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behaviour and gaining knowledge through group.

It is a
system of learned behaviour and set procedure. Some of
Culture is one of the important concepts in sociology. the salient characteristics of culture are as under:•
No human society can exist and develop without its culture. Culture is learned.• Culture is transmitted.•
The main difference between the animal and human Culture is changing. Culture is shared.•
societies is of culture only. Animal societies have no culture 1. Culture is learned – It is acquired through
because they do not have systems of learning and education, training and experience. 2. Culture is
transmitting social experiences. Sociologists are keenly socially transmitted through language- It is
interested in the study of culture because the study of transmitted from one generation to another
human society is incomplete without it. through the medium of language, verbal or non-
1. Culture is that complex whole which includes verbal through the gestures or signs, orally or in
knowledge, beliefs, art, law, custom, and any other writing. Culture is learned:• Most of the behaviour
capabilities and habits acquired by man as a is learned in society. This learning might be
member of the society. Edward Tylor conscious or unconscious but nobody can deny the
2. “Culture is the complex whole which includes process of learning. Culture is something learnt
knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and and acquired e.g. wearing clothes or dancing. It is
habits and any capabilities acquired by man as a not something natural to the person.•
member of society”. Taylor 2. Culture is shared:• All the traits, attitudes,
3. “Culture is social heredity, which is transmitted ideas, knowledge and material objects like radio,
from one generation to another with the television and automobiles etc is actually shared
accumulation of individual experiences”. Linton by members of society.
4. Culture is the way of life which is transmitted from 3. Culture is transmitted All the culture traits
generation to generation”. John Beattee and objects are transmitted among the members
TYPES OF CULTURE• of society continually. Most of the cultural traits
Material Culture• Real Culture• and material objects are transmitted to the
Non-material Culture• Ideal Culture members of the society from their forefathers. We
Material Culture• from material culture we understand learn new fashion, how to move in society and
material and physical objects. For instance, house, road, how to behave in a particular social situation.
vehicles, pen, table, radio set, book etc. these are the 4. Culture is changing Culture never remains
products of human efforts to control his environment and static but changing. It is changing in every society,
make his life conformable and safe. but with different speed and causes. It constantly
In non-material culture we include non-material under goes change and adapts itself to the
objects. For example religion, art, ideas, customs, values environments.
system, attitudes, knowledge etc. it does not have physical COMPONENTS OF CULTURE
shape. It is very important in determining human behaviour These are the guidelines people are supposed to follow in
and has strong hold on an individual. Both parts are inter- their relation with one another. -They indicate what people
related with each other. should or should not do in specific situation.-they indicate
the standard of propriety, morality, legality, and ethics of a
Real Culture:• Real culture is that which can be
society that are covered by sanctions when violation are
observed in our social life. The culture on which we act
upon in our daily life is real culture. It is that parts of
culture, which the people adopt in their social life, for Social norms
example. If a person/ says that he/she is Muslim, will be, a. Folkways – these are everyday habits; customs,
when followed all the principles of Islam is the real and traditions and conventions people obey without giving
when doesn’t follow, is not a real one. much thought to the matter
Ideal Culture:• The culture which is presented as a b. Mores- these are the norms people consider vital to
pattern to the people is called ideal culture. It is the goal of their wellbeing and most cherished values; they are special
society and never achieved fully because some parts customs with moral and ethical significance, which are
remain out of practice. This culture is explained in books, strongly held and emphasized.
speeches etc.
c. Laws- these are formalized norms enacted by people
vested with legitimate authority.
it becomes clear that sociologically culture has specific
meaning and characteristics. It is the product of human
Ideas are non-materials aspects of culture and embody Common Interests- religion, jobs, politics,
man’s conception of his physical, social and cultural world. sports
Beliefs refer to a person’s conviction about a certain 7. Art ----How people express themselves
idea. Examples Music Painting Sculpture
Values are abstract concepts of what is important and Architecture
worthwhile, they are general ideas that individuals share Painting
about what is good or bad. Singing
MATERIAL CULTURE-It refers to the concrete and Sculpture
tangible objects produced and used by man to satisfy his
6. History----What people think are
varied needs and wants.
important to pass to future generations
SYMBOLS It refers to an object, gesture, sound, colour or Examples
design that represents something “other that itself”. People
1. Culture relativism the concept of cultural relativism
5. Daily Life----What people do every day
states that cultures differ, so that a cultural trait, act, or
Examples Housing Food
idea has no meaning but its meaning only within its cultural
2. Culture Shock It refers to the feelings of disbelief, 4.Economy----What provides the goods
disorganization and frustration one experiences when he and services that are bought, sold, and
encounters cultural patterns or practices which are used
different from his. Examples
3. Ethnocentrism It refers to the tendency to see the Mining
behaviours, beliefs, values, and norms of one’s own group Service
as the only right way of living and to judge others by those Industry
standards Agriculture
4. Xenocentrism It refers to the idea that what is Manufacturing
foreign is best and that one’s lifestyle, products or ideas are
3. Government------Who has the power and
inferior to those others.
makes decisions Examples
5.Noble savage mentality It refers to the evaluation of Dictatorship
ones culture and that of others based on the romantic Democracy
notion that the culture and way of life of the primitives or Parliamentary
other simple cultures is better, more acceptable and more Monarchy
orderly. Oligarchy
6. Subculture This refers to smaller group which
develop norms,values, beliefs, and special languages which 2. Language----The ways people
make the distinct from the broader society. communicate Examples
Written language
7. Counterculture or contra culture It refers Oral language
subgroups whose standards come in conflict with the Non verbal language
oppose the conventional standards of the dominant culture
.8. Culture lag It refers to the gap between the 1. Religion------What people believe in/
material and non-material culture. how they explain the unexplainable
8. Social Groups----- How a society puts Birth
people together Examples: Rites of Passage
Economic- upper class, lower class,middle Rituals
Cliques- what groups or clubs you belong to
Family Units- who makes up a family
Gender based- male vs female
Filipinos are very resilient Filipinos love to party

In times of calamities and Yes, Filipinos love to hold celebrations and fiestas.
catastrophes, Filipinos always manage to rise above Bacolod has its MassKara Festival, Davao has its
the challenge. Instead of wallowing, they manage to Kadayawan Festival, and Marinduque has its Moriones
pick themselves up and smile. Festival.

Filipinos take pride in their families Filipinos have the longest Christmas celebrations—
In the Philippines, it is family first. So whether you are
part of the immediate family or you belong to the Even as early as August, you can hear Christmas songs
third or fourth generation, you are treated as a family and jingles being played in the malls or in the
member. Sometimes, even the closest of friends are restaurants in the Philippines. The mood becomes
considered family, too. festive, with many people shopping and in good
spirits. Christmas celebrations last until around the
first or second week of January.
Filipinos are very religious

In all corners of a Filipino house, you can find brazen Filipinos love to eat
images of crosses and other religious paraphernalia.
They go to church every Sunday, or sometimes even Aside from breakfast, lunch, and
twice or three times a week. dinner, Filipinos manage to squeeze in a little meal in
between, too. Whether they eat every hour or every
three hours, they savour every bite. Oh, and they do
Filipinos are very respectful love going to buffets!

From the moment they are born into this world, they
are already taught how to be respectful by using these Filipinos love to sing
simple catchphrases—po and opo, words that end
sentences when addressing elders. They have a This is the reason why karaoke has become so
culture of pagmamano, which is where they raise the prevalent. As part of their recreation, Filipinos spend
backs of the hands of their elders to their foreheads some quality time with their families or friends singing
as a sign of respect. or belting out new and old songs.

Filipinos help one another Filipinos love art and architecture

More popularly known as bayanihan, Filipinos help Just look at the massive and tall buildings everywhere.
one another—without expecting anything in return— Filipinos have a penchant for bringing art and
so that undertaking their tasks and responsibilities architecture to a whole new level. They love to design
become much easier. Sometimes this is called creatively, to think intuitively, and have a passion for
“community spirit.” anything different and unique.

Filipinos value traditions and culture

For Filipinos, traditions in their home and in their

family are important. They usually set aside a specific
day for a certain celebration like festivals, birthday
parties, reunions, etc. And of course, every gathering
is dedicated to keeping up with each other over
sumptuous food.

To most countries, tattoos are common. Makeup In a tribe in Kenya, Africa, Maasai people believe that
tattoos or cosmetic tattooing are also becoming more the more stretched your earlobes are, the more
popular these days because who wouldn’t want attractive you would become. Not only that, having
to wake up like this as flawless as Beyonce? However, elongated earlobes signifies age and wisdom – so the
in New Zealand, tattoos are considered a sacred ritual. older you are, the more elongated earlobes you have.

Ta Moko is a thousand year-old custom where chisels Men and women would gradually stretch their pierced
and mallets are used to mark a person’s skin. During earlobes using almost everything - like stones, thorns,
the process, they would assure that all parts of the elephant tusks, and a lot more. Also, Maasai women
ceremony would remain chaste. These sacred tattoos shave their heads and remove their two middle teeth
signify a man’s readiness for adult responsibilities and on their lower jaw as a notion of beauty. Although, as
a woman’s fertility, strength, and beauty. It also reflects years pass by, fewer and fewer Maasai follow their
the bloodline of a person. elongated earlobe tradition.


In many western countries, most people spend more While in most countries when a person sees elongated
money in orthodontic braces just to have an aligned or sharp fangs, the first thing that would come to his
and straight set of pearly whites; but in Japanese mind is Dracula; but in Indonesia, it is considered
culture, crooked teeth are considered to be youthful beautiful.
and attractive.
Metatah, or teeth filing, is a criterion of physical
Thanks to the popularity of a pop idol group, AKB48, appreciation of beauty, social and spiritual wellness. It
the “Yaeba” (also known as “multilayered” or “double” is said that the filing of teeth is a ritual done to remove
tooth) became a cosmetic craze in Japan. Japanese the soul’s sadistic features like unmanageable urges,
women would even spend hundreds of dollars to greed, unmanageable anger and jealousy. Commonly,
achieve the said look where the canine teeth is this ceremony takes place when a girl’s first
reshaped making them look like fangs. It is not a menstruation starts and when a boy’s voice starts to
serious imperfection, though, but in some countries, change. This custom must be done before they get
you would get picked on for sure. married.


In an ethnic group in Myanmar, people would prefer to As a sign of beauty and a woman’s social status, foot
have longer necks – necks longer than a model’s “long binding (also known as lotus feet) was a trend in China
neck” pose that we usually see in magazines. years ago. Women from poorer families even made
this as an avenue to marry someone who has a higher
Traditional brass rings that are made out of solid social status.
pieces of metal are put around their neck and shins as
sign of a remarkable beauty and wealth. It is said that This process is started before the foot has fully
if a woman is guilty of adultery, she would be punished developed. Usually, the binding happened during
by the removal of the rings; and since the neck winter months as they believed that the cold season
muscles have already weakened and got used to the would numb their feet and as a result, less pain would
support of the brass rings, a woman will spend the rest be felt. Women who had their feet bound find it difficult
of her life bedridden. to balance them and find it difficult to stand from a
sitting position.
While most women are opting for lips like Kylie
Jenner’s or for the famous Korean ombre lips, a tribe Somehow, to most women in Iran, makeup contouring
in Ethiopia called Mursi would prefer their lips to be and highlighting is not enough. Hundreds of thousands
plated once they reach the marrying age. The upper or of women each year undergo rhinoplasty surgery
lower lip is stretched and some teeth are removed to which makes them the “nose capital” of the world –
make way for the disc. Each disc, usually circular, is beating America and South Korea.
made of clay or wood and placed into the pierced hole.
They believe that wearing the hijab veils most parts of
The plate’s size worn by Mursi women indicates their their face, and that is why they feel the need to
social or economical significance and also the maturity enhance their features with cosmetic surgeries to
and beauty of women. The plates are taken off, achieve a doll-like face. Not enough budget for a
though, when they sleep or eat. surgery? Fret not because you can wear a bandage on
your nose to tell the world that you’ve already had your
nose done. Like they say, “fake it ‘till you make it”.
NATURAL RESOURCES Mineral resources Except for petroleum and a number
of metals, mineral resources abound in Philippine soil.
Bodies of Water the Philippines is blessed with Our metal deposits are estimated at 21.5 billion
excellent natural harbours for ports. metric tons, while non-metal deposits are projected at
19.3 billion metric tons.
The three largest rivers in the country are the
Cagayan River in Northern Luzon, the Rio Grande de 1. Nickel ranks first in terms of deposits and size, it is
Mindanao, and the Agusan River, also in Mindanao. found in Surigao del Norte, Davao, Palawan, Romblon
and Samar.
Most popular among tourist is the
2. Iron is found in Ilocos Norte, Nueva Ecija,
famous underground river in Palawan. Aside from Camarines Norte and Cotabato.
rivers, the country also abounds with lakes. Easily the
most famous is the heart-shaped Laguna de Bay. 3. While copper in Zambales, Batangas, Mindoro,
Panay and Negros.
Other famous lakes are Taal in Batangas,
Among non-metal deposits, the most abundant are
Sampaloc in Laguna, Buhi and Bulusan in Bicol, Naujan
cement, lime, and marble. Other non-metals include
in Mindoro Oriental, and Lanao and Mainit in
asbestos, clay, guano, asphalt, feldspar, sulfur, talc,
silicon, phosphate, and marble.
Generating power for the Nation’s growth are the
magnificent waterfalls that serve as tourist Fishery Resources Of the 2,400 fish species
attractions, as well. found in the country. 65 have good commercial value.
Other marine products include corals, pearls, crabs
The biggest waterfalls is the Maria Cristina and seaweeds.
falls, it can be found in the North Western part of
Some of the country’s best salt water fishing areas are
Lanao province in Mindanao, while the most popular
found in Sintangki Island in Sulu, Estancia in Bohol,
is Pagsanjan falls in Laguna, where tourist came in
Malampaya in Palawan, Lingayen Gulf in Pangasinan,
San Miguel lake in Camarines Norte, Bantayan
Matnog, Sorsogon Port Channel in Cebu, and the seas of Quezon and
Batangas Port Manila Bay
On the other hand, among our biggest fishing areas
are Laguna de Bay, Bombon Lake in Batangas, Bato
Taal Lake, Batangas Bulusan Lake, Bicol Lake in Camarines Sur, Naujan Lake in Mindoro and
Mainit Lake in Agusan del Norte.
The Philippines is rich in natural resources. It has
fertile, arable lands, diverse flora and fauna, extensive Soil is the most important natural resources in the
coastlines, and rich mineral deposits. About 30% of Philippines primarily of most people earn a living from
the land area of the country was determined be tiling the land. Agricultural experts believed that
geologically prospective by the Philippine Mines and 8,120 species of plants grow in the country, that is,
Geo- Sciences Bureau. But Only 1.5% of country's land about 1,000 varieties of orchids, 1,000 species of rice,
area is covered with mining permits. and 3,000 species of trees. 850 species of birds are
found in the Philippines. Carabao is the most useful
Our Land The Philippines’ primary source of livelihood
animal for it serves as farmer’s best friend. At least
is its fertile land. Rich, wide plains suitable for farming
2,000 species of fish are found in the waters of the
are found in the Cagayan Valley, Central Luzon, South
Philippine archipelago.
western Bicol, Panay, Negros, Davao, Cotabato,
Agusan and Bukidnon. The country‘s six major crops Philippine forest lands have a total area of
are rice, corn, sugarcane, coconut, abaca and tobacco. 16,633,000 hectares which represents 55 percent of
the total land area.
Our Forests the Philippines also boasts of wide tracts
of lush, green forests. In fact, almost half of the The Philippines rank third in forest reserves.
country’s total land area is forested. Sixty percent of Philippines is one of Asia’s great gold producing
these forests are found in Mindanao. regions.
Energy in the Philippines is used to supply electricity Zamboanga Peninsula -Zamboanga
and fuel to run factories, light homes, and offices.
Sibugay, -Zamboanga del Norte, -Zamboanga del Sur, -
Regions and Provinces in the Philippines. The Zamboanga City*, -Isabela City*
Philippines is composed of 7,107 islands situated in
the South - East Asian part of the globe. Northern Mindanao -Bukidnon, -Camiguin, -
Misamis Occidental, -Misamis Oriental, -Lanao del
The Philippine islands are clustered into three (3) Norte
island groups called Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao
which are further subdivided into seventeen (17) Davao -Davao City*, -Davao del Norte, - Davao
del Sur, - Davao Oriental, -Compostela Valley
The island group of Luzon is composed of Ilocos
Region, Cagayan Valley, Central Luzon, SOCCSKSARGEN -North Cotabato, -Sultan
CALABARZON, Kudarat, -South Cotabato, -Saranggani

MIMAROPA, Bicol Region, Cordillera Administrative CARAGA -Agusan del Norte, -Agusan del Sur, -
Region (CAR) and the National Capital Region (NCR)
Surigao del Norte, -Surigao del Sur
otherwise known as Metro Manila.
Abra, -Benguet, -Ifugao, -Kalinga, -Apayao, -Mountain
The Visayas island group is composed of Western
Visayas, Central Visayas and Eastern Visayas.
-Basilan, -Sulu, -Tawi-tawi, -Lanao del Sur, -
South of the Philippines is the Mindanao island
group composed of Zamboanga Peninsula, Northern
Mindanao, Davao Region, SOCCSKSARGEN, CARAGA Composed of the cities of: -Caloocan, -Las Piñas, -
and the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao Quezon City, -Makati, -Manila, -Muntinlupa, -
(ARMM). Parañaque, -Pasig, -Pasay, - Malabon, -Mandaluyong, -
Marikina -Valenzuela - Taguig. -municipalities of
ILOCOS -Ilocos Norte, -Ilocos Sur, -La Union - Navotas, -Pateros and San Juan

CAGAYAN VALLEY -Batanes, -Cagayan, -Isabela, -

Beauty Spots
Nueva Viscaya, - Quirino Natural Resources- Timber, Petroleum, Cobalt Oil is
not a natural resource.
CENTRAL LUZON -Aurora, -Bataan, -Bulacan, -
Nueva Ecija, -Pampanga, -Tarlac, -Zambales Capital- Manila 72nd largest country in the world
officially called the Republic of Philippines Slightly
CALABARZON -Batangas, -Cavite, -Laguna, - larger than Arizona Check out this link to see a list of
Quezon -Rizal all countries in order of size!

MIMAROPA -Marinduque, -Occidental Mindoro, The Mount Mayon is the Crowning Glory of the
Philippine Natural Wonders.
-Oriental Mindoro, -Palawan, -Romblon
Manila Bay is one of the Enchanting Wonders of the
BICOL -Albay, -Camarines Norte, -Camarines Sur, - Country.
Catanduanes, -Masbate, -Sorsogon
Located in the middle of a tropical rainforest,
Western Visayas -Aklan, -Antique, -Capiz, - Aliwagwag Falls is considered as one of the most
beautiful waterfalls in the country with its
Iloilo, -Guimaras, -Negros Occidental
breathtaking cascading water. The “stairway to the
Central Visayas -Bohol, -Cebu, -Negros sky” is how some called it. Recognized as a
Occidental, - Negros Oriental, -Siquijor “Terrestrial Biodiversity corridor for Eastern
Eastern Visayas -Biliran, - Eastern Samar, - Reputedly the world’s longest, is a maze of intricate
Leyte, -Northern Samar, -Samar, -Southern Leyte caves and endless wonders.
Bohol’s signature-attraction. -is the jewel of Bohol Province. Being the highest mountain and volcano in
Tourism and is considered as one of the World’s the country,
Famous Natural Wonders.
It was a beautiful setting built in honor of the
A complex volcano, the smallest active Volcano in the Philippines greatest hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal.
World, and part of a chain of volcanoes along the
48. It is situated at Pilar, Bataan. It is in this mountain
western side of the edge of the island of Luzon, which
that the gigantic cross named as “Dambana ng
were formed by the subduction of the Eurasion Plate
Kagitingan” (Altar of Valor) was erected on April 1942.
underneath the Philippine Mobile Belt.
49. It is a national shrine nicknamed as “The Rock”.
The ocean’s gentle giants can be seen between
This was the last bastion to fall to the invading
November and June, with the numbers peaking
Japanese in 1942.
between February and May.
50. Was the third most important city after Manila
Tourists can also take a boat cruise along the Donsol
and Cebu. It was the center of Spanish colonial power
River through mangrove and palm trees, and watch
in northern Luzon. The town is a living testament to
the night light up with millions of sparkling fireflies.
the Spanish colonial era, a place that exerts a strong
Well-favoured for its gorgeous beaches, excellent cultural influence to the modern Philippine nation.
diving spots and wide diversity of marine species.
51. It was the old capital of Manila which was built in
Popular for its ideal diving spots and for being the 1571. It was used to be the seat of colonial powers of
only place in the world to see thresher sharks on a both Spain and the United States of America
regular basis as well as manta rays and hammerheads.
52. It was here where Emilio Aguinaldo declared
A marine sanctuary. The reef is made up of two atolls, Philippine independence from Spain on June 12, 1898.
North Atoll and South Atoll, separated by a deep This was where the Philippine flag first raised. It was
channel of approximately 5 miles (8 km) wide. It has in this place where Emilio Aguinaldo was declared the
become one of the most popular dive sites in the first president of the Philippine republic. The republic
Philippines because of its coral walls where the of which the first in Asia.
shallow coral reef abruptly ends giving way to great
53. Situated on Tirona St. in Batangas City, the Pastor
depths. The marine park is open to live-aboard diving
House is one of the historical places of the Philippines,
excursions between the months of April to June when
which is an illustration of the turn-of- the-century
the waves are most calm.
style residence. The Pastor House was originally under
Formed like a dumb-bell and best known as a the ownership of Mr. Alejo Acosta, who was the
vacationer’s paradise, is one of the best beaches in barrio Captain of Batangas in the year 1883
the world and always on the list of the best beach
54. The most awe-inspiring is the so-called where you
destinations in Asia because of its 4 km long
can actually find a gigantic candle with wax dripping at
powdered-like white sand beach and the crystal clear
its sides and the Holy Family of Joseph; Mary and Baby
turquoise water.
Jesus in his crib. Farther up is an angel perched on
Group of Islands with 124 islands at low tide and 123 limestone pedestal.
at high tide scattered along the Lingayen Gulf located
55. It was built in 1694 commissioned by the
in the Alaminos City, Pangasinan.
Augustinian friars led by Fr. Antonio Estavillo. It was
Second Highest Falls in the Philippines with a 320 feet declared as one of the national treasures by former
high waterfall which is located in the boundaries of president Ferdinand Marcos.
Barangay Maria Cristina, Ditucalan, and Buru-un,
56. It was here where the constitution of the
Iligan City, 9.3 kilometers away southwest of the city
republican government was drafted on September 15,
proper. Sometimes called the “twin falls” as the flow
1898. this constitution was also known as the Malolos
is separated by a rock at the center of the waterfall.
Constitution because the church is located in Malolos,
Maria Cristina Falls, Iligan City
Best known as the country’s highest peak towering at
57. The construction of this historical site of the
2,954 meters (9,672 ft) above sea level located
Philippines had commenced in the year 1756 and took
between Davao City, Davao del Sur, and Cotabato
a century to achieve its present form. The cathedral's
tabernacle is the only one of its kind in the country. 8. Which of the following is the largest island in the
The Taal Cathedral de San Sebastian is one of the Calamianes Group of Islands which hosts an airport
leading historical places of the Philippines. that is a jump off point to its neighboring islands?

58. Built in 1589, this beautiful church has survived

seven earthquakes and two fires over the centuries Busuanga Island
and now remains as At the main entrance, there are
9. The world famous island of Boracay is part of which
exquisite carvings on the wooden doors. Inside the
municipality in the province of Aklan?
lovely, Mexican-influenced interior is designed in the
shape of a Latin cross.
Fun is not the perfect word to describe the
Philippines, but it is the best word simple enough for 10. This city was the last capital during the Spanish
all Filipinos to play around with and share with occupation of the Philippines. Which of the following
everyone around the world." -Donald Lim is this city?

1. What is the largest provincial capital in Luzon in

terms of land area? Iloilo City

1. This island province is the smallest province in

Ilagan City, Isabela
the Philippines in terms of land area and
2. This island in Zamboanga City in Mindanao Island is population.
famous for its pink sand beach. What is the name of
this island? Batanes

Santa Cruz 2. What province is nearest to Sabah, Malaysia?

3. This city is nicknamed as the 'City in the Sky'. What

is the name of this highly urbanized city?

3. This island is about 315 kilometers south of

Antipolo City Manila, and is part of the province of Aklan. It is a
favourite tourist destination of both locals and
4. This body of water separates Guimaras island from
Panay island. What is the name of this strait?

Iloilo Strait

5. This Philippine island is the 62nd largest island in 4. This is the 12th largest island in the Philippines
the world. What is this island? and is also a province. It is part of the region
known as the Bicol region.
6. Which city is the official capital of Agusan del
Norte? 5. The San Juanico Bridge connects the island
province of Samar to another island province.
Cabadbaran City What island does it connect Samar to?

7. Verde Island is the largest island within the Verde

Island Passage in terms of land area.

6. What island, once a sub-province of Iloilo,

False became an independent province in May 1992?
Philippines and most of the Filipino Muslims live
in what island?
7. What island province is home to more than a
thousand limestone hill formations collectively Mindanao
known as the Chocolate Hills?
6. During World War Two, it was known as "The
Rock" due to its fortress and the strong resistance
of the USAFFE (United States Army Forces in the
Far East) forces. What is the name of this island?
8. This island is also known as "The Rock" or
"Island Fortress" and it is strategically located at
the mouth of Manila Bay. Corregidor

7. Where can you find the marker for "Kilometer

0 (zero)"? It is the distance reference to all points
in the country.
9. What island province is known for its
production of quality marble? Rizal Monument in Luneta Park

8. Where is the highest peak in the Philippines?


10. Of the Philippines' 7,107 islands, what is the Mt. Apo

9. What is the longest river in the Philippines?
Cagayan River

10. Where can you find Mayon Volcano?

1. What is the capital of the Republic of the

Manila 11. What is the provincial capital of Isabela?

2. What is the "Summer Capital" of the

12. The Philippines is composed of approximately
Baguio City how many islands?

3. What is the oldest city of the Philippines?


Cebu 13. What is the largest province in the Philippines

in terms of land area?
4. What is the largest island of the Philippine

14. What is the longest mountain range in the
5. The Philippines is predominantly Catholic in
religion. Islam is the second largest religion of the
Sierra Madre Philippine Deep

15. In the early 1990s, this volcano exploded and

it is one the most violent in the 20th century.
What is the name of this volcano?

Mt. Pinatubo

1. What other name is commonly used to refer to the


The Pearl of The Orient Seas

2. What was the site of the first Christian mass in the


Limasawa or Masao or Mazzaua

3. Which is the longest river in the Philippines?


4. How many islands does the Philippines have?

over 7,000

5. What is the oldest city in the Philippines?


6. Which place is dubbed as "The Salad Bowl of the



7. Which city is the major manufacturer of sugar in the



8. Which is the highest point in the Philippines?

Mt. Apo

9. Most of the country's rice comes from what region?

Region III (Central Luzon)

10. What is the deepest point in Philippine waters?

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