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Stripped by The Fires of God

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The author shares their personal journey and reasons for leaving organized religion, including revelations they received about churches being infiltrated by fallen angels.

The author believes church is dangerous for sincere followers of Jesus Christ because Satan targets the elect. The author also discusses how 'strong delusion' has already been poured out in churches according to scripture.

The author received a revelation in 2007 that all organized churches have been infiltrated by fallen angels, leading them to write the book 'The Fake Jesus'.


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For those who have been closely reading these

newsletters, it is time for you to really know "where I'm
comin from". Other than for preparing the last days
church for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have
no personal motive. In fact, I am a 67 year old retiree
from public life. A retiree from NYS government, I am
also done with starting a church or establishing
what today is called "a ministry." Nor am I looking for
notoriety as I actually prefer to remain "under the
radar." I owe nothing to NOBODY and I expect
NOTHING from NOBODY! I am free to do all things and
free to do nothing. Only in the last seven years have I
been this free. I was restrained from offending those
who paid my secular salary and the bishops under
whom I served. Those days are over for the rest of my
life. Like the Lord Jesus, I too can declare that neither
man nor the devil has a place in me.

Besides a secular career of 3 decades, I have also

been a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ for 29
years. Since I was gainfully employed in the
world, none of my income was ever derived or
accumulated from Christian ministry. When I
received a salary from any of 3 churches that I
pastored, I gave it back to them double-fold. I even
founded my own church in 1996, which I closed in
2009. Today, I do not attend church, at all.
I personally believe that church is a dangerous place
to be, particularly for the sincere followers of Jesus
Christ of Nazareth---the elect of God. I need to make it
plain that only the elect of God is in real danger, and
not those who simply attend church because they
believe that it is the right thing to do. The "un-
chosen" in church are not Satan's target but only
those who belong to Jesus Christ.

In order to understand my position, you need to know

that I am not coming from "whether or not there are
good churches or bad churches." Certainly, there are
both, and that has been the case for centuries. In our
time, there are some wonderful, good people and If you want more info
excellent programs operating in plenty of churches. about HOW and WHY fallen
However, this is the power of man. This is the power angels infiltrated the
of human flesh. Human beings can do some good organized church, you need
and wonderful things, without God. For example, man this book.
has proven that he can build a rocket and walk on the
moon. Man conceived the very computers that we all click here
communicate on, with a wealth of information at our
finger tips. This is "a good thing." Likewise, just
because a church is "good," doesn't mean that "God
is there."

My position is this.

The bible foretells through Paul to the Thessalonian

believers that in the last days, a time in church history
would come when God would send "strong
delusion." In like manner, Paul even warned Timothy
that in the last days, there would be a group of
demons who would infiltrate the churches with false
and mixed doctrine, capable of even causing some of
the elect to "depart from the faith" and give heed to or
listen and absorb devilish false teachings.
For more info on doctrines
From my work on "the Fake Jesus", I have and practices of demons, you
been convinced that "THAT DAY" came already. need this book .
"Strong delusion" has already been poured out.
Paul also wrote the Thessalonians that the anti-Christ click here
was being restrained by the Holy Ghost. Even so,
there would come a day in church history when the
Holy Ghost would be so grieved, that He would be
"taken out of the way." Paul wrote to the
Thessalonians that when the Holy Ghost is taken out
of the way, the anti-Christ would be revealed.

With the preparation of "the Fake Jesus," I now

believe that the Anti-Christ is really a fallen angel.
Certainly this angel will use the body of a man at some
point and there are indications that he has already

done so. According to Benjamin Creme, mentioned in IN THIS LETTER
the Fake Jesus, Maitreya was first revealed in the
flesh in July 1977. I was born again in March 1977, just
4 months before Maitreya was revealed. WHY I LOST ALL

How did I get to church in the first place? Well, I had 3 THE FIRES OF
dreams that sent me to an African American REFINEMENT
denomination in 1979. I learned just as I finished "The
Fake Jesus" a few years ago, that those dreams came
from the religious fallen angel that is assigned to me.
The book "Come Out of Her, God's People" addresses
why the enemy would actually "send me to church"
and why God would allow it to happen.
It is important to note, that I myself didn't get saved UNDERSTAND THE FIRES
from "the preached word in a church." I knew the
gospel through the holidays and the movies about
Jesus. I had heard that Jesus had died for my sins OWN LIFE?
and that He was raised from the dead. I heard, I
understood, and I did not believe. I'M ONLY AN EMAIL
In spite of my godlessness, I got saved because the
Holy Ghost drew me to the cross in March 1977 and contact@pamsheppard.com
caused me to see that I was a sinner and I repented.
Instantly, faith was dropped into me to believe that
Jesus was dead but HE got up from the grave in His
physical body. It was like a light bulb went off in my
spirit, remaining there like a hard rock for the next 34

Without ever having heard a word preached in a

sermon by a minister behind the pulpit, God saved me
anyway. It is an experience that absolutely no one can
take away from me.

If God saved me, an atheist, without any church

background who had never even read the bible, then
God can save anyone anywhere. The irony is that once
the gospel was preached in the first century, the Lord
really has not needed any of us. Once the entire
known world came to know about the cross and the
resurrection of Jesus Christ 19 centuries ago, the
message was planted in the collective consciousness
from one generation to another.

In our generation, the word of God has also been

heard around the world. There is no where that the
name of Jesus is not known. To preach is not to stand
behind a pulpit with a sermon. To preach is "to
proclaim" or simply "to tell the story of Jesus." The

Where in this world are you going to find ANYONE
who has not heard the story of Jesus? The real
problem today is that those who "have heard the word
in church" simply do not understand it. I am willing to
say that 95% of THOSE WHO ATTEND CHURCH do
not understand either repentance, rebirth, or the
resurrection. Without an understanding, they are not
saved, yet they believe they are because "they have
given heed to doctrines of devils." The worst of all
the doctrines of devils is the sinner's prayer and the
invitation to Christian discipleship---doctrines
suggesting that by MAN'S choice, he can enter the
kingdom of God. Whatever happened to "no man is
saved of himself, salvation is a gift from God, lest any
man boast that "I accepted Jesus." No. We don't

The bottom-line is that I believe the church age has

been over a long time ago. Perhaps 50 years,
definitely since 1977 when Maitreya was revealed. In
fact, every single church on earth is a fruit of
Catholicism. Catholicism is an evil, corrupt tree.
Jesus said that good fruit cannot and will not come
from a corrupt tree.

Certainly, there are people in church who are saved.

However, they are not saved because they heard a
sermon preached in church. They are saved because
the Holy Ghost brought them to the cross and planted
in them the faith to believe that a dead man lives in His
Body, never to die again!!!!.

The reason why every churchgoer NEEDS "Come Out

of Her, God's People" in his or her hands, is "you
need to know about the plagues."

I lost ALL for both personal and collective reasons:

From a personal perspective, I came into the kingdom

"FULL OF MYSELF" on lots of levels, too numerous to
mention in merely ONE mentoring letter. Men
recognized my fullness of being from my early 20's.
In fact, the primary goal of every man who sought my
affections for the last 4 decades has been "to bring
Pam down a peg or two." For my mantra used to be "I
AM free, black, and over 21 and no one can mold or
tame me. I am the captain of this BEAST!!!"

And my mantra was true. No man or woman--not

husband nor parent-- has ever been able to do what
God has done for He has refined me with FIRE!!!. The
fires of God have burned out the bonds of personal

ambition, have wiped away frustration, replacing self
confidence with faith in God alone. The Lord has often
used personal failure as a means to "clean me up" for
His good pleasure. Anyone who is an achiever as I
used to be, is going to be cleaned up by God's fires
that bring about much personal failure. Why?
Because God resists the proud and only gives grace
to the humble and not those who think that "they are
ALL THAT AND A BAG OF CHIPS!!! Also, we learn
much more from failure than we do from success.

When the fires of the Holy Ghost loosed me from my

bonds and brought me out of the furnace into a fuller
life in union with the Lord Jesus Christ, my service to
Him in the last 7 years has been a peaceful, joyous
outcome of His life within me that has brought
about indescribable freedom. Since I only live to
serve God according to how HE wants things done, I You need this important
have no fear of failure because I consider no job book!!!
for Him to be my own.
To preview, click its cover.
Since I have been stripped through the burning fires of
refinement, what I do or do not do is no longer an
issue. Once I was pressed to fulfill what I believed to
be my destiny. The stress of trying to achieve or be
something in Him is over. I am in Him "for Him" and
not for myself so I am content with whatever He
decides to do in me. Since "my personal fire", the
revelations I have received are invaluable, equal to
gold. As a Laodicean, I have done what Jesus asked
me to do. I repented of the dross and I have bought
gold from Him by submitting myself to the fires of His
refinement. As a result, the only value I can put on
what I have received is that of precious gems. The
revelations shared with me are pearls and gold
nuggets that swine do not deserve. Here are but a

1. The Lord is in complete control of the devil. He

allows evil "for a time" because a greater aspect of the
Lord's agenda is fulfilled through His
people's building both wisdom and strength by
overcoming evil people, places, circumstances and

In my particular case, I see God's hand upon every bit

of evil that came my way, even before I was saved at
the age of 33. The evil that occurred in my life in pre-
salvation times all fits into the design of God's overall
plan in my life. As a small example, it was important
to Him that I NOT be raised in church. So the fact that
I was an atheist who actually mocked those who
believed on Christ as having "fallen for the white

man's lie to keep black people enslaved" was very
important to my present position, even though "it was
evil.." God does not fear evil. Since He is the one who
chose me for salvation BEFORE the beginning of
recorded time, it did not matter to Him that I was a
scornful heathen. He was not concerned about my
evil, because He foreknew the good that would come
of it.

2. Those whom God has chosen are "saved" at the

moment they are conceived in the womb. It doesn't
matter whether they live one day or 100 years without
knowing that they are saved. He will snatch His
chosen ones out of the devils hands ANY TIME HE
CHOOSES, whether it be in childhood or on
somebody's deathbed!!!! The salvation of the chosen
ones is entirely in God's hands and no man or devil
can stop Him from saving whom He calls. The devil
may have the elect of God in his hands for a time,
perhaps most of that person's life. However, when
God calls, the unsaved will answer before death
comes. Hell is certainly a real place of eternal torment
but God's chosen ones don't even have to know
about hell to be saved. That is why the preaching of
hell and damnation has become a scare tactic that has
drawn into the church, those whom God has not called
or caused others to choose God before His appointed

3. Everything God does is GOOD and FOR our good.

He does not need His people to defend Him to the
world or to each other and He is offended when we do
so. For example, the Lord waited 25 years to reveal to
me that the power that I had to heal "was not from
Him." Did I open my mouth to complain and whine
with, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" No, I did not.
When the truth came, it didn't even cross my mind to
do so. In fact, it was "others" who raised the question.
I didn't question Him on that. I simply wiped the mud
off of my face and said "Okay, Lord, what's next!"

4.If you have become too enthralled with God's gifts

and you are one of the elect, then God is going to strip
you. If the Lord God shut up the mighty sea within the
confines of His will and said to the foaming waters,
"Here shall thy proud waves be stayed," does not the
same Lord control the swelling of a proud heart
among His people?" He will wipe you clean like a dish
and turn you over in the tray. He will make a fool out of
you as you shout "In the name of Jesus," and the
devils say "who are you???" Stripping is necessary
for all those who will walk in God's power in these

In the words of Jessie Penn Lewis in "the Story of Job,
"the book of Job comes with fresh power in these
days, when the enemy comes in like a flood with great
wrath, knowing that his time is short. As the elect of
God, we must refuse to dwell on second causes in our
lives The Adversary may attack us as he did Job, but
only by the expressed permission from God!
Therefore, we need to recognize the hand of God even
as the Lord did when He said "The cup which the
Father hath given Me, shall I not drink it?"

I spend lots of time in these mentoring letters

exposing and warning about the tricks and deceptive
methods of Satan and his horde of demons and
devils. Some have even stopped reading the
mentoring letters because they don't want to know
anything about the devil, which is a big mistake.
Actually, that was Job's problem that cause the Lord
to bait Satan to attack him. Job feared evil. If he
feared evil, then he feared the devil. So God decided
that it was time for Job to be "stripped by fire."
Though righteous, Job was also too religious. He had
to be stripped of works done without true faith.

Therefore, just know this about me. I look beyond all

second causes once I have found them. I search for
the causes of demonic attack in order to close the
hedge. But the truth of the matter is that I know that
every time the devil has attacked me, I came away
knowing more about God. For as with Job, the devil
cannot attack me without having God's permission.

In the next mentoring letter, I will discuss the

collective reasons why "the Lord stripped me."


I have written 7 books. I have no favorites. I

no longer market my least favorite. Each
book stands on its own but in truth, they are
DEMON is a book of case studies of professing
Christian church goers who were demonized.
I also present my couseling model.
THE FAKE JESUS provides an historical
overview of how fallen angels have been able
to demonized churchgoers.
own personal testimony to explain what has
happened in the organized church and why it
is an unsafe place to be in the last days and
soon to be released
THE NEW IDOLATRY compares biblical
idolatry to present day religiosity and
charismatic counterfeits with eyeopening
clues to help the reader avoid endtime

Below is an excerpt from "COME OUT OF HER



There are a lot of religions where man is able

to dress himself up on the outside and be
deadly characters on the inside. Watch some
of them. Their followers look good on the
outside with their nice suits and ties. But
look deep into those eyes of theirs and you
will find a dead, cold, vengeful and hateful
spirit--- brewing, brewing for a day when
they can erupt into violence. People must first
change from the inside. Let the inside
manifest to the outside and not the other way
around. Why? Because the inside of man,
the heart of man is desperately wicked.

I believe that a true demonstration of

power begins at the cross. The cross of Jesus
Christ is the place where we must submit our
human nature. Not just the bad but the good

also. The ones who demonstrate the most
power are the ones who have suffered the
most---the ones who have sinned the most---
the ones who have been forgiven of the
most. They tend to be the most humble.

However, people who have always had it

good, been the most acceptable to the world,
people pleasers who have adapted to a
success model based upon the world's
standards---these are the people who are the
most difficult to demonstrate God's
power. They are too filled up with their own
power. Their own thoughts. Their own
ways. Their own abilities. What I hope my
testimony speaks to is that it is not just the
bad things that must go to the cross. It is also
the things that are considered good about
ourselves that are the most dangerous. Like
Paul, we've got to cry out "I don't get mixed
up in nothin except Jesus Christ and Him

Through trial and tribulation, I can

testify that the major evidence of my fruit is
that I have progressively learned how to die
daily. I am 66 years old. Through my
struggles, I now find that I am in a state of
rest and peace. I know first hand that the
Lord places His people into a crucible of fire
for the removal of dross. The ALL WISE God
turns His hand upon His children to purge
them like a refiner's fire. Since I believe
that we live in the age of the Laodicean
church, Jesus counsels us to buy gold from
Him that we may become spiritually rich so
that we will be prepared for His
appearing. The fires were upon me for so
long, that with a watchful eye toward the sky,
each day I wonder if this is the day that the
sky will split open and the Lord shall descend
from the clouds.

Having been burned yet not consumed,

the fires of God burned away stress. As a
result, I live a restful, peacefully enriched life
because I have learned that without the
crucifixion, there is no demonstration of
power. The cross is the essence of spiritual
power. Take Jesus Himself as the best

example of the power of the cross. If Jesus
had refused the suffering, the shame and the
agony of the cross and taken Satan's
temptation and bowed down and worshiped
him, there would have been no demonstration
of God's power. Jesus knew the heart of His
Father. He would not accept empowerment
from the devil. Neither will I.

For instance, George Adams is no

longer the bishop of the Western New York
Conference in the Denomination. As you
recall, it was he who illegally removed me
from the rolls in 2004. However, today I
would have no problem at all returning to the
Denomination. In fact, all but one of my
enemy’s has died. As I have already
revealed, the new bishop sincerely offered
complete support of my ministry both nation
and worldwide. The question is “do I seek the
favor and support of man or am I committed
to truth?”

My days of longing for position,

prominence and popularity are decidedly
over. However, I need a wake up call from
time to time, to remind me of just how
blessed I am to have been driven out of the
organized church. Not too long ago, I allowed
a dream to remain in my memory. I dreamt
that I had taken my best friend to visit the
Denomination, in hopes that if they embraced
her, perhaps they would welcome and
someday love me. So I left my friend at their
Annual Conference and then returned to pick
her up. The first thing I noticed was the
newfound estrangement between my friend
and I. They had ordained her and brought her
under the discipleship of one of their beloved
ministers, a blatant homosexual. Since they
favored her, my best friend no longer felt it
wise to continue to associate with me.

As I viewed myself in the dream, I was

somewhat disturbed when I awoke, for my
reaction was extremely emotional in a
volatile, almost violent way. It seems that I
had built an altar out of various keepsakes
and icons accumulated over 25 years and so
in the dream, I took something that looked

like a sledge hammer or an ax and chopped
down the altar.

God has also put me to the test. On my

65th birthday, a well known Pentecostal
church in my community was conducting a
gospelfest. So I decided to purchase some
tickets for myself and my family. About two
days after I ordered the tickets from one of
the church members, I heard a voice speak to
me that I know was God, without the shadow
of a doubt. I was simply asked, “Are you Lot’s

Satan has spoken to me so many times

and in so many ways, that when I hear the
voice of the Lord these days, I am spiritually
trained “to tell the difference.” With just
those 4 brief words,---ARE YOU LOT’S
WIFE--- my imagination opened and I saw
myself turned into a pillar of salt. Needless to
say, I cancelled my order for those
tickets. I have too much of a fear of the Lord
to walk into a place that I believe God has
revealed to me is “a condemned building.” I
knew without asking that if I did, the
remainder of my life on earth would be filled
with “the plagues” until I myself would long
for death. With what I know and what I have
been shown about the organized church,
there would literally be no hope for me in this
life. I won’t even step inside of a church
building for either a wedding or a funeral. You
can catch me at the reception hall or the
cemetery. I won’t step back inside.

The reason why I wrote the Fake

Jesus is because in the summer of 2007, I
was asked in the spirit, “Pam, would you put
curtains on the windows of a condemned
building?,” and I silently responded with my
mind, “No, I would not.” This question came
at a time when I was preparing myself to go
on an evangelistic, book-signing tour in
churches around the country, in order to
conduct lectures and seminars.

This spiritual discourse continued. In

summary, the understanding that I received
is that any and all organized churches,

regardless of size, commitment, or doctrine
have been infiltrated by fallen angels.
Therefore, my teaching tour would be like
“putting up curtains at the windows of a
condemned building”. I surmised that if this
word came from the Lord, then the church
has already been judged. I found this
revelation to be so offensive, that I set out to
study church history in order to disprove
it. My findings turned into a “the Fake Jesus,
Fallen Angels Among Us.” Suffice it to say
that after trying the spirits for one year, I
believe that the message of the summer of
2007 was divine and not demonic.

Therefore, if you can receive my

testimony on face value, then you will realize
that I am set free because I have refused to
accept Satan’s power and put my Savior’s
name on it. I don’t need or rely on the devil’s
counterfeit. I have come to know in my spirit
that it is the heart of the Father to use weak
vessels such as you and me, to cause us to
believe in Him and trust in Him by faith. He
takes our weakness and sets it aside and
applies the power of the resurrected Lord to

Oh, to know the power of the

resurrection! I can barely contain myself!
Consider this. God the Father intends to bring
Satan down by weak, ineffectual souls such
as you and me. To make him bow down, to
make his demons run. We have been given
weapons of a warfare that are not earthly,
that are not human. Our weapons are
supernatural. We manifest the real power by
walking in faith, hope and love. Without these
three forces, there can be no real
demonstration. The demonstration of God's
power is manifested when people who knew
you before you came to Jesus, see you now
after Jesus and say to themselves, "Oh, my
God! If Jesus Christ can do such and so for a
wretch like Pam Sheppard, imagine what He
can do for me! I want some of that!"

I believe that this is the true demonstration

of power that is manifested in my
testimony. I have allowed the Lord to crucify

me, break me, correct me, mend me, chasten
me, groom me, educate me and empower me
in the things of the spirit. That is what “Come
Out of Her, God’s People” is all about!!!!


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