Writing Advice
Writing Advice
Writing Advice
Writing Advice
Ready to try your hand at creating erotica? Have sorre hot ideas for a story of your own? Good for you!
We urge you to go for it-and when you're done, after you've carefully and thoroughly polished and proofread your story, subrrit it to us for poss
Before starting, however, you rray want to read through the following Juicy Secrets biog articles about the craft of writing, presented by several s1
authors in our field:
Do you really rrean it when you say ANYONE can write dirty stories?
What if ey initialplan leads rre sorrewhere I didn't expect? What should I do?
Is it okay if sorre of ey plot ideas have been used before by other authors?
Do successful authors ever throw things out and start all over?
We plan to continue adding rrore articles to this section as tiITE goes by. It's all part of an effort to generate rrore and better writing in our specials
lesbian erotica, and to recruit as mmy new talented authors as possible to join us here. So, spend a little tiITE reading the rraterial above, then get
corrposing your own stories!
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