Hakin9 05 2010 EN
Hakin9 05 2010 EN
Hakin9 05 2010 EN
Editor in Chief: Karolina Lesińska
Advisory Editor: Ewa Dudzic Dear readers,
Editorial Advisory Board: Matt Jonkman, Rebecca Wynn, This is the second time we meet digitally. This time I want to
Rishi Narang, Shyaam Sundhar, Terron Williams, Steve
Lape, Aditya K Sood, Donald Iverson, Flemming Laugaard, Nick thank you for your support and involvement in promoting
Baronian, Michael Munt our magazine. In the last months we noticed a great growth
DTP: Ireneusz Pogroszewski of Hakin9 readers and I am sure you actively take part in it:)
Art Director: Agnieszka Marchocka So, thank you!
Cover’s graphic: Łukasz Pabian In this issue we focus on several issues: Matt Jonkman gives
Proofreaders: James Broad, Ed Werzyn, Neil Smith, Steve us his thoughts on DDOS attacks, and in the expert section
Lape, Michael Munt, Monroe Dowling, Kevin Mcdonald you will find an article on botnets – dangers and protection
Contributing editor: James Broad against them. In the attack section you will read a great work
on jailbreaking and penetrating with the Iphone 3G & 3GS. In
Top Betatesters: Joshua Morin, Michele Orru, Shon Robinson, the defense section there is a beginner’s guide to cybercrime
Brandon Dixon, Stephen Argent, Jason Carpenter, Rishi Narang,
Graham Hili, Daniel Bright, Francisco Jesús Gómez Rodríguez, focusing on understanding attack methodologies and a more
Julián Estévez, Michael Sconzo, Laszlo Acs, Bob Folden, Cloud proactive approach to defense.
Strife, Marc-Andre Meloche, Robert White, Bob Monroe,
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the high quality of
the magazine, the editors make no warranty, express or implied,
concerning the results of content usage.
All trade marks presented in the magazine were used only for
informative purposes.
The techniques described in our articles may only
be used in private, local networks. The editors
hold no responsibility for misuse of the presented
techniques or consequent data loss.
4 05/2010
06 in Brief
Latest news from the IT security world
Armando Romeo
ID Theft Protect
10 Tools
NTFS Mechanic
Active@ Undelete
Michael Munt
39 Emerging Threats
Is DDOS Still a Threat?
Matt Jonkman
46 Expert Says...
Don’t let the zombies take you down!
Ian Kilpatrick
12 Pulling Kernel Forensic with Python
Daniel Lohin
18 Jailbreaking and Penetrating with the Iphone 3G & 3GS
Wardell Motley
30 Securing Public Services Using Tariq
Ali Hussein
www.hakin9.org/en 5
6 5/2010
Street cars. Google admitted this framework supported by the open be owned by criminals just for
behavior in a blog post clarifying source community. this purpose. Usually criminals,
that the collected data regarded Metasploit Express features use iframe injection attacks to
solely photos, 3D building imagery a GUI for automatic scanning have a number of vulnerable and
and WiFi network information. At and exploitation configuration, unaware websites to link back to
first. administration and advanced their rogue page.
Among this information there reporting management. Google favors websites with
is SSID of networks and MAC It also emphasizes the importance a greater number of backlinks or
addresses, but not payload data of security auditing and exploitation backlinks with some reputation. Yahoo
according to big G. After this post, workflow, that is extremely important and other search engines do not
dated 27 April 2010, Alan Eustace, when testing the security of large base their ranking on the number of
Google senior vice president of enterprises. backlinks rather on the so called on-
research, gave a completely All these features and an page optimization, thus making it even
different and clarifying version: advertised ease of use, position more simple for a hacker to forge a well
It’s now clear that we have been this tool in the enterprise segment optimized web pages to show early in
mistakenly collecting samples for in-house security auditing and search results. However, Google is
of payload data from open WiFi for small-business security vendors the most targeted search engine since
networks stated. The payload were and consultants in the penetration it’s by far the most used.
collected by mistake. But it has testing field. When such an attack is launched
been collected. A piece of software Metasploit new release includes it takes just a few hours for results
coded by a former Google engineer massive improvements to to appear.
had been included in the firmware exploitation payloads, especially Criminals are now very smart at
of the devices shipped in Google meterpreter and new brute forcing picking the hottest topics: Miss USA
cars. This firmware was originally capabilities introduced in version Rima Fakih’s past photos appearing
meant to only store SSID’s and 3.4. on Google Images are the latest
MAC addresses. example.
This mistake will cause Google
a series of legal issues in Europe
Need SEO? Ask hackers Source: source: Armando Romeo
where Privacy is still something This is not to be confused with
serious. Blackhat SEO that has a completely
different meaning.
Destructive Malware
But the habit of exploiting SEO Identified
Metasploit techniques for malicious purposes A new computer virus that replaces
Express released is now consolidated among all files in the C: drive with copies of
Since the Metasploit project buyout criminals. It has been named as itself has been identified by a leading
by Rapid7, the Framework, led by HD SEO poisoning and we have had UK internet security company. The
Moore, has boosted its operations the most prominent example with malware, named W32/Scar-H, can
bringing an integration with Core the Chile earthquake: rogue pages, lead to a cascade effect where, in the
Impact and now a commercial containing malware and other end, it takes down the entire computer
version of the open source browser exploits, appeared on top of system. Oddly, there seems to be no
exploitation framework named the google ranking for hot searches, financial motive behind the virus
Metasploit Express. The project will in the hours of the tragedy. since its function is purely destructive.
now fork and both the open source Search terms like chile earthquake ID Theft Protect says that this type of
framework, now released in its 3.4 find relatives or Chile quake 2010 approach (hard drive destruction)
version, and the commercial version tsunami were heavily addressed is very unusual. Maybe someone
will be supported in parallel. with rogue blog posts appearing has a grudge against a particular
Metasploit Express has been among more reputable news organisation or person?
a great addition to the fast growing websites.
Rapid7 company: a penetration The technique is relatively simple.
tester has now the power of Everyone can get the list of the
Google Groups Delivering
Rapid7 vulnerability management hottest search keywords using free Malware
solutions, namely Nexpose, to use google tools. Then a number Cybercriminals are using Google
and the exploitation power, now of back-links pointing to the rogue Groups to distribute rogue anti-
even automated and extended page is required. A number of virus software and other malware,
of a commercial exploitation small websites are believed to according to leading security
www.hakin9.org/en 7
researchers. The attackers are operating system – Windows 7 and systems that use ONLY Yahoo
sending e-mails to Google Groups Windows Server 2008 RC2. The Instant Messenger.
members asking them to update security flaw could expose users The malware arrives via an
their e-mail settings by following to code execution and denial-of- instant message through Yahoo or
linked instructions. service (DDOS) attacks. The file Skype with any one of a number of
The links take users to a fake Google responsible for the flaw was found messages, including „Does my new
Groups page that infects visitors’ in the Canonical Display Driver hair style look good? bad? perfect?”
PCs with a Trojan that downloads (cdd.dll), which is used by desktop or My printer is about to be thrown
malicious software, including rogue composition to blend the Windows through a window if this pic won’t
anti-virus program Desktop Security Graphics Device Interface (GDI) come out right. You see anything
2010. The rogue software runs a fake and DirectX drawing. wrong with it?
PC scan, notifies the user that the PC Microsoft has stated that it is The message includes a link to a
has been infected and then prompts much more likely that an attacker web page that looks like it leads to
the user to buy software to remove who successfully exploited this a JPEG image file. When the link
the threat. The malware is designed vulnerability could cause the is clicked, the browser displays
to trick users into handing over their affected system to stop responding an interface that looks like the
credit card details and other personal and automatically restart. The RapidShare web hosting site and
information to purchase the bogus company has activated its security offers up a ZIP file for download.
software. response process and promises a The extracted file is actually
security patch to follow very shortly. an executable file with a .com
Software Piracy is on the
Increase Windows 7 Trojan Horse Source: ID Theft Protect
The overall rate of software piracy Threat
increased two percent compared Cyber criminals have disguised
to 2008, a spike that primarily can Trojan horse malware under the
Foxit Readers adds ‘Safe
be attributed to the rapid growth of guise of a Windows 7 compatibility Mode’
the consumer PC market in Brazil, checker. The malware comes as Foxit Corp (US) has added new
India and China, a leading report by a zip-based attachment to email security features to its alternative
IDC. Overall, the commercial value messages supposed offering help PDF reader software to help thwart
of global software theft exceeded on upgrading Windows boxes. But recent malware attacks that exploit
US$51 billion in 2009. this Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor the /launch feature. With Foxit PDF
In the study released earlier in Setup assistant offers only a Trojan, Reader Version 3.3, the company
May, IDC researchers analysed instead of the promised compatibility has added a Safe Mode that blocks
PC and software trends in 111 checking tool. external commands from being
countries. Researchers found that Windows users who open and run executed by the software. The Safe
some progress has been made the application end up with systems Mode is a key part of a new Trust
in the fight against piracy. During compromised with a backdoor Manager in the Foxit PDF Reader.
2009, unlicensed PC software use that allows hackers to insert other Earlier this month, Foxit Reader
decreased in 49 percent of the viruses and spyware. The hackers adopted a warning message before
nations studied. behind the attack get to pimp out running any executable command
The United States had a 20 percent these compromised systems to embedded in a PDF document. The
software piracy rate, the lowest out other miscreants, earning illicit changes follow the discovery by a
of all countries studied. In addition, affiliate income in the process. leading researcher, that dangerous
Japan and Luxembourg had piracy executables can be embedded into
rates of 21 percent. Countries with PDF files (and executed) without
the highest piracy rates included
Yahoo! Messenger Malware exploiting any vulnerabilities.
Georgia, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe Threat
and Moldova, each with a piracy A new worm has materialised via Source: ID Theft Protect/Foxit
rate above 90 percent. Yahoo Instant Messenger. It appears Corp (US)
that it is even more sophisticated in
social engineering and payload than
Windows 7 Aero Flaw Identified
previous worm attacks on Yahoo
In May, a serious vulnerability Instant Messenger. This new worm
was identified in Microsoft’s new installs via the backdoor of Windows
8 5/2010
NTFS Mechanic
Disk & Data Recovery for
NTFS Drives
Items Tested:
40GB External USB HDD that has had an extensive Pricing
Standard $99.95
amount of files written to it, and then randomly deleted,
Business $199.95
approximately 16GB in total and has intermittant Professional $299.95
connection issues to the point that the local machine Prices are in US Dollars
doesn’t actually register the drive is there.
Once I had the software installed it was time to see possible. It took just over an hour to scan through
how it performs. I plugged the external drive in and a 40GB hard drive. Once it was finished NTFS
then powered up the software. It saw my drive straight Mechanic provides all the data thats on the drive,
away, but it didnt actually state what disk format the deleted and non-deleted files. You can select in the
drive actually was. This might be due to the fact that the right hand menu to only see the recovered files,
operating system didn’t actually find the drive itself, so which makes it a lot easier to see what the program
it was a pleasant surprise that this program did indeed has actually found.
find it. If you look at the properties of the files and folders that
You are able to configure what types of files you have been listed as being recovered, you can actually
actually want the program to be searching for during the see the prognosis of each file if you decided to proceed
recovery process, for this test I just left everything as and recover the file completely.
default which means everything was selected. The process for recovery couldn’t be much easier,
I selected my external USB Drive and it scanned it’s simply a case of going through the folder list and
the partitions first to ensure that it can actually see selecting the files you want to recover and then just say
the drive correctly. Once this part of the process has where you want them to be stored.
been completed it then requests that you allow it The program performs really well and managed to
to scan the whole partition that you have selected, recover data from a disk that hasn’t been seen by
this appears to be a very cpu intensive program so any of my machines for a little while now which quite
I would suggest to just leave it running on its own if impressed me.
I noticed that there were a few area’s within the
program that could do with some QA work as there
were non english characters in use and some screens
weren’t actually needed in my opinion but they arent
detrimental to the product.
Partition Recovery
Hard Drive Recovery
Recover deleted files
by Michael Munt
10 5/2010
Active@ LiveCD
Disk Suite Edition
www.hakin9.org/en 11
hen dealing with a machine that may be dependencies of the system itself. Another method is to
potentially compromised it is critical that an communicate with the /proc filesystem itself to pull this
incident analyst use as little tools as possible information. Linux and many other forms of UNIX contain
that are on the operating system itself. Many tools on a /proc psuedo-filesystem which contains what appears to
a Linux or Unix system like ps, netstat, arp, etc could have be a filesystem, but actually is a method of communicating
been compromised by the attacker to prevent the user with the underlying kernel. By opening many of these
from finding traces of the malicious actor in an incident. If files an analyst is able to get a lot of information about
an attacker is running a process on a box called virus it is processes the kernel is running, network connections,
a common technique to replace the ps command which open file handles and more. In addition, a root user can
normally lists running processes with a version that will not actually manipulate kernel variables on a live system.
display any executable with the name virus. This presents To view the contents of this filesystem simply list the
an analyst trying to perform live analysis a unique problem. contents of /proc as if it were a regular directory with the
This technique would be classified as a user level rootkit. command ls /proc (see Figure 1).
How do you get information about what is running on In this directory is a wealth of information. To view
the machine without trusting the machine itself. In many information about the current processor on the system list
instances an analyst will carry around many common the contents of the /proc/cpuinfo as if you were outputting
tools on a disk which are statically linked, or contain no a file with the command cat /proc/cpuinfo. It is possible
to get a lot of useful information about what is running in
the kernel by using this mechanism. This article looks at
12 5/2010
Pulling Kernel Forensic Data with Python
how to get information from the proc psuedo-filesystem cwd: The current working directory of the process
for forensic purposes to get information directly from the exe: A symlink that points to the executable to the
kernel, which will bypass potentially compromised tools application running (useful if you expect that malicious
like ps, netstat, etc. software to make sure a process isn't running from
a strange location).
Process information fd: Currently open file descriptors, which will be
In the /proc directory should be a series of what appears discussed further.
to be random numbers. These are actually directories net: Information on the network connections which will
that correspond to each Process ID currently running be discussed further.
on the system (see Figure 2). In this directory we see maps: contains open shared libraries for information
several files that are of interest to us. There is an excellent Python Package which allows you
cmdline file: Displays the command that was run to to easily pull information from proc easily in a very python
execute the particular command. manner. http://pypi.python.org/pypi/enumprocess/0.1
Listing 1. Creating a simple Python script to pull open libraries by processes from /proc
#!/usr/bin/env python
import enumprocess
class processtest:
def processCheck(self):
"""This will get all the running processes running on the system"""
processinfo = {}
for i in enumprocess.getPidNames():
processinfo = enumprocess.getPidDetails(i)
print "PID %d: %s" % (i,processinfo['name'])
print("can't read the process %s, possible permissions issue? " % i)
def getLibs(self):
"""Print the process and all shared libraries that are currently open WARNING THIS WILL PRINT A LOT"""
for i in enumprocess.getPidNames():
processinfo = enumprocess.getPidDetails(i)
print("PID: %s NAME: %s" % (i,processinfo['name']))
path = "/proc/"+str(i)+"/maps"
maps = open(path)
for i in maps:
print(" %s" % i)
print("can't read the process %s, possible permissions issue?" % i)
process = processtest()
print("===========================Process Checks======================\n")
print("===========================Library Dump======================\n")
www.hakin9.org/en 13
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import os
import enumprocess
class fdFunctions:
def getPIDByFD(self,lookFor):
"""Put the fh to look for, and will suck out the process that currently has it open, you do not need the
whole thing, just a bit to find it"""
fileHandles = self.getOpenFDs()
for fd in fileHandles:
processNumber = fd[0]
fdNumber= fd[1]
match = re.match("/proc/[0-9]+/fd/([\s\w:\[\]\_\!\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\-\@\^\'\{\}\~\+\,\.\;\=\[\
if match != None:
if(match != None and match.group(1) == lookFor):
return processNumber
def getOpenFDs(self):
"""Finds a process and what open file handles they currently have, returns a multidimensional dictionary
of process number, the file descriptor number"""
contentsInProc = os.listdir("/proc")
processMap = {}
for i in contentsInProc:
process = re.match(r"(^[0-9]+)",i)
if process:
fds = "/proc/"+process.group(0)+"/fd"
fileDescriptors = os.listdir(fds)
for j in fileDescriptors:
#real path gets me the path of the symlink
path = os.path.realpath(fds+"/"+j)
processMap[(i,j)] = path
except OSError:
print "Can't open, permission denied?"
return processMap
def printOpenFDs(self):
"""Finds a process and what open file handles they currently have, returns a multidimensional dictionary
of process number, the file descriptor number"""
contentsInProc = os.listdir("/proc")
for i in contentsInProc:
process = re.match(r"(^[0-9]+)",i)
if process:
fds = "/proc/"+process.group(0)+"/fd"
fileDescriptors = os.listdir(fds)
for j in fileDescriptors:
#real path gets me the path of the symlink
14 5/2010
Pulling Kernel Forensic Data with Python
path = os.path.realpath(fds+"/"+j)
print "PID: %s FD: %s Filename: %s" % (i,j,path)
except OSError:
print "Can't open, permission denied?"
def getFDsByPID(self,pidToLookFor):
"""Pass in the pid and it will return a list of all the file descriptors"""
fileHandles = self.getOpenFDs()
fdReturn = []
for fd in fileHandles:
processNumber = fd[0]
fdNumber= fd[1]
if processNumber == pidToLookFor:
#Create an array of fd Number
return fdReturn
fd = fdFunctions()
Enumprocess works on both Windows and Linux, but Place your following scripts that will be covered in
we will only be focusing on Linux for this process. If you this article in a seperate file in this ~pidenum directory.
look over the Enumprocess source code you will note This will allow you to use the library without installing
that enumprocess is basically pulling information from anything. When you want to run these scripts on
/proc to get process number and other information. We a customer's machine, just ensure you copy this folder
will be expanding on this by pulling network information, with your script.
file handles and shared libraries. Note that all of these scripts must be run as root.
It is possible to install the enumprocess library on your In many cases if you run these as a regular user, it
machine, but normally when you are working on a victim's will work, but you won't be able to see information on
machine they prefer that you do not install anything on their processes other than your own.
machine. If you download the .tar.gz file one this site you
can pull just the library itself. If you then place the directory First Python PID script
to the library in the same folder as your python script you For using Python we will write a simple Python object
will be able to use this library without installing the library that will use enumprocess to output all processes as well
on the machine, which is preferred. You are also trusting as print out the open shared libraries by all processes in
the libraries on the computer less which is preferred in the system. /proc/<pid>/maps is a simple file in /proc that
investigations. We will be putting all files in ~/pidenum (~ is shows all the shared libraries open by a process. You
a short cut for your home directory). To do this: can view this by simply running the command cat /proc
/<pid>/maps. All the scripts in this article have been tested
mkdir ~/pidenum on both Ubuntu and Fedora (see Listing 1).
tar xvzf enumprocess-0.1.tar.gz
cd enumprocess-0.1/src/
cp -rpf enumprocess ~/pidenum
cd ~/pidenum/
Figure 3. View open �lehandles in a process Figure 4. Viewing process network information
www.hakin9.org/en 15
class networkConnstest(object):
"""This will look at all established TCP connections as reported by /proc/net/tcp and report the information
as well as what process is using them"""
def getOpenPorts(self):
tcp = open("/proc/net/tcp")
#Throw away the header
ip = IPFunctions()
fh = fdFunctions()
#loop through each, pulling the necessary information
for i in tcp:
#nasty regex... match all of the information for the network connections.
info = re.match("\s+[0-9]+:\s+(\w+):(\w+)\s+(\w+):(\w+)\s+\w+\s+\w+:\w+\s\w+:\w+\s\w+\s+(\w+) \s+\
#All of the addresses are in HEX need to convert them.
localAddress = ip.convertHexIPtoString(info.group(1))
localPort = ip.convertHexToString(info.group(2))
remoteAddress = ip.convertHexIPtoString(info.group(3))
remotePort = ip.convertHexToString(info.group(4))
uid = info.group(5)
#Inode is the socket
inode = info.group(6)
#The socket the file descriptor
socket = "socket:["+inode+"]"
# a socket is just a file, so it can be retrieved the same a file descriptor
pid = fh.getPIDByFD(socket)
#We have all the necessary info for the ports open, now lets get the app
processDetails = enumprocess.getPidDetails(pid)
print("Pid: %s Name: %s" % (pid, processDetails['name']))
print(" Pid for socket is %s, name is %s" % (pid,processDetails['name']))
print " local address, port: %s, %s" % (localAddress,localPort)
print " remote address, port: %s, %s" % (remoteAddress,remotePort)
print "Can't open, permission denied?"
network = networkConnstest()
class IPFunctions(object):
"""This is needed because the IPs are all in hex and we want them to be easily readable"""
def convertHexIPtoString(self,ipHex):
"""Take an IP in Hex and make it look like a string with periods"""
count = 0
ip = ""
for i in ipHex:
count += 1
#print "%s\n" %i
octet = octet+i
16 5/2010
Pulling Kernel Forensic Data with Python
if count == 2:
count = 0
ipOct = str(int(octet,16))
ip = ipOct+"."+ip
octet = ""
ip = ip.rstrip(".")
return ip
def convertHexToString(self,hex):
"""Simple function that will be used in order to convert the HEX of port numbers"""
return str(int(hex,16))
print("===========================Network connections======================\n")
network = networkConnstest()
www.hakin9.org/en 17
ow a smart phone in the hands of skilled attacker Step 0
can be used to help penetrate networks on the fly. Backup your IPHONE. Save all of your pictures and
No longer do you need to walk around with a bulky contacts and everything else. Take your IPhone and put
laptop to get the job done. By taking an IPHONE and into DFU Mode.
making a few software adjustments and installing the right
tools you can be well on your way to finding vulnerabilities Step 1
in your network before the rest of the world does. Open Itunes and connect the iPhone to your PC.
Setting up Step 2
Before we get started there are a few things that we Press and hold the Home button and the Sleep/Wake
will need to download beforehand to make things a bit button at the same time. After exactly 10 seconds
easier as we progress. First back up all files on your release the Sleep/Wake button (Figure 1).
IPHONE! Pictures, phones numbers and anything else Continue holding the home button until iTunes pops
that you deem valuable. Jailbreaking an IPHONE can up telling you that it has detected an iPhone in recovery
be a simple straight forward process, however, I have mode (Figure 2).
heard horror stories of people bricking there IPHONE's
after attempting a jailbreak the wrong way. Its better to Step 3
be safe than sorry so backup. Next I will need you to Next place your mouse over the restore button and hold
download the following software packages. down the shift key. Browse for the sn0wbreeze_iPhone 3G. ipsw
supplied. A snowflake will flash briefly and the proccess will
• Itunes 9.0 – This can be downloaded from oldapps.com, begin. It will take about 10 to 15 minutes to restore. After
• WinSCP – This can be downloaded from winscp.net. the process completes you should have your Jail Broken
device with Cydia installed and ready to go.
Iphone Jailbreaking
First off if you are running version OS 3.1.3 on your Iphone
then this should work for you (this has not been tested on
any later versions). First install Itunes 9.1 on your PC and
allow it to sync with your Iphone. Then close Itunes and
place your Iphone in DFU mode by doing the following. Figure 1. Placing the IPHONE into DFU Mode
18 5/2010
Jailbreaking and Penetrating with the Iphone 3G & 3GS
www.hakin9.org/en 19
20 5/2010
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Flash Memory Forensic Tools – part two
irst of all: is it possible to hide data in flash • E as the full set of evidences Existing on the device
memory using techniques as seen in hard disk • A as the set of evidences Acquired by forensic tools
forensic? Unfortunately the answer is yes and (i.e. dd)
for unexpected reasons, too. Outcomes presented in • O as the set of evidences Observed (found) by the
this article were updated in December 2009: we are analysts
working for a new and wider release of such tests and
results, when ready, will be presented to public using so that:
same channel.
At the end of this article there are references • Y is the ratio between Acquired evidences and
mentioned in first and second part of paper. Existing evidences [A/E=Y] and represents the
quality of forensic tools used (1=better, 0=worse);
Keywords • K is the ratio between Observed evidences and
Mobile forensic, OneNAND, NAND, NOR, bad blocks, Acquired evidences [O/A=K] and represents the
wear levelling, ECC, FTL analyst’s skill (1=better, 0=worse);
• Z is the ratio between Observed evidences and
A brief digression on evidence metrics Existing evidences [O/E=Z] and represents the
Considering a digital device as body of evidence, it is overall quality of analysis (1=better, 0=worse) see
possible to define some statements: Table 1.
Table 1. Quantitative relation between evidences, analyst’s skill, and quality of tools Thus, a good tool with a good analyst
gives an overall good analysis (case
Units of evidences Y K Z
1), a mediocre tool (case 2) or
Existing Acquired Observed (A/E) (O/A) (O/E)
(tool (analyst (overall quali- a mediocre analyst (case 3) will limit
(E) (A) (O) the overall value of examination. Of
quality) skill) ty of analysis)
course this is just a quantitative and
100 100 100 1 1 1
not qualitative measurement: the
100 80 80 0,8 1 0,8
importance of each evidence is set
100 80 60 0,8 0,75 0,6 aside see Figure 1.
22 5/2010
Testing flash memory forensic tools Part two
Figure 1. Quantitative relation between evidences, analyst’s skill, Figure 3. Hiding data in bad blocks (David, 2009)
and quality of tools
acquisition; it is also possible get data data via infrared
Logical vs Physical acquisition and Bluetooth interface using OBEX protocol, but this
Logical and physical acquisitions are already well is a method that poses some limitation and is generally
defined in the NIST Special Publication 800-101 less used (McCarthy, 2005). Some Nokia phones are
Guidelines on Cell Phone Forensics (Jansen and Ayers, now explored: registry addresses are blurred for
2007): confidentiality.
Forensic tools acquire data from a device in one of
two ways: physical acquisition or logical acquisition. Flash peculiarities in the acquisition process
Physical acquisition implies a bit-by-bit copy of an During this research it comes out the high level of
entire physical store (e.g., a memory chip), while confidentiality surrounding the flash technologies
logical acquisition implies a bit-by-bit copy of logical and market, so that nobody seems to be able to
storage objects (e.g., directories and files) that reside set a definitive point on how others can use or
on a logical store (e.g., a file system partition). The implement flash technologies: a problem reported
difference lies in the distinction between memory since the begin of mobile forensic (Willassen, 2003).
as seen by a process through the operating system In an attempt to understand better what really happen
facilities (i.e., a logical view), versus memory as seen in inside a flash there were several meetings with highly
raw form by the processor and other related hardware skilled people from the flash manufacturing field and
components (i.e., a physical view). the focus was set on how to preserve integrity of
Physical acquisition has advantages over logical evidence and grant completeness of acquisition. This
acquisition, since it allows deleted files and any data is what came out:
remnants present (e.g., in unallocated memory or file
system space) to be examined, which otherwise would Real effect of reclaim:
go unaccounted.
In the image below is given a representation of both • garbage collection is a known activity but not so
methods, in case of memory not physically extracted well documented for seized devices
from hosting device, that is, left on the phone and • garbage collection is a background activity, this
accessed with traditional means see Figure 2. means that when a mobile phone is powered
Proprietary cables with USB interface are used on, even in service mode, such activity could be
for both techniques, while JTAG or FBUS interfaces autonomously triggered with the effect of destroying
(where present) are mainly used for physical useful data in invalid blocks
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Figure 5. Worldwide Mobile Terminal Sales to End Users in 2Q09 Figure 6. 4Q08 NAND Flash brand sales break down
(Gartner, 2009) (DRAMeXchange, 2009)
Effective management of bad blocks: of data: a working OS could be as small as 50 MB
(www.damnsmalllinux.org) or much less with Embedian
• if the FTL is embedded in the flash memory (like distro (www.emdebian.org) see Figure 3.
in case of managed flash) then it will be difficult to
access and manage bad blocks because they will Misuse of Hidden Protected Area
be hided to the host file system; It could be possible for an hacker to store data even in
• if the FTL is supplied from the host (like in case of the Hidden Protected Area also referred as One Time
raw flash) then there are chances to manage bad Programming (Samsung, 2007a). The size of this area
blocks properly and have direct access to them. is generally equal to one block but variants are allowed
Analogous experiences are reported with modern (Samsung, 2005c, Micron, 2006c); it can be blocked,
hard disks managed with GNU ddrescue (There but usually this task is left under hosting manufacturer
is still an open debate on hard disk bad block care (ibid) see Figure 4.
management. Some interesting links are: http:// Computer analysts already know the issue related to
tech.groups.Yahoo.com/group/ForensicAnalysis/ Host Protected Areas (HPA) and Device Configuration
message/82, http://www.forensicfocus.com/index.p Overlays (DCO) in hard drives (Gupta et al., 2006,
hp?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=2557) (Carrier, Carrier, 2005): with flash memories we have similar
2005, Lyle and Wozar, 2007, Mukasey et al., 2008). issues. In future works we plan to test the possibility to
change (doubling) the dimension of such area and then
Security through obscurity to store and hide data in it.
Even knowing the memory specs, manufacturers can How the choice of the flash memory and mobile
apply autonomous decisions on how manage the phone was driven and the team was set
chip: it can happen that a managed flash will be used Simply, the choice of mobile phone and flash memory
with disabled features, or that a flash raw memory be to use was made by statistics. Nokia is the best seller in
customized as for manufacturer needs. Furthermore, the mobile phone market and Samsung is the leader in
due to high competition and Intellectual Property the NAND flash market see Figure 5 and 6.
protection, generally, there are not public information Then the choice to use an OneNAND was made for
on the chip used. At begin of the research some its advanced characteristics and the Nokia model was
manufacturers were contacted to get some info: it was chosen on the basis of a block of ten OneNAND available
even difficult to know the destination of some branded at moment. Numonyx has licensing agreement with
components. Samsung to produce OneNAND™, so it was decided
to call Numonyx for support and the folks there were
Bad management of good blocks happy to help. Then, was asked support to an advanced
A block is considered bad when there are multiple bit Nokia service repair centre that was willing to help, too:
errors that are not recoverable (Numonyx, 2008a). in few days a virtual team with high skilled people was
Like hard disks, NAND flash generally ships with a list s and ready to start. As this market is so hard-hitting,
of existing bad blocks set in a location defined by the a low profile participation has been adopted.
manufacturer. Additionally, to this list will be added all
future blocks will fail to operate during device lifecycle. How NOR and NAND are accessed on a Nokia
Forensic investigators are already aware of the possibility N70
to manipulate Bad Block List to hide information (David, The implementation layout of NOR and NAND
2009) this aspect should not be underestimated in flash chips in a Nokia mobile phone (N70 model), is
memories as they are able to store even larger quantity presented in the picture below (left). The combo
24 5/2010
Testing flash memory forensic tools Part two
Figure 7. Layout of a Nokia N70 (left), and OMAP and NAND �ash relation on Nokia N70 (right)
www.hakin9.org/en 25
the testing memory was a raw NAND, we were optimist At this stage, was decided to speak directly with
forensic software would be able to acquire bad blocks technical support of these companies and tell them
because there were not embedded FTL layer could the problem we faced. An email was sent either to
interfere with the imaging process. companies aforementioned and to others that have
Then, we used some of the best forensic software to been tested their products with NIST (as reported in
test the acquisition of bad blocks from our phones, and the CFTT web page http://www.cftt.nist.gov/mobile_
this is what we got (in alphabetical order). devices.htm). The test of the emails is reported in
appendices. So far, these are the replies we got:
• CelleBrite UFED – This solution was not able to CelleBrite, Micro Systemation and Paraben confirmed
perform the physical acquisition. the inability of their solution to get physical acquisition
• Logicube CellDEK – We were not able to perform of our phone (even they can do with others); Guidance
any acquisition with CellDEK because the required Software, Logicube, and Susteen did not reply.
module, even already ordered, was not available at For what we tested and understood, with these
time of examination. solutions and the phone we used, if sensitive data
• Micro Systemation XACT – This solution was not are hided in bad blocks they will go undetected.
able to perform the physical acquisition. Furthermore, with this software, good blocks with wrong
• Paraben Device Seizure 3.1 – This solution was not ECC (i.e. due to power failure) could hide valid data to
able to perform the physical acquisition. forensic analyst.
Figure 8. From left to right (clockwise): Nokia 6650F layout; the internal hardware, stencil pointing at the OneNAND™ �ash; schematic
showing connections between CPU and OneNAND™, and generic OneNAND™ pins layout
26 5/2010
Testing flash memory forensic tools Part two
Figure 9. Adapted layout of access to NAND memory via USB (top) or JTAG (botom)
www.hakin9.org/en 27
in future mobile phones, JTAG interface will be
disabled to prevent illegal activities).
• Market alliance: for reasons seen above, forensic
solution providers could not have interest to release
something harmful for phone manufacturers
because otherwise the latter will not be anymore
������ ������
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28 5/2010
Testing flash memory forensic tools Part two
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Securing public
services using Tariq
es, even the most secure services whom was about this technique, but the true answer for me is:
built from the scratch with security in mind fell to Port-knocking is a concealment in the same spirit as
its knees when a 0day vulnerability was exposed passwords and encryption keys [3].
CVE-2008-0166 [1][2], enabling attackers to conduct
brute force guessing attacks against cryptographic keys, What's new?
leading to a remote compromise. From here imagine What's new in the port-knocking arena, is Tariq :)
how much a port-knocking solution can be helpful to us.
I think after reading the intro, some are starting to ask Tariq Overview
questions: Tariq is a new hybrid port-knocking technique, that
uses Cryptography, Steganography, and Mutual
• What is this port-knocking?, Authentication to develop another security layer in
• Is port-knocking Security Through Obscurity?, front of any service that needs to be accessed from
• What's new?. different locations in the globe.
Tariq was developed using python and scapy by
What is this port-knocking? me to fulfil my Ph.D. Research. We had to use a new
Well first lets define the concept port-knocking. methodology that can communicate in an unseen
Simply, its a technique used to open port(s) on manner, making TCP Replay Attacks hard to be issued
a remote firewall by generating a connection attempt against Tariq. We also wanted the implementation to
on a pre-specified set of closed ports. Once the correct listen to no ports, or bind itself to no socket for packets
sequence of connection attempts is received, the exchange, so that Tariq won't be exposed himself to
firewall dynamically modifies its rules to allow the host a remote exploit.
which sent the connection attempts to connect over to
specific port(s). What does Tariq mean?
In English, it means knocking, hammering or coming at
Is port-knocking night :)
Security Through Obscurity?
Researchers are still arguing about the port-knocking How does Tariq Work?
technique and accuse that its “Security Through Tariq works by first running the python application
Obscurity”! This is a long going argue going out there TariqServer, the server shall be running in sniffing/packet
30 5/2010
Securing public services using Tariq
capturing mode, and the clients shall be using the hosts need to make services accessible to other hosts.
python application TariqClient to open ports or executes While some services need to be accessible to anyone
remote commands on those server(s). The whole from any location, others should only be accessed
scenario can be summerized as following: by a limited number of people, or from a limited set
of locations. The most obvious way to limit access is
• Servers run the python app TariqServer, and to require users to authenticate themselves before
clients open ports or executes remote commands granting them access. This is were Tariq comes in
on those servers by running the python app place. Tariq can be used to open ports on a firewall
TariqCleint, to authorized users, and blocking all other traffic
• TariqClient adds the action (open port/execute users. Tariq can also be used to execute a remotely
command) to a picture using Steganography, requested task, and finally for sure Tariq can close
• TariqClient uses the Steganography picture as the open ports that have been opened by a previous
a packet payload, TariqClient request.
• TariqClient adds the payload to TCP SYN packet(s) Tariq runs as a port authentication service on the
to be sent on pre-specified ports (configured on the iptables firewall, which validates the identity of remote
TariqServer), users and modifies firewall rules (plus other tasks)
• TariqServer captures the packets and makes sure it according to a mutual authentication process done
contains a picture, between TariqServer and a Tariq client. Tariq could be
• TariqServer extracts the commands from the used for a number of purposes, including:
Steganography picture. This is to make sure that
the packet really holds a clients request, • Making services invisible to port scans,
• TariqServer selects a random number and encryptes • Providing an extra layer of security that attackers
it using the client's GnuPG public key, must penetrate before accessing or breaking
• TariqServer uses the encrypted random number as anything important,
a packet payload, • Acting as a stop-gap security measure for services
• TariqServer crafts a packet holding the payload with known unpatched vulnerabilities,
and sends it to the client as if it is a reply to the • Providing a wrapper for a legacy or proprietary
clients SYN Packets. This is to complete the mutual services with insufficient integrated security.
authentication process,
• TariqClient receives the packet and extracts the Why Is Tariq Secure?
• TariqClient decrypts the payload using its GnuPG • Tariq Server's code is very simple, and is written
private key, completely using scapy (python),
• TariqClient uses the random number received • The code is concise enough to be easily audited,
as a packet payload to be sent to server after • Tariq needs root privileges to adjust iptables rules,
encrypting it using the TariqServer's GnuPG public and perform remote tasks,
key. This is to ensure that he is who he claims to • Tariq does not listen on any TCP/UDP port, which
be (completing the mutaul authentication process, means no sockets is used. Tariq uses scapy's
from the clients side), capabilities to sniff the incoming traffic and uses
• TariqServer receives the packet, extracts the Packet Crafting techniques to reply back to an
payload, and decrypts it to make sure that he legitimate client,
received the random number he sent to the • The communication protocol is a simple secure
client, encryption scheme that uses GnuPG keys with
• TariqServer after verifing that the client is ligitmate Steganography constructions. An observer
executes the commands extracted from the picture watching packets is not given any indication that the
sent in the first place. SYN packet transmitted by Tariq is a port knocking
request, but even if they knew, there would be
And thats how Tariq works, no listening, no sockets, no way for them to determine which port was
and no ports open, just pure packet crafting! requested to open, or what task was requested to
be done as all of that is inserted into a png picture
Why Is Tariq Needed? using Steganography and then encrypted using
Any host connected to the Internet needs to be GnuPG keys,
secured against unauthorized intrusion and other • Replaying the knock request later does them
attacks. Unfortunately, the only secure system is one no good, and in fact does not provide any
that is completely inaccessible, but, to be useful, many information that might be useful in determining
www.hakin9.org/en 31
• Python >= 2.6 You need to import and trust the client(s) public key(s):
• python-imaging – Python Imaging Library (PIL)
• GnuGP gpg --homedir /etc/tariq/.server-gpg --import <
• Scapy client.pub.txt
• A recent Linux kernel with iptables (eg. 2.6) gpg --homedir /etc/tariq/.server-gpg --edit-key
Preparing the Client
Then select trust (5)
Preparing GnuPG
You need to create a directory for gnupg and generate Preparing iptables
a pair of keys using the following commands: Create an iptables chain to be used by tariq server:
gpg --homedir /etc/tariq/.client-gpg -a --export Optional: you may specify a range of ports to be
tariq@arabnix.com > key.pub.txt filtered (dropped) in case you are running normal
services on the same box:
Configuring the client
Edit the client.conf file to specify the client gpg directory iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1000,65535 -j
and the default gpg user: DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 1000,65535 -j
client_gpg_dir=/etc/tariq/.client-gpg DROP
user=tariq@arabnix.com iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m state --
state NEW -j ACCEPT
And specify the image directory used for
steganography, containing at least 1 reasonable png IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not use the REJECT target
image file, just like the one included as a sample with tariq.
Configuring the server
img_dir=/usr/share/TariqClient/img Edit server.conf and specify the correct sequence of
ports, by using the secret_ports variable. Example:
Now specify the default secret knock sequence to
match the sequence configured on the Tariq server. secret_ports=10000,7456,22022,12121,10001
Note: you may pass the gpg user and knock server_gpg_dir=/etc/tariq/.server-gpg
sequence as arguments to TariqClient (see howto use
section). Specify the iptables chain name you have created for
Installing The Server
After installing the requirements, the first step is to iptables_chain=tariq
download, unpack, and install Tariq. Tariq can be
downloaded from: http://code.google.com/p/tariq/. Now please adjust the iptables chain name used to
Once this is done, we need to configure the server. open ports for a successful knock:
32 5/2010
Securing public services using Tariq
On the 'Net
• http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2008-0166 – Mitre's CVE dictionary CVE-2008-0166,
• http://www.debian.org/security/2008/dsa-1571 – DSA-1571-1 openssl – predictable random number generator,
• http://www.cipherdyne.org/fwknop/docs/SPA.html – Michael Rash, Developer of the SPA technique.
• http://code.google.com/p/tariq/ – Current Tariq project home page.
www.hakin9.org/en 33
ow about why nothing The Prevalence of New Malware
with an IP address is Most of the breaches happen because of new
secure and why traditional malware and more innovative malware. So let’s start
countermeasures such as firewalls, our journey with the basics of malware. What is it?
anti-virus and intrusion detection fail? Is it a virus, Trojan, worm, rootkit, botnet, zombie,
Would you like to learn new methods keylogger, adware or spyware? It is all of these
to proactively defend against things and some are combined into what is known as
attacks? If so, you’ve come to the blended threats.
right place. Is your computer infected with malware? It is
First, let’s start with a basic understanding of highly possible, as one study claims that 30,000
traditional crime vs. cybercrime. There are parallel computers are becoming infected every day with new
crime methodologies between crime in the real world malware, known as zero-day (this means the day it
and the digital paradigm enabled by the internet was released and before an anti-virus vendor has
protocols including the world wide web. a signature test for it), while still running firewalls and
Traditional criminal techniques involve burglary, anti-virus software.
deceptive callers, extortion, fraud, identity theft and Do you think some of the web sites you visit could be
child exploitation, to name a few. In Cybercrime we infected with malware? At least 1⁄2 of the Top 100 sites,
experience the same end results using from hacking, particularly social-networking sites such as Facebook
phishing, Internet extortion, Internet fraud, identity or YouTube, support user-generated content, which is
theft and child exploitation (sources: uscert.gov, becoming a significant way to disseminate malware
cybercrimes.gov and privacyrights.org see Figure 1) and conduct fraud. On Facebook and MySpace and
If you take a few moments to visit PrivacyRights.org other social-networking sites, there’s an explicit sense
and click on the Chronology of Data Breaches, you’ll of trust.
notice over 350 million personally identifiable information Do you pay your bills online? Criminals seized control
(PII) records have been lost, stolen and hacked. This of the CheckFree Web site and attempted to re-direct
information is about breaches in the United States of users to a Web site hosted in Ukraine that tried to install
America, alone. So do you still think you are secure or malware on victims’ computers. CheckFree has more
believe your anti-virus and firewall can truly secure your than 24 million customers and controls 70% to 80% of
network or personal computer? the online bill-payment market.
34 5/2010
Beginner’s Guide to Cybercrime
Much of the new malware is specifically designed just say the Cloud is also
to propogate across USB sticks. For example, the a cyber crime magnet. Why?
picture frame you just bought at Walmart using a USB Because cloud computing
connection might have come with zero-day malware has shifted the paradigm for
from China. In addition, they work their way onto file risk. The cloud offers low
servers using the Structured Message Block (SMB) overhead in return for powerful
protocol – that includes Linux and Windows file servers remote business functionality.
and network-attached storage devices. Some of this In return, you face the risk of
malware is so sophisticated, it finds data files such as data leakage, cloud attacks
.doc, .xls, .wav, .mp3, .pdf and other to infect so when and cloud infections. You most likely will not know if and
someone else opens them, they too become infected. when it happens because of the remote aspects and the
Don’t think you are safe at home, either. Cable pervasive nature of the Cloud.
networks are loaded with peer attackers. Most likely,
a trusted telecommuter is using an insecure, hacked Secure Wireless Networking – Easily Hacked
laptop with a key logger coming in securely into your Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) was the first commercial
network through an encrypted VPN tunnel. algorithm and attempt to secure wireless networks using
the IEEE 802.11 standard. Because wireless networks
Cloud Computing – A Malware Magnet broadcast messages using radio waves, they can more
My next article will delve more deeply into Cloud easily be eavesdropped than traditional wired local
computing and related security risks but for now, let’s area networks. It was released in 1997 as an attempt
www.hakin9.org/en 35
to provide confidentiality that would be comparable to also easily susceptible to a man in the middle attack.
that of wired networks. However, in less than four years, A sample exploit known as Voice over Misconfigured
various weaknesses were uncovered in WEP and toay, IP Telephony (aka VOMIT) allows you to playback
it can be cracked in minutes. conversations that occurred earlier. Hackers simply
Then, just a few years later in 2003, along came use a TCP/IP ethertrace utility such as wireshark,
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) and later updated to save a ‘dump’ file of network traffic and then run
WPA2 in 2004. Today, both WEP and WPA are widely the file through VOMIT to get a WAVE file of prior
deployed, yet with new tools such as BackTrack conversations.
v4.0, anyone can gain access to a secure wireless What about other wireless communication devices
network in a matter of minutes. In addition, most such as a Blackberry, an iPhone, an iTouch or an
wireless routers have critical flaws known as Common iPad? My first question is – do they really belong on
Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs). Now, you can the ‘corporate’ network? If so, how do you know when
break into the admin interface of a wireless router by they come and go, along with other portable devices
sending malformed packets from your laptop without and laptops? How do you stop them from bringing
worrying about cracking the encryption. Just visit the malware into the network? How do you stop them from
National Vulnerability Database (NVD) located at http: being used to steal or leak confidential data? If you
//nvd.nist.gov and type in wireless to see where the can’t control, track and manage assets, how can you
holes are located. claim that your network and your data is secure? You
cannot. In fact, nothing with an IP address is secure.
Is VoIP More Secure than Wireless? No device is safe. All IP-based devices are exposed to
So if wireless networks are not secure, would Voice exploitation. Why? Because they are all targets – they
over IP (VoIP) be better off, as they are usually, can be spoofed, infected, remotely controlled and
physically wired? The answer is no. There are probably already are infected with some form of zero-
dozens of VoIP holes, also found under the NVD. day malware.
Some of these can be exploited by freely available
tools online. These tools will allow you to take over Traditional Countermeasures All Fail!
the administrative console of the VoIP server by Anti-virus utilities are usually one to seven days
exploiting just one CVE – remember, all it takes is BEHIND the current malware threat. With today’s
one hole and you can find many exploits. VoIP is malware, they are usually infected without knowing
it. Just try AVKILLER as one of 400,000 sample
pieces of zero-day malware to find out for yourself
how serious this problem has become. Firewalls are
easily circumvented or used as part of an exploit
because of their exploitable holes (CVEs). Finally,
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) detects odd or
mal-behaving traffic AFTER the infected system
or hacker system has breached the gates. To
understand why these security countermeasures
all fail, you need to understand the root cause of
exploitation. CVEs are holes and are exploited
daily. Let me give you a simple example: although
there might be 9,000,000 signatures in your
McAfee or Symantec Anti-virus scanner database
(and growing exponentially), there are only about
43,000 CVEs.
If you close just one CVE, for example, you can
block over 110,000 varients of W32 malware. If
you aren’t visiting http://nvd.nist.gov to see what
kind of exploitable holes you have in your network,
cybercriminals CERTAINLY are… because
everything with an IP address has a CVE, so, you
need to figure out which ones are critical holes
and how to patch, reconfigure and remove
them. This is also known as system hardening
and most folks seem too busy to find the
time to go after the root cause analysis
36 5/2010
Beginner’s Guide to Cybercrime
and stay in reactive mode…. cleaning old viruses, that are trusted but weak or infected need to be
patching one hole while opening another. You might quarantined in real-time or expect MALWARE
think you are defending your castle with traditional PROPOGATION.
countermeasures like bows, arrows and spears,
however, today’s cybercriminal is flying into your Proactive Defense
castle, behind the moat, using an apache helicopter, – Employee Awareness and Training
night goggles and a silencer. With these two formulas in place, you’ll still need to
account for the most important challenge to network
Proactive Defense security – untrained and easily exploited employees.
– Learn and use the secret formulas You’ll need to begin to invite employees to a quarterly
I’ve actually come up with a few simple formulas to 'lunch and learn' training session, give them 'bite-sized'
help you understand how to reduce risk, comply with nuggets of best practice information. Maybe even
regulations and harden your systems. The first formula consider giving them an award once per year to the
is based on US Military basic war tactics and is called best INFOSEC compliant employee who has shown an
the four D’s. They are: initiative to be proactive with your security policies, the
4Ds and the Risk Formula.
• Detect – awareness of a threat Remember, if you can keep them interested, they
• Deter – preempting exploitation will take some of the knowledge you are imparting
• Defend – fighting in real-time into their daily routines. That's the real goal. Launch
• Defeat – winning the battle! a 4D and Risk Formula educational campaign so all
employees in your organization to join your mission
The second formula is well known in the network to protect corporate information. Create your own
security circles and is called the Risk Formula, as 'security broadcast channel' via email or really-simple
follows: syndication (RSS) and get the message out to your
corporate work force. You can also give them 'security
R = T + V + A smart' tips or alert them to a new phishing scam or
(R)isk = (T)hreats + (V)ulnerabilities + (A)ssets that the corporate had to let go of an individual who
was attempting to steal corporate information. It’s
So, to fully understand your risks, you need to deal important to understand that keeping the entire team
with: in the loop will help bolster the corporate security
Threats = Cybercriminals, Malware, Malicious Insiders There are other tools available such as INFOSEC
Vulnerabilities = Weaknesses that Threats exploit awareness posters, which you can get from one of
Assets = People, Property, Your Network, Devices, etc. the security awareness training companies. If you are
creative and have the time, create post-cards with
Now, let’s put these two formulas together – the 4Ds do's and don'ts of best practices for the employees
and the Risk Formula to build a more proactive, next that they can pin-up in their offices as reminders. The
generation defense: bottom line: knowledge is power so start empowering
your fellow employees to gain a basic toehold in
4Ds x R = [4Ds x T] +[4Ds x V] + [4Ds x A] what they should and shouldn't do to help you in
your mission of more uptime and less compliance
You’ll never be 100% secure but you can dramatically headaches.
reduce your risk and proactively defend your There are also some great corporate security
organization by proactively containing and controlling policy tools available for free such as the powerful
threats, vulnerabilities and assets. Using the 4Ds with COBIT model at http://www.isaca.org, the e-tail/
the Risk Formula: retail oriented PCI model from the PCI Security
Standards Council found at https://www.pcisecurit
• Threats need to be detected, deterred, defended ystandards.org/ and the extremely comprehensive
against and defeated in real-time or expect DOWN- international model called ISO27001/17799 from
TIME. http://www.iso.org/. Any of these models will be
• Vulnerabilities need to be detected, deterred, a great starting point.
defended against and defeated (ie removed –
system hardening, reconfiguration, patching, etc.) Proactive Defense – Strong Encryption
as quickly as possible or expect to be EXPLOITED. There's an old saying loose lips sink ships. The
• Assets need to be controlled – which ones gain best practice is to look at all aspects of electronic
access to your network/infrastructure and those communication and data manipulation throughout
www.hakin9.org/en 37
Proactive Defense
– Network Access Control
Because so many exploits happen behind firewalls,
you need to consider deploying Network Access
Control (NAC). Simply put NAC determines who
belongs on your network and who does not, so
you should make sure your NAC solution doesn’t
telegraph to exploiters (ie welcome to NAC portal… GARY S. MILIEFSKY, FMDHS, CISSP®
please wait, installing XYZ corp trust agent v3.1). Gary S. Miliefsky is a 20+ year information security
Also, you’ll need to make sure it has a way to deal veteran and computer scientist. He is a member of ISC2.org
with non-Windows systems (hubs, switches, routers, and a CISSP®. Miliefsky is a Founding Member of the US
blackberries, iphones, etc…) – it needs to be holistic. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), serves on the
Try to find a non-inline or out of band appliance advisory board of MITRE on the CVE Program (CVE.mitre.org)
solution and avoid costly, hard to manage hacked and is a founding board member of the National Information
agents. Security Group (NAISG.org).
38 5/2010
www.hakin9.org/en 39
More Secure
PHP Server Side Source Encryption
40 5/2010
More Secure PHP Server Side Source Encryption
www.hakin9.org/en 41
Figure 9. XORed and base64 encoded Figure 11. Decrypted using XORlib.php
42 5/2010
More Secure PHP Server Side Source Encryption
Figure 12. Abstracting the secret key Figure 13. PHP defensive methods to hide key
I created a very simple PHP test that prints to the
screen and does math with variables. In the first deployment tracking, to stop the average user from
test I call xorlib.php from another PHP file named copying your code and frankly the possibilities are
test1.php (Figure 8) using include "./xorlib.php"; Using limitless.
XOREncrypt() I get the resulting base64 encoding (Figure I wrote a new version of secret.php so that it just did
9) To run this in PHP I now use eval() and XORDecrypt() to not contain the variable and value but now had multiple
decode using the secret key random data. (Figure 10)
and when we execute it using PHP test2.php we get the
expected calculated results! (Figure 11) this is a step in
the right way but aside from xorlib.php being local the
$secretkey value is also right there in the code plain as
For the third test (Figure 12) I removed $secretkey
to another file like xorlib.php using include() and
reformatted the code for a more uniform look and
received the expected successful results.
Scenario 3:
A more secure technique using XOR
encryption via remote https
This scenario evolves Scenario 2 by removing the
$secretkey from the local environment to a remote
environment using a few more barriers for someone
trying to reverse or backtrace what the secret key is.
The concept behind this remote secretkey is that
this secret key could be changing every few minutes
via a cron job or perhaps when a client doesn’t pay
the monthly invoice, or used as some type of license, Figure 14. Remote placement of secret key
www.hakin9.org/en 43
Figure 15. Enable php.ini for remote access Figure 18. Attempt to get key using plain curl
Figure 16. Successful remote decoding result Figure 19. Bypassing User Agent using curl
barriers to thwart a common script kiddie from running I ran a browser test using Safari (Figure 17) and got
a simple attack. These barriers are as follows in this the expected result as the User-Agent for Safari is:
order (Figure 13)*: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3;
en-us) AppleWebKit/531.22.7 (KHTML, like Gecko)
• Barrier #1: Forcing SSL makes sniffing the Version/4.0.5 Safari/531.22.7 and in the secret.php
secretkey via wireshark more difficult. check I explicitly stated NO USER AGENT was
• Barrier #2: Checking the requestor’s IP address to permitted (you can change this to special strings; that’s
make sure it’s the correct server making the request. up to you to play with – as you’ll want to change it after
• Barrier #3 : Checking to see if the requestor is using seeing the next example).
a specific type of User Agent. I further tested it using curl (Figure 18) and because
the default curl request has a User Agent string of:
Once tested I replaced the local secret.php file with the curl/7.19.7 (universal-apple-darwin10.0) libcurl/7.19.7
remote secret.php in test4.php (Figure 14) with: include OpenSSL/0.9.8l zlib/1.2.3 this command also gets
"https://israeltorres.org/secret.php"; access denied. I was able to easily thwart this by using
On my mac I needed to create local php.ini (Figure the -A “” null parameter to get the secret key (Figure 19).
15) file with one line allow_url_include=1 to allow remote
include files and use the following syntax in terminal
(Figure 16): php -c php.ini test4.php and received the
expected decoded and calculated results.
Figure 17. Attempt to get key using web browser Figure 20. Advanced „randomness generator”
44 5/2010
More Secure PHP Server Side Source Encryption
all source code created and tested on my Apple Macbook
Pro running
Mac OS X 10.6.3
PHP 5.3.1 (cli) (built: Feb 11 2010 02:32:22)
GNU bash, version 3.2.48(1)-release (x86_64-apple-dar-
In my PHP code examples and scenarios above I’ve
taken quite a few steps to further armor remote code
protection from common basic obfuscation techniques
that use eval() and can easily be decoded locally
using simple scripts and also provided methods to
do so easily (i.e. itcloaker). Some may require more
modification but the basic process is there. Also note
that this armoring technique didn’t require any special
server modifications or additional software modules
installed that third party obfuscators/ encryptors may
use. In the security universe nothing is entirely fool-
proof but it certainly changes the game in the world of
building a better mouse trap.
Hacker at large with interests in the hacking realm.
hakin9 crypto challenge
Figure 22. Sample mod�ied Google image http://hakin9.israeltorres.org/
www.hakin9.org/en 45
otnets are most closely associated with Micro [3], which gives some idea of the scale of the
computers being taken over and used to send problem and the difficulties of disinfection, found
out spam emails. However the threat is much that the industry underestimated the length of time
wider than that. At the other end of the scale, there PCs were infected with botnets. The company found
are criminals renting out botnets to harvest personal that, in 100 million compromised machines, the
banking and security information, mount serious average infection was 300 days, not the estimated
commercial attacks, steal money or commit fraud. six weeks.
Both individuals and businesses are being The scale of individual botherds can also be very high.
targeted. Web sites are being infected (so called Recently a botnet of over 2 million pcs was discovered
drive-by infections) so that they deliver malicious in the UK and US [4]. And a Dutch botnet had over 1.4
code to the sites’ visitors. Botnets are also being million in the herd [5].
used to mount DDoS attacks on businesses, which
can have serious consequences. Twitter was How are you infected?
recently the victim of a DDoS attack and temporarily Botnets are multiple software robots (bots)
closed down [2]. that can run autonomously. They can
These are not trivial threats. There is a significant be malign or benign, but we are
amount of money to be made in harvesting banking just looking at the malign
information, launching blackmailing DDoS attacks, here. Bots are typically
or in just renting out the Zombie army for someone delivered by e-mail
else to use. So there is continual recruitment and or from a web
development of these armies, as well as investment site.
in the command and control infrastructures by bot
herders, the individuals or organisations which control
a group of botnets.
Botnets can be hugely sophisticated and very
resilient, with their own forms of disaster
recovery built in, so they can continue to
function even when attacked.
Recent research by Trend
46 5/2010
Don’t let the zombies take you down
Users are now well aware of email-based threats with, botnets will continue their explosive growth on the
and many have protected themselves in this area, so public internet [6].
web-based delivery of bots is increasing. This can be The best way to prevent botnets, though, is by having
through going onto what appears to be an innocent web proper security solutions in place to begin with.
site and picking up a malicious download. This kind of For companies, the place to start is at the gateway.
threat can also evade traditional list-based web content However gateway security will not be enough when
security systems, mobile users and visitors are connecting inside the
which rely on prepared lists of good and bad sites. gateway. Proper access control and strong two factor
Typically, infected good sites will not be identified on authentication will help here.
these lists. If staff are using USBs, laptops, iPods, etc. inside
Some phishing emails will take you to web sites where the gateway, there is the risk that they are bypassing
you may inadvertently download a bot. Your users could gateway security controls and infecting network
bring them in on laptops or USBs potentially infecting connected devices – so your security policy should
your whole network. You can even catch bots by taking cover the safe use of mobile equipment.
part in MMORPGs (massive multiplayer online role Other high risk areas inside the network include
playing games). infections picked up from staff visiting malicious web
Trojans and worms are common methods of joining sites. A classic security method here is to deploy multi-
botherds. Conficker, which recently cost Manchester layer protection. Alongside your gateway protection,
City Council over £1.5 million, is a sophisticated, self- you should also be installing protection on your PCs.
replicating worm managed by a central command and This should ideally be from a different manufacturer
control structure. than that used for your gateway protection.
You are also a target if you fail to use the right anti- There are many endpoint (PC/Laptop) solutions
virus and fail to rapidly update vulnerability patches. available that will provide protection. Solutions from
companies such as Check Point and Kaspersky Lab
Dangers will scan all incoming and outgoing data traffic on PCs
Once you’re part of a zombie army, you may not notice for malicious content and give them protection against
anything and be totally unaware that your machine is being hijacked for botnet activity.
infected. But the bot is now secretly installed on your Endpoint security solutions, such as those mentioned
computer and can use it to send out large volumes above, will protect against malicious code downloading
of spam in the background, or harvest keystroke from infected web sites, as well as Trojans from e-mail
information, passwords, online banking details, log-on or mobile devices, including USBs.
details, etc. At the gateway, companies such as M86 and Finjan
In the case of botnets being used to launch DDoS provide web gateway protection that can identify and
attacks, forensic tracking has led authorities to defend against malicious code loaded on rogue and
investigate innocent botnet members. It’s also possible infected, genuine web sites.
that you could find your company blacklisted as an
organisation sending out spam.
Bots can penetrate the corporate network so they can
potentially monitor everything going on, compromising
your security by potentially passing on information on
passwords or online banking.
And, once installed, significant spam activity, caused
by the bot, might slow down your network, leaving
your system sluggish, but leaving you unaware of the
www.hakin9.org/en 47
• Australian Internet Industry Association (government advisory) drafts code of conduct for �ghting botnets – http://
www.itnews.com.au/News/155673,isps-asked-to-cut-off-malware-infected-pcs.aspx [1]
• http://www.it-director.com/technology/news_release.php?rel=12725 [2]
• http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/view/4016/compromised-machines-stay-compromised-trend-micro/ [3]
• http://www.itnews.com.au/News/143123,massive-uk-and-us-botnet-uncovered.aspx [4]
• http://www.infopackets.com/news/technology/word_of_the_day/2009/20090519_botnet.htm [5]
• http://www.lumensionsecurity.com/nwr_pressReleasesDetails.jsp;jsessionid=12892CA71D631B12F401988967085B11?i-
d=152123&metadataId=152123 [6]
• Dutch ISPs sign agreement for �ghting botnets – http://www.computerweekly.com/blogs/when-it-meets-politics/2009/09/
learning-from-the-dutch---isps.html [7]
• Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group publishes best practices for �ghting botnets – http://�nance.yahoo.com/news/
MAAWG-Tackles-Bots-with-New-prnews-1561387349.html?x=0&.v=1 [8]
• ETF draft standard for �ghting botnets – http://www.scmagazineus.com/Standard-offers-best-practices-for-ISPs-to-�ght-
botnets/article/149162/ [9]
• http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=4404 [10]
If you want to protect your own web site from This is not a customer-friendly approach and is
being infected and delivering malicious code to your short sighted because there are solutions available for
customers, companies such as Check Point and service providers, such as ServiceProtector from Allot,
Barracuda Networks have web application firewall which can effectively neutralise botnets and stop spam
capabilities to protect against this increasingly prevalent being sent out from subscribers’ computers, as well as
threat. preventing spam being received by them.
Other solutions, such as Barracuda Networks’ anti- It will also, importantly, protect service providers
spam, virus and spyware firewall, can help protect and enterprises from DDoS attacks, leaving them little
traffic going in and out of your network. This would excuse to carry on doing nothing about this serious
include attempts to send spam or return spyware security threat.
data. A number of other initiatives are taking place, though,
You can also detect bots by using traffic management in the fight against botnets. The Messaging Anti-Abuse
solutions, such as those from Allot. They are able to Working Group recently published best practises for
identify traffic patterns, even masked traffic patterns, fighting botnets [8] The IETF (Internet Engineering Task
which could be bot activity. Force) has also published some best practises [9]. And
Network intelligence systems, such as those from many large organisations are becoming increasingly
Loglogic or ArcSight, can also help. They can bring vocal in their requirements for botnets to be dealt with
together and let you analyse, all log information on your – witness Google’s recent comments [10].
network, down to a granular/PC level, highlighting any With pressure increasing, it is likely that there will be
unusual behaviour. some significant moves against the botnet threat over
Web sites such as Spamhaus.org explain how you the next few years.
can identify and remove botnets if you’re worried you
may have one. At a corporate level, some of the above
solutions will also disinfect your existing estate. At
a personal level, companies such as Kaspersky Lab
and Webroot provide low cost protection. IAN KILPATRICK
Ian Kilpatrick is chairman of value added distributor Wick
Need for action Hill Group plc, specialists in secure infrastructure solutions.
There are many ways for the unsuspecting or Kilpatrick has been involved with the Group for more than
unprotected to be infected and some of this should be 30 years. Wick Hill is an international organisation supplying
dealt with by service providers. Some ISPs are making SMEs and most of the Times Top 1000 companies through
strong efforts to manage the problem. For example, a value-added network of accredited resellers.
earlier this year Dutch ISPs banded together to deal Kilpatrick has an in-depth experience of computing with
with the threat [7]. a strong vision of the future in IT. He looks at computing
However, they are the exception. Many service from a business point-of-view and his approach re�ects his
providers don’t respond unless they find themselves philosophy that business bene�ts and ease-of-use are the
blacklisted for sending out spam or they become victims key factors in IT, rather than just technology. He has authored
of a DDoS attack themselves. numerous articles and publications, as well as being a regular
speaker at conferences, exhibitions and seminars.
48 5/2010