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Hypothesis Testing

Experiments involving measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion are often used to
provide the information necessary for informed managerial decisions. A hypothesis test is a statistical
experiment used to measure the reasonableness of a given theory or premise.

Large-Sample Test of Hypothesis


• Four parts of statistical hypothesis testing

• One- and Two-tailed tests • Type I and II Errors

• Power of the test

• Step by Step Procedure for a Large-Sample Test of Hypothesis

• Example: Large-Sample Test of Hypothesis about a Population Mean

• Conclusion: Generalization


A hypothesis in statistics is a claim or statement about a property of a population.

A statistical test of hypothesis consists of four parts:

1. A null hypothesis (the questioned hypothesis)

2. An alternative hypothesis (the hypothesis the researcher wishes to support)

3. A test statistic

4. A rejection region

Null Hypothesis, Ho

The null hypothesis is a statement about the value of a population parameter.

The null hypothesis contains a condition of , or equality: =,

Test the Null Hypothesis directly

Results: Reject Ho or fail to reject Ho

Alternative Hypothesis, Ha

Hypothesis the researchers wishes to support

Must be true if H0 is false

Contains ,<, >

Opposite of the Null

Test Statistic

A value computed from the sample data that is used in making the decision about the rejection of the
null hypothesis

For large samples, testing claims about population means:

Rejection Region

Set of all values of the test statistic that would cause a rejection of the null hypothesis

Rejection region or Critical Region

Significance Level, α

The probability that the test statistic will fall in the critical region when the null hypothesis is actually

Common choices are 0.05, 0.01, and 0.10

Same as degree of confidence for a confidence interval

Rejection regions

The tails in a distribution are the extreme regions bounded by critical values.

• Two-tailed

• Right-tailed

• Left-tailed
The Two-Tailed Test

H0 : µ = 15

Ha 15: µ

α is divided equally between the two tails of the critical region

If the test statistic falls in either one of the rejection regions (values that differ significantly from 15),
then you reject the null hypothesis.

The One-Tailed Test (right tailed)

H0: µ 15

Ha : µ > 15

α is the area in the right tail of the critical region If the test statistic falls in right-tailed rejection region
(values that are significantly greater than 15), then you reject the null hypothesis.
The One-Tailed Test(left tailed)

H0: µ15

Ha : µ < 15

α is the area in the left tail of the critical region If the test statistic falls in left-tailed rejection region
(values that are significantly less than 15), then you reject the null hypothesis.

Conclusion Statements for Hypothesis Testing

We always test the null hypothesis.

1. Reject the H0
2. Fail to reject the H0

Final conclusions to a hypothesis test:

• we are not proving the null hypothesis

• sample evidence is not strong enough to warrant rejection of the null hypothesis

• some statisticians use “accept the null hypothesis”

Type I Error

The error made by rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.

 (alpha) is used to represent the probability of a type I error

Example: Rejecting a claim that the mean body temperature is 98.6 degrees when the mean really
does equal 98.6

Type II Error
The error made by failing to reject the null hypothesis when it is false.

ß (beta) is used to represent the probability of a type II error

Example: Failing to reject the claim that the mean body temperature is 102.6 degrees when the
mean is really different from 102.6

Type I and Type II Errors

Power of a Statistical Test

The power of a hypothesis test is the P[Reject the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is false]
= 1 –

Measures the ability of the test to perform as required

Large-Sample Test of Hypothesis about a Population Mean


1. sample is randomly selected

2. sample is large (n > )30 -> CLM applies
3. If the  is unknown, we can use sample standard deviation S as estimate for 

Goal: Identify a sample result that is significantly different from the claimed value; in this case, is
our sample mean statistically different from the claimed null hypothesis mean?
Large-Sample Test of Hypothesis about a Population Mean Step by Step

1. Identify the null hypothesis (specific claim to be tested) H0 : µ = µ

02. Identify the alternative hypothesis that must be true when the original claim is false.

one-tailed test two-tailed

Ha : µ > µ0 Ha : µ µ0

3: Calculate the statistic:

4. Select the significant level based on the seriousness of a type I error. The values of 0.05 and
0.01 are very common.
5. Determine the critical values and the critical region. Draw a graph and include the test statistic,
critical value(s), and critical (rejection) region.
6. Reject H0 if the test statistic is in the critical region. Fail to reject H0 if the test statistic is not in
the critical region
7. Restate this decision in simple, non-technical terms.

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