T Series Metal Membrane Couplings
A – Stainless Steel
B – Overload Collars
C – Cartridge
Transmission Unit E
D – Anti-Fly Feature
E – Anti-Corrosion
Treatment G
F – Hubs With
T Series
Puller Holes A
G – Robust Hub Bolt F
H – Large Shaft B
Accommodated C
I – Locked Thread
• The coupling sizes shaded are non preferred, and TLK couplings should be selected whenever possible.
• Dimensions should not be used for construction. Certified dimensions furnished upon request.
3. Select a coupling with the same or higher rating Selection: TLKS – 0750
4. Check the hub bore capacity is suitable, if not select a Maximum standard shaft bore is 110 mm
large hub, or a larger size coupling Large hub bore is 148 mm
5. Check peak torque capability is suitable for application Peak torque capability – 14.2 kNm
6. Check speed capability Additional balancing should not be required
7. Check whether additional dynamic balancing is required
8. Specify Distance Between Shaft Ends (DBSE) as
Available Options
n S
park-resistant couplings for hazardous zone operation n T orque limiting and shear pin designs
n S
pecial materials for low temperature applications and/or n C
onsult John Crane for any other special requirements.
higher corrosion resistance Metastream couplings can be adapted to suit virtually all
n A
djustable shims for taper shafts, insulated couplings,
power transmission coupling needs.
and couplings with a bone shaft for an axially rigid
T Series Metal Membrane Couplings
Coupling Alignment
Correct installation and alignment of couplings is essential John Crane supplies a variety of shaft alignment equipment
for reliaible machinery performance. and offers alignment training courses. Lase-A-Lign Ex
The angular and axial restoring forces in the table below is one of the toughest and most robust measurement
are given at maximum deflections. The chart can be used and alignment systems available. For alignment work in
to determine forces across the full deflection range. The potentially explosive environments, equipment needs to
nonlinear characteristics can detune a system to prevent be explosion-protected. Lase-A-Lign Ex complies with the
high amplitude axial vibration. latest ATEX standards for work in such environments.
Balance Condition
These couplings are designed with a high inherent balance, BALANCE LIMITS
due to the precision of the manufacturing process. It is 100,000
important that all parts are carefully stored and fitted to Balance
maintain this integrity. 10,000
may be
This inherent balance of the T Series meets AGMA standard TLK
Coupling Rating
• Dimensions should not be used for construction. Certified dimensions furnished upon request.
1 Maximum bores shown are based on standard DIN/BS rectangular keys.
Unless otherwise specified, parallel bores will be machined to an IT 7 tolerance, with Js9 key-ways to DIN 6885, BS 4235 or BS 46 Pt1 (inch)
2 These DBSE sizes are more readily available. Other lengths to suit specific shaft separations are available on request.
T Series Metal Membrane Couplings
T Series
The Metastream® TSR/TLR range of membrane couplings has been
specifically designed to provide a solution for close coupled machinery.
The key benefit of this coupling is the ability to replace membranes
without the need to move either of the connected machines.
M Series
Metastream® MHS Series couplings incorporate a radial stainless steel,
flexible membrane design pioneered by John Crane.
H Series
Metastream® H-FE couplings feature a factory assembled transmission
unit, providing high torque capacity with low weight. The hub bores
possible with the design make this range particularly suitable for use on
electric motor or generator drive applicartions, where larger shaft sizes
are generally in use.
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If the products featured will be used in a potentially dangerous and/or hazardous process, your John Crane representative should be consulted prior to
their selection and use. In the interest of continuous development, John Crane Companies reserve the right to alter designs and specifications without
prior notice. It is dangerous to smoke while handling products made from PTFE. Old and new PTFE products must not be incinerated. ISO 9001 and ISO
14001 Certified, details available on request.
©2013 John Crane Print 09/13 [F] Revised 09/13 www.johncrane.com S-TSK/TLK-Series/Eng