Methodology For Topology and Shape Optimization Report PDF
Methodology For Topology and Shape Optimization Report PDF
Methodology For Topology and Shape Optimization Report PDF
Topology optimized design of a rear lower control arm.
Chalmers Reproservice
Göteborg, Sweden 2016
Methodology for Topology and Shape Optimization: Application to a Rear Lower Control Arm
Master’s thesis in Applied Mechanics
Department of Applied Mechanics
Division of Solid Mechanics
Chalmers University of Technology
The selection of component material and design is an important topic in industry to produce sustainable
and competitive products. To fulfil strength and endurance requirements on a component level, topology
and shape optimization can be used as design tools in early phases of the design process. Topology and
shape optimization are sub-fields within structural optimization. A component design could be constructed
based on topology and shape optimization tools throughout the complete component development process.
At the Endurance Attribute and Chassis CAE group at Volvo Cars in Gothenburg, the interest of finding a
methodology for topology and shape optimization as a natural part of their component development process
increases nowadays. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to develop such a methodology with respect to
topology and shape optimization. The structural optimization work is carried out in the commercial software
TOSCA. In order to define optimization tasks, this requires knowledge of all steps taken during the complete
component development process. Furthermore, this thesis focuses on a rear lower control arm component where
the structural requirements on that component involves pre-tension, plastic hardening material behaviour and
fatigue problems which are treated during the optimization process. Manufacturability and implementation of
manufacturability constraints to the optimization tasks are also considered. The topology optimization part
involves linear static finite element assumptions whilst the shape optimization part involves both linear and
nonlinear finite element analysis. Furthermore multi-objective shape optimization is performed where both
equivalent plastic strain and fatigue life are treated. The topology and shape optimized structures requires
realization due to manufacturability. These steps are performed by a Design Engineer at the Wheel suspension
group at Volvo Cars. Furthermore, it is the Design Engineer who defines the proposed manufacturing method
to the component based on the topology optimized design. A component development process using structural
optimization tools is suggested and demonstrated by subjecting trial cases to the process. The process is
thereafter discussed and further work is suggested, both additional manufacturability verification and simulation
are proposed in context of the component development process using structural optimization tools.
This master thesis in Applied Mechanics at Chalmers University of Technology compromises 30 credits and was
carried out at the Endurance Attribute and Chassis CAE group at Volvo Cars in Gothenburg during the spring
2016. The examiner and academic supervisor was Håkan Johansson, Associate Professor at the Divison of
Dynamics, Applied Mechanics, Chalmers Univeristy of Technology. The supervisor in industry was Iris Blume,
CAE engineer at the Endurance Attribute and Chassis CAE group, Volvo Cars, Gothenburg.
This thesis was one of three master thesis projects in a so-called thesis cluster, carried out during the spring
of 2016, where the common goal was to increase the usage and knowledge of optimization methods used for
automotive wheel suspension development at Volvo Cars in Gothenburg. During the thesis work, meetings and
presentations were held where problems and progress were discussed between the groups. The master thesis
project titles are listed below:
3. Methodology for Topology and Shape Optimization: Application to a Rear Lower Control Arm
First of all I want to thank my supervisor Iris Blume for her support and helpfulness with the thesis work.
I would also like to thank my academic supervisor Associate Professor Håkan Johansson for his inputs and
thoughts on the work. I would like to thank Joakim Weglin for his work with design realizations of optimization
results and Christoph Schutte for helping me with manufacturability assessment. Furthermore, I would like to
thank the thesis cluster coordinator Ph.D Harald Hasselblad and my fellow thesis workers Mattias Linder, Karl
Hansen Andreasson, Joakim Skön and Kanishk Bhadani at Volvo Cars for their feedback and support during
the thesis work. Lastly, I would like to thank my colleagues at the Endurance Attribute and Chassis CAE
group for their support and friendliness during the time spent at Volvo Cars.
RLCA Rear Lower Control Arm
FE Finite Element
MBS Multi Body Simulation
RLD Road Load Data
OC Optimality Critera method
MMA Method of Moving Asymptotes
EPS Equivalent Plastic Strain
CAE Computer Aided Engineering
CAD Computer Aided Design
DOC Drive Over Curb
ROC Rearwards drive Over Curb
BIP Brake In Pothole
SAC Skid Against Curb
Abstract i
Preface iii
Acknowledgements iii
Abbreviations v
Contents vii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.4 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.5 Thesis outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Theory 3
2.1 Introduction to Structural optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Topology optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2.1 Material interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2.2 The checkerboard problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2.3 Problem formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2.4 Multiple load cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.5 Solution methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2.6 Application in TOSCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Shape optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3.1 Application in TOSCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.6.2 Topology optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.6.3 Design realization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.6.4 FE analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.6.5 Shape optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.6.6 Design realization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.6.7 FE analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.6.8 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.6.9 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.7 Trial case 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.7.1 Design realization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.7.2 FE analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.7.3 Shape optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.7.4 Design realization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.7.5 FE analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.7.6 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.7.7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.8 Trial case 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.8.1 Design realization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.8.2 FE analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.8.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.8.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5 Discussion 34
5.1 Trial cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.2 The component development process using structural optimization tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.3 Application to other components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6 Further work 36
6.1 Trial cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
6.2 The component development process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
References 37
1 Introduction
This chapter introduces the thesis problem formulation to the reader, it starts with a background to structural
optimization and its application at the Endurance Attribute and Chassis CAE group at Volvo Cars in
Gothenburg. It is followed by the purpose and limitations of the thesis. Thereafter, the method where the
disposition and approach of work is explained. Lastly, the thesis outline is explained.
1.1 Background
The selection of component material and design is an important topic in industry to produce sustainable and
competitive products. To fulfil strength and endurance requirements on a component level, topology and shape
optimization are useful tools to predict an optimal component design in early phases of the design process. A
complete design of a component could be constructed by utilizing topology and shape optimization throughout
the entire component development process. Although, mathematical concepts used for structural optimization
tools are well established, its application in industry is not that well established and needs therefore to be
investigated further. At the Endurance Attribute and Chassis CAE group at Volvo Cars in Gothenburg, the
interest of finding a suitable methodology for topology and shape optimization as a natural part of their
component development process increases nowadays.
A topology optimization in a finite element context modifies the connectivity of finite elements with respect
to a pre-defined objective with associated constraints. An example is that the maximum stiffness of a structure
is sought for a given amount of material. Furthermore, it is convenient to assume linear isotropic material
behaviour with small deformation theory. By performing a shape optimization on a structure, its shape in
terms of thickness and radius is varied where non-linear and fatigue material behaviour can be taken into
account. As the need to cut lead times in the product development process as well as the need to reduce weight
of automotive vehicles increases, it becomes more natural to include topology and shape optimization in early
phases of the component development process.
This thesis focuses on a rear lower control arm (RLCA) component, belonging to the rear wheel suspension of
an automotive vehicle at Volvo Cars. Requirements for these system components are verified by physical testing
of strength events and endurance testing. Directional stiffness at some locations are required. Furthermore,
strength events are tested, these represents missuses that could occur during a lifetime of an automotive vehicle.
An example of that could be if the vehicle is driven over a curb. Road load data (RLD) is generated by multi
body simulations (MBS) of a full vehicle model subjected to strength events and endurance tests, this gives
forces and moments on a component level.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this thesis is to establish a methodology for structural topology and shape optimization in
early phases of the component development process, where the application is a RLCA component. The
methodology will include optimization related subjects such as objective function, constraints and also so-called
manufacturing constraints for both the topology and shape optimization parts. Furthermore, load cases and
boundary conditions which are relevant to include with respect to the optimization process are treated.
1.3 Limitations
The structural requirements to consider are directional stiffness, plastic strain, permanent deformation and
damage caused by fatigue below a certain tolerance for different load cases. Hence, the requirements introduces
finite element problems of both linear and non-linear structural behaviour. Although, only static linear FE
problems are considered in the topology optimization part. The initial design volume is three dimensional and
assumed to be fix. Furthermore, the topology optimization considers multiple load case and multiple constraints.
The shape optimization part include static elasto-plastic material behaviour, pre-tension and fatigue analysis.
1.4 Method
The thesis work starts with learning software used for Finite Element (FE) modelling. Thereafter, topology
optimization tutorials are studied. These are followed by a literature study to increase the knowledge of how
topology and shape optimization is used nowadays. The methodology development can be divided into two
parts. The first part focuses on topology optimization where design space, boundary conditions, objective
function with associated constraints and multiple load cases are treated. Furthermore, design constraints
due to the manufacturing process are considered. The influence of the finite element order and grid size are
treated. The design volume for the considered component together with stiffness requirements are provided
by the Chassis design group at Volvo Cars, from where a three dimensional FE-model is constructed. The
CAE load cases and requirements for strength events and the chassis rig cycle are provided by the Endurance
Attribute and Chassis CAE group at Volvo Cars. The second part focuses on shape optimization, where plastic
deformation and fatigue life are treated.
The commercial software used for pre-process FE modeling is ANSA. Both the linear and non-linear static
finite element analysis are solved using ABAQUS whereas TOSCA solves the topology and shape optimization
problems. Two methods to solve the topology optimization problem are available in TOSCA, namely the
controller based Optimality Criterion (OC) and the sensitivity based Method of Moving Asymptotes (MMA).
Fatigue simulations are performed in nCode Designlife. Post-process work is performed in µETA and TOSCA
2 Theory
The general mathematical concepts used to formulate the structural topology and shape optimization problems
during this thesis work are explained in this chapter. A brief introduction to structural optimization is firstly
presented which is followed by an explanation of topology optimization and its application in the commercial
software TOSCA. At last, shape optimization and its application in TOSCA are presented.
A state function g(y) that represents the state variables can be introduced, for example a displacement in
a certain direction. This state function can be incorporated as a constraint to the optimization task, where
it is usually formulated such that g(y) ≤ 0. Consider the case where g(y) is represented by a displacement
vector g(u(x)) in a discrete finite element problem. To establish the state function, this requires that nodal
displacement are solved for
where K is the global stiffness matrix and f is the global load vector. This means that the optimization task
can be expressed in a so-called nested formulation where the equilibrium constraint is taken care of by the
state function formulation
min f (x)
x (2.3)
subject to g(u(x)) ≤ 0
The optimization task presented in equation (2.1) is called simultaneous formulation in comparison. Equation
2.3 is usually solved by evaluating derivatives of f and g with respect to x. In this context, x will represent
a geometrical feature. Based on what geometrical feature that is parametrized, the structural optimization
problem can be classified into:
• Size optimization: the design variable x, represents a structural thickness such as a distributed thickness
or a cross-sectional area of a truss model that can be varied. The optimal thickness typically minimizes
some physical quantity such as the strain energy (compliance) or the deflection, while the equilibrium
constraint has to be fulfilled. The state function may then relative volume.
• Shape optimization: the design variable x, represents the boundary of the state equation. In this case,
the boundary of the considered domain x could vary such that some physical quantity is minimized.
• Topology optimization: the design variable x, represents the connectivity of the domain. It involves
features such as number and sizes of holes in the design domain.
The objective function can also be formulated using several objectives, it is then often called a multi
objective or a vector optimization problem:
min f (f1 (x, y), f2 (x, y), ..., fn (x, y)) (2.4)
where n is the number of objective functions. Since all objectives are minimized with respect to x and y, a
global optimum is not distinct. The objectives can be formulated as a scalar formulation of the objective
functions using weights
f= fi w i (2.5)
where i is the single objective function index and the total sum of the set of weights are
wi = 1 (2.6)
By varying the set of weights, different so-called Pareto optimal points can be found where these solutions
are unique with respect to the associated weight set. The set of different Pareto optimal points gives a Pareto
set, where no objective can be improved without worsen another.
E(ρ) = ρE0
1 if e ∈ Ωmat (2.7)
ρe =
0 if e ∈ Ω \ Ωmat
V is the volume of the initial design domain. When ρe = 1 we consider an element to be filled whereas
an element with ρe = 0 is considered to be a void element. To use a gradient based solution strategy for the
optimization problem, the integer problem described in (2.7) needs to be formulated as a continuous function
so that the density function can take values between 0 and 1 [4]. The most common method to relax the integer
problem is the SIMP (Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization) method. The density function is then written
where p is the penalizing factor that penalizes elements with intermediate densities to approach 0 or 1, ρmin is
the lower density value limit to avoid singularities. Thus, the penalization is achieved without introducing any
explicit penalization scheme. For materials with Poisson ratio ν = 0.3, it is recommended in [5] to use p ≥ 3.
2.2.2 The checkerboard problem
Checkerboarding refers to the problem where optimization results shows elements which are alternating solid
and void in a checkerboard like pattern. It was earlier believed that these regions represented some optimal
microstructure design but proved to be due to poor stiffness respresentation using finite elements [14]. An
illustration of the checkerboard problem for a two dimensional problem is produced by the MATLAB code
described in [2]. It is presented in Figure 2.1, where it can be seen that the checkerboard pattern occurs in
Figure 2.1a. Looking at Figure 2.1b, where a sensitivity filter to mitigate the checkerboard phenomenon is
applied, it can be seen that the material points are placed more homogeneously. Furthermore, higher order
elements and mesh refinement could also mitigate the checkerboard problem.
Sensitivity filter
Computational experience has shown that a sensitivity filter is highly beneficial when searching for a mesh
independent solution whilst not adding on to much computational time or any extra constraints. The design
sensitivity is therefore modified based on a weight average of the neighbourhood elements.
The filter scheme modifies the element sensitivities with respect to the objective function as
∂f new 1 X ∂f
= n H̃i ρi (2.10)
∂ρk P ∂ρi
ρk H̃i i=1
where the weight factor H̃i is based on the distance to neighbourhood elements as H̃i = rmin - dist(k,i).
Furthermore, dist(k,i) is the distance between the center of the considered element k and the the neighbourhood
element i. The neighbourhood elements are defined within a circle with the filter radius rmin .
when considering topology optimization using the SIMP interpolation method, ρ is a vector containing the
element densities. Two common objectives to be minimized are the compliance (C) and the volume (V). An
example of a state function constraint can be a displacement in a certain direction as mentioned in section 2.1.
Minimize compliance
A possibility to maximize the global stiffness of a structure is to minimize its compliance. The compliance is
therefore defined as the equivalent strain energy of the FE solution which yields higher stiffness when minimized.
The compliance is defined as
C(ρ) = f T u (2.12)
where u solves the equilibrium equation
K(ρ)u = f (2.13)
where K(ρ) is
K(ρ) = ρpe K0e (2.14)
K0e is the elemental stiffness matrix with the initial stiffness tensor E0 . To prevent the optimized structure
from ending up with the full design volume as a result when searching for its maximum structural stiffness, we
need to impose a volume constraint. If a gradient based approach is used, derivatives with respect to C(ρ) are
Minimize volume
Another possibility is to minimize the volume.
V (ρ) = ρpe Ve0 (2.15)
where V 0 is the initial volume. To prevent the optimization from minimizing all material, we need for example
to impose a constraint for maximum displacement or effective stress. The optimization task is carried out with
respect to the objective function and constraints. However, if the objective function is formulated with respect
to volume or weight, derivatives are evaluated with respect to the constraints.
If a gradient based solution method is used, the derivatives are evaluated with respect to the constraint
instead of the objective. For example, if a displacement vector is imposed, the so-called state derivatives with
respect to u(ρ) are evaluated.
by using weights and objective subjected to a specific load case p with index k. M is the total amount of load
2.2.5 Solution methods
Two common solutions methods for topology optimization are the Optimality Criteria (OC) and the Method of
Moving Asymptotes (MMA), both of which are described more in detail in [4].
The MMA is similar to other mathematical programming algorithms such as Sequential Linear Programming
(SLP) and Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) to solve non-linear optimization problems in the sense
that they also uses sequences with sub-problems which are approximations of the original problem. For MMA,
these sub-problems are constructed by gradient information, furthermore these approximations are assumed to
be convex.
The OC method uses the method of Lagrange multipliers to establish the optimization task where compliance
is minmized under a volume constraint. This defines an update scheme for the design densities ρ. For simple
compliance optimization problems, the OC may be faster but for more complicated problems involving several
load cases and constraints, the MMA gives better convergence.
• Demold constraints is used to adapt the topology optimized structure to a specific manufacturing
procedure. Specific draw directions can be defined to steer where from the elements are eliminated during
the optimization procedure.
• Member size constraints are used to specify a minimum and/or a maximum member size.
• Design nodes with objective value above the reference value are moved in positive direction relative to its
adjacent normal vector.
• Design nodes with objective value below the reference value are moved in negative direction relative to
its adjacent normal vector.
The objective function is formulated to minimize the maximum objective for the respective objective
min max|Fk (X) − Fref |
x (2.17)
such that Γ∗ ∈ Γ
where Fref is by default in TOSCA set to the average objective value in the design nodes, k is the respective
load case. The design boundary is denoted Γ∗ which belongs to the full boundary Γ. The heuristic redesign
rule could be formulated as
where the increment α is determined by line search to find the steepest decent. Due to computational cost,
TOSCA uses a controller algorithm for the displacement vector update. A manufacturing constraint can be
imposed to specify the movement of displacement scalars, this is named a Grow or Shrink manufacturing
constraint depending on if the nodes are moved in positive or negative normal direction.
3 The component development process
This chapter explains the different phases during the component development process. It starts with an
identification of the steps taken during the current component development project for chassis components.
Thereafter, the component development process using structural optimization tools used during this thesis
work is explained.
component de-
sign volume
no component
Figure 3.1: An example of the flowchart using the traditional component development process.
The next step in the process is to perform a topology optimization. Based on the component design
volume, an FE model is constructed to represent the admissible structure of the design volume using linear
FE assumptions. Furthermore, boundary conditions and load cases are introduced. For practical reasons,
the amount of available load cases generated by MBS to include in a topology optimization is limited due to
computational cost. Therefore, the most severe load cases are to be considered. So-called surrogate component
requirements can be defined with respect to the topology optimization. Furthermore, the idea is to use a linear
FE model for topology optimization. However, only the stiffness requirements are applicable to the topology
optimization using a linear FE model. Therefore one of the challenges of this thesis is to find constraints using
a linear FE model which can represents the requirements involving non-linear or fatigue material behaviour
if so is possible. Due to that simplification, the result after topology optimization is not expected to fulfil
all standard requirements. Hopefully, the structure after the topology optimization is not too far away from
fulfilling the requirements involving nonlinear and fatigue FE analysis.
The topology optimization results causes most often irregular surfaces due to the elimination of elements
during the optimization procedure. The optimized topology structure is then to be translated to a more smooth
structure. At this step, the smoothed finite element grid is reviewed by a Design engineer. The smoothed
design is redesigned with respect to the manufacturing method proposed by the Design engineer. This design
realization step is rather crucial for the outcome of the structural performance of the new component. The
topology optimization results are interpreted by the design engineer and a new component design based on the
optimized design is constructed. This step is discussed more in detail in section 4.4.1 on page 17 in the context
of a RLCA application.
The new component design is subsequently evaluated with respect to the standard FE component analysis.
As mentioned earlier, the standard component requirements does not have to be fulfilled at this step. Although,
an engineering judgement is required to determine whether the structural performance of the component is
sufficient for shape optimization or not. This engineering judgement could be concretized into a so-called
surrogate requirement. If the structural performance is to poor with respect to the standard component
requirements a change of topology optimization configuration is required. Note that both the standard and
surrogate requirements requires the same FE analysis.
Due to the use of linear FE models in topology optimization, this yields that requirements of non-linear or
fatigue characteristics needs to be taken care of by another structural optimization tool. Therefore, the shape
of the structure is modified to fulfil the standard component requirements. For shape optimization, non-linear
finite element and fatigue analysis can be included more conveniently. This means that both EPS and fatigue
life can be considered.
A second design realization needs to be performed by the Design engineer to interpret the shape optimized
design with respect to manufacturability. Although, minor shape changes are done, these needs to be reviewed.
This step is also discussed more in detail in section 4.4.1 on page 17 in the context of a RLCA application.
Finally, the standard component requirements are evaluated. This also requires that a new FE model
needs to be constructed based on the shape design realization geometry. If the component fulfils the standard
requirements, the component is considered to be ready for delivery to the manufacturer as a build to print
project. Else, the procedure is continued from the shape optimization step until the component design fulfils
the standard component requirements.
As mentioned in section 3.1, the manufacturing process is simulated for the considered component design.
In the case of a cast component, the material solidification of molten material is simulated and gates are
placed on the component design. The placement of gates is of importance to control the influence on the
structural performance. Furthermore, the quality of the micro-structure and the avoidance of cavities are
of high importance with respect to the end perfomance. A component optimization strategy including cast
simulation is proposed in [10]. However, this step is beyond the scope of this thesis.
component de-
sign volume
design realization
no component
update optimiza-
shape optimization
tion parameters
design realization
Figure 3.2: Flowchart of the component development process using structural optimization tools.
4 Application to a Rear Lower Control Arm
This chapter explains the component development process of a RLCA using structural optimization tools.
It starts with a presentation of the current RLCA and its structural performance, which is followed by the
application of the RLCA to the component development process using structural optimization tools described
in section 3.2. Thereafter, a parameter study is presented to aid the selection of trial cases. Furthermore,
both the topology and shape design realization steps are explained in a RLCA context. Finally, the process is
demonstrated by running trial cases through the component development process using structural optimization
4.1.1 FE model
The finite element grid is constructed out of 2nd order tetra solid elements using a target element size of 3 mm.
Loads and boundary conditions are subjected via so-called hardpoints. These are the intersection points to
the adjacent components and modelled using distributing coupling constraints, the locations are presented in
Figure 4.1. The Damper attachment located at pt56 in Figure 4.1 is bolted, it is modelled using beam elements
and so-called connector elements. This bolt is named Clevis bracket. Furthermore, the current component
weight which is based on the FE model is 4.07 kg. The first boundary condition, BC1 fixates translation in
both y and z direction. The second boundary condition, BC2 fixates translation in x and z direction. For the
third boundary condition BC3, z direction is fixed.
(a) The current RLCA. (b) A cross section cut of the current RLCA.
Figure 4.1: A finite element model representing the current RLCA component. Hardpoints are highlighted with
given names. The hollow structure can be seen in the cross sectional view in (b).
4.1.2 FE analysis
The stiffness of the current component and requirements are presented in Table 4.1 where it is seen that all
requirements are fulfilled. The effective stress is presented in Figure 4.2 for the worst load case. However, note
that the effective stress is not included in the standard component requirements. This structural performance
is kept in mind during the development of trial cases.
Table 4.1: Stiffness measured at Torsional stiffness (pt18), Damper attachment stiffness (pt68) and Spring stiff-
ness (pt56) together with requirements. The last row shows the discrepancy between the Stiffness requirements
and the current component.
Stiffness pt18 pt68 pt56
Discrepancy [-] +5.00 % +6.00 % +20.00 %
(a) Equivalent plastic strain for the worst considered load case.
Figure 4.2: The worst load case with respect to effective stress after the respective topology design realization.
Firstly, the stiffness requirements. A unit force is subjected in z-direction for the Torsional stiffness (pt18),
Spring attachment stiffness (pt68) and the Damper attachment stiffness (pt56). These locations are described
in Figure 4.1. Thereafter, the displacement at these hardpoints are evaluated with respect to the requirements.
Strength events
The second requirement involves equivalent plastic strain (EPS) and permanent deformation for strength events.
Strength events refers to so-called missuses of the car which gives rise to large forces and moments. An example
could be when a car drives over a curb, this yields large forces and moments. There are four considered strength
events in the optimization process, these are listed below. These are the strength events which gives rise to the
largest forces and moments to the current RLCA. Loosely speaking, the DOC and ROC gives rise to large
vertical loading whereas SAC and BIP gives rise to large lateral loading.
• Drive over curb (DOC)
• Rearwards driving over curb (ROC)
The strength events are simulated by MBS representing a complete car subjected to these strength events.
Road load data (RLD) generated by MBS gives forces and moments on a component level. The time steps
for which the largest forces and moments occurs are analysed further using a linear static FE model. Note
that several load cases could be generated from one strength event. Effective stress are thereafter evaluated
according to von Mises.
vM 3
σ = | σdev : σdev | (4.1)
where σdev is the deviatoric part of the stress tensor according to
The last requirement involves fatigue. Load history are given by MBS that simulates a physical chassis rig test.
The method to calculate damage from stress cycles is the standard EN method, which uses the strain based
Coffin-Manson-Basquin formulation. Firstly, the strain tensor history is assembled by scaling and superposition
of FE results. Unit static load cases are subjected separately to the structure to generate strain responses using
linear elastic material. These strain responses are subsequently scaled with the load history and superimposed.
Secondly, an equivalent strain is calculated by the Absolute Maximum Principle value, where the largest
magnitude principle strains for each time step are stored. Thereafter, a Rainflow count is performed and
local plasticity is estimated using Neuber’s rule, the position in each hysteresis loop is tracked simultaneously.
Neuber’s rule estimates notch stresses and strains which gives a rough estimate of localized plasticity. Finally,
accumulated damage D are calculated using Palmgren-Miner’s rule. These concepts are discussed more in
detailed in [8]. Furthermore, fatigue life is referred to as the inverse of damage. Peak loads from the chassis rig
load history can be evaluated by linear static FE analysis, it is called a Robustness check in this thesis. EPS or
permanent deformation in hardpoints are not allowed with respect to the Robustness check.
4.3 Parameter study
A brief parameter study is conducted to aid the selection of optimization parameters to the trial cases. The
aim of the parameter study is therefore to get a feeling of how the topology optimization works in an RLCA
application when varying some of its parameters.
Table 4.2: The objective weight of topology optimization when subjected to the loading described in the first
Load case Weight [kg]
All stiffness 1.98
All stiffness+DOC 1.99
All stiffness+DOC+BIP 2.47
All stiffness+DOC+BIP+ROC 2.62
All stiffness+DOC+BIP+ROC+SAC 2.67
The design realization performed based on the topology optimization design includes several steps. The
prospected manufacturing method is chosen based on the topology optimization design. In this thesis, sand
casting is proposed for all trial cases. The following design realization steps are therefore explained with respect
to sand casting. Firstly the mould tool direction is set. Thereafter, a split line which separates the mould into
two parts is set. Any holes coming from topology optimization design are considered when defining the split
line which separates the two mould parts. Furthermore draft angles are defined, these are usually provided by
the manufacturer. A sand core is constructed to define the component geometry. Here, the Design engineer
strives to resemble the topology optimized geometry as much as possible. A constant cross-sectional thickness
is defined for most of the component regions. Finally machining is considered with respect to the adjacent
component surfaces. At this stage the topology design realization is done. However, the Design engineer can
only give a conceptual design proposal since the cast material solidification needs to be verified further.
Looking into design realization based on shape optimization, the main challenge here is to follow the proposed
shape without making too sharp or large variations of the component thickness. Furthermore, draft angles are
considered. Note that if the design is constructed with the minimum cross sectional thickness due to the cast
process, the shape is not allowed to shrink.
4.5 Trial case 1
The purpose of the first trial case is to investigate if it is sufficient to only use the three stiffness requirements
and load cases in the topology optimization to fulfil all the standard component requirements in the end of the
process. This approach has been successful for another chassis component at the Endurance Attribute and
Chassis CAE group.
Figure 4.3: The initial design volume of the RLCA component. Tracks in the structure are generated by a
kinematic analysis of adjacent system components.
The objective weight is minimized to 1.98 kg. The finite elements generated by the topology optimization
are thereafter modified using tosca.smooth to produce smooth surfaces. An isosurface is created at elements
with intermediate densities greater or equal to 0.3, from where the new smoothed geometry is generated. The
isosurface value is determined by testing different parameter values and observing the most continuous structure
design. The new geometry created from the isosurface is presented in Figure 4.4a, it can be seen that the
geometry looks rather edgy including many small holes and loose elements. The loose elements is a consequence
of the smooth procedure.
Figure 4.4: The design before and after the topology design realization step. The design in (a) is interpreted by
the Design engineer to fulfil manufacturing constraints to the new design (b). Note that the general outline in
(a) is kept while small holes are filled with material. Loose structure elements observed in (a) comes from the
smooth procedure, these are disregarded in the design realization step.
4.5.4 FE analysis
The directional stiffness response for the three load cases of the design realized component is presented in Table
4.4. Note that the discrepancy of the stiffness between Trial Case 1 and the requirement are rather high.
Table 4.4: Stiffness measured at Torsional stiffness (pt18), Damper attachment stiffness (pt68) and Spring
stiffness (pt56) together with the requirements. The last row shows the discrepancy between the Stiffness
requirement and Trial case 1 after the topology design realization step.
Stiffness pt18 pt68 pt56
Discrepancy [-] +46.33 % +50.64 % +62.60 %
By looking at Figure 4.5a, it can be seen that the normalized EPS requirement of 1 is not fulfilled. So-called
hotspots which are local regions with high accumulation of EPS or fatigue life occurs mainly at regions close to
sharp geometry changes. The fatigue life is presented in Figure 4.5b when the component is subjected to one
chassis rig cycle. It can be seen that many regions on the component surface are below this normalized criteria
of 1.
(a) Equivalent plastic strain (b) Fatigue life after one chassis rig cycle
Figure 4.5: Regions where the EPS exceeded the requirement threshold are marked with red color. The fatigue
life after one chassis rig cycle shows many regions where the fatigue requirement of 1 is not fulfilled.
4.5.5 Discussion
The load cases subjected to the component design volume yields both twisting and bending moment to the
component structure. It seems therefore efficient in a weight saving sense to have ribs placed as a shell of a
hollow structure while fulfilling the stiffness requirements. Sand casting which is the current manufacturing
method for the current RLCA is suggested by the Design engineer. Since the design realization requires an
additional reinforcement of material due to too large EPS, this indicates that this problem needs to be taken
care of in the topology optimization configuration if so possible. Furthermore, the optimal structure wants to
expand to the geometrical boundaries of the initial design volume. This brings that some of the geometrical
features from the design volume geometry are transferred to the optimized design. Some of the sharp edges
coming from the design volume shape are therefore kept, these features could give rise to stress concentration
regions. One reason for this is that stress is not considered during the optimization whilst it is optimal due to
minimal weight to put material close to the outer design volume boundaries. Lastly, Trial case 1 is aborted due
to too heavy weight (3.66 kg) in comparison with the current component weight (4.07 kg). Furthermore, the
stiffness over achieves the requirement rather much at the topology design realization step.
4.5.6 Conclusions
• The stiffness requirements used as a constraints for the topology optimization task is too high set when
looking at the component stiffness after the design realization.
• If additional load cases and constraints are introduced to the optimization task used for this trial case,
this will most likely increase the weight further.
• The topology optimization design is extensively modified during the design realization step. This means
that too small variation of topology optimization parameters and requirements might not affect the
outcome of the topology design realization.
• One possibility to lower the weight while including more load cases is to modify the design volume
• Another possibility to lower the weight is to change the optimization task in order to achive a more clear
topological design which enables more or larger holes to the component structure during the topology
design realization.
Figure 4.6: The second design volume of the RLCA component. The height is reduced and sharp edges are
smoothed out from the initial design volume.
4.6.2 Topology optimization
The topology optimization configuration is presented in Table 4.5. The optimization algorithm is the sensitivity
based MMA, same as used for Trial case 1. The optimization task is now to minimize compliance for all load
cases described in Table 4.5 under a volume constraint. This optimization objective gives often more smooth
transitions of intermediate densities compared to when minimizing weight. The density update scheme is
changed to conservative since this formulation is more stable. The volume constraint is based on the parameter
study section 4.3.4, a weight between two and three kg seems reasonable by looking at Table 4.2. This, since
the weight of an optimal structure fulfilling the stiffness and compliance constraints when subjected to the
stiffness and strength event load cases is 2.67 kg. The strength events BIP and SAC are included to increase
the lateral stiffness compared to Trial case 1. Note that forces and moments are applied in all hardpoints for
each strength event respectively, this yields a more complex type of loading to the structure compared to the
stiffness load cases. The structure is thereafter smoothed with an isosurface value of 0.3, before it is sent to the
topology design realization step. This isosurface parameter value is estimated by variation of the parameter
and then observing a topology design with continuous structure.
Table 4.5: The configuration of the optimization task for Trial case 2. The volume fraction constraint correspond
to a weight of 2.53 kg.
Optimization algorithm Sensitivity based MMA
Objective function Minimize compliance
Constraint Vf ≤ 0.09
Torsional stiffness
Damper attachment stiffness
Load case Spring stiffness
Filter radius 2x mean element size
Density update scheme conservative
4.6.4 FE analysis
The directional stiffness is presented in Table 4.6. It can be seen that the stiffness are under achived compared
to the stiffness requirement.
Table 4.6: Stiffness measured at Torsional stiffness (pt18), Damper attachement stiffness (pt68) and Spring
stiffness (pt56) together with requirements. The last row shows the discrepancy between the stiffness requirement
and Trial case 2 after the topology design realization. The different hardpoints where stiffness are measured
can be seen in Figure 4.1 on page 13.
Stiffness pt18 pt68 pt56
Discrepancy [-] -36.67 % -46.40 % -36.08 %
The linear FE analysis of all considered strength events shows significantly high effective stress compared
to the effective stress of the current component presented in Figure 4.2. Recall that effective stress is not
included in the optimization task, however too high effective stress peaks indicates that this problem needs to
be addressed before focusing on EPS and fatigue life. The most severe strength events are DOC and ROC with
respect to effective stress. The DOC is presented in Figure 4.8a on page 24, where high effective stress regions
can be spotted.
(a) Before design realization (b) Design realization
Figure 4.7: The design before and after the design realization step. The design in (a) is interpreted by the
Design engineer to fulfil manufacturing constraints to the realized design (b). Loose structure elements observed
in (a) comes from the smooth procedure, these are disregarded by the design realization step.
Table 4.7: Configuration of the shape optimization task for Trial case 2.
Optimization algorithm Controller based OC
Objective function Minmax |σ vM - σref |
Constraint Volume fraction ≤ 5%
Load case DOC
4.6.7 FE analysis
The stiffness results are presented in Table 4.8, it can be seen that the stiffness of the realized design does not
fulfil the requirement. However, a stiffness analysis was performed prior to the shape design realization step to
get a feeling for how much the stiffness can be expected to increase. These results are presented on the two
rows in the middle of Table 4.8.
The peak effective stresses are still rather high for DOC and ROC, although a shape optimization to
Table 4.8: Stiffness measured at Torsional stiffness (pt18), Damper attachment stiffness (pt68) and Spring
stiffness (pt56) before and after design realization together with requirements. The discrepancy between the
stiffness requirement, both pre and post shape design realization are shown. Note that the ∗ indicates that this
stiffness is measured prior to the design realization, this in order to get a feeling for how much the stiffness
increases during the shape design realization.
Stiffness pt18 pt68 pt56
Discrepancy* [-] +19.00 % -4.60 % -6.56 %
Discrepancy [-] -13.00 % -36.40 % -23.96 %
minimize effective stress was performed. The effective stress is visualized in Figure 4.8 when subjected to the
strength event DOC. It can be seen that high effective stress regions in Figure 4.8a are minimized to Figure
4.8b during one shape optimization step.
Figure 4.8: Effective stress for the worst strength event DOC.
4.6.8 Discussion
The topology optimization task where compliance is minimzed under a volume constraint gives a more clear
and distinct rib structure. This is easier to realize by the Design engineer compared to Trial case 1 when
applying the sand cast method to the topology optimization design. The reduced design volume brings that not
as much material needs to be filled out with respect to the cast process compared to Trial case 1. It can also
be seen that the reduction of sharp features of the geometry gives less potential stress concentration regions.
The linear FE analysis subsequent to the topology design realization shows that effective stress are rather high,
especially for the strength events DOC and ROC. This indicates that it can be worth to incorporate these load
cases to the topology optimization task. The shape optimization performed yields both lower effective stress
and higher stiffness. Unfortunately, the effective stress of the design realization proposal is not minimized as
much as the shape optimization objective shows due to the shape design realization. However, more than one
linear shape optimization loop could be performed. Lastly, Trial case 2 is aborted due to too high effective
stress levels and the time frame of this thesis.
4.6.9 Conclusions
• The choice of compliance as an objective contributes to a more clear rib structure design which is easier
for the Design engineer to interpret.
• A shape optimization using linear FE analysis is used instead of a nonlinear FE analysis which is suggested
in the component development process. This seems necessary due to too high effective stress. Furthermore,
linear FE analysis are less computational costly to evaluate compared to a nonlinear FE analysis.
Figure 4.9: The design before and after the design realization step. The design in (a) is interpreted by the
Design engineer to fulfil manufacturing constraints in the realized design (b).
4.7.2 FE analysis
The stiffness results are presented in Table 4.9. It can be seen that the Torsional stiffness (pt18) requirement is
further away from fulfilling the requirement than the others.
The worst case strength event due to effective stress, DOC is presented in Figure 4.11a on page 28. It can
be seen that the effective stress peaks are rather high.
Table 4.9: Stiffness measured at Torsional stiffness (pt18), Damper attachment stiffness (pt68) and Spring
stiffness (pt56) before and after design realization together with requirements.
Stiffness pt18 pt68 pt56
Discrepancy [-] -26.67 % +1.00 % -1.08 %
The configuration of the first shape optimization is presented in Table 4.10. The effective stress objectives
of the most severe strength event load cases DOC and BIP are minimized from 941 and 631 to 579 and 397
MPa respectively. A volume fraction constraint of 4 % is imposed to control the increase of weight. This value
can be varied to find a good balance between volume fraction and objective value. However, the influence of
this parameter is rather small if a volume fraction above 4% is chosen. Furthermore a grow control condition is
incorporated, it was mentioned in section 4.4.1 that the design is realized with the lowest applicable minimum
material thickness, hence the design surface is not allowed to shrink.
Table 4.10: Configuration of the first shape optimization task for Trial case 3, ud is the scalar displacement of
a design node.
Optimization algorithm Controller based OC
Objective function Minmax |σ vM - σref |
Constraint Volume fraction Vf ≤ 4%
Manufacturing constraint Grow control ud ∈ [0,5]mm
Load case
The difference between the first and second shape optimization is that the only DOC is considered and the
volume fraction constraint is increased from 4 to 8 %. The objective is minimized from 839 to 559 MPa.
Table 4.11: Configuration of the second shape optimization task for Trial case 3.
Optimization algorithm Controller based OC
Objective function Minmax |σ vM - σref |
Constraint Volume fraction Vf ≤ 8%
Manufacturing constraint Grow control ud ∈ [0,5]mm
Load case DOC
The third shape optimization step focuses on minimizing damage. The configuration is presented in Table
4.12. No specific volume constraint is specified whereas the grow control manufacturing constraint is used as
done for the second shape optimization. The most critical fatigue life is increased from 2.56 to 4.16 %.
The fourth shape optimization step focuses on minimizing both damage and plastic strain. Both objectives
are normalized to use the minmax formulation properly, since we minimize the maximum objective value, both
objectives are normalized to avoid that one of the objectives becomes much higher than the other. Furthermore,
the material added during shape optimization step one to three brings that the design surface is now allowed
Table 4.12: Configuration of the third shape optimization task for Trial case 3.
Optimization algorithm Controller based OC
Objective function Minmax |D - Dref |
Manufacturing constraint Grow control ud ∈ [0,5]mm
Load case One chassis rig cycle
to both shrink and grow as specified in the manufacturing condition in Table 4.13. The objectives EPS and
damage are minimized, this yields EPS and fatigue life from 0.015 and 4 % and to 0.012 and 18.9 %. Note that
these objective values are the extreme nodal values.
Table 4.13: Configuration of the fourth shape optimization task for Trial case 3.
Optimization algorithm Controller based OC
|D−D | | −e,ref |
Objective function Minmax w1 Dvalref + w2 e e,val
Manufacturing constraint Grow control ud ∈ [-1,5]mm
One chassis rig cycle
Load case
4.7.5 FE analysis
The stiffness results of the fourth shape optimization design are presented in Table 4.14. It can be seen that
the stiffness requirements are fulfilled at this stage.
The effective stress for all design realization steps of Trial case 3 is presented in Figure 4.11. Looking at the
effective stress of the topology design realization, it can be seen that high effective stress is spread out on large
regions of the component. The next result shows the first shape design realization where the objective was
to minimize the effective stress of the two worst load cases, it can be seen that rather large effective stress
regions are reduced. By comparing the first and the second shape design realization, it is seen that the the
overall effective stress is reduced further. Note that it is the damage which is minimized when comparing the
difference between the second and third shape realization, although this brings further reduction of effective
stress. By comparing the third and fourth shape design realization where EPS and damage are minimized, it is
seen that the reduction of effective stress is not as significant compared to the previous steps.
The fatigue life is presented in Figure 4.12b to 4.12d. Firstly, the fatigue life of the topology design realized
part is presented, rather large regions where the requirement is not fulfilled can be observed. By comparing
the topology and second shape design realization where the effective stress has been minimized in two shape
optimization steps, it is seen that the fatigue life is significantly improved. Between the second and third design
realization where the objective was to minimize damage, it can be seen that the fatigue life has improved
further, the same goes for the third to fourth design realization. However, note that the standard component
requirement are not fulfilled at this stage.
It should be mentioned that the nonlinear FE analysis for EPS after the topology design realization did
not converge when subjected to the worst load case with respect to effective stress, therefore it is not showed.
Looking at Figure 4.12e to 4.12f, it is noticeable that the EPS is reduced somewhat. Note that neither this
requirement is fulfilled at this stage.
Table 4.14: Stiffness measured at Torsional stiffness (pt18), Damper attachment stiffness (pt68) and Spring
stiffness (pt56) are compared to the stiffness requirements.
Stiffness pt18 pt68 pt56
Discrepancy [-] +11.34 % +11.00 % +12.40 %
(a) Topology design realization. (b) First shape design realization.
(c) Second shape design realization. (d) Third shape design realization.
Figure 4.11: The worst strength event with respect to effective stress after the respective shape design realization.
(a) Topology design realization. (b) Second shape design realization.
(c) Third shape design realization. (d) Fourth shape design realization.
(e) Third shape design realization. (f) Fourth shape design realization.
Figure 4.12: FE analysis of Trial case 3 with respect to fatigue life and EPS. Note that the two first rows shows
fatigue life whereas the last row shows EPS.
4.7.6 Discussion
The addition of the DOC and ROC load cases to the topology optimization task gives a change of design
compared to Trial case 2. However, the increase of weight during the topology design realization step is slightly
higher compared to Trial case 2. Furthermore, the effective stress of the worst load case is lower compared to
Trial case 2 after the topology design realization, that is the purpose of Trial case 3. Although the effective
stress peak values are still rather high at this stage. Furthermore, the EPS analysis does not converge due to
too high EPS after the topology design realization. The shape optimization part are divided into several steps,
where one step contains of one shape optimization, design realization and a FE analysis. One reason for this is
the FE mesh quality, in shape optimization nodes are compressed or elongated, this gives a limitation of nodal
movement with respect to FE mesh. The increase of material during these steps are rather low, (4%) increase
of material in total for these four shape optimization steps with respect to the topology design realization
weight. Furthermore, the grow control manufacturing condition proved to work well. The FE analysis of the
fourth shape design realization fulfils the stiffness requirement whilst the EPS and fatigue requirement are not
fulfilled. However, the remaining hotspots are rather small. Since the increase of material during each shape
optimization step is rather low, this enables that the shape optimization step strategy can be continued further.
Although, it is has not been investigated how the process of shape optimization steps is supposed to be set up
to fulfil the requirements with as low weight as possible.
4.7.7 Conclusions
• By adding DOC and ROC to the topology optimization task optimization task, this gave lower effective
stress and somewhat more weight compared to Trial case 2 at the toplogy design realization step (+290
• The effective stress peaks for the worst load case are still too high in order to perform multi-objective
shape optimization directly after the topology design realization step.
• The approach presented in Figure 4.10 seems rather efficient in the sense that all considered quantities are
gradually reduced during the shape design realization steps whilst not adding too much weight. Although
it is not said that this shape optimization step process is the most efficient one.
• The weight is 3.13 kg at the topology design realization step. The weight has increased 150 grams during
the four shape optimization steps, starting from the topology design realization step.
4.8 Trial case 4
The purpose of Trial case 4 is to investigate if load cases from the robustness check can improve the fatigue life
and also give a more robust design due to effective stress and EPS. Recall the robust check from section 4.2.
This gives in total 25 static load subjected in the topology optimization task. The design volume and topology
optimization configuration are the same as used for Trial case 3, except from the robustness check load cases.
Figure 4.13: The design before and after the design realization step. The design in (a) is interpreted by the
Design engineer to fulfil manufacturing constraints to the realized design (b).
4.8.2 FE analysis
The stiffness results is presented in Table 4.15, it can be seen that all stiffness requirements are fulfilled.
Table 4.15: Stiffness measured at Torsional stiffness (pt18), Damper attachment stiffness (pt68) and Spring
stiffness (pt56) are compared to the stiffness requirements.
Stiffness pt18 pt68 pt56
Discrepancy [-] +8.33 % +4.90 % +7.80 %
The effective stress, EPS and fatigue life are presented in Figure 4.14 where FE analyses are preformed
after the topology design realization. Note that EPS is evaluated directly after the topology design realization
step. The overall impression is that peak EPS and fatigue life are not too far away from fulfilling the standard
component requirements.
(a) Topology design realization.
Figure 4.14: The worst load case with respect to effective stress after the respective topology design realization.
4.8.3 Discussion
The weight of the topology design realized part is almost the same as for Trial case 3, the increase is 0.6 %.
Note that the topology optimization designs of Trial case 3 and 4 looks rather similar.
By comparing the effective stress between Trial case 3 and 4 after topology optimization, see Figure 4.14a
and 4.11a, it is seen that Trial case 4 shows significantly smaller regions of high effective stress. This tendancy
is also seen when comparing fatigue life in Figure 4.12a and Figure 4.14c. The EPS can not be compared since
it does not converge for the other Trial cases at this stage. Finally, Trial case 4 is aborted due to the time
frame of this thesis.
4.8.4 Conclusions
• By including peak loads from the chassis rig cycle (robustness check) to the topology optimization task,
it is possible to not only improve fatigue life but also reduce effective stress and EPS compared to Trial
case 3 at the topology design realization step.
5 Discussion
This chapter discusses the component development process using structural optimization tools with respect to
the RLCA application.
5.3 Application to other components
In this thesis, sand casting was proposed as the manufacturing method for all considered trial cases, although this
might not be the case for other components subjected to this methodology. The main differences by subjecting
another component to the process would most likely be the design realization step where manufacturability is
considered or whether manufacturing constraints can be successfully incorporated to the topology optimization
task. By changing the manufacturing method to additive manufacturing for example, this would more or less
remove the design realization step because of the capability in complex geometry with this method. Although
the process for both topology and shape optimization would still be necessary due to the fatigue and EPS
requirements which requires the nonlinear FE and fatigue analysis handled by shape optimization. Another
example could be a component where the load cases and boundary conditions subjected enables manufacturing
constraints to be successfully incorporated to the optimization task in the sense that the structural performance
fulfils requirements where the weight is lower compared to a current component. As mentioned in section 4.5
for Trial case 1, another chassis component was constructed by topology optimization using manufacturing
constraints. This strategy was not applicable for a RLCA component however.
A general recommendation for how to use this methodology with respect to other chassis components is
1. Start with an initial design volume. Trim sharp edges which might lead to stress concentration regions.
Note that the outer surface of the design volume could remain to the outer surface of the optimized
2. Perform topology optimization without manufacturing constraints.
3. Discuss and propose a manufacturing method together with a Design engineer. If several manufacturing
methods are applicable, evaluate these different concepts separately throughout the topology optimization
loop. Use manufacturing constraints if the topology optimization using manufacturing constraints gives a
lower weight with better or equal structural performance compared to a current component.
4. Perform a standard FE analysis and evaluate the structural performance of the component by engineering
judgement to determine if the component is ready for shape optimization or not. This step correspond
to the ”satisfies surrogate requirements?” step in the process showed in Figure 4.10 on page 26 .If the
component is ”too” far away from fulfilling the standard CAE requirements, the optimization task can be
re-formulated with tighter constraints. If the weight is too high after topology design realization due
to the manufacturing method, the design volume can be reduced. If the components over achieves with
respect to stiffness requirements, this means that the weight could be reduced further.
5. Lastly, choose the concept with the lowest weight together with best structural performance if several
concepts are evaluated. Thereafter, verify the manufacturing feasibility and proceed with shape optimiza-
tion to fulfil standard CAE requirements. In the case of cast component, a person with cast expertise can
be consulted to verify the component design due to manufacturability if needed.
6 Further work
This chapter proposes some of the further work that can be done based on this thesis.
component de-
sign volume
design realization
cast simulation
no component
update optimiza-
shape optimization
tion parameters
design realization
Figure 6.1: Flowchart of the component development process using structural optimization tools with respect to
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A Additional topology parameter study results
In this appendix, additional parameter study results are presented.
Figure A.1: The topology optimization design using a member size constraint.
Figure A.2: The topology optimization design using auto demold constraint.
Figure A.3: The topology optimization design using auto tight demold constraint.
(a) Controller based OC method (b) Sensitivity based MMA
Figure A.4: A comparison between the controller based OC and sensitivity based MMA method. Red color
indicates solid element whereas blue color indicates void element.