilds are constantly vying for the up-
per hand to gain more territory. A Cast Mem-
ber who does not belong to a guild will instead
have all Assassin’s Guilds as adversaries, for
three points. Additionally, Assassins have a one
point Obligation (D&Z pg. 24)– they must pay pernatural, whether that be witches or magical
20% of all their profits to their guild. Of items. Barbarians are also closer to their animal
course, a rogue Assassin pays no tithes...at his instincts, and have two levels of Covetous
own risk. Assassins also have a three point Se- (Lecherous).
cret. Being an Assassin would mean certain
death if the authorities find out. Bite Attack
1-Point Quality
Barbarian This Quality is taken from TP pg. 170. A be-
5-Point Profession Quality ing with this Quality can bite for one point of
Being a barbarian isn’t just a way of life, it’s stabbing damage for each level of Strength.
an attitude. It’s about being rude, crude, gruff,
and not taking any crap from anybody. It’s Breath Water
about cracking heads, grabbing the loot and
2-Point Quality
the women, and making off to the fort.
This power is taken from TP, pg. 228. This is
Barbarians aren’t the most open minded, but
the ability to breath underwater, usually
they can be handy to have around when the
through the use of gills.
apes start shrieking and falling from the trees.
They gain +2 to Strength and +2 to Constitu-
Curse of the Werehuman
tion. Additionally, they gain three levels of
Hard to Kill and two levels in a Hand Weapon Variable Point Drawback
of choice. This supernatural effect is universally consid-
On the down side, due to the closed minded ered a curse by all apes. It is usually transmit-
and superstitious nature of being a barbarian, ted to an unfortunate ape by an insidious curse
they have an Obsession with destroying the su- or after being bitten by a Werehuman. The fol-
lowing game effects apply to this Quality.

Serpents & Simians

level), and the following Qualities are gained if

not already possessed: Bite Attack (1 point of
damage), Covetous (Material Goods of All
Sorts) 3, Hairless Ape (without the +2 Intelli-
gence), Delusions of Grandeur (I am Evolved
and Superior to Apes in All Ways) 3, Obsession
(Building Things) 2, Obsession (Destroying the
Environment Through Irresponsibility) 2, Photo-
graphic Memory and a bizarre form of Racial
The Racial Memories gained by the Werehu-
man include, but are not limited to: Brawling
(Specialty – Use Small Teeth and Weak Jaws
to Bite Other Creatures) Bureaucracy
(Mountains of Papers Created by Destroying
Trees) Craft (Create Landfill) Craft (Making
Talking Boxes with Magical Pictures) Drive
(Horseless Carriage) Engineer (Mighty Machines
and Power Sources) Mechanic (Maintain Mighty
Machines and Power Sources) Thunder Stick
(Shoulder-fired and Hand-held)
Note that remembering these skills but sel-
dom being able to act on them causes most
Werehumans to be very violent beings due to
their irrational frustration. It is the curse of the
Werehuman to try and fulfill its “mission” from
sunrise to sundown. The lairs of Werehumans
can be recognized by the overworked soil, pits
of trash, and bits of metal machinery marring
the landscape for several miles in each direc-
tion. It should also be noted that the Photo-
graphic Memory ability does not carry over
into the normal ape form, but does apply to
anything done the last time the ape was in
Werehuman form.

At the first light of dawn, an Ape afflicted by Easy to Kill

this curse has a 10% chance to involuntarily 1 to 5 Point Drawback
transform into Werehuman form. The following Cast Members with this drawback are ex-
Physical Qualities and Drawbacks are immedi- tremely fragile and subject to physical injury.
ately removed if possessed by the ape until the Each level of Easy to Kill subtracts 3 Life Points
ape’s original form is regained at sunset: Ata- from the character's Pool. Additionally, each
vism, Bite Attack, Brachiation, Impaired Speech, level subtracts 1 (-1) from Survival Tests. This
Knuckle-Walking, Low Intellect, Negative Buoy- drawback is most appropriate for the very old,
ancy, Partial Biped and Racial Memories. Addi- very sick, or very young.
tionally, Strength, Dexterity and Constitution im-
mediately drop to 2 points each, although, Gibbot
strangely enough, Life Points, Endurance, Speed 5-Point Racial Quality
and Essence remain unchanged. Gibbots are small folk who resemble gibbons.
The Werehuman then gains the following as- They typically live high up in the trees, within
pects: Intelligence, Perception and Willpower the trunks that they hollow out for homes. One
are all increased by +3 (there is no maximum

Serpents & Simians

could pass below an entire gibbot village with- being a true Ape) The Hairless Ape gains no
out ever knowing it was there, if it weren’t for bonus points for these Physical Drawbacks. On
the sweetly pungent odor of the moss the gib- the plus side, the Intelligence of the Hairless
bots so tenderly cultivate among the trees for Ape is increased by 2 points. The Hairless Ape
pipe smoking. Gibbots live for about 150 also possesses the Quick Learner Mental Qual-
years. ity (Book of Archetypes, p.47, Eden Studios,
Gibbots have a maximum dexterity of ten, Inc.).
and gain a +4 to Dexterity. Their delicate
frame causes them to suffer –1 to Strength. In Half-Elf
addition, gibbots have Brachiation (TP pg. 162) 4-Point Racial Quality
and two levels of Fast Reaction Time. Unfortu- Sometimes the tragic love shared between
nately, Gibbots are poor swimmers with Nega- long-lived elves and short-lived humans results
tive Buoyancy (D&Z pg. 27). in offspring. These children are often not ac-
cepted by either parent race, so they tend to
Gwourf live on the outskirts of society. Half-Elves typi-
5-Point Racial Quality cally live for five hundred years, which is long
Gwourfs are a short, four foot tall, stocky enough to watch all of their human friends die
race resembling stout little gorillas. They live while their elven relatives seem to age not a
under ground, where they mine precious metals day.
and brew stout liquors. The typical Gwourf lives They gain +1 to Dexterity and Perception.
about three hundred years, and they are su- They have Acute Senses (Vision), and have one
perb metal smiths. level of Attractiveness. They have a one point
Gwourfs have a maximum strength and con- Minority status.
stitution of 8. They gain +2 to Strength and +2
to Constitution, as well as one level of Hard to Half-Ogre
Kill and Infravision (AFMBE pg. 154). They have 5-Point Racial Quality
one level of Resistance (Psionics). In addition, Half-ogres are adored about as much as
they have two levels in Craft (Any) but they their ogre parent, which is to say that they are
tend to specialize in weapon smithing. reviled by mankind. They tend to be the result
These underground primates have two points of unions with unsavory motives. Averaging
of Covetous (Greedy), as they like to stash pre- seven feet tall, these creatures can break the
cious jewels and metals. Furthermore, they are average man. They tend to have yellowish skin,
Humorless and Reckless. They’re resistance to pale eyes, and brutish features. They can live
psionics prohibits them from becoming psionic to be as old as 60 years.
themselves. They have a maximum strength and constitu-
tion of eight, and gain +3 to Strength and +2
Hairless Ape to Constitution, but are slightly dim with a –1 to
2-point Physical Quality Intelligence. Half-ogres gain two levels of
When an ape possesses the Hairless Ape Brawling, two levels of Hard to Kill, one level
drawback, his or her appearance is radically of Regeneration (TP pg. 168), and Nightvision
altered. The ape’s face becomes very flat, with (D&Z pg. 27).
an exaggerated chin, nose and high forehead. Half-ogres are a three point Minority and
Worse yet, the unfortunate ape has very little have an Attractiveness drawback for two
body hair – what little there is grows thick only points. They additionally tend to be Humorless
on the head where the limbs join with the body. and slightly Cruel, for one point.
Male Hairless Apes also grow thick hair along
their cheeks and around their mouths. The Hair- Half-Orc
less Ape Quality includes the following attribute 2-Point Racial Quality
changes: Attractiveness -3 (due to the disturb- Few half-orcs are the result of a love affair
ing similarities to bizarre creatures of legend) between human and orc. Sometimes evil witches
Status -2 (it is hard to accept such a being as seek the consort of brutish orc barbarians, and

Serpents & Simians

other times hapless villages are ravaged by sions of elves from a parallel universe.
orc tribes seeking women and food. Pan Sidhe have a maximum dexterity of 8,
Regardless, the result of human and orc un- and a +1 to Constitution and + 2 to Dexterity.
ions is a being hated by men and held in rever- In addition, they have Acute Senses (Hearing),
ence by orcs. They often take after their orcish one level of Attractiveness, Brachiation, and
stock in that they have pig-like features. Some Nightvision (D&Z pg. 27). Pan Sidhe are poor
can pass as ugly humans. Half-Orcs can live to swimmers, having Negative Buoyancy (D&Z pg.
be 70 years old. They gain +1 to Strength and 27), and tend to be Lazy.
Constitution, and one level in Brawling. Addi-
tionally, they gain one level in Hard to Kill and Susceptibility
the Nightvision Power (D&Z pg. 27). 1-point per level Drawback
Due to their reviled heritage, half-orcs are Some people are just inherently inferior at
considered a three point Minority and suffer a ignoring the bad things that occur in life. This
one point Attractiveness Drawback. ability causes the character to take extra dam-
age or have reduced Survival Tests to fend off
Horns each Susceptibility. Each type of Susceptibility
3-Point Quality must be purchased separately. The level of Sus-
This Quality is taken from the Minotaur Qual- ceptibility is subtracted from the cast member's
ity in D&Z pg. 24. These are large horns capa- Constitution when resisting the effect(s) to which
ble of doing great damage. They can inflict the character is Susceptible. Susceptibility to
1d8 (4) x Strength slashing and stabbing dam- Disease may be due to age or disease. Suscep-
age. tibility to Heat may be due to thyroid problems
or vitamin deficiencies. Susceptibility to Sunlight
Ogre would indicate the disease Xenopigmentosa,
4-Point Racial Quality itself a genetic disease complex with multiple
Ogres can be nine feet tall. They tend to be other deletory effects on sufferers.
evil creatures, who savor the flesh of other sa-
pient creatures. They have mottled yellow skin,
lanky hair, and lifeless pale eyes. Torture and
cruelty is their delight. Though they often don’t
live to see old age, they can live to be as old
as 50 years.
Ogres have a maximum strength and consti-
tution of ten. They gain +5 to Strength and +3
to Constitution. Additionally, they have three
levels of Hard to Kill, one level of Regeneration
(TP pg. 168), and Nightvision (D&Z pg 27). Not
the brightest of bipedal beings, ogres have –2
to Intelligence. Ogres are very homely, with an
Attractiveness drawback of three points. They
are a three point minority, which is partly be-
cause they have a three point Cruel personal-

Pan Sidhe
5-Point Racial Quality
The Pan Sidhe are an elegant fey race re-
sembling a lithe boned hybrid of human and
chimpanzee with pointed ears. They live for
about one thousand years, and are believed to
either be simian relatives of elves or simian ver-

Serpents & Simians

Pan Sidhe Sorcerer

Adept Hero

Str 2 Dex 6* Con 2* and sophistication to the race of man.

Int 2 Per 2 Wil 4 I travel in the dungeon with my lessers, but I
Life Points 26 stay in the rear. After all, it’s only right that I
Endurance Points 29 should die last, or better yet, have a chance to
Speed 16 run away to warn others of whatever horrors
Essence 40 we might come across. If we succeed it is also
only fair that I receive a larger share of the
Qualities/Drawbacks treasure. It isn’t cheap to keep myself groomed
Acute Senses (Hearing)* to perfection.
Attractiveness 1*
Brachiation* Quote
Charisma 2 "Come wind, come rain, come lightning! Come
Clown smog!!!"
Essence Channeling 3
Gift Increased Essence Pool 5
Mystic Targeting
Negative Buoyancy*
Pan Sidhe 5
Situational Awareness

Acrobatics 2
Climb 4
Hand Weapon (Staff) 2
Magic Bolt 2
Notice 2
Occult Knowledge 3

Elemental Air 4
Lesser Illusion 2

*from Pan Sidhe Quality

Quarter Staff, blue robe embroidered with
cloud designs, pouch of coins

I bring knowledge to the less fortunate, less
simian races. We have been created in the di-
vine image, and it is our duty to bring culture

Serpents & Simians

Half-Orc Assassin
Talented Hero

Str 5* Dex 5* Con 5* Personality

Int 3 Per 4 Wil 2 Taking pleasure and pride in one’s work is
Life Points 68 considered an honorable trait. Believe me, I
Endurance Points 41 take pleasure in my work.
Speed 20 Did you know that if my blade inserts at just
Essence 24 the right angle between the second and third
vertebrae in the back of someone’s neck I can
Qualities/Drawbacks make a victim wet his britches?
Adversary 2 (Other Assassins Guilds)* Sometimes when my employer needs informa-
Assassin 5 tion from a victim, I get the pleasure of employ-
Attractiveness -1* ing torture. You know, pain isn’t the only way to
Covetous (Greed) 2 get information. If I paralyze someone first,
Cruel 3 and then start burning them alive with oil and a
Fast Reaction Time torch, beginning with the toes, nearly every-
Half-Orc 2 body talks. It isn’t the pain, it’s smelling your
Hard to Kill 6* own meat cooking that generally loosens the
Minority -3* tongue.
Nerves of Steel
Nightvision* Quote
Obligation 1 (Assassins Guild)* “I’ll even kill his uncles pro bono, just ‘cause I’m
Resistance (Poison) 5 such a nice guy.”
Secret 3 (Assassin)*
Situational Awareness

Brawling 4*
Climbing 3
Disguise 5*
Hand Weapon (Dagger) 4
Hand Weapon (Sword) 4
Lock Picking (Mechanical) 2*
Notice 5
Stealth 5
Streetwise 4
Surveillance 5

*from Half-Orc and Assassin Qualities

"Oaf" clothes, long over-sized tunic, hood,
hosen, leather armor (concealed beneath oaf
outfit), heavy leather cloak (rolled up in pack),
big boots smeared with horse dung, couple
dozen rusty knives, broadsword, traveling

Serpents & Simians

Half-Ogre Barbarian
Talented Hero

Str 8 Dex 5 Con 8

Int 3 Per 2 Wil 3 “Ah, you do not understand, do you? While
Life Points 104 many of my…lineage…are ignorant, I am not.
Endurance Points 62 Uncivilized? Yes. A monster? Yes. But a foolish
Speed 28 oaf? No. Else how would I lead the warriors of
Essence 30 my tribe? The very tribe who crushed your peo-
ple and took your lands, putting all to the torch.
Qualities/Drawbacks Yes. We ~are~ monsters indeed.
Attractiveness -3
Barbarian “You do not cry. That is good. The Gods do not
Contacts (Tribe) 5 like it when Their sacrifices cry.”
Covetous (Lecherous)
Cruel 3 Quote
Delusions (Prejudice – “The Weak”) 2 “WHO ARE THEY? THEY ARE THE WEAK!!!
Hard to Kill 10 THEIR WOMEN!!! BLOOD! BLOOD!
Obsession (Destroy Supernatural)
Regeneration 1
Resistant (Poison) 3

Brawling 5
Craft (Hunting) 3
Dodge 5
Hand Weapon (Great Sword) 5
Hand Weapon (Long Bow) 3
Myth and Legend (Tribal) 2
Notice 2
Tracking 3
Traps 2
Weight Lifting 4

Great sword, long bow, quiver, 20 arrows,
chainmail hauberk, metal helmet, bear skin
cloak, tribal tattoos and ritual scarring

“Uncivilized monster? If to be civilized means to
be…like you…weak, passionless, worthless,
then yes, I am an uncivilized monster.

Serpents & Simians

Neo-Orangutan Lawgiver
Adept Hero

Str 4 Dex 4 Con 3 his breath. Long gone are the days when I
Int 4 Per 4 Wil 4 could travel through the canopy as easily as on
Life Points 24 the ground. Verily, my days are numbered. Ah!
Endurance Points 38 I am prattling on and speaking of needless
Speed 14 things.
Essence 43
“Remember always. The battle continues, and it
Qualities/Drawbacks is up to you, young warrior, to continue the
Adversary (Demons and Undead) 3 good fight.
Charisma 5 “Protect the weak.
Delusions (Phobia, Drowning) 2
Easy to Kill 4 “Embolden the fearful.
Essence Channeling 1
Holy Order of Light Priest “And fight – FIGHT – against the Dark.
Increased Essence Pool 4
Inspired Invoker “Rage against the Dying of the Light.”
Negative Buoyancy
Neo-Orangutan (Terra Primate, p. 178) Quote
Obligation (Find and Destroy Supernatural Evil) “Draw near and gain wisdom, my children.”
Atavism and Partial Biped bought off by 2
points of Drawbacks.

The Gift
Divine Sight
Touch of Healing

Hand Weapon (Staff) 1
Instruction 5
Humanities/Simianities (Simian Theology) 5
Humanities/Simianities (Simian Law) 6
Myth and Legend (Simian) 5
Occult Knowledge 4
Storytelling 5

Vestments of office, Gilded Staff of the Law,
the Scrolls of the Law

“Thank you for stopping to let an old ape catch

Serpents & Simians

Atavistic Neo-Gorilla Ranger

Talented Hero

Str 10 Dex 7 Con 9 nothing but my strength and skills to protect you
Int 2 Per 3 Wil 2 from Those Who Have No Hair.”
Life Points 98
Endurance Points 68 Quote
Speed 16/36 “Be the beast.”
Essence 20

Aggressive Atavism Bite Attack (1 point per Str)
Delusions (Technology Is Not Necessary) 2
Hand to Kill 4
Jumping (+10” to high jump, +10 yards broad
Negative Buoyancy
Nerves of Steel
Partial Biped
Ranger Template*
Situational Awareness
Inept 2
Neo-Gorilla (Terra Primate, p. 178, modified –
Delusion replaced) *Brawling instead of Hand

Brawling 5
Climbing 3
Dodge 2
Intimidation 5
Notice 3
Stealth 5
Survival (Forest) 4
Tracking 4
Weight Lifting 5


“Tools? Fah! Armor? FAH! What more does a
brave Ape need that than which the Law Giver
gives us? I can smash beasts and splinter wood.
I need nothing but myself to survive. And I need

Serpents & Simians

Neo-Chimpanzee Monk-ey Practitioner of Kong-Fu

Talented Hero

Str 6 Dex 9 Con 4

Int 3 Per 3 Wil 3
Life Points 80
Endurance Points 44
Speed 26
Essence 20

Bite Attack (1 point per Str point)
Delusion (Phobia of Drowning) 2
Fast Reaction Time
Hard to Kill 10
Honorable 2
Jump (+10” high jump, +10 yards broad jump)
Negative Buoyancy
Neo-Chimpanzee* *

The following Neo-Chimpanzee Drawbacks

have been bought off with Quality points –
Atavism, Partial Biped

Acrobatics 3
Dodge 5
Hand Weapon (Quarter Staff) 3
Martial Arts 5
Humanities (Mysticism) 2
Trance 2

Quarter staff, plain and humble robe, braided
cord belt detailing rank and deeds

“The truest measure of a warrior is his or her
ability to avoid battle, avoid inflicting injury,
and avoid inflicting death. My way is not that
of peace, but it is that of life.”

“Guard yourself!”

Serpents & Simians

Howling Messenger of Doom

Gibbon Talented Hero

Str 3 Dex 10 Con 4

Int 3 Per 3 Wil 3
Life Points 56 Quote
Endurance Points 35 “What have you seen, friend?”
Speed 28/48
Essence 32

Artistic Talent (Screech-Singing)
Charisma 2
Delusions (Phobia of Drowning) 2
Gibbon (Invasion of the Apes Quality)
Hard to Kill 6
Negative Buoyancy
Partial Biped
Photographic Memory
Situational Awareness

Climbing 4
Brawling 2
Dodge 3
Myth and Legend (Ape) 3
Notice 4
Questioning 3
Singing 5
Smooth Talking 3
Storytelling 3

Pouch, paper, pen, ink, messages, truce flag

“I carry the news. I watch. I listen. I write down
what I see and hear. This is how Apes can know
what happens in far away valleys and in dis-
tant lands. When I meet another like me, we
will trade news and move on.

“It helps that I never forget anything. I remem-

ber exactly what I was told by Red-Brambles-
Finder two years ago right after lunch on the
first day I met her. Ahhhh, Red-Brambles-
Finder. What a woman!”

Serpents & Simians

Ogre Marauder
Talented Hero

Str 10 Dex 2 Con 10 Quote

Life Points 120 HHH!!!” ?”
Endurance Points 74
Speed 24
Essence 20

Attractiveness -3
Covetous (Lecherous) 2
Cruel 3
Danger Sense 2
Hard to Kill 10
Minority -3
Obsession (Destroying Supernatural)
Regeneration 1
Resistance (Pain) 5

Brawling 3
Hand Weapon (Giant Club) 4
Hand Weapon (Spear) 3
Intimidate 3
Notice 3
Running (Marathon) 3
Shield (Large) 3
Stealth 3
Tracking 3
Weight Lifting 4

Massive iron-banded wooden club, 12’ spear,
large shield, studded leather armor, looting
sack, gigantic hobnailed boots, elephant skin

“Bah! Nothing! NOTHING! Slay the animals
within the barn, then put it to the torch. Then
bind up these tiny wretches. They shall bring a
fair price from the Orc slavers.”

Serpents & Simians

Half-Elf Swashbuckler
Talented Hero

Str 3 Dex 7 Con 3 other sack of gold or anther few rings from the
Int 3 Per 4 Wil 3 fingers of a lovely Lady. Right! “It’s not about
Life Points 46 the loot. It’s NEVER been about the loot. Life
Endurance Points 32 has to be worth living, and to be worth living,
Speed 20 life must be exciting. You understand? Ah, ex-
Essence 20 cellent! “Now hand over your wallet and no
one will get hurt.”
Acute Sense (Vision) Quote
Adversary (Various local rulers) 4 “Have at you!”
Attractiveness 1
Charisma 4
Contacts (Band of loyal thieves) 4
Danger Sense 1
Fast Reaction Time
Hard to Kill 4
Honorable 1
Minority -1
Nerves of Steel

Climb 2
Fine Arts (Etiquette) 3
Hand Weapon (Cutlass) 4
Hand Weapon (Dagger) 4
Notice 3
Pick Pocket 2
Ride (Horse) 3
Seduction 2
Smooth Talk 3 (Specialty – Taunt) 5
Stealth 3
Survival (Forest) 2

Swept-hilt rapier, matching dueling dagger,
rakish clothes, floppy hat, thigh-high boots,
swift horse, saddlebags full of loot, black mask,
band of loyal followers

“I hate being bored. That’s really why I do this.
I just hate being bored. Right! Like I need an-

Serpents & Simians

Gibbot Kleptomaniac
Talented Hero

Str 2 Dex 9 Con 3 tonigh-ooooooo…shiny!”

Int 3 Per 3 Wil 3
Life Points 51 Quote
Endurance Points 29 “I didn’t do it!”
Speed 24
Essence 20

Charisma 3
Danger Sense 4
Delusions (There is no such thing as personal
property) 2
Fast Reaction Time
Hard to Kill 7
Negative Buoyancy
Obsession (Kleptomania)
Photographic Memory
Walk in Shadows

Dodge 5
Hand Weapon (Dagger) 1
Lock Picking (Mechanical) 3
Notice 6
Pick Pocket 5
Sleight of Hand 5
Stealth 3

Deep pockets, dozens of filched items, small
dagger, jaunty hat with a feather in it

“I don’t know why he was soooooo upset! It was
just a sword!

“Paladins just do NOT have a sense of humor. I

was gonna give it back, honest! No, really! I just

“But don’t worry! We know where the bandits

took the paladin and we’re gonna bust him out

Serpents & Simians

Equipment Cloth, yard, dyed 5 copper

Remember when buying equipment for your Cloth, yard, natural 2 copper
fantasy character could take hours? What color Flask, glass 1 silver
of cloak would go best with those fine boots? Flask, ceramic 5 copper
Should I buy a whole pig or only a piglet? Hook, large, iron 1 silver
These are the questions that burden a true ad- Hooks, fishing 3 copper
venturer’s soul, and now you can answer those Ink, 4 ounces 2 silver
questions again! Lock, large 8 silver
These items are meant to supplement the Lock, small 4 silver
items in Dungeons and Zombies pg. 33. Lock Picks 5 gold
Mirror, large 5 silver
Clothing Mirror, small 2 silver
Belt 1 silver Hammer, small, metal 1 silver
Boots, high, leather 2 silver Papyrus, dozen sheets 5 copper
Boots, high, cloth 1 silver Pole, 10 foot 2 copper
Boots, low, leather 1 silver Pouch, belt, large 5 copper
Boots, low, cloth 5 copper Pouch, belt, small 3 copper
Britches, cloth 5 copper Pulley, iron 5 silver
Britches, leather 6 silver Soap, 1 pound 1 silver
Cloak, large 2 silver Quill, 6 1 silver
Cloak, small 1 silver Sack, large 8 copper
Hat 1 silver Sack, small 5 copper
Robe 4 silver String, ball, 30 feet 3 copper
Shirt, cloth 5 copper Skin, for water/wine 5 copper
Spike, iron 2 copper
Chicken 1 copper
Cow 5 gold Cask, ale 2 gold
Dog 4 silver Cask, pickled eggs 2 silver
Dog, attack 5 gold Cask, wine, fine 5 gold
Goat 5 silver Cask, wine, watered 8 silver
Horse, draft 15 gold Fish, dried, 1 pound 1 gold
Horse, riding 12 gold Flour, sack, 1 pound 3 copper
Mule 10 gold Rations, 1 week 2 gold
Pig 8 silver Barrel, pickled fish 5 gold
Piglet 1 silver Barrel, pickled pig’s feet 2 gold
Sheep 5 silver Barrel, salted pork 8 gold
Bird, song 1 copper Grain, feed, 1 week 1 silver

Miscellaneous Equipment Tack and Harness

Barrel, empty, wooden, large 3 silver Bit and Bridle 1 gold
Barrel, empty, wooden, small 1 silver Harness 6 silver
Blanket, large, cloth 4 silver Saddle 5 gold
Blanket, large, wool 1 gold Bag, saddle, large 1 silver
Book, blank, 50 pages 1 gold Bag, saddle, small 7 copper
Candles, dozen 5 copper Blanket, saddle 6 silver
Chain, metal, 10 feet 2 gold
Chalk, dust, small sack 8 copper
Chalk, sticks, dozen 6 copper
Chest, wooden, large 4 silver
Chest, wooden, small 2 silver

Serpents & Simians

Beasts of the Realm Axebeak

What would fantasy role-playing be without Use the standard Velociraptor template from
a good list of monsters to kill so you can steal Terra Primate pg. 232, but replace the Bite at-
their stuff? Just remember, there are few joys in tack with a Head Butt attack with the same
gaming better than killing something your Ape damage rating. The Axebeak is a large, ag-
Master wanted to be an important plot device gressive flightless bird that resembles an ostrich
for the next couple of game sessions. So have but with a thicker neck and a horse-sized head
at it! with a very sharp beak. Axebeaks hunt in flocks
of 1D6+3 in number and may also have 5D6
Animals, Minimals chicks and/or eggs concealed nearby. Axe-
Dwarf versions of normal animals. Halve Str, beaks cannot be trained.
Dex, Con, Damage and Speed (minimum score
of 1) of the original species. Minimal Animals Baboon
are known to be highly aggressive for no good These primates appear at first glance to be
reason. some type of strange dog. They possess pro-
nounced muzzles and large canine teeth. Actu-
Ankeg ally, they are large monkeys. They do not pos-
This gigantic insect is the size of a small horse, sess prehensile tails but do have semi-
and always attacks from a hiding spot beneath opposable thumbs allowing them to grab and
sand or loose soil. Ankegs burrow slowly into hold small objects. Baboons are omnivorous and
the ground and wait just beneath the surface will hunt and kill small animals and even larger
for prey to approach. The Ankeg will attack wounded or sick animals. Otherwise, they sub-
using the Lunge to obtain surprise if possible. It sist on fruit, nuts, tubers and insects. Baboons
will attempt to seize a target with two large can be trained.
claws and bite with sharp mandibles. If
pressed, the Ankeg will spit globs of acid at Strength: 2-4 Dexterity: 3-5
any moving targets within range and attempt Constitution: 2-4 Intelligence: 2-3(Animal)
to retreat. Ankegs are solitary and cannot be Perception: 3-5 Willpower: 2-4
trained. Life Points: ([Str+Con]X2) + 10
Speed: ([Dex+Con]X2) + 10
Strength: 2-4 Constitution: 2-5 Attack: Bite D6(3)XStr+1 X 2 (two attacks, one
Dexterity: 2-4 Intelligence: 0 (animal) for each head)
Perception: 2-3 Willpower: 1-3 Skills: Brawling 3, Dodge 1, Notice 3
Life Points: [(Str+Con)X2)+5]
Speed: 10-14 Bad Monkeys
Attack Bite: D4(2), Claws D6(3)XStr, Acid Spit Every group has its bad guys, and Bad Mon-
(Range 4 yards) D4(2)/round keys serve well for the smaller primates. Bad
Skills: Brawling 3, Dodge 2 Monkeys resemble spider monkeys, but instead
Powers: Armor 2D6(6), Burrowing (AFMBE, p. of a prehensile tail they have opposable
150), The Lunge (AFMBE, p. 150) thumbs and are able to craft simple tools from
stone, bone, and wood. As with normal mon-
Ape, Carnivorous keys, troops can number anywhere from dozens
Use standard Natural Chimpanzee template to hundreds, tending toward the latter.
from Terra Primate but with the following The appearance of important members of a
changes. Add Aggressive and Carnivorous troop of Bad Monkeys are reflected in the tiny
powers, and the following skills: Brawling 3, feathered headdresses worn to denote rank.
Hand Weapon (Club) 2, Thrown Weapon Each adult member of the troop carries at least
(Rock) 2. It might be possible to train a Car- 2 tiny flint or bone daggers in tiny scabbards
nivorous Ape if it were kept well fed on a made from bird and lizard skin hung from tiny
steady diet of raw bloody meat. belts of twisted vine and dead snakes. Their
hands are too small for even the smallest nor-

Serpents & Simians

mal-sized steel knives. So far no one has found peasants offer a perfect opportunity for feed-
any way to barter with the Bad Monkeys, but if ing. Giant Dire Cave Bears cannot be trained.
so, tiny daggers would be very popular items.
A flint knife typically breaks after 1D6 uses Strength: 12-18 Dexterity: 2-4
and is smeared with Bad Monkey feces. Any Constitution: 3-6 Intelligence: 0-1(animal)
successful attack has a 1-10% chance of caus- Perception: 2-4 Willpower: 3-5
ing an infection in the wound (effects to be de- Life Points: [(Str+Con)X6]+50
termined by the Ape Master). Speed [(Dex+Con)X2]+10
Bad Monkeys are very aggressive beings, Attack: Bite D12(6)X(Str+1), Claw D10(5)X
but will not attack if their prey appears to be (Str+1), Claw D10(5)X(Str+1)
too strong or if their target is carrying torches: Skills: Brawling 3, Tracking 2, Notice 3 Powers
they like to win. Even if they do not attack, they Armor (6 points from thick hide and fur)
will harass trespassers in their territory by pelt-
ing them with feces, rotting meat, and small ani- Chimpixies/Leprechaun-utans
mals (including unpopular members of the These detestable and mischievous beings fre-
troop). Some of the other small animals could quent cheerful isolated woodland glens where
include scorpions, spiders, and poisonous they frolic and reproduce, often to the accom-
snakes. The attack will be accompanied by a paniment of Pan Piper musicians and strong liq-
constant gibbering screeching stream of ob- uor. There are at least two species. One ap-
scenities and very bizarre phrases such as "I pears to be small, thin, bipedal chimpanzees,
MOCK YOUR VALUE SYSTEMS!", "YOU AP- and the other a small, thin, bipedal orangutan.
PEARED FOOLISH AND WEAK-WILLED WHEN I Both types dress in colorful and festive holiday
TERS!" and so forth. Either their sense of taste is demented or they
Where possible, Bad Monkeys will attempt to are colorblind, preferring mismatched and jar-
drive opponents into quicksand or the lairs of ring combinations of neon plaids and oddly
dangerous beasts. If they had a moral align- embroidered cloth. While basically peaceful,
ment, Bad Monkeys would be Psychotic Evil. Chimpixies/Leprechaun-utans have an array of
magical skills that they use when threatened.
Strength: 0-1 Dexterity: 4-7 They are usually threatened because of the
Constitution: 2-4 Intelligence: 1-2(normal) common belief that they horde huge stockpiles
Perception: 3-4 Willpower: 1-2 of gold coins (which they indeed do, subject to
Life Points: (Str+Con) x 3 the discretion of the Apemaster) or when they
Speed: [(Dex+Con)X2]+10 have just finished carrying out a practical joke
Attack: Bite D4 (2) x Strength or by Flint Dag- on another being that involves theft and leav-
ger (Damage = 1) ing the victim in a precarious (but not usually
Skills: Acrobatics 5, Brawling 3, Climbing 5, lethal) situation. Chimpixies/Leprechaun-utans
Dodge 5, Notice 3, Stealth 1, Craft (Catch and might join with “Good” heroes to battle “Evil”,
Fling Small and Dangerous Animals) 6 but their presence would not necessarily be a
benefit as they do not seem to distinguish
Cave Bear, Giant Dire friend from foe when battle is joined.
This massive predator is best described as an
elephant-sized bear covered in pale tan bristly Strength: 4-6 Dexterity: 5-8
fur with darker brown spots. The Giant Dire Constitution: 4-6 Intelligence: 2-4
Cave Bear is unable to stand upright like Perception: 2-3 Willpower: 2-3
smaller bears due to its large size. The attack Life Points: [(Str+Con)X2)+5]
of a Giant Dire Cave Bear is dreaded by all. Speed: 14/34 (walking/running)
These creatures are no more aggressive than Attack: By weapon, bite (= Str), or by magic
normal bears, but must feed very often in order Skills Brawling 2, Dodge 4, Hand Weapon
to fuel their huge bodies. Unfortunately for civi- (Short sword) 3, Invocation 4, Pick Pocket 5
lized beings, herds of livestock and crowds of Powers: Chimpixies possess the following spell-

Serpents & Simians

like abilities that can be cast at will, once per clamber up the trunks and into the homes of
round, at a level of effect equal to twice their their victims. After killing all they can reach and
Willpower: Beguile, Induce Sleep Leprechaun- eating their fill, the Climbing Dead drag the
utans possess the following spell-like abilities bodies of their victims back to their burial
that can be cast at will, once per round, at a grounds and cover them with clammy earth to
level of effect equal to twice their Willpower: awaken in three nights and join their ranks. The
Full Illusion, Visual Illusion Climbing Dead are typically encountered in
groups of 2 – 12. Note: See AFMBE.
Cloak Killer
The Cloak Killer hides in caves and ruined Weak Spot: Hands (treat as Heart)
buildings, blending in perfectly with its natural Getting Around: Life-Like, Climbing
surroundings. The Cloak Killer resembles an un- Strength: Monstrous Strength, Iron Grip, Claws
holy mix of a flying manta ray and a thick Senses: Like the Dead
shag carpet. It is intelligent enough to avoid Sustenance: Sweet Breads, Weekly
preying on groups, preferring instead to drop Intelligence: Teamwork
silently on solitary targets and crush them in its Spreading the Love: Bury the Body
shaggy embrace. The Cloak Killer speaks most
Ape languages, but is not inclined toward con- Dead, Swinging
versation. This foul undead ape lurks in dark forests
around old burial sites. The Swinging Dead is a
Strength: 3-5 Dexterity: 2-4 template that is added to an ape if it is killed
Constitution: 2-4 Intelligence: 2-3 by another Swinging Dead and buried for
Perception: 3-4 Willpower: 2-3 three nights in the same unhallowed ground as
Life Points: [(Str+Con)X2)+5] the original Swinging Dead. Since the victim
Speed: 14 (flying only) must be killed to become one of the Swinging
Attack: The Hug of Death (AFMBE, p. 152) Dead, this situation is permanent. The Swinging
Skills: Brawling 3, Dodge 1, Notice 2, Surveil- Dead attack in groups, swinging through the
lance 3 forest canopy and attempting to drive their
prey into an ambush. Any ape killed by the
Cows, Evil Swinging Dead will arise to join their rotting
Use standard Boar template from Terra Pri- ranks in 1 – 6 hours. The Swinging Dead are
mate pg. 231, but add Ape Powers: Aggressive typically encountered in groups of 5 – 30.
and Carnivore and Antler/Butt with Antler abil-
ity from the Deer template. These creatures ap- Weak Spot: Brain
pear to be normal cattle but are actually pack- Getting Around: The Quick Dead, Climbing,
hunting carnivores that hunt in groups of 2D6 Brachiation (from Terra Primate)
adults with 4D6 cowlings in a concealed lair. Strength: Dead Joe Average
Evil Cows can be trained if raised from infancy. Senses: Like the Living
Sustenance: Sweet Breads, Weekly
Dead, Climbing Intelligence: Animal Cunning 2
This foul undead ape lurks in dark forests Spreading the Love: Only the Dead
around old burial sites. The Climbing Dead is a
template that is added to an ape if it is killed Demon, Sothine
by another Climbing Dead and buried for Sages speculate that this minor demon race is
three nights in the same unhallowed ground as descended from wicked witches cursed millen-
the original Climbing Dead. Since the victim nia ago. Some go further to say that this race is
must be killed to become one of the Climbing the mother of orcs. They have the bodies of
Dead, this situation is permanent. The Climbing youthful, beautiful women but the heads of fe-
Dead are not particularly bright, but can rec- ral pigs. They delight in human agony, and
ognize the tree homes of forest-dwelling apes. tend to group in threes to work their wicked
During the dark of night, these evil beings magic. They are sometimes the consorts to evil

Serpents & Simians

male mages, who often father Sothine children They are immune to their own flames and
since no Sothine males are known to exist. those caused by other Budget Dragons, even if
the flames spread. The sight of a Budget
Strength: 2-3 Dexterity: 3-4 Dragon striding majestically through the inferno
Constitution: 2-4 Intelligence: 4-6 of a forest fire is an awe-inspring sight if one
Perception: 3-5 Willpower: 3-4 lives to tell of it. Budget Dragon (based on
Life Points: (Strength + Constitution) x 2 + 5 Wyvern Template from Terra Primate)
Speed: (Dexterity + Constitution ) x 2
Attack: by weapon Strength: 6-8 Dexterity: 4-7
Skills: Brawling 2, Hand Weapon (Knife) 2, Constitution: 3-7 Intelligence: 1-2(animal)
Stealth 2, Survival (Forest) 4 Perception: 2-4 Willpower: 3-5
Powers: Essence Channeling (2), Communion Life Points: [(Str+Con)X5]+10
(2), Lesser Illusion (3), Nightvision (D&Z pg. 27) Speed: [(Dex+Con)X2]+10 (+25 when flying)
Essence: 19 - 33 depending on Attribute point
Dragon, Budget total + any from Increased Essence Pool as de-
Budget Dragons are solitary beasts that scribed below
haunt lonely mountains and isolated areas of Attack: Claws D8(4)XStr, Bite D8(4)X(Str+1),
wilderness (the isolation being primarily due to Flame Breath (see below) Natural Armor D6+6
the presence of the Budget Dragon). The pres- (9)
ence of a Budget Dragon can be often noticed Skills: Brawling 3, Dodge 2, Magic Bolt 3, No-
by large areas of scored earth and charred tice 3, Stealth 4
wood in unlikely places (like snow-covered for- Qualities/Drawbacks: Essence Channeling at
ests). The Budget Dragon is large and slate- level 1 to 5 depending on age, Increased Es-
gray in color, with horns and talons shading to sence Pool at level 1 to 5 depending on age
a gleaming ivory sheen. They are covered in Flame Breath: Invocation - Elemental Fire, Strik-
large bony armor scutes that are slightly ing Flames Range: 10 yards per point of Will-
darker than their skin, giving them a mottled power + 10 yards per Essence Point Area of
coloration that assists in sneaking up on unsus- Effect (Budget Dragons Only): For every 10
pecting targets. yards (30') of range, the flame blast widens by
Male Budget Dragons are slightly larger than 1 yard. For example, a 30 yard blast is 3
females, and during the mating season develop yards wide at its longest extent (i.e. cone
bright red bands on their wings as an indicator roughly 90' long and 10' wide at maximum
of health and maturity. Budget Dragons con- range).
gregate only to mate and immediately sepa- Damage: D6X2(6); the modifier can be in-
rate - the male does not help hatch the eggs or creased 1 point per point of Essence Spent (for
tend to the young. example, spending 8 Essence Points results in a
The Budget Dragon is not particularly bright, damage roll of D6X10; X2 base plus 8 more
but is still a dangerous predator. When possi- for Essence). This invocation always takes the
ble, they always attack by surprising their form of a blast of fire originating from the
prey, either by diving on it from out of the sun dragon's mouth.
or by bursting forth from a crevasse or cave.
Often the only warning is the sudden and Forest Hyena
deadly burst of flame that engulfs an unsus- These carnivores are wolf-sized pack-hunting
pecting target, either killing it outright or caus- predators that assemble in large groups to
ing it to die in agony. The agony is typically hunt. Their presence is known by their cackling
short-lived as the Budget Dragon will pounce howls. They resemble the hyenas of Earth but
immediately afterward. Budget Dragons are their fur is a mottled dark brown and black
implacably aggressive and cannot be tamed or color. Forest hyenas have a short coarse mane
trained. They don't want to serve as your of bristly black fur that runs from the crown of
mount - they want to kill and devour you and the head to the shoulders. Their paws have
everyone you know. evolved to allow them to climb large trees from

Serpents & Simians

which they may leap to attack prey. Contrary The Gibberly Mouther emits a constant magi-
to popular belief, these animals are primarily cal effect similar to Beguile. All who fall victim
hunters and not scavengers. They will, however, to the Mouther’s chorus of voices will make no
attempt to steal the prey of larger predators defense as it attacks and slays them. This magi-
such as Gorilla-Bears when possible. cal power is innate and requires neither die
rolls or the expenditure of Essence to maintain.
Strength: 3-4 Dexterity: 3-5 The only way to silence a Mouther is to slay it.
Constitution: 4-6 Intelligence: 1-2(Animal) Gibberly Mouthers are solitary beings. While
Perception: 3-5 Willpower: 2-3 they might be intelligent, they do not communi-
Life Points: ([Str+Con]X3) + 10 cate with other beings. They are not trainable.
Speed: ([Dex+Con]X2) + 15
Attack: Bite D6(3)XStr+1 Strength: 3-5 Dexterity: 1-3
Skills: Brawling 2, Dodge 1, Notice 3, Climbing Constitution: 2-4 Intelligence: 1-2
2, Tracking 2, Stealth 2 Perception: 5-8 Willpower: 4-6
Life Points: [(Str+Con)X2)+20]
Frogmen Speed: 6 (slither only)
Use the Leaper template from Terra Primate Attack: 1D4 bites equal to Bite Attack from
pg. 223, but add the Aquatic Power and Terra Primate
change Survival (Forest) to Survial (Swamps Powers: Can never be surprised due to the
and Bogs). These beings also have the skills: myriad eyes pointing in all directions and see-
Hand Weapon (Club) 2, Stealth 1, Thrown ing in all spectra of visible light and infrared
Weapon (Javalin) 2, and Stealth 2. The crea- heat.
tures generally known as "Frogmen" actually Skills: Brawling 2, Dodge 2, Notice 7
represent several different species of creature.
Some are indeed manlike Frogs about 3-4 feet Gorilla-Bear
tall. Others appear to be reptilian and may be This bizarre form of carnivorous ape is found
much larger (and have Survival (Forest) instead) in small groups that form hunting packs. In over-
and lack the Aquatic and Jump powers. The all appearance, this creature appears to be a
rarest of these appear to be reptilians who live large gorilla, but with a head resembling that
in the deepest parts of the Wasteland (Survival of a bear or large cat. Likewise, the hands of
(Desert) and Str 4 poisonous bite as per the this creature are paws with large claws, leav-
Rattlesnake template in Terra Primate). This ing it no freely movable digits like those of
form also lacks the Aquatic and Jump powers, other apes. These creatures are very hostile
but gains the Burrowing Power from All Flesh predators and will not stop once an attack has
Must Be Eaten (Eden Studios, Inc.). Frogmen are begun. If possible, they will seize their foes and
not violent to each other, but do hunt all crea- attempt to crush and strangle them.
tures, including Apes, for food. They often util-
ize javalins coated with a sleeping poison (Str Strength: 9-12 Dexterity: 4-6
2) to help subdue their prey. Constitution: 3-5 Intelligence: 1-2(Animal)
Perception: 2-4 Willpower: 4-6
Gibberly Mouther Life Points: ([Str+Con] x 5) + 10
The Gibberly Mouther is a bizarre foe that Speed: ([Dex+Con]X2) + 5
appears to be a formless slimy mass of gelatin Attack: Claws D6(3) x Strength, Bite D6(3) x
that is constantly forming and reforming mouths, Strength
eyes and tufts of hair. The approach of this un- Skills: Brawling 3, Notice 3, Tracking 3
natural being is easily noticed by the dozens of Powers: The Hug of Death (AFMBE, p. 152)
voices speaking from its many mouths. The Gib-
berly Mouther will attack anything for food, or Gorillasaurus Rex
will just as willingly eat the bodies of the dead. This noble beast is considered by many Simi-
The true treat of the Gibberly Mouther lies in its ans to be the physical manifestation of the King
magical abilities. of the Forest, an ancient jungle god of folklore.

Serpents & Simians

The difference between a Gorillasaurus Rex A large flock of harmosets can number in the
and a normal gorilla is immediately noticeable: dozens and can be quite dangerous if enough
beneath the iridescent golden fur are thick ar- of them are able to successfully attack an indi-
mored scutes that provide protection from vidual and cannot be driven away. They are
blows, and the beast’s head is crowed by a double dangerous as their bite secretes both an
pair of immense bull-like horns. The Gorillasau- anticoagulant and an anesthetic that allows
rus Rex also possesses a long scaled tale, also them to feed undisturbed on the freely flowing
golden in color, but it is only used for threat blood of sleeping animals. Harmosets cannot
displays: in addition to roaring, beating the be trained.
ground, and beating its chest, the Gorillasaurus
Rex also slashes with its horns and thrashes its Strength: 0 Dexterity: 4-5
tail rapidly. These creatures are usually soli- Constitution: 2 Intelligence: 0-1(animal)
tary. It is considered a good omen to see even Perception: 2-3 Willpower: 2
one. To see several together, sitting placidly as Life Points: 5
they watch over their forest domain, would be Endurance Points: 20
considered a sign from the Gods of Light. Speed: 4/30/50 (walking, leaping, flying)
The Gorillasaurus Rex may only be an Attack: Bite 1 point of damage, plus 1 Life
“animal” but it is a truly good and noble beast Point drain per round per harmoset
that will temporarily join the forces of “Good” Skills: Biting 2, Dodge 3
when they do battle with “Evil” in its jungle
realm. Kongor (Unique Creature)
Kongor appears to be a gigantic Natural
Strength: 10 Dexterity: 4 Gorilla in the "Vast" Enhanced Size Category
Constitution: 5 Intelligence: 4 (animal) (TP pg. 167). Use the standard Elephant tem-
Perception: 2 Willpower: 3 plate (TP pg. 232) but add Smash With Fist At-
Life Points: 70 tack at D12(6)X Str damage, Regeneration (5
Endurance Points: 59 point version) and Climb (LARGE things) 4.
Speed: 6/38* Kongor also has Obsession (Small Hairless Fe-
Essence: 26 males) and Contacts 5 (local tribe of worship-
Attack: Bite (= Strength), Horns D8(4) X Str pers who will fight to protect him and to pre-
Skills: Brawling 4, Climbing 2, Dodge 3, Intimi- vent outsiders from entering Kongar's valley).
dation 4, Survival (Jungle) 4 Kongor will not usually leave his remote moun-
Powers: Racial Memories, Armor (4 points), tain valley, but will attack anyone who tres-
Jump, Regeneration (1 life point/minute), Horns, passes into his territory. His worshippers try to
Divine Sight find hairless females (Apes, Hairless Apes, and
Humans) to toss over the wall that closes off
Harmoset Kongor's valley so that he does not emerge to
These small bat-winged primates swarm in destroy their village on the first night of each
flocks deep in the darkest parts of the forests New Moon.
and jungles. They resemble an iridescent red
marmoset with long thin fangs, scaly reptilian Landshark
wings and a long scaled tail. Harmosets are The fierce landshark is a dangerous beast.
both predators and parasites. While they are They appear to be large reptilian creatures
not adverse to attacking and eating smaller in- vaguely resembling a bullet with a pointed
sect prey, such as moths and crickets, they pre- nose, a back spike, four stubby legs, huge
fer to drain the blood of warm-blooded ani- claws, big teeth, and tiny beady ears. Land-
mals whenever possible. Because of this dual sharks burrow beneath the ground rapidly in
diet, harmosets become the vectors of parasitic soft earth, and will often lie in wait for prey to
and bacterial infections by transmitting these approach. The landshark then erupts from the
organisms from prey they devour to prey earth, leaving behind a large crater and col-
whose blood they drink. lapsing tunnel, and attacks mindlessly. Because

Serpents & Simians

they are adapted to digging, landsharks are Skills: Brawling 2, Hand Weapon (Sword) 3,
not very flexible, thus nimble prey has the best Play Instrument (Pipes) 4, Running (Sprint) 4, In-
chance of surviving. Landsharks are roughly the vocation 5 (See description)
size of a rhinoceros and their scales/shell is a Powers: Special (See description)
shiny dark brown to grey in color. They cannot
be trained. Rat, Giant
Rodents of unusually large size. Use statistics
Strength: 10-15 Dexterity: 1-2 for Wolves as found in Terra Primate pg. 235.
Constitution: 4-6 Intelligence: 0-1(animal) Add the Diseased Corpse Zombie Power from
Perception: 2-3 Willpower: 2-3 the AFMBE pg. 158.
Life Points: [(Str+Con)X2)+10]
Speed: 10/20 (walking/burrowing) Sasquatch
Attack: Bite D10(5)XStr+1, Claws D10(5) This is the version of Sasquatch that kills
XStr+1 campers and hunters and carries off human
Skills: Brawling 3, Notice 2 women (or men if it’s a Ms. Sasquatch). It is also
fond of destroying human property and terror-
Owl Bear izing the populations of small isolated towns.
Bears with the heads of owls or other preda- This version of Sasquatch is a carnivore and will
tory birds. Use statistics for Bears as found in hunt large mammals, including humans, for
Terra Primate pg. 231. Add the Hug of Death food, clubbing its victims to death with football-
Zombie Power from the AFMBE pg. 152. sized fists and brute strength. It likes to howl
and roar and throw small wagons around to
Pan Piper mark its territory.
This bizarre creature appears to be an up- This version is best used in scenarios involving
right chimpanzee with the legs, hooves and terrified and (usually) unarmed human victims
horns of a goat. Pan Pipers are quite intelligent who can only flee the wrath of this fearsome
but tend to be mischievous. They are not typi- beast.
cally hostile, but will defend themselves with a
short sword or their horns. Pan Pipers can use Strength: 9-12 Dexterity: 4-5
their reed flutes to cast spells on other intelli- Constitution: 5-7 Intelligence: 3 (animal)
gent beings when the mood suits them. Pan Pip- Perception: 3-5 Willpower: 3-5
ers can cast the equivalent of the following in- Life Points: 70
vocations at level 5 when playing their flutes. Speed: 18
The flutes themselves are not magical. Lesser Attack: Punch damage D6(3) x Strength
Invocation, Affect the Psyche, Beguile, Induce Skills: Brawling 4, Running (Sprint) 2, Stealth 2,
Sleep. These invocations do not cost the Pan Survival (Forest) 4
Piper any Essence points – the Pan Piper simply
has to play its flute for at least one round for Skunk Ape
the invocations to take effect. Pan Pipers usu- The Skunk Ape is a solitary being that is re-
ally live either alone or in small groups. If con- lated to the Sasquatch. It inhabits desolate
fronted about items they have taken, the Pan swamps far from civilized areas. The single
Pipers will usually flee into the forest leaving most notable trait, the incredibly noxious smell
everything behind. If cornered, however, they of the Skunk Ape, serves two primary purposes.
can be fierce opponents. It allows Skunk Apes to locate each other if
they wish to mate, and it makes it harder for
Strength: 4-6 Dexterity: 4-7 many predators to attack the Skunk Ape. On
Constitution: 3-5 Intelligence: 1-3 the downside, Skunk Apes are always detect-
Perception: 2-5 Willpower: 5-7 able by any being with a sense of smell, and
Life Points: [(Str+Con)X3]+10 beings that feed on carrion may actively seek
Speed: [(Dex+Con)X2]+30 out a Skunk Ape to attack and eat it.
Attack: Horns D6(3)X(Str+1) or by weapon Skunk Apes are shy creatures that spend their

Serpents & Simians

time feeding on small fish, frogs, moss, and mals, such as pigs, goats, and cows, into men.
other edible items found in their soggy abodes. Urgs are both repulsive and weak-minded.
They will flee if surprised, but will defend them- Long ago they escaped from their masters and
selves if attacked. Once battle is joined, the today exist in bands lead by the largest and
Skunk Ape will not retreat. most intimidating among them.
One of the most disquieting aspects of Urgs
Strength: 10 Dexterity: 4 is their capacity to breed with any creature.
Constitution: 5 Intelligence: 3 (animal) Farmers expecting to find cattle birthing calves
Perception: 4 Willpower: 3
have found Urgs instead. Urgs are motivated
Life Points: 70
by only three things—greed, fear and the de-
Speed: 18
Endurance Points: 59 sire to reproduce.
Essence Pool: 26
Attack: Punch damage D6(3) x Strength Strength: 6 Dexterity: 5
Skills: Brawling 3, Running (Sprint) 3, Stealth 2, Constitution: 3 Intelligence: 1
Survival (Swamp) 4, Swimming 3 Perception: 2 Willpower: 3
Qualities: Nerves of Steel, Situational Aware- Life Points: (Strength x Constitution) x 2 +8
ness Speed: (Dexterity + Constitution ) x 2 +5
Powers: Improved Noxious Odor – this power Attack: Bite attack for one point of damage
is identical to the Noxious Odor Zombie Power per strength point
(AFMBE pg. 158) except that the area of effect Skills: Hand Weapon 2, Brawling 2, Notice 2,
is doubled (i.e. 4 meters). The actual smell car- Tracking 2
ries much further, allowing detection of the
Skunk Ape if it approaches within several hun- Wolf, Dire
dred yards of any being with a sense of smell. These canines are as large as ponies, but ap-
The Noxious Odor resembles a mixture of mil- pearances can be deceiving as they are not
dewed carpet, wet shaggy dog, and rotting

Umber Bulk
This is a massive creature that resembles a
bipedal rhinoceros with the head of a beetle.
Anyone meeting the gaze of an Umber Bulk is
affected by Beguile in the same manner as that
of a Gibberly Mouther. It is possible that these
beings are related in some arcane manner, but
unlike the Mouther, the Bulk is completely silent.

Strength: 6-8 Dexterity: 2-4

Constitution: 4-6 Intelligence: 2-3
Perception: 4-5 Willpower: 4-6
Life Points: [(Str+Con)X2)+20]
Speed: [(Str+Dex)X2]
Attack: Massive Bite D8(4)X(Str+1), Claws 1D8
Skills: Brawling 4, Dodge 2, Notice 2, Stealth 4
Powers: Burrow (see AFMBE)

Urgs are the result of many failed experi-
ments by meddling wizards trying to turn ani-

Serpents & Simians

particularly aggressive animals. Dire wolves

prefer to scavenge in their natural habitat, but
will readily attack cattle and other slow-moving
herbivores (including apes). Dire wolves will
also attack wounded animals if they find them.
They are otherwise identical to modern wolves.
They are difficult to train.

Strength: 4-6 Dexterity: 2-3

Constitution: 3-6 Intelligence: 1-2(Animal)
Perception: 2-4 Willpower: 2-4
Life Points: ([Str+Con]X5) + 10
Speed: ([Dex+Con]X2) + 5
Attack: Bite D10(5)XStr+1
Skills: Brawling 2, Dodge 1, Notice 2, Tracking
6, Stealth 1

Wolf, Two-Headed
The origin of these foul creatures is attributed
to sorcery. These animals appear to be jet-
black wolves, but have two heads, each of
which can attack independently. They are very
aggressive, but otherwise identical to modern
wolves. They are difficult to train.

Strength: 2-4 Dexterity: 3-5

Constitution: 2-4 Intelligence: 1-(Animal)
Perception: 3-5 Willpower: 2-4
Life Points: ([Str+Con]X3) + 10
Speed: ([Dex+Con]X2) + 10
Attack: Bite D6(3)XStr+1 x 2 (two attacks, one
for each head)
Skills: Brawling 2, Dodge 1, Notice 2, Tracking
3, Stealth 2

Serpents & Simians

Random Catacomb Compiler

Dungeons and catacombs have always been
a staple of fantasy role-playing. The following
Ape Master aid is meant to be a reference for
developing underground structures. It will pro-
vide guidance, but must also be used flexibly
since only the designer knows the boundaries of 4
the paper the map is written on, and what
would seem to make sense based on the overall
structure of the design as it evolves. Ape Mas-
ters should feel free to add or ignore results START
based on the tables below, or further modify
them as seems appropriate.
There are five starter rooms that can be used
to initiate the dungeon design process. For each
door or open passage, table 1 can be con-
sulted. Follow the directions for each result
rolled and consult further tables as it is re- 5
quired. The scale used for these maps can be
any the Ape Master deems appropriate. Tradi-
tionally, one square equals five or ten feet.


START Note that when placing chambers and exits
the Ape Master can place them as they seem
pleasing or logical. If an illogical result occurs,
ignore it and roll again.

Table 1 Initial Design Module (1d8)

1 Passage continues straight 1d6 x 10 feet

2 Passage turns right, roll again
START 3 Passage turns left, roll again
4 Passage opens into a chamber, see Table 2
5 Dead end
6 Passage “T”s for at least 10 feet in each
3 direction, roll on this table for each branch
7 Passage “Y”s at 45° for at least 10 feet in
each direction, roll on this table for each
8 Door, see Table 3

Serpents & Simians

Random Demon Designer

Table 2 Chambers (1d8)* Sometimes an Ape Master wants to whip up
a creature so bizarre and inhuman that the
1 Square, see Table 4 for exits players will wince...with either fear or disgust.
2 Rectangle, see Table 4 for exits Or whatever. As long as they wince. Anyway,
3 Round, see Table 4 for exits there are many ways demons could be handled
4 Octagon, see Table 4 for exits based on the kind of world they are in or on
5 Hexagonal, see Table 4 for exits the cosmology the Ape Master has decided on.
6 Triangular, see Table 4 for exits What is presented here treats demons as physi-
7 Trapezoidal, see Table 4 for exits cal creatures, not unlike any other fantasy crea-
8 Other**, see Table 4 for exits ture. An Ape Master might want to decide on
certain Qualities and Drawbacks that are com-
*All room sizes can be chosen at whim mon to all demons, and the system here can be
**Draw any shape that seems interesting used for creating unique breeds. Point distribu-
tion for attributes will of course vary, but as a
rule of thumb assign 25-30 points. Skill points
Table 3 Doors (1d8) should not be limited. Rather, they should be
assigned as appropriate to the creature.
1 Wood, roll 1d6, (1-3, locked, 4-6, This system is not meant to be used for pro-
unlocked) ducing unique, powerful demons like Orcus or
2 Iron, roll 1d6, (1-3, locked, 4-6, unlocked) Demogorgon. Instead, this system is for produc-
3 Stone, roll 1d6, (1-3, locked, 4-6, unlocked) ing lesser demon races that can be used as
4 Double door, wood, roll 1d6, (1-3, locked, more common antagonists. Each table can be
4-6, unlocked) rolled on, or alternatively the Ape Master
5 Double door, iron, roll 1d6, (1-3, locked, 4- might want to choose some aspects personally
6, unlocked) and not necessarily use all tables.
6 Double door, stone, roll 1d6, (1-3, locked,
4-6, unlocked) Visage tables
7 Secret door Roll or choose from the following tables.
8 Iron gate, (1-3, locked, 4-6, unlocked)
Head Type (2d8)
2 Human-like
Table 4 Exits (1d6) 3 Gorilla-like
4 Chimpanzee-like
1 None 5 Orangutan-like
2 One exit* 6 Gibbon-like
3 Two exits* 7 Two-headed, roll for each head
4 Three exits* 8 Goat-like
5 Four exits* 9 Lizard-like
6 Five exits* 10 Dog-like (dog, wolf, hyena, fox, etc.)
11 Cat-like (lion, tiger, cheetah, puma, etc)
*For each exit, roll on Table 1, ignoring a result 12 Squid-like
of “5” 13 Bird-like
14 Pig-like
In addition to these tables above, Ape Ma- 15 Horse-like
ters may want to add other features, such as 16 Cow-like
alcoves, hidden passages, and traps. These ta-
bles only touch on the possibilities for dungeon
design, but this system does serve as a start to Head Add-ons (2d6)
get the design process flowing. 2 Horns (cosmetic)
3 Horns, large, pg. 7

Serpents & Simians

4 Spines
5 Bony plate Mouth Type, Optional (1d8)
6 Bony ridges
7 Hard, faceted skull 1 Large, fanged
8 Snakes for hair 2 Beak
9 Small tentacles for hair 3 Billed
10 Oozing pores on scalp 4 Fish-like
11 Scaled head 5 Tentacle surrounded
12 None 6 Lipless
7 No teeth, lips have hard ridges
Eye Type (1d6) 8 No mouth

1 Faceted Torso Type

2 Cat-like
3 Solid color 2 Human-like
4 Eye stalks 3 Ape-like
5 Large, unblinking 4 Lizard-like
6 No eyes 5 Squid-like
6 Bird-like
7 Cat-like (lion, tiger, cheetah, puma, etc.)
Eye Color (1d6) 8 Dog-like (dog, hyena, fox, etc.)
9 Bear-like
1 Red 10 Insect-like
2 Orange 11 Horse-like
3 Purple 12 Fish-like
4 Gold
5 Silver
6 Black Arm Type (2d6)

2 Extra arms (1d6, roll again for each one

Ear Type (1d8) ignoring this result)
3 Tentacle-like
1 Dog-like 4 Human
2 Pointed, small 5 Ape-like
3 Pointed, large 6 Insect-like
4 Cow-like 7 Bear-like
5 Human 8 Fins
6 Large, sagging 9 Wings
7 Web shaped 10 Small, vestigial
8 None 11 Large, human-like
12 None

Nose Type, Optional (1d6)

Hand Type (1d8)
1 Human
2 Ape-like 1 Human
3 Large, pointed 2 Crab-like
4 Elephant-like trunk 3 Snake heads
5 Dog-like snout 4 Six fingered
6 None (slits only) 5 Four fingered
6 Ape-like

Serpents & Simians

7 Hooves 1 Long, scaled

8 None 2 Long, scaled, forked
3 Long, skin covered
4 Long, Feathered
Leg Type (2d6) 5 Tentacle-like
6 Multiple tentacles
2 Human
3 Snake-like, no legs Senses and Special Abilities
4 Centauroid, horse These are optional characteristics to flesh out
5 Centauroid, cow these beings.
6 Centauroid, lion
7 Human-like, knees bend opposite Vision Type (1d8)
8 Goat-like
9 Tentacles 1 Nightvision, D&Z pg. 27
10 Multiple (1d6, roll for each one ignoring 2 X-Ray vision, AFMBE pg. 153
this result) 3 Infravision, AFMBE pg. 154
11 Lizard-like 4 Acute Senses (Vision)
12 Bird-like 5 Normal
6 No normal, roll 1d6, sees only with 1-2
Nightvision, 3-4 X-Ray vision, 5-6 Infravi-
Foot Type (1d6) sion.
7 Blind
1 Human 8 Roll twice
2 Hooves
3 Dog-like
4 Lizard-like Other Senses (1d6)
5 Bird-like
6 None, mound of flesh 1 Acute Senses (Hearing)
2 Acute Senses (Smell)
3 Life Sense, AFMBE pg. 153
Overall Pigmentation (2d8) 4 Scent Tracking, AFMBE pg. 154
5 Deaf
2 Black 6 No smell
3 Brown
4 Red
5 Green Other Abilities/Characteristics (2d6)*
6 Gold
7 Silver 2 Walk in Shadows, D&Z pg. 28
8 Albino 3 Leaping, AFMBE pg. 150
9 Cream 4 Aquatic, AFMBE pg. 151
10 Blue 5 Breath Water
11 Pink 6 Flame Resistant, AFMBE pg. 151
12 Tan 7 The Hug of Death, AFMBE pg. 152
13 Yellow 8 Flight, TP pg. 167
14 Orange 9 Incorporeal, TP pg. 167
15 Grey 10 Regeneration. TP pg. 168
16 Translucent 11 Venom, TP pg. 169
12 Bite

Tail Type, Optional (1d6) *See Armageddon for additional Powers

Serpents & Simians

Demonic Rivals
Two Classic Demonic Powers for your Serpents & Simians Game
Timothy S. Brannan

Introduction mon lord, some 15 feet tall. His huge gray

The eternal struggle between Orcus and Demo- body is covered with coarse goatish hair. His
gorgon is legendary. Many possibilities exist head is goat-like, although his horns are similar
for incorporating these bitter enemies in your to those of a ram. His great legs are also goat-
Serpents & Simians game. Evil cultists might wor- like but his arms are humanoid. Vast bat wings
ship these demonic powers, and their struggle sprout from his back, but these are usually
might spur adventures to stop their minions from tucked out sight when he is not in flight. His
wreaking havoc on the world. Below is the de- long, snaky tail is tipped with a poisonous
scription for each of these frightening demonic head.
He can appear as anything he chooses, other
known forms he has adopted include a grossly
Orcus fat middle aged human male (which some say
Orcus is beyond a doubt one of the most pow- is his real true form), that of an angel-winged
erful demon lords in existence. Not only is his spectre of death, a statuesque and pale
physical might great, his ability to create and woman, or even a tall thin African male. In any
control vast legions of undead monsters has form the Demon Prince reeks of death and de-
given him the justified title of Demon Prince of struction.
the Undead. But Orcus has not always been this
way. There was a time when the demon prince The Cult of Orcus
was a god and was worshipped openly.
Orcus’s greatest manifestation in this world is
Goals and Motivations
Orcus appears to be a slowly calculating and
meticulous demon. He is in fact, merely lazy. He
is a genius and his power is great, but he lacks
the desire for long term planning. His typical
response to any situation is to use as much brute
force as possible. When his own demonic advi-
sors advised him on a ill fated battle with his
arch enemy Demogorgon, he killed everyone of
them and half of his own army. Orcus is rage
personified. That is not to say he does not have
plans. Orcus’ ultimate goal is to be reinstated
to Godhood. While he loathes his worshippers,
he grants them powers and undead to further
his own causes. He also supports many seem-
ingly random and violent acts that result in mul-
tiple deaths.

Any undead-creating necromancy is believed

to be currently, or at one time, attributable to
Orcus’ teachings.

Orcus, in his normal form, is a grossly fat de-

Serpents & Simians

through his cult. These small groups are loosely Type: Greater Seraphim (Demon)* (formerly a
organized and even more loosely aligned. pagan god/primal of death)
What they share is a common worship for the Association: Infernal Legions
Demon Prince. The motives of the individual
worshippers vary. Some are necromancers Strength: 21 Dexterity: 13
wanting to learn more about the nature of life, Constitution: 17 Intelligence: 10
death and undeath. Others are undead them- Perception: 11 Willpower: 9
selves and regard Orcus as their Prince and Endurance: 245 Speed: 60
God. But most are anarchists who see Orcus as Armor: 24
a means of causing more evil and chaos in the Essence: 162
world. Cultists revel in raising undead, typically Essence Channeling level: 7
zombies, but sometimes more powerful ones Life Points: 469
such as vampires as well.
The Wand Of Orcus Acute Senses (all)
Finally, Orcus holds the wand of death (Orcus' Age (as a demon) +20
Wand) which is a rod of obsidian topped by a Charisma +2
skull. This instrument causes death (or annihila- Essence Channeling +20 (7)
tion) to any creature, save those of like status Hard to Kill +13
(other demonic lords, arch-fiends, avatars, Increased Essence Pool +5
powers, greater ethereals etc.) merely by Increased Life Points +9
touching their flesh. This power can be used at Natural Toughness
the will of the wielder. Often Orcus sends his Nerves of Steel +3
wand to the Earthly realms to allow it to fall Seraphim Greater (Demon)
into the hands of some mortal to wreak havoc. Supernatural Senses
When Orcus needs it back he summons it and it
comes, usually current wielder in tow, immedi- Drawbacks
ately to his side. Adversary (lots, powers of good and evil) –10
Attractiveness –3
Orcus in Action Covetous, Greedy –2
Orcus is not an active or direct mover in the Covetous, Lecherous –3
world. Like the generals of old, he prefers to sit Cruel –2
back and let the rank and file do his fighting. Delusions (will be a god again) –3
To Orcus the rank (emphasis on the rank) and Lazy –2
file are zombies. Raising undead is something Paranoia –2
Orcus does. Not just to spread his word, but to Taint Vulnerability (part of Seraphim quality)
inflict as much mass suffering, confusion and evil
as he can. A zombie/deadite uprising could be Skills
due to a group of priests or would-be-priests Languages (all) +10
that have stumbled on a tome to raise the Theophany skill
dead. Brawling +13
Bureaucracy +12
Orcus often “rewards” these priests by making Cheating +9
them the first thing the zombies kill. Craft, Weapons +10
Orcus and his cult make a great (if somewhat Craft, ritual items +12
stereotypical) bane for players in a Serpents & Dodge +8
Simians game. Gambling +10
Hand weapons, mace +15
Orcus Hand weapons, sword +12
Other names: Thanatos, Thanter, Dis Pater, Hand weapons, others +10
Pluto, Dis, Hades. Magic Theory +16

Serpents & Simians

Magic bolts +12 Demogorgon

Myths & Legends, Etruscan +16
Myths & Legends, Roman +16 “And by them stood Orcus and Hades, and the
Notice +14 dreaded name of Demogorgon.”
Occult Knowledge +16 - Milton, Paradise Lost.
Questioning +14
Rituals (Roman, Etruscan, Twilight Order) +12 “It is contended by some that this demon prince is
supreme. His hatred for Orcus is immense and
All other skills at +5 unending, followed closely by his hatred for
Metaphysics / Theophanies (Malefaica) * - Gygax, Monster Manual
Destroyer 8 – Destruction
Dark Aura Note: Some of this information is based on previ-
Dark Vison ous works, some of it is based on historical re-
Decay cords and some more is completely made up. If
Domain of the Dead you want to find out more about Demogorgon in
All Necromantic Metaphysics at level 10 the D&D game check out Wizards’ of the Coast
Bad Luck 9 “Book of Vile Darkness”.
Create Ward 9
Demogorgon is the Prince of Fiends. He (and it
*Because Orcus was once the God of the Dead should be noted here and now that “he” is only
he still holds some of those powers beyond used as a convenience, it is possible that Demo-
what a typical demonic prince would have.

Wand of Orcus, 1 attack, bonus: +34, dam-
age: d10(6)+27, Destruction power

Melee, claws, 2 attacks, bonus: +26, damage:


Melee, horns, 2 attacks, bonus: +26, damage


Melee, tail, 1 attack, bonus: +24, damage d4

(2)+27, poison tip (Poison strength rating 6,
damage 2d6(6)).

Orcus can also summon any number of ani-

mated dead to aid him. He is limited only by
the number of bodies available, but summoning
takes time and effort.

Typically he can summon up to 50 zombies and

50 skeletons at one time. He can also summon
greater willed undead like vampires. The crea-
ture is allowed a contested Will test against
Orcus to avoid the summoning. Orcus can also
summon up to a dozen lesser demons and
fiends to aid him.

Serpents & Simians

gorgon is a “she” or an “it” or a “both” or he sees himself as. Orcus and Demogorgon
“neither”, sages simply do not know) is the simply hate each other.
greatest of their number and is their ruler.
Less well known are his battles with the Fallen
Much mystery surrounds the being known as Angel/Arch Devil Belial, also known as Beliar.
Demogorgon. His name comes from the late Though that war has been at a standstill for a
Latin meaning “Terrible Demon”, but there are number of centuries.
claims that he is a Greek chthonian god, or
even something far more primal. But more than anything Demogorgon is about
change. He evolves and changes to fit the
What is known is this. Demogorgon is ancient. needs of the times. Some claim this is due to
He was old even in the pre-history of human- the dual brained nature of his two independent
kind. He has taken upon himself the mantle of heads, others say it because he has been
“The Prince of Demons”, though there are very around for so long he has seen evolution in ac-
few that can actually challenge him in this role. tion and understands it at a level that even the
In addition he is known as “The Great Fiend”, Creator does not comprehend. What ever the
“Lord of the Abyss”, and “The Great Beast”. case one factor is for certain, in their epoch
When the angels fell and took up lordship in stretching war Orcus has never gained the up-
Hell, Demogorgon was already there. He (and per hand despite a never ending supply of un-
Orcus) greeted Lucifer and his angels. It is dead minions. Demogorgon has reigned su-
likely that he was kicked out since he now re- preme.
sides in Chesed. It is possible that his wars with
Orcus and Belial began here. Even among the fiend lords Demogorgon has a
peculiar “hobby”, he has spent millennia breed-
Unlike other demonic creatures, Demogorgon is ing different species of man, animal and fiend
not a fallen angel or god. He has always been to produce new races. There seems to be no
a fiend. As he has aged and evolved he has purpose in this other than the pursuit itself.
become more “demon” like. Or, if as specu- Nearly every imaginable combination and
lated, he is the original demon and the fallen abomination can be found roaming free in his
angels became more like him. Some occult realm. Demogorgon has kept Mendelian-like
scholars have even speculated that he might records that go back thousands of centuries on
belong to that quasi-mythical group known as his successes, failures, and reattempts, all with a
Proto-demons, which puts him closer in nature to methodical meticulousness that makes the hand-
the likes of Pazuzu than Lucifer. ful of scholars that have seen them believe the
theory that this is just one, extremely old crea-
Motivations and Goals ture.
Like most fiend lords, Demogorgon is obsessed
with spreading his power. However the Great Though it is whispered, there is another theory.
Fiend has had his share of battles. His war with That Demogorgon is in fact a title and not the
Orcus is legendary. The populations of entire Great Fiend’s name. That over the wastes of
worlds have been spent in this never ending time there have been many Demogorgons, one
war. There was a time when it seemed Demo- taking over when the previous one dies, all tak-
gorgon had the upper hand, but he has been ing similar form, and maybe even the true es-
dealt a number of crushing reversals of late. sence (and Essence) of the Prince of Demons.
He and Orcus are once again at a standstill, This theory could help explain the seeming con-
with Orcus possibly having the up hand. He is tradictions in his character. While dismissed by
also know for his battles with the Abat-Dolor older sages and occultists there is a growing
demons whose leader is Graz’zt, and those number of younger occult scholars that have
battles have picked up once again after some embraced this idea and have taken to calling
time of reduced activity. Graz’zt covets Demo- the creature “The Demogorogon”. There are at
gorgon’s title as Prince of Demons, something least two creatures, both extremely powerful
fiends that occult scholars point to as examples.

Serpents & Simians

The greater fiends Aameul and Hethradiah cult scholar wrote that two voices, male and fe-
(known as his right hand) were known to be male, were foremost, but thousands of others
powerful lieutenants of Demogorgon that were could be “heard” in the background.
either killed (and unravelled), absorbed into
the Demon Prince, or became The Demogorgon. The Lair of Demogorgon
Like most fiendish realms, the Lair of Demogor-
Regardless of which interpretation is true, there gon is located in the Sephiroth of Chessed. The
is no way to know for sure and all contact with lair of the Great Fiend resembles an infinite
Demogorgon is only likely to be with one entity lush topical rainforest full of every manner of
in particular. Unless of course one is present life, both mundane and fiendish. Visitors from
when this theorized transfer of power occurs, Malkuth (Earth) are reminded of the primal for-
and that is only likely if the cast are the main ests of South America or the jungles of India
sacrifices or on the menu, or both. and Africa. Yet even the terrene dangers of
those places are paled with the horrors of the
In nearly all cases and examples throughout jungles of Demogorgon. Other areas resemble
time, Demogorgon prefers to work through his great fetid bogs that stretch for miles and
cults (even if he pits these cults at cross pur- whose depths have never been explored, and
poses) rather than become directly involved. great flat deserts of salt where the creatures
survive beneath a white-hot sun by drinking the
Appearance fluids of anything (or anyone) they capture.
The renowned sage Gygax described the Known by some as “Abysm”, “Ungurth Reddik”,
Great Demon thusly, “Demogorgon appears as and to others as “The Gapping Maw”, it is the
an 18-foot tall reptilian-humanoid. He has two home not only to Demogorgon and several
heads that bear the visages of baboons. His thousand lesser fiends, but also to the two pri-
blue-green skin is plated with snake-like scales, mary branches of Demogorgon’s cult (the third
his body and legs are those of a giant lizard, is situated wholly on Earth), many species of
his twin necks resemble snakes, and his thick tail primates and reptiles of varying degrees of in-
is forked. In place of arms, he has two huge telligence, dinosaurs and ancient reptiles, but
tentacles.” also to several thousand humans stuck in a
tribal state of development. It appears that the
Demogorgon can change his form at will, de- humans sole purpose for being here is to pro-
pending on his mood. While he will typically vide sport for the cultists of the Demon King.
appear as described above, he can alter that
façade. Changes can be subtle, mandrill or The Cult of Demogorgon
hyena heads for example, or to a more sinuous Demogorgon runs three very active (respective
body like that of a snake rather than a reptile. to their areas of control) cults. While separate
Demogorgon can also appear human as he and most of the time even ignorant of each
wills. His most common guise is that of a tall other, the cults operate in similar fashions and
man of indeterminate age and race (eye wit- all three, whether known or not, have the same
nesses always differ on accounts) with two no- goals—destruction, violence and the promotion
table features, his eyes are always yellow of the will of Demogorgon.
tinged with red and he stands before them na-
ked, clothed only in shadow and bald. The Blood Apes - The largest cult of Demogor-
gon, is a cult of intelligent Gifted apes. They
Those encountering the Great Demon report an are often referred to as “The Blood Apes” due
overwhelming feeling of fear and dread. They to their habit of bathing in the blood of fallen
describe feeling that they are in the presence enemies and comrades. These cultists actively
of an ancient and alien evil. Those that have worship Demogorgon as their god and attrib-
communicated with him describe a tumult of ute to him all spoils. The doctrines of the cult
voices, of different ages, nationalities, genders, emphasize destruction and violence. In Ape-
and description, but all cruel and evil. One oc- worlds that feature these cultists they are most

Serpents & Simians

often intelligent baboons, mandrills, gibbons avowed them. HELL has claimed responsibility
and sometimes gorillas. All are carnivores and in billions of dollars in property damage to de-
keep human or (where appropriate) chimpan- velopers working in areas they have deemed
zee slaves. It is even whispered among the hu- “protected”, including the destruction of an off-
man populations that some humans are kept in shore oil rig that was drilling through a coral
an attempt by Demogoron’s Heirophants to reef, a lumber company burned to the ground
breed true a race that features the most terri- in South America and the destruction of com-
ble qualities of both ape and man. Others puters used in a Midwestern America coal strip
claim they have already succeeded. mining firm. They are also believed have been
involved in various murders and disappear-
The Ophiacodontids – Constantly at war with ances of various persons from corporate execu-
the Blood Apes are the Ophiacodontids. Each tives down to a group of factory workers proc-
cult believes there are the only true followers essing wood.
of the Great Fiend. The Ophiacodontids might
have the edge in shear age, but the Blood The members are for the most part the sons and
Apes outnumber them 20 to 1. The daughters of Baby Boomers who instilled the
Ophiacodontids are a race of intelligent syn- ideas of activism into them, but not the restraint.
apsids that have, over the millennia of a care- Many hail from various Associations, with the
fully controlled eugenics program have as- Wicce being predominant. The various Wicce
sumed more upright and human-like form. groups are quick to denounce them and reiter-
The Ophiacodontids were the first worshippers ate that methods of HELL are not that of the
of Demogoron, living during the primeval dawn Wicce. Even the Rosicrucians side with the
of the Earth during the Permian Period some Wicce on this issue and consider HELL to be the
250-290 Million years ago. Their astrologers single greatest threat to exposure. Given that
saw the end of the Permian Period that ended HELL’s tactics are as subtle as a sledgehammer,
in the extinction of close to 90% of all life, a both groups also agree that there is no way
time we now call “The Great Dying”. The pre- they could be part of the Combine.
viously cold and scientific race turned to a
doomsday religion with Demogorgon as their The fact is the members of HELL, despite what
God. Demogorgon took the Ophiacodontids to they might believe themselves, are not Wicce
his realm and there they continued their epoch or Rosicrucians at all, but in fact a cult dedi-
long degradation as a species. cated to Demogorgon. Demogorgon is known
Wars between the two cults are a frequent oc- to upper echelon of the cult, but the rank and
currence with the Blood Apes pitting brutal and file do not. The leaders commune with the
effective savagery against the Ophiacodonti- Great Fiend, who appears to them as the
dae calculated cruelty. The only time they do Wicce “Dark Man”.
not fight each other is when both tribes hunt hu-
mans for food or slave labor. The upper ranks believe that Demogorgon
The symbol of the Ophiacodontids is the Am- represents nature, raw and untouched by man,
phisbaena, a great serpent with heads on both and that centuries of human dogma has demon-
ends. ized him. They honestly believe they are doing
the work of a wronged divine being. HELL is
The Humanist Ecological Liberation League – only vaguely aware of the other cults, and
[Editor’s note: This cult may need to be those that do believe that they were pre-
adapted to fantasy based games] The third historic antecedents (which is true) that died out
and most radical of Demogorgon’s cultists is a epochs ago (which isn’t true).
group of Gifted humans living on Earth known
as the Human Ecological Liberation League, or Demogorgon in Your Games
HELL. True to their name, they are a radical As with any super-powerful fiend care must be
group of ecological terrorists and even the taken about how Game Masters introduce him
radical ELF (Earth Liberation Front) has dis- to their game. The Cast’s primary contact with

Serpents & Simians

the Great Fiend should be through rumor only. nent” example from TP (after all what continent
The appearance of two headed snakes and is more lost than Pangaea?) Humans, intelligent
frogs are common signs. Dealing with his cult, apes, even some intelligent bipedal reptiles can
especially HELL could provide enough for an be created here in their daily struggle for life,
entire series of episodes. The cast can get to not against the forces of darkness, but from
the top of a local HELL cell, only to discover within the heart of darkness itself. Travelling to
that there is much more and all of it is con- the lair is the kind of stuff that makes legends
trolled by a fiend that very few legends even out of characters in Dungeons & Zombies
mention. (remember ‘Queen of the Demonweb Pits?’)
and Army of Darkness.
Roleplaying “Demogorgon” versus
“The Demogorgon” Unisystem Stats
Demogorgon has the potential of being the
most ancient, powerful and dangerous entity Demogorgon
the characters or the players have ever encoun- Other names: The Great Fiend, The Demon
tered. If “He” has been around since the Per- Prince, Lord of the Brine Flats, Lord of the Gap-
mian times that would equate to 240 to 290 ping Maw, The Demon King.
Million Years, that is at least 2.4 to 2.9 Million Type: Greater Fiend (Demon)
levels of Age. Even if he was “down” for more *Though a Fiend, Demogorgon’s nature is closer
than half that time (say he was only active to demonic.
when there were active worshipers) that is still
about 40 million extra skill points! Obviously Strength: 18 Dexterity: 15
he can’t have that much. But there are still Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 12
problems with dealing with such an ancient, Perception: 18 Willpower: 16
alien creature. One option is to cut him down Endurance: 340
to size. Speed: 58
Armor: 28
Explore the possibility that Demogorgon is in Essence: 228
fact a title given to most powerful fiend in exis- Vital Essence: 456
tence. When that fiend is killed, or dies for Channelling level: 9
whatever reason, a new Demogorgon is ap- Life Points (when Manifested): 430
pointed. This would be the biggest secret in all
the infernal realms, and quite an adventure for Qualities
the Cast that discovers it. Maybe the current Acute Senses (all)
Demogorgon is ancient and a new fiend has Age +40* (best estimate)
challenged him to rule over all the fiends. A Ambidextrous
fight ensues and the younger fiend emerges Charisma +4
victorious! Only to be subjected to a painful Essence Channelling +9
transformation where he becomes the new De- Hard to Kill +20
mogorgon. Increased Essence Pool +13 (+65 Essence
Maybe Orcus did defeat Demogorgon once, Increased Life Points +12 (+120 LP)
only to be transformed to the new one. Natural Toughness
Another possibility for adventure is a current Nerves of Steel +4
demon adversary manages to learn the secret Greater Fiend
and becomes, through duplicity, the new Demo- Supernatural Senses (including see Invisible)
gorgon. Now the cast is really in trouble.
Demogorgon’s lair itself, despite its supernatu- Adversary (lots, powers of good and evil) –10
ral placement, can be used as a fantastic Attractiveness –2
Ape / Dead World. Follow the “Lost Conti- Covetous, Greedy –3

Serpents & Simians

Cruel –3 to Life Points or Essence (Vital or Pool).

Delusions of Grandeur -3
Obsession, genetic experimentation –4 Rotting Touch - Any living creature touched by
Paranoia –4 Demogorgon’s tentacles must make a Constitu-
Taint Vulnerability tion (doubled) check, or its flesh and bones be-
Zealot gin to rot. The victim takes 1d4(2) points of
Constitution damage immediately and 1 point
Skills of Constitution damage every hour thereafter
Languages (all) +10 until it dies. Any healing invocation will halt the
Theophany skill damage, but lost points return only with natural
Brawling +18 healing and cannot be restored with magic.
Bureaucracy +12
Cheating +9 Keys of Solomon
Craft, Weapons +12 As the Prince of Demons Demogoron also has
Craft, ritual items +10 access to the Keys of King Solomon.
Dodge +10 He will typically use the following:
Hand weapons, sword +16 · Key of the Seraphim* (can only use it on
Hand weapons, others +10 demons)
Magic Theory +16 · Key of the Spirit (can only use it on
Magic bolts +15 fiends)
Myths & Legends, Greek +16 · Key of War
Myths & Legends, Pre-historic +16
Notice +16 Combat
Occult Knowledge +18 Melee, bite, 2 attacks, bonus: +33, damage d4
Questioning +14 (2)x16, poison
Rituals (Wicce, Rosicrucian) +15 Bite Poison strength rating 6, damage
All other skills at +5 Melee, tentacles, 2 attacks, bonus: +33, dam-
age: d6(3)x18, Essence Drain, Rotting.
Metaphysics Melee, tail, 1 attack, bonus: +31, damage d6
Bad Luck 9 (3)x19, Essence Drain.
Destroyer 8 – Destruction
Dark Vision Demogorgon can summon 4-24 fiends to aid
Essence Drain – Demogorgon can drain 10 him. These fiends regard him has their lord and
points of Essence per touch. will obey him without question.
Essence Shieldings He can also summon up to a dozen lesser de-
Gaze Attacks mons and fiends to aid him. These demons and
- Beguiling (left head), victim must make fiends are less loyal, and will flee if the fight is
contested Willpower check to avoid going against them.
catatonic stupor for number of turns
equal to the difference in Willpowers. Blood Apes
- Hypnosis (right head), victim must make Blood Apes appear as any intelligent ape type
contested Willpower check to avoid fol- found in Terra Primate, save that these crea-
lowing Demogoron’s wishes for number tures also wield magics. Most are Lesser
of turns equal to the difference in Will- Gifted, with a few tribal leaders as Gifted.
powers. Mundanes, if sufficiently brutal in other forms of
- Insanity (both heads together), victim life, are allowed to live.
must make a contested Willpower check
or go insane. Strength: 5-6 Dexterity: 3-4
Regeneration – Regenerates his current CON in Constitution: 5-7 Intelligence: 3-4
LP per minute. Drained Essence can be added Perception: 3 Willpower: 3

Serpents & Simians

Essence: 22-27
Life Points: 56-68

Qualities: Gift, Hard to Kill 2

Skills: Brawling 5, Handweapon (sword) 3
Metaphysics: Invocations

Opiacodontids are a race of bipedal synapsids
that have evolved under Demogorgon’s guid-
ance. They consider the Great Demon to be
their god. They do not differ much in terms of
physical size and strength from humans. They
tend to be a bit smarter on the average and
have stronger wills.

Opiacodontids also posses Seer/Psychic pow-

ers with the vast majority Lesser Gifted and an
elite minority Gifted. Mundane creatures are
killed at birth.

Strength: 4 Dexterity: 3-5

Constitution: 3-4 Intelligence: 4-7
Perception: 4 Willpower: 6

Essence: 24-30
Life Points: 41-45
Qualities: Gift, Hard to Kill
Skills: Brawling 3, Handweapon (sword) 4
Metaphysics: Seer powers

Serpents & Simians

A Terra Primate Fantasy Apeworld
Daniel Proctor

Elrik slammed the door to the tomb behind him, humans and ruling with a clenched fist for sev-
knowing that the beasts would soon arrive. eral thousand years. Some say that it was their
dealing in dark magic that led to the weaken-
Finding his long dead ancestors was no easy task ing of their race, while others say their petty
in this land that had succumbed to the wild and desires folded in upon them. In either case, the
evil over the last several thousand years. power of the Gueran waned. Humans took ad-
vantage of this by rebelling, and soon territo-
Elrik looked about the dank tomb in haste. The ries were reclaimed by the humans.
sarcophagus of his founding ancestor lay cov-
ered in dust; Elrik hefted the stone lid off its As their power slipped from them the Gueran
base. Resting among the steadily disintegrating retreated to an island and established a king-
bones was a dark leather sheath, untouched by dom there, isolating themselves from the conti-
time. nent and leaving the humans to rebuild their
civilization on their own. This kingdom is now
His beast pursuers began to pound and scratch at known as Khanan.
the stone door as Elrik slowly pulled the sword
from the sheath. Its silvery blade reflected back Over five hundred years have passed since the
at him his noble simian Gueran features and his Gueran held power on the continent. Humans
cool, pink albino eyes. The former reminding him have established several kingdoms, and they
of the curse of his blood line. fight the twisted abominations left behind by
their previous enslavers. The continent is a dark
As the blade was freed, Elrik felt the icy metal place with hidden ruins and evil creatures lay-
handle in his grasp. Whispering filled his head. ing in wait.
Desires. Power. An appetite for blood.
Over and over the name “Stormwreaker” Good and evil are human concepts that aren’t
pounded his mind until his lips began to move reflected in the cosmology. The true power rests
with the name. in the struggle of Law versus Chaos. Anything
that will further either cause is fair game, with-
“Stormwreaker,” he whispered. out consideration of insignificant ideas of good
or evil.
“Stormwreaker,” he hissed.
The Gueran traditionally serve the gods of
“STORMWREAKER!” he shouted, as he turned to Chaos, wielding corrupted magic and serving
meet the beasts who had broken through the their destructive forces. Humans often serve the
door. elements, believing that the forces of Law and
Chaos care not for human well being. They
The Broken Lands aren’t wrong. However, the forces of the ele-
Thousands of years ago a race called the ments are not concerned with the desires of
Gueran came to the continent of Mordoun. mortals either. The world is a place in which
Many believe the Gueran came from another magic and divine power can be wielded, but
world, with their dark magic and ape-like fea- no power is particularly benevolent toward life.
tures. The Gueran have faces resembling goril- It’s a cold and lonely lot to be a mortal, and
las but bodies resembling humans. purpose in life must be created by one’s self.

The Gueran conquered the continent, enslaving

Serpents & Simians

Belial Zalandra
Belial is the God of Chaos. He operates Zalandra represents the element of water, and
through his legion of servants, rarely making a has the most human-like intelligence of the ele-
personal appearance in the day to day strug- mental powers. She sometimes appears as a
gles of mere mortals. When he does appear, beautiful woman with sea green hair and the
he often resembles a giant Gueran with shiny body of a dolphin from the waist down. She is
ebony skin and equally dark horns. His ultimate the mother of the Fengrael, an all-female race
goal is to spread the destructive force of chaos with the torso of women and dolphin bodies
until the entire world succumbs to it, becoming from the waist down. Zalandra is more likely to
an ever changing vortex of creation and simul- become intertwined in the affairs of mortals
taneous destruction. It is rumored that he is the than any other elemental power, and is often
one responsible for the curse of albinism on the worshipped by sailors and fisherman.
Gueran noble line. A reminder to them that
they are never to challenge the will of Belial. Soloquin
Soloquin represents the elemental power of air,
Rapheus and has the most alien of the elemental intelli-
Rapheus is the God of Law. He exists in equal gences. Soloquin is fickle, never being predict-
opposition of Belial, and seeks to bring the able and capable of great destruction or
world under complete order. He has fought Be- soothing comfort. His worshipers are often simi-
lial in many incarnations from the time of crea- larly tempered and are subject to whim.
tion, and strives to bring Belial to his knees. Ra-
pheus will seek to make order of all things re- The Gueran
gardless of the cost. He rarely appears to mor- The Gueran resemble humans but for their go-
tals, but on those rare occasions he resembles a rilla-like faces. They are stocky, with black hair,
regal middle aged human with hard, cold gray dark eyes, and dusky skin. They tend to live
eyes. about 150 years. The royal blood line is cursed
with albinism, so any albinos seen are known to
Pyroth be descended from ancestral rulers.
Pyroth is the mad power of Fire. He is only
slightly sentient, and is concerned with consump-
tion and purification. Like the other forces of
the elements, Law and Chaos, and good and
evil all mean nothing to him. Regardless, he is
worshiped by those who seek philosophical
truth through the doctrine of flame and heat.
Few things are more honest than the honesty of
fire. Pyroth almost never appears personally,
since he prefers to send flame-like entities to
do his bidding. When he does appear it is as a
sentient flame only vaguely humanoid in ap-

The intelligence associated with the element of
Earth is Euratharth. He exists deep under
ground, and is the power of all things earth,
from minerals to earthquakes. He operates
through beings made of pure earth, but some-
times appears as a humanoid rock-like being.

Serpents & Simians

heritage will react aggressively.

The Gueran are an ancient race who delight in
Chaos and wreaking havoc, and although not The Human Kingdoms
all Gueran are sorcerers they enjoy using dark There are three major human kingdoms on the
magic. Few honorable Gueran exist, as such a continent of Mordoun- Tanisah, Yourk, and
weakness would be exploited. They live on Warewerth. They are frequently bickering but
their island kingdom of Khanan, and seldom seldom at war, as the dangers that lurk on the
come to the main continent. Though they are ex- continent tend to keep them watchful of worse
pert seaman, they tend to patrol their island enemies than other men.
and explore other islands while avoiding man-
kind. They view humans as an overly prolific The humans despise the Gueran, but this atti-
vermin, just above rats in the order of the uni- tude is born mostly from legends or folk tales.
verse. The majority of people have never even seen a
true Gueran. Occasionally a half-blood is spot-
Sometimes an ambitious Gueran will journey to ted, and these people are persecuted, but if a
the main continent in search of lost magic and person from the kingdoms were to see a real
wealth, in order to improve his position when he Gueran he would probably be too fearful to
goes home. take direct action.

Gueran Beasts
2-Point Quality In the wilds of the continent of Mordoun any
The Gueran people are stout, with a maximum number of creatures might be encountered.
strength of eight. They gain +2 to Strength and Look at Terra Primate and Dungeons and Zom-
+1 to Dexterity, and have excellent Nightvi- bies in addition to creatures presented here for
sion. The are renown for their capacity to be some ideas.
Cruel, for three points.
Gueran-Blooded The Fengrael are the children of Zalandra, ele-
-2 to 1-Point Quality or Drawback mental power of water. They have the upper
The Gueran bred with their human slaves fre- bodies of beautiful women, and the lower bod-
quently during their rule, and as a result ies of dolphins. There are no male Fengrael; to
Gueran-Blooded half-breeds were common. reproduce they occasionally mate with seaman
Over the centuries half-bloods were killed or or fisherman, who hold the Fengrael in respect
driven into hiding, so they are not as common and awe as children of the water.
among humankind at present. Few exist in
Khanan either, as they are considered filth. The Strength: 2-4 Dexterity: 4-6
features that mark one of Gueran blood can Constitution: 3-5 Intelligence: 3-5
apparently hide for generations, as some hu- Perception: 4-6 Willpower: 3-5
man families discover to their shock when a Life Points: (Strength + Constitution) x 3
child is born with an ape-like Gueran face. Speed: (Dexterity + Constitution ) x 2 (+8 in
the water)
Being of Gueran blood usually means having Attack: Spear (See skill)
the Gueran ape-like facial features to some Skills: Dodge 2, Hand Weapon (Spear) 3, Sur-
extent, and sometimes their gift of strength in vival (Ocean) 3
the form of +1 Strength and/or Nightvision. Powers: Breath Water, Regeneration (heals 1
Therefore, it is a variable Quality or Draw- Life Point per turn) (TP pg. 168)
back. Gueran-Blooded have a Minority status
worth two points. Those of the blood who do Imp
not have the obvious features but do have An imp is a minor demon that can be a pest to
some of the Gueran benefits instead have a most but a boon to sorcerers. They come from
two point Secret. Most people who learn of this one of the many layers of Hell, and are fre-

Serpents & Simians

quently used to carry out menial tasks. A sor- Stormwreaker

cerer who enslaves one has the ability to use Forged by Belial himself in the heart of Chaos,
the imp as an essence battery. In addition, imps and quenched in the blood of men, Storm-
regenerate 20 points of essence per day, which wreaker is a powerful tool of destruction. The
is exclusively available for this battery function. sword has a supernatural intelligence of its
own, and can communicate telepathically to
Imps are small creatures, about three feet tall, whomever wields it. It will attempt to corrupt its
with red scaled skin, small horns, and black bat- wielder to satisfy its appetite for death.
like wings.
Stormwreaker grants a +4 to combat Tasks
Strength: 1-2 Dexterity: 6-8 and base damage, and is indestructible. Fur-
Constitution: 3-5 Intelligence: 2-4 thermore, the sword grants its wielder Regen-
Perception: 4-6 Willpower: 3-5 eration (TP pg. 168) at 1 Life Point per turn.
Life Points: (Strength + Constitution) x 2 +5 Additionally, the sword absorbs D10 essence
Speed: (Dexterity + Constitution ) x 2 +5 from it’s victims. Stormwreaker is capable of
Attack: Bite attack, 1 point damage per storing 100 points of essence, which is avail-
strength level able to its wielder for fueling magic.
Skills: Dodge 3, Notice 3, Stealth 2
Powers: Flight (TP pg. 167), Regeneration The wielder must succeed in a Will contest
(heals 1 Life Point per turn) (TP pg. 168) against Stormwreaker per week it is in his pos-
session, or acquire the three point Drawback of
Craakis Cruel.
Craakis have the upper body of a two-headed
lion, and the lower body of a wyvern. They Intelligence: 6 Willpower: 4
tend to be found as a male and female mated Telepathy Strength: 4
pair. They give birth to 2-5 cubs. Telepathy Art: 4

Strength: 6-8 Dexterity: 5-7

Constitution: 3-5 Intelligence: 0-1(animal)
Perception: 4-6 Willpower: 3-5 this world.
Life Points: (Strength + Constitution) x 5 +10
Speed: (Dexterity + Constitution ) x 2 +15 Stormwreaker
(+25 when flying) The cast members learn of an ancient artifact,
Attack: Claws D6 (3) x Strength, Bite D6 (3) x a powerful sword, that is a major force of
Strength Chaos. This tainted blade is known as Storm-
Skills: Brawling 3, Dodge 2, Notice 2, Stealth wreaker. Seers claim that a Gueran of noble
2, Tracking 3 blood seeks the sword, and that if he should
Powers: Flight (TP pg. 167) acquire it the scale between Chaos and Law
might be tipped. The apocalypse might begin.
Story Ideas
The Cast Members must journey to the jungles in
There are many possibilities for adventure on
the remote southern portion of the continent, to
the continent of Mordoun. Journeys might be
find the lost ruins of a Gueran temple. The
undertaken to explore the many lost ruins the
sword is rumored to be buried there, but can
Gueran left in the wake of their rule, not to
they get there before the powerful Gueran no-
mention remains of even older, darker races.
Strange creatures from the wilds occasionally
torment communities and must be dealt with.
Alternatively, the Cast Members might be
Cultists worship the forces of Chaos and seek to
Gueran themselves! They may be trying to
destroy all life. Themes of morality might be
track down the sword for their liege, or they
common, since “good” and “evil” in the tradi-
may be of noble blood themselves seeking the
tional sense are not of concern to the powers of
power of the blade to increase their standing.

Serpents & Simians

However, in the end only one can be its


The Den of the Craakis

This encounter is best used as a side trek while
the Cast Members are already going about
some form of business.

A craakis has been spotted taking sheep away

into the hills. Three days ago, it took a farmer
and his young boy. The village of Trendlecove
needs a band of brave volunteers to go into
the hills and eliminate this threat.

The Cast Members will find a cave with a

mated pair of craakis. They have three cubs,
worth a fair price on the market, and some
small treasure. The farmer and his boy have al-
ready been consumed.

The cubs can fetch 150 gold apiece, while the

skins of their parents can fetch 40 gold apiece.

Serpents & Simians

Swords, Sorcery & Silverbacks

A Terra Primate Fantasy Apeworld
Gerry Saracco

Gortak hefted his spear, and charged into the Warriors, inquisitive scholar-sorcerers, etc, are
Gnolls, driving the weapon half way through the the typical character types.
first Gnoll’s chest. He let go of the spear, and
drew the broadsword from the sheath on his Adversaries are wild animals, villainous mem-
back. Raising it high above his head, he roared bers of the various player races, and the evil
the battle cry of the Gorllian people, and then races, such as the Hyena Men, commonly called
charged into the remaining Hyena-men, his blade Gnolls.
cutting a bloody swath through his foes. He knew
he had to fight his way through this pack if he Cosmology
was going to make it out of the pass alive. If he Malloth was formed from the primordial chaos
didn’t, the El V’aan wouldn’t know about the by the Goddess Asherah. She was the first to
Gnoll army preparing to invade their forest king- use her powers to mold the planet, and to give
dom. The El V’aan are a haughty, self-important it the first life forms that existed. Hanumann
race, but they are allies of his people. Gortak came next, appearing out of the void in a char-
hoped he could reach one of their outposts at the iot pulled by two large goats. He courted
edge of the forest before the main force of Asherah, and the two created a small pantheon
Gnolls got here.

He cut his way through the Gnolls, and continued

to run down the valley. Who knows how many
bands he’d have to fight his way through before
he reached the forest. Too bad about the spear;
he could have used it. Breathing a heavy sigh,
Gortak prayed to Hanumaan for aid...

The Basics
This is a fantasy setting that combines Terra Pri-
mate with new rules found in Dungeons & Zom-
bies, a fantasy genre book for All Flesh Must Be
Eaten, as well as various new qualities from
other Unisystem core books and sourcebooks.

Humans don’t exist on this world (called Malloth

by the inhabitants), but there are various non-
human races, including the Gorllians, a race of
humanoid Gorillas given sentience by their god,
Hanumaan. Along side the other races of their
world, the Gorllians fight against the evil races,
and try to keep their civilization alive. With the
advent of magic, the Gorllians started to study
the mystic arts, and their scholar-sorcerers are
world renown.

Protagonists are normally adventurous wander-

ers, those who seek to uncover mysteries and
secrets on their world. Swords for Hire, Holy

Serpents & Simians

of gods to help them rule the planet. El V’aan

The El V’aan are a near-immortal race of hu-
Asherah, being the earth-mother, is first manoids marked by sharp, angular features,
amongst the Gods. When she makes proclama- large, pointed ears, and eyes reminiscent of a
tions, the majority of the other Gods listen. For Siamese Cat. Their skin tends to be earth tone,
the most part, she doesn’t abuse her power, matching the trees they prefer to live in. They
and only uses her position in times of great cri- tend to be somewhat tall, averaging 6 to 6 ½
sis. feet (2 to 2.25 m) in height. El V’aan tend to be
a bit wild, embracing their affinity for nature.
Hanumann, Asherah’s consort, is second They come across as haughty and self-
amongst Gods, followed by his favorite son important, as they tend to be condescending
Oreus. The Gods of Law and Justice, they gave towards younger races. They especially have a
the rule of law to the races of Malloth, so that dislike for Gnolls, who mistreat their forests.
they could have a foundation for their civiliza- Older members of the race will have access to
tions. They are primarily worshipped by the the Age quality in addition to the standard
Gorllians, but all other races (save Gnolls) pay benefits/drawbacks their race provides.
some respect to these gods.
The El V’aan were the first race on Malloth,
Dagon, who taught the races agriculture, and created to serve Asherah, the Earth Mother.
other learning skills, comes next. Though he is She gave them immortality (though they can be
the firstborn of Asherah and Hanumann, he is killed or die of disease, hunger, etc), and in-
content to follow behind his brother Oreus. fused them with a touch of the wild, allowing
them to have a strong affinity for nature (as
Cassiel follows Dagon. It was she who taught embodied in the Green Thumb part of their ra-
magic to the races of Malloth, and is especially cial quality). They live in cities built of ancient
worshipped by the Gorllians. trees in the great forests that they not only call
home, but protect as part of their service to
Astaphaeus, the hyena-headed god is next. He Asherah. They move easily through the trees as
once held the spot after Dagon, but fell from others do on solid ground.
grace as his people betrayed him to follow his
sister Taromaiti. A small portion of his people El V’aan are a very sensuous race. While many
still follows him, warring on the betrayers. Once do form life bonds, they tend to spend the first
he was a peaceful god, but now he’s a god of three or four centuries of their early life having
wrath and righteous fury. multiple sexual partners. Once two El V’aan
choose to form a life bond, they do so for the
Taromaiti was once the goddess of beauty and remainder of their lives.
love. She was in love with her brother Dagon,
but he did not reciprocate. Spurned, she started Children are rare among the El V’aan, but
to become filled with spite. Delving into forbid- when a bonded pair do have progeny, the fe-
den magic, she contacted something from the male normally gives birth to multiple children,
void, and became filled with Taint. Corrupted, which they call a litter (much like cats). A typical
she turned on the other Gods, and turned the litter will be between two and six children.
Hyena men against her brother Astaphaeus. When a bonded pair have children, the entire
Her powers increased by her exposure to Taint, community celebrates with a big feast, which
she held her own against the other gods, but tends to end in a massive orgy for all non-
was finally defeated. She is worshipped pri- bonded El V’aan in attendance. The entire com-
marily by Gnolls, and those who turn from the munity assists in the care and raising of chil-
light to seek power from the dark. dren, ensuring that when they reach maturity,
they all ready have a variety of general skills
The Races with which to make their way in the world.

Serpents & Simians

El V’aan use Bows as their primary weapon, but Gnolls, as followers of Taromaiti, embrace
are also expert swordsmen. Most El V’aan tend darker magics than the other races. Thus they
to favor Leather armor, but light chain mail is tend to use Taint in place of normal invocations.
not uncommon in times of war. As experts in Gnoll Shaman are feared for the dark powers
those weapons, they also tend to make such they can command.
weapons of high quality compared to other
races. El V’aan blades are highly prized by the Gnolls who remained loyal to Astaphaeus are
other races, and anyone given one by an El different than their vile counterparts. They are
V’aan is considered blessed (being gifted with friendly and peaceful. They tend to live in iso-
an El V’aan blade normally gives the person so lated communities, as their evil brethren despise
gifted with an automatic Status of 3) them, and the other races distrust them because
of their renegade relatives. These Gnolls call
El V’aan are masters of woodcraft, as reflected themselves Astaphaens, after the god they
by their cities. They carve homes in the massive serve.
ancient trees of the great forests of Malloth.
The trees do not die though, as they were cre- Gorllians
ated to serve as homes for the El V’aan. Gorllians are descended from the great Silver-
Bridges connect the various trees, with homes backs that live on Malloth. Millenia ago, the
built on various levels, from the ground level on god Hanumaan gave them sentience, so that
up to the tops of the trees. they could be his servants on Malloth.

El V’aan can use magic, but the arts of Necro- Gorllians live in the lesser forests and hill coun-
mancy are beyond them due to their long lives try. Although stout warriors, they are actually a
and close ties to the Earth Mother. Even so, El very peaceful people, excelling at compiling
V’aan spell casters are a rare sight. knowledge. They were also the first race to
codify magic and organize schools to teach
Gnolls (Hyena Men) magic to those so gifted.
Gnolls are tall, lanky Hyena men. They are vi-
cious, and don’t get along with the other races, Gorllians are large, usually weighing 300
most notably the El V’aan. They were created pounds on the average. Their bodies are
by the god Astaphaeus, but turned from his dense, and they tend to avoid large bodies of
worship when they embraced the way of the water whenever possible. Due to this, Gorllians
goddess Taromaiti, who had turned to the dark. tend to build very wide, exceptionally sturdy
bridges over any rivers/streams in their terri-
Gnolls are organized into clans, and many tory. Gorllians can not learn swimming, as they
clans will unite to form a tribe. Various tribes sink in deep water.
will unite under a strong chieftain to form a na-
tion. Clans build fortified towns, and some Gorllians tend to build homes from bricks they
tribes maintain one large town as the seat of make themselves. They also use wood, but for
power for their chieftain. the most part, rely on brick making for building
materials. They also use stone, but only for
Gnolls are carnivorous, and eat the dead of walls surrounding their enclaves.
not only the other races, but their own as well.
This makes them enemies of all the other races, They tend to live in smaller communities, nor-
who don’t like being their next meal. They are mally town/village sized. Gorllian lands have
filthy beings, and have a vile odor about them. only three or four true cities, and those are not
really that large either. Many towns are actu-
Gnolls prefer leather armor over anything else, ally built around some sort of University, such
and like barbed weapons. Flails are a favored as one that teaches a craft (or various crafts),
weapon of Gnolls, along with spears. places of learning (where they teach reading,
writing, and impart knowledge from the books

Serpents & Simians

in their library), schools of magic, even religious Danger Sense

monasteries/temples. Green Thumb
Gorllians primarily worship Hanumaan, the Ape Walk with Shadows
God. They also worship Cassiel, who first
taught magic to the Gorllians, Dagon, god of On the downside, Astaphaens suffer the follow-
Agriculture and learning, and Oreus, son of Ha- ing penalties:
numaan, and their god of Justice & Law.
3-point Adversary (Gnolls)
Although a peaceful race, Gorllians know how 3-point Minority
to fight. They tend to favor weapons that allow 2-point Socially Inept when dealing with non-
them to utilize the strength their bodies give Astaphaens
them. Axes, maces, spears, larger Swords, etc,
are their preferred weapons. Like the other Astaphaens can use Invocations, but shun Necro-
races, Gorllians prefer to wear lighter armor, mancy. Only Paladins/Priests ever use Miracles
but during war time, their warriors will wear or Miracle-like powers.
chain mail armor.
Danger Sense
Qualities & Drawbacks See D&Z, page 22 for complete details
These are new qualities for use with this setting.
Included are professional and racial qualities El V’aan
for characters to use, and various other quali- 4-point Racial Quality
ties. As many of the qualities appear in other The El V’aan are the oldest race on Malloth,
books, no description will appear in this text. and serve the Earth Mother in protecting the
Only the name, and a reference to the book balance of nature. El V’aan can raise their Dex-
and page they appear in will be listed for terity and Perception skills to a maximum of 8;
those Qualities/Drawbacks will be shown. all other attributes max out at 6. As such, they
have the following benefits:
A note on metaphysics: For the purpose of the
Profession qualities, all Miracles included cost 3 +2 to Dexterity score
points instead of 5, as per the alternate rule +1 Perception score
from One of the Living, page 19. Acute Senses (Eyesight)
1 level of Attractiveness
Age Brachiaction
See D&Z, page 22 for complete details. Green Thumb
See D&Z, page 22 for complete details. On the downside, El V’aan suffer the following
Animal Companion
See PZ, page 41 for complete details. 2-point Delusion (Delusions of Grandeur; El
V’aan are superior to all other beings)
Astaphaens 2-point Delusion Drawback (Prejudice against
4-point Racial Quality
1-point Socially Inept when dealing with non-El
Astaphaens are Gnolls who remained loyal to
V’aan peoples
the god Astaphaeus. Unlike their evil brethren,
Astaphaens are an enlightened people. They
The El V’aan gains no points for these Draw-
have the following benefits:
backs, but may “buy off” the Drawbacks with
Experience as normal. Due to their extremely
+1 to Dexterity & Willpower
long lives, El V’aan tend have a hard time
Acute Senses (Smell)

Serpents & Simians

grasping the concepts of Necromancy, so ad- +3 to Constitution and Intelligence

epts are unable to tap into that power. 4 Levels of Hard to Kill (Gorllians can buy 6
more levels, either via profession qualities or
Essence Channeling directly)
See D&Z, page 22-23 for complete details.
On the downside, Gorllians suffer the following
Force of Law penalties:
See PZ, page 41 for complete details.
2-point Delusion Drawback (Phobia of Drown-
Gnoll ing)
4-point Racial Quality 2-point Delusion Drawback (Prejudice against
Vile, nasty creatures, Gnolls are the hated foes Gnolls)
of the other races. Gnolls can raise their Dex- 1-point Socially Inept when dealing with non-
terity to 7, and their Constitution to 8; all other Gorllians
attributes max out at 6. These creatures have Negative Buoyancy
the following benefits:
Gorllians get no points for these Drawbacks,
+1 To Dexterity & Constitution but may “buy off” the Drawbacks with Experi-
Acute Sense (Smell) ence as normal.
Strong Stomach Gorllians are adept at using magic, and can
Walk with Shadows use Invocations. Paladins/Priests have access to
Miracles (or Miracle-like powers). As they wor-
On the downside, Gnolls suffer the following ship their ancestors, Gorllians can use Necro-
penalties: mancy, but never use it to raise the dead.

1-point Aggressive Drawback Green Thumb

2-point Cruel Drawback See OotL, page 16 for complete details.
1-point Carnivore Drawback
2-Delusions (Prejudice against non-Gnolls)
-1 to Intelligence & Willpower Guardian
5-point Profession Quality
Gnolls get no points for these Drawbacks, but Guardians are El V’aan who are tasked with
may “buy off” the Drawbacks with Experience warding the great forests of Malloth. Guardi-
as normal. Gnolls can use Necromancy, but not ans are specially trained with skills related to
Invocations or Miracles. They also have access working in such an environment. Therefore,
to magic powered by Taint. Guardians have the following benefits:

Gorllian Animal Companion (typically a Falcon or Wolf;

8-point Racial Quality if Grizzly Bear, the cost of the Quality goes up
Gorllians are a race of intelligent silverback 1 point)
gorillas. Millennia ago, the first Gorllians were Situational Awareness
gifted with greater intelligence by the god Ha- +1 to Stealth
numaan. While large of size, and physically +1 to Surveillance
stronger than the other races, Gorllians are a +2 to Survival (Forest)
very intellectual race. Gorllians can raise their +2 to Tracking
Strength, Constitution to 12, and Intelligence to +1 to Traps
10; all other stats max out at 7. Gorllians have +1 to Unconventional Medicine (herbal)
the following benefits:
On the downside, Guardians have the following
+4 to Strength penalties:

Serpents & Simians

long as they buy off their Paladin drawbacks

Adversary (Poachers) with experience.
1 Level of Honorable
2-point Obligation to the Guardians Here are two sample Paladin Qualities:
Obsession with protecting the Great Forests
Paladin of Asherah
They gain no points for these drawbacks, but 4-point Profession Quality
can buy them off with experience. Asherah the Earth Mother is the god of the El
V’aan people. Though primarily an earth god-
Nightvision dess, she does have Paladins who enforce her
See D&Z, page 27 for complete details. will on Malloth. Paladins of Asherah are the en-
forcers of law amongst the El V’aan people,
Obligation and are only superceded by the Guardians
See D&Z, page 24 for complete details. when it comes to meting justice in the great for-
ests. Besides enforcing her will on Malloth, her
Paladin Paladins also aid communities in distress, using
Variable Profession Quality their divine powers.
Prerequisite: The Gift/Powered
Paladins of Asherah gain the following bene-
Paladins are warriors who are dedicated to fits:
serving the cause of a specific deity. Most
Gods have such warriors in their service, though Force of Law
not all. Paladins serve as enforcers of a God’s +1 to Dexterity & Perception
tenets. They protect those that worship their +1 to Hand Weapon (Bow)
god; his/her places of worship, and combat +1 to Hand Weapon (Sword)
those that would seek to oppose their god. +1 to Notice
Some also have other specific duties. Paladins
of Asphaeus, for instance, are pledged to slay They also have access to the following powers
all Gnolls they encounter. As each God has dif- that mimic the Miracles of:
ferent spheres of influence, Paladins abilities
will vary from God to God. The Blessing
Bountiful Harvest
Paladins, being servants of the gods, have ac-
cess to special powers that mimic miracles used Paladins of Asherah have the following penal-
by the Inspired. However, these abilities are ties as part of their service to their goddess:
inherent to their training as a Paladin. They Adversary (Gnolls and various bandits) (-4)
cannot learn other powers, and are unable to 3 levels of Honorable (-3)
use Invocations or Necromancy. If any Paladin 3 levels of Obligation (-3)
falls from faith with their God, they lose these
special abilities, but do not regain the posts Paladin of Oreus
these abilities cost. They must go on a quest of 6-point Profession Quality
faith, a journey to regain the faith they have Oreus is the Gorllian God of Justice & Law.
lost, in order to regain these abilities. If they Paladins who serve him not only protect his holy
cannot, they are no longer restricted from sites, but typically act as roving law enforce-
learning Invocations and/or Necromancy, but ment officers. They travel the small towns and
once they learn such powers, they can never re- villages who do not have a local constabulary,
gain the holy powers they have lost. Those who and enforce the laws of the kingdom in the
take the Paladin Quality cannot take another name of their God. They are well respected for
Profession Quality so long as they remain in their honorable ways.
service to their God. If they fall from grace,
they can purchase other Profession Qualities, so Paladins of Oreus gain the following benefits:

Serpents & Simians

Force of Law Some, but not all Priests are Inspired. Priests of
2 Levels of Hard to Kill (and can have up to a Cassiel are not typically Inspired; those that
total of 10) have the Gift can learn Invocations instead
+1 to Strength and Willpower (Cassiel being the goddess of Magic, her fol-
+1 Hand Weapon (Mace) lowers tend to perform traditional magic over
+2 Questioning Inspired Miracles)

They also have access to the following powers Scholar-Sorcerer

that mimic the Miracles of: 6-point Profession Quality
Prerequisite: The Gift/Powered
Divine Sight
Strength of Ten Scholar-Sorcerers are those who study not only
traditional knowledge, but also the mystic arts.
Paladins of Oreus have the following penalties This profession is most common amongst the
as part of their service to their God: Gorllians, but Astaphaens and El V’aan can
Adversary (various bandits and criminal also take this profession, at the discretion of the
groups) (-4) GM. Due to their training, Scholar-Sorcerers
3 levels of Honorable (-3) gain the following benefits:
3 levels of Obligation (-3)
+1 to Intelligence and Perception
They do not gain any points from these draw- +1 to Humanities (History)
backs, but can buy them off with experience. +1 to Occult Knowledge
+2 to Research/Investigation
Priest +1 to Rituals (School/Society)
6-point Profession Quality +1 to Science (Alchemy)

Each god/goddess has a priesthood that ad- Scholar-Sorcerers have the following penalties:
ministers to their followers. These Priests per-
form rituals related to their god, hold sermons, 2-point Socially Inept (they don’t socialize
and preach the word of their deity to the much)
masses. All Priests undergo the same basic 1-point Obligation to whatever school/society
training before taking their vows. they belong to

Priests gain the following benefits: They do not gain any points from these draw-
backs, but can buy them off with experience.
2-point Status
+1 to Bureaucracy Scholar-Sorcerers know Invocations and/or
+1 to Humanities (Theology) Necromancy, depending on what type of magic
+1 to Myth and Legend (their God) is taught by the school/society that the charac-
+1 to Persuade (OotL, page 14) ter belongs to.
+1 to Rituals
+1 to Storytelling Socially Inept
+1 to Writing (Academic) See the D&Z web enhancement, page 8 for
complete details.
Priests have the following penalties:
2-point Honorable Strong Stomach
2-point Obligation to their religious order See OotL, page 18 for complete details.
They do not gain any points from these draw- Troubadour
backs, but can buy them off with experience. 5-point Profession Quality

Serpents & Simians

Troubadours are Warrior-Poets who travel

across Malloth, fighting the good fight, then
signing about it for their next meal. Trouba-
dours are wanderers, never staying in one
place for long. While most of their skills revolve
around entertaining people, they are given
some basic weapons training, so they can de-
fend themselves. Troubadours gain the follow-
ing benefits:

+1 to Acting
+1 to Hand Weapon (Clubs)
+1 to Hand Weapon (Swords)
+1 to Myth & Legend
+2 to Play Instrument
+ 1 to Singing
+2 to Storytelling
+1 to Writing (Creative)

In addition, Troubadours have the following


2-point Covetous (Conspicuous) drawback

They do not gain any points from these draw-

backs, but can buy them off with experience.

Underground Direction Sense

See D&Z, page 27 for complete details.

Walk with Shadows

See D&Z, page 28 for complete details

Serpents & Simians

Serpents & Simians Ape Master

Character Sketch or Symbol
Character Name
Character Type Weight
Race Eyes

Armor Type

Armor Value


Endurance Points


Essence Pool

Qualities / Drawbacks Qualities / Drawbacks Skills Skills

www.gorilladen.com Created by Daniel Proctor, 2005, with modification by Jason Vey
Serpents & Simians

Powers / Metaphysics Weapons / Hand to Hand

Type Range Damage Cap EV


Character Points Treasure Supplies

Spent Coins Other Valuables


Unspent Gems

Animal Feed

Character Background Campaign Notes

www.gorilladen.com Created by Daniel Proctor, 2005, with modification by Jason Vey
Serpents & Simians

Contributor List Animal, Minimals

The following list includes contributors and their
Ape, Carnivourous
specific contributions. This was included to facili-
tate questions about specific material, and to
give credit where credit is due. Please direct
Bad Monkeys
any inquiries or comments about items to their
Cave Bear, Giant Dire
respective authors.
Cloak Killer
Timothy S. Brannan AKA “Web Warlock”
Cows, Evil
Dead, Climbing
Dead, Swinging
Dragon, Budget
Forest Hyena
Nicholas Dowbiggin AKA “Crackedjacked”
Gibberly Mouther
David Fox AKA “Canadian Pittbull”
Gorillasaurus Rex
Cover art
Interior art
Owl Bear
Daniel Proctor AKA “Gorilla Spawn”
Pan Piper
Rat, Giant
Skunk Ape
How to Use this Netbook
Umber Bulk
Wolf, Dire
Wolf, Two-Headed
Pan Sidhe Sorcerer
Half-Orc Assassin
Half-Ogre Barbarian
Neo-Orangutan Lawgiver
Atavistic Neo-Gorilla Ranger
Neo-Chimpanzee Monk-ey Practitioner of Kong-
Pan Sidhe
“Personality” for Pan Sidhe Sorcerer
Howling Messenger of Doom
“Personality” for Half-Orc Assassin
Ogre Marauder
Half-Elf Swashbuckler
Demon, Sothine
Gibbot Kleptomaniac
Random Catacomb Compiler
Random Demon Designer
Gerry Saracco AKA “Urbwar”
Introduction for “Demonic Rivals”
Swords, Sorcery & Silverbacks
Character Sheet

W. D. Robertson AKA “TexasZombie”

Beth Robertson AKA “Mrs. TexasZombie”
Curse of the Werehuman
Easy to Kill


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