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Basic Quantum Theory and Measurement From The Viewpoint of Local Quantum Physics

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Basic Quantum Theory and

Measurement from the Viewpoint of

Local Quantum Physics
This is a condensed version of material prepared for and submitted to proceedings of

the symposium entitled “New Insights in Quantum Mechanics-Fundamentals,

Experimental Results and Theoretical Directions” Goslar, Germany, September 1-3,


Bert Schroer
Institut für Theoretische Physik
FU-Berlin, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin, Germany
presently: CBPF, Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud, 22290-180 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
March, 1999

Several aspects of the manifestation of the causality principle in LQP
(local quantum physics) are reviewed or presented. Particular emphasis is
given to those properties which are typical for LQP in the sense that they
do go beyond the structure of general quantum theory and even escape the
Lagrangian quantization methods of standard QFT. The most remarkable
are those relating causality to the modular Tomita-Takesaki theory, since
they bring in the basic concepts of antiparticles, charge superselections as
well as internal and external (geometric and hidden) symmetries.

1 LQP Principles and some Consequences

If one thinks about the fundamental physical principles of this century which
have stood their grounds in the transition from classical into quantum physics,
relativistic causality as well as the closely related locality of quantum operators
(together with the localization of quantum states) will certainly be the most
prominent one.
This principle entered physics through Einstein’s 1905 special relativity,
which in turn resulted from bringing the Galilei relativity principle of classi-
cal mechanics into tune with Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism. Therefore

it incorporated Faraday’s “action at a neighborhood” principle which revolu-
tionized 19th century physics.
The two different aspects of Einstein’s special relativity, namely Poincaré
covariance and the locally causal propagation of waves (in Minkowski space)
were kept together in the classical setting. In the adaptation of relativity to
LQP (local quantum physics1 ) on the other hand [1], it is appropriate to keep
them at least initially apart in the form of positive energy representations of the
Poincaré group (leading to Wigner’s concept of particles) and Einstein causal-
ity of local observables (leading to observable local fields and local generalized
“charges”). Here a synthesis is also possible, but it happens on a deeper level
than in the classical setting and results in LQP as a new physical realm which
is conceptually very different from both classical field theory and general QT
(quantum theory). The elaboration of some of these differences, in particular
as they may be relevant with respect to the measurement process, constitutes
one of the aims of these notes. For material which already entered textbooks or
review articles, we have preferred to quote the latter. A more detailed account
of the consequences of causality in a much broader context can be found in
As a result of this added locality, LQP acquires a different framework than
the kind of general quantum theory setting [5] in which the basics of quan-
tum theory and measurement (including those ideas, which in the fashionable
language of the day, are referred to as “quantum computation”) are presented
. Those concepts, which originate from the quantum adaptation of Einstein
causality, lead in the presence of interactions to real particle creation (which
artificially could be incorporated into a multichannel version quantum theory
of particles) and, what has more importance within our presentation, to virtual
particle structure (related to the phenomenon of vacuum polarization) which
has no counterpart in global general quantum theory as quantum mechanics
and cannot be incorporated into it at all. The latter remark preempts already
the greater significance of superselected charges and their fusion, as opposed
to particles and their quantum mechanical bound states. Thus the hierarchy
of particles in QM is replaced by the hierarchy of charges and consequently
we obtain “nuclear democracy” between particles. This is closely related to an
almost anthropological principle which LQP realizes in a perfect way in labo-
ratory particle physics: whenever energy-momentum and (generalized) charge
conservation allow for particle creation channels to be opened, nature will max-
imally use this possibility. To be sure there are theoretical models of LQP
(integrable/factorizing models in d=1+1 spacetime dimensions) which do not
follow this dictum, but even in those cases at least its theoretical “virtual” ver-
sion is realized: a vector state created by the application of an interacting field
to the vacuum which has a one-particle component, is inexorably accompanied
by a “polarization cloud” of particles/antiparticles (the hallmark of LQP). As
already emphasized the only exception are free bosonic/fermionic fields and in a
1 We use this terminology, whenever we want to emphasize that we relate the principles of

QFT not with necessarily with the standard text-book formalism that is based on quantization
through Lagrangian formalism.

somewhat pointed (against history), but nevertheless correct manner, one may
say that this very exception is the reason why QM as a nonrelativistic limit
of LQP has a physical reality at all. More general braid group statistics, as
it can occur together with exotic spin in low dimensional QFT, requires these
polarization clouds already in the “freest” realization of anyons/plektons and
they are not fading away in the nonrelativistic limit because they are needed to
uphold braid group statistics in that limit. This is the reason why the attempts
of Leinaas- Myrheim, Wilscek and many others, which draw on the analogy with
the Aharanov-Bohm quantum mechanics may catch some aspects of plektons
but miss the spin-statistics connection which is their most important property
(i.e. their LQP characterization).
This aspect of virtuality, which at first sight seems to complicate life since
it activates the coupling between infinitely many degrees of freedom/channels,
is counterbalanced by some very desirable and useful features: whereas general
quantum theory needs an outside interpretative support, LQP carries this al-
ready within itself. It was emphasized already at the end of the 50ies (notably
by Rudolf Haag [1]), that e.g. for a particle interpretation one does not need to
resolve the distinction between the various local observables which are localized
in the same space-time region (laboratory extension and time duration of mea-
surement), the knowledge of the space-time affiliation of a generic observable
from a region O is enough. The experimenter does not know more than the
geometric spacetime placement of his counters and their sensitivity; the latter
he usually has to determine by monitoring experiments. The basic nature of
locality in interpreting the particle aspect of a theory is underlined by the fact
that despite intense efforts nobody has succeeded to construct a viable nonlocal
theory. Here “viable” is meant in the sense of conceptual completeness, namely
that a theory is required to contain its own physical interpretation i.e. that one
does not have to invent or impose formulas from outside this theory.
Although physical reality may unfold itself like an onion or an infinite Rus-
sian “matrushka” with infinitely many layers of ever more general physical prin-
ciples towards higher energies (smaller distances), it should still continue to be
possible to have a mathematically consistent theory in each layer which is faith-
ful to the principles valid in that layer. This has been fully achieved for quantum
mechanics, but this goal was not yet reached in QFT. As a result of lack of non-
trivial d=1+3 models or structural arguments which could demonstrate that
the physical locality and spectral requirements allow for nontrivial solutions,
the theory is still far from conceptual maturity, despite its impressive pertur-
bation successes in QED, the Standard Model and in the area of Statistical
Mechanics/Condensed Matter physics.
Causality and locality are in a profound way related to the foundations of
quantum theory in the spirit of von Neumann, which brings me a little closer
to the topic of this symposium. In von Neumann’s formulation, observables
are represented by selfadjoint operators and measurements are compatible if
the operators commute. The totality of all measurements which are relatively
compatible with a given set (i.e. noncommutativity within each set is allowed)
generate a subalgebra: the commutant L0 of the given set of operators L. In

particular in LQP, a conceptual framework which was not yet available to von
Neumann, one is dealing with an isotonic “net” of subalgebras (in most phys-
ically interesting cases von Neumann factors, i.e. weakly closed operator al-
gebras with a trivial center) O → A(O). Therefore unlike quantum mechanics,
the spatial localization and the time duration of observables becomes an integral
part of the formalism. Causality gives an a-priori information about the size of
spacetime O -affiliated operator (von Neumann) algebras:

A(O)0 ⊃ A(O0 ) (1)

in words: the commutant A(O)0 of the totality of local observables A(O) local-
ized in the spacetime region O contains the observables localized in its spacelike
complement (disjoint) O0 . In fact in most of the cases the equality sign will hold
in which case one calls this strengthened (maximal) form of causality “Haag
duality” [1]:
A(O)0 = A(O0 ) (2)
In words, the spacelike localized measurements are not only commensurable with
the given observables in O, but every measurement which is commensurable with
all observables in O, is necessarily localized in the causal complement O0 . Here
we extended for algebraic convenience von Neumann’s notion of observables
to the whole complex von Neumann algebra generated by hermitian operators
localized in O. If one starts the theory from a net indexed by compact regions
O as double cones, then algebras associated with unbounded regions O0 are
defined as the von Neumann algebra generated by all A(O1 ) if O1 ranges over
all net indices O1 ⊂ O0 .
Whereas the Einstein causality (1) allows a traditional formulation in terms
of pointlike fields A(x) as
[A(x), A(y)] = 0, (x − y) < 0, (3)

Haag duality can only be formulated in the algebraic net setting of LQP, since
it is not a property which can be expressed in terms of individual operators.
This aspect is shared by many other important properties and results [1].
One can prove that Haag duality always holds after a suitable extension of
the net to the so-called dual net A(O)d . The latter may be defined independent
of locality in terms of relative commutation properties as
A(O)d := A(O1 )0 (4)
O1 ,O10 ⊂O

The relative commutance with respect to the observables is called (algebraic)

“localizability”. These considerations show that causality, locality and local-
ization in LQP have a natural and deep relation to the notion of compatibility
of measurements. In addition there are subtle modifications with respect to
the basic quantum structure with possible changes of environmental and other
aspects of quantum measuring. The fundamental reason for all such modifica-
tions in the interpretation of LQP versus QM is the different structure of local

algebras: the vacuum is not a pure state with respect to any algebra which is
equal to or contained in an A(O) with O0 nonempty, and the sharply localized
algebras A(O) themselves do not admit pure states at all2 ! They possess an
algebraic structure which has not been taken into account in the present day pre-
sentation of quantum basics including quantum computation. Since these fine
points can only be appreciated with some more preparation, I will postpone
their presentation.
If the vacuum net (i.e. the vacuum representation of the observable net)
is Haag dual, then all associated “charged” nets share this property, unless
the charges are nonabelian (in which case the deviation from Haag duality is
measured by the Jones index of the above inclusion, or in physical terms the
statistics- or quantum-dimension [13]). If on the other hand even the vacuum
representation of the observable net violates Haag duality, then this indicates
spontaneous symmetry breaking [6] i.e. not all internal symmetry algebraic
automorphisms are spatially implementable. As already mentioned, in that case
one can always maximize the algebra without destroying causality and without
changing the Hilbert space, such that Haag duality is restored. This turns out
to be related to the descend to the unbroken part of the symmetry which allows
(since it is a subgroup) more invariants i.e. more observables.
Since QM and what is usually referred to as the basics of quantum theory
do not know these concepts at all, I am presenting in some sense a contrasting
program to the (global) QT orientation of this symposium. But often one only
penetrates the foundations of a framework more profoundly, if one looks at a
contrasting structure even if the difference is (presently) not measurable. For an
analogy we may refer to the Hawking effect which has attracted ever increasing
attention as a matter of principle, even though there is hardly any experimental
In connection with this main theme of this symposium, it is interesting to
ask if LQP could add something to our understanding of classical versus quan-
tum reality (the ERP, Bell issue) or the measurement process i.e. production
of “Schrödinger cat states” and observation of their subsequent decoherence.
For the first issue I refer to [4]. Apart from some speculative remarks [5], there
exists no investigation of the measurement process which takes into considera-
tion the characteristic properties of the local algebras in LQP. I tend to believe
that, whereas most of the present ideas on coherent states of Schrödinger cats
and their transition to von Neumann mixtures will remain or at least not suffer
measurable quantitative modifications, LQP could be expected to lead to signif-
icant conceptual changes. Certainly it will add a universal aspect to the issue of
decoherence through environments. Contrary to QM where the environment is
introduced by extending the system, localized systems in LQP are always open
subsystems for which the “causal disjoint” defines a kind of universal environ-
2 In order to find local algebras which are anywhere near quantum mechanical algebras

and admit pure states and tensor products with entanglement similar to the inside/outside
quantization box situation in Schrödinger theory, one has to allow for a “fuzzy” transition
“collar” between a double cone and its causal disjoint outside, in more precise terms one has
to consider a so-called split inclusion [1].

ment which is build into its formalism.
Another structurally significant deviation which was already alluded to re-
sults from the fact that the vacuum becomes a thermal state with respect to the
local algebras A(O). There are two different mechanisms to generate thermal
states: the standard coupling with a heat bath and the thermal aspect through
restriction or localization and the creation of horizons [8][9]. The latter is in
one class with the Hawking-Unruh mechanism; the difference being that in the
localization situation the horizon is not classical i.e. is not defined in terms of
a differential geometric Killing generator of a symmetry transformation of the
The fact that algebras of the type A(O) have no pure states is related to
the different behavior of the pair inside/outside with respect to factorization:
whereas in QM the boxed system factorizes with the system outside the box, the
total algebra B(H) in LQP is generated by A(O) and its commutant B(H) =
A(O) ∨ A(O)0 , but it is not the tensor product of the two factor algebras A(O)
and A(O)0 = A(O0 ). In order to get back to a tensor product situation and
be able to apply the concepts of entanglement and entropy, one has to do a
sophisticated split which is only possible if one allows for a “collar” (see later)
between O and O0 [1].
Since the thermal aspects of localization are analogous to black holes3 , there
is no chance to directly measure such tiny effects. However in conceptual prob-
lems, e.g. the question if and how not only classical relativistic field theory,
but also QFT excludes superluminal velocities, these subtle differences play a
crucial role. Because of an unusual property of the vacuum in QFT (the later
mentioned Reeh-Schlieder property), the exclusion of superluminal velocities
requires more conceptual and mathematical understanding than in the classi-
cal case. Imposing the usual algebraic structure of QM (i.e. assuming tacitly
that the local observables allow pure states) onto the local photon observables
will lead to nonsensical results. Most sensational theoretical observations on
causality violations which entered the press and in one case even Phys. Rev.
Letters, suffer from incorrect tacit assumptions (if they are not already caused
by a misunderstanding of the classical theory). We urge the reader to look at
the fascinating reference [12] and the conceptually wrong preceding article.
Historically the first conceptually clear definition of localization of relativistic
wave function was given by Newton and Wigner [7] who adapted Born’s x-space
probability interpretation to the Wigner relativistic particle theory. Apparently
the result that there is no exact satisfactory relativistic localization (but only
one sufficient for all practical purposes) disappointed Wigner so much, that
he became distrustful of the usefulness of QFT in particle physics altogether
(private communication by R. Haag). Whereas we know that this distrust was
unjustified, we should at the same time acknowledge his stubborn insistence in
3 The analogy is especially tight for the wedge localization since the boundary of wedges

define bifurcated classical “Killing horizons” (Unruh), whereas the boundary of e.g. a double
cone in a massive theory defines a “quantum horizon”. This concept has a cood meaning with
respect to the nongeometrically acting modular group associated with the latter situation,
and it has no classical analogon (it is in fact a “hidden symmetry”).

the importance of the locality concept which he thought of as an indispensable
requirement in addition the positive energy property and irreducibility of the
Wigner representations. Without explanation we state that modular localiza-
tion of state vectors is different from the Born probability interpretation. Rather
subspaces of modular localized wave functions preempt the existence of causally
localized observables already on the level of the Hilbert space of relativistic wave
functons and have no counterpart at all in N-particle quantum mechanics. As
will be explained later, modular localization may serve as a starting point for
the construction of interacting nonperturbative LQP’s [13]4 . It is worthwhile
to emphasize that sharper localization of local algebras in LQP is not defined
in terms of support properties of classical smearing functions but via the rather
unusual formation of intersection of localized algebras; although in some cases
as CCR- or CAR-algebras (or more generally Wightman fields) the algebraic
formulation (1) can be reduced to this more classical concept.
Since the modular structure is related to the so-called KMS property [1], it
is not surprising that the modular localization has thermal aspects. In fact as
mentioned before, there are two manifestations of thermality, the standard heat
bath thermal behavior which is described by Gibbs formula or, after having
performed the thermodynamic limit, by the KMS condition, and thermality
caused by localization either with classical bifurcated Killing-horizons as in black
holes [8][9] curved spacetime and (Rindler, Unruh, Bisognano-Wichmann) wedge
regions, or in a purely quantum manner as the boundary of the Minkowski
space double cones. In the latter case the KMS state has no natural limiting
description in terms of a Gibbs formula (which only applies to type I and II,
but not to type III von Neumann algebras), a fact which is also related to the
boundedness from below of the Hamiltonian, whereas the e.g. Lorentz boost
(the modular operator of the wedge) does not share this property. In [10] the
reader also finds an discussion of localization and cluster properties in a heat
bath thermal state. Although in these notes we will not enter these interesting
thermal aspects, it should be emphasized that thermality (similar to the concept
of virtual particle clouds) is an inexorable aspect of localization in LQP and
does not need the Hawking type of Killing vector horizons. The close relation
of particle and thermal physics (KMS thermal property'crossing symmetry of
S-matrix and formfactors [13]) is a generic property of LQP and should not be
counted as a characteristic success of string theory.
Already in the very early development of algebraic QFT [11] the nature of
the local von Neumann algebras became an interesting issue. Although it was
fairly easy (and expected) to see that i.e. wedge- or double cone- localized al-
gebras are von Neumann factors (in analogy to the tensor product factorization
of standard QT under formation of subsystems, it took the ingenuity of Araki
to realize that these factors were of type III (more precisely hyperfinite type
4 In fact the good modular localization properties are guarantied in finite component posi-

tive energy representations, with the Wigner infinite component “continuous spin” represen-
tations being the only exception.. In this infinite component finite energy representation it
is not possible to come from the wedge localization down to the spacelike cone localization
which is the coarsest localization which one needs for a particle interpretation.

III1 , as we know nowadays thanks to the profound contributions of Connes and
Haagerup), at that time still an exotic mathematical structure. Hyperfiniteness
was expected from a physical point of view, since approximatability as limits
of finite systems (matrix algebras) harmonizes very well with the idea of ther-
modynamic+scaling limits of lattice approximations. A surprise was the type
III1 nature which,as already mentioned, implies the absence of pure states (in
fact all projectors are Murray von Neumann equivalent to 1) on such algebras;
this property in some way anticipated the thermal aspect (Hawking-Unruh)
of localization. Overlooking this fact (which makes local algebras significantly
different from QM), it is easy to make conceptual mistakes which could e.g.
suggest an apparent breakdown of causal propagation [12] as already mentioned
before. If one simply grafts concepts of QM onto the causality structure of LQP
(e.g. quantum mechanical tunnelling, structure of states) without deriving them
in LQP , one runs the risk of wrong conclusions about e.g. the possibility of
superluminal velocities.
A very interesting question is: what is the influence of the always present
causally disjoint environment on the measurement process, given the fact that
in the modern treatment the coupling to the environment and the associated
decoherence relaxation are very important. Only certain aspects of classical
versus quantum reality, as expressed in terms of Bell’s inequalities, have been
discussed in the causal context of LQP [4]. In the following we will sketch
some more properties which set apart QM from LQP and whose conceptual
impacts on decoherence of Schrödinger cats, entanglement etc. still is in need
of understanding.
Let me mention two more structural properties, intimately linked to causal-
ity, which distinguish LQP rather sharply from QM. One is the Reeh-Schlieder
P(O)Ω = H, i.e. cyclicity of Ω (5)
A ∈ P(O), AΩ = 0 =⇒ A = 0 i.e. Ω separating
which either holds for the polynomial algebras of fields or for operator alge-
bras A(O). The first property, namely the denseness of states created from the
vacuum by operators from arbitrarily small localization regions (a state de-
scribing a particle behind the moon5 and an antiparticle on the earth can be
approximated inside a laboratory of arbitrary small size and duration) is totally
unexpected from the global viewpoint of general QT and has even attracted
the interest of philosophers of natural sciences. If the naive interpretation of
cyclicity/separability in the Reeh-Schlieder theorem leaves us with a feeling of
science fiction, the way out is to ask: which among the dense set of localized
states can be really produced with a controllable expenditure (of energy)? In
QM to ask this question is not necessary since, as already mentioned, the local-
ization at a given time via support properties of wave functions leads to a tensor
5 This weird aspect should not be held against QFT but rather be taken as indicating that

localization by a piece of hardware in a laboratory is also limited by an arbitrary large but

finite energy, i.e. is a “phase space localization” (see subsequent discussion). In QM one
obtains genuine localized subspaces without energy limitations.

product factorization of inside/outside so that the ground state factorizes and
the application of the inside observables never leads to a dense set in the whole
space. It turns out that most of the very important physical and geometrical
informations are encoded into features of dense domains and in fact the afore-
mentioned modular theory is explaining such relations. For the case at hand,
the reconciliation of the Reeh-Schlieder theorem with common sense has led to
the discovery of the physical relevance of localization with respect to phase space
in LQP, i.e. the understanding of the size of degrees of freedom in the set:

PE A(O)Ω is compact (6)

e−βH A(O)Ω is nuclear, H = EdPE

The first property was introduces way back by Haag and Swieca [1], whereas the
second statement (and similar nuclearity statements involving modular opera-
tors of local regions instead of the global Hamiltonian) which is more informative
and easier to use, is a later result of Buchholz and Wichmann [1]. It should be
emphasized that the LQP degrees of freedom counting of Haag-Swieca, which
gives an infinite (but still nuclear) number of localized states is different from
the finiteness in QM, a fact often overlooked in present day’s string theoretic
degree of freedom counting. The difference to the case of QM decreases if one
uses instead of a strict energy cutoff a Gibbs damping factor e−βH . In this case
the map A(O) → e−βH A(O)Ω is “nuclear” if the degrees of freedom are not too
much accumulative in order to prevent the existence of a maximal (Hagedorn)
temperature. The nuclearity assures that a QFT, which was given in terms of
its vacuum representation, also exists in a thermal state. An associated nucle-
arity index turns out to be the counterpart of the quantum mechanical Gibbs
partition function [1] and behaves in an entirely analogous way.
The peculiarities of the above Haag-Swieca degrees of freedom counting are
very much related to one of the oldest “exotic” and at the same time charac-
teristic aspects of QFT: vacuum polarization. As discovered by Heisenberg, the
partial charge: Z
QV = j0 (x)d3 x = ∞ (7)
diverges as a result of uncontrolled vacuum fluctuations near the boundary.
For the free field current it is easy to see that a better definition involving
test functions, which takes into account the fact that the current is a 4-dim
distribution and has no restriction to equal times, leads to a finite expression.
The algebraic counterpart is the already mentioned so called “split property”
namely [1] that if one leaves between say the double cone (“relativistic box”)
observable algebra A(O) and its causal disjoint A(O0 ) a “collar” region, then it is
possible to construct in a canonical way a type I tensor factor N which extends
into the collar and one obtains inside/outside factorization if one leaves out the
collar region (a fuzzy box). This is then the algebraic analog of Heisenberg’s
smoothening of the boundary to control vacuum fluctuations. It is this “split
inclusion” which allows to bring back some of the familiar structure of QM, since

type I factors allow for pure states, tensor product factorization, entanglement
and all the other properties at the heart of quantum theory and the measurement
process. Although there is no time to explain this, let us nevertheless mention
that the most adequate formalism for LQP which substitutes quantization and
is most characteristic of LQP in contradistinction to QT, is the formalism of
modular localization related to the Tomita modular theory of von Neumann
algebras. The interaction enters through wedge algebras, thus giving wedges a
similar fundamental role as they already had in the Unruh illustration of the
thermal aspects of the Hawking effect. Modular localization also leads to a vast
enlargement of the symmetry concepts in QFT [14][15] beyond those geometric
symmetries which enter the theory through quantized Noether currents.
If by these remarks I have created the impression that local quantum physics
is one of the conceptually most fertile and spiritually (not historically) young
areas of future basic research with relevance to the basics of measurement and
quantum computation, I have accomplished the purpose of these notes. Indeed
I know of no other framework which brings together such seemingly different
ideas as Spin & Statistics, TCP and crossing symmetry of particle physics on the
one hand together with thermal and entropical aspects of (modular) localization
& black hole physics on the other hand.

[1] R. Haag, “Local Quantum Physics”, Springer Verlag (1992)
[2] B. Schroer, “The Pivotal Role of Causality in Local Quantum Physics”,
[3] B. Schroer, Annals of Physics Vol. 255, No.2, 270 (1997)
[4] S. Summers and R. Werner, Commun. Math.Phys. 110, 227 (1987)

[5] N. P. Landsman, “Observations and superselection in quantum mechanics”,

[6] J. H. Roberts, “Spontaneously broken gauge symmetries and superselection
rules”, in Proceedings of the International School of mathematical physics,
ed. G. Galavotti, University de Camerino (1976)
[7] T. D. Newton and E. P. Wigner, Rev. Mod. Phys. 21, (1949) 400

[8] G. L. Sewell, Ann. Phys. 141, 201 (1982)

[9] S. Summers and R. Verch, Lett. Math. Phys. 37, (1996) 145
[10] C. Jaekel, “Decay of Spatial Correlations in Thermal States”, hep-
[11] R. Haag and B.Schroer, J. Math. Phys. 3, (1962) 248

[12] D. Buchholz and J. Yngvason, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, (1994) 613
[13] B. Schroer and H.-W. Wiesbrock, “Modular Theory and Interactions”, hep-
[14] B. Schroer and H.-W. Wiesbrock, “Modular Theory and Geometry”, hep-
[15] D. Buchholz, O. Dreyer, M. Florig and S. Summers, ”Geometric Modular
Action and Spacetime Symmetry Groups” math.ph./ 980502


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