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Generator Editor Overview

The properties associated with synchronous generators of the electrical distribution system can be entered in this editor. Synchronous generator kV rating, MW
rating, and operating mode are displayed on top of each page for your information.

The Synchronous Generator Editor includes the following fifteen pages of properties:

Info Page Inertia Harmonic Page

Rating Page Exciter Page Reliability Page
Capability Governor Page Fuel Cost Page
Impedance/Model Page Protection Remarks Page
Grounding PSS Page Comment Page

AC Elements Editor Overview

Info Page - Generator Editor

Within the Info Page, specify the synchronous generator ID, connected Bus ID, In/Out of Service, Equipment Name and Description, and synchronous
generator type.

Entering a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.

ETAP automatically assigns a unique ID to each synchronous generator. The assigned generator IDs consist of the default generator ID plus an integer, starting
with the number one and increasing as the number of generators increase. The default generator ID (Bus) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the menu
bar or from the Project View.

This is the ID of the connecting bus for the synchronous generator. If the terminal is not connected to any bus, a blank entry will be shown for the bus ID. To
connect or reconnect a synchronous generator to a bus, select a bus from the list box. The one-line diagram will be updated to show the new connection after
you click OK. Note that you can only connect to buses that reside in the same view where the synchronous generator resides, i.e., you cannot connect to a bus
that resides in the Dumpster or in another composite network.

If a synchronous generator is connected to a bus through a number of protective devices, reconnection of the synchronous generator to a new bus from the
editor, will reconnect the last existing protective device to the new bus, as shown below, where Gen1 is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus4.

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Next to the bus ID, ETAP displays the nominal kV of the bus for your convenience.

The operating condition can be set by clicking on the radio buttons for either In Service or Out of Service. The engineering properties within the editor of an
Out of Service element can be edited like an In Service element; however, an Out of Service element will not be included in any system studies. When the
continuity check is activated, an Out of Service element is automatically color coded with the deenergized color (theme manager). The default color for a
deenergized element is grey.

Note: The In/Out of Service option is independent of the configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.

State is used to describe the service status of an element. Certain states have flexible service status like As-Built, New, Future, Moved and Modified can be both
In or Out of Service. Certain states have fixed service status like Removed, Warehouse, Abandoned, Repair Shop and Other are out of service states.

Tag #
This allows the user to enter the feeder tag in this field, using up to 25 alphanumeric characters.

This allows the user to enter the equipment name, using up to 50 alphanumeric characters.

This allows the user to enter the equipment description, using up to 100 alphanumeric characters.

Lock / Unlock
Click to lock / unlock the editor properties of the current element. When the editor properties are locked, all engineering data is displayed as read-only except
condition information. The user can change condition information (service & state) even though the element properties are locked.

In ETAP, the operation mode of the synchronous generator is dependant on the configuration. This provides the flexibility of using multiple configurations to
take into account different modes of operation. See the Status Configuration Section in the Overview Chapter for information about creating new

Operation Mode
The generator mode of operation and its ratings are displayed on the top of the editor.

For load flow studies, a swing generator will take up the slack of the power flows in the system, i.e., the voltage magnitude and angle of the generator terminals
will remain at the specified operating values.

For motor acceleration studies, an initial load flow study is conducted to determine initial conditions. For the initial load flow, a swing generator is represented
as an infinite source. At time 0+, the generator is modeled as a voltage source behind its direct-axis transient impedance.

All generators are modeled dynamically from time 0+ in transient stability studies. One of the swing machines (power grids or generators) is selected as the
reference machine for the entire system.

There must be at least one swing machine (power grid or synchronous generator) connected to any isolated subsystem in the one-line diagram. You can have
multiple swing machines connected to any bus in the system.

Any element that is connected to a swing machine is displayed as an energized element in the one-line diagram and will be included in studies. Also, the rated
voltage (kV) of a swing generator is used as the base kV of the bus that the generator is connected to. The base kVs of the rest of the system are then calculated
using transformer turn ratios. For transient stability studies, a swing generator becomes the reference machine for the system, i.e., the angle of the internal
voltage source of the generator is set to zero, and the voltage angle of all of the synchronous machines in the system will be relative to this reference machine.

Voltage Control
A generator can be selected as a voltage control (regulated) system, which means that the generator will adjust its var output to control the voltage. Therefore,
the generator’s terminal voltage magnitude, operating real power (MW), and minimum and maximum allowable reactive power supply (Max Q and Min Q)
must be entered for voltage control generators. A voltage control generator means that the generator is base loaded (droop mode with fixed MW) with an
Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) controlling the field excitation for a constant voltage operation. During load flow studies, if the calculated generator Mvar
falls outside the generator Mvar capability limits (Max Q or Min Q limit), the value of the Mvar will be set equal to the limit and the generator mode is changed
to Mvar control.

Mvar Control
Using this option you can specify the amount of fixed MW and Mvar generation in the Rating page of the Synchronous Generator Editor. An Mvar control
generator means that the generator is base loaded (droop mode with fixed MW) with a fixed field excitation (no AVR action).

PF Control
In this mode, the governor is operating in Droop mode, based loaded; therefore, the MW output is fixed to the MW setting. On the other hand, the exciter AVR
adjusts to the Power Factor Setting. The generator’s MW and %PF settings must be entered on the Rating page for the generation category selected when
modeled in this mode.

Synchronous Generator Editor Overview

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Info Page Inertia Harmonic Page

Rating Page Exciter Page Reliability Page
Capability Governor Page Fuel Cost Page
Impedance/Model Page Protection Remarks Page
Grounding PSS Page Comment Page

AC Elements Editor Overview

Rating Page – Generator Editor

Enter the rated real power of the synchronous generator in MW or kW. Choose from these two options by clicking on the MW/kW button.

Enter the rated voltage of the synchronous generator in kV. This entry is used by ETAP to convert the ohmic values of the circuit elements to per unit values for
calculations. This value is also used to convert the final synchronous generator voltage to the actual values for output reports. Base voltages are calculated by
ETAP, beginning with the swing systems (swing power grids and/or swing generators) and continuing for the rest of the system using the rated kV of the
transformer windings.

% PF
Enter the rated power factor of the synchronous generator in percent.

Enter the rated power of the synchronous generator in kVA or MVA.

% Eff
Enter the rated efficiency of the synchronous generator in percent.

Enter the number of poles for the synchronous generator.

% of Bus kVnom
This displays the Rated kV as a percent of the nominal kV of the terminal bus.

The generator full load current is calculated and displayed here in amperes.

ETAP displays the rated RPM (synchronous speed) of the synchronous generator based on the system frequency and the number of poles entered (Ws=120

Generation Categories

This group is used to assign the different generation settings to each of the ten generation categories for this machine. Each machine can be set to have a
different operating generation level for each generation category. Depending on the operation mode, some of the values are editable as follows:

Swing Mode: %V and angle

Voltage Control Mode: %V and MW
Mvar Control: MW and Mvar

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Power Factor Control: MW and PF

Note: You can select any of the generation categories from the load flow settings in the study cases such as load flow, motor starting, transient stability and

Gen. Cat.
The displays the names of the generation categories. To modify these names, from the Project Menu, point at Settings then select Generation Categories.
Modify the names in the Generation Category dialog box.

% V (Voltage Magnitude)
Enter the voltage magnitude setting of the regulated bus at the synchronous generator terminal as a percentage of the bus nominal kV. This % operating voltage
is used as the control (regulated) value for swing and voltage control modes. This value is used as an initial operating voltage for Mvar controlled power grids.

Vangle (Voltage Angle)

Enter the voltage angle setting for the swing bus at the synchronous generator terminal in degrees. This value is used as a reference angle for generators in
swing mode. This value is used as an initial operating voltage angle for Mvar control generators.

Enter the operating megawatt generation (real power supply) of the synchronous generator. This field is provided for voltage controlled and Mvar controlled
synchronous generator types. This value will be held fixed for load flow solutions.

Enter the megavar generation (reactive power supply) of the synchronous generator. This field is provided for Mvar controlled synchronous generator types
only. This value will be held fixed for load flow solutions.

Power factor setting of the synchronous generator. This column is editable for PF Controlled synchronous generator type only. This value is fixed for load flow

Min & Max Q (Minimum & Maximum Mvar/kvar)

These entries specify the minimum and maximum limits for reactive power generation. These limits are required for voltage controlled synchronous generator
types only and should be obtained from the generator capability curve (Mvar vs. MW), i.e., the Max and Min Mvar limits should correspond to the specified
MW generation. If the value of the calculated Mvar falls outside this range, the value is fixed at the limit and the generator type is changed to Mvar control.

Mvar Limits
Enter the Peak Mvar or kvar rating of the Generator. This limit may be User-Defined or obtained from the Capability Curve. These parameters are used for
alerts in the Motor Acceleration program.

PrimeMover Rating
Enter the Continuous and Peak Horse Power, MW, or kW rating of the Generator Engine (Prime Mover) in this group. These parameters are used for alerts in
the Motor Acceleration program.

The results of the latest load flow run are displayed here; or, you may enter the operating voltage magnitude, voltage angle, MW and Mvar. ETAP will utilize
these fields depending on the operating mode of the Power Grid. See “Mode” under the “Generator - Info page”.

Synchronous Generator Editor Overview

Info Page Inertia Harmonic Page
Rating Page Exciter Page Reliability Page
Capability Governor Page Fuel Cost Page
Impedance/Model Page Protection Remarks Page
Grounding PSS Page Comment Page

AC Elements Editor Overview

Capability Page - Generator Editor

You can specify the steady-state operating capability region of the generator from the Capability page of the Synchronous Generator Editor. This region is used
to determine the maximum and minimum reactive power (Qmax and Qmin) that a generator can provide for a given reactive power output. When the generator
is operating in Swing mode or when operating generation values are applied in calculation, these limits will be used for alert checking.

The steady-state operating capability region is enclosed by four curves: the stator MVA limit curve, the excitation limit curve, the steady-state stability curve,
and the minimum real power output curve. In ETAP, you define the steady-state operating region by specifying four values: Qa, Qc, Qd, and Pmin, along with
the rated reactive power output, Qb, which is specified on the Rating page.

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This is the maximum possible reactive power output (point a) limited by generator excitation and the generator MVA rating. Point a is at the intersection of the
excitation limit curve and the vertical axis. You can let ETAP calculate the value or enter it yourself. If you select the Calculate Qa option, ETAP will compute
the value, based on generator rated reactive power output (Qb), rated output voltage, and synchronous reactance (Xd). When Xd is equal to zero, Qa will be set
to Qb.

This is the rated reactive power output (point b) specified on the Rating page. Point b is the rated operating point of the generator.

Qc is the reactive power output at point c. Point c is at the intersection of the stator MVA limit curve and the steady-state stability curve.

Qd is the reactive power output at point d. Point d is at the intersection of the steady-state stability curve and the vertical axis. Because it is difficult for you to
obtain detailed data to calculate exact steady-state stability curve, ETAP uses a straight line between points c and d to represent the steady-state limit curve,
which gives a conservative result.

This is the minimum real power output that must be delivered by a generator, such as one with a steam turbine engine.

Synchronous Generator Editor Overview

Info Page Inertia Harmonic Page
Rating Page Exciter Page Reliability Page
Capability Governor Page Fuel Cost Page
Impedance/Model Page Protection Remarks Page
Grounding PSS Page Comment Page

AC Elements Editor Overview

Impedance / Model Page - Generator Editor

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This is the direct-axis subtransient reactance in percent (saturated value, machine base)

This is the armature X/R ratio (Xd”/Ra). For ANSI Short-Circuit Studies, this value is used for both ½ cycle and 1½-4 cycle networks.

Ra (%)
This is the armature resistance in percent (machine base).

Ra (Ohm)
This is the armature resistance in ohms.

This is the negative sequence reactance in percent (machine base). This value is used for Harmonic Analysis, short-circuit, and unbalanced Load Flow Studies.

This is the negative sequence X/R ratio.

R2 (%)
This is the negative sequence resistance in percent (machine base).

R2 (Ohm)
This is the negative sequence resistance in ohms.

This is the zero sequence reactance in percent (machine base). This value is used for unbalanced faults under ANSI Short-Circuit Studies.

This is the zero sequence X/R ratio.

R0 (%)
This is the zero sequence resistance in percent (machine base).

R0 (Ohm)
This is the zero sequence resistance in ohms.

This is the armature X/R ratio (X”/Ra). For ANSI Short-Circuit Studies, this value is used for both ½ cycle and 1½-4 cycle networks.

Xd” Tolerance
This is the direct-axis subtransient reactance tolerance in percent. This value is used to adjust the reactance values during Short-circuit calculations. The Short-
Circuit analysis module uses the negative tolerance value.

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This displays the machine total inertia from the Inertia page.

Machine Type
This is the short-circuit designation of the generator is used for ANSI/IEEE and IEC Standard requirements.

Gen. Type
The generator type is used only for determining the generator reactance for ANSI/IEEE short-circuit calculations as shown in the following table.

½ Cycle 1½-4 Cycle 30 Cycle

Gen. Type
Xsc Xsc Xsc
Turbo X" X" X’
Hydro X" X" X’
Hydro without Damper Winding 0.75 X’ 0.75 X’ X’

Rotor Type
Round-Rotor: For machines that are made of round-rotor.
Salient-Pole: For machines that are made of salient-pole.

IEC Exciter Type

Depending on the Rotor type, the IEC Exciter Type is used for determining the ëmax factor for generators in the calculation of steady-state short-circuit currents
per IEC Standard 909. ëmax is proportional to µfmax, which takes different values based on exciter types as shown in the following table.

Rotor Type IEC Exciter Type ì

Round Rotor Turbine 130% 1.3
Round Rotor Turbine 160% 1.6
Round Rotor Terminal Feed, Cylindrical 130% N/A
Round Rotor Terminal Feed, Cylindrical 160% N/A
Salient Pole Salient-pole 160% 1.6
Salient Pole Salient-pole 200% 2.0
Salient Pole Terminal Feed, Salient Pole 160% N/A
Salient Pole Terminal Feed, Salient Pole 200% N/A

There is no generator contribution to the steady-state short-circuit current for generator exciter types specified as terminal fed.

Compound Excitation
Generator exciter fields are designed with instantaneous and short-term overload capabilities. This is important so that the field can be overexcited (forced) for
short periods of time to provide high levels of var output to support the power system during disturbances that cause voltage to decay. Field forcing can help the
power system to ride through such disturbances.

Enter the steady state short-circuit current for a 3-phase terminal short-circuit in percent of FLA.

Enter or select the generator’s voltage regulation in percent. This field is used for IEC Short Circuit calculations when the generator is specified as a unit

Dynamic Model
Select equivalent, transient, or subtransient model type for the synchronous generator. All of the parameters listed under Dynamic Model are used only for
Transient Stability studies. Full descriptions of these variables are found in the Dynamic Models Chapter.

Model Type
Equivalent A model uses an internal voltage source behind the armature resistance and quadrature-axis reactance.
Transient A more comprehensive model than Equivalent model, including machine’s saliency.
Subtransient A comprehensive representation of general type synchronous machine, including both transient and subtransient parameters.

This is the direct-axis synchronous reactance in percent (saturated value, machine base)

This is the direct-axis synchronous reactance in percent (machine base, unsaturated value).

This is the direct-axis transient synchronous reactance in percent (machine base, saturated value). This is used for both motor starting and Transient Stability
Studies and It is used for 30-cycle fault analysis and Motor Starting Studies.

This is the armature leakage reactance in percent (machine base).

This is the quadrature-axis synchronous reactance in percent (saturated value, machine base).

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This is the quadrature-axis synchronous reactance in percent (machine base, unsaturated value).

This is the quadrature-axis transient synchronous reactance in percent (saturated value, machine base).

This is the quadrature-axis subtransient synchronous reactance in percent (saturated value, machine base).

This is the direct-axis transient open-circuit time constant in seconds.

This is the direct-axis subtransient open circuit-time constant in seconds.

This is the quadrature-axis transient open-circuit time constant in seconds.

This is the quadrature-axis subtransient open-circuit time constant in seconds.

This is the per unit of terminal voltage at which the generator saturation curve skews from the air-gap line.

This is the saturation factor at 100% terminal voltage.

This is the saturation factor at 120% terminal voltage.

Saturation factors S100 and S120 are calculated from the following equations:

S100 = If100/If
S120 = If120/1.2If


If = Field current corresponding to 100% terminal voltage on the air gap line (no saturation)
If100 = Field current corresponding to 100% terminal voltage on the open circuit saturation curve
If120 = Field current corresponding to 120% terminal voltage on the open circuit saturation curve

This is the shaft mechanical damping term in percent MW change due to 1 Hz deviation in speed (% MW/Hz). Typical values range from 2% (short shaft) to
10% (long shaft).

Synchronous Generator Editor Overview

Info Page Inertia Harmonic Page
Rating Page Exciter Page Reliability Page
Capability Governor Page Fuel Cost Page
Impedance/Model Page Protection Remarks Page
Grounding PSS Page Comment Page

AC Elements Editor Overview

Grounding Page - Generator Editor

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The Font and Symbols options determine how the grounding connection is displayed on the one- line diagram.

Click on this button to display the grounding connection using the ETAP font. For Example:

Display the grounding connection using one-line symbols. These elements, like any other one-line element, can be sized, rotated, and changed depending on the
standard. For Example:

These entries specify the synchronous generator grounding connections, type, and rating. The generator grounding connection can be selected by clicking on the
connection button until the desired connection is displayed. The available connections are Wye and Delta.

For Wye-connected windings, choose from the following grounding types provided in the list box:

Grounding Type Description

Open Neutral is not connected to ground (ungrounded)
Solid Solidly grounded, no intentional impedance in the neutral grounding path
Resistor A resistor is used in the neutral grounding path
Reactor A reactor is used in the neutral grounding path
A transformer is used in the neutral grounding path with a reactor in the
secondary of the transformer.
A transformer is used in the neutral grounding path with a resistor in the
secondary of the transformer.

Resistor and Reactor

The Resistor and Reactor connection types have the following grounding ratings:

V ln
Line-to-neutral voltage calculated as the bus nominal voltage of the machine divided by 3^1/2.

For resistor or reactor grounded generators, enter the resistor or reactor rating in amperes, where
Amp Rating = (V ln) / (Ohms).

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Resistor or reactor impedance in ohms.

Xfmr-Resistor and Xfmr-Reactor

The Xfmr (transformer) Resistor and Reactor connection types have the following grounding ratings:

V ln
Line-to-neutral voltage calculated as the bus nominal voltage of the machine divided by 3^1/2.

Transformer rated primary voltage in kV.

Amp Rating = (V ln) / (Prim. Ohms).

Prim. Ohms
Ohm value as seen from the primary side of the transformer.

Transformer rated secondary voltage in kV.

Secondary current in amps. This calculation is based on the primary amps and the transformer turn ratio.

Sec. Ohms
Resistor and reactor impedance in ohms. This calculation is based on the grounding transformer turn ratio and secondary current. If Sec. Ohms are entered first,
then primary amps and ohms will be calculated automatically.

Transformer kVA
Grounding transformer kVA rating.

This field is for the inclusion of the element’s grounding in electric shock protection calculation. This field reflects both the element’s grounding grid and the
soil resistance between the grounding grid and the load grounding electrode. The Rg result from ETAP’s ground grid module can assist in determining this

Synchronous Generator Editor Overview

Info Page Inertia Harmonic Page
Rating Page Exciter Page Reliability Page
Capability Governor Page Fuel Cost Page
Impedance/Model Page Protection Remarks Page
Grounding PSS Page Comment Page

AC Elements Editor Overview

Inertia Page - Generator Editor

Inertia Calculator
PrimeMover, Coupling, and Generator RPM, WR , and H
Enter the rated speed in revolutions per minute (RPM) and WR2 in lb-ft2 or H in MW-sec/MVA for the PrimeMover, Coupling, and Generator. ETAP
calculates WR2 or H when one of them is known and RPM has been entered based on the following equation:

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Total RPM
The total RPM is equal to the Generator RPM.

Total WR2
The total WR2 is calculated based on the Total RPM and Total H using the equation above.

Total H
Arithmetic sum of the PrimeMover, Coupling, and Generator H in MW-sec/MVA.

Shaft Torsion
Include Torsion Effect
Select this option to consider torsion effect between turbine, coupling gear, and generator during transient stability calculation.

This is the damping constant between turbine and coupling gear

This is the damping constant between coupling gear and generator

This is the spring coefficient between mass of turbine and coupling gear

This is the spring coefficient between mass of coupling gear and generator

Synchronous Generator Editor Overview

Info Page Inertia Harmonic Page
Rating Page Exciter Page Reliability Page
Capability Governor Page Fuel Cost Page
Impedance/Model Page Protection Remarks Page
Grounding PSS Page Comment Page

AC Elements Editor Overview

Exciter Page - Generator Editor

1 2 3 1S DC1 DC2 DC3 ST1 ST2 ST3
AC1 AC2 AC3 AC4 AC5A SR8F HPC Jeumont ST1D

This Section allows you to define the representation of the excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators (AVR) for synchronous generators.

The excitation and AVR systems for synchronous generators can be very sophisticated. Complete modeling of these systems is usually necessary for Transient
Stability studies. The equivalent transfer functions used for the excitation and AVR systems and their variable/parameter names are either provided by exciter
manufactures or in accordance with the IEEE recommended types as found from the following references:

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l IEEE Working Group Report, "Computer Representation of Excitation Systems", IEEE Transaction on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-87, No.
6, June 1968, pp.1460/1464.

l IEEE Committee Report, "Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies", IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol.
PAS-100, No. 2, February 1981, pp.494/509.

l IEEE Std 421.5-1992, “IEEE Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies”, IEEE Power Engineering
Society, 1992.

In general, exciter manufacturers should be contacted to determine the applicability of the IEEE-type representations to their excitation systems.

Excitation/AVR Type
You can specify the excitation/AVR type by selecting one of the following models from the list box. Refer to Machine and Load Dynamic Models for additional

Type Description
1 Continuously Acting Regulator With Rotating Exciter System
2 Rotating Rectifier Exciter With Static Regulator System
3 Static System With Terminal Potential and Current Supplies
1S Controlled Rectifier System with Terminal Voltage
DC1 DC Commutator Exciter with Continuous Voltage Regulation
DC2 DC Commutator Exciter with Continuous Voltage Regulation and Supplies from Terminal Voltage
DC3 DC Commutator Exciter with Non-Continuous Voltage Regulation
ST1 Potential-Source Controlled-Rectifier Exciter
ST2 Static System with Terminal Potential and Current Supplies
ST3 Compound Source-Controlled Rectifier Exciter
AC1 Alternator-Rectifier Exciter System with Non-Controlled Rectifiers and Field Current Feedback
AC2 High-Initial-Response Alternator-Rectifier Exciter System with Non Controlled Rectifiers and Field Current Feedback
AC3 Field-Controlled Alternator-Rectifier Exciter
AC4 High-Initial-Response Alternator-Supplied Controlled Rectifier Exciter
AC5A Simplified Rotating Rectifier Exciter
SR8F Basler SR8F and SR125A Exciter
HPC HPC 840 AVR/Exciter Model
JEUM Jeumont Industrie Excitation / AVR System
DC4B DC communicator exciter with PID style regulator
AC7B Alternator-rectifier excitation system
ST1A Potential-source, controlled-rectifier exciter
AC2A High initial response alternator-rectifier excitation system with non-controlled rectifiers and feedback from exciter field current
ST2A Compound-source rectifier exciter
Constant Excitation (i.e., no regulator action). This can be used for generators with constant excitation or when the machine
voltage regulator is operating under PF or Mvar control.
UDM User Defined Dynamic Models

Some exciter types require that you select a control bus from the dropdown list that appears when they are specified.

Sample Data
The Sample Data button can be used for each type of exciter to provide a set of sample data for the selected exciter and AVR type.

Excitation System Symbols

The following table contains some common symbols used to define the parameters of the various excitation systems. For other exciter parameters not listed,
refer to the Help Line for such parameters in the particular exciter parameter. In most cases, constants and gains are in per-unit and time constants are in
seconds. The base voltage for the excitation system is defined so that one per unit exciter voltage will produce rated generator voltage on the generator air-gap

Term Description
Efdmax Maximum exciter output voltage (applied to generator field)
FEX Rectifier loading factor
Ifd Generator field current
IN Normalized exciter load current
KA Regulator gain
KB Second stage regulator gain
KC Rectifier loading factor related to commutating reactance
KD Demagnetizing factor, function of exciter alternator reactances
KE Exciter constant related to self-excited field
KF,KN Regulator stabilizing circuit gains
KG Inner loop feedback constant
KH Exciter field current feedback gain
KI Current circuit gain coefficient

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KL Gain of exciter field current limit

KLV Gain of exciter low voltage limit signal
KP Potential circuit gain coefficient
KR Constant associated with regulator and alternator field power supply
KV Fast raise/lower contact setting
SE Exciter saturation function
TA, TB, TC Regulator amplifier time constants
TE Exciter time constant
TF Regulator stabilizing circuit time constant
TF1,TF2 Regulator stabilizing circuit time constants (rotating rectifier system)
TR Regulator input filter time constant
TRH Travel time of rheostat drive motor
VA Regulator internal voltage
VERR Voltage error signal
VG Inner loop voltage feedback
VI Internal signal within voltage regulator
VLR Exciter field current limit reference
VLV Exciter low voltage limit reference
VN Rate feedback input variable
VR Regulator output voltage
VR max Maximum value of VR
VR min Minimum value of VR
Vref Regulator reference voltage setting
VRH Field rheostat setting
Vt Generator terminal voltage
Vthev Voltage obtained by vector sum of potential and current signals, Type 3 system
XL Reactance associated with potential source
HV Gate High value gate: If A > B, C = A; if A < B, C = B, where A & B are inputs and C is output
LV Gate Low value gate: If A < B, C = A; if A > B, C = B, where A & B are inputs and C is output

UDM Model
ETAP gives you the ability to model your own Exciter through UDM (user defined models). When the UDM model option is selected, you can select any of the
predefined UDM models form the Type list.

Clicking on the UDM Model button brings up the UDM Graphic Logic View, where you can create, modify, and compile a UDM model. ETAP will use the
selected Exciter model for its calculations.

See User Defined Dynamic Models for more information.

Synchronous Generator Editor Overview

Info Page Inertia Harmonic Page
Rating Page Exciter Page Reliability Page
Capability Governor Page Fuel Cost Page
Impedance/Model Page Protection Remarks Page
Grounding PSS Page Comment Page

AC Elements Editor Overview

Governor Page – Generator Editor

SGT PL-A ST60 ST70 CT251 GGOV3 SGOV1 WGOV1 LM2500 LM6000

This section describes the representation of speed governing and engine control systems for synchronous generators. The majority of models provided here are
consistent with the IEEE committee report for governors and turbines, "Dynamic Models for Steam and Hydro Turbines in Power System Studies," IEEE
Transaction on Power Apparatus and System, Vol PAS-92, July/Dec 1973, pp.1904-1915. Other models are vendor specific.

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Governor/Turbine Type
You can specify the governor/turbine type by selecting one of the following models from the list box. Refer to Dynamic Models for details.

Type Description
ST Steam-Turbine Governor System
ST1 Single-Reheat Steam Turbine
ST2 Tandem-Compound, Single-Reheat Steam Turbine
ST3 Tandem-Compound, Double-Reheat Steam Turbine
STM IEEE General Steam-Turbine Representation
GT Gas-Turbine Governor System
GTF Gas Turbine including Fuel System
GP General Purpose Governor-Turbine System
DT Diesel Engine Governor
505 Woodward 505E PID Governor for Extraction Steam Turbine
UG8 Woodward Governor
2301 Woodward 2301A Governor for Diesel Unit
GTH GE Heavy Duty Gas Turbine Model
GTS GE Simplified Single Shaft Gas Turbine Model
MARS Solar Turbine MARS Governor Set
DDEC Detroit Diesel DDEC Governor Turbine
GHH GHH BROSIG Steam Turbine Governor
HYDR Woodward Hydraulic Governor and Turbine
SGT IEEE Gas – Turbine
PL-A PowerLogic Governor and Turbine Model A
ST60 Solar Taurus 60 Solonox Gas Fuel Turbine-Governor
ST70 Solar Taurus 70 Solonox Gas Fuel Turbine-Governor
GT-2 Gas-Turbine Governor System
GT-3 Gas-Turbine Governor System (Non wind-up limit)
CT251 Combustion Turbine Governor Model
GGOV3 GE Mark V and Mark VI Turbine Controllers
SGOV1 Solar Turbine Governor Model
WGOV1 Westinghouse Turbine Governor Model
LM2500 GE Gas Turbine Governor Model
LM6000 GE Gas Turbine Governor Model
None No Governor action, i.e., the mechanical power (Pm) is kept constant throughout the time simulation studies.
UDM User Defined Dynamic Model

Droop or isoch mode of operation.

From the dropdown list

Sample Data
The Sample Data button can be used for each type of governor to provide a set of sample data for the selected governor/turbine type

Compile UDM
ETAP allows you to model your own Governor through UDM (user defined models). When the UDM model option is selected, you can select any of the
predefined UDM models form the Type list.

Clicking on the UDM Model button brings up the UDM Graphic Logic View, where you can create, modify, and compile a UDM model. ETAP will use the

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selected Governor model for its calculations.

See User Defined Dynamic Models for more information.

Synchronous Generator Editor Overview

Info Page Inertia Harmonic Page
Rating Page Exciter Page Reliability Page
Capability Governor Page Fuel Cost Page
Impedance/Model Page Protection Remarks Page
Grounding PSS Page Comment Page

AC Elements Editor Overview

PSS Page - Synchronous Generator Editor

Power system stabilizer (PSS) is an auxiliary device installed on the synchronous generator and tuned to help with system stability.

ETAP provides two standard IEEE type models:

l IEEE Type 1 PSS (PSS1A)

l IEEE Type 2 PSS (PSS2A)

Sample Data
The Sample Data button can be used for each type of PSS to provide a set of sample data for the selected stabilizer type.

Compile UDM
ETAP allows you to model your own Exciter through UDM (user defined models). If you selected any of the UDM models, this button will appear. By pressing
this button, you will be taken to the UDM Compiler Editor.

You will compile your model and return to this window. ETAP will use this Exciter model for its calculations.

See User Defined Dynamic Models for more information.

Synchronous Generator Editor Overview

Info Page Inertia Harmonic Page
Rating Page Exciter Page Reliability Page
Capability Governor Page Fuel Cost Page
Impedance/Model Page Protection Remarks Page
Grounding PSS Page Comment Page

AC Elements Editor Overview

Harmonic Page
Transformer saturation can be modeled by a current harmonic source. To include the saturation effect, a harmonic library needs to be defined on this page.

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Harmonic Library
Click the Library button to bring up the Harmonic Library Quick Pick Editor.

From the Harmonic Library Quick Pick Editor, pick a manufacturer name and a model name (typically a current source harmonic type).

This displays the harmonic source type.

This displays the selected manufacturer names from the harmonic library.

This displays the selected model names for the selected manufacturer from the harmonic library.

Wave Form
This displays one cycle of the current waveform of the selected harmonic library in time domain.

Print (Wave Form)

This prints the harmonic waveform.

This displays the harmonic spectrum of the selected harmonic library.

Print (Spectrum)
This prints the harmonic spectrum.

Element Editor Overview

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AC Elements
AC-DC Elements
DC Elements
Instrumentation Elements
Underground Raceway System Elements

Protection Page - Synchronous Generator Editor

This page provides options to plot the generator (I2)2 t curve and short-circuit decrement curve for a generator on a Star View.

Thermal Capability
Generator thermal capability curve (I2)2 t is calculated based on the negative sequence current, where, the negative sequence current is expressed in multiples of
machine rated stator current or FLA.

Plot (I2)2 t
Check this box to plot (I2)2t characteristic curve of the generator on a Star View.

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(I2)2 t Factor
For synchronous generators with a rotor type defined as round rotor, this factor is typically equal to 30, whereas for salient pole, this factor is typically equal to

The table below lists some of the other common generator types and their (I2)2 t factors.

Model Type Type of Generator 2

(I2) t product (K):
N/A Turbine Generator 30
N/A Synchronous Condenser 30
N/A Frequency-changer 30
N/A Hydraulic Turbines 40
N/A Engine-Driven Generators 40
Round-Rotor Indirectly Cooled 30
Round-Rotor Directly Cooled 0-800 MVA 10
10 – (0.00625*(MVA-800))
Round-Rotor Directly Cooled 801-1600MVA
Range ~ 5 to 10
Salient-Pole with damper winding Salient Pole 40
Salient-Pole without damper winding Salient Pole 40

Short-Circuit Decrement
Plot Decrement Total
Use this selection to draw the generator decrement curve (Sum of AC and DC components) on all Star View’s containing the selected generator.

Plot Decrement AC Only

Use this selection to draw the generator decrement curve (AC component only) on all Star View’s containing the selected generator.

Initial Loading Condition – No Load Condition

When No Load Condition is selected, ETAP will use load power factor angle = 0 degrees to calculate machine internal voltage.

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Initial Loading Condition – Full Load Condition

When Full Load Condition is selected, ETAP will use power factor angle based on rated load to calculate machine internal voltage. The magnitude of the fault
current will be higher for a generator in full load condition when compared to no load condition.

Compound Excitation
This is the armature current in percent of rated FLA of the generator. If compound excitation (Imp/Model Page) is checked then its value will be shown on the
protection page as a display only field. Including compound excitation affects the magnitude of the steady state fault current contribution from the generator.

Synchronous Generator Editor Overview

Info Page Inertia Harmonic Page
Rating Page Exciter Page Reliability Page
Capability Governor Page Fuel Cost Page
Impedance/Model Page Protection Remarks Page
Grounding PSS Page Comment Page

AC Elements Editor Overview

Reliability Page

Reliability Parameters
This parameter is defined as the active failure rate in number of failures per year. The active failure rate is associated with the component failure mode that
causes the operation of the primary protection zone around the failed component. Therefore, this setting can cause the removal of other healthy components and
branches from service. After the actively failed component is isolated, the protection breakers are recluse. This leads to service being restored to some or all of
the load points. Note, however, that the failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed component) can be restored to
service only after repair or replacement.
The Mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR

(m = 8760/MTTR).

The Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on lA (MTTF = 1.0/lA).

Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, lA (FOR = MTTR/(MTTR+8760/lA).

This is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.

Check this box to enable rP

This is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare.

Alternative Supply

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Switching Time
This is the time in hours for switching to an alternative supply after the device failure.

Library Button
Click the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.

This displays the Source Name of the library data selected.

This displays the type name of the library data selected.

This displays the class of the library data selected.

Element Editor Overview

AC Elements
AC-DC Elements
DC Elements
Instrumentation Elements
Underground Raceway System Elements

Fuel Cost Page - Synchronous Generator Editor

The Fuel Cost page contains the information on generator fuel cost, which is used in optimal power flow and the energy cost related calculation.

Model Type
Model for generator fuel cost curve. Three models are available:

l Piecewise
l Equation
l “V” Curve

Profile list is added to this page and can include up to 10 Fuel Costs ($/Mbtu) (Profile 1 – Profile 10). This is similar to the loading category in ETAP.

The Fuel Cost Profile names are user definable and can be changed from the Project Setting Menu.

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By selecting Fuel Cost Profile, you can customize the name of any of the 10 fuel/energy cost profiles provided by ETAP. You can change these names at any
time when running the project. Each name may be up to 12 alphanumeric characters.

The 10 cost profiles will keep track of the Fuel Cost for each generator. That is there can be 10 fuel cost ($/MMBtu) per generator (one for each profile).

Optimal Power Flow Study Case includes a selection list for Fuel/Energy Cost profiles. For the selected cost profile of the generation and power grids, the
Optimal Power Flow program will calculate the minimum fuel source and minimize fuel cost.

Curve Type
The following options are available for the Piecewise model:

l Heat Rate vs. Output

l Cost vs. Output

The following options are available for the Equation model:

l Input vs. Output

l Cost vs. Output

The following options are available for the V Curve model:

l Cost vs. Output

Depending on the above selection Model Parameter’s heading and data are changed to reflect the appropriate heading. The plot is also updated based on the
curve type selection.

Model Parameter
Piecewise Model
For this model, data points for series fuel cost ($/hr) and average incremental fuel cost ($/MWh) for generating the corresponding MW are specified. Note: The
initial cost such as Operation and Maintenance costs can be specified for 0 MW.

The model parameter columns/headings for Cost vs. Output curve type are as follows for the Piecewise Model:

MW Output MW (x axis)
$/hr Input / Output (y axis)
Incremental $/MWh Average Incremental Cost (y axis)

The model parameter columns / headings for Heat Rate vs. Output curve type are as follows for Piecewise model:

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MW Output MW (x axis)
1000 Btu/hr Input / Output Heat Rate (y axis)
Incremental Btu/kWh Average Incremental Heat Rate (y axis)

Click this button to add a blank new data point pair at the end of the model parameter list. This feature is available with the Piecewise models.

Click this button to insert a blank new point pair before the highlighted data point pair. This feature is available with the Piecewise models.

Click this button to delete the highlighted data point pair. This feature is available with the Piecewise models.

Equation Model

For an equation based model the incremental plot is the instantaneous value (dy/dx) and not the average incremental. The Cost curve y is defined as $/hr. The
Input-Output Curve y is defined as 1000 Btu/hr and x = MW.

Instantaneous Incremental Cost = dy / dx

Where y = $/hr and x = MW

Instantaneous Incremental Heat Rate = dy / dx

Where y = 1000 Btu/hr, and x = MW

CO, C1, C2, C3, K

Enter the coefficients for the equation based cost curve

Y = C0 + C1*x + C2*x2 + C3*e(K*x)

V-Curve Type

For this model, a desired MW generation point MidPoint is entered in MW and the slope of fuel cost curve is entered in Weight. This model can be utilized to
represent energy cost at various MW output levels based on pre-defined power generation rate schedules.

For the V-Curve Model type, the Curve is set to Cost vs. Output and the list box is disabled (grayed out).

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Fuel Cost
Fuel cost is used for the conversion of Heat Rate values to Cost values. The fuel cost is given in $/MBtu. (Note MBtu = 10-6 Btu) The fuel cost field is
displayed for Heat Rate vs. Output curve types only in the Model Parameter group. There can be up to 10 fuel costs for a given generator (10 profiles).

$ / hr = 1000 Btu/hr * $/MBtu

Min MW
Enter the minimum MW imported from the generator.

Max MW
Enter the maximum MW imported from the generator.

Cost Curve
Displays the curve from the data points entered.

For Piecewise and Equation models:

Curve Type = Cost vs. Output

Y1 Axis: Cost ($)

Y2 Axis: Incremental Cost ($/MWh)
X Axis: Output (MW)

Curve Type = Heat Rate vs. Output

Y1 Axis: Input (1000 Btu/hr)

Y2 Axis: Incremental Heat Rate (Btu/kWh)
X Axis: Output (MW)

For V-Curve model:

Curve Type = Cost vs. Output
Y1 Axis: Cost ($)
X Axis: Output (MW)

Click this button to print a hard copy of the cost curve.

Synchronous Generator Editor Overview

Info Page Inertia Harmonic Page
Rating Page Exciter Page Reliability Page
Capability Governor Page Fuel Cost Page
Impedance/Model Page Protection Remarks Page
Grounding PSS Page Comment Page

AC Elements Editor Overview

Remarks Page
The remarks page is common to all element editors.

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User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings
option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.

UD Field 1 (Eq. Ref.)

This is a number field with the default name Eq. Ref. You can change the name of this field and enter the equipment reference number or any other number
here, using up to five digits.

UD Field 2 (Last Maint.)

This is an alphanumeric field with the default name Last Maint. You can change the name of this field and enter any additional data for this element here, using
up to 12 alphanumeric characters.

UD Field 3 (Next Maint.)

This is an alphanumeric field with the default name Next Maint. You can change the name of this field and enter any additional data for this element here, using
up to 12 alphanumeric characters.

UD Field 4 (Tests Req.)

This is an alphanumeric field with the default name Tests Req. You can change the name of this field and enter any additional data for this element here, using
up to 12 alphanumeric characters.

UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field and enter any additional data for this element here,
using up to 12 alphanumeric characters.

UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field and enter any additional data for this element here,
using up to 12 alphanumeric characters.

UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field and enter any additional data for this element here,
using up to 18 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50 alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram
or specifications for this element.

Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, using up to 50 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, using up to 25 alphanumeric characters.

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Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, using up to 8 alphanumeric characters.

Element Editor Overview

AC Elements
AC-DC Elements
DC Elements
Instrumentation Elements
Underground Raceway System Elements

Comments Page
The remarks page is common to all element editors.

Enter any additional data or comments regarding the condition, maintenance, tests, or studies associated with this element. This field can be up to 64kb and the
default size is 4kb. To increase the size of this field, you need to change the entries in the ETAPS.INI file.

When entering information in this page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard key combinations such as Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to
cut, copy, and paste information.

Element Editor Overview

AC Elements
AC-DC Elements
DC Elements
Instrumentation Elements
Underground Raceway System Elements

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