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Beast of Burden - Dungeon Adventure

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"Beast of Burden" is a D&D adventure designed for four 6th- shop. There she unveiled a hidden mirror of opposition. Working
level PCs. While the majority of the encounters are below EL 6, its magic, the mirror generated the H'Jyord's evil double: a
the party will have little opportunity to rest once they board the chaotic evil hound archon. While the duplicates battled one
kadtanach. A balance of character classes is preferable and at another, Sylkess was finally given the reprieve she nee8ed, and
least one magic weapon will be handy. Disguise and Climb she banished the true archon with a dismissal spell.
skills, and the Track feat would be useful but are not necessary. Unsatisfied with the mere banishment of his double, the
• 'To~oadvenrure's primary(;etting is a desolate patch of broken H}yord opposite became obsessed with perverting his counter-
wilderness just a-few miles beyond a string ofsmall human set- pan's original mission. He now seeks to bring immeasurable
tlements. The names of rhe villages are not important and can strife to all the settlements on the borderlands (the former area
be changed to fit your campaign. protected by the original H'Jyord).
Manipulating Sylkess's greed, the evil H'Jyord enticed the
wizard into reveaHng her deceased mentor's greatest unfin-
ADVENTtJRE SYNOPSIS ished project: a collection of scrolls designed to call and bind a
The adventure's dungeon is a patchwork of armored howdahs massive extraplanar creature capable of hauling and defending
saddled on the back of a colossal extraplanaL monster. The rare, expensive cargo in a fortress it would carry on its back.
beast, called the kadtanach, has systematically pillaged local set- Although the original ritual was designed to create the ultimate
tlements and left a wave of refugees in its wake. The kadtanach overland merchant caravan, the H'Jyord sought a greater des-
is manned by a small army of well-trained gnolls, commanded tiny for the monstrous beast. lured by the H'Jyord's promises of
by a mysterious creature known as the H'Jyord. I<adtanach, pro- riches, Sylkess completed the experiment.
nounced "kad-TA-nak," is the gnoll adjective for "too massive to For his part, the H'Jyord began to recruit gnolls to populate his
see all at 0nce." mobile siege engine. The H'Jyord exploited his canine features to
After assisting a stream of evacuees, the PCs are approached pose as a prophet ofYeenoghu the gnoll's hyena-headed demon
by a crippled battalion of K.t:lights of Heironeous. Fresh from lord. The gnolls follow the H'Jyord with fanatical devotion.
their defeat against the kadtanach, the injured knights encour- It hasn't hurt the gnolls' loyalty that the H'Jyord's campaign
age the PCs to sneak aboard the kadtanach and desrroy it before has been, thus far, a complete success. Although the plunder is
it reaches the hamlet of Gheldaylin. Once the PCs accept the not plentiful in the wildlands, the humans have been uprooted
task, they track the beast cross country, board it in secret, and from their homes in droves. Sylkess has tried to persuade the
battle the H'Jyord and his many minions. H'Jyord to lay low for a while before the kadtanach attracts too
much attention, bur the H'Jyord refuses to Lose momentum.

The kadtanach's rampage can be traced to a horrific accident.
For years, Kaya Sylkess, a manipulative wizard, used her Dlagic
to bully the local human populace into financing her a111bi- The adventure begins in the mist of the early morning, as the
tious research to develop expensive magic items. Evenru:tlly, PCs rravel toward a trading outpost known as Szaphdra's Rest.
her exploits artrllcted the attention of the H'Jyord, a celestial
You have been making steady progress toward Szaphdra's
hound archon who began a hunt for Sylkess. Desperate ro sur-
rest, traveling along an old dried-up riverbed that cuts through
vive her relentless pursuer as the defenses of her dacha crum-
the thinning forest. In t he distance, from around a bend,
bled, Sylkess ]Ufed the H 'Jyord into the depths of her work-
comes a steady stream of human men and woman in tattered 4' Valor Bax, Male Human War4: CR 3; HD 4d8+11.; hp 31
clothing. Children number among them, as do a few ponies (currently 7); !nit +1; Spd 20 fr; AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17;
overloaded with poorly packed supplies. The travelers appear BAB +4; Grap +5; Ark/ Full Ark +7 (1d8+1/ 19-20, masterwork
exhausted, and several are wounded. longsword) or +5 melee (1d8+1/ x3, heavy lance); Reach 10 ft.
(with lance); AL LG; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3; Stt 1.3, Dex 13,
4' R efugees of Szaphdra's Rest, Male and Female Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 13.
Human Com1 (46): hp 2-4 each; Ark/ Full Ark +O melee (1d3, Skill.s: Climb +3", Handle Animal +8, Ride +8, Swim - 2". Feats:
unarmed); Craft (an y) +4, Profession (any) +4. Power Artack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (longsword).
This encounter provides an excellent opportunity for the PCs "Includes - 5 armor check penalty (-10 fo r Swim checks).
to exercise a few of their non-combat skills. The characters find Possessions: Masterwork breastplate, heavy sreel shield, mas-
dozens of villagers in need of healing. Bur more than broken terwork longsword, lance, potion of jump.
bones, the refugees suffer from shock, fatigue, and dehydration. Bax's exhausted s tallion pulls a makeshift sled behind it.
The PCs mighr be anxious about expending too much of their Inside the sled is a life-sized stone st atue of a screaming
healing or donating away their provisions while traveling so knight ofHeironeous. Fortunately for the PCs, Bax has begun
near uncharted regions. To reward rheircharity, consider granr- to recover from the shock of h is defeat and can explain what
ing story award XPs commensurate with their generosity. has transpired:
The PCs receive confusing accounts of what has happened. • The people of Szaphdra's Rest are only the latest victims in a
The only common thread is that the villagers are from Szaph- series of violent raids. Bax can rartle off a list of hamlets and
dra's Rest, and that two days ago a giant beast, with jaws as big as villages that have been "hit."
a large h o use , devastated their community. If pressed for • A tribe of gnolls has somehow placed annored huts on top of an
derai ls, one elder traveler (m is takenly) identifies the beast as enormous lizard. The gn olls appear able to steer the creature.
the tarrasque. The ad ults who defended rhe ourpost before • The gnolls are syst ematically sweeping through the human
being driven off describe the beast as carrying an entire castle settlements, bmning any they en counter.
on irs back, filled wirh snarling humanoids. • This group was composed offorty knights wh~ the band set out.
Shorrly after the PCs have had an opportunity to interact Bax concludes his tale:
with the refugees, read or paraphrase the following:
"We were on a fool's mission! A frontal strike was suicide. We
You hear the sound of hoofbeats. Several moments later, were showered with arrows, scalded by boiling pitch, and
armed horsemen cut through the trees and gallop into sight pelted with rocks every time we tried to charge the beast. We
ahead. At first it looks as though the helpless vi II agers are figured if we could just lodge a spear in a single ankle-joint we
about to be run down as the riders close in, but you quickly could slow it down, but its hide was impervious to our heavi·
real ize the riders are in even worse shape than the villagers. est lances. It looked slow, but it wasn't."
Most of the horses carry two riders apiece, as wounded men "They had magic too." He shakes his head and looks at the
stripped of their armor cling to less-injured warriors in front. macabre statue behind his horse. "Some of our horses and
As the battered group closes, you recognize a tattered flag: men charging the front were transformed into rock by some·
these are Knights of Heironeous! Spotting you, the lead knight thing! Our numbers were cut in half, and when we ran we were
mops his brow, breaks off from the pack, and waves his arm, picked off. I think if I can get General Trolanadore to a temple,
and heads in your direction. we could get him restored."
"We think the beast is headed for the hamlet of Gheldaylin.
4' Knights of Heironeous, Male and Female Human Trapped in t he open, they won't stand a chance against the
War2 (17): CR 1; HD 2d8+5; hp 14 each (currently 1- 12); Init beast. We've dispatched a messenger to try and warn them, but
+O; Spd 20 fr; AC 17, couch 10, flat-footed 17; BAB +2; Grap +3; we've heard reports of villagers being run down on the road.
Ark/ Full Ark +4 melee (1d8+1/ 19-20, longsword) or +3 melee
(1d8+1/ x3, lance); Reach 10 ft. (with lance); AL LG; SV Fort +4, Bax then gives a heartfelt pitch to enlist the PCs' aid, by this
Ref +o, Will-1; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Inr 10, Wis 9, Cha 11. time having ascerrained their profession:
Skills: Climb +O", Handle Animal +5, Ride +7. Fears: Tough-
ness, Weapon Focus (longsword). "Now if a smaller group tried to sneak aboard at night, or
"lncludes -6 armor check penalty. when the beast stops to feed-it's gotta eat sometime-I
Possessions: Breastplate, heavy wooden shield, longsword, lance. think it might be possible to destroy the crew, or at least slow
-, Heavy Warhorse (10): hp 30; Monster Manual 273. the beast down until we can put together reinforcements."
Despite their wounds, the knights attempt to assist the peas-
ants. Valor Bax, the brigade's replacement for their fallen leader, If the PCs agree, Bax warns them that the beast is capable of
rides up and meers with the PCs. grea t speed. If the PCs are not motmted, Bax orders the kJ1igh ts
ro lend their four freshest horses to the PCs.
HUNTING THE seven miles might spy a rhin trail of smoke (Spot DC 20). On the
KADTANACH eve of the second day, the kadtanach attacks Gheldaylin.
If the PCs agree to help the knights, their firsr task is to locate Gheldayli:n is a poor place to hie the kadranach, as the gnoll
the kadtanach. Finding the 100-foot-tall beast is not as simple as force will be on alerr. Ifthe PCs are too late, they muse resume the
one would expect. Every t ime the kadtanach pulls ou t of an chase before rhe kadtanach devastates another settleme nt. See
engagement or t he gnolls perform their daily garbage dump, below for more details on where the PCs intercept the creanrre.
Gnu-Dalcom, a gnoll druid (see area 5 below), casts pass without
trace on the kadtanach, evaporating the beast's gigantic foot- WILDERNESS MAP KEY
prints and distinctive smell for the next 50 minu tes.
Nevertheless, clever PCs can track the kadtanach by follow- A REFUGEES
ing the signs Left by the gn olls escorting the kadtanach on the T h e PCs first encounter the trail of refugees from Szapbdra's
ground below. The H'Jyord, a gifted tracker himself, however, Res t and the Knights ofHeironeous at this loca tion. By the time
orders the gnoll patrols to double-back and circle from rime to the PCs ar rive here the kadtanach is already ar point "D" and
time to throw off pu rsuit (Survival DC 18 to follow). heading northeast.
Once the PCs close to within one mile of the kadtanach,
th ey can hea r an d feel th e vib ra tions of the creatu re's foot- B. SZAPHORA'S REST
falls, granting them a +2 circumstance bonus to any checks Displeased with the resistance he encou ntered here, che H'Jy-
made to follow the creature (such as Survival, Spot, or Listen). ord ordered Szaphdra's Resr to be burnt to the ground. Read or
Sylkess is convinced that spellcasters from more populated paraph rase the following when the PCs arrive at this ruin:
cities will inevitably scry on the kadranach, de termine its weak-
nesses, and plot its desm1crion. She rries to stall rheir efforts by Szaphdra's Rest was once a trading post and home to almost
casting nondetection once per day at a random interval. The effect a hundred villagers, bu t it is now a wasteland of rubble and
lasts for 9 hours and results in a 40% chance that a scrying PC char. You can still feel lingering heat in the ash, hinting that
needs to make a caster level check (DC 20) to succeed at any th is at rocity must have occurred with in the last few days.
divinations targeting the monster. In the distance, between the remains of a collapsed parapet
As it turns out, Bax was dead-on when he predicted the kad- less than 100 feet away, you spy a quartet of hairy, armored
tanach was headed for Gheldaylin. Although the H'Jyord has goblinoids sifting through the rubble. The creatures are com-
ordered an indirect course, if the PCs narrow their search pat- bining their efforts to shift a large, burnt wooden beam and
te rn to north eas t of Szaphdra's Rest an d southwest of Ghel- have not yet noticed your approach.
daylin, they inevitably pick up the trail.
By the second day after rhe PCs' encounter with Bax and his ., Bugbear Looters (4): hp 17, 16 x2, 13; Monster Manual 29.
k nigh ts, the kadtanach traverses Howling Spirit Pass and the The bugbears have taken to followin g a few days behind the
H'Jyord orders the g:nolls to fire up the kiln in area 11c to prepare kadtan ach, gathering up any valuables the gnolls overlook. They
heated shot for the kad ranach's catapult. Scouring PCs wi th in also kill any villagers foolish enough to stay behind. The bug-
bears are engrossed with their search and have failed to keep a

SCALING THE ADVENTURE In addition, Gnu-Dalcom uses dust oftracefessness to make the kad-
"Beast of Burden" is intended for fo ur 6th-level PCs. It can be eas- tanach ha rder to find. Also, consider the foll owi ng changes:
ily altered for larger or smaller groups, or for higher- or lower-level • Increase Sylkess's level to 13th.
groups by using the guidelines provided here. • Add a pair of wyverns to the fortress that the gnolls use to
4th- and 5th-level PCs: Slow the kadtanach's travel cross coun- make aerial patrols. This makes flyi ng aboa rd the kadtanach much
try, allowing the PCs more time to track and catch up with the crea- more difficul t.
ture. At lower levels, they' re less li kely to have magic and resou rces • Consider giving th e H'Jyord some clerical su pport in the form
to make all the skill checks and keep up the level of pursuit neces- of an evil cleric of Nerull, Erythnu l, or Vecna. This would allow you
sary to fi nd the creature in a timely fas hion. You can also provide to replace the smear traps with glyphs of warding, which have a
the party with some expendable hea ling items (potions, scrolls, higher CR, and add glyphs of warding to all the alarm traps.
and the like) through the Knights of Hei roneous, reducing their • Give Seigonas a pair of ga rgoyle co mpan ions, and give him a
need for rest. Also, consider the following changes: fighter or ba rba rian level, or advance his Hit Dice by 2.
• Drop one gnoll from all mul ti-gnoll encounters. • Increase Gnu- Dalcom's level to 6th or 7th.
• Make Sylkess a 6th- or 7th-level wizard. • Give the H'jyord 2 more fighter levels, and give him a +2 chaot-
• Make Seigonas's tactics more simple and straightforward, and ic spiked chain.
don't have him ambush the PCs in a battle they're already fighting. Remember that changing the Encounter Levels should raise or
• Remove the H'jyord's fighter levels, ma king him a normal lower the amou nt of treasure in the adventu re. Consult page 51 in
(although still evil) hou nd archon. the DUNGEON MASTER'S Guide (Tables 3-3, 3-4, and 3- 5) to deter-
7th- and 8th-level PCs: Leave the kadtanach's travel speed as is. mi ne the treasure appropriate to the new encou nters.
lookour (-4 penalty ro their Spor and Lisren checks). If the PCs Authority Figures: Corl Skorlocklin ( mayor), human male
interrogate the b ugbears, they can reveal useful rips for tracking Com3; Caprain Ra! Trawn, h u man female War4.
rhe kadranach, providing the PCs with a +4 circumstance bonus Important Characters: Dwodin, h uman male Clr2 (Fharlanghn).
co an y Survival checks made ro track rhe behemoth. Notes: Gh eldaylin is protecred by a wooden palisade, bur part
of rhe town has ourgrown its confines.
As you traverse this bolder-strewn valley, you near the site where ATTACKING THE
Bax and his men fought the giant beast. Soon you can make out KADTANACH
the bodies of slaughtered knights and the shattered remains of PCs who arrack the kadranach head-on are in for a world of hurt:
stone statues. Arrows and scorchmarks litter the ground. See the appendix for a complete description of the crearure's
statistics. The basilisk in area 14 and the mons trous spider in
A pass without trace spell h as removed the kadtanach's foot· area 15 are brough t to bear, and the PCs are exposed ro arrow
prints. lf the PCs have been tracking the kadtanach's trail, add fire from roughly fifty gnoll defenders that attack from a variery
the following: of elevated and covered positions in support of the eleven gnoll
rroops on rhe ground. A m uch wiser course of action involves
It's strange-the giant, crevasse·like tracks of the beast, which boarding the kadtanach covertly.
were heading northeast, end here, but the beast is nowhere to
be found . The rest of the battlefield tracks are complex: GETIING ABOARD
dozens of horse tracks exit the battlefield, several tearing You should sray flexible as the PCs use cheir ingenuity to figure
southwest- they probably belong to the Aeeing Knights of out how to ge r on board the kadranach undetected. Below are
Heironeous . You a lso find a second group of tracks com- some guide.lines to adjudicate rhe success of possible methods:
prisedof hooves and wheels. Although these tracks ran paral- Climbing Up: By making successful Climb checks (DC 15),
lel with the giant beast prior to the knights' attack, they now a skilled climber can eventually scale the full 100 feer of mus·
break off alone and turn southeast. cled, leathery limb to reach the lower decks (areas ib, 2, 4, 5, 12,
or the yoke). However, if the kad ranach is in motion rhe DC
increases ro 20, and 30 if it runs. Nore that a PC with a speed of
D. DEMOLISHED STAND OF TREES 30 feer requires at least fourteen s uccessful Climb checks ro
The kadtanach crashes right over this small wooded grove at make it to the cop. PCs can make half as many checks to Climb
the same rime the PCs begin the adventure at area A. From here rwice as fast, bur rhey make any accelerated Climb checks with
the beast covers 24 miles a day; as indicated on the o utdoor map, a - 5 penalty. The ka d tanach immediarel y becomes aware of
irs path is far from srraigh t. climbing PCs, but it is so used ro little creatures scu rrying all
over it that it pays the characrers no mind.
E. HOWLING SPTRJT PASS Grappling Hooks: Throwing a grappling hook successfully
The kadtanach works irs way through th is low point of the the fu ll 100 feet up to the lower decks requires a Use Rope
mountain range early on rhe morning of the second day. Th e check (DC 30). A PC can ma ke an e asier check (DC 20) to
pass is actually a grani te canyon carved by a long extinct river. secure the rope part way up the leg, bur a second check (DC 20)
See the section "'Leap from Above" below if the PCs attempt to ro throw the hook up the rest of the way is made at a - 2 penalty
board the kadtanach from the cliffs. due ro the precarious position. The penalry increases co -5 if the
kadranach is in morion.
F. THE LAKE Strike at Night: U nless directed to crouch by its masters, the
This otherwise peaceful lake is another potential interception kadtanach sleeps standing-up. The gnolls have da rkvision, but
point for the PCs (see "Swim on Board" below). O n the after· only to a range of 60 feet. After sunset a pair of gnolls in area 16b
noon of the second day, t he kadtanach stops to bathe in th is operate a "floodligh t" constrncred from contin1111l flame scones and
cool mountain lake. angled mirrors resting on a wooden tripod. The beam has an effec·
rive range of 200 feet bur can only sweep rhe ground in fron t of
G. GHELDAYLIN rhe beast. The winch basket(area 1a) is nonnally retracted at nigh t
Gheldaylin is small cown bustling wirh traders a nd villagers. unless one of the gnoll surface patrols signals their comrades
The villagers are unaware char by sundown of tlie second day above by playing a rwo· note rhythm on a horn. PCs who spy on
rhey will be ovenun by the kad tanach. Prior to the adventure's the kadtanach for any len gth of rime can learn the signal.
srarr, rhe H'Jyord clisparched Seigonas, his gargoyle minion, ro Leap From Above: On rh e morning of the second day after
ellm.inare rhe Heirooean messe nger. the PCs begin hunting rhe kad tanach, the beasr passes through
~ Chel daylin (Hamlet): Conven tional; AL NG; 200 -gp a low canyon called Howling Spirit Pass (area D ). If rhe PCs
limit; Assets 4,800 gp; Population 276; (95% H uman, 5% elf). rrack the kacl ranach, correcrly d ivine its course, and race ahead,
rhey can scrategically position rhemselves on a ridge above the peril These elite gnoils are specially rrained mounted combatants
kadtanach. They can then drop 20 feer onto che higher, open who fight and move wirh a precision uncommon in their race.
decks (areas 3 and 12). While rraveling through the pass, the ' Armored Caravan: 1 in. iron over 1 in. wood; Hardness 8;
H'Jyord divides his gnolls on the ground (see "Gnoll Grow1d hp 40; break DC 28; capacity 6 riders and a driver. The archers
Patrols") into two groups and orders them, as well as Seigonas riding in and firing from rhe caravan have cover.
(area 9a), to sweep rhe canyon walls ahead of che kadtanach. ,, Gnoll Driver: hp 11; Monster Manual 130.
You should determine precisely where boarding PCs land, and ,, Gnoll Archers (6): hp 11 each; Monster Manual 130. Note
refer to "Protective Wards" below. that rhese gnolls have AC 19 with cover and carry longbows
Swim Aboard: On che afternoon of rbe second day, Sylkess (1d8/ x3) instead of shonbows.
orders the kadranach to bathe irs lower body in a lake (area E). ,, Elite Gnoll Cavalry (4): CR 1; Medium Humanoid
The bath is carefully orchesuared to avoid flooding any of rhe (gnoll); HD 2d8+2; hp 17 each; Init +O; Spd 30 ft. , 60 ft.
howdahs. If rhe PCs move quickly, they mighr be able to swim mounted; AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17; BAB +1; Grap +4;
level with the edge of the saddle and stow away aboard a lower Ark/ Full Atk +4 melee (1d8+3/ x3 lance), or +4 melee
deck undetected (areas 1b, 2, or 16d). Over half of the gnoll (1d8+3/ x3, battleaxe), or +1 ranged (1d6/x3, shortbow); Reach
pacrols will be roo busy cooling themselves in the water to be 10 &. with lance; SQ darkvision 60 ft. ; AL CE; SV Fore +5, Ref +O,
guarding effectively. The H'Jyord, however, does not permir Will +1; Str 16, Dex 10, Con 15, Inr 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.
Sylkess's pie stop co exceed 30 minutes. Skills: Listen +3, Ride +5, Spot +4. Feats: Mounred Combat.
Possessions: Chain shirt, heavy steel shield, lance, bat tleaxe,
GNOLL GROUND PATROLS (EL 9) shorrbow wirh 20 arrows.
The gnolls on che surface scout ahead for barriers and ambushes. ,, Light Warhorses (10): hp 22 each; Monster Manual 274.
They also double-back from time to time to check for pursuit. Tactics: The archers remain in the caravan as long as possi·
Creatures: These patrols include an armored caravan with a ble, shooting foes with cheir shorrbows while rhe cavalry moves
driver and are pulled by a team of six horses chat carries six gnoil as a unit to charge any enemies rhey can see. Moun ted gnolls
archers. The wagon is supporred by four mounted gnoil cavalry. rry to charge and deal double damage wirh their lances.
The cavalry carry signal horns, although their vicious narure usu-
ally compels them ro arrack first and only sound the alarm if in
FJGHTlNG AT THE FEET tigate the noise. Invisible PCs, or PCs disguised as gnolls, will
Battling gnolls in the vicinity of the kadtanach's sromping feet not trigger the mouchs.
is rreacherous. Each round, a ground combaranr fighting wirhin
30 feet of the behemoth h as a 10% chance of fin ding himself BLACK TENTAC LES (EL 5)
inside rhe kill-zo ne of a descending foot. The PCs have two Trap: These glyphs have been cast in areas 3, 10, and 12 and are
choices each round: either keep on e eye on the lumbering legs marked in red on the top and side view maps of the kadtanach on
at all rimes, or focus completely on the fight ar hand. page 81. The rentacles are rriggered by the presence of any non·
With the first oprion, the PCs suffer a -2 competency penalry gnoll and are not deceived by invisibility or disguises. Sylkess,
to attacks to reflect the constant distracrion. Similarly, oppo- Seigonas, and the H 'Jyord speak the command word "jurlinspa"
nents receive +2 circumsrance bonus to arrack the disrracted to temporarily disable the magic for 1 minure when entering and
PCs. However, if the PCs finds rhemselves beneath a descend- exiting the howdahs. In addition to tl1e Evard's black tentndes, trig-
ing foot, they can keep themselves from being sq uashed with a gering one of these traps sers off an audible nlnrm that lasts as
successful Reflex save (DC 10). long as the tenracles do (9 rounds). Read or paraphrase the fol-
The second option incurs no combat penalry and still provides lowing when the PCs trigger one of these traps:
the PCs a chance ro djve our of the way at the last insranr, bur the
Reflex save is much tougher (DC 16). Being mashed under the full Without warni ng, a dozen jet-black, bony-ridged tentacles
weight of rhe kadtanach is almost certain death, dealing 10d6+30 erupt from the deck floor and fortress walls. A high-pitched,
points of dam age. Characrers who sustain more rban 50 points of scream begins to resonate as the 10-foot-long tentacles whip
damage from this attack and survive must still make a Fortitude through the air and lash at you from all sides.
save (DC 15) or die outright. Be sure ro desc1ibe the deep crevasses
left by the kadtanach's footprints so the players can appreciate the -I' .Evard's Black Tentacles and Alarm Tr ap : CR 5; spell; loca-
peril. A PC who forgoes all attacks and flees as a full-round action tion trigger; no reset; spell effect (Evard's black tentacles, 9th-level
can always evacuate the kadtanach's foor-step kill zone. Clever PCs wizard, ten racles grapple [+17), then deal 1d6+4 damage, 10-foot
might try to push opponents benearh the descending feet of the area, no save); Search (DC 29); Disable Device (DC 29).
kadtanach. If they succeed at a bull msh attempt, they can shove The rentacles attack any targets that enter the area until dis-
an enemy inro rhe path of a foor, forcing rhe opponenr to make a pelled or rhe 9 rounds pass, ar which point they dissolve in ro
Reflex save (DC 10) or be squashed. Predicting wh ere the feet will norhingness and the alarm stops sounding.
fall exactly isn't without risk, though. A PC attempting tl1 is tactic
increases the chance of being in rh e parh of the foot himself, THE SM EAR (EL 2)
increasing his chances of being srepped on ro 30%. Successful The edge of areas i b and 16d , and the edges of the howdah
Reflex saves can still prevent a character from being stomped, roofs over areas 6, 7, 8 , 9, 10, 11, and 16, are magically trapped
even in this case. Having seen a number of their former comrades with grease spells. Refer to rhe maps on page 81 for details. Read
compressed inro puddles by a misplaced footstep, the gnolls or paraphrase rhe following if the PCs trigger one of these rraps:
always select the first option and accept the combat penalry.
The surface around you suddenly glazes over with a s li my,
PROTECTIVE WARDS lime-colored fi lm. The greasy coating is everywhere and you
The edges of the open decks and the edges of the rooftops of the feel your footing grow suddenly precarious.
howdah have been rigged with arcane wards.
Trap: The vertical surface areas on the rop and side view
WARNING CRY maps of the kad tanach are laced wi rh glyphs to repel all non-
Sylkess has cast mngic mo1~th spells on the edges of rhe lower gnolls and send free-climbing boarders to rheir doom.
decks ro warn of intrusion. The warded areas are marked on the -I' Grease Trap: CR 2; spell; location trigger; no reset;
top and side view maps of the kadtanach (areas 1b, 2, 12 and spell effect (grease, 9th-level wizard, 10-foor by 10-foot area,
16d). The magic mouths are set with a visual trigger and ac tivare Reflex DC 12 nega tes, save m ust be repeated each round
whenevei: a non-gno ll comes within 1 foot. When a PC activates characrer r emains in the area); Search ( DC 26); Disable
one of these traps, read or paraphrase the follov..>ing: Device (DC 26).
Climbing PCs who fail their Reflex saves slip and plummet to
The floor of the deck suddenly splits open and transfo rms into the surface below. In areas 8, 9, 10, and 11, rh is means the char-
a gian t, hairy canine maw. The 5-foot-wicle gaping mou th acrer falls ro the next level down on che kadranach. Failing the
flashes Its incisors and delivers a sudden savage growl. A save elsewhere sends the character all the way to the ground
moment later the mouth is gone and the deck reso lidifies. below. Sliding PCs have a chance to gra b a hold of a non-greased
protrusion farth er down by making a successful Climb check
D evelopment: Alrhough the mo urh itself is harmless, any (DC 20) before they free-fall to the earth, which deals 10d6
gnolls in the vicinity (within adjacent areas) immediately inves- points of damage.
THE HOWDAHS No more than two Medium creatures can cram into the cage
The howdahs are a cluster of walled battle platform s built atop at once. The horse team in area 1 b can raise the cage and a max-
th e saddle of the kadtanach. Although cons tructed from imum of 2,500 pounds ar a rate of 10 feet per round (a 10-round
wood, much of the saddle has been protected with permanent trip). The cage is not raised unless the whipmaster in area 1 h
ironwood spells and will not bum. Th e rowers were sculpted receives a pre-arranged, two-note horn signal &om the ground
evenly wirh wood shape spells. By design, only a few of th e patrol. This is a frequent occurrence throughout the day.
howdahs have d oors. The gnolls painstakingly lower on e
another from the crow's nesr or firing ports of rhe arc h er lB. WTNCH BAY (EL 3)
decks, or use rhe pulley nerwork described in areas 6b, 7h, and
sh to cross berween howdahs. At the top of the winch bay, four harnessed horses drive a
The thundering footsteps of the kadcanach and the constant massive yoke in a counter-clockwise circle around the deck,
creaking of the saddle cover up the noise of combat to a range of providing the power to operate the great crank that raises the
30 feet. The effect cu rs both ways: while it assists rhe PCs by pre- cage.
venting all of the gnolls on aboard the kadtanach from immedi- A cloaked gnoll, with a barbed whip at his belt, folds his arms
ately responding at the first sound of intrusion, it also prevents as he supervises the operation of the winch. Two more burly
distracted PCs from hearing a gnoll charge unril ir is almost on gnolls assist with unload ing.
rop of them. Be mindful of penalties ro Spot and Listen checks for
distance, paniculatly berweei1 parries on the saddle fomess and This m echanical device is used to operate the transport cage
on the ground-a distance typically between 100 and 160 feet. in area 1a. It can be temporarily disabled (DC 20) or ruined (DC
30) wil'h a successful Disable Device check.
I. WT NCH AND CAGE AREA A ladder in the cenrer of chis deck leads up to the ballista
The gnolls srationed in this area ferry troops to the ground and platform ( area 3), and two passages benea th the quarter's
back. At any given time, three gnolls-one whipmaster and two howdah (area 6) and the officer's howdah (area 7) lead to either
normal gnolls-wait here for an order to send troops up or side of the base platform (area 2).
down in the transport cage (area 1a) via the winch (area 1b). Creatures: PCs exiting the cage or climbing onto the plat-
form come face-to-face with the gnolls stationed here. Whether
IA. TRANSPORT CAGE !l'aiding or nor, these gnolls are always here.
If the PCs approach while the kadtanach is stationary, there is '1 Gnoll Whipmast er: hp 15; Monster Manual 130, except
an 80% chance the gnolls are operating the winch in area 1b. If irhis gnoll carries a whip in addition to his other weapons.
the cage is in motion, read or paraphrase the following: '1 Gnoll Winch Guards (2): hp 11 each; Monster Manual 130.
.,- Heavy Horses (4 ): hp 19 each; Monster Manual 273.
A giant winch has been constructed above the beast's hindquar- Tactics: The whipmaster doesn't have proficiency with his
ters. The winch's thick iron chain supports a large wooden cage: a whip, so in a fight, he drops it in favor of his banleaxe or short-
5-foot-diameter cylinder. The winch is slowly raising the cage from lbow. These gnolls are bored with winch duty and don't think to
the ground up into the saddle proper. The winch appears to be withdraw and warn the crewmembers in areas 2 or 3 until two
used to transport supplies to the gnolls stationed on top. of them fall.


Davnak's helm does not control the kadtanach completely, and the could potentially fall off the side of the fortress.
beast has the occasional unschedu led act of free wi ll. If you want 3 Kadtanach has an itch and shudders fo r 2
to spruce up the battles on board the kadtanach, roll 1d6 on the rounds. All attacks made duri ng this time are
Random Motion chart below. The chart can either be used at a des- made with a -2 penalty.
ignated round predetermined in advance of each battle, or on a 4 Kadtanach yawns. Any creatures in the head
whim if you decide it is dramatically app ropriate. Either way, it region must make a Balance check (DC 10) or fall prone
should not be used more than once per combat. The gnolls get a and slide 10 feet toward the rear of the fortress.
+4 competence bonus to any checks required by the kadtanach's 5 Kadtanach stretches its back legs. Any creatures
movements; they're used to its eccentricities. in the hindq uarters region must make a
Balance check (DC 10) or fa ll prone and slide 10
Motion Effect feet toward the rear of the fortress.
Kadtanach's foot rolls, requiring every combatant 6 Kadtanach lunges at passing wild life, hopi ng for a
to make a Balance check (DC 10) or fa ll prone. quick snack. All creatures on board must make a
2 Kadtanach stumbles, requiring every combatant ReAex save (DC 15) or fa ll prone and take 1d6 points
to make a Balance check (DC 10) or fall prone of damage as the enti re fo rtress lurches out
and slide l 0 feet in a random di rection. Creatures from beneath the passengers' feet.

sb ~houlder
..loff. ti),

Development: Sounds of bartle here could alert th e gnolls Creatures (EL 4): A gnoll mans each ballisca. The gn olls, bored
in areas 2, 3, 4, or 6. and restless, pace anxiously around a two-tiered, wooden weapons
rack in the middle of che deck, which secures dozens of serrated
2. BASE PLATFORM (EL VARIES) ballista javelins.The fourth unmanned ballista is an animated con-
The saddle's base platform is riddled wich u pward faci ng struct that can be fired by a ballista crew but can't fire bolts itsel£
shorrspears co discourage aerial intruders from using this Unattended, ic relies on its slam attack. The gnolls were told the
open area as a landing pad. Ladders lead from ch is platform up fourth ballisca was a gift from their demon lord Yeenoghu, but it is
to area 3. actually a creation from Sylkess's dacha. The ballisra springs to life
Trap (EL 2): The out er platform's edges are layered with an d attacks any non-gnoll on the platform.
smear wards . "> Animated Ballist a, L arge Animated Obj ect: hp 52;
.(' Grease Trap: See ''The Smear" above. Monster Manual 14.
Cr eat ures (EL 3): Four gnolls patrol the full len gth of the "> Gn oll Ballista Crews (3): hp 11 each; Monster Manual
platform in pairs while the kadtanach travels. During raids or :130. Each gn oll is stationed at a ballista. Ballista attacks are made
alarms, cbe gnolls rake up firing positions on the archer's deck by th e gn olls at a -4 penalty, for a n et attack of-3. See the DUN-
at area Sb and will not be found here. GEON MASTER'S Guide, p age 100, for more details on ballis tae.
"> Gnoll Archers (4 ): hp 11 each; Monster Ma rrnal 130, f Ordinary Ba llist a: 3d8/19- 20; ran ge increm ent 120
except Atk +1 ranged (1d8/x 3, longbow). feec; load time 2 roun ds. Th e am munitio n rack h ouses 48
b allista javelins.
3. REAR BALUSTA DECK (EL VARIES) Trap (EL 5): The center 10-foot by 10-foot portion of this
deck is blanketed by a black ten tacles trap. If triggered, rhe
A loaded ballista on wheels, aimed to snipe at ground targets tentacles lash o m indiscriminately, attacking the gn olls, the
below, rests in each of the four corners of this open deck. At an imated ballist a, and the PCs alike.
the bow of the deck, a t hick door with an iron, gripping bar ./' Evard's Black Tentacles an d Alarm Tr ap: CR 5; see "Black
leads to the central tower of the saddle complex, a massive Tentacles" above.
birchwood howdah. Tactics: The gnolls rum their ballistae on the PCs as soon as
they reach this deck. They rhen draw shortbows ifthe PCs haven't
to ff. w.
closed to melee, or draw battleaxes ifthey have. The gnolls fighr to Treasure.: The decanter can be removed from the tripod once
che death, although if cwo of them drop, the rhird howls a warning the gnoll is defeated. Doing so requires a successful Disable Device
tha t could be heard by rhe gnolls in areas 1, 2, and 4 (Listen DC check (DC 20). A PC can also break the tripod with a successful
20). The gnolls know to avoid rhe trapped portion of the deck. Strength check (DC 20) or break it free from che basket (DC 18).


A giant, 15-foot-deep wooden basket is suspended from the saddle This sphere-shaped pod is an open-topped arboretum filled
by thick chains, just in front of the beast's right hindquarter. from top to bottom with plants and exotic liquid-filled gourds.
A shallow pool, l foot deep at its center, covers the bottom of
This basket acts as the gnolls' fresh water tank; a layer of wax the wooden sphere.
lines the inside co prevent the water from escaping. It is currently
full. A single trapdoor in the lid provides access to che warer below. The denizen of this pod has customized it with dozens of tiny
Creature: A lone gnoll perches atop the wooden lid of the crannies using wood slrnpe to accommodate his favorite plants. This
dangling saddle basket, hanging onto a small tripod for balance provides a continuing supply of herbs for his spells and potions.
as he keeps watch over the hindquarters of the kadtanach. In Creature: The H'}yord has secured the cooperation of a
front of him, mounted on a stable tripod, is the Treasure: a gnoll druid named Gnu-Dalcom. Normally a solitary creature,
decanter of endless water. Gnu·Dalcom has temporarily rejoined his kin to destroy rhe
,, Gnoll: hp 11; Monster Manual 130. blight of encroaching human settlements.
Development: Normally, the decanter is used to refill the ,, Gnu-Dalcom, Male GnollDrd5: CR 6; HD 7d8+14; hp
saddle basket, bur the gnolls also use the "geyser" feature co 46; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch 11 , flat-footed 16; BAB +4;
harass military targets below. The tripod reduces the recoil of Grap +6; Ark/ Full Ark +7 melee (1d6+2, masterwork sickle); SA
the geyser, elimiuating the chance of rhe gnoll being knocked spells, wild shape 1/ day; SQnarure sense, resist nature's lure,
down. A dipping bucket with an attached rope leads up ro area trackless step, wild empathy, woodland stride; AL NE; SV Fort
6b. If an alarm is sounded, rhe rope and bucket are drawn up. +9, Ref +2, Will +7; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 8.
Sounds of combat bere could alert che gnolls in aceas 1, 2, or Shills: Climb +3, .Knowledge (nature) +4 1 Listen +6 1 Spot +7,
6 (Listen DC 20). Survival +7. Feats: Brew Potion, Na rural Spell.
Druid Spells Prepared (5/4/3/2; base save DC = 13 +spell level): Tactics: This gnoll is less likely to notice an ascent from
~create water x 2, detect magic, flare, virtue; 1st- faerie fire, pass below; he's more concerned with events on the ground below
without fra.ce x3; 2nd-heat metal, spider climb, wood shape; 3rd- than what's going on in the fortress. Ifhe does notice the sounds
call Lightning, speak with plants. of battle (Listen DC 15), he has no way to alert the rest of rhe
Possessions:+1 leather armor, heavy wooden shield, masterwork fortress except by passing messages down through the howdah.
sickle, pearl ofpower (1st level), potioP1of barkskin. He waits for the first PC to appear on the ladder, fires his long·
Gnu-Dalcom does not live alone. In lie u of bonding an bow, and then engages in melee as necessary.
an imal companion, be has cultivated an assassin vine. Using
speak with plants, Dalcom has reached an understand ing with 68. ARCHER'S DECK (EL VARIES)
the vine: Dalcom s upplies the plant with food, and the plant
p rotects the twis ted hand that feeds it. This cylindrical chamber is over 20 feet in diameter. The wa lls.
,, Assassin Vine: hp 30; Monster Manual 20. floor, and ceiling are all made of the same burgundy, smooth-
Tactics: Gnu-Dalcom can't conceive of anyon.e having the textured wood.
audacity to arrack the kadtanach so the assassin vine detects the Eight large, square windows encircle the room. Peering out
PCs long before Gnu-Dak om does (he's effectively suffering a-4 the windows, you can spy into the windows of another
penalty to Listen checks to overhear intruders). The vine attacks nearby howdah.
first by animating the other plants in the pod and then stran· Two small pulleys with small wooden baskets attached are
gling the PCs one at a time. For his part, Gnu-Dalcom is caught anchored to the windowsills just inside the room. The first
unprepared, having mostly selected spells for maintaining the pulley slopes upward, traveling 50 feet and connecting to a
kadtan ach. H e drinks his potion of barkskin and then wild shapes window of the largest central tower, doser to the beast's head.
into a crocodile to defend himsel£ The druid can cast spells in The second pulley also slopes upward. The pulley's ropes are
this form via h is Natural Spell feat. If his assassin vine dies and over 100 feet long, stretching 50 feet over the rear ballista deck
he loses half his hit points, Gnu-Dalcom tries to flee th e pod. below to the window of a tall skinny tower by the great beast's
Development: If the druid escapes, he heads t0 the winch back left leg.
(area 1a), hopin g to be let to rhe ground so he can make h is A wooden pole with bone rungs leads up through a hole in
escape. Gnu-Dalcom isn't a warrior, and his loyalty to rhe H'jy· the center of the ceiling to the crow's nest above. The ladder
ord lasts only as long as his personal safety isn't threatened. If also continues down throu gh an open hole in the floor to the
the gnolls in area 1 have already been dealt with, Gnu·Dalcom deck below. In the center of the room is a crudely jumbled pile
h ides near the water basket and waits for the kadtanacb's next of poorly mai ntained archery equipment.
stop so he can climb down.
Treasure: Three of tl1e gourds hold potions. They include a Creatures (EL 0 or 5): During a raid or if an alarm has
potion of water breathing, a potion of wre moderate wounds, and a sounded, six gnolls are stationed here. Otherwise, the archers
potion of protection from energy (fire). lounge in areas 6c and 6d instead.
,, Gnoll Ar chers (6): hp 11 each; Monste1· Manual 130,
6. QUARTERS HOWDAH except Ark +1 ranged (1d8/x3, longbow).
Alt hough most of the gnolls sleep under the stars on the open The windows are missile ports that provide arch ers with
decks, a lucky few rest here off-shi&. cover (+4 AC) from attacks outside the deck. However, gnolls or
PCs attacking from the archer's deck of another howdah enjoy
6A. CROW'S NEST (EL I) the same prorection.
The gnolls use the pulley baskets as a quick method to send
Although one of the lower crow's nests in the fortress, the supplies and messages to one another without having to climb
view from here is still incredible: You must be almost 140 feet out of the howdah. The first connects ro the cent ral howdah
above the ground. (area 8) and the second ro rbe officer's howdah (area 7). The
Inside the nest, a halberd, securely embedded in t he wooden pulley baskets are coo small for Medium size or larger creatures
floor, flies a flag featuring a crudely drawn skull from its shaft. to ride in. Larger PCs can travel along the pulley by climbing
Next to the blade, a crude ladder- a single pole lashed with hand-over-hand (Climb DC 15), bur rhe pulley only supports
bone ru ngs--leads down into the deck below. 300 pounds of weight at one time. Climbing targets are denied
their Dexterity bonus to AC, so gnoll snipers who Spot (DC 15)
The ladder leads to area 6b. them quickly rake advantage of rhe slow-moving targets.
Creature: Ourfitted with a composite longbow, a gnoll watch- The other end of rhe rope, tied to rhe dipping bucket hanging
man in the crow's nest stands ready co snipe at targets below. in rhe rear saddle-basket (area 4 ), is tied to a third windowsill
,, Gnoll Sentry: bp 11; Monster Mnmrnl 130, except Ark + J and may be drawn up to provide drinking water or slid down ro
ranged (1d8/x3, composite longbow). provide a quick way out of the howdah.
6C.CHOW DECK (EL VARIES) _, Gnoll Sentry: hp 11; Monster Manual 130, except Ark +1
ranged (1d8/ x3 longbow).
Filled with stools, low tables, and the stench of rotting meat, Tactics: Like the senrry in area 6a, this guard is concerned
this small room is obviously some sort of feeding area. A table wi rh watching the ground below. He's unlikely to notice rhe
near one wall is piled with dirty pans and plates, as well as a PCs approaching from below (Listen DC 15). If be does hear
large, barely cooked haunch of meat. them, he takes rhe same approach as the gnoll in area 6a: he pre-
The bone-rung ladder continues through a crude hole in the pares to fire his longbow at the first PC who starts to climb up.
center of the floor and ceiling.
Creatures (EL 2 or 5): Three gnolls wait here for a meal The
gnolls ear in shifts, so three can be found here ar any given time. This tower appears to have been carved from a single piece of
_, Gn oll Chef: hp 16; Monster Manual 130, except +3 melee oak; unfortunately, this chamber reeks of wet dog fur.
(1d6+2/ x3, cleaver). Eight large windows encircle the deck, enabling you to see
_, Gnoll Assistant: hp 11; Monster Manual 130. the other towers sprouting from the saddle on the creature's
_, Gnoll Arche r s (3): hp 11 each; Monster Manual 130, back. One of the windows anchors one end of a long pulley.
except Ark +1 ranged (1d8/ x 3, longbow). The pulley's ropes slope gently downward, traveling almost
D evelopm ent: These gnolls move to the archery deck (area 6b) l 00 feet before connecting to one of the windows of a wider
jf they hear sounds of com bar above; modify this description ifthe but shorter tower by the right rear leg.
gnolls have already been defeated when the PCs arrive. The chef A thin ladder leads up to a crow's nest and down to a cham-
and h is assistant are here regardless of the other gnolls' actions. ber through holes in the ceiling and floor.

6D. SLEEPING DECK (EL VARIES) Creat ures: This archer's deck is always manned by four
gnolls that serve as lackeys ro the officers in area 7c between
The walls in this cylindrical chamber are tightly ringed with raids. However, if the PCs strike before or after a raid, this area
bunk beds, and the remaining floor space is blan keted with is vacant. The window facing the archer's deck of the quarter's
crowded sleeping mats. This room is made from the same howdah (area 6b) contains a pulley with a basket to receive sup-
dark-red, smooth-textured wood as the rest of this tower. plies and messages. GnoUs have cover (+4 AC) from targets out-
side the howdah.
Creatures (EL O or 3 ): The PCs find three gnolls here sleep· ~ Gnoll Archers (4 ): hp 11 each; Monster Manual 130,
ing, goofing off, or just hiding from their su periors. The flat- except Ack +1 ranged (1d8/ x3, longbow).
footed gnolls take 1 round to stand up and pick up a weapon.
_, Gn o ll Arch ers (3): hp 11 each; Monster Manual 130, lC. OFFfCER'S QUARTERS (EL 4)
except Ack +1 ranged (1d8/ x3, longbow).
Development: If an alarm has been sounded, the PCs This chamber is furnished with more luxury-if you could call
encounter these gnolls manning their posts in area 6b it that-than you'd expect. The pallets and chairs seem a little
above. Modify rhe description accordingly if this is the case. more sturdy and less flea infested.

7. OFFICER'S HOWDAH Creatures: The lofts in rhese quarters provide more elbow·
A few gnolls who have found favor with the H'Jyord have lodg· room for the favored warriors of the tribe. Two gnoll lieu tenants
ings in this tall rower, built over the kad tanach's left hindquarter. sir here, trading war stories of their respective roles in the banle
for Sz.1phdra's Rest as they clean the stains on their greataxes. In
7A. CROW'S NEST (EL I) a raid, these two gnolls sration themselves in area sb.
_, Gnolls Lieutenants, Male Gnoll War1 (2): CR 2;
This crow's nest is a tight flt; there's only room for a couple Medium Humanoid (gnoll); HD 3d8+6; hp 20 each; !nit +O;
human-sized creatures up here. From this height you can see Spd 30 fr.; AC 17, touch 10, flar-foored 16; BAB +2; Grap +5;
the entire back half of the fortress. Looking down from the Ark/ Full Atk +6 melee (1d8/ x3, masterwork battleaxe) or +2
rocking perch, you see the beast's huge foot scatter trees and ranged (1d6/ x3, shorrbow); SQ darkvision 60 ft. ; AL CE; SV
boulders as though they were pebbles and twigs. F-0rt +7, Ref +O, Will +O; Str 16, Dex, 10, Con 14, Im 11, Wis 10,
A ladder from this small platform leads down to the archer's Skills: Climb +2", Listen +5, Spot +5. Feats: Power Attack, Cleave.
deck of this howdah (area 7b). "Includes -4 armor check penalcy.
Creature: A lone senrry guards chis excellent vantage poinr. Possessions: Chain shirr, heavy wooden shield, masterwork
If the gnoll spots a dis turbance on the ballista deck or on the bartleaxe, shorrbow wirh 20 arrows, carved bone signal horn (50
winch bay, he blows his horn and alerts all of his brethren. gp), bone and feather talismans, 35 gp.
Tactics: The gnolls here leap to arrack inrruders, howling to 8C. SLAVE PEN (EL 5)
the archers on che upper levels to come to their aid. These ocher
troops arrive in 3 ro unds if they have nor yet been dealt with. The ladder descending from the archer's deck above anchors
securely into the floor. The walls slope in toward the ceiling,
8. CENTRAL HOWDAH giving the room pear shape. A square, empty, rusted-iron cage
This 80-foot-high birch-wood howdah is the main hub of activity with a large dangling padlock fills the back half of the room.
on the kadta nach. If the PCs linger here long they should Directly across from the cage, an arch connects to a cramped
encounter a pair of gnolls from various areas every few minutes. corridor. The smell of smoke wafts through from that direction.
Also across from the cage, next to the arch, sits a pile of a
BA. CROW'S NEST doz.en casks and vats, each about 2 feet high.
The largest nest in the fortress, the H'Jyord insists it always be
manned by at leasr two gnolls. The railing at che bow is deco- t he gnolls prefer to have a supply of slave labor on-hand, but
rated with the skeletal remains of the wings of a bippogri£f, since rh ey also prefer snacks the slave pen is presently empry.
brought down by Seigonas (area 9a) a few weeks ago. Ar your option, yo u can choose to add a few prisoners for the
Creatures: The two gnolls here are prepared and act simi- PCs ro rescue as seeds for fumre adventures.
larly to their counterparts in areas 6a a11d 7a. If Sylkess (area 10c) becomes convinced the H'Jyord's min-
"j Gnoll Archers (2): hp 11 each; Monster Mamrnl 130, ions can't withstand the PCs' assault, she casts misdirection on
except Atk +1 ranged (ld8/x3, longbow). herself to conceal her true alignment and then orders a pair of
gnolls from area sh to take her here, lock her in the slave pen,
8B. ARCHER'S DECK (EL VARIES) and guard her. Then Syl.kess wairs to be rescued. She learns all
she can about the PCs and then decides whether to strike when
Although you are still quite high in the howdan, this room
their backs are rurned or artempt an escape.
feels surprisingly stable. It might be because you are so close
The arch leads to rhe shoulder-blade howdah at area 11c. The
to the center point of the beast's back.
rwo howdahs are connected by a thin, 8-inch-wide wooden plank
Twelve wide firing ports ring this large cylindrical deck.
wichour a railing. A Balance check (DC 10) is required to traverse
Beside each window, a longbow and loaded quiver hang on a
the plank. Any PC knocked off che plank, or who fails his Balance
peg. Closer to the center of the 20-foot-diameter chamber are
check by 5 or more, falls 20 feet onto the middle of the bare back
two large piles of fist-sized rocks and jagged debris. Between
of the kadtanach, taking 2d6 points of damage in the process. A
the piles, a ladder leads up to a crow's nest and down to an
successful Climb check (DC 15) enables the PC to grab a hold of
even larger chamber on a level below.
che creature's leathe11' hide before rolling off the side of the beast
One end of a pulley, with a wooden basket attached, is
and plunging 100 feet to the ground. A PC who fails this second
anchored at one of the windows toward the rear. The rope
check rakes 1od6 additional points of damage.
attached to the pulley stretches across a short gap and con-
On the deck floor outside the bars of the slave pen is a hidden
nects to a smaller howdah close to the beast's right rear leg.
rrapdoor that leads to area 8d.
During a raid, this platform becomes rhe kadtanach's main ~ Secret Trapdoor: 2 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 20; break DC
ranged attack station. 18; Search DC 20.
Creature (EL 2 or 8): W h ile the kadtanach is rravellng, only
four gnolls keep watch in the shade here. During a planned 80. GNOLL TREASURE HOLD
attack or if an alarm sounds, four more gnolls (from area 2), the PCs must drop down 10 feet from the trapdoor to access this
two lieutenants (area 7c), and the elite gnolls (area 13b) join chamber, as there is no ladder. Inside lies the gnolls' share of
them at the firing stations. Gnolls have cover (+4 AC) from tar- the spoils from che campaign.
gets outside the howdah. Treasure: Many personal effects are stored here, such as jew-
'J Gnoll Archers (4 or 8): hp 11 each; Monster Manual 130, eled mirrors, ivory combs, silverware, and silver candle holders
except Ack +1 ranged (1d8/ x3, longbow). (total value 4,500 gp). Most are the heirlooms of frontier vil-
"j Gnoll Lieutenants (2): see area 7c for statistics. lagers left dead or homeless by the kadtanach attacks. In addi·
"j Elite Gnolls (4 ): see area 13 b for sratisrics. tion, the PCs fi nd 8 ,657 cp, 4,128 sp, and 394 gp scattered
Tactics: On command, four of the gnolls use the collected around the room and a huge wooden "Welcome to Szaphdra's
debris to rain a shower of rocks on the opposition below. .Each pile Rest" sign from the gnolls' most recent sack.
of debris covers one 5-foot square. A crearure in a targeted square
must make a Reflex save (DC 15) for half damage. The remaining 9. H'JYORD'S PRIVATE HOWDAH
gnolls typically fire arrnws at ground targets, but are happy to As he does noc require rest, the H 'Jyord is seldom here.
engage in melee v.'irh any invaders who enter this chamber. lnstead, he is normally found on the command d eck (area
Development: The gnolls here howl while they fight, prob- 13c). This ash wood howdah has n o ladders; rh e H 'Jyord
ably alerting creatures in adjacent areas (Listen DC 5). simply teleports to each level as required.
that leads to area 9c. The opening offers no means of descent, so
PCs will have to find a way co drop the 30 feet themselves.
~ Locked Trapdoor: 2 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 20; break
You've reached the highest point of the entire fortress: the
DC 30, Open Lock DC 20.
crow's nest of the highest howdah. From here, over the ash rail-
ing, you can see virtually everything-from the steeply-sloped,
dark wooden shingles of the tower's roof, to the rocky, uneven
ground of the earth below almost 175 feet below. You can also
Plunder proudly lines the walls on rows of ash-wood shelving.
see the dozens of missile ports in the other towers, the open
It's a good bet that this room- and everything in it-belongs
catapult deck jutting from between the great beast's mountain-
to someone important.
like shoulderblades, and the ballista deck at the stern.

The H 'Jyord has stashed his share of the loor ca ken thus far in
Unlike the other crow's nests, th is platform has no railing.
this chamber.
Creature: The cop of H'Jyord's howdah is guarded by a gar·
Treasure: The H'Jyord's war ches t consists of rhe follow-
goyle named Seigonas. lf the PC's have nor yet dealt with the
ing items:
creanire (see Tactics below), add the following:
• 6,489 sp, 921 gp, 87 pp, and seven gemstones worth (3 x 200
The port-side of the nest is dominated by a 6-foot-tall basalt stone gp and 4 x 150 gp)
statue perched on the edge of the howdah. The demonic carving • Three ice jade scroll casings (60 gp each). One case holds a
has outstretched bat wings; razor-edged, scythe-like horns jutting letter of invitation to attend classes at a prominent college of
from its shoulder blades; and wicked jaws. A tiny sphere, pulsing arcanists. The letter could be worth 80 gp co cbe right person.
with light, orbits slowly around the statue's head. • A scholar's orrery of the planes cast in bronze (175 gp-a success-
ful Knowledge-the planes check DC 20 reveals its purpose)
., Seigonas, Gargoyle: hp 41; Monster Manual 113. • A set of masterwork adamamine wrist shackles (400 gp;
Possessions: Pale lavender ellipsoid io~in stone (5 spell levels Hardness 20; hp 20; break DC 28; Open Lock DC 35)
remaining). • A 5-foot-high water clock sculpted in the shape of a sea lion
Tactics: If an alarm is raised, or if Seigonas spots the PCs' (1,175 gp)
activities from h is perch, the gargoyle can fly to any crow's nest,
open deck, or through any missile port to ambush the PCs. Seig- 10. SYLKESS'S HOWDAH
onas does not, however, coordinate his actions with the gnolls. The wizard Sylkess has reserved rhis howdah as her private refuge
He cares little for the lesser mongrels and collaborates only from the gnolls. The exterior has been wood shaped from elegant
with the H 'Jyord, with whom he can communicate. mahogany and has been kepc cleaner rhan the o cher howdahs.
This deck has no opening leading to the area below.
98. INITIATION CHAMBER Like the H'Jyord's howdah, no ladder or trapdoor leads down ro
The win dows to the H'Jyord's howdah have been shuttered the deck below. Although it was part of rh e original design,
and locked. Sylkess had Gnu-Dalcom cast wood shape to seal off the enrrance.
~ Reinforced Shutters: 1 1/ 2 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 15; Trap: Because the nesr does not provide a point of access, it is
break DC 18; Open Lock DC 15. left unmanned. lns read the nest is blanketed with an Evard's
If the PCs gain entry, read the following: blacli tentacles spell.
-(' Evard's Black Tentacles and Alarm Trap: see "Black Ten tacles"
The inside of this howdah is engulfed in flame! Judging by the for derails.
lack of smoke, someone must have set the room ablaze only
Sylkess has cast multiple illusory wall spells to hide the win-
The fire is a minor illusion generated by dozens of harmless dows. Probing PCs, however, find portholes ringing the deck,
continual fiame spells. Using his special ability, the H 'Jyord has consistent with the upper levels of the other howdahs.
centered the effect on several of the windowsills 3J1d dozens of
points on che floor. Afcec its initial shock value, though, the This windowless room has been converted into a breezy bed-
effect is not very convincing; the PCs quickly discover the chamber. Inside the mahogany chamber you find a silk ham-
flames do nor generate heat or smoke and can plainly see that mock, a collection of embroidered pillows. and a closet filled
rhe wood is nor being consumed. with the personal effects of a woman with expensive tastes.
Other than the continual )lames, this room is empty. The H'Jy-
ord uses this room as a ceremonial chamber where he initiates Sylkess has cast multiple ilL1isory wall spells to hide the win-
new gnolls into his command by walking chem through the false dows. Probing PCs, however, find portholes ringing the deck,
fire. At the rear of che room, the PCs can find a locked trapdoor consistent wirh rhe upper levels of th e other howdahs.
Sylkess's personal ire ms have a to(al value 750 gp but weigh 100 using Sylkess's own voice and says: "Ah, ah, ah! Ifyou toucl1 my
pounds. The PCs do not immediately see any way down, as rhe book, it is the innocent who will suffer. ..."The vain use of her
floor is also covered wi rh an illusory wa ll spell. However, a own voice is an error that mighr provide the PCs with a clue if
ladder leads down from a an unlocked rrapdoor in the floor. Sylkess later tries to pose as a prisoner in the gno ll's slave pen
~ Trapdoor: 1 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 10; break DC 18. (see area Sc).
Next, if anyone other than Sylkess tries to dislodge the book,
IOC. SY LKESS'S STUDY (EL VARIES) a bestow curse spell is triggered char makes it ap pear as though
tiny people are rrapped inside the liquid of the violator's eyes.
The ladder leads you to the bottom of the howdah. The walls are
T he illusory vic tims are desperately pounding ar the cornea,
tightly ringed with bunk beds, and the remaining floor space is
their silent screams begging for release. This curse results in a
blanketed with crowded sleeping mats. Although you don't see
-6 decrease to the character's Charisma score.
any gnolls here now, their mangy scent lingers in the room.
·I' Bestow Curse Tr ap: CR 5; speU; location rrigger; no reset;
spell effect (bestow curse, 9th-level wizard, target creature touch-
Sylkess h as cast mirage arcana to further conceal her srudy
ing book, Will DC 16 negates); Search (DC 29); Disable Device
from incruders. The PCs see filthy gnoll sleeping quarters, pat-
(DC 29). The cnrse is permanent and cannot be dispell ed, but
terned after area 6d. lf the mirage is dispelled or disbelieved, read
may be removed by remove curse or other potenc healing magic.
or paraph rase the following:
T he PCs find that they can freely page through the spellbook
without an y danger as long as the book is not removed.
The bunk beds and s leeping mats vanish before you r eyes.
Creature (EL 9): 1f rhe PC's have been quiet thus far, they
Instead you now find yourself inside a great study_ The smell
catch Sylkess unprepared, lost in srudy at her desk.
of gnoll is gone, replaced by the scent of beeswax candles. A
~ Kaya Sylkess, Female H uman Wiz9: CR 9; Medium
smooth mahogany desk fills the back of the room , matching
Humanoid (human); HD 9d4; hp 21; lnit +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12,
the howdah wa lls and floor. Next to the desk, a large,
couch 11, flat-foored 11; BAB +4; Grap +5;Atk/Full Ark +5 melee
amethyst-encrusted pedestal holds a leather-beund tomb. The
(1d6, quartersraff); SA spells; AL NE; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6;
pedestal has been sculpted into t he shape olf a purple
Srr 12, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 14.
wormwith its mouth agape, its hinged jaws securing the
Skills: Bluff +7, Concenrrarion +12, Crafr (alchemy) +6, Craft
book in place.
(rrapmaking) +11, Decipher Scripr +10, Diplomacy +8, intimi-
date +4, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (history) +6,
The pedestal has a potential value of 2,000 gp ro someone Knowledge (che planes) +10, Spellcraft +18, Spot +3. Feats: Brew
with a s trange taste in arr, but ir weighs 225 pounds. le holds Potion, Craft Wan d, Craft Wondrous I tem, Grear Fortitude,
Sylkess's traveling spellbook Scribe Scroll, Spell Penetration, Still Spell.
Trap (EL 5): Sylkess has placed two wa rds on the spellbook. Spells Prepared (4/ 5/ 5/4/3/t ; base save DC= 14 +spell level):
The first is a magic moutk It rriggers whenever a non-evil being a-detect magic, mage hand, ray of frost, read magic; 1st-charm
comes within 5 feet of rhe book. The mouth speaks in Common person x2, color spray, mage armor, magic missile; 2nd- invisibility,

DAVNAK'S HELM sti ll in the fortress during this time must also make a Reflex save
The kadtanach is controlled by a magical, eyeless bone helm kept in (DC 15) once per mi nute or take 2d6 points of damage from col-
the command center (area 13c). Anyone wearing the helm sees exclu· lapsing wa ll s, ceili ngs, or fa lling debris. Characters who fa il a re also
sively through the eyes of the kadtanach and can control its actions. pinned beneath rubble, requiring a successful Strength check (DC
The wearer can issue one silent telepathic command to the kadtanach 15) to get free. Spells requ ire a Concentration check (DC 15 + s pell
each round as a full-round action. Davnak's helm was built exclusive- level) to be cast successfully. Anyone still inside th e howdah when
ly to control the kadtanach and has no effect o n any otner creature. the saddle is fi nally to rn off must ma ke a Reflex save o r take 5d6
The hel m is not keyed to any individual a nd the H'Jyord has points of damage from fa lling debris a nd the colla pse of the how-
entrusted a number of gnolls with piloting. However, a neophyte dah, then ta ke 1Od6 points of falling damage as the saddle plum-
who first places the helm on must make a Will save (DC 20) or be mets to the ground l 00 feet below.
overcome with vertigo for ld6 rounds. If the PCs manage to capture Davnak's helm, they might decide
If the helm is not worn, or the pilot stops issuing comma nds, to try to keep the kadta nach. This surely attra cts the attention of the
the tiny brain of the kadtanach gradually res umes control. At first it Daegoth-Szonri , who soon dispatch several high-level loremaste rs
exhibits infrequent signs of protest: occasional grumbles or bu ck- to reclaim their stolen project. The PCs should also learn, through
ing motions, bu t after 30 mi nutes of freedom the kadtanach's free wearing the helm, that the kadta nach is miserable in its current
will returns completely. It begins to shakes off its saddle, destroy- state, and keeping it captive in this fas hi on is very cruel. See the
ing the howdahs , and lumbers off into the wild. The process ta kes append ix for details on the kadtanach's actions should it remain
1d8 hou rs, d uring which time anyone remaini ng o n board s uffers a uncontrolled for more than 30 minutes.
- 10 circumstance penalty to any actions as long as the creature Caster Level: 14th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, dominate
remains in contact with the kadtanach or the fortress. Creatures monster, Market Price: 125,750 gp; Weight; 3 lb.
mirror image, misdirection, nondetection, touch of idiocy; 3rd-dispel Creature: The gnoll in this nest wears a scarf over his muzzle
magic, fly, lightning bolt, suggestion; 4th- dimension door, enervation co protect himself from rhe thick plumes of smoke rising from
x2; 5th-baneful polymorph. the three stone chimneys attached to the howdah's exterior.
Possessions: Quarterstaff, anmlel of nat:ural armor +1, pearl of While the kiln in area 10c is in operation, all ranged attacks
power (1st level), potion of flying, potion of protection from arrows, fired into and out of the crow's nest suffer from concealment
potion of invisibility, potion of levitate, scroll of prying eyes and minor (20% miss chance).
globe of invulnerability, scroll of teleport, bag of holding (type 1) 112 -, Gnoll Archer: hp 11 each; Monster Manual 130, except Ark
pp, 510 gp and 7 tiger eyes (125 gp each). +1 ranged (1d8/ x3, longbow).
In addition to che spells above, Sylkess's traveling spellbook con-
tains: 0-all remaining cantrips; lst--alann, grease, endure elements, llB. ARCHER'S DECK (EL VARIES)
protection from good, reduce person, shocking grasp; 2nd-arcane lock,
invisibility, levitate, magic mouth, protection from arrows, rope trick, This round chamber is well s ituated for archers to stand at its
summon swann; 3rd-fireball, flame arrow, stin.hing cloud, summon windows and fire at targets on the ground below. Three long-
monster Ill; 4th--charm monster, dimensional anchor, Evard's blach ten- bows and quivers of arrows hang from pegs near the windows.
tacles, illusory wall, minor creation, phantasmal killer, polymorph; sch-
cloudkil~ dismissal, mirage arcana, passwal~ teleport, wall offorce. Creatures (EL 2 or 5): The gnoll archers here ignite their
Tactics: Sylkess is aware of her limited combat skills, and if arrows by bringing up a var of pitch from the kiln below. Gnolls
surprised she either tries to talk her way out of danger or flee. If firing out the windows have cover (+4 AC) from opponents our-
an alarm has been raised or Sylkess detects the PCs' approach, side. Although only two gnolls stand guard, three more from
she casts rnage armor, followed by invisibility. She then crouches area 11 c take up position here in 2 rounds if an alarm is
behind her desk and spies on tbe PCs to assess their strengths sou nded. The extra lo ngbows and quive rs are for their use.
while they explore her study. If she chooses to attack, she -, Gnoll Arch er s (2): hp 11 each; Monsler Manual 130,
drinks her potions of flying and protection from arrows. Then she except Ark +1 ranged (1d8 plus 1d4 fire/x3, longbow).
times her strike just as rhe last PC tries to climb back up the
ladder. Although she has another spellbook in her dacha back llC. KILN
home, Sylkess would rather not let the PCs leave with her trav-
eling spellbook. A large burning kiln fills the starboard half of this circular cham·
Development: If hard pressed in a battle, she dimension doors ber. Two large bellows, suspended from the ceiling by leather
to rhe command deck (area 13c). straps, are aimed to pump jets of air into the heart of the flames.
If the PCs are able to en gage her in a length y dialogue, a Three stone chimneys vent the smoke out of the howdah, but
charismatic PC might ge t Sylkess to reveal that she is unhappy the heat in this room is still oppressive. A stack of crudely cut
with the way the H'Jyord has usurped her project with a suc- firewood fills what little space is left in the room.
cessful Diplomacy check (DC 25). While at first Sylkess was The room has three exits: a crooked ladder leading to a level
thrilled with tl;i.e H'Jyord's ability to recruit an endless supply of above, an arch leading to an open deck outside, and a
gnolls, she now realizes his unending campaign against the set· cramped corridor that appears to connect to another tower.
clements will inevitably come crumbling down. If the PCs suc-
ceed in convincing her that day has finally come, she agrees to PCs fighting in this room suffer from the effects of extreme
leave without warning the H'Jyord. She's true to her word, heat, as the air temperature in this room is near 100 degrees. The
although she scops briefly to raid the H'Jyord's treasury (area 9c) characters must make a successful Fortitude save on enter ing
before she flees. the room or cake 1d4 points of nonlethal damage and suffer from
Sylkess no longer has a familiar; it was slain by tbe original heatstroke and become fatigued. Characcers in heavy clothing or
H'Jyord. armor suffer a - 4 penal ty on the save. See the D UNGEON MA>r£R's
Treasure: Anyone searching the desk finds a scroll of arcane Guide, page 303, for more information on hear dangers.
loch and detect thoughts. Creatures (EL Oor 3): Three large gnolls with burnt patches
of fur and blacksmith's aprons oversee the heating of a va t of
11. SHOULDER BLADE HOWDAH pitch atop the kih1. When they see the PCs, they immediately
This elevated howdah is tucked between the center of the grab the cherry-red fire pokers used to stir the kiln and attack If
beast's shoulder blades. Like the center howdah, it is composed an alarm has been sounded, these gnolls have ascended to che
of birch wood. archer's deck (area 11b), in which case this chamber is empty.
-, GnollKiln Workers (3): hp 11 each; Monster Manual 130,
llA. CROW'S NEST (EL I) except Ark +3 melee (1d6+2 plus 1d4 fire, hot poker).
This smaller nest enables a lone gnoll to snipe targets at will. It Tactics: The gnolls attempt to bull rush Small PCs into che
is always manned. kiln (damage 5d6; Reflex DC 20 for half). The searing pokers
cool off after 3 rounds, negaring the extra fire damage.
Development: The kiln enables the gnolls to boil oil and 13. YOKE HOWDAH (EL l)
prepare heated shot for the heavy catapult in area 12. On occa- This howdah houses the piloting center for the kadtanach. lt is
sion, th e H 'Jyord orders the kiln snuffed when the beast is made from bamboo protected by an ironwood spel l. It h as also
artempting a "stealth run" to prevent the smoke p lume from been carefully wood shaped.
giving away their location. If the PCs board the kadtanach after As a security precaution, the yoke howdah is quite bard to
it crosses Howling Spirit Pass, the gnolls have already fired up access from the outside. The H 'Jyord teleports in and out as he
the kiln in preparation for the raid on Gbeldaylio. The plume of pleases, and the few minions who have access here lower them-
smoke can be seen up to a mile away. selves from the ballista b asket at area 12b and climb through
the forward-facing window. O therwise, to enter one must tra-
12. CATAPULT PLATFORM (EL VARIES) verse the beast's shoulder blades, climb up the yoke, and scale
Trap (EL 4 ): The ourer rim of this platform is protected by a the howdah walls to breach the windows. Navigating the shoul-
"Warning Cry" m agic mourh , wh ile th e center is blanketed der blades while the beast is moving requires a successful Bal-
with a "Black Tentacles" trap. ance or Climb check (DC 15). Failure results in a fall to the
-I' .Evard's Black Tentacles Trap: see "Black Tenra:cles" above. groun d 100 feet below (10d6 falling damage).
W hen the PCs have dealr with the trap and actually gained Trap: PCs clin1bing the 15-foor-high outer howdah walls dis-
the surface of this deck, read or paraphrase the following: cover the walls have been inset wi th razor-sh arp shavings of
ironwood covered with poison.
You've reached a large, open wooden deck. To you r left and -/'Poisoned Ironwood Shavings: CR 1; mechanical; touch
right, just past the edges of the deck, you can see the tops of trigger; automatic reset; Ark +8 melee (1 plus Malyss root paste
the great beast's shoulder blades heave each ti me one of its poison: Fortirude save, DC 16, negates; 1 temporary Dex/2d4
front legs takes a gigantic step. At the same time, you can feel temporary Dex); Search (DC 22); Disable Device (DC 18).
the deck hiccup slightly with each step. The shavings cannot harm PCs with metal gauntlets and hard-
A huge catapult in the center ofthe deck stands ready to launch heeled boots. The tiny blades also damage ropes with a success-
missiles over the beast's head at targets below. The catapult is ful attack and after a few rounds may sever climbing equipment
presently loaded with the top half of a broken statue-another while PCs are in the process of scaLJ ng the howdah waUs.
twisted frozen image of a knight of Heironeous in agony. The wi ndows are both shuttered and arcane loclwd, save for a
A smaller wooden basket, hanging from the bow of the deck, single open window on tl1e forward facing side where the H'Jy-
houses a ballista on a tripod. ord's minions climb in. However, unless a PC lowers herself from
the ballista basket above, to access (or even notice) the open
This large, ironwood deck is supporred by a cen tra l arm window the PC mus r first climb around the front of the howdah
artached to the kad tanach's yoke. and risk contacting more poisoned ironwood shavings.
t H eavy Catapult: 6d6, or 6d6 plus 1d6 fire for flaming t Win dow Shutters: 1 inch rhick; Hardness 5; hp 15;
ammunition; range in crement 200 feet; load tim e 1 round (with break DC 28.
crew of fom). See the DUNGEON MASTF.R's Guide, page 99, for
more information on siege weaponry. 13A. CROW'S NEST
t Ballista: 3d8/ 19- 20; range increment 120 feet; load time 2 This crow's nest is left empty to keep up the pretense that the
rou nds. The ammuni tion rack houses 48 ballista javelins. yoke howdah is unimportant. The gnoll m anning the ballista at
Cr eatures (EL 5): Th e catapul t is manned by a crew of four area 12b is positioned just overhead, keeping a sharp eye out for
gnolls. A small basket hanging at the platform's forward facing rip inrruders. The nest does not con nect to the lower decks.
holds a mounted ballista inside, covering potential targets at the
kadtanacb'sfronrand sides. The ballista is manned by a single gnoll. 138 ELITE GUARD CHAMBER (EL VARIES)
,, Gnoll Catapult Crew (4 ): hp 11 each; Momter Mam1al 130.
,, Gnoll Ballista Crew: hp 11; Monster Manual 130. Only one window is open; the others have been securely shut-
If an alarm h as not yet been sounded, one of the gnolls blows tered. The narrow window provides a dizzying view of the
a signal horn tied to the frame of the catapult before joining rhe small tower built on top of the beast's head. You see the tower
fray. If the PCs trigger the "Black Tentacles" trap, the rem ades bob up and down In time with the beast' s ma rch.
also attack the gnoll catapult crew if they get wi thin range. Inside this smaller ci rcula r howdah, a sputtering lantern
A folded rope ladder is tucked inside the basket. The ladder is hangs from a large rusted hook in the ceiling's center. In the
used for accessing the yoke howdah (area 13b). The gnoll is middle of the floor directly below the lantern is a round trap-
in structed to detach the rope ladder and hur l it overboard at the door with a thick iron pull-ring. The bamboo wa lls are covered
first sign of trouble to minimize the possibility of an intruder with paw prints made from smears of red and black paint.
gaining access co the yoke howdah.
Creature (EL O or 5): This room is an ambush sire for rhe H'Jy-
ord's elite gnoll guardians. lt acrs as the final barrier between
intruders and the control center of the kadtanach. Although the l 3C. COMMAND DECK (EL 6)
floor and walls are made of bamboo protected by an ironwood
sp ell, the ceiling itself is only a thin laye r of mundane bamboo. An alien, azure symbol blankets alrnost the entire floor except
Above the false ceiling is a cramped chamber where the gnolls lie for a th in, foot-wide stretch of wood circling the edge of the
in wait in the dark, spying on the room below through thin open- room. A lone gnoll seated in a high-backed chair stares vacu-
ings in the wood. In a raid or if an alarm has sounded, the elite ously at the wooden wall. He wea rs an over-sized bone helmet.
gnolls have relocated to area sb. Standing directly behind the seated gnoll is a smaller, fi nely
The gnolls delay their strike until rhe PCs become dist racted muscled humanoid with the head of a canine. Barbed spikes line
trying co open rh e trapdoor i11 the floor. They th e n b reak his leather armor and the battle chain folded across his back.
thro ugh the ceiling in a single round, leap down, an d attack.
The rickety lantern han ging from the ceiling is a lantern of Although the PCs migh t suspect che presence of a magic ward
revealing and it purges any invisibility effect in the room. le con- on rhe floor, th e markings are non-magical. Sylkess uses the
tinues to operate even after it falls to the floor o nce rbe gnolis design as a focus point for her teleport spells. She infrequen tly trav-
rear the ceiling apart. e ls here to issue orders to the kadcanach pilot, che near-catatonic
The false ceiling can be detected with a Spot check (DC 25). gnoll facing the wall.
If they fail to notice rhe false ceiling, th e PCs ar:e surprised. Creatures: PCs who succeed at a Spot check (DC 15) notice that
., Elit e Gnolls, Mal e Gnoll Ftr1 (4 ): CR 2; Medium the gnoll's helm bears runs identical in style and appearance to
Humanoid (gnoll); HD 2d8+4plus1d10+2;hp 22 each; lnit +2; Spd runes on the yolk worn by the kadtanach. This gnoll has the cov-
30 fr.; AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16; BAB +2; Grap +5; Atk/ Full ered honor of wearing Davnak's helm and is piloting the kadranach.
Ark +7 melee (2d6+4, maste.rwork gi:eatsword); AL CE; SV Fort +7, While wearing the helm, he cannot engage in combat and is con-
Ref +21 Will +O; Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8. sidered helpless. The pilot sees through the kadranach's eyes, so h e
Skills: Climb +2", Listen +2, Spot +3. Feats: Power Attack, cannot see the PCs (see the sidebar for more information on
Weapon Focus (greacsword). D11vn11k's helm). The pilot neivously ignores any sounds of combat,
"Includes - 2 armor check penalty. under orders to maintain control of the kadcanach at all times.
Possessions: Ch ain shirt, masterwork greatsword , potion of ., Gnoll Pilot: hp 11; Monster Manual 130, except the gnoll is
rn re moderate wounds, 1d4 continual flame beads, leather pouch c urren tly helpless and cannot attack unless Dav1111k's helm is
concaining 25 gp. first removed.
As a symbol of their elite rank, the gnoll guard ia ns have The H'Jyord normally spends his time teleporting berween the
braided their thick manes with black beads from the H 'Jyord vantage points at areas 9a and 16b, where he rakes stock of the
that b urn w ir h continual flam es. This creates the illusion that the terrain, and here, where he issues orders to the pilot. When the
gnolls' heads are eerily engulfed in flames. PCs arrive in the piloting chamber, the H'Jyord is already here,
Tactics: The gnolls follow the orders of the H 'Jyord fanati- prepared co defend h is prize.
cally and will not pennit any of the PCs to descend to the com- ., The H 'Jyord, Mirror-of-Opposition H ound Archon
mand deck under any circumstances, opening themselves ro Ftr 2: CR 6; Medium O utsider (6 fr. 2 in. tall); HD 6d8+6 plus
arracks of opportunity if necessary. If the PCs flee the howdah 2d10+2; hp 51; !nit +4; Spd 40 fr.; AC 22, touch 10, flat-footed 22;
the gnolls do n ot leave their post ro pursue. They instead call for BAB +8/+3; Grap +11; Ark +12 melee (2d4+5, +1 spiked chain), or
other gnolls in the fortress to take up the chase. +11 melee (1d8+3, bite), or +9 ranged (1d8/ 19- 20, masterwork
Once the PCs best the gnoll guardians they can return their light crossbow); FullAtk +11 melee (1d8+3, bite) and +6 (1d4+1,
attention to the trapdoor. slam), or +12/+7 melee (2d4+5, +1 spiked chain) and +6 m elee
~ Locked Tr apdoor: 2 in. th ick; Hardness 5; hp 20; break (1d8+1, bite), or +9 ranged (ldS/ 19-20, masterwork light cross-
DC 28; Open lock DC 22. bow); Reach 10 &. with cl1ain; SA spell-like abilities; SQarchon
Trap (EL 1): Gnu Dalcom has coated the pull ring wirh a subtype, ch ange shape, damage reduction 10/ holy', outsider
powerful, clear-colored, h erbal ad hesive. The gnolls gain a +4 type, scent; SR 16; AL CE; SV Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +6; Srr 16,
bonus co attack cream res stuck ro the ring. Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 12.
./' Ad hesive Trap: CR 1; mec h anical; touch trigger; Skills: Concentration +10, D iplomacy +3, Hide +9", Intimi-
manual reset; no attack roll necessary (c reat ure to uch in g d ate +5, Jump +11, listen +10, Move Silently +9, Sense Motive
adhesive is smck; Reflex save, DC 20, avoids; adhesive can be +10, Spot +10, Survival +10" (+12 fo llowin g tracks). Feats:
permanently neu tralized with alcohol or pulling free with a Combat Expertise, Exotic Weapo n Proficiency (spiked chain),
Srrengch ch eck, DC 27, which deals 1d6 points of damage); Improved Initiative, Power Attac k, Track.
Search (DC 20). Possessions: +1 spiked chain, masterwork scudded leather, mas-
re.rwork light crossbow with 24 screaming bolts, potion of cure mod-
eYate wo1mds x2.
The H 'Jyord deals damage as an unholy' weapon.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will-aid, continual flame, detect good 1, The H'Jyord also seeks our Seigonas from area 9a if the PCs
and message. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 6th-level cleric. have not already defeated the gargoyle. Even if h is minions fail
Change Shape (Su): Hound archons can assume any canine him entirely, the H'Jyord is unwilling to abandon his prized kad-
form of Small ro Large size. While in canine form, the hound tanach without a fight. The H'Jyord hunts rhe PCs using his
archon loses its bite, slam, and weapon attacks, but gains the bite scent and detect good abilities. Once he spots th e PCs, he teleports
arrack of the form it chooses. For the purposes of this ability, co an ideal ambush site. He continually ta un ts the PCs with mes-
canines include an y dog- or wolf-like animal of the Animal type. sage spells co keep them off balance, uncertain of wh ich direc-
Archon Subtype: Archons are a race of celestials, or good tion he will snike from ("I select you to die next. ..." is a favorite
outsiders, native ro the plane of Celestia. This archon is evil. ta unt). When the opportunity arise, he fires his screaming cross-
Aura of Menace (Su): An unholy' aura surrOLmds the H 'Jy· bow bolts. As soon as the PCs pinpoint his location and are able co
ord when he fights or gets angry. Any hostile crearure within a retalia te, the H'Jyord teleports away and begins the game anew.
20-foor radius of the archon must succeed at a Will save (DC 16) If the H 'Jyord heard his elite gnoll guardians battling the PCs
or suffer a -2 morale penalry ro attacks, AC, and saves for one in area 13b above, he has already activated his aitl ability on
day or until they successfully h it the H 'Jyord. A creature that himself in preparation for combat.
has resisted or broken the effect cannor be affected again by the
H'Jyord's ama for one day. 14. RIGHT EAR BASKET (EL VARIES)
• Darkvision 60 feet and low-light vision. A s liding trapdoor on the roof of this pod ena bles the PCs to
• Imm une to electricity and perrifi.carion. drop down into the chamber.
• +4 bonus to saves against poison ~ Sliding Trapdoor: t in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 10; break DC 18.
Magic Circle against Good (Su)t: A magic circle against good
effect always surrounds the H 'Jyord, identical to the spell cast by This cramped, podlike room is almost filled to capacity by a 6·
a 6th-level cleric. The effect can be dispelled, b ut the archon can foot-long, six-legged, tan lizard that faces the front of the
create it again during its next rurn as a free action. (The defensive room. The creature's head has been completely wrapped in a
benefits from the circle are not included in the statistics block.) thick black horse blanket, and the head and neck have been
Teleport (Su): The H'Jyord can greater tefeport at will, as the encased in a torturous metal brace. The brace locks around
sp ell cast by a 14th-level sorcerer, except that the creature can the lizard's skull and connects it to the wa lls with taut chains,
transport only itself and up ro 50 pounds of objects. hold ing the creature in place before a large, shuttered window.
Tongues (Su): All archons can speak with any creature that The lizard's tai l hangs limply, and you can see from its
has a language, as though using a tongues spell cas t by a 14th- exposed ribs that it is in terrible physical conditkin.
level cleric. This ability is always active. A gnoll stands on each side of the lizard, .scrubbing the crea-
Skills: "While in canine form, a hound archon gains a +4 cir- ture' s bony spine with a brush and a bucket of soapy water.
cwnstance bonus on Hide and Survival checks. Seeing you, they drop their buckets and reach for their weapons.
1No te that these are th e reverse of the normal hound

archon abilities. Creature (EL 2 or 5): The lizard is a basilisk. Immune to pet-
See the Monster Mamrnl for more information o n the archon rification, the H 'Jyord was able to get close enough to crick the
subtype, the outsider rype, and hound archons. dangerous predator im o captivity. Now a chained prisoner for
Tactics: "H 'Jyord" means "tracker of truth" in Celestial. The several months, the basilisk's muscles have begun to atrophy. It
original H'Jyord pursued his foes relentlessly. His double, how- survives mostly by the healing magic and herbs provided ro it
ever, has adopted the opposite tactics, and finds his innate abil- by Gnu-Dalcom. As a result of its unique diet, not only does its
ities surprisingly well suited ro the task. Despite his strength petrifying gaze still function, its range has increased to 60 feet.
and bravado, the H'Jyord avoids direct confrontation, prefer- ., Atrophied Basilisk: hp 45; Monster Manual 24, except this
ring co soften enemies up with his gnoll fodder. If the PCs have specimen is CR 1 ifthe PCs are inside the basket and CR 5 ifthe PCs
made it this far, the H'Jyord is the only thing standing between are outside. Also, this basilisk is held in place and cannot move, and
them and Davnak's helm. Rather than abandon the centerpiece its Strength is now 10 due to the long period of inactivity.
of his plan, he engages the PCs uncil he can lu re them away ., Gnoll Basilisk Handlers (2): hp 11 each; Monster Mnmml 130.
from rhe command deck and into the open. lf the PCs refuse ro Forrunarely for che PCs, the metal brace prevencs the basilisk
take the bait, the H 'Jyord takes Davnak's helm and lefeports away from turning away from th e sh uttered window in fronr of ic.
with it to another howdah. This means the kadtanach is uncon· Tactics: The basilisk is used as a surprise weapon against
trolled umil rhe H'Jyord can recru it another gnoll to pilot th e heavy opposition. First, an order is given from the command
beast. (See the Dnvnak's helm sidebar for derails on what h ap- center, either by a signal horn or d\recr instruction from the
pens if the kadranach remains uncontrolled for lo·ng.) H'Jyord. The gnoll handlers then open the windows, allowi11g
Once outside, the H'Jyord rouses any rema inin g gnolls inro rhe creature ro peer through the barred windows. At the same
strike reams. He summons their aid with his mesmge spell-like time, the pilot comm ands the kadtanach to bow its head low to
ability or by teleporting from howdah co howdah. the ground ro maximize rhe range of the gaze attack.
The gnolls have practiced this maneuver. The gnoll surface Creature (EL 2): ln addition to the basilisk in area 14, the
troops then ride out and either smash the st atutes into powder H'Jyord captured a large spider and imprisoned it in this pod. The
or retrieved the st atues and haul them atop the kadtanach, pod was wood shaped open to accommodate the creature, then the
where they are used as ammunition for the catapult in area 12. pod opening was sealed to its current size to trap it within. The
Inside the howdah, rhe b asilisk is powerless. The PCs gnolls have trained the spider to cast its web at non-gnoll targets
should receive no XP for slaughtering th e beast while it's on the ground. The spider then reels in the ensnared victim at a
chained and covered. If one handler drops, the other tears off rare of 10 feet per round. Once the victim nears the kadtanach's
the blanket and remove the brace (a single full-round action), head, the kadtanach frequently rakes a moment to swallow the
forcing the PCs to contend with the basilisk after all. spider's prisoner whole depriving the spider of its meal. As a
result, the spider aggressively targets every non-gnoll it can spot,
15. LEFT EAR BASKET (EL VARIES) relying on the law of averages to at last drag a meal inside the pod.
This over-sized basket has been secured to the Left side of the kad- ~ Large Monstrous Spider: hp 22; Monster Mam~al 289.
tanach's helm. A sliding trapdoor on the roof is the only way inside. Tactics: Unless the PCs drop into the pod below, only a single
~ Sliding Trapdoor: 1 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 10; break DC 18. PC can arrack the spider through the trapdoor ar a time. The spider
Creatures (EL 1): Two gnoll handlers sit atop the basket is unable to exit the pod and if the PCs arrack with a reach weapon
next to the trapdoor. One has a large leather bag filled with (such as the handler's pole, which acts as a longspear) they can dis-
dried meat to reward the monstrous spider imprisoned below, patch the spider from safety. The spider has cover from any ranged
and the other has a 10-foot long, barbed, prodding stick ro poke attacks made through the trapdoor.
it whe n it misbehaves. During a raid, one of these unlucky Ad-hoc XP Award: The PCs should receive only 50% of the
gnolls mans the bead crow's nest (area 16a). normal XP for defeating the trapped spider.
" Gnoll Handlers (2): hp 11 each; Mousier Ma11u111130.
If the PCs open the trapdoor read or paraphrase the following: 16. HEAD HOWDAH
This howdah is particularly unstable. PCs and gnolls alike
The trapdoor slides open with a dull click, revealing a giant, receive a -4 circumstance penalry ro all attacks and skill checks
10-foot-wide spider. The massive beast fills the entire pod. It as long as rhey remain here. Spellcascing requi.res a Concenrra-
immediately shuffles around on its spindly legs, turning away rion check (DC 10 + the level of rhe spell casr).
from the single round window in the pod to attack.
16A. CROW'S NEST forward every second round and deliver much greater damage
(8d6+4). The ram is normally used only against srrucn1res.
As you grab the wooden guardrail, you question the wisdom of
t he architect who placed a t ower this high atop the beast's
head. The nest sways with each bob of the beast's head.
If the PCs disable the kadranach by destroying Davual~'s helm or
The gnolls only man this post during raids, at which time a
by toppling its leadership, Gheldaylin and rhe surrOLmding se1-
gnoll from the left ear basket (area 15) is stnrioned here.
tlements are saved. Rather than roleplaying a complete mop-up
operation, once rhe climactic encounters are concluded, have
rhe replenished Knights of Heironeous return ro assist the PCs
This deck houses rhe gnolls' "floodlight": a cluster of contin11nl
in driving off remaining gnolls.
flame stones, focused by a mirrored case. The oversized lantern
Once rhe kadranach is free from magical control for 30 min-
is on a tripod and the gnolls can sweep the ground in front of
utes, it begins ro shake off its yolk. After 1d8 hours of vigorous
the kadtanach ou r to a range of 200 feer with a 1 o-foot-radius
shakes, coupled with some nibs against a cliff-side, rhe enrire
ligh t beam. The floodlight is su rprisingly funct ional and
howdah complex is unceremoniously dumped on the ground.
fetches 450 gp if sold to an interested buyer. It weighs 200
Once the helm is destroyed, the magic binding che kadtanach
pounds, though, so gett ing it down could be tricky.
to the Prime Material Plane begins to decay. By dawn, the kad-
Creatures: Two gnolls are always stationed here, protecting
ranach winks out of sight and returns to its home plane-tl1e
the valuable floodlight during the day and sweeping the la nd
W ilderness of the Beastlands (treat as a banishment spell).
below with it at night.
The Knights offer ro accompany the PCs to Gheldaylin to
~ Gnolls (2): hp 11 each; Monster Manual 130.
host a banquet in rhe PCs' honor, if it still stands. Over the nex t
A large spindly ladder with bone rungs provides access to the
few days, Gheldaylin swells with refugees from the surround-
crow's nesr above or the troop hold below.
ing destroyed comm unities. If the H'Jyord or Sylkess escaped,
the PCs might wish ro pursue them. Sylkess cu ts her losses, bur
the H'Jyord never forgives the PCs for ruining his campaign,
When he decides it is worthwhile, rhe H'Jyord allocates some of
Ad-hoc XP Award: If the PCs defeat the H'Jyord before Ghel-
h is troops and packs a boarding party inside this bold. On com-
daylin is destroyed, they should each receive a 1,000 XP story award.
mand, the gnolls operate t he folding bridge at area 16d and
swarm over defen,sive walls to break into opposing compounds.
Creatures: Between raids, three gnolls are stationed here,
ready to respond if an alarm sounds.
~ Gnolls (3): hp 11 each; Monster Manual 130.
The inside walls of this hold are covered wirh a giant mural of
Colossal Magical Beast (Extraplanar)
the kadtanach descending upon a human settlemenr, recently
Hit Dice: 28d10+364 (518 hp)
finger-painted by gnolls awaiting battle. PCs who take time ro
Initiative: - 1 (Dex)
study the details of rhe mural carefully (Spot DC 20) obtain
Speed: 60 ft. or 40 ft. (with saddle)
clues of rhe kadranach's layour: rhe mural crudely depicts a ren-
AC: 21 (-9 size, - 1 Dex, +21 natural) or 29 with hide barding,
racle from the black tentacles trap in area 10a ripping apart a
couch 1, flar-foored 21
human warrior; a villager being ensnared by the web of cbe
Base Attack/ Grapple: +21/ +49
giant spider in area 15; and the assassin vine in area 5 reaching
Attack: +25 melee
our from inside Gnu Dalcoro's pod ·
Full Attack: +25 melee
Damage: Bite 4d6+18/ 19-20
Space/ Reach: 60 fr/ 30 fr.
The kad ranach can bow its head ro align the bridge wirh defen-
Special Attacks: Improved grab, swallow who le, rrample
sive walls. The gnolls then extend the bridge with a wide fold-
Special Qualities: DR 15/ magic, immunities, regeneration 5
ing plank and the landing parry in area 16c can charge out onto
Saves: Fort +29, Ref +17, Will +11
the defenders' parapet. Extending rhe plank has to be coordi-
Abilities: Srr 35, Dex 8, Con 36, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
nated carefully with rhe c,omroand center so that rhe piloc can
Skills: Listen +14, Spot +13.
give full concentration to steadying rbe beast's head. In a prior
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Endurance, Grear Cleave, Improved
raid, the beast shook its head while the bridge was in mid-exreu-
Critical ( bite), Improved Overrun, lron Will, Lightning
sion, sending rhe enrire landing parry to its dearh.
Reflexes, Power Attack
Climate/Terrain: Any land (Beastlands)
17. THE BATTERING RAM Organization: Solirary
A Large horn on the kadtanach's head has been cover-ed by an iro11-
Challenge Rating: 16
wood ram. Unlike a normal ram, the kadranach can drive the ram
Treasure: None action without provoking an attack of opportunity (grapple
Aligrunent: Always neutral bonus +49). If it-gets a hold, it can swallow the opponent on irs
Advancement: 29-84 HD (Colossal) next successful grapple check. Thereafter, rhe kadtanac.h has
the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use its
The kadtanach was originally discovered by a secret cabal of bite to hold the opponent (-20 penalry on grapple check , but
lawful neutral loremasters known as the Daegorh-Szonri.. The the kadranach is not considered grappled). In either case, eac.h
Daegoth-Szonri sought to fund their endless research by opening successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds
a merchant company. To compete, they decided ro design a mer- automatically deals bite damage.
chant caravan that would be impervious to bandit attacks so they Worry (Ex): A kadtanach that successfully gets a hold on
could trade in even the most inhospitable and lucrative regions. an opponent with its improved grab ability shakes the victim
Their researc.hes into the planes led them to, they believed, the violently back and forth. T his attack deals bite damage each
perfect subject for their ambitious project. The kadtanac.h blended round until Lhe victim breaks free, the kadtanach is slain, or
incredible resilience, a massive and intimidating presence, and a the victim dies.
narural placidity and easily manipulated temperament. It was the Swallow Whol e {Ex): A kadranach can swallow a single
ultimate pack mule. However, although the ground work was per- creature that is at least rwo size categories smaller than itself by
formed, the project of relocating the kadranach to the Prime Mate- making a successful grapple check (grapple bonus +49), pro-
rial Plane and harnessing it for the merchant caravan was evenru- vided it already has that opponent in its maw (see Improved
ally shelved as the Daegoth-Szonri's attention rurned to a growing Grab, above). Once inside the kadtanach, the opponent takes
feud with a rival wizard clan. One of the loremasters chiefly 4d6+18 points of bludgeoning damage and 2d6 points of acid
responsible for the project, a man named Davnak, was Sylkess's damage per round from the kadtanach's stomac.h. A successful
mentor, and the young sn1denr learned of the abandoned project. grapple c.heck allows the creature to climb out of the stomach
Throughout her tenure, Sylkess secretly coveted the project's and return to the kadtanach's maw; from there another success-
power. She never attained the status of a loremaster hei'Self, as she ful grapple check is needed to get free. Alternatively, a swal-
lacked the discipline and was ultimately refused admittance to the lowed crean tre can try to cut its way out with either claws or a
Daegoth-Szonri. However, years later, after her former mentor was light piercing or slashing weapon. Dealing a total of at least 30
killed in the feud, Sylkess rerurned to steal the project and ran off points of damage to the stomac.h (AC 17) in this way creates an
with the kadtanac.h scroll library and Davnak's helm. opening large enough to permit escape. Once a single swal-
Sylkess was working out the details of how ro best capitalize lowed creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; thus,
upon her "inheritance" when she caught the attention of a group another swallowed opponent must cut its own way our. A kad-
of celestials, and a hound arc.hon (the original H'Jyord) was dis- tanach's maw can hold 2 Huge, 4 Large, or 16 Medium or
patched to stop her. After her desperate mirror of opposition smaller opponents.
ambush, the double encouraged Sylkess to finish her endless Frightful Presence (Su): A kadtanac.h can unsettle foes with its
preparation and at last perform the incantations necessary to mere presence. The ability takes effect automatically whenever the
finish the project, which involved calling the beast and binding kadranach anacks or c.harges. Creatures within a radius of 60 feet
ir to the Prime using its yoke as an anchoring device. are subject to the effect ifthey have fewer HD than the kadtanach.
The ritual detailed in rhe scrolls was successful, and the kad- A potentially affected creature that succeeds at a Will save
tanach was harnessed and saddled. While the fitting and construc- (DC 24) remains immune to the kadtanach's frightful presence
tion were completed, the H)yord set about rounding up an army. for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become
Other kadranaches roam the Beastlands, but the beasts are panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become
extremely rare, meeting only once every decade or so to mate. shaken for 4d6 rounds. A kadtanac.h ignores the frightful pres-
ence of others of its kind.
COMBAT Immunities (Ex): The kadtanach is immune to all mind-
Left to its own devices, the omnivorous kadtanach roams the affecting magic and psionics until Davnak's helm is destroyed.
Wilderness of the Beastlands, eating constantly to keep its The kadtanach loses this ability if it does not have the helm.
tremendous metabolism satiated. In battle, the kadtanach uses Note that the kadranac.h in "Beast of Burden" is wearing hide
its massive jaws to pick up, crush, and devour the bodies of its barding, so its AC is 29 as described in the statistics above. Q
prey. Those who prove difficult to slay with an initial bite are
shaken by the beast until dead, or simply swallowed whole, Michael Kol'tes would like to thank Sam Wood for his slietch art,
although the kadranach doesn't particularly enjoy slurping which formed the catalyst for "Beast of Burden," and apologizes in
down live food. Even under the control of the wearer of advance to any players whose PCs might be inadvertently squashed
Dav11ak's helm, the kadtanach's battle tactics remain rhe same. into origami strips by a misstep of the kadtanach.
Improved Grab (Ex): Ifa kadtanach hits an opponent that is
ar least one size category smaller than itself with a bite attack, it
deals normal damage and attempts ro start a grapple as a free

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