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The Bowdoin Orient - Vol. 149, No. 17 - February 21, 2020

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The Nation’s Oldest Continuously Published College Weekly Friday, February 21, 2020 Volume 149, Number 17 bowdoinorient.com

Anthony Jack demands more of higher education

painted the air with his out- Speaking to a diverse crowd self, spoke of the privileged “Access ain’t inclusion,” he who were integral to Jack’s
by Diego Velasquez stretched arm while address- of students, faculty and com- poor, those from underrep- said. success in his college years,
Staff Writer
ing the crowd. munity members, Jack deliv- resented communities and He emphasized that learn- though they are often over-
Anthony Jack, assistant pro- Jack gave this semester’s ered a clear and impassioned low-income upbringings with ing the “hidden curriculum” looked. They were the house-
fessor at the Harvard Graduate Santagata Memorial Lecture message: it is not the role of parents who did not get the of office hours, letters of rec- keepers, the security officers,
School of Education, nearly based on his book, “The Privi- students to educate the uni- opportunity to attend college, ommendation and the par- the dining staff—“the unsung
broke into song as he spoke leged Poor: How Elite Colleges versity on what they should who do “make it.” Speaking ticular ways of being that are heroes of the college”—whom
in front of a packed audience are Failing Poor Students.” The already be doing—it is the role from personal experience, Jack often taken for granted in Jack thanked during the start
in Kresge Auditorium on lecture served as a keynote of the institution to know and discussed what it is like for stu- these privileged spaces can be of his lecture.
Wednesday. With three fin- event of Bowdoin’s Black His- to learn to be better. dents who are unfamiliar with challenging for students new Associate Dean of Student
gers pressed against his palm tory Month and Beyond cele- Jack, once a low-income, the landscape of elite institu- to these institutions.
and his pointer extended, he bration. first-generation student him- tions to walk onto this campus. There were some people Please see JACK, page 3

The president in the living room: Administration

Rose answers student questions clarifies political
advertising policy “We’ve long had this policy,”
by Reuben Schafir said Hintze. “This year we just
Orient Staff
put some more examples to
Not long after students ar- better help direct students.”
rived on campus this semester, Additionally, College House
posters supporting various residents received an email
political candidates began to from Associate Dean of Stu-
appear. dent Affairs and Director of
The ongoing primary sea- Residential and Student Life
son prompted the Division of Mike Ranen on February 13
Student Affairs to remind stu- clarifying the application of the
dents of a longstanding policy policy to College Houses.
regarding political posters and Ranen followed up Hintze’s
events. email because College Hous-
In an email to the student es are not permitted to spend
body on February 5, Direc- money in the same way that
tor of Student Activities Nate student groups are.
Hintze wrote that, “established College House budgets
student groups … may use come from the College. 501(c)
Bowdoin’s resources for par- (3) organizations such as Bow-
tisan political purposes,” such doin “may not participate in,
as inviting candidates to hold or intervene in (including the
ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT rallies on campus or hanging publishing or distributing of
posters. According to Hintze, statements), any political cam-
the emails were little more than paign on behalf of (or in op-
a reminder of existing College position to) any candidate for
policy, the Political Activity
Policy. Please see CAMPAIGNS, page 3
PRESIDENTIAL GRILLING: President Clayton Rose answers questions from students and Associate Professor of Classics Robert Sobak in Reed House
on Thursday night. Topics ranged from housekeeper wages to James “Jes” Staley’s ’79 P’11 status on the Board of Trustees and mental health services.

by Ian Ward
Orient Staff
affinity groups.
The discussion between
Rose and attendees was ani-
what we said. In retrospect,
would I have written it differ-
ently to acknowledge some of
sues, and I don’t want to create
issues within the group, and I
don’t want to call people out,
First gender non-binary
President Clayton Rose
joined a small group of stu-
dents in the living room of
mated at times, with students
and Sobak taking turns push-
ing back on Rose’s answers or
that? Maybe,” said Rose. “I’ve
learned a lot, I make mistakes;
I’m going to always do that. My
and I don’t want to put them at
odds with each other.”
Rose also defended the
person to run for U.S.
Reed House for an intimate
question-and-answer session
on Thursday evening. During
pressing him with multiple
follow-up questions.
Early in the discussion, stu-
goal is to get better and not try
to make the same one more
than once.”
Board of Trustees’ decision not
to censure Staley, who is the
CEO of Barclays as well as a
Senate visits Bowdoin
nearly two hours of discussion, dents questioned Rose about Rose reiterated his personal member of the Board. Kidman, a Saco-based public
students pressed Rose on an the content of his email to the support for the housekeeping Last Thursday, Barclays an- by Rebecca Norden-Bright defender, is a candidate in the
Orient Staff
array of hot-button campus is- campus in October announc- staff and the College’s commit- nounced that Staley is under Democratic Senate primary and
sues, ranging from James “Jes” ing progressive increases to the ment to ensuring safe and fair investigation by the Financial “How many people here think the first non-binary person to run
Staley’s ’79 P’11 status on the minimum starting wages for working conditions for campus Conduct Authority and Bank you can buy an election?” asked for Senate. They are running on a
Board of Trustees to campus the College’s hourly employ- employees while defending his of England’s Prudential Regu- U.S. Senate candidate Bre Kid- platform of campaign finance
mental health services and the ees. In his email, Rose cited decision not to respond direct- lation Authority for statements man. and election reform, among other
fight for a living wage for Bow- Maine’s tight labor market and ly to BLA organizing. he made to the regulatory Every hand in the room went progressive issues.
doin’s housekeeping staff. a new round of hiring at near- “When you’re dealing with agencies about his profession- up. Kidman had never run for of-
The event was organized by by Bath Iron Works as the im- specific issues—what needs al relationship with disgraced “How many people think you fice before declaring their candi-
members of Reed House with petus for the wage hikes with- to be addressed, what doesn’t financier and convicted sex should buy an election?” asked dacy in April of last year, making
the assistance of Associate out mentioning recent campus need to be addressed, how we offender Jeffrey Epstein. Kidman. them the first Democratic candi-
Professor of Classics and Reed organizing by the Bowdoin La- fix things—those are things On Thursday, Rose restated This time, no one raised a date to enter the race. After trying
House faculty advisor Robert bor Alliance (BLA) and other that relate to the folks in his support for the committee’s hand. to contact Senator Susan Collins
Sobak, who served as a moder- student groups. housekeeping, and the way decision not to remove Staley “That’s consistent with what about a piece of legislation they
ator during the discussion. Or- Asked why he omitted men- that I think is the best way to from the Board following an I see all over the state,” said Kid- opposed, Kidman became frus-
ganizers capped the event at 35 tion of BLA organizing, Rose handle it is to work with our investigation by the Board’s man, who is running to represent trated with the lack of response
students and first allowed resi- admitted to having reserva- housekeepers and not put Governance Committee into Maine in the U.S. Senate. “And and the general lack of account-
dents of Reed House to sign up tions about his phrasing. any of them on the spot,” said Staley’s relationship with Ep- so most of what I talk about, and ability from public officials.
before extending registration “I was honest about what Rose. “There are a variety of stein. most of what my campaign is “Nobody made me mad
to Reed House affiliates and drove [the wage hikes] at the different points of view within about is, the fact that it’s on us to
members of various campus time, and that’s why we said that group about all of these is- Please see ROSE, page 4 change that.” Please see KIDMAN, page 4

TV star accepted early decision into Class Professor Andrew Hamilton hosts biweekly Tala Glass ’20 discusses her passion for Women’s swim and dive breaks records at The Fox Box reckons with the dangers of
of 2023. Page 3. trivia at Moderation Brewing. Page 5. sculpture. Page 7. NESCACs. Page 9. the World Wide Web . Page 11.
2 Friday, February 21, 2020

2/14 to 2/20 STUDENT SPEAK:
What’s something you got in trouble for as a kid?
Friday, February 14 Tuesday, February 18
• A student drying her hair in Appleton • A student reported having an uncom-
Hall accidentally activated a smoke fortable conversation with a man who Allegra Bersani ’20
alarm. approached them at a local coffee shop.
• Burnt food in the Osher Hall kitchen
oven set off a building fire alarm. Wednesday, February 19
"I keyed my parents’ landlord’s BMW
• A concerned parent requested a well-
ness check for a student at Coles Tower.
• A security officer investigated a report
of a suspicious vehicle parked in the
when I was seven."
• A student reported unwanted attention Helmreich House parking lot with a man
from a contracted worker on campus. seated behind the wheel. The situation
The matter was immediately addressed, was determined to be a disabled vehicle
and the worker is no longer associated and the driver was waiting for a tow
with the College. truck.
• A student in Coleman Hall was cited • A student crossing Maine Street near Gabby Unipan ’21
for possession of alcohol by a minor. Howell House reported an irate encoun-

Saturday, February 15
ter with a motorist.
• A College-owned MacBook was reported
"One time I waterboarded my
• An officer responded to a noise com-
plaint and dispersed a gathering in the
to be missing or stolen from the Roux
Center for the Environment. The matter
basement of Reed House. is under investigation.
• A 20-minute power outage at Drucken-
miller Hall was resolved. Thursday, February 20
• A student reported the theft of an • A student experiencing flu-like symp-
AirPods case from the library at Ladd toms was taken to Mid Coast Hospital at
House. the request of the health center. Hannah Schleifer ’20
Sunday, February 16
• There was a report of loud music on the
"I climbed up the shelving in Costco,
10th floor of Coles Tower.
• There was a report of loud music
and I couldn’t get down."
on the 12th floor of Coles Tower.
• An officer assisted a student who
was stuck in an elevator at Hyde
• A sick student at West Hall was
given an escort to Mid Coast Uriel Lopez-Serrano ’20

Monday, February 17
"I stuck my finger in an electrical
• Officers aided a despondent
student and obtained counseling
• Evidence of a small fire was
discovered in the basement level
west stairwell at Ladd House.
There was no damage to College
property. An investigation is in
Emma Hargreaves ’23
• Students playing indoor dodge- "I knocked over an entire display
ball in Winthrop Hall accidental-
ly damaged a lighted exit sign. of books at Borders because I did a
• Students walking on College
Street reported having a verbal cartwheel inside the store. "
altercation with the driver of a pickup

63. Shoe store country music label)
64. “Are we there ___?” 31. “Ok, nevermind,” casually
65. Ready 32. “Will fall,” in Rome
66. Benz or polyethyl follower 33. Suffix for “loyal” or “royal”
CREATED BY AUGUST RICE 37. Org. whose academy’s
DOWN motto in English is “The sea
ACROSS starred clues 1. Moose ___, Saskatchewan yields to knowledge”
1. Bad guy in “Oklahoma!” 34. Thur. follower 2. _____-friendly interface 38. Gun lobbyist org.
4. Tango number 35. Tea in Chinese 3. They’re risky to slide into 39. Type of sugar
7. Disorder that can cause 36. B & O and Reading, for two 5. Lofted golf club 40. Early Roman poet and
abdominal pain, for short of them (Abbr.) 6. ‘Enry’s ‘ouse annalist, Quintus ___
10. Yoga sounds 37. Somber vase 7. Taxing agency 41. Something that “changes”
13. Popular type of videos *39. See 29-Across 8. Abbr. meaning it won’t be students, junior year
that focus on aural sense 41. The original dancing queens provided 42. They’re from Cleveland
15. Fertilized egg (and kings) 9. Saint, to Kanye 43. Large wave
17. ___ & Order 44. We have a lab dedicated to 10. Graybeards 47. Gas station store
*18. Timotheé Chalamet’s this 11. Anagram of “Can aim” 48. Weight measurement
director in an upcoming 45. March Madness organizer 12. Fellow liberal arts college, 49. Colorful card game
summer film *46. Important Mormon guy but could use some more? 52. App image
20. It has genes 50. James Bond, for Daniel 14. “I’ll beat you there” 54. Lady Gaga’s “Born this
21. Part of an engine wheel Craig 16. Someone from Manchester, ___”
22. High ranking sheikh 51. What Australians call college colloquially 55. “Scooby Doo, Where ___
*23. Reforming czar 53. Athenian symbol 19. Ready or __ You?”
26. Something Wordsworth *54. Formal surrender in a 22. Ncuti Gatwa’s character in 56. Proof of purchase (Abbr.)
created to make his words battle, say Sex Education 57. Ice in Munich
worth something 60. “It’s gonna be _ __ from me, 23. Mani ___ 58. New Mexico to Minnesota
27. Former lover dog…” -Randy Jackson 24. Listened in dir.
28. Type of worm 61. Topic of a museum on 25. Auxiliary 59. Sheep’s mother
*29. With 39-Across, what campus 26. Common file type
are hidden inside the 62. Often found in 61-across 30. ___ Nashville (major
Friday, February 21, 2020 NEWS 3

NEWS IN BRIEF Welcome to Bowdoin, Meg Griffin



Ryan Britt ’22, Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) Chair of Stu-
dent Affairs, introduced a motion to request increased support for
mental health and counseling services on campus at Wednesday’s BSG
assembly meeting.
The motion proposes an increase in hired counselors, additional
funding for mental health services and programs and a new college
body to look specifically into issues of mental health and wellness.
According to the motion, student demand for mental health ser-
vices spiked by 17 percent last year.
In his proposal, Britt acknowledged that “counseling and wellness
services are crucial to the functioning of the College and crucial to
the wellbeing of the community … conditions of stress, anxiety and
depression are critical matters to address across campus.”
Additionally, Faculty Development Committee representative
Caroline Poole ’22 suggested that the proposal could potentially draw
funds from the College’s newly-announced fundraising campaign,
which aims to raise $500 million by June 2024.
Britt’s motion will be voted on during next week’s BSG meeting.

JACK tered on his life experiences,

a story with which many stu-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 NO ONE CARES, MEG: A triumphant Meg Griffin announces her early decision acceptance to the College on Sunday’s episode of Family Guy titled “Short Cuts.”
dents can find parallels to in
Affairs and Director of Resi- their own lives. However, these episode, titled “Short Cuts.” GuyonFOX ! #GoUBears.” had not yet been included in
dential and Student Life Mike stories are not often widely by Andrew Bastone Decked out in a Bowdoin Kirker Butler, a two-time the episode.
Orient Staff
Ranen, who worked at Har- heard on Bowdoin’s campus. hat and sweatshirt, Meg excit- Emmy nominee and the epi- “Mila [Kunis] gets paid
vard when Jack attended the Following Jack’s lecture, Bowdoin has had its fair edly asked her family, “Does sode’s writer, wrote in an email whether she’s in the episode or
university as a graduate stu- ResLife member Joshua Brooks share of famous graduates over anyone want to hear about my to the Orient that Bowdoin not, so we figured we might as
dent, has been following Jack’s ’20 asked the question on the the years: Franklin Pierce, the week? Kind of a big week for was Meg’s dream school. well make her earn her money
work for a number of years minds of many students that 14th President of the United the Megster!” “Bowdoin was her first ($250 plus a sack lunch, btw).
now. At Bowdoin, as part of an night: often on campus, stu- States; Union Army officer Met with silence, Meg choice because of her love of We thought it would be funny
annual tradition of selecting dents say “this is only the be- Joshua Chamberlain and Reed plowed on, saying, “Big enve- polar bears,” Butler wrote. if Meg got accepted to college
a particular text to read each ginning of the conversation,” Hastings, the founder of Net- lope in the mail! Yup! Early Butler said that Bates Col- and no one cared,” Butler
summer, Ranen required last but fail to follow up. flix, to name a few. admittance! Day one, August lege was also an option for wrote. “One of the writers
year that all his student leaders During Jack’s second day on But the Class of 2024 will 26. Clean slate.” Meg. pitched Bowdoin in the room
read Jack’s book. Ranen and campus, he had a full day of now have a celebrity of its First years will move in on “Bates was her safety and it seemed like the right
the Office of Residential Life highly attended meetings with own. August 25, so hopefully the school, but she might still go choice.”
(ResLife) then were able to se- 60 to 70 faculty, staff and ad- Joining Bowdoin’s ranks, Griffins will be in Brunswick there for grad school because Pressed on whether Meg
cure Jack’s visit to campus this ministrators. Hogan noted that at least in spirit, will be Meg on time. a Masters at Bates is hilarious,” may have inflated her creden-
month as a part of the College’s Jack delivered on digging into Griffin, the daughter of Peter In an unprecedented move, Butler wrote. tials or resume, like the Hol-
Black History Month program- the issues that are often avoid- and Lois Griffin, the parental the College announced the Beyond Meg’s passion for lywood applicants caught up
ming. ed at elite institutions. duo from the Fox show “Fam- individual acceptance of a polar bears, Butler said the in the “Varsity Blues” college
Director of Residential Ed- Jack concluded by asking ily Guy.” student, writing on its Twitter reason Meg picked Bowdo- admissions scandal, Butler is-
ucation Whitney Hogan said for more: more from the stu- Meg, voiced by actress Mila page Monday, “It looks like we in was straightforward. The sued a flat denial.
that Jack’s words grounded dents—but especially more Kunis, announced her accep- have a new television Polar writers were struggling with “I will say that Meg was ac-
ResLife members, helping from the administration and tance to the College at the Bear to welcome to the family: the “tag,” the last joke of the cepted based solely on merit,”
them understand that the cul- from the College. conclusion of the February 16 Meg Griffin from @Family- show, and they realized Meg he wrote.
ture shock of an elite liberal Jack concluded with, “De-
arts school is more challenging mand as much from Bowdoin
for some than for others. Both
Jack’s lecture and his book cen-
as Bowdoin demands of you
… Be bold, be you.”
CAMPAIGNS by Bowdoin Student Govern-
ment, is funded by the student
long as all the money spent on
it is drawn from SAFC funding.
up,” said Hintze. “The timing
[of the email] was a little [lat-
activities fee, which every stu- The Political Activity Policy er] than expected. My ideal
public office,” according to an dent pays annually (this year’s also stipulates that all posters would’ve been the day before
IRS administrative ruling. As fee was $528 per student). must clearly state the sponsor- [students] arrived to send it all
a result, the Houses are forbid- “SAFC money is … students ing student group or name and out, but circumstances slowed
den from spending any of their giving [money] to each oth- email of the student who puts it down, and we didn’t get it
budgets on partisan political er,” said Ranen. “The College it up, and they must include done in time.”
activity. Houses have their budget, but the disclaimer that the posters Hintze and Ranen stat-
Partisan student groups, theoretically the College gives do not express the views of the ed that their goal is to keep
however, are allowed to receive them that money.” College. Bowdoin out of trouble while
funding for partisan purpos- Student groups may not, A number of anonymous supporting students as much
es. Chartered organizations however, accept funding or posters in support of former as possible.
or groups working under the donations from outside organi- presidential candidate An- “We can do a lot, and it’s
umbrella of a chartered orga- zations or campaigns. drew Yang appeared around going to be a fun year in terms
nization (such as the College Ranen clarified that even campus, but both Hintze and of political activity,” said Hin-
Democrats and College Repub- though College Houses can- Ranen said that the emails tze. “I hope that students take
licans) receive funding from not spend money on an event were precautionary, rather advantage of getting politically
the Student Activities Funding supporting a partisan cause, than reactionary. active, supporting candidates
Committee (SAFC). The SAFC SAFC-funded groups may host “This was already in the and being involved on cam-
budget, which is administered events in College Houses so process before those went pus.”



BE BOLD, BE YOU: Harvard professor and author of “The Privileged Poor: How
Elite Students are Failing Distantaged Students” spoke on Wednesday evening.

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4 NEWS Friday, February 21, 2020

STRESS LESS program teaches everyday mindfulness

The program is rooted in and freedom to let it evolve into teeth, or walking from class to ticipant in STRESS LESS, uses that students leave STRESS
by Lily Randall Koru, a mindfulness-based what it seemed like the campus class … [or] paying attention to mindfulness in her everyday LESS feeling taken care of.
Orient Staff
practice designed by two Duke community or students want or the temperature or to who [you] life. “I crave that students feel
As midterm season ap- University psychologists who need it to be going forward.” pass and where [your] gaze is,” “For me, it was just walk- held a little bit,” Nicholson
proaches, Bowdoin can move wanted to create a stress-re- At the beginning of each Nicholson said. ing outside. Anytime I step said. “You’re on your own,
at a frighteningly quick pace, duction program specifically session, participants sit for a Nicholson emphasized that outside, I take a deep breath and you’re doing so much, and
and stress can weigh heavy on focused on student life and few minutes while chimes or a arriving on time is part of tak- and [try to] be mindful of the you’re working so hard to do
many students. A new program, needs. Although Roseboro is gong is played while focusing ing the program seriously. situation I’m in [and] how I’m everything that you do really
STRESS LESS, hopes to combat trained in Koru, the two leaders on breathing, posture and de- “There’s an integrity to show- feeling,” Klens said. “Remind well, and that’s just a lot of
this issue. decided against branding their veloping other tools for staying ing up [on time], like, ‘This mat- yourself that emotions are work. It’s a lot of work all the
Associate Director of Clin- program as such in order to give present. Nicholson added that ters. This isn’t just another thing good. Accepting the way you time. And so I wish for our
ical and Emergency Services the class the flexibility they felt the program, like any class at I’m kind of interested in ... my feel is a good first step to being students … to just feel held.”
Shelley Roseboro and Assistant it may need. Bowdoin, comes with some well-being matters, and so does more mindful.” The sessions will be held for
Director of Student Wellness “We called it STRESS LESS homework. the time and presence of all the Though the program is a the next three Fridays in the
Programs Kate Nicholson im- so we weren’t feeling confined “We asked students to bring other people in the group. They month long and group-based, Peter Buck Center for Health
plemented the month-long to [Koru’s] very specific pro- some awareness to a simple matter too. So I’m going to show Nicholson believes some stress and Wellness, Room 301, and
mindfulness and stress reduc- tocol,” Nicholson said. “We activity that you do every day, up to them,’” Nicholson said. relief and skills are better than are open to any students wish-
tion program earlier this month. [wanted to] have enough room whether that’s brushing your Gretchen Klens ’23, a par- none, and, above all, she hopes ing to attend.

ROSE companies] will be almost de

minimis amounts of anyone’s
could have gone a little further
and a little deeper, but that gets
portfolio, including ours, just into time [constraints] as well.”
“I share the Board’s view because people are going to get “I don’t think I’ve ever heard
that, based on what we know out of them, and they’re not go- him be more nuanced and un-
today and what we under- ing to make sense,” said Rose. guarded,” said Kunins-Berkow-
stand, there isn’t anything in “We could beat our breasts and itz.
Jes’ actions or behaviors that say that we’re divesting, but it’s Sobak, who interjected sever-
warrants him stepping down,” already happening, and it’s been al times to correct Rose during
said Rose. “He remains a trust- happening for a while.” conversation, thought the event
ee in good standing.” Rose also addressed students’ set a precedent for the president
A number of female stu- concerns about strains on the and students.
dents at the event voiced their College’s mental health resources, “There were times where I
objections to having a known support programming for low-in- felt that he was either incorrect
personal and professional as- come and first-generation stu- in his answer or asserted some-
sociate of Epstein serve on the dents, sexual and gender-based thing indefensible or that was
Board of Trustees. violence on campus and campus fallacious, and that my role was
“It’s just really sad. We had accessibility for community to say, ‘no, no, no, that’s insuffi-
the MeToo movement, and we members with physical and cient’ or ‘you have to do better
had this moment of reckoning, mental disabilities. Rose noted than that,’” said Sobak. “I think
and we’re trying to hold people that many of these programming that this is the first step in what
accountable and not let these areas, especially mental health will be a learning process for him
people run our institutions ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT resources and campus accessibil- and for everyone else in how to
anymore, and it feels like we’re THE PRESIDENT AND ME: President Clayton Rose listens to a student’s question on Thursday night in Reed House. ity, will benefit from the College’s genuinely engage and let down
doing that at Bowdoin,” said recently-announced $500 million his guard a little bit.”
Livia Kunins-Berkowitz ’22. are views that were considered time,” said Rose. to buy and sell whatever they capital campaign. Sobak said he remains hope-
“[Being a trustee] is an hon- and articulated and thought He explained that Bowdo- want to buy, and you’re either After the event, attendees ful that in future dialogues, Rose
orary position—it’s supposed about deeply,” Rose said. in’s only investment in fossil in or you’re not in, and that’s expressed mixed reactions to can let his guard down even
to represent the best among Rose also addressed stu- fuel companies comes through just the way that those things Rose’s engagement. more.
us, the best that Bowdoin has dent concerns about Bowdo- Bowdoin’s investments in large work.” “I definitely felt comfort- “In some ways it would be
to offer, and if we have any in’s investment in the fossil and diversified mutual funds Rose said that Bowdoin does able enough to be able to share cool if he could take off his pres-
doubt, any suspicion that this fuel industry, defending the controlled by external fund consider the investment strate- something, and I think that ident’s hat for a night and be like,
is true, then he cannot be on College’s investment strategy managers. gies of the various mutual funds that’s important to have in this ‘alright, I’m going to be Clayton
this Board.” and emphasizing the College’s “When you allocate your when choosing how to invest its space and it’s what we tried to Rose, sociologist, member of this
Rose demurred when asked commitment to investing in money to a fund manager, you endowment and said he expects offer in this opportunity,” said community.’”
to offer further specifics about sustainable technologies. do not get to tell them what the scope of the College’s invest- Zoe Stilphen ’22, a resident of Was tonight that night?
the Board’s deliberations. “We’ve done more than to do,” said Rose. “The deal ment to decrease as returns on Reed House and an organizer of “No,” said Sobak.
“In the deliberations that most schools who’ve said is, you give them the money, fossil fuel investments continue the event. “He definitely seemed Livia Kunins-Berkowitz ’22
the Board had, those thoughts they’re divesting. We don’t and then they go and invest to decline. to really want to engage with the is a columnist for the Orient.
that you’ve expressed and those own any fossil fuel stocks, in the strategy they’re going “In another couple of years, students, which I really did ap- Zoe Stilphen ’22 is a member
feelings that you’ve expressed and we haven’t in a really long to invest in, and they’re going [investments in fossil fuel preciate … I think he definitely of the Orient staff.

KIDMAN the current frontrunner in the

primary, is running on a multi-
“Somebody made a spread-
wanted, when I moved here, to
get a little bit more involved in
million-dollar budget, Kidman sheet for me with a bunch of local politics,” Putnam said.
enough to run before Susan Col- noted that they currently have colleges and a bunch of email Similarly, Bowdoin Democrats
lins,” said Kidman. about eight thousand dollars in addresses and I had a night where also stressed the value of staying
Kidman spoke to a small group the bank. I sat down and was like, ‘okay, let’s engaged politically on campus.
of students in the living room of Instead of running a more email the colleges.’ I was really “I think it’s important for the
Howell House on Tuesday at 7:30 traditional campaign centered excited that Bowdoin got back to Bowdoin Democrats to create a
p.m., a turnout they attributed to around fundraising, Kidman uses me,” said Kidman. space for people on campus to get
the timing of the event and bad campaign events to support char- Kidman’s visit was co-hosted informed about the upcoming
weather conditions. However, itable organizations throughout by Bowdoin Queer Straight Alli- primary campaign,” said Juliet
Kidman noted that these intimate Maine. ance (BQSA) and Bowdoin Dem- Halvorson-Taylor ’21, one of the
conversations demonstrate the “The idea is that if you just go ocrats. Prior to the talk, BQSA leaders of Bowdoin Democrats.
realities of running a true grass- out and do good things and show hosted a dinner with Kidman. “As a club, one of the things that
roots campaign. people that you are someone Kyle Putnam ’22, one of the we’re really emphasizing this year
Kidman is largely running who’s going to do good things, leaders of BQSA who was in- is the Senate race that’s coming up
their campaign themself while that speaks louder than broad- volved in bringing Kidman to in Maine.”
working their full-time job. They casting everywhere, ‘I will do campus, said that they are sup- Kidman admitted that their
have a core group of volunteers good things if you elect me,’” said porting Kidman’s campaign and campaign is a long shot.
but no paid staff. While Sara Kidman. noted the importance of engag- “[My ideas] sound a little MACKEY O’KEEFE, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
Gideon, Speaker of the Maine That said, they have placed ing with politics in Maine. fringy, which is fine,” they said. TRUE GRASSROOTS: Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Bre Kidman,
House of Representatives and emphasis on reaching college “I’m not from Maine, and I “I’m used to being a little fringy.” the first non-binary person to run for Senate, visited campus on Tuesday.

Student-led on-campus
Did you know? organizations receive a bowdoinorient.com/advertise
50% discount on all ads.
Friday, February 21, 2020 5

Trivia Tuesdays
Questions, camaraderie
and craft beer
another at the same time.”
by Eliana Miller Mattie Daughtry, co-owner
Orient Staff
of Moderation, said trivia is one
The noise level in Mod- of the best parts of her weeks.
eration Brewing Company “[It] highlights what Moder-
oscillated between murmurs ation is—a community gather-
and shouts at Tuesday’s triv- ing spot,” she said.
ia night. Bowdoin students, Trivia-goers of all ages come
faculty and staff sat alongside to the brewery. In the summer,
Brunswick-area residents as when the sun sets later, families
they all huddled around tables with young children often par-
to discuss where the seat of the ticipate, and Daughtry has to
Anglican Bishopric of Lon- open the windows so that Ham-
don is. They chanted “Wheel! ilton can shout the questions
Wheel! Wheel!” as the wheel to patrons sitting on the patio
of surprise categories was outside.
brought out for the second half Although Bowdoin students
EVERYTHING IN MODERATION: Visiting assistant professor of German Andrew Hamilton hosts biweekly trivia at Moderation Brewing Company. Hamil-
of the game. They clapped for don’t typically join teams with
ton crafts the questions to appeal to a wide range of participants, including Bowdoin students and staff and Brunswick residents.
the winners and the losers, and non-Bowdoin community
they clinked their glasses be- members, many enjoy build- Godfather Part Three [where play, and Hamilton tries to find down.” categories was “post structural-
fore sipping Moderation’s local ing relationships with locals the Popes are discussed], one ways to give people scaffolding Hamilton has trivia note- ism.” The bookish Bowdoin stu-
brews. through friendly competition. person who’s 60 years old and to reach an answer. Unlike cor- books filled with potential dent who suggested the catego-
Andrew Hamilton, visiting And the feeling is reciprocated. remembers what happened. porate trivia that you can buy categories and new questions. ry probably hoped for questions
assistant professor of German, “There are people from all You can all get to the answer to- online and is often based on He’s been tinkering with the about Derrida and Foucault, but
has hosted the biweekly trivia different walks of life, and it’s gether, working from different isolated facts, Hamilton’s triv- format of the competition for instead had to answer questions
night since the brewery’s open- nice to kind of mingle with angles.” ia “writes its own context as it the past two years but is hap- about construction and support
ing in 2018. His ultimate goal Bowdoin students,” said Bruns- Many described Hamilton’s goes,” he says. py with the current set-up. beams.
is to create a sense of commu- wick resident Kent Eliassen. trivia as challenging, but they “[My trivia is] a little bit bi- Each week, there are three “The hyphen matters,” said
nity through his trivia, which The unending conversa- still trudged through the snow zarre sometimes, which I think 10-question rounds: one that Hamilton with a smirk. “But
he calls “handcrafted, local- tions in the packed brewery on for the beers and the games. is good, because it shows that is a “stream of consciousness” if you don’t like what just hap-
ly-sourced tricky questions for Tuesday were a testament to the “It’s a thinking person’s triv- this isn’t just about Moderation’s round, in which the answer pened, you can change it. This is
fun.” He spends most of the range of Hamilton’s questions, ia,” said Chris Bird, assistant bottom line selling drinks on a from one question leads to the a democracy. Suggest a category
time bantering with regulars which require collaboration director of OneCard, events and Tuesday,” he said. “This is about answer of the next, one with for the wheel!”
and newcomers alike, or jump- among team members. Trivia summer programs. “You need having a fun thing that you can’t a mystery theme (this week’s And it is this sense of democ-
ing around while yelling enthu- is not an individual compe- to figure out where [Hamilton’s] do anywhere else.” was college football bowls) racy that keeps people coming
siastically about perestroika and tition. Everyone brings their coming from, but he gives you On average, Hamilton spends and one picture round. Af- back. Anyone and everyone can
Princess Peach. own knowledge and interests hints to help you get there.” three hours a week writing new ter halftime, when Hamilton participate and contribute.
“The most important thing is to the table, and Hamilton tries Eliassen called Hamilton’s content. He approaches this tallies up the scores and par- “I want it to be about open-
this idea of having a community to craft balanced categories and trivia “more intellectual” than job like his academic work— ticipants refill their glasses, ness, where you never feel bad
that comes and talks about lit- write questions that encourage other trivia he had done. This though he’s paid in beer and gift they proceed to four surprise when you don’t know,” Ham-
erally everything. Nothing is off teamwork. week, his team came in second. cards, not in salary and benefits. rounds with five questions ilton said. “There’s nothing
limits in trivia,” Hamilton said. “I once asked the question, “I went to three months of “The key is to never not be each. These rounds are chosen wrong with not knowing it, be-
“It has an agenda—that’s the ‘how many Popes were there in college 16 years ago, and we doing it. I think about trivia by spinning a wheel with 14 cause the only person who has
game—but it also has no agen- 1978?’” Hamilton explained. “So still did pretty well last time,” in the shower and on runs,” categories on it, about one- something wrong with them
da. We’re going to spend two on your team you might have he said. he said. “You have to always third of which are suggested is me—for doing this. I’m the
hours just talking about every- had one person who’s Cath- The questions are written so be open to ideas as they come by trivia-goers. weirdo, and you guys can have
thing and getting to know one olic, one person who saw the that participants learn as they to you and be sure to jot them One of this week’s surprise fun half at my expense.”

Following ‘RISE’: it’s time to change our culture

had realized that this weird cul- But as I’m on the heels of my third saying, basically, to remain em- up culture, attempt to reform susceptible to gender violence,
I Said What I Said ture where people slept with each year in a row developing, writing powered in a hookup situation, the culture. This means senior but it disproportionately affects
by Aisha other for months on end while and producing “RISE” with a remove your own clothes. Still, I men and women of sports teams women. This is indisputable. So
Rickford denying they had any emotional team and cast of fantastic women, stood there in a haze (we were all need to stop throwing parties that when we create and promote a
feelings for each other or a desire I have been forced to think about pretty drunk at this point) letting center around going home with (heteronormative) culture that
Over the years, there’s been an for a relationship was bizarre, and hookup culture as more than just the words roll around in my head. a potential sexual partner as the informs women that they have
overabundance of conversations was not a reflection of us. It wasn’t a dissatisfying and unfulfilling I was reminded of one of the rules ultimate achievement. We need equal footing with men and en-
at Bowdoin around hookup cul- easy to get there, and once I did, way of navigating sexual and the 15-year-old girls of the “The to normalize asking people out courages them to seek sexual en-
ture. Whether it’s over brunch I found myself packing up the romantic relationships. No, the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” on dates or to meals instead of counters for empowerment, we
after a night of partying, under uncomfortable feelings hookup truth of hookup culture is some- made for the magic pair of jeans wandering up to the girl you like are doing them and our commu-
blinking fairy lights at a group of culture had opened in me when I thing much darker: its dangerous they shared between the four of from class and dry humping her nity a disservice, and we are be-
girlfriends’ weekly wine night or arrived at Bowdoin as a first year promotion of casual sex, one them: “You must never let a boy from behind on the dance floor. ing dishonest. When we set the
onstage at “RISE: Untold Stories and putting them away. night stands and encounters with take off the pants (although you There’s a lot of work put into Ori- bar so low for a sexual encoun-
of Bowdoin Women.” It’s been That was until I read this ar- total strangers creates a climate may take them off yourself in entation every year to inform first ter, when we furnish alcohol for
the subject of countless Talks of ticle by Brooke Vahos ’21 last ripe for sexual assault, rape and his presence).” After this night years about how to navigate alco- the most vulnerable members of
the Quad and columns in the spring, called “The responsibility emotional harm. of team bonding and women hol, time management and using our community and tell them
Bowdoin Orient. Most often, of upperclassmen.” In it, she de- My first year, I was a member supporting women, we were just Bowdoin’s resources. So how that it’s safe to get leglessly drunk
these conversations are had by tails her experiences navigating of the women’s ultimate frisbee going to run over to the boys’ side come every fall when the “RISE” and go home with a stranger, we
underclassmen. I remember uncomfortable hookup power team, Chaos Theory. For the and hope to hook up with some team and I go through submis- are doing our community a dis-
most meals I had with my friends dynamics with upperclassmen, most part, my experiences were random guy? Was that the best sions, we read countless sexual service. The playing field is not
during my freshman and soph- calling out upperclassmen for positive—I found a nurturing possible end of a night at Bowdo- assault stories from our Bowdoin level, not when certain sports
omore years somehow always abusing those dynamics and community of women who made in? I know the ultimate team has community, an alarming number teams steal and collect the One-
circling back to “hookup culture.” failing to protect first years. She me feel at home at a time when I changed a lot since my first year, of them from underclassmen? Cards of women they’ve hooked
I experienced dissatisfaction and writes, “Upperclassmen need to was struggling to find my place at but after a while I started feeling Bowdoin is failing at keeping up with, not when senior boys
frustration at the growing realiza- have more candid conversations Bowdoin. On the famed “naming unsafe and vulnerable in its spac- each other out of dangerous sex- take advantage of young and na-
tion that I wasn’t going to find the with their underclass sexual night,” when first year rookies es and chose to remove myself. ual situations, as an institution ive first year girls, not as long as
meaningful relationship I came partners. … Instances of in- received their names and we all The fact of the matter is and as a community. Women— “RISE” is still necessary and full
into Bowdoin hoping for. equality in sexual encounters … signed each others’ team shirts, an Brooke was right. As upperclass- and I understand my article is to the brim with stories of vio-
By junior year, these conver- can lead to larger issues of abuse, upperclassman girl yelled some- men, it is our responsibility not very cisnormative, I apologize as lence, and not when those of us,
sations redirected themselves harassment and, in the most ex- thing along the lines of “Chaos! just to protect underclassmen and that is the experience I feel most disenchanted with the hookup
away from wondering what was treme cases, rape.” Tonight, if you hook up with a upset unhealthy power dynamics. qualified to speak to—and those culture, turn our noses and leave
wrong with hookup culture to This may seem like a huge leap boy, don’t let him take off your It’s our responsibility to, once we who do not identify or pass as our first years and sophomores
an outright dismissal of it. Soon, to some—how can an unexciting Chaos shirt! You have to take reach our junior years and often men, are more vulnerable to vio- to fend for themselves.
my friends and I were over it. We sexual encounter lead to rape? your shirt off yourself!” She was remove ourselves from the hook- lence. Not to say that men are not
6 FEATURES Friday, February 21, 2020

Talk of the Quad

fort of familial love. I was for- some point over the summer, best to spend my time and finite number of moments to thing I can to give myself
WHEN I LEAVE, WHICH tunate to quickly find some I am shipping off to Europe to I don’t even know where I come. I’m not consumed by more reasons to miss my
HOME WILL I MISS MORE? great friends, some of whom teach for a year. Maybe lon- should be—here or there—all any kind of fear that I won’t friends come June. I miss my
I miss my dog. A lot. I miss are still my closest. But I still ger. And what happens after the time. I’m not desperately spend my remaining time liv- dog, but, contrary to what
him so much that I have taped wanted to go home, as I imag- that? Surely, adult life with seeking some correct equa- ing so close to my best friends some of them think, I will
not one but two photos of him ine many first-year students my family cannot be the same tion, but I cannot deny my correctly. I know I will enjoy miss my friends more.
to my carrel in the library, do. I thought that I need not as it was before. Don’t I owe occasional fear of failing to each remaining moment for Alexander Kogan is a mem-
and sometimes I talk to them worry about spending every it to myself to maximize my compensate today for some what it is. And though my ber of the Class of 2020.
when no one is around. And second here, seeing as four time with those I love while unquantifiable lost time in an time at home may, too, be
I miss the rest of my family, years is a long time in the life I can? I have no grand plan, unknown future. limited and ambiguous, my
too. of a late teenager. and I’m okay with that. The When I think about it, dog will have to wait.
I’m not homesick, though. Now, I still look forward uncertainty of it excites me, I already miss my friends. So, I choose to be fully
Far from it. By now, the to breaks and time at home. but it is agonizing because I Nostalgia is already setting present here, in Maine, and
months I’ve spent away from I continue to miss my dog will miss my dog, and I will in, even before the events of carry on missing my
home add up to many years. and my family. But, of course, miss my family. the present sink away into family. I will do
I’m used to being away from the landscape has changed. So, here I am, among the the past. But now there are a every-
home. I’m used to Maine, too. Four years has shrunk to best friends I’ve ever made,
Maine had become my second four months, reducing like trying to make every lunch
home long before my dad and a creamy sauce over a flame, we eat together, every epi-
I toured Bowdoin when I was simultaneously richening in sode of “The West Wing” or
a junior in high school. In- flavor while disappearing in “Curb Your Enthusiasm” or
stead, I’m simply torn about front of my eyes. So I want to baseball game we watch,
how to best spend my time. spend every moment remain- every unrestrained bout
At the beginning of my time ing here. I want, desperately, of laughter, last forever. I
at college, I looked forward to to stay with my friends, in my will miss my friends, and
every opportunity I had to go adopted state, amid equally I love them all, too. Dear-
home to New York or to host tall piles of books and snow. ly. But I’m still missing
my family up in Brunswick. I Yet, I am still torn. home, missing my dog,
wanted to return home to my I’m torn because my time missing my family.
parents and brother and sister at home is limited, too, isn’t I don’t know the right
and dog and revel in the com- it? I graduate in May, and at balance, I don’t know how

values and experiences of From the first moments we not alone. Your words speak
THANK YOU, Bowdoin women concerning a spend on this campus to the last, truths often too hard to swal-
BOWDOIN WOMEN multitude of issues—from the our minds, bodies and souls are low but too big to ignore. They
My heart flutters when the normalization of sex talk to forced into patterns of social, are the words many search for,
door creaks open—the stage struggling with self-image and physical and academic adap- the words many dread hearing.
is dimly lit, empty. I grip my abuse—were unapologetically tation. I struggle, as do many Without even knowing it, they
crinkled note card too hard, displayed so bravely. I was in Bowdoin students, to accept are the words I had needed. Be-
and my palms smudge the ink. disbelief. These women’s cour- this evolving system. How are cause of you, I have been able
I step out onto the stage. The age compelled me to take part we meant to establish ourselves to find peace within myself and
clapping slows, my feet wander in constructing the connective in a world where change creeps connections to women around
ahead despite hesitation. Soon, web that “RISE” cultivates, around every corner? This con- me.
I am one in a sea of women. one that invites the voices of cern has imbued me with long- I wish I had followed in the
The show begins. all women to be heard. Such a ing for community. It has caused footsteps of the women who
Participating in this year's community. me to fear the instability of my worked on “RISE,” allowing my
production of “RISE” had a For this year's production, social environment. I learned to own emotions to swell and es-
profound impact on my out- my lines were light-hearted, protect myself through systems cape without hesitation. Wom-
look on womanhood. I antic- yet I felt an immense weight of of internalization. anhood is not a weakness; it is
ipated feeling empowered by responsibility. I could feel the “RISE” allowed me to a strength. Our thoughts are en-

the experience, but empower- words of my peers before each squash these insecurities. I titled to recognition, our voices

ment only scratches the surface performance. How can we prop- cannot remember the last time worthy of acknowledgement.

of my transformation. “RISE” erly convey the experiences of I sat in a room with just wom- I wish I had allowed myself to

has given me more than I could another? It is our responsibility en, let alone over 75 of us. The be consumed by the heartbreak,
have fathomed: a sense of be- to breathe life into the pain, hu- ticipating lines during mono- suppress the traumatic experi- strength of a community cul- the satire and the intimacy of
longing. mor and self-discovery “RISE” logues at rehearsal, steeling ences of my peers that left me tivated by those who respect each story. Seeing the openness
As a first year, I was unaware promotes. Our voices are vessels myself for the emotions that blank inside. Over the course the notions of encouragement, of every woman in this produc-
of “RISE” and its intention. A for someone else's truth. would swallow me, be it an of just one week, I found a way comfort, support and love is tion, I am inspired to be unapol-
friend had told me that “RISE” This isn't about me—or any eruption of laughter or churn- to distort the fear these words unbreakable. ogetically me. I am filled with
is the “best thing Bowdo- individual. It’s about us. ing in my stomach. They wove instilled within me, crumpling Thank you, Bowdoin wom- gratitude to have a place within
in students do.” After seeing Over the course of the pro- themselves into the fabric of them until they were small en, for giving voice to the good this community. I am proud to
the production for myself, I duction, each story slowly be- my being. Familiarity had neu- enough to handle. and bad that life has to offer. be one of you.
quickly understood the truth gan integrating itself into my tralized the need to express College is four years where Because of your bravery, people Nora Greene is a member of
of his statement. The diverse daily life. I found myself an- true emotion, forcing me to the only constant is transition. can understand that they are the Class of 2022.

Ranging from lighthearted moments to serious reflections about life at and
beyond Bowdoin, Talks of the Quad feature the Bowdoin community’s best
short-form writing. They are published every other week and can be written by
any member of the Bowdoin community. Generally 700-1,000 words.

Friday, February 21, 2020 7


Glass ’20 explores perspective in sculpture work
be a part of it.” can only be understood by the
by Ellery Harkness Glass points to Italian artist process of making, and Tala gets
Orient Staff
Monica Bonvicini’s sculpture that.”
Visual Arts major Tala Glass work as one the main sources of There are only eight students
’20 held up a watermelon-sized inspiration for the project. An- in the advanced studio course,
model of the final project she had other common theme that runs and each chooses an inde-
in mind for her advanced studio through all of Glass’ work is re- pendent project to carry out
class. It’s a wood frame structure discovering the mundane. throughout the course of the se-
of a room she intends to make “Last semester I had a sculp- mester. Students are encouraged
life-size, so that viewers can walk ture of a brick wall that I had to experiment, and for Glass, this
in or around it. However, since pressed in clay,” said Glass. “It’s means exploring different mate-
the project’s conception, Glass’ [one of] these things that we see rials. She dabbled in painting as
plans have changed a bit, exem- everyday but we don’t actually see an attempt to branch off from
plifying her creative philosophy them because they are so regular sculpture, but in the end came
that it’s important to question that we don’t think twice about back to sculpture.
your own work. them.” “It’s daunting to have com-
“At the start of this I was so Glass has been taking classes plete freedom—and one thing
set on making [the structure in the visual arts department we talk a lot about in our class
into] real life, but that to me now since her freshman fall when she is setting up limits for yourself,
seems a little bit too [literal]. enrolled in photography. It was that way you can be creative
So I’m playing with putting the her favorite class that semester, within them and then start to
model on the wall or on an axis but things didn’t really “click” break those limits,” Glass said.
or making it out of something for her until she took sculpture, “I think a really nice thing about
else other than wood. I’m think- which is the main medium she the art department is you take
ing about casting concrete, or I works in now. In alignment with other 3000-level classes before
was thinking about getting some her focus on sculpture, she is you take senior studio, so you’ve
foam insulation and putting primarily interested in exploring had a chance to work with any
foam in here and having it burst materiality. medium that you want before
out the sides,” Glass said. “My artistic process is to pick [you have] complete freedom to
Glass wants the work to make materials and forms that I find in- do what you want.”
the viewer question their environ- teresting, and then explore from Even with this freedom, the
ment. While her project immedi- there,” she said. “A lot of the times students in senior studio are
ately reads as a house or home—a [I] derive meaning afterwards in- faced with the time constraint
space which holds meaning for stead of beforehand.” of having a set date for the final
many people—she wants to chal- Associate Professor of Art show at the end of the semester.
lenge what it means for the space James Mullen teaches Glass’s ad- Nonetheless, Glass has found
of a home to be unfinished. Glass vanced studio course, and noted time to reflect on her past artistic
also hopes that the final product her interest in a wide range of experience and growth while at
will evoke questions surrounding materials. Bowdoin.
issues of perspective. “She understands the impor- “In high school it was about
“I’m also interested in … tance of discovery through the the physical making process
making viewers think about the physical engagement with a ma- and gaining skills,” Glass said.
experience of their body when terial’s inherent qualities rather “But here it’s so much more
viewing the work,” she said. “So if than enlisting it to illustrate a than that. It’s about what the art DIEGO VELASQUEZ, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
[the house] is on an axis you have conceptual concern,” Mullen said. is about and why, and not just WORK IN PROGRESS: Glass ’20 is making progress on a long-term sculpture project in her advanced studio course.
to climb through or under [it] to “There is a type of discovery that how.” She hopes to harness a wide range of materials to create a final product which reevaluates the home environment.

Buffy Sainte-Marie deserves praise in folk music

and Leonard Cohen. During Multiple other songs on “It’s content of her music played FBI, had a tremendous impact years trying to silence resistance
Unheard Voices this time, she also wrote the My Way!” gained acclaim in the a major role in Sainte-Marie’s on Sainte-Marie’s success in to settler colonialism. It is our re-
by Jack songs that would comprise her public consciousness. Her song comparative lack of fame to the United States. It was also sponsibility, whether we are Na-
Swartzentruber debut album “It’s My Way!” “Universal Soldier” became a many of her world-renowned likely tied to the FBI’s general tive or not, to counter this effort
which was released in 1964. hit after massively successful contemporaries. In fact, there is efforts to violently suppress by spreading Indigenous art and
There are few, if any, modern Although “It’s My Way!” never covers by Donovan and Glen clear evidence of active govern- protest movements in the stories that remind the world
folk singers whose discogra- charted or became well-known Campbell. Later, its portrayal ment efforts to keep her music 1970s through COINTELPRO, that “Indians still exist,” in Buffy
phies and impact on popular in mainstream American cul- of the senseless brutality of war off the airwaves. In a 1999 inter- whose strategies included heavy Sainte-Marie’s words. We can
music can rival that of Buffy ture, it proved to be incredibly would cause it to become an an- view, Sainte-Marie said “I found surveillance and even assassi- also show solidarity with current
Sainte-Marie. Although she is influential in the folk commu- them at Vietnam War protests. out in the 1980s that President nation of people such as Fred land and water protectors such
not as much of a household nity and its impact reverberated The song “Cod’ine” was also Lyndon B. Johnson had been Hampton, deputy chairman of as the Wet’suwet’en in northwest-
name as other folk legends such throughout the entire nation in covered by Janis Joplin. Unfor- writing letters on White House the Illinois chapter of the Black ern Canada, who are currently
as Bob Dylan or Neil Young, the a more indirect way. tunately, the material success stationary praising radio sta- Panther Party. protecting their unceded land
mark that she has left on the The album opens with the of these covers often far out- tions for suppressing my music.” It is no secret that the U.S. from invasion by a Coastal Gas-
world is arguably just as signif- song “Now That The Buffalo’s shadowed Sainte-Marie’s orig- This black-listing effort, also government and media has spent Link pipeline and the Royal Ca-
icant. Gone,” a striking criticism of inal versions, a fact that points perpetrated by Richard Nix- nadian Mounted Police. When
Born in 1941 on the Piapot American settler colonialism towards an insidious type of on and the the mainstream media refuses to
75 reserve in Saskatchewan, and a call to action for the anti-Native racism in American amplify marginalized voices, it
Canada, Sainte-Marie is a Cree American people. The song’s ti- music. is the responsibility of ordi-
artist who has been releasing tle refers to the genocidal Amer- It is also likely that nary citizens to do so.
music for over 50 years. Her ican policy of killing buffalo as the provocative
17 albums, released from 1964 a way to eliminate Native food political
to 2017, incorporate genres sources. In the song, Sainte-Ma-
including country, folk and ex- rie sings to an anonymous “dear
perimental rock, and cover top- lady” and “dear man,” asking
ics ranging from the treatment them “if a change has come
of Indigenous people in North about … or are you still taking
America to love, religion and our lands?” Later, she contrasts
war. the treatment of Indigenous
Sainte-Marie began her ca- nations in North America with
reer in the 1960s, performing the condition of post-war Ger-
on reservations across Canada mans, who were able to keep
and the United States, as well “their pride and their land.” This
as at folk venues in Toronto and song also holds special signifi-
New York City. It was during cance in the American Indian
her stay in Greenwich Village Movement of the 1970s—the
that she got involved in Amer- radio station that broadcasted
ica’s early-60s folk scene, be- from occupied Alcatraz Island ER
coming acquainted with fellow in 1970 would play the song at YD
Canadian artists Joni Mitchell the beginning of every episode. KAY
8 Friday, February 21, 2020

Nordic skiing
races to third
consecutive top-
After an eighth-place
finish at NESCAC
championships two weeks
ago, the women’s squash
team is seeded fifth in the
the Walker Cup Division
for the upcoming College
Squash Association
three finish With such a short season,
National Tournament, by Dylan Sloan
which begins tonight there is little opportunity for
Orient Staff improvement during the rac-
in New Haven, Conn..
The Walker Cup is the After a weekend of racing ing months—often, a skier’s
C division of the annual in near subzero tempera- potential is all but decided by
national tournament. tures at Lake Placid, N.Y., the end of preseason. Head
The Polar Bears will face
Wesleyan, which has the Bowdoin Nordic ski team Coach Nathan Alsobrook
beaten Bowdoin twice this returned home with its third credits Vandendries’ result to THE BIG FREEZE: Christian Gostout ’20 races ahead of a Dartmouth skier in his leg of the men’s skate relay at the Williams
season, in the first round. consecutive top-three finish. her effort throughout the en- Carnival last weekend. Bowdoin finished third, continuing its string of noteworthy results.
Led by two podium finishes, tire year.
from Gabby Vandendries ’21 “The whole season has Bowdoin Nordic. When Also- skiers on the team have only the past years has triggered
In a field packed with and the men’s skate relay, the been about her getting paid brook took over in 2008, the known a Bowdoin team with a a self-perpetuating effect.
Division I programs, the Polar Bears continued this back for the hard work she team was still in an era of slow reputation for excellence. Faster races and better group
women’s and men’s track season’s unprecedented suc- did last year,” said Alsobrook. growth—the program was not “I’ve only really known results improve the team’s
and field teams emerged cess and put themselves in an “[Last winter], she didn’t yet attracting elite recruits the Bowdoin ski team in profile, which attracts higher
with a flurry of personal even better position heading make NCAA’s by the nar- and rarely, if ever, broke into the context of the past two and higher level recruits that
bests at the Dave Hemery
Valentine Invitational last into the final stretch of the rowest margin, and she was the podium spots at carnivals. or three years when they’ve start the cycle over again.
weekend. Eight Polar short season. not going to let that happen “The overall trend [has] been skiing really well,” said Historically, Bowdoin has not
Bears left the meet with This past weekend’s Wil- again. She really stepped up definitely been upward, but Moore, a first year on the attracted elite-caliber talent
personal bests in a number liams Carnival was moved her game with the level of it’s been a lot of baby steps— men’s skate relay. “Speaking out of high school.
of events, and the men’s to upstate New York due to focus I’ve rarely seen. This it’s been a very slow, pains- to the current seniors and ju- “We typically get a bunch
4x400 relay earned an
impressive 18th-place course conditions, forcing whole season has just been taking process to get us to a niors, skiing at the level we’re of hardworking, scrappy un-
finish in the deep field. athletes to brave arctic weath- at—placing third in carnivals, derdogs as our recruiting
Bowdoin will return to host er conditions on both days putting three people in the class,” said Alsobrook. “With
the Bowdoin Invitational of racing. Despite the frigid “We’re getting greedy. We’re ready to top 15 becoming somewhat of the last couple classes of ath-
IV this weekend as a final
tune-up before NCAA
temperatures, snow condi-
tions were exceptional for
set big goals for regionals and NCAAs a normality—is very new … I
guess the way I put it is that I
letes we’ve started to get ... a
handful of the truly elite re-
Division III championships
in two weeks. Friday’s classic race. On the and see what [we] can do.” don’t know [the] difference.” cruits that we have not been
men’s side, Christian Gostout
’20, Elliot Ketchel ’21 and Pe-
–Head Coach Nathan Alsobrook Moore is one of a number
of athletes over the past few
able to attract [in the past].”
And with a new wave of tal-
SEL-ING THE DEAL: ter Moore ’23 all finished in seasons who have contributed ented skiers comes a height-
The women’s basketball
team continued its upward the top 16 in their individual validating that hard work and higher level,” Alsobrook said. significantly in their rookie ened set of expectations.
trend after suffering races. Three of the women’s the approach she’s taken.” “It’s really only the past three seasons. With one qualifying “We’re getting greedy.
two recent losses at skiers also finished in the Although personal suc- years that things have really race left to go, Moore sits four We’re ready to set big goals
the hands of Tufts and top 25, and were led by Van- cesses are exciting, individual taken off and we’ve been able points out of a NCAA nation- for regionals and NCAAs and
Amherst, clinching the dendries, whose third-place results can have a much great- to see big leaps and bounds als bid—a top 10 finish in the see what [we] can do,” said
third NESCAC playoff
seed with an emphatic finish was the first podium er ripple effect throughout with each season … it’s this season’s final race would se- Alsobrook. “The confidence
83-50 victory at Wesleyan result for any Bowdoin wom- the entire team. current generation of skiers cure him a spot. is starting to get there.”
on Sunday afternoon. an since Kaitlynn Miller ’14 “Any time we get good in- where we’ve really finally seen “Starting with early season With just three weekends
Bowdoin started the game finished third at the Williams dividual results, it lifts the this pay off.” time trials and leading into of racing left, the Polar Bears
strong and never took its Carnival in 2014. whole team,” said Alsobrook. Recent success has dra- the first couple races of the are at just the right time to
foot off the gas, leading
the entire game and by In particular, Vandendries’ “It builds confidence, it cre- matically changed the team’s season, I never could have put that confidence to work.
as many as 40 points result was the culmination of ates a sense of pride and it image. Whereas once Bow- predicted the level I would Bowdoin will compete in
in the second half. Sela four years of buildup. expands the possibilities for doin wasn’t viewed as one be skiing at this year,” said the Maine State Champion-
Kay ’22 had a standout “I always hope for it, be- what our athletes think they of the marquee teams of the Moore. “I think I’ve made a ship, known as the Chummy
performance, tying the cause you’re always trying to can do.” Eastern Intercollegiate Skiing pretty big jump this year, and Cup, this Saturday in Rum-
school record with seven
three-pointers in the do better than your last finish In many ways, this season’s Association (EISA), the Polar I’m hoping I can continue ford, Maine. at 10 a.m. Stu-
victory. The Polar Bears … [but] I didn’t ever really superlative success is prov- Bears are starting to earn a that trend.” dents are encouraged to come
will begin their postseason think I would podium until ing to be the culmination of reputation of speed and suc- In a broad sense, the team’s to the race and cheer on the
campaign when they host this year,” said Vandendries. over a decade of progress for cess. Many of the the younger marked improvement over team.
Hamilton at home in the
NESCAC quarterfinals
on Saturday at 3 p.m. in
Morrell Gym.


Men’s squash scores highest NESCAC finish in a decade
The men’s hockey team that one. Two [Bowdoin] men to take the lead] because
rebounded from a
by Ben Mason first years were on different coming from them, it is a lot
Orient Staff
five-game losing streak courts, at the same time, and stronger,” said Woodward.
to finish out its regular The men’s squash team they won simultaneously in As the team looks ahead to
season home slate of closed out its home schedule five-set matches.” the College Squash Associa-
matchups with a 3-1 senior
day victory over visiting on a high note last weekend, The critical wins by the tion (CSA) Team Champion-
Wesleyan. After scoring claiming its best finish at the first years propelled the Polar ships, Woodward intends to
no more than two goals in NESCAC Championships Bears to a narrow 5-4 victory keep the team sharp—but not
a game since January 24, since 2010. The Polar Bears on Saturday. The team carried to overwork them. He plans
the Polar Bears jumped to finished fifth out of 11 teams. its momentum into Sunday to to emphasize conditioning
an early lead, with captain
Pat Geary ’20 tallying two After beginning the tour- defeat a strong Tufts team in a game work, as well as a cross
goals in the first seven nament with a decisive 8-1 tight 5-4 matchup, securing a between pattern work and
minutes of the game. The victory over Hamilton, Bow- fifth place overall finish. The short bursts.
Cardinals responded with doin suffered a tough 1-8 loss women’s team finished eighth The team is currently
a power play goal early to Williams in the quarterfi- at NESCAC Championships seeded at 23rd going into the
in the third period, but BEN MATHEWS, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
Graham Rutledge ’22 iced nal matchup. The Polar Bears the weekend before. championship, but its seed is
HOME COURT ADVANTAGE: Henry Somerby ’23 fires a serve during last
the game with an empty- rebounded though, and pro- Woodward attributed the week’s NESCAC men’s squash championships, hosted at the Lubin Squash Center. subject to slight change fol-
net goal as the clock ceeded to win two matches men’s team’s success to hard lowing its wins over Colby
expired. Bowdoin sits in in a row against Colby and work as well as the culture of niors Drew Clark and Tyler hold each other accountable and Tufts.
the final NESCAC playoff Tufts—notably, two teams the program. In his first year Shonrock have both been and upperclassmen take on The women’s team will
spot right now and will
clinch the spot with a win that Bowdoin lost to during with the team, he has made instrumental as team lead- larger roles. begin CSA Team Champi-
against Tufts on Saturday the regular season. an effort to create a team- ers, in addition to recogniz- “Rather than the coaches onships competition today
at 4 p.m. “We played very well wide family dynamic and to ing Gannon Leech ’21 as a saying, ‘these are the ex- at Yale, and the men’s team
against Colby,” said Head foster leadership among the guiding figure. Woodward’s pectations—we want you to departs for Cambridge, Mass.
Coach Theo Woodward. upperclassmen. goal is to continue building abide by them at all times’ on Friday, February 28, host-
“It was down to the wire, He acknowledged that se- a dynamic in which students … [we want the upperclass- ed by Harvard.
Friday, February 21, 2020 SPORTS 9

New records set at

women’s swimming and
diving championships a lot of work into racing fast These individual perfor-

by Anthony Yanez in practice and building those mances are also important
and Anna Fauver sorts of learning experiences. I in qualifying for the NCAA
Orient Staff
think that enabled me to grow DIII championships. In or-
The women’s swimming from those.” der to be invited, one must
and diving team came off of a In addition to the strong earn an NCAA A cut or B cut
strong first day performance
to finish fifth at NESCAC
Championships last weekend
at Middlebury College. The
swims, Thea Kelsey ’20 earned
a fifth place finish in the 3-me-
ter diving event and placed
seventh in the 1-meter diving
time. Earning an A cut time
is incredibly difficult and au-
tomatically qualifies one for
an event. The B cut time is a
Carl Williams: student tracklete teammates made insensitive This incident did not occur
meet was punctuated with event. She also earned the title slightly lower standard that is Under the Jersey comments about ability and at Bowdoin, but it could have.
outstanding performances of 4-Year High Point Diver, the used to fill out the rest of the by Paula Petit- Williams, along with many of Bowdoin, like Williams’s high
from the Polar Bears, as both second Bowdoin student in a spots. Not all swimmers that Molina his teammates, felt deeply un- school, remains a predominant-
individuals and relay teams row to win the award. earn B cut times, however, are comfortable. ly white institution. And while
set new records and made the The swimmers’ and div- invited, due to a cap for how “Growing up, I was never the “I used to sleep at this kid’s conversations about race, gen-
NCAA B cut times. ers’ efforts earned the team many individuals may swim kid who could dunk in basket- house before meets,” says Wil- der and class identity are more
The meet started on a high 849 points and a fifth place an event. ball, but when I tried out high liams. Because so many of his encouraged, a lot of the same
note, with the 800-meter free- finish, comfortably ahead of “In the 100 [butter]fly, I am jump, it felt like I could fly,” says teammates—of all races—dis- worries—especially for students
style relay team, composed Connecticut College, which seeded around fourth or fifth. first year and self-proclaimed agreed with these comments, of color—remain.
of Cassie Maroney ’23, Nadia finished with 698 points, and So [for] that one, I should be ‘tracklete’ Carl Williams. Williams wanted to talk to his Williams’ difficulties with his
Eguchi ’21, Erin Moody ’22 well behind Bates, who had invited individually, and I Even so, Williams wasn’t sure teammate about it. high school team echo the same
and Kate Fosburgh ’22, swim- 1,193 points. In first place think our relays are looking that he would run track in college. Prior to this incident, Wil- tensions he felt at the lunch ta-
ming a record time of 7:36.68 for the seventh year in a row pretty good,” Laurita said. “In high school, everyone liams, along with the other ble in sixth grade. The freedom
to earn fifth place overall. This were the Williams Ephs with “You never really know how was required to play a sport,” members of color on his team to voice a concern surrounding
swim was quickly followed by 1,930.5 points. it’s going to pan out because he remembers. “So until I came attended the NAIS Student Di- topics of insensitivity towards
Marshall Lowery ’20 and Mary “We’ve been solidly middle the invited times are there, to Bowdoin, I never really con- versity Leadership Conference, different identities, was com-
Laurita ’21 followed suit, beat- of the NESCAC pack for as but it’s more so based on the sidered myself an athlete. I was a conference for high school promised by this constructed
ing records in their respective long as I’ve been here. For the number of people … It’s like a just a guy who happened to run students of color attending image of the “angry black kid,”
events. women, I think it’s pretty set, weird game that has to happen track.” primarily white institutions. even though the comments that
Lowery set a new record in and we know going in Wil- every year.” Throughout his life, Williams This particular group missed the student had initially made
the 50-meter backstroke with liams is going to be first, and The transition from NES- attended predominantly white the same one meet every year were not racially charged. This
a time of 26.30 and later broke Tufts is going to be right there CACs to NCAAs can be institutions, where the educa- because the conference fell on is a concern that Williams had
that record in the finals, win- behind,” Lowery said. “It’s tough. Swimmers often “ta- tion for black students extended a weekend during the track sea- in the back of his mind: no one
ning the event with a time of nice because we don’t think as per” to ensure optimal perfor- beyond curriculum. While he son. listens to an “angry black kid.”
25.68. much about the rankings. … mance at an event. Tapering is became relatively accustomed “When we confronted him, Having felt this way, Wil-
“The 50 back is not a very We think more about, what are typically a two week process to schools in which he was in he criticized us for going to the liams himself is able to see how
commonly done event, and we doing? How are we improv- that entails decreasing yard- the racial minority, he learned conference at all, arguing that other students of color, friends
I’m not really a sprinter, so ing our times?” age during training but main- the boundaries of his blackness when we left—’we’ being students of his at Bowdoin, still might
it was a big surprise for me,” In the broadest sense, the taining bursts of intensity. in these spaces. of color—had come back feeling not feel like they have the space
said Lowery. “But I do think team always seeks to maximize This clears swimmers of ex- “On the track team, I was one entitled as the PC police,” says to talk about insensitive com-
it showed that I had a lot of the number of points it can haustion but also keeps them of a few students of color. I felt Williams. “From this conversa- ments, especially when they
speed going on, which is really earn, choosing events based race ready. Since the NCAA out of place,” Williams recalls. tion, it also became really clear are on a predominantly white
exciting.” on what the team thinks it can championships are on March More than once, Williams’ that our coaches had little to no team. The burden of “policing”
Laurita also had a stand- score the most in. 18, the team must quickly peers dropped racially charged understanding of how to deal music, confronting insensitive
out meet, setting a record in “NESCACs really is the build up its regimen so that it terms. with these issues. It’s one thing comments and often standing
the 50-meter butterfly with a team event of the year,” Laurita can re-taper beforehand. “I remember confronting to have a conversation about as the lone advocate still falls on
time of 24.92 in the prelims, said. “Last year, our standing With a smaller group go- some of my friends on the race and ethnicity, it’s another students and athletes of color.
which resulted in a third wasn’t as good. So this year, I ing to the NCAAs, however, track team about it at lunch. I to understand it, and it’s another “I haven’t experienced any-
place finish. She also broke think that we really put a lot of qualifying swimmers have the told them I was uncomfortable where you are able to understand thing like this at Bowdoin.
her own school record in the energy into focusing on what opportunity to get increased with them saying the n-word the perspective of someone who I’ve even had conversations
100-meter butterfly in the we could achieve as a team.” attention from coaches and in songs, and they didn’t un- doesn’t look like you.” surrounding race with some of
prelims with a time of 54.62, Throughout the actual grow tighter as a team. derstand,” Williams says. “After “A lack of understanding in my white teammates, and I feel
taking second in finals. On meet, however, the team mem- “Everyone’s always in tune that, people dismissed me as the way to talk about issues re- like they would try to under-
top of all that, Laurita also bers are more focused on indi- with what everyone else is do- the ‘angry black kid.’ Since they lated to identity results in people stand,” Williams says. “I think
recorded a NCAA B cut qual- vidual performances. ing because, instead of keeping wouldn’t listen to me when I not understanding one another the most frustrating part about
ifying time in the 100-meter “Everyone’s trying to swim track of 24 girl races, it’s a few voiced my discomfort, I felt re- and results in people getting the whole thing wasn’t that [my
freestyle. their fastest to earn points for girls and a few guys and you ally isolated.” hurt. Regarding his comment, former teammate] didn’t un-
“I was really happy with the team, but it’s more indi- can always be there cheering,” Just like the label of “angry we brought it up because we derstand why [we], his team-
our swims,” Laurita said. “I vidual. It’s less about, ‘oh, if I Lowery said. “It’s just very, black kid” followed him into didn’t want people on our team mates, were uncomfortable,
think that going into a meet get sixth, I get blank amount very supportive, and everyone high school, ignorance and to feel uncomfortable and get and he didn’t try to. That’s hon-
like that, it’s important to re- of points,’” said Lowery. “It’s can be there, and everyone can lack of understanding followed past it. He reacted in a way that estly what I want—for people
member how much you have more focused on, ‘I want to be watching and excited for some of his white peers. During none of us expected, and he to focus on making the effort
invested in it … We just put [swim] this time.’” everybody else.” his senior season, one of his didn’t listen,” Williams says. to understand.”

NESCAC Standings Compiled by Dylan Sloan

Source: NESCAC and Bowdoin Athletics

Willliams 12 4 0 15 6 1 Middlebury 12 1 1 17 2 3 Tufts 8 2 18 6 Tufts 10 0 24 0
Trinity 11 4 1 16 5 1 Amherst 8 3 3 14 4 4 Colby 8 2 22 2 Amherst 8 2 21 3
Hamilton 9 5 2 10 8 4 Colby 8 3 3 13 5 4 Amherst 7 3 17 7 Bowdoin 8 2 22 2
Amherst 7 6 3 9 9 4 Hamilton 8 6 0 14 8 0 Trinity 6 4 16 8 Williams 6 4 17 7
Middlebury 6 7 3 8 11 3 Williams 8 6 2 12 8 4 Middlebury 6 4 20 4 Trinity 5 5 16 8
Wesleyan 7 8 1 11 10 1 Conn. Coll. 6 5 3 13 6 3 Williams 6 4 13 11 Hamilton 5 5 15 9
Conn. Coll. 6 8 2 10 10 2 Bowdoin 4 9 1 8 11 3 Bates 4 6 12 12 Bates 4 6 13 11
Bowdoin 6 9 1 10 11 1 Trinity 2 10 2 7 11 4 Hamilton 4 6 16 8 Wesleyan 4 6 14 10
Tufts 5 10 1 7 14 1 Wesleyan 0 13 1 6 15 1 Wesleyan 3 7 14 10 Conn. Coll. 2 8 7 17
Colby 3 11 2 7 12 3 Bowdoin 3 7 8 16 Colby 2 8 8 15

Conn. Coll. 0 10 4 20 Middlebury 1 9 12 12


Fri 2/21 @ Conn. Coll., 7 P.M. Fri 2/21 vs. Middlebury, 7 P.M. No games remaining Sun 2/23 vs. Hamilton, 3 P.M.
Sat 2/22 @ Tufts, 4 P.M. Sat 2/22 vs. Middlebury, 3 P.M.
10 Friday, February 21, 2020

‘Access ain’t inclusion’
This week, Harvard professor Anthony Jack visited campus to lecture
about the systemic difficulties of being a first-generation or low-income
student, especially of students whose educational backgrounds do not align
with norms at elite institutions like Bowdoin, because of an extremely in-
equitable educational system.
Moreover, Jack elaborated on the ways in which these institutions fail
to provide inclusive spaces. Simply bringing students from disadvantaged
backgrounds here is not enough—as Jack points out, “access ain’t inclusion.”
We want to thank Jack for coming this week to speak with students and
community members and for staying to engage in further conversations
with faculty and staff. We would also like to applaud the administration
for welcoming dialogue—indeed, providing funding for such a dialogue—
about the experiences of first-generation and low-income students and
opening up room for critiques about practices of higher education.
Events such as this one are powerful avenues for raising awareness about
the complexities of student experiences at elite institutions and at Bowdoin.
Bowdoin is striving towards diversifying its student body and making the
College more accessible, but Jack’s talk pointed out how the College is still HOLLY HARRIS
failing a certain group.
While the lecture was featured as a part of Black History Month, the is-

More than sex: a conversation about “RISE”

sues aren’t just racial, and they aren’t just historical. Jack’s talk sheds a light
on the realities of contemporary higher education. Understanding these
issues is crucial for everyone on a college campus today.
The college has a critical part to play in building space for these conver- in’s answer to “The Vagina Monologues,” one aspect of women’s empowerment.
sations. But the process for change should never be simply top-down. As by Adelaide Evans a popular play that deals with issues But the experience of being a woman
Op-Ed Contributor
we have seen in the past, when students hold the administration to higher similar to the ones described in “RISE.” is much more than that. As Bowdoin
standards, it is forced to respond. Real steps can be taken through not only Last Friday, a friend and I went to see “The Vagina Monologues” can easily women, and women in general, we de-
progressive discourse but also through sustained activism. the annual showing of “RISE: Untold be criticized for its strict association serve to see ourselves, and to be seen, as
Students pushed for transparency and conversations with administra- Stories of Bowdoin Women.” Through- of womanhood with the possession of complete people.
tors, and President Clayton Rose answered questions from students at a out the show, we heard stories from a vagina. It’s a valid criticism, and one Of course, not every woman’s experi-
meeting of Bowdoin Student Government three weeks ago and in Reed various women, with topics ranging that the creators of “RISE” clearly tried ence is the same, and not every person’s
House Thursday night. And Rose acknowledged during the discussion in from friendship and romantic relation- to avoid with the renaming of the show. definition of womanhood is the same. I
Reed that student activism impacted a change in college policy regarding ships to trauma and abuse. One of my But I think the name change lends itself do think there is power in talking about
wages for Bowdoin housekeepers. favorite stories was about a woman who to other issues. Choosing to name the topics some would consider taboo.
While we can and should continue to demand substantive programming expressed disappointment in herself for show “RISE” brings the focus of the show There is certainly power in working
from the administration, it is also imperative that as a student body we being unable to love her body, despite away from sex-positivity and towards the towards a common goal, and to all the
continue to hold Bowdoin up to a higher standard; voicing our discontent the environment she grew up in, which entire experience of womanhood, but so women who collaborated to pull off the
with the status quo is a form of power. she described as being surrounded by many people still chose to equate wom- production of “RISE,” I commend you.
As put forth by Jack, “demand as much from Bowdoin, as Bowdoin de- women who loved themselves and their anhood largely with sex-positivity. I also recognize that I have the choice
mands of you.” bodies unapologetically. While I don’t think that the show to add my voice to the story, and I was
My friend’s favorite story was about should be renamed as Bowdoin’s itera- definitely inspired to submit a story to
This editorial represents the majority view of the Bowdoin Orient’s editorial a woman with an unusual medical issue tion of “The Vagina Monologues,” I also “RISE” for next year.
board, which is comprised of Emily Cohen, Roither Gonzalez, Sabrina Lin, being encouraged to go to “vagerapy” don’t think the show was able to fully I think many Bowdoin women
Alyce McFadden, Rebecca Norden-Bright, Ayub Tahlil and Tianyi Xu. (which is, according to the author of the achieve the goal of women’s empower- would agree that their experiences as
story, a real word). But despite the stories ment when so much of it was focused women are complex and challenging.
that I did enjoy, I left feeling unsatisfied. on sexual experiences. Even though the No one wants to be labeled according to
One of the monologues shared that night creators of “RISE” did make it clear that a preconceived notion of what it means
particularly resonated with me. To para- the stories are not representative of all to be a woman. With “RISE,” we have
phrase, the author of this story said that Bowdoin women, I couldn’t help but the power to change those definitions.
they were disappointed by how many of feel like it was a representation of how But there is no power in allowing wom-
the stories focused on sex, sex-related many of us think of ourselves. Why are anhood to be defined as just one thing
ESTABLISHED 1871 issues, or romantic relationships. we quick to define ourselves and our when, in reality, it is so much more.
After a bit of research, I discovered womanhood by our sexual or roman- Adelaide Evans is a member of the
that “RISE,” at its founding, was Bowdo- tic experiences? Yes, sex-positivity is Class of 2022.
bowdoinorient.com orient@bowdoin.edu 6200 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011
The Bowdoin Orient is a student-run weekly publication dedicated to providing news and
information relevant to the Bowdoin community. Editorially independent of the College
and its administrators, the Orient pursues such content freely and thoroughly, following LETTER TO THE EDITOR
professional journalistic standards in writing and reporting. The Orient is committed to
serving as an open forum for thoughtful and diverse discussion and debate on issues of
interest to the College community.

Editor in Chief Editor in Chief

Expand mental health services
To the Editor:
Emily Cohen Alyce McFadden Bowdoin is not equipped to meet the demand of
Among 38 elite institutions, Bowdoin College is its students, and, as a result, both students and staff
Digital Director Managing Editor News Editor ranked third in the number of students who seek are suffering. Our generation is struggling, but the
Steven Xu Maia Coleman Andrew Bastone counseling and mental health services. This statistic difference is we are more open about it than pre-
Anna Fauver Aura Carlson is not inherently negative—in fact, it demonstrates vious generations. The administration must meet
Photo Editor Roither Gonzales how, in some ways, Bowdoin is doing something its students halfway. When students are trapped on
Rohini Kurup Features Editor right. The historic increase in students seeking waitlists and forced to wait long periods of time,
Ann Basu Ian Ward Emma Sorkin counseling shows that our students are both in- the results are detrimental. It’s easier for these stu-
formed about mental health issues and feel empow- dents to get discouraged and lost. It is not merely a
Layout Editor Sports Editor ered enough to seek them out. This is no doubt a matter of inconvenience. We strongly encourage the
Emma Bezilla Executive Editor Dylan Sloan triumph and a result of the College doing a better administration to take a closer look at this issue be-
Jaret Skonieczny Eliana Miller job providing information for and outreach to stu- cause it is not going to go away, and these numbers
Ian Stewart Reuben Schafir A&E Editor
dents with mental health needs; however, this vic- will likely only increase. Counseling and Wellness
Cole van Miltenburg
tory is in vain if our Counseling Services lack the Services must be expanded, not just for the sake of
Data Desk Editor resources necessary to provide adequate support to the students but for the sake of the hardworking and
Opinion Editor
Gwen Davidson Associate Editor Diego Lasarte students. dedicated staff.
Drew Macdonald Ellery Harkness Counseling and Wellness Services at Bowdo- Next week, Bowdoin Student Government will be
George Grimbilas (asst.) Conrad Li Page 2 Editor in has five permanent staff members. These staff voting on a proposal written by Ryan Britt ’22 on
Nimra Siddiqui (asst.) Sabrina Lin members are busy and overworked, each seeing be- behalf of the Student Affairs Committee, encourag-
Lily Randall
tween eight to 12 students a day while the national ing an expansion of these services and a closer look
Head Illustrator Calendar Editor average for a counselor is six. Last year, 30 percent by the administration on this issue. We strongly en-
Sara Caplan Copy Editor Jane Godiner of students utilized Counseling and Wellness Ser- courage students to attend this meeting and voice
Sebastian de Lasa vices, a historic high. This year, there is already a their opinion.
Social Media Manager Danielle Quezada Senior News Reporter 17 percent increase. At Bowdoin, it takes a month
Ayub Tahlil Emily Staten Horace Wang to see a psychiatrist, when it should take no more Sincerely,
than three weeks. The wait time to see a counselor Safa Saleh ’22 (Representative for Health and
The material contained herein is the property of The Bowdoin Orient and appears at the sole discretion of the has increased from two days to two weeks. These Counseling on the Bowdoin Student Government)
editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all material. Other than in regard to the above editorial, the opinions numbers are terrifying. and the rest of the Student Affairs Committee.
expressed in the Orient do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.
Friday, February 21, 2020 OPINION 11

Post-discourse and the specter of the town square

town square with a soapbox personalized facts and has the convinced that everyone on web that I’m not used to being time.
where “it’s John Adam’s turn to ability to present itself as any- my Facebook or Twitter feed is in. I ended up scrolling down a I can tell you safely that I’m
The Fox Box speak, or whatever.” People, pre- thing it wants: a newspaper, a hilariously and accurately re- Facebook profile littered with not convinced. It is not at all my
by Jared Foxhall pared to listen, crowd together, friend, a scientist. The rapture sponding to what is really going headlines like “Ben Shapiro intention to appease a political
discuss and subsequently vote. of self-confirmation keeps peo- on in the world. There is nothing destroys libtard with facts and faction I believe holds paranoid,
In 2018, whistleblower There are important things ple in the square longer, and the within my sphere of influence logic” or “What the Left won’t racist ideologies, nor is it my
Christopher Wylie released happening here. There are peo- phantom specter waxes in pow- that infringes on the idea that I tell you about climate change” goal to make the moral rela-
a cache of documents to The ple, many of whom know each er by trapping more and more am entirely and utterly correct in or “Why Trump is the best pres- tivism argument. But the algo-
Guardian detailing the dirty other, standing together hearing people in the town square. my belief system. But sometimes ident since Lincoln.” There were rithmic apparatus that informs
work of data-mining and polit- the same things, aware that oth- The phantom specter is the the simulation cracks. some less abhorrent things too, the “other side” of the internet
ical consulting firm Cambridge er people are hearing the same algorithm that Facebook, You- Recently I let my curiosity like inspirational quotes about is fed and manufactured by the
Analytica and its role, alongside things. Within that audience, Tube, Twitter and all other so- click its way into a corner of the love and family, perseverance same apparatus that informs
Facebook, in manipulating the you have opposing candidates, cial platforms of modern public and loyalty to one’s country. At “us.” Social media thrives off of
2016 elections. It revealed An- experts and journalists that can discourse use to curate your in- one point, I found myself fully the death of liberal discourse
alytica’s alleged unauthorized write about what’s going on and creasingly addicting content. It immersed in the performance and allows certain fanaticisms
possession of personal data critical citizens that weigh in bears the semblance of real dis- of a thirty-something, evangeli- to find a home. It has allowed
from 87 million Facebook user on the relative truth of what is course, ever more persuasive cal priest with the cleanest fade, right-wing billionaires and
accounts which were used to being said. Everyone is aware in the idea that you are con- Yeezys and a hoodie jumping on think tanks to act as the phan-
deploy targeted political ad- of what is going on. In this nected and engaged. All the what looked like a glass stage in tom specter and mass-produce
vertising for the Trump cam- simplified model, the words of while, it becomes ever more an auditorium that more appro- an entire industry of alternative
paign. Cambridge Analytica John Stuart Mill remain pure: isolating, uniform, compart- priately belonged in the Battle- truth.
liquidated itself in May 2019. “The clearer perception and mentalized and anxiously star Galactica than in a church. It contains its own scholar-
In the aftermath, we learned livelier impression of truth” is reluctant to difference. I sat there with all of this ship, theology, media, culture,
the frightening capacity with “produced by its collision with I’m usually content for some thought-leadership, universi-
which faceless shape-shifters error.” This is a liberal political ties, publications and celebrities,
on social media can manipulate dialogue. all with their own self-perpetu-
and mobilize public opinion, as Wylie goes further to show ating internal logic. I, therefore,
well as the role that the internet that the internet has made submit that these people are not
has in shaping modern public possible the phenomenon of uninformed. Some of them are
discourse. the ‘phantom candidate’ in the probably more informed than
In an interview with the pod- town square. The audience be- you are. The town square is
cast “Think Again” last October, lieves what it and everyone else forever altered, and the reality
Wylie explains why entrusting are hearing is coming from the of multiple truth-industries is
social media with our public person on the soapbox. In truth, too profitable for Big Tech to re-
discourse actually renders it what they hear is a phantom verse. The internet has opened
useless. He invokes the old presence that drifts through- up a Pandora’s box inside which
notion of public discourse in out the crowd, whispering in we may have to choose: death
the town square. In this image, people’s ears. The phantom tells to the technology or death to
there is a colonial-American each person a different set of us all.

The J-Board responds to election re-structuring

additional responsibilities to disciplinary matters. Granting if the Board were to have some But the Board does not deter- dents. While our independent
by Grace Fenwick the Board in this process. To the Board a role in election kind of complaint about the mine which cases come before finding of responsibility is
and Emma Kellogg our knowledge, neither the oversight gives the appearance election process, it would hold it, nor do we, as members, final, the sanctions are deter-
Op-Ed Contributors
Board nor the College had any that BSG is not autonomous. up the entire thing. We can’t report suspected violations of mined by the dean who hears
Last week, the Bowdoin role in the writing of these by- Moreover, the Board has no give a college body that kind College policy to the adminis- the case.
Student Government (BSG) laws, nor was the Board con- interest in playing a role in of authority.” tration. The suggestion that the The Board is not a branch
amended its election proce- sulted. In fact, the Board was student-run government. This is not true. The Board Board would generate and pur- of student government. It
dures, a decision covered by unaware of this additional role Last week’s amendment re- has never had the “authority” sue a “complaint” in the over- serves a distinctively different
the Orient in the article “BSG until relatively recently. moves the Board from BSG’s to “hold up” a BSG election, sight of an election misstates function from BSG. Within
Votes to Amend Election Pro- During a meeting with BSG ranked-choice voting process nor is this our role on campus. the Board’s role and reach. the disciplinary process, the
cedures.” While we support leadership last semester, we (see BSG Minutes February 5, To be clear, the Board is As you all heard us say at Board gives students an op-
this action, we write to clarify pointed out that the Board’s 2020, page 3 and BSG Bylaws, a College committee tasked Matriculation, the Board is portunity to be heard by their
the Judicial Board’s relation- role in elections could be seen Article V, Section D(ii)(a)). with hearing cases of alleged not the student version of se- peers. As students, we believe
ship to BSG and its role in the to compromise its indepen- However, this action does not violations of the Academic curity. Our function is to hear in the values and community
student disciplinary process. dence. At that time, we invited fully remove the Board chairs Honor and Social Code. Thus, matters of alleged misconduct standards that ensure Bowdo-
According to the September BSG to remove the Board en- from the Elections Commis- an irregularity in the elections brought to us by the adminis- in remains a safe learning and
2019 BSG Bylaws, the Chair tirely from its bylaws. BSG is sion. We extend our invitation of an autonomous student tration and make an indepen- living environment for every-
and Vice-Chair of the Board a self-governing student orga- to remove the Board from this organization lies soundly be- dent determination of respon- one. As Board members, we
are “members” of BSG Elec- nization, and it should be au- oversight role once more. yond our purview. sibility. If a student is found seek to maintain, protect and
tions Commission (see Article tonomous from the adminis- In last week’s article, BSG Is it possible that election responsible for violating the advocate for these values.
V, Section D(ii)). When BSG tration. The Board is a College leadership is quoted by the tampering might be so signifi- Honor Code or another policy, Grace Fenwick and Emma
amended its bylaws to include committee, convened by the Orient as saying, “Theoreti- cant that it rises to a violation we recommend a sanction to Kellogg are members of the
ranked-choice voting, it gave administration to hear alleged cally, how the bylaws are now, of the Social Code? Perhaps. the Office of the Dean of Stu- Class of 2020.

QUESTION OF THE WEEK Last issue’s response:

62% YES
Answer at bowdoinorient.com/poll. 38% NO Based on answers from 125 responses.

HAVE AN Submit an Op-Ed or a Letter to the Editor to

orientopinion@bowdoin.edu by 7 p.m. on the Tuesday of the
OPINION? week of publication. Include your full name and phone number.
12 Friday, February 21, 2020

“For Sama”
The Arabic program will be screening “For Sama,” a documentary
produced and narrated by Syrian journalist and activist Waad Al-
Kateab about her experience living through the Syrian Civil War.
Room 028, Hawthorne-Longfellow Library. 4 p.m.

Dimensions of Freedom: Teaching the
Liberal Arts in Prison
Robert Henke, professor of drama and comparative literature at
Washington University in St. Louis and director of Washington
University Prison Education Project, will discuss his work
teaching liberal arts college courses to people in prison.
Russwurm African American Center. 4:30 p.m.

Dance Marathon 2020
The annual dance marathon will fundraise for Barbara Bush
Children’s Hospital in Portland, Maine. Along with dancing,
there will be live music and refreshments.
David Saul Smith Union. 5 p.m.
DINNER IS SERVED: On Saturday, sudents gathered in Daggett Lounge in Thorne Hall to celebrate Lunar New Year wth dinner.


A Whale of a Time! “One of the Good Guys” Yoga for Relaxation
The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum will hold its annual Fami- Lisa Peterson, associate director of the office of Gender Violence First-year Siri Kazilionis will hold an evening yoga class.
ly Day, featuring fun and educational arctic-themed activities. Prevention and Education, will lead a discussion on the under- Room 301, Peter Buck Fitness Center. 8 p.m.
Lobby, Hubbard Hall. 10 a.m. tones and overtones of sexual and dating violence in shows such
as “You,” “Gossip Girl” and “Riverdale.” Pizza will be provided.
PERFORMANCE Room 020, Druckenmiller Hall. 7:30 p.m.
George Lopez and Gulimina Mahamuti

Pianist Gulimina Mahamuti and Beckwith Artist in Residence
George Lopez will play piano pieces by Robert Schumann
and Sergei Rachmaninoff.

Kanbar Auditorium, Studzinski Recital Hall. 3 p.m. EVENT
FATHERLAND: Culture, Violence and
the Peruvian Landscape
Hip Hop Concert with SAMMUS LECTURE Artists Juan Jose Barboza-Gubo and Andrew Mroczek will
SAMMUS, rap artist, producer and postdoctoral fellow at “Adventures in Translating Contemporary discuss their photo series “FATHERLAND,” which features
Brown University, will perform. Russian Fiction: Time Travel, Twisted LGBTQ communities in contemporary Peru.
Jack Magee’s Pub and Grill, David Saul Smith Union. 10 p.m. Families and Loving One’s Authors” Museum of Art. 4:30 p.m.
Translator Lisa Hayden will speak about her prize-winning
translations of Russian novels into English. She will read some of WELLNESS CLASS
her work and discuss the process of translating a literary work. Spin
Beam Classroom, Visual Arts Center. 4:45 p.m. Matt O’Donnell, editor of Bowdoin Magazine, will hold an

indoor cycling class.
LECTURE Room 213, Peter Buck Fitness Center. 7 p.m.
The 2020 Election: The Fundamentals of
EVENT What You Need To Know EVENT
Student Reiki Clinic Amy Walter, national editor of The Cook Political Report, Trivia Night
Volunteer Reiki practitioners will introduce Bowdoin students will give students information and context about the 2020 Students will compete in trivia, with prizes for the top three
to Reiki, a non-invasive healing and de-stressing practice. presidential election. winning teams.
Garage, 24 College Street. 4 p.m. Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center. 7:30 p.m. Jack Magee’s Pub and Grill. 8:30 p.m.

28 EVENT 29 BHM 1 2 3 EVENT 4 5 EVENT

Polar Bear Snow Ebony Ball Gallery Talk: Trivia Night

Globe Making Andrea Dezso

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