01. A nurse is attending a cardiopulmonary resuscitation 08. The nurse is taking the blood pressure of a male client
training to review her previous CPR training as a and noted a reading of 180/100. When asked, the nurse
requirement in the new hospital where she was recently awaits telling the client that his blood pressure is elevated
employed. This is an example of: because she believes this information will upset the client
A. Continuing education and consequently further elevates the blood pressure.
B. Advance training This situation illustrates an example of:
C. In-service training A. Beneficence
D. Professional training B. Paternalism
C. Self-determination
02. A new graduate who is looking employment decides to D. Autonomy
attend training on IV therapy program offered by an
accredited nursing organization this is: 09. The nurse compassion is aroused when a severely
A. Advanced training impaired neonate under her care is suffering and in a
B. Professional training prolonged life-sustaining machine. Many times the nurse
C. Continuing education experiences feeling of uneasiness and anguish:
D. In-service education This human condition that confronts the nurse gives rise
03. Graduating at the top of his class, a nurse says he A. Ethical dilemma
"just wants to be a good nurse". After a year and half of B. Unavoidable trust
working in a hospital he decides to pursue a master's C. Human indignation
degree in nursing. Graduate education in nursing prepares D. Moral suffering
the nurse for the following EXCEPT.
A. Take advance training as clinical specialist 10. The nurse shows respect to human dignity when she
B. Assume managerial positions in nursing service observes which of the situation when caring for clients?
C. Carry out research to advance nursing theory A. Asking the client priorities after assessing the
D. Take lead roles in nursing educational setting client's capabilities in past and in the present
B. Evaluating response of client to the nursing care
04. A nurse believes that health a fundamental right of rendered by the health care team as planned
every individual. He believes in the worth and dignity of C. Playing nursing care together with the client and
each human being and recognizes the primary immediate relatives
responsibility to preserve health at all costs. These D. Constant monitoring of client condition and
statements are part of the: reporting any usual occurrences to the health
A. Philippines nursing Act or 2002 team.
B. Code of ethics for Registered Nurses
C. Code of good governance for the professions 11. A lawsuit is filled for a negligent act performed by a
D. Standards of nursing practice nurse. Of the following, who should be included in the
05. The objectives of continuing professional education A. Employer
programs in nursing are the following EXCEPT: B. Chief nurser
A. Protect and promote the general welfare of the C. Attending physician
public by attaining the highest standards and D. Hospital administrator
quality in the practice of profession
B. Make the professional globally competitive by 12. Basic nursing care errors resulting in negligence are
maintaining capability for delivering professional committed by the nurse during the planning phase when
services the nurse fails to:
C. Augment nurse educational preparation for A. Gather and chart client information adequately
admission to the practice of his profession B. Administer medications correctly
D. Make available latest trends in the profession C. Chart each identified problem
brought about by scientific and technological D. Perform nursing task correctly
advancement in the profession
13. The nurse is administering the 12:nn oral medication
SITUATION: Nurses are expected to assess contribute to a client. When the orange capsule is handed to the
and preserve work environment that supports fulfilling their client, he states that he has not been receiving a capsule
ethical responsibility. The following questions apply to this. but a tablet. Which of the following is the MOST
appropriate action of the nurse?
A. 06. The nurse attending to a client brought to the A. Allow the client to describe the medicine he has
emergency department for treatment of acute been receiving
abdominal pain. Which of the following action to B. Ignore the client since medication order has been
the nurse demonstrate respect of client's checked
autonomy? C. Tell the client that the medicine is prescribed by
A. Complying when the physician attempts to the physician
delegate obtaining informed consent D. Withhold the medication and recheck the
B. Facilitating and supporting client's choices medication order
regarding treatment options.
C. Describing the risks and benefits of the 14. A client is complaining of acute abdominal pain. The
reasonable alternative to treatments nurse tells the client that her complaints will be referred to
D. Notifying appropriate parties if a patient has not the physician. Since the nurse is attending to his other
given adequate information clients he failed to call the physician. As a result the client
suffered a ruptured appendix. The action of the nurse
07. Which of the following statement is correct regarding constitutes:
informed consent? A. Battery
A. Nurses may not be legally liable if they know that B. Negligence
informed consent was not obtained C. Misdemeanour
B. It is ethical legal for nurses to obtain informed D. Assault
consent for procedures that are to be informed by
a physician
15. In the course of their clinical experience, nursing 22. While conducting nursing rounds, the nurse found a 30
students may minimize chances of liability when they year old, post mastectomy client lying on her side facing
observe the following EXCEPT: the wall. When then nurse approached her, she says
A. Ask for additional help supervision in situations for “Leave me alone, I need rest". The nurse responds by
which they feel inadequately prepared saying:
B. Comply with the policies of the agency in which A. “I understand you.”
they obtain their clinical experience B. “I will be back."
C. Take assigned clients given by the nursing C. "You should inspect"
instructors. D. "Don't you worry, you can cover up the loss"
D. Prepare to carry out necessary cafe for assigned
clients 23. While waiting for three hours to be called in the
doctor's clinic. A client suddenly shouts "Why is this taking
SITUATION: A nurse researcher would like to see the so long? I have been waiting for several hours and nobody
importance of humor to hospitalized clients that can attends to us?" What should be the initial response of the
reduce anxiety associated with being in the hospital. nurse?
A. Approach client and tell her that there are other
16. Which of the following should the researcher consider clients to be attended to
to be able to determine the type of data to be collected? B. Instruct the client to be quite and assure her that
A. Research design she will be attended to soon
B. Pilot study C. Talk to the client and determine her immediate
C. Research process needs
D. Scientific method D. Pacify the client and send her to the adjacent
17. Which of the following is most appropriate for the
researcher to study if she would do a correlational study? 24. A 26 year old mother of 8 months old twins brought
A. Humor experienced by hospitalized patients one infant to the doctor's clinic for fever and cough.
B. Humor, a basis for reducing anxiety of hospitalized She tells the nurse "I can't handle this anymore with other
patients children to attend to, this is overwhelming for me". Which
C. Effect of humor on anxiety of hospitalized patients of the following is the best initial response by the nurse?
D. Anxiety among hospitalized patients experiencing A. You will survive this crisis, just like other mothers
humor in similar situations
B. I will refer you to the social services for assistance
18. Research requires that variables are defined C. You should know what is best for the infant
operationally. Which of the following should the researcher D. What seems to be the problem? It must be tough
consider when she defines humor and anxiety? having other children to attend to
A. Adapt definition of selected theories on humor and
anxiety 25. The day prior to surgery, a 40 year old client says to
B. Define humor and anxiety according to how these the nurse 'I’m nervous. Is the doctor competent in this kind
are measured in the study of surgery? Are there other clients with similar surgery who
C. Restate definition of humor and anxiety as stated survived the procedure?" How should the nurse best
in the conceptual framework respond?
D. Humor and anxiety as defined in Webster's A. Several clients who have undergone similar
dictionary surgery always recover
B. Do you want to talk with the client who has similar
19. After having been approved, the researcher is now surgery and has fully recovered?
ready for the implementation of the study. Which of the C. You seem concerned about surgery
following should the researcher do first before the actual D. Your doctor is very competent
study is carried out?
A. Review related literature SITUATION: The nurse has varied functions that helps
B. Consult a statistician meet the client's needs depending upon the situation or
C. Conduct a pilot study phase of illness.
D. Select the target population
26. When the nurse assist the client to identify and cope
20. To obtain 30 appropriate samples for the study, the with stressful emotional problems, the nurse is assuming
researcher decided to use simple random sampling. the role of:
Which of the following should the researcher do? A. Advocate
A. Include post-operative clients only B. Counselor
B. Select every 3rd hospitalized clients in the list C. Teacher
C. Pick out 30 from the list of the list hospitalized D. Leader
D. Choose 15 males and 15 female hospitalized 27. The expanded role of the nurse acquired after
clients specialized training and credentialing is described as:
A. Primary care nurse
SITUATION: Nurses communication skills are often put to B. Private duty nurse
test when interacting with clients assigned to them. C. Clinical nurse specialist
D. Visiting nurse
21. A 70 year old client is admitted to the hospital for
difficulty of breathing and chest pain. He is accompanied 28. When the hospital director gives the nurse a position
by his son who asks the nurse what he should do about of authority within a forrmal organization, she assumes the
his father's hearing problem. Which of the following role of:
responses by the nurse reflects therapeutic A. Manager
communication? B. Leader
A. "I will ask your father for more information." C. Advocate
B. "What kind of hearing problems does your father D. Teacher
C. Your father will be referred to a specialist after a 29. The nurse who uses his interpersonal skills to guide
hearing test is done." the client in making decisions about his health acting the
D. "Hearing problems occur as people get older." role of:
A. Manager
B. Leader
C. Advocate
D. Teacher
A. We and the beneficiaries of our care are made up
30. An activity that demonstrates autonomy is nursing of body, soul and spirit and each component do
profession is exemplifies by: have healthy needs intertwined
A. Receiving payment for nursing roles and functions B. Should we encounter terminal patients we may
B. Defining nursing roles and functions understand how to support them to their dying
C. Lobbying a body of officers to enforce the nursing stage.
law C. We are also God's angels of mercy on earth
D. Becoming a member in a national professional D. We may also find real holism in the service we
SITUATION: Enrolling as nursing students taught you
what the nursing profession has in store for you and to SITUATION: It is often said that “ignorance of the law
recognize that each one came from different environs, excuses no one”. In the practice of professional nursing,
different influences different past and present. As you the same thing applies. The following questions relate to
journey through nursing you saw yourselves transform ethico-legal dimensions in the practice of nursing.
"from the person you were" to the "aspiring nurse" you
have become. Now that you have graduated and now 36. For failure of the nurse to check the nagostrastic tube
taking your Nurse Licensure examination (NLE) there is (NGT) placement before administering feeding the patient
only the "YOU, WHO IS THE NURSE". aspirated and died. The nurse may incur
A. Administrative liability
31. As an aspirant, a beginning nurse-practitioner after B. Civil liability
your basic nursing education, the "YOU, WHO IS THE C. All liability may be filled
PROFESSIONAL NURSE" means: D. Criminal liability
A. The person I am and the professional nurse I
aspire to become have now developed into one 37. The following are sources of laws/rules/policies that
Filipino NURSE. We are one and the same affect the practice nursing in the Philippines:
B. I have simply fine tuned myself, my needs, my 1. International council of nurses/Philippines nurses
wants, my idiosyncrasies, to fit in the profession of association advisories
nursing 2. Board of nursing promulgate regulations and
C. The “I” in me and "the nurse in me are two distinct memoranda
identities that even my patients have to learn to 3. DOH administrative order and ched memorandum
respect. orders
D. I have simply retained my former self but acquired 4. House bills/ senate bills
the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values
expected of a nurse A. All are recognized sources
B. 1 and A
32. As you progress in developing your nursing C. 2 and 3
competencies, you have to thread a career path according D. 1 and 4
to the culture and design of Philippine Nursing This
means: 38. The following are true about the requirements for
A. Serving in other country and learning new and applying to take the licensure examination in the
modern ways of doing nursing and sharing these Philippines EXCEPT:
back in the Philippines. 1. The applicants must be a person of good moral
B. Progressing as nurse-generalist in a multitude of character
choice-practice setting to that of expert nurse- 2. The applicant must have gotten an average of
practitioner also in choice-practice-setting. 75 with no grade lower than 60 in any subject in
C. Avoiding personal and professional stagnation by the NLE
updating and upgrading oneself. 1. The applicant must have finished a BSN degree
D. Constantly upgrading oneself through advanced from an accredited/recognized school
technological means and strategies 2. The applicant must be a Filipino citizen
A. 1 and 3
33. It is important to remember that while RBs value “job B. 1 and 4
tenure” because the years in service spell variety of C. 1,3 and 4
experience in nursing practice, it is far more valuable to D. Only 2
consider that tenure-years are nothing if these are not
parallel with one's personal-professional growth and 39. ASEAN countries now engaged in mutual recognition
maturity. This implies arrangement (MRA) negotiations consistent with liberation
A. Progressive upgrading af competencies in terms measures of the general agreement on trade in services
of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values as (GATS). The applicable mode for this kind agreement is:
professional nurse A. Via reciprocity
B. Volunteering our services wherever needed B. Via examination
C. Simply-earning years to job-related service until C. Via temporary/special permit
we retire from service D. Via movement of natural persons
D. Extending assistance to our less fortunate fellow
nurses 40. Upon full implementation of board of nursing resolution
No. 22, series of 2009 (national nursing career
34. When we give our caring best but despite all efforts progression program) the following are deemed legally
that reality of facing death inevitable, our band and core practicing nursing EXCEPT:
values of nursing will always extend beyond the ordinary 1. A trained nurse phlebotomist
levels of promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative 2. A duty certified hemodialysis nurse who primes a
cape. This culturally-bound, Fillpino values of nursing hemodialysis machine before initiating
likewise needs to be nurtured is homodialysis to a client.
A. Spiritual care 3. An ACLS- trained and certified nurse clinician who
B. Psychological care intubates a patient under accepted ICCU protocol
C. Emotional Care 4. A certified critical care nurse specialist who
D. Relational care extracts arterial blood every hour for ABG
monitoring of patients
35. It is important to not only enrich one's mind with A. Only 1
progressive technical upgrades but equip oneself with B. Only 4
holistic personal and professional development believing C. Only 3
that D. Only 2
SITUATION: Nurses are guided by their knowledge that error was discovered at once, no harm was observed from
there are principles of clinical ethics that would assist them the client. In this act of malpractice, legal action can/is:
in relating to what is right from wrong. A. be initiated
B. not be initiated
41. An Operating Room nurse is distressed after knowing C. bailable
that clients are not informed that some disposable D. filed in court
equipments and supplies like trocars, catheters are reused
on clients during minimally invasive surgeries without their 48. A visitor of the client with IV asks nurse Portia if she
knowledge. Which ethical principle of the client is violated? can take picture of the client with some health personnel.
A. Justice The CORRECT response of the nurse is "Pictures can be
B. Veracity taken if...”
C. Autonomy A. “...if the family will keep it only for their own”
D. Nonmaleficence B. “…if the client and nurse are not identified"
C. "...with permission of the hospital director."
42. Beneficence is an ethical principle that best describes D. “...during visiting hour only."
which of the following nursing action?
A. Observing the social workers classifications of 49. Under the rule of "personal liability" when is the nurse
clients supervisor held liable for the wrongdoing of the staff
B. Providing care that maximizes health. nurse?
B. Providing care according to the patient's private A. if the nurse supervisor assigned an inexperienced
room rate. nurse with an IV therapist Certification
C. Following the patient's preference B. when the supervisor monitors the nurses doing
43. Nurses are caught in the crossroad where there is an A. if a competent nurse does the venepuncture
ethical dilemma related to "medical futility". When do you without her supervision
say this situation exist in your assigned case?: B. when the supervisor delegates her function to
A. When the health care team declares all medical nurse Portia
treatments are of no benefit and the client and the
family believes in the doctor. 50. Nurse Portia is to start a prescribed "Blood
B. When the health care team declares that all Transfusion of 1 liter of compatible whole blood" to her
medical treatment are not worth the cost but the client. She should first secure which of the following to
client's family insist to continue the treatment. release her of any liability?
C. When your client in the ICU asks to go to home A. informed consent
against advice and the doctor believes that the B. release order
client is improving. C. cardio pulmonary clearance
D. When the client's family asks for more "aggressive D. advance directive
treatment" and the medical team agrees to try for
a week. Situation: A group of nursing students developed an
investigation of the behavior and religious rituals of Aetas
44. Ethical dilemma among the client and significant in Masbate. The participants were taken from a tribe in a
others can occur when there is limitation of "aggressive far-flung area consisting 20 females and 20 males. Both
treatment" because death is imminent. Which of the genders have participants with age ranging 21-40 years
following actions for the client's significant others is least old and were never educated.
A. Respond immediately to complaints. 51. Based on the investigation above, what is the most
B. Listen carefully to plans after death. appropriate type of research designs are to be used?
C. Refer to chaplaincy. A. Non-experimental, descriptive, normative,
D. Provide a crying-room for relatives and friends. ethnographical, qualitative
B. Quasi-experimental, descriptive, evaluative,
45. Nurses should be aware that the following ethnographical, quantitative
collaborative interventions can be considered as "passive C. Non-experimental, comparative, normative,
euthanasia". Identify which one is not considered as biographical, qualitative
passive euthanasia: D. Non-experimental, descriptive, normative,
A. Withhold I.V. therapy in patients whose only ethnographical, biographical
source of fluid is via the parenteral route.
B. Withdrawing the nasogastric tube in patients with 52. In order to maintain the anonymity of the data
nutritional requirement is administered by tube collected from the participants, which among the following
only. must be done?
C. Delaying oxygen administration. A. Ensure that each participant is documented with
D. Administering pain medication that may lead initial letters of their names.
respiratory arrest. B. Ensure that each sample is with corresponding
code numbers.
SITUATION: Nurse Portia is aware that Intravenous C. Ensure that the address of the tribe is not
Therapy (IV) can be very risky and might expose her to mentioned in the research report.
some liabilities during her tour of duty. The following D. Ensure that the personal information of the
questions apply: samples is not disclosed.
46. Nurse Portia admitteda teenager who is running a 53. One of the Aetas told you that they are not clear when
temperature of 38 degrees celsius for 2 days now. The it comes to the kind of research you are conducting even
client refuses the venipuncture even after explanation and after you have done the orientation and full disclosure. He
encouragement by the nurse. In her frustration the nurse asked you again to explain the exact investigation you are
told the client that, "The doctor will send you home going to conduct. Which among the following will you do?
immediately if you don't consent to the venipuncture." A. Explain the nature of the research thoroughly and
Which violation/s did the nurse commit? completely using the appropriate research terms.
A. Battery B. Do an immersion to be able to identify the level of
B. Assault understanding of the participants.
C. Negligence C. Discuss the unclear or vague part of the
D. a and b investigation.
D. Schedule a meeting with the tribe and ask the
47. Nurse Portia called the attention of another nurse who group which part they didn't understand.
incorporated 20 mEq KCi to a wrong client. Because the
54. What specific data-gathering instrument is expected to C. Systematic Random
be utilized? D. Cluster Random
A. Structured observation for better quantitative
analysis Situation: Literature Review provides the researcher the
B. Unstructured observation for a complete background knowledge necessary for his investigation.
behavioural analysis
C. Semi-structured observation to make the findings 61. Nurse Amanda decided to trace the oldest published
complete, reliable and valid article for a certain topic she is investigating using
D. Biophysiologic measurement to generate answers footnotes from her recently read article. What approach is
on how the behavior affects the holistic function of she using?
aetas A. Ascendancy
B. Descendancy
55. In the situation, the nursing students only wanted C. Gray Literature
to get 20 males and 20females, with age ranging 21- 40 D. Electronic
years old and were never educated. What specific type of
sampling design is going to be implemented? 62. She also went to National University in Manila just to
A. Probability sampling, stratified acquire a copy of BSN IV's (SY 2004) undergraduate
B. Non-probability sampling, purposive thesis. What literature approach was used?
C. Non-probability sampling, snowball A. Ascendancy
D. Probability sampling, cluster B. Descendancy
C. Gray Literature
Situation: An experimental research is conducted with D. Electronic
focus on the effects of a new patient-controlled anesthesia 63. Which among the following information is not
machine on the sense of security and severity of pain necessary in documenting a literature review?
assessed every 6 hours. Two groups of 10 patients with Database used for searching
stage 2 cancer were gathered from the chemotherapeutic I. URL or website or type of approach
department of Makati Medical Center. II. Keywords used for searching
III. Heacing of the article and page number(s)
56. Which among the following is the specific type of IV. Author
experiment to be conducted? V. Date published
A. Quasi-experimental, time series, multifactor A. All of the above
B. True experimental, control group, time series B. V, VI
C. True experimental, non-equivalent control group C. II, IV
D. Quasi-experimental, pre-test/post test, crossover D. None of the above
57. A part of the methodology was illustrated: 64. What is not included as the purpose of properly
R.O.O.O.X.O.O.O / R.-.-.-.X.O.O.O documenting a literature?
R.O.O.O--O.O.O/ R.-.-.-.-. O.O.O A. For the convenience in retrieval of the literature
What type of Experimental method was conducted? B. For easy access and future reference
A. True experimental (randomized, control group, C. For identifying whether the research is feasible or
pretest/posttest, time series) not
B. True experimental (randomized, Solomon 4-group D. For evidence-based purposes
time series)
C. True experimental (randomized, multifactor, time 65. Among the following criteria in Research Problem
series) selection, which is considered the priority?
D. Quasi experimental (randomized, 4-group, time A. The feasibility of the problem
series design) B. The significance of the study
C. The researchability of the topic
58. The research investigation may be questionable when D. The interest of the researcher
it comes to the validity because of which of the following
reasons? Situation: Nurse Josil is investigating a research on the
A. The sense of security as a data is not measurable Relationship of Online Gamning as a Hobby on the Body
therefore it can be subjected to qualitative Weight of School Aged Children in Montessori School of
analysis Sta.Mesa Manila. He is now in the gonceptual phase of
B. The number of samples is not enough to the research process.
represent the general population
C. The literature review may not be substantial 66. The conceptual phase is considered as the primary
D. The hypotheses to be formulated might be step of the research process. Which among the
subjective and opinionated foilowing research activities are included in this phase?
I. Identification and Delimitation of theProblem
59. The researchers are also considering a pretest- II. Review of Related Literature
posttest crossover true experimental research design III. Framework Structuring
using three experimental groups to have PCA in 4 hours, 5 IV. Hypotheses Formulation
hours and 6 hours intervals. Which among the following V. Methodology and Design
illustrations shows the research plan? VI. Data-Gathering, Categorization andTabulation
A. R.O.X.O.X.O.X.O VII. Analysis and Interpretation of Findings
R.O.X.O.X.O.X.O VIII. Conclusion and Recommendation
B. R.X.O.X.0.X.O A. V, VI, VII, VIII
R.X.O.X.0.X.0 B. IV, V, VI, VIl
R.X.0.X.O.X.O C. Il, III, IV. V
C. C.R.O.X-O.X.O.-.O.X.O D. I, II, III, IV
R.O.X-O.X.O.-.O.X.O 67. Nurse Josil is trying to assess what contributions this
D. R.O.-.O.X.O.-.O research would give to medical-related professions.
R.O.X.O.-.O.X.O What criterion is being judged?
R. O.-.O.X.O.-.O A. Significance
B. Researchability
60. The type of sampling design that is appropriate for the C. Feasibility
target population is: D. Reliability
A. Simple Random
B. Stratified Random
68. Which among the following statements shall be 77. The most appropriate research method is supposed to
considered as a correctly-written research title? be experimental research. However, if conducting
A. “The Effects of Online Gaming as Hobby on the experimental research may not be possible (such as in
Body Weight of School-Aged Children in Sta. situations wherein samples are hard to acquire), which
Mesa Montessori” among the following method may be considered?
B. "The Relationship between Online Gaming and A. Time Series Design
Children's Body Weight in Sta. Mesa Montessori" B. Nen-Equivalent Control Group Design
C. The Correlation of Online Game and School Aged C. Correlational Design
Children's Body Weight" D. Quasi-experimental design
D. "The Difference in Body Weight between School
Aged Children who do and do not play Online 78. In the actual research study conducted, Lilia decided
Games" to select the subjects using network sampling method.
That was done by selecting few patients with chronic
69. What is the stimulus necessary to create an effect? infection and asking those patients to refer other patients
A. Body Weight with similar characteristics. Which among the four criteria
B. Online Gaming of a true experiment was omitted?
C. Sta. Mesa Montessori school A. Manipulation
D. The Effects B. Randomization
C. Control
70. The most appropriate statistical formula that should be D. Validity
used is:
A. Chi-Square 79. Nurse Lilla understands that the difference between an
B. Standard Deviation Experimental Research and Non-Experimental Research
C. Spearman rho is:
D. Pearson r A. That non-experimental method is conducted in
natural settings wherein the stimulus is not
Situation: Arnulfo is now on the methodology phase of his manipulated which would provide a more
research entitled "The Life and Contributions of Napoleon evidence-based data.
Bonaparte". He must be equipped with the needed B. That experimental method is conducted in a
knowledge in designing a valid research study. specially-controlled facility wherein the stimulus is
intentionally exposed to subjects in order to
71. What are considered the purposes of the establish their causal relationship.
investigation? C. That non-experimental method is done using
A. Descriptive-Exploratory quantitative data in order to yield a concrete
B. Explorative-Explanatory evidence
C. Descriptive-Explanatory D. That experimental method requires randomized
D. All of the above selection of samples in order to enhance the
validity of results by ensuring representativeness.
72. The specific methods to be used would be:
A. Historical-Evaluative-Biography 80. In or or to make a valid conclusion, Lilia must ensure
B. Historical-Applied-Biography representativeness in her subjects. Which among the
C. Historical-Normative-Biography following will guarantee this?
D. Historical-Comparative-Biography A. There must be an appropriate number of samples
to represent the differences in characteristics of
73. Which among the following rationale justifies that the target population.
statistics is not required in this type of research? B. There must be at least 30 samples if the research
A. Because there is only one sample investigation utilizes quantitative data
B. Because there is only qualitative data C. There must be a larger number of samples if ever
C. Because there is no relationship being the target population is heterogeneous
investigated D. There must be a larger number of samples if the
D. Because there is only descriptive purpose research is expected to be conducted in a
longitudinal time frame
74. What instrumentation approach is expected to be
used? Situation: The Chief Nurse of a tertiary private hospital is
A. Readily available data having an orientation seminar to newly-hired volunteer
B. Observational nurses. Part of the topic during thé discussion is
C. Interview disciplinary action.
D. Biophysical
81. The chief ndrse shared a situation about one of their
75. Which among the following is not a characteristic of staff nurse before who were not able to document an
qualitative research? intervention given to a patient. When reprimanded, the
A. It is applicable only for non-experimental staff kept on saying that she didn't know it was necessary.
B. It is used to formulate theories What should have been the most appropriate interverntion
C. It is applying the principles of naturalism for this particular reason for violation?
D. It is considered a hard science A. Provide consistency when it comes to the
disciplinary action
Situation: Nurse Lilia is conducting a research study on B. Orient the staff during the first day of work about
the effects of a new antibiotic on the antigen level of the importance of records and notes
patients with chronic bacterial infection. C. Conduct a thorough familiarization to the different
equipments during orientation
76. Which among the following hypotheses is the most D. Clear out the different standards that is expected
appropriate for the type of research method in Nurse when it comes to the ideal outcomes of each unit
Lilia's investigation?
A. The new antibiotic has a significant effect on the 82. One of the staff nurses found a nursing attendant
antigen level inserting a urinary catheter to one of the elderly client.
B. As the dosage of the new antibiotic is increased, What should be the best course of action of the staff nurse
the antigen level remains constant on duty?
C. The higher the dosage of the new antibiotic, the A. Report immediately to the head nurse for proper
higher the antigen level is action
D. There is a significant relationship between the B. Call the attention of the nursing attendant and
new antibiotic and the antigen level reprimand as needed
C. Provide a written admonishment for the nursing A. Call the attention of the head nurse and the rest of
attendant the staff to be properly reprimanded
D. Do nothing because the procedure can be B. Call meeting with the unit personnel to identify the
delegated to attendants reasons for such problem
C. Gather additional data to support the problem that
83. A case was also brought up about the most has been identified
appropriate type of disciplinary action for a minor violation D. Set immediate action to correct the situation
for the first time such as being late 20 minutes after
endorsement time. This disciplinary action should be: 90. This is an approach of quality control wherein the
A. Oral reprimand whole administrative managers as well as the operational
B. Suspension with pay personnel collaborate to come up with the latest standards
C. Layoff for improvement and identify new means of raising these
D. Written reprimand standards. This method is better known as:
A. Quality Assurance
84. Head nurse Maria also raised one of the problems she B. Continuous Quality Improvement
encounters wherein the subordinate refused to sign the C. Pareto Principle
written reprimand. What should be the most appropriate D. Cost Containment Investigation
action of the head nurse?
A. Terminate the employee on the grounds of Situation: Communication is a necessary component of
insubordination any aspect of our life. In health care delivery,
B. Write a request for dismissal to be approved by communication plays an important role in maintaining
the chief nurse coordination among the health care personnel.
C. Endorse to the incoming shift
D. Have another head nurse to sign as a witness 91. The following are the different steps in communication
process. Arrange accordingly:
85. The chief nurse also emphasized that the written I. Transcribing the idea in an understandable
reprimand should be properly written with complete details structure
and information. All of the following should be included in II. Sending the message
the written admonishment, except: III. Decision to send a message
A. The nature of the violation and the cause for IV. Formulating the concept of the message to be
committing the violation sent
B. The signature of the person who violated and the V. Responding, clarifying and/or confirming
superior VI. Receiving the message
C. The physician who was involved on the violation VII. Understanding the message, both verbal and
of policy kinaesthetic
D. The intervention taken by the manager to correct
the situation A. 3, 4, 1, 2, 6, 7, 5
B. 3, 4, 6, 7, 1, 2, 5
Situation: The standards set during the planning phase of C. 3, 6, 4, 7, 2, 5, 1
the management process is significant for providing basis D. 3, 4, 1, 6, 7, 2, 5
for evaluation of the workers' performance thereby
facilitating the achievement of the strategic goal of the 92. For the communication to be effective, one must
institution. realize that the person you converse with is worth listening
to. This attitude is termed as:
86. Which among the following is considered as part of the A. Assuming Responsibility
PROCESS standards? Select all that apply: B. Assuming Value
I. Hand washing technique in all areas of the C. Assuming Authority
hospital D. Assuming Status
II. Available medications in the cardiac cart
III. Nursing intervention for patients undergoing 93. Communication has been part of our everyday life yet
diuretic therapy some of the people tend to neglect the part wherein it is
IV. Protocols and Standard operating procedures important to understand the content of the message being
V. Management structure of the Trauma room sent and the nurse must learn to identify whether or not
the patient fully understood the instruction being given. In
A. All except 2 this aspect of the nurse's competency, the nurse must
B. 1, 2, 4 know that the feedback from the client is indeed
C. 1, 3, 4 understood. Which among the following is the most
D. 3, 4, 5 effective type of feedback?
A. Nodding
87. Which among the following is not true about B. Responding
STRUCTURE standards? C. Confirming
A. These are the ideal physical set ups D. Requesting
B. One of the key basis for evaluation of a nursing
department or unit 94. Interferences will always be a challenge in effective
C. Equipments, supplies and medications actually communication. Which among the following is a type of
seen in the department barrier considered as an improperly structured message
D. These are the acceptable ideal characteristics of a related to limited content?
certain organization A. Faulty Reasoning
B. Filtering
88. Which among the following characteristic is not C. Selective Perception
considered a basis for Quality Control? D. Poorly Expressed Messages
A. Procedures
B. Policies 95. Proper communication using active listening would
C. Outcomes lead to an effective exchange of both verbal and non-
D. SWOT Analysis verbal information. This characteristic would facilitate trust
and mutual understanding that will enable the nurse leader
89. During the evaluation process, the supervisor noticed to achieve
that there had been alteration and loss of some A. Authority
equipments and discrepancies in the medication B. Power
documentation the ER Unit m meeting the standards of C. Goal
the company, what is the initial action that the supervisor D. Objectives
should do?
Situation: In any allied health institution, nurse managers
are not expected to handle all of the tasks in taking care of
both nursing interventions and administrative function. In
this legation would be the best alternative for each scene
delegation would be the best alternative for each ma.