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2011 Audition Pack

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British Youth Opera

Auditions ^^^I`VVYN\R


Rehearsals in London from 18th July 11th to 15th April at London South Bank University
Performances at the Peacock Theatre, London
until 10th September BYO’s Easter Workshop programme gives singers an
opportunity in an intimate and closed environment
Possible repertoire to include: to explore roles, character, the relationships between
Britten Paul Bunyan or The Rape of Lucretia text and music, creativity and interpretation without
Mozart Idomeneo or Le nozze di Figaro the pressure of performance.

Preliminary auditions will be held in London, Birmingham, Cardiff, Glasgow and Manchester during January 2011.
Recall auditions will be held in London on 12th, 13th and 19th February 2011.

Auditionees should prepare three contrasting arias, including one by Mozart. It is not necessary to choose arias
from the above operas. An accompanist will be provided.

All applications must be accompanied by a £15.00 payment towards the cost of auditions in cash or by cheque payable
to ‘British Youth Opera’.
Payments from candidates who are not selected for an audition will be refunded.

British Youth Opera is the UK’s premier company for training new and emerging operatic talent.
It offers valuable opportunities for young singers to receive professional training in all aspects of opera through
workshops and masterclasses, and to take part in rehearsals and performances in its annual Summer Season of opera at
the Peacock Theatre in London.

BYO’s primary purpose is to offer operatic experience to singers who have a serious aim of pursuing careers in
opera performance, are at the start of their careers, and are new to the profession.

To that end, in selecting singers for audition, BYO will give preference to applications from singers of any nationality
who are studying full-time at a music college in the United Kingdom.
BYO will also consider applications from singers who are about to start, or who have recently finished, such study in
the United Kingdom.
BYO may, at its discretion, consider applications from other singers resident in the UK, where such applications
contain evidence that the applicant has a serious aim of pursuing a career in opera performance, is at the start of his
or her career, and is new to the profession.
All applications must be counter-signed by the applicant’s singing teacher or vocal coach, confirming that the
applicant would benefit from and is suitable for a training place with BYO.

British Youth Opera is a training organisation; successful candidates do not pay to participate in the Summer Season (for
which a contribution towards subsistence will be given) or the Easter Workshops.

British Youth Opera regrets that it is unable to provide feedback on auditions and reserves the right to alter the
proposed repertoire.
Information Sheet
British Youth Opera was founded in 1987 to provide emerging This chance to learn from experienced professionals is also
singers on the threshold of their careers with professional offered to technical trainees – assistant directors, conductors,
rehearsal and performance opportunities. We work to provide designers and stage management.
the very best training and professional development through an
annual programme of workshops, masterclasses and two fully The Summer Season is renowned by music critics, casting
staged operas at Sadler’s Wells’ Peacock Theatre in partnership directors and agents as an opportunity to view the next
with Southbank Sinfonia. generation of professional opera singers.

Summer Season productions are rehearsed by directors and BYO’s Easter Workshop programme gives singers an
conductors with a wealth of experience and with a particular gift opportunity in an intimate and closed environment to
for nurturing and developing emerging talent. Participants are explore roles, character, the relationships between text and
coached in all aspects of their craft with vocal coaching, dialogue, music, creativity and interpretation without the pressure of
music and language coaching given by leading experts in their performance.
respective fields. BYO also runs a unique Link Scheme during
the season, pairing its singers with established performers who
have considerable experience of performing their particular role.

‘I was incredibly grateful for the privilege of being involved in ‘This season at BYO has been fantastic. As a cover one never
British Youth Opera this year. As artists making the transition really expects to receive the call saying that you have to go
from student to professional, this is exactly the sort of on... When this did happen I felt reassured by the fact that as
experience we need, and in this case we had the opportunity covers we had all had the time to prepare our roles. As well
of working with first-class directors and conductors and some as observing the main cast, covers receive individual language
extremely proficient trainees and staff.’ classes, music coaching and production rehearsals. The
(Derek Welton, Principal) environment at BYO is friendly and supportive and everyone
involved works to achieve the highest possible standards. It is so
‘Working in such a professional and positive atmosphere really refreshing to work outside of a college environment and I have
brought out the best in all of us. The standard of coaching and made some lifelong friendships and invaluable contacts.
direction is top class and awe-inspiring, anyone with ANY dream
of a career in Opera should be bashing down the doors of BYO to ‘Informed by my experiences this season here is my advice for
join this company!’ future covers:
(Timothy Connor, Chorus) Learn the role!
You are important
‘What I have found most beneficial was the opportunity to Attend as many main cast rehearsals as possible
work with professionals. I felt able to ask any question and Enjoy yourself!’
know that it would be answered by someone who knows. I now (Peter Brathwaite, cover Principal)
look forward to the end of my training where contacts I have
made this summer will help bridge the gap between student
and professional.’
(Laura Page, Deputy Stage Manager)

‘The British Youth Opera stages the stars of the future:
...offering circumstances as near as possible to professional but
without the pressure and the humdrum routine’
(Nick Kimberley, Evening Standard, 2009)

‘I’d like to march the performers of all opera companies

to [BYO’s The Rake’s Progress], to feel the impact of a
performance in which you can hear every word.’
(Michael Tanner, The Spectator, 2009)
Application for Audition 2011 7OV[VNYHWO
Maximum Size
Name Date of Birth 4 x 5 cm

Voice Height

Nationality Town of Birth

I would like to be considered for: I am / am not available for the 2011 Easter Workshops 11 – 15 April
(Delete as applicable)
Principal and / or Understudy and / or Chorus I am / am not available for the 2011 season in London, 18 July – 10
(Please tick where appropriate – these will be used as a guide for the auditioning panel only, September (Delete as applicable)
and are not binding.)
Address and other contact details:

(a) Term-time (b) Home (if different)

Postcode Postcode

Mobile number


If currently at college, please give the name of your present course together with starting and finishing dates

Dates College Course

Previous courses together with starting and finishing dates

Musical experience: You should attach no more than one single-sided extra sheet to this application detailing both your opera and concert
experience. Further pages will be disregarded.
Signature of current
Current singing teacher: teacher or coach:
(Please note this is an essential requirement)

Names of former singing teachers:

Applicant’s signature: Date:

You have attached a passport-sized photograph. Forms should be returned by Wednesday 8th December
The form is signed by your current singing teacher/coach and by yourself. 2010 to: Marcella Santese, British Youth Opera,
You have attached one single-sided sheet detailing your musical experience. LSBU, London SE1 0AA. We may not be able to accept
You have enclosed £15.00 payment towards audition costs. applications received after this date.
Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
British Youth Opera is committed to a policy of equality of opportunity and to making this policy properly effective. We aim to ensure
that no applicant receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origins, marital status, sex, sexual
orientation, disability or religious beliefs, or on any grounds of being HIV positive or having an AIDS related illness. Selection criteria
and procedures are regularly reviewed to ensure that individuals are selected on the basis of their relative merits and abilities.

To ensure that our equal opportunity policy is effective we carry out monitoring of applicants, and we would like you to answer the
questions below. This information is confidential, will be kept completely separate from your application form and will be used to
compile anonymous statistical information only. You should return this form with your application form.

Personal details


Gender Male Female

Cultural Diversity
Please tick the ethnic category that best represents you. Your ethnic category is a mixture of culture, religion, skin colour, language
and the origins of yourself and your family. It is not the same as nationality.

White Chinese or other ethnic group

British Chinese
Irish Other, please state
Other, please state
Dual Heritage
Asian or Asian British Dual Asian & White
Asian Bangladeshi Dual Black African & White
Asian Indian Dual Black Caribbean & White
Asian Pakistani Dual Chinese & White
Other, please state Other, please state

Black or Black British Other, please state

Black African
Black Caribbean

Do you have dependents? (Dependents might include children, the elderly, or other people who rely on you for care.)
Yes No

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

Yes No

If yes, please state the nature of your disability

NB. If your disability means that you require any adjustments to be made in order to participate in our selection process, please give
us details so that we can accommodate your needs.

Thank you for providing this information.

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