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Ducati 1967-70 Ducati Singles Workshop Manual PDF

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OVER HEAD CAMSHAFT MOTORCYCLES mt SUPPLEMENT To WORK SHOP MAAYAE ‘MAIN SPECIFICATIONS: Cmburetor 2 6 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM: Check of the recharge installation with Instructions for checking the advance on slectronis regulator...» Instructions for checking the advance of Ducat} Motorcycles MOTORCYCLE DISMANTLING: Engine Dismantling. 6. 6 = OVERHAUL AND LIMITS OF WEAR: Chuten springs 6 6 Overhaul of the starter group. - ‘TABLES OF WEAR: Clearance beiween cylinder and piston. interference nd clearance bet guagesn pin. Misimum aad maximum axial clearance ‘on assembly for compression rings and oilscrapers se ee Assembly, tolerance for piston ring and oibscraper and APs Minimum and moximum assembly clea fance between. gudaeon pin anil com: necting fod canal end : Radin! tolerance on asyembly between connecting rod ‘big end und crank pin u " Axial tlerange on assembly between ean necting rod big endl and crank pid Minimum and maximum clearance vie valvestern and valveguide ‘Minimum and maximum clearance bel: ween rocker pia und rocker bush Maximum Interference and araximum cleus ranse between bush and rocker Needle valve springs. REASSEMBLING OF THE ENGINE: “bearings, rollers box and bushes elorunkease and covers. Assembling the timing bevel gear, om hall: eramkease chain sides yee Assembling the gearbox 6) ys Closing the crankesse © 5 ee Assembly of the Flyuheekmaguet, Kick Starter and Clutch Housing fasembling he Kick Sinner gt. Assembling the cover ot te « Timing System Sie= see ey ett Assembling the Cylinder Head 6. Ascembling the Cylinder Desmo Heods Checking the timing 6. ee Setting the Ignition Advance. Finting the Spark Plug . ae REASSEMBLING THE MOTORCY ‘TROUBLES, THTIR ORIGIN AND REPAIR: ‘TOOLS: n R n 12 5 - Speed Ducati Single Overhead Camshatt Motor Cycles 250 Monza 250 Mark 3 Editions 1967 aoea. 250 Mark 3 desmo 1963 250 Scrambler 1370 350 Mark 3 350 Mark 3 desmo 350 Scrambler 450 Mark 3 450 Mark 3 desmo 450 Scrambler INSTRUCTIONS FOR SERVICE STATIONS AND DUCATI REPAIR SHOPS at EDITION « REF,DM - MOD, 4125/E - PRINTED DECEMBER 1969 - 2.009 very DUCATI REPAIR SHOP ix supplied with m copy of this manual. The coments of this fkansboak ara not biodiny and GUGAT! MEGCANICA SpA. teaarco to themnalvas the right af altering any of the constructional details, ecossories. thals, 18. which, In their opinion, are necessary for the mr provement af the bock itself ar of say technfeabeconomica) need, tut this cannot be considers’ bound for the partnership to bring It umiedste. Sas We | SUMMARY | MAIN SPECIFICATIONS | ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MOTORCYCLE DISMANTLING | ENGINE DISMANTLING OVERHAUL AND LIMITS OF WEAR REASSEMBLING OF THE ENGINE REASSEMBLING OF THE MOTORCYCLE TROUBLES, THEIR ORIGIN AND REPAIR TOOLS INDEX page Page page poge page page page page MAIN SPECIFICATIONS The main specifications of each single O-H.C, SHAFT DUCATI MOTOR CYCLE are found in the «USE and MAINTENANCE » Insiruction Book. CARBURETOR (Page 34) For the 250 and 350 ce matareyi is advisable to refer to the corresponding Insicuction Books and Spare Pi the 450 cc motorcycles (being the carburetor apparently the same When it in reality the carburation differs secording to the type of the machine and also if it is with or without filter), the carburetor specifications are found in the following schedule): o 5 2 7) iy) feo. He Hey a7 | Sghs Gas Bgase z 2 2 2 #8 é g z g gos § 3 2 2 2 EE E 7 = 3 = a a 2E 2 = 2 5 é § ~RE a 8 ae ake ‘g| 22 2 2 ge 88 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (Page 35) For the deseription, advantages, specifications, diagram and inconveniences, refer to sponding instruction manuals, while her we describe the: CHECK OF THE RECHARGE INSTALLATION WITH ELECTRONIC REGULATOR The battery recharge installation consists of 8 flywheel alternator which produces singlephase alternate current which is rectified and voltage- regulated by an electronic regulator with con trofied diodes. ‘The voltage regulation let arrive to the battery only the eiterent quantity required by tis charge siluation; consequently a quick recharge is ol tained aut any overcharge, resulting in an extended life of the battery itself The controlled diodes allow the direct and regu- lated flow of the rectified current from the alter- nator to the battery without having to pass through limiting impedances, a better output of the installation i# ‘The current arrives to the utilizers (lamps, horn gic.) directly from the battery without passing through current colifs and the utilizers can the: refore be more efhctent. HECK OF THE CHARGE CURRENT AND REGULATION 4) Make sure that the wiring harness be efficient, particularly the part regarding the alternator, the feulator and the battery, and that the employed lamps be these requested. yeLtow Nor }) Disconnect fram the battery positive (+) clip the pertaining red cable and insert between the diseonnecied cable os the free clip, an ammeter for direct ..rrent, ammeter in which the zero is in its yenter, having a current cartying capacity of 15 Amp. approximately, c) Possibly connect between the battery (+) and (—) clips, a direct current Voltmeter having a current carrying capacity of 8 to 1 Volts approximately, and make ‘sure that the bat- tery voltage be at least of 4 ¥; if Ht were not 56, the regulator will not be excited and con sequently there will be na current output. d) Insert the contact key, let run the engine and gradually accelerate till the flywheel al- ternator atlains approximately 6,000 r.p.m. ©) Check of the maximum output - Switch on the main vehicle lights with a battery voltage (showed by the voltmeter) being lower than that ef 7. rated for the regulator: the charae current (showed by the ammeter) should be 5 Amp. approximately, f) Check of the minimum output - Switch off the main vehicle lights and let the engine running at the said number of revolutions. The Pattery voltage should progressively increase tll ik aitains the regulator rating Jue (7.5 Volt approximately), while the chat ge current should progressively decrease till arriving near 1 Amp. approximately (when the battery is entirely charged) If there is ho current output or if the maw mum current is found, the regulator can be defective and therefore it must be replaced, Repeat the tests. IF on the contrary are found figures lawer than those mentioned in. parag. res, check the alternator separately, ‘CHECK OF THE FLYWHEEL ALTERNATOR (see fig. 1 and fg. 2). ELLOWS Va i Disconnect from the regulator the 2 yellow cables and the fed one coming from the alternator, i re to place them withow they touch progressively accelerating pan, in the flywheel alte the vollage between each yellow cable and the ed eable, with a voltmeter for alternate current {having a recti ‘}. The voltage sy found should approsimately sorrespond to 38 to 40 V: if they wer, for the same amount, than the specified one, the rotor could be partially de magnetized a fore it should be remagnetized, cmploying the adequate magnetizer, IE the 1wo voltages are not equilibrated between them, the stator can be defective and therefore ir must be checked, measuring with an Ohmme- ter the continuity among the disconnected cables and the insulation towards carth, making sure, in case, that the stator coils donot show any apparent sign of burn. If one or both the windings result cut off or at the earth, replace the siator and repeat the volinge tests. CHECK OF THE ELECTRONIC REGULATOR (see fig. 3) FLYWHEEL ALTERNATOR ist BATTERY Check how works the tension regulation: install ‘on the test bench the regulator, the pertinent alicrnator, the battery, the ammeter and the volimeter, following the proper scheme. Put the bench in working condition letting the alternator turn at 6,000 f.p.m. approximately: a) With devintor in position «A» (6 to 7): the ammeter will show the charge current which ELECTRONIC REGULATOR 2nd BATTERY can be from I to 10 Amp. according to the battery charge condition; b) With devlator In poslilon « B = (8 V. approx.) he ammeter must show 0 Amp. (closed re: Kor), + If the regulator does not fellow these rules, itis defective and therefore it must be replaced, Repeat the said tests. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CHECKING THE ADVANCE ON DUCATI MOTORCYCLES (Pope 45) For all modéls, the ignition advance check can bbe carried duit according lo the traditional system {3ée instruction books for 250350450 cc), or according to the check by stroboscopic light (iMustrated in detail in the instruction book for the 450 cc}, bearing in mind thai the round reference mark (.) appearing on the cover, clutch side, refers tu the total advance in the models 250 and 350 cc; on the contrary, the linear refe: rence mark (1) refers to the total advance in the 450 cc models, The figures in the following table have bee taken with an opening between the cont! breaker contacts of 3 to..4 mm (.012 10.015 inch). Torst advance MOTORCYCLE DISMANTLING (page 51) ENGINE DISMANTLING (page 54) Asin whole, follow the description in the Work Shop Manual from page 51 to page 58. OVERHAUL AND LIMITS OF WEAR (page 59) Follow the check described from page $9 and up bearing in mind that for the: Clutch springs (page 61) the speech is current for the motorcycles till putea while for these of 450 cc it should be The springs are 6 When checking their efficiency, bear In mind what follow : — the initial length of each new spring is about 27.3 mm (1.083"), and it takes a 21 kilogram approx, (approx. 46.3 Ibs) weigh! to compress the spring down to 20 mm (25/32"). Springs may be chee! by measuring them free; — if the length is equal to. or less than 5% of the initial measurement, then the spring is still efficient; otherwi is not and must be replaced. STARTER (page 62) Check the spindleto-bush fit, Initially the diameter’ of the Bash In the cranks ease (clutch side) is @ 22184-0033, and that of Models sever | SiS same with engine A ee 4 vee cs Bae ¢ 4 ser * Baw ° 4 heb » wee ° 4 see = Bee o 4 wee * Bow ° 1 Sab # Dew ° a 2 wow ® ‘ * © ° ‘ * ® ° 4 o Q the cover (clutch side) is @ 18H? 4.0088, When wear excveds 0.10 mm (.004") the bushes must be replaced. They cin be extracted with a press and a mandrel. The same means can be used to assemble the bushes, ‘Alter having assembled the mew bushes, ream to the above mentioned diameters, STARTER GEAR (page 62) Inspect the teeth. If they are excessively worn, change the gear with a new one, NOTE! - If the engagement teeth are very much ‘out of shape, then also inspect the Istspecd driven gear, with which the slarler gear meshes and, if necessary, change also the first speed driven gear, Initially the dismeter of the gear is @ 22474-0021. When wear exceeds 0.10 mm (.004"}, the gear must be replaced, SLIDING COUPLING Ope CLUTCH PRESSURE SPRING ‘There is no fixed charge, so if there are no in conveniences in its work, it is still fit. te as for the starter gear, TABLES OF WEAR (page 67) ‘Table N. 1 - Clearance between cylinder and piston, Motorcycles 250 MONZA - 230 SCRAMBLER The same table of page 68 goes for these motor- cycles: ton, 380 MARK 3 - MARK 3 D - SCR MOTORCYCLES Motorcycles 250 MARK 3 - 250 MARK 3 D The some table for 250 MARK 3 page 69 gocs for these motorcycles 100, = MACH 1 of ‘ (STON Min. | Lines of ASSEMBLY Sea eee gparance | Wear a # pestscrsces | ons Standard a a wsans+7575 | ons oe 4 8 restos | ous +h 8 6st 7642 x wersseteats | ones and pebore, A ‘Tht 76.61 B TOARS + 76.405 O1as nie ® Thehs Toe A ans7ass | ass Té80- 76685576 rr Jed redone A 680+ 7681 B TELS TGS Os si B T6814 1682 A TOS 1667S Os “ib RRB RS T7077 8B OMS 1 T6498 Olas % B THA TIA A aesesemsats | as 480 cc MOTORCYCLE CYLINDER PISTON Max. Mie. ASSEMBLY ejgarance | «learance c=mm, De mm. erance | eeorani a $6.00 8601 B is stsas O18 out Standard B 8601 8002 A ‘Ss728880 01s. aus A e640+86a1 8 626-8635 018 on Ist rebone a B e641 8642 a 142748626 0.8 ou a Hi s866i 2 3646-8645 ous on B Bob1 BAAD A 84798648 ous ons Sama A 86202 8681 B 2666~ 85.65 ots aus casi B 86510 86.82 a 15.67 85.65 os ou ay rbr A 006701 B Seseoneas a6 ons x B 01 81.03 * 86575-5826 us att ‘Wet oat Table N, 2- Assembly Interference and clearance between piston and gudgcon pin.- Limits of wear. 250 - 350 ce MOTORCYCLES: [he same table for the 260,cc and 380 SEBRING goer for these motarc ig, 63). too (see page 72 - 450 ce MOTORCYCLE PISTON GUDGEON PIN | Clearance + Liaiits of Pee @Aumm. SBamm, — | [Merterence 72.003 21995 + 0508 Standard. 4 yd hos Ist auidgcon pln aversize mow 22.005 +0008 or nov no10 — 000% a 2nd gudlgcon pin oversize noe Bow +0008 + O13 non Ros = 0.008 Jed. gudgcon pin oversize 20 nos + 0.008 = 000 non 00 — 000% Table N. 3+ Minimum and maximum axial clearance on assembly for compression rings and oll- serapers (page 72) - fig. 64). - Limits of wear. MOTOR CYCLE MODEL 28) MONZA 250 SCRAMMLER, 280 MARK 3 26) MARK 3D 380 MARK 3 380 MARK 3 D 550 SCRAMBLER, 10 - Table N. 4» Assembly tolerance for piston ring and oll-scraper end gap (see page 73 - fig. 65). - lis of wear, MOTOR CYCLE Oo Ssceaper ent MODEL. Socking positon bn scraper 280 MONHA - 20 SCR 0410 045, 280 MARK 3 - 250 MARK 3D 0204035 380 MARK 3-350 SCR -A@MARK 3 Dy ° 052040 480 6, 0.25. 040 Table N.S. Minimum and maximum assembly clearance between gudgcon pin and connecting rod small end bush, « Limits of wear. 250 - 350 ce Motoreyeles The table for the 280 ce and 350 Sebring goes for these motorcycles too (see page 74 = fig, 66). 430 ce MOTORCYCLES ASSEMBLY. ee. ui raha.et ‘C= mm mm, Standard Tet gauge “pl “ovritsa eo tnd eudgcon pin oversize “ee 46d qudgcon pin oversize Azo * ' ‘Table N. 6 - Radial tolerance on assembly between connecting rod big end and crank pin (see page 73 - fig. 67), - Limlis of wear. 250. 380 - 480 ce Motorcycles ‘The same table for the 250 ec and 350 Sebring + Page 75. goes for these motorcycles too, Table N. 7. Axial tolerance on assembly between connecting rod big end and erank pin (see page 76 = fig. 68). - Limits of wear. 0 75 - 0.05 for the 250 - 350 « 450 cc motorcycles Measures A~ B+ C+ Das for the 250 cc and 350 SEBRING (page 76). Table N, 8+ Minimum and maximum clearance between valvestem and valve-guide, - Limite of wear, 250 - 380 - 450 cc Motorcycles ‘The same table for the 250 ce and 350 SEBRIN'(page 7) goes for these motoreyeles tao. " Table N. 9 ~ Minimum and maximum clearance between rocker pin and rocker bush. - Limits of wear. (page 77) Table N, 10 - Maximum interference and maximum Limits of wear. MoToR CYCLE Busi rocker | An. mx | Limits of El BORE PIN clearance wear techie @-mm, @-mm, mam, ne. 45) MARK SCR anie 003 ae som ‘oma 250 MONZA . 230-360 MARK 3 roo10 ons sas Ha. 3p SCR om 250.350.4850 MARKS ‘on10 a 087 clearance betweon bush and rocker (page 77) - [Max MOTOR cyeLe ROCKER Hust ae Limits of BORE. ourSIbe —filerferenes | =) Meare MODEL, BORE QUTSIDE [ids clearance +] 380 «360. 480 MARK 3D sae a On om so 0.022 9978 + omy BO HONZA ses | 1300 or —oma oa 2350-4590 SCR 13.018 13001 ‘oor Table N, 11 - Needle valve oprings (page 77), MOTOR: cYer SPRING INLET P ; Limits of MODEE EXHAUST Kg. Th “me aad ; 1 160800 | 353 380-450 MARK 3D tae aes 50 MONZA | arsossa | 595 3 SCR ml as 4 250 - 380 = 450 MARK 3 1 zreoasn | ses ye 380 + 450 SCR zrnaso | 595 i REASSEMBLING OF THE ENGINE (page 78), As a whole, follow the description of the Work Shop Manual from page 78 to 93; bear in mind however the following variations: FITTING BEARING, ROLLERS BOX AND BU- ‘SHES ete. (page 78) ‘The rollers box has been eliminated and replaced by a bearing, ASSEMBLING THE TIMING BEVEL GEAR, ON HALE-CRANKCASE CHAIN SID Assembling In half-crankcage (page 78). Besides the thrust washer Gi = 29.2, fit the di. stance piece Se = 38 - thickness 10 mm, ASSEMBLING THE GEAR BOX (page 79). Step No. 1.- The Istspeed driven gear (kick- sarter gear is not put in the clutch side half-crankease together with the rollers and grease, but om the gear Toyshaft, together with the ynust Washers. Steps Nu. 2, 3, 4 and 3, as page 79, CLOSING THE CRANKCASE (page 80), Before closing the crankcase, fit on half-crank- case clutch side, the starter pin complete with Beda! release spring with the thrust waskeer shim 1 mm., and from the opposite side, the thrust Washer shim ©.5 mm., the starier gear, the grooved thrust washer. spring ring, slide coupling. —_ pin: then turn un one edge of the under placed Clutch pressure spring, spring retainer and lastly washer at the level of the pin bead face. the spring sing, ‘Close bath halves following the procedure expla- At the side of the half-crankease, ft the 1 mm ited at page 80 of the Work Shop Manual. shim washer and screw the sliding coupling stop, Spring ring, inner $ 20 Spring seat Coupling pressing spring Sliding coupling Sliding coupling stop pin Washer, $14.2 x b28 xf Spring ring, inner $ 20 Start gear Z=35 Grooved shim washer Washer, B 22,9 x fp 275405 Washer, # 22,2 x p30 x1 Pedal recovery spring Shim washer, $18 « $ 3z5 225 Distance piece, $18 x$20 «23.8 Shim washer, $18.5 4 # 25 x 9.5 Assembly of the Flywheel-magneto, Kick-Starter of the Work Shop Manual, and in Schedule at and Clutch Housing (page $1) poge Sof the supplement for what regards the Follow as explained ot page 81, figures 77 and 33 position of the flywheel. E* Assembling the KlekStarter gear (page $1) ‘The Kick-starter gear and pin with spring have been fitted before closing both halves (hg. 4) Wind the pedal release spring till it fits the an- chorage pin. Fit the thrust washer @e = 325, the spacer L = 235 and the thrust washer Ge = 25 (sce fig. 4). ‘The leaf spring with plate, safety washer and screw T.E, have been eliminated. Assembling the caver on the + Timing System side» (page 3) Everything as at page 83, exept the timing of the advance gear with the pump sear which has be expressed as follows: Time advance gear with the pump gear, the wo reference must edincide in the models 250 and 350 ce.. while in the 450 cc model the point of the pump gcar amu coincide with the advance gear reference dash, ASSEMBLING THE CYLINDER HEAD (page 85) For the models MARK 3 and SCRAMBLER follow the proceduse explained at page $$ and the following ones, af the Work Shop Manual. For the 250 and 350 DESMO models, operate as follows: — Take the cylinder head 0609.92.350 and lap the valveseats, following the instructions of page $3 of the Work Shop Manual. — Fit the gasket Gaco OR 107 HR 0400.17.020 in the seats of both the intake valve-guide 0727.92.380-and exhaust valve-guide 0727.92.390. — Fit the ring Gace OR 2018 HR - 0809.92.25 on the pin far the closing (or lower) rocker 0727.92.23. “ = Insert the rubber plug 0600,92,235 in the seat existing in the desmo head for the closin (or lower) rocker pin, after you introduce in the corresponding holes. 2 bolts securing the cylinderhead, in order to avoid the rubber coming out during the introduction. — Fit the closing (or lower) rockers 0609.9: with their respective pins and thrust wo helping to center the racker cover, ‘There are in the following sizes: — thickness O.1 mm - 0$09.92.185 = thickness 0.2 mm - 0609.92.195 = thickness 0.3 mm - 0609.92.05 = thickness 0.5 mm - 0400.09.90 = thickness 1 mm + 0509,92.210 — thickness 2 mm - 0609.92.150 — Fit the timing shaft 0609.29.01, the cop with bearing 0609.92.60 and the timing gears, following the instructions at page 86 of the Work Shop Manual, — Assemble the anchoragesprings unit 0609,92.160, the adjustment washer (there ore of various thicknesses: a 5 & 3 a 8 5 bas ickrieas OF mm ~ 0609.92.084 ickness 0.5 mm - 0609.92.085 thickness 0.6 mm - 0609.92.086 — thickness | mm - 0609.92.080), the tment shim thickness 2 mm. 0609.92.070 (on request we supply also that of 3 mm thickness 0609.92.074) and the half rings 0727,92.260, x the adjustment washers, adjust the closing (or lower) rocker on @ mm.; rotate the anchorage forward and backward: 1t must move freely without backlash or friction, Remove the half-rings, the shim, the washers and anchorage to allow the tie and springs fitment, — Press the valve downwards and fit the spring anchorage O609.92.190. the 2 spring drifts (0400.92.420 and the 2 valve springs 9251.92.140. = Fit again the anchorage, the adfustment war shers, the shim and halfrings previously re- moved, and insert the springs under the an choras —Fit_the opening (or unper) rocker pin 0727.92.220 with the pertinent opening (or upper) rocker 0609.92.170 In order to check the thickness of the upper rocker shim. The normal sct of the employed rocker shims is the following: thickness 2mm - 0723:92.500 thickness 2.1 mm - 0723.92.501 thickness 2.3 mm + 0723.92.503, thickness 2.5 mm - 0723.92.505 thickness 2.7 mm - 0723.92.507 thickness 2.9 mm - 0723.92.509 thickness 3.1 mm - 072392511 Ttpteed After you checked the shim with a gauge or a fecler, taking into account a backlash of 0.10 mm (0.0039"), remove the rocker pin. out the side thickening of the rocker in the same manner of the thickening of the closing (or lower) rockers and fit on ihe valve end. the rocker thickness previously established. again the recker pin and cheek again if backlash is really 0.10 mm (0,0039"); it were not so, remove again the parts and ‘effect the operation again till you obtain the prescribed backlash. ASSEMBLING THE CYLINDER DESMO HEAD IN THE 450 DESMO ENGINE. — Follow the same system adopted of the 250 and 350 Desmo, with the sole difference that the following parts are not the same: — Opening rocker pin = 0616.92.220 — Closing rocker pin = 0616,92.230 — Head with seats and valveguides ~ 0616.92.350 — Cap with bearing = 0616.92.640 Cheeking the timing Adjustment - Clearance - Pages 89 and 90 For the model 250 Monza (in which the tanpets are adjusted by means of a screw), follow the procedure described at pages 89 and 90 of the WORK SHOP MANUAL. The values arc {hose appearing on the schedule of page 88. On the contrary, for the model: 250-350-480 MARK 3 250-350-450 DESMO 250-350-450 SCRAMBLER (in which the tappets sre adjusted by ing, sppropriate Winkel ape}, act a3 follows: 1) Remove the threaded pig in front of the crankshaft and fit the appropriate degree wheel with toal N, 100 ~ see Fig. 100, . page 91, 2) Fit an indicator on one of the cover clamping screws. 3) Bring the engine to the TDC (Tap Dead Con ter) comy ion phase (valves closed) and set the indicator to the zero point of the degree wheel. 4) By means of a fecler gauge. adjust the intake valve tappet to its recommended gap (0.05 to 2.10 mm = .002" to 004" for the models 250 - 380 - 450 MARK 3 and 250 - 350 ~ 450 SCR: 0.10 to 0.13 mm = 04" to 006" for the Upper opening rocker in the models 250 - 350 - 450 DESMO: in the Desmo models the gap of the lower closing rocker is 0 mm). 5) Slowly rotate the crankshaft, clockwise, till the tappet begins to lock the winkel cap. 6) Read the degree wheel. The value should correspond to the opening of the intake valve, 7) Continue rotating slowly the crankshaft, always in the same direction, tll the winkel cap is free. 8) Read again the degree wheel, The value indi- cated should correspond to the closing of the intake v 9) Repeat thes= operations, for the same gaps, with the exhaust valve 100. NOTE! - In the said models, the control clea- ance is also the working clearance. The values — in dearees — obtained on the degree wheel should correspond with these men- tioned in the table below (approximation +5"). 4 EXHAUST MOrOR CYCLE Opens +5 Closes 2 280 - 380. 450 DESMO. a 6 250 MARK 3 7 com 284. 450 SCR . 450 MARK 3 or By 3M MARK 3 SCR or or Séltiig the Ignition Advance (page 90) See pages 90, 91 and 92 of the Work Shon Manual and the Schedule at page 8 of the supplement. Fitilng the Spark Plog (page 92) Check the spark plug gap which should be approximately 0.6 to 0.8 mm (.026" to 028") for the 250 and 380 ce and 08 mm (.028"} for the 450 ce, REASSEMBLING OF THE MOTORCYCLE (page 94) As a whole, follow the description of the Work Shop Manual at page 94 and following ones, For the electrical connections, Follow the electrical diagrams, in colors and with numbers, of the instructi¢n book, For the batteries having outer elecirical clamping screws, bear in mind thot they musi always be installed with the positive pole (++) with red dump on the righthand side of the rider, and the negative pole (—) with blue clamp on the Jefthand side of the rider. ‘TROUBLES, THEIR ORIGIN AND REPAIR (page Ltt) ‘The remedies therein described yo for the new models too, while for the battery which dis- charges quickly, refer yourself ta the instructions book. The same it is said for the check of the electric balances. TOOLS (page 115) To the normal set of tools listed at pages 115, 116 and 117 should be added the following ones: Mlustration N Page Reference N Too! ' us S71 041 Flywhvel magneto extractor for 250 - 380 - 450 cc. 2 us ‘887000459 Toot to grasp piston, 450 oc. 6 us se7ta 02 Z~ I wrench, to hald spracket, to lock mut for 450 cc. uN us SAI 0435 Extractor for rocker pin, 150 - 380 - 480, rs us San 3 in, for orienting washers and bushes when Fitting rocker pins, 280'= 350 = 4500. as SETI, ‘Spanner go held timing shaft (to lock Z = 26 bevel 16tt SSTIRO4E0/0561 Pins ta fit and refit gudgeen pin, 480 ce, En ‘98112.9002 Degree whecl mounting device, 250 + 350 = 450 cc, = = SST OMA ‘Warning stroboscopic light to cheek the ignition ad vance with serew and oll protector, for 350° 430 06, ENCLOSURE TO WORKSHOP MANUAL Enclosure to Supplement MOD. 4125/E of December 1969 to WORKSHOP MANUAL MOD, 4106/E of January 1966, Ist EDITION - REF. - DM - MO! -RINTED JANUARY 1971 - 1,000 “Every DUCATI REPAIR SHOP is supplied with a copy of this enclosure 450 ce Over Head Camshaft Motorcycle 197 450 R/T ‘The m; specifications of this Motorcycle can be found in the « INSTRUCTION AND MAIN: TENANCE MANUAL» for the 480 cc, DESMO: CROSS-SPECIAL. As a whole, this motorcycle is am arrangement obtained with the engine of the 450 DESMO and the frame of the 450 SCRAMBLER, together with the addition of some variations. ENGINE, For the carburetor, the instructions for checking the ignition advance, and for the electrical equip- ment, can be found on pages 6, 19 and following ones, as well as on pages 29 and 30 of the In. struction Manual. Take particular note ef the clecirical equipment in case of FLYWHEEL REFIRING Disp piston until the TDC (top dead center) is in firing phase; the flywheel Jine must be placed on the upper side, on the same axis of the key for the driving shaft gear. its, cmploy the same tables for the 450 cc Motorcycle in the Supplement to WORKSHOP MANUAL, pages 9, 10, 11 and 12 DUCAT To reassemble the engine, fellow the same Sup- plement, on page 12 and following ones, referring particularly 1 the 450 DESMO. TO.c. FRAME If the frame has to be reassembled, remember that the sole important variation has been brought to the steering, where at the steering ball races and balls we fitted two conical roller bearings (2 26x @52x%15); smear them with bearing grease before fitting them. After fitting the front fork, check its smoothness, as it must be uniform and without play. MECCANICA s.p.a. - BOLOGNA (BORGO PANIGALE) CASELLA POSTALE 313 TELEPH, 40.02.50 (four lines} TELEGRAMS: “DUCATIMEC,, - BOLOGNA [ITALY) any a. . e ; wee os s, “ “# ' we . Os: Si = d i? : * = ? “AT MECCANICA s.p.a.- BOLOGNA — (BORGO PANIGALE) GASELLA POSTALE 313 TELEPH. 40.02.50 (four lines) TELEGRAMS: “DUCATIMEC,. - BOLOGNA (ITALY) & ; i . bo @ a a PUN ae,

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