Acid Gas Removal
Acid Gas Removal
Acid Gas Removal
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,QWURGXFWLRQ Chemical solvent-based processes are well suited to the removal of acid gases from gasifier
product streams. A combination of solvent choice and equipment design can be used to
meet specific product and/or emission requirements. Examples will be reviewed of how
specialty solvents can be used to meet different objectives, such as maximum selectivity for
hydrogen sulfide (H2S) over carbon dioxide (CO2), enhanced carbonyl sulfide (COS)
removal, or efficient total removal of CO2.
Gasifier streams also present unique challenges to the use of chemical solvent-based
processes. Depending upon the gasifier feed stock, the solvent may become contaminated
with a variety of species that impose an added burden on the operability of the treating
process. Contaminants can be carried in with the gas and/or formed in-situ. A practical
strategy for dealing with hydrogen cyanide, carboxylic acids, metal carbonyls and
particulates will be discussed.
$FLG*DV&OHDQXS All gasification processes include an acid gas cleanup step, regardless of the feed stock
7HFKQRORJLHV,Q used or the ultimate use of the synthesis gas produced. Although several trials of hot (dry)
*DVLILFDWLRQ gas cleanup have been conducted, all commercial acid gas cleanup today is carried out via
cold (wet) systems. These fall into two broad classes: physical solvents and chemical
solvents (and occasionally hybrids of the two). Both are proven technologies with many
years of operating experience. Within these two broad categories there are many different
products available [1,2].
Physical solvents, as the name implies, rely upon variations in the physical solubility of
gases to effect separation. High solubilities of the contaminants are required for physical
solvents to perform efficiently, and high partial pressures of those species provide the
driving force for absorption. Union Carbide offers SELEXOL® Solvent, a proven physical
solvent, via a licensed process with UOP. This was first used in gasification applications in
the 1980’s at Texaco/Coolwater and TVA/Muscle Shoals. More recently it has been selected
for the Sarlux and api Energia projects. Its use in gasification applications has been
described elsewhere [3] and will not be covered further here.
While hot potassium carbonate is used in CO2 removal applications, the chemical solvents
discussed here are amine-based and remove H2S and CO2 via an acid-base reaction.
Building on years of experience in natural gas, refinery, and synthesis gas plants, specially
formulated chemical solvents have been developed to meet the various requirements of
gasification plants. While experience in other applications has been invaluable in developing
products for the gasification market, there have been several new challenges to overcome.
This paper addresses the potential problems that can be encountered when using chemical
solvents and offers practical solutions. The selection of an acid gas cleanup technology is
influenced by many factors, including but not limited to:
Each factor will be described briefly. In-depth discussion is presented concerning the nature
of contaminants and their impact on process selection and unit operation.
There are also ways to create additional capacity in existing desulfurization equipment
without capital expenditure. Specially formulated treating solvents are available that operate
at higher concentrations than generic monoethanolamine (MEA) or diethanolamine (DEA).
These same solutions may be appropriate for use in an integrated gasifier complex.
$FLG*DV3DUWLDO With physical solvents, acid gas partial pressure provides the driving force for absorption.
3UHVVXUH The higher the pressure, the lower the required solvent circulation rate to effect separation.
This improves operating economics for physical solvents.
With chemical solvents, partial pressure is the driving force for mass transfer. Fewer
absorber stages are required to effect separation at higher pressure. This reduces the
capital requirement for chemical solvents.
The partial pressure of CO2 and H2S also affects a solvent’s ability to selectively remove
H2S while slipping CO2 into the treated gas stream. IGCC applications require selective
removal of H2S and maximum CO2 slip. A solvent with superior slip characteristics offers
considerable advantage because more gas will be available to produce power in the turbine.
6HOHFWLYH$FLG*DV When the raw material fed to the gasifier contains sulfur, the principle sulfur species in the
5HPRYDO,*&& raw synthesis gas are H2S and COS. For subsequent combustion in a gas turbine, the level
of sulfur species must typically be less than 50 ppm. From the perspective of overall energy
efficiency, the slip of CO2 through the acid gas removal unit should be as high as possible.
Methydiethanolamine (MDEA) is often cited as the solvent of choice in this application,
giving good sulfur removal and reasonable CO2 slip. Several authors have addressed the
mechanism by which MDEA selectively absorbs H2S [4,5].
Figure 1 shows a simplified process flow diagram for chemical solvent-based acid gas
treating. Cooled synthesis gas enters the bottom of an absorber where it contacts an
aqueous chemical solvent solution. The treated gas exits the absorber and continues to the
next processing step, which is the gas turbine in IGCC applications. Cool lean solution
enters the top of the absorber and counter-currently contacts the synthesis gas using trays
or packing, absorbing acid gas contaminants as it passes down the column. Warm rich
solution leaves the bottom of the absorber and is routed to a regenerator. Steam stripping is
used to remove acid gas from the solution. This results in a concentrated acid gas stream
which can be fed to a Claus sulfur recovery unit. The hot lean solution is then cooled prior to
returning to the absorber. A lean/rich cross exchanger is used to reduce the sensible heat
load on the regenerator reboiler.
Over the past 15 years, solvents have been developed that allow greater CO2 slip compared
to MDEA. Selectivity is a function of the ratio of H2S to CO2, the number of trays in the
absorber, and the solvent used for absorption. CO2 and sulfur content can vary widely
depending on the feed to the gasifier. Slip values can range from 70-88% of the inlet CO2. A
sample synthesis gas stream with moderate CO2 content is shown in Example 1.
The economic advantage of greater gas volume going to the power turbine is the most
significant reason for using specialty solvents. Note that the specialty amines offer
enhanced CO2 slip at the cost of reduced ability to meet tight sulfur specifications. Reduced
energy consumption is realized in the treating system when CO2 slip is increased. This
comes from lower solvent circulation (less sensible heat) and lower heat of reaction (CO2
that is not absorbed does not have to be regenerated).
In the past, MEA and inhibited MEA have been used for this application. Specialty solvents
are now available which offer significantly better operating efficiency versus MEA. An
example using a synthesis gas stream with moderate CO2 content is shown in Example 2.
&DSLWDODQG In a typical gasification project, the cost of the acid gas removal system represents only a
2SHUDWLQJ&RVWV small proportion of the overall project cost. However, the choice of cleanup technology and
design of the acid gas removal unit has long term consequences for plant reliability and cost
of operation. These can have a significant impact on the ultimate viability of the project. This
paper will not address capital and operating costs directly but, instead, will focus on
operational difficulties that can occur when chemical solvents are chosen for the acid gas
cleanup. Practical solutions for these potential problems are presented.
)HHG Gasifier synthesis gas contaminants, other than H2S and CO2, fall into four main categories:
&RQWDPLQDQWV metal carbonyls, COS, foam promoters and foulants, and carboxylic acids and their
precursors that form heat-stable amine salts.
If the anticipated level of metal carbonyl contamination in the treated synthesis gas is not
acceptable using chemical solvents, it may be advisable to use a physical solvent to achieve
total removal of the metal carbonyls.
&265HPRYDO Local environmental regulations typically control the level to which sulfur must be removed.
In cases where very strict effluent levels are required, COS hydrolysis may be
recommended upstream of the acid gas removal unit. This step converts all but a few ppm
of the COS to hydrogen sulfide. Solvent choice also plays a part in the decision for/against
COS hydrolysis as different solvents are able to remove COS to different levels under given
conditions. Example 3 demonstrates how one specially formulated MDEA-based solvent is
able to enhance COS removal while maintaining most of its CO2 slip.
Solvent Solvent
Solvent MDEA HS-101 HS-104
Circ. Rate, m3/hr (gpm) 192 (845) 184 (810) 200 (879)
CO2 Slip, % of inlet 78 80 76
COS Removal, % of inlet 10-20 10-20 40-50
* Based on 50 wt% solutions, 10-tray absorber.
The COS removal performance of specially formulated solvents may be sufficient to avoid
the installation of a COS hydrolysis reactor. A penalty is paid, however, in reduced CO2 slip.
Upstream COS hydrolysis is probably preferred in facilities which must meet stringent total
sulfur emission levels.
Clean, uncontaminated treating solutions have a very low tendency to foam. This is
confirmed by reports in the literature [7] as well as by Union Carbide’s field experience. It
has also been confirmed that the addition of sparingly soluble contaminants, such as high
molecular weight hydrocarbons, tars, or lubrication oils, increases the foaming tendency.
Operationally, foaming can lead to increased solvent losses and off-specification treating.
An activated carbon filter is recommended in the chemical treating system to purify a 10-
20% slip-stream of cool lean solution. This is usually adequate to take care of chronic
contamination problems. Anti-foam agents are administered as needed to suppress foaming
during acute contamination episodes. Administering anti-foam to a system on a routine
basis should not be required and will shorten the life of the activated carbon bed, but
injection systems should be set up so that it can be added quickly when necessary.
The level of metal carbonyls and particulates in the treating solution can be reduced by
filtration, and filter suppliers recommend a variety of operating schemes and filter types. To
avoid contamination of the regenerator, rich-side filtration is recommended, though worker
safety must be addressed when H2S is present in the rich solution. At a minimum, 10-20%
slipstream filtration should be coupled with carbon filtration of the cool lean solution. The
more filtration of the working solution provided, the better the solvent will perform and the
more trouble-free the unit operation.
+HDW6WDEOH$PLQH Perhaps the most significant contaminants are Heat-Stable Amine Salts (HSAS). These are
6DOWV formed when the basic solvent reacts with a relatively strong acid. HSAS are one of the more
intractable results of contamination. Although degradation of the amine can also lead to their
formation, HSAS precursors are usually introduced with the synthesis gas.
The introduction of any relatively strong acid into the amine system will result in the
formation of HSAS, a reduction in pH, and deactivation of the solvent from an acid gas
removal perspective. If instead of reacting with a weak acid in the synthesis gas, such as
H2S (which has a pKa of 7.05 at 20°C), the solvent reacts with a stronger acid (pKa <6), it
proves impossible to reverse this to any great extent at normal stripper conditions. The
resulting salt is said to be heat-stable because of this inability to reverse the reaction. For
example, with formic acid (pKa 3.76), the amine formate salt is readily formed but cannot be
While the partial pressure of CO in synthesis gas can vary widely, it is true to say that it is
always significantly higher than that encountered in other gas treating applications. One
unfortunate result of this is the generation of formates, most likely as a consequence of the
following simple reaction [8]:
Although the rate of reaction (2) is very slow, it is irreversible and formate HSAS will steadily
accumulate in solution over time. For example, in one system treating synthesis gas with a
CO partial pressure of 10 bar, formate anions build at a rate of 150 ppmw/day. In addition to
the CO partial pressure, the rate of formate formation via this route increases as a function of
increasing pH and temperature. Unfortunately, reducing any of these three parameters is
either impractical or counter-productive to the main purpose of the cleanup unit, which is
removal of H2S and/or CO2 to very low levels.
Other potential routes to formate from CO are via amide or formate ester intermediates,
particularly in total CO2 removal systems, but these routes need further verification before
they are proven. Fortunately amides themselves do not pose any significant corrosion
problems compared to formate anions. Suffice it to say that whatever the mechanism,
formate accumulation is an unavoidable consequence of treating synthesis gas and
provision has to be made ahead of time to control, mitigate, and ultimately remove formates
from the system.
Two nitrogen based contaminants, ammonia and hydrogen cyanide (HCN), are often
encountered and are absorbed from the synthesis gas by chemical-based treating solutions.
The various water-wash and quench systems upstream of the acid gas cleanup unit should
remove the majority of these species but a small amount will still get through to the treating
system. Ammonia does not lead to HSAS formation and can be easily removed by purging
regenerator reflux water. However, cyanide incursion is a more serious problem since it can
be quite corrosive, forming soluble ferrocyanide complexes, as well as acidic anions which
form HSAS. HCN itself is a weak acid, but it reacts in a basic solution and converts to
stronger acids that do form corrosive heat-stable amine salts.
3UREOHPV The greatest problem posed by HSAS is the increased potential for corrosion [9, 10].
$VVRFLDWHG:LWK Although there is no definitive explanation for HSAS corrosion, one promising hypothesis is
+HDW6WDEOH$PLQH that as the anion level increases so does the level of undissociated acid in equilibrium with
6DOWV the anion [11]. The undissociated acid is the active species promoting corrosion by
catalyzing the cathodic reaction. If the pH and acid loadings (HSAS as well as acid gas) are
known, the level of un dissociated acid can be calculated, taking into account the amine and
acid pKa values. This exercise reveals that the most corrosive HSAS are those associated
with the medium strength acids (e.g. formic, acetic, and glycolic) rather than the stronger
acids, since the former lead to the greatest concentration of undissociated acid in solution.
Higher temperatures increase the concentration of undissociated acids, making hot lean
areas of the treating unit particularly susceptible to corrosion.
+6$6&RQWURODQG The best solution to HSAS problems is to prevent the precursors from entering the amine
5HPRYDO system in the first place. The pre-wash systems discussed earlier should achieve a good
6WUDWHJLHV degree of reduction. However, with unavoidably high CO partial pressures, pre-washing will
not eliminate all HSAS problems. Options have to be available to control and treat HSAS
problems when they do occur.
One apparently simple solution to increased HSAS levels is to purge contaminated solvent
and makeup with fresh material. Unfortunately this significantly increases the operating costs
of the cleanup unit. The biological oxidation demand on the waste treatment system is also
increased when any contaminated solvent solutions are sent to the sewer. With new
discharge limits imposed on waste treatment systems, this is not always a feasible
proposition. Deliberate purge-and-makeup is thus neither an economically nor
environmentally attractive option.
In MEA systems HSAS problems can be taken care of by the use of a reclaimer: a semi-
batch distillation process operated at atmospheric pressure. A slip stream of MEA solution is
fed to the reclaimer, and water and MEA are stripped overhead, leaving behind MEA
degradation products, HSAS and, if used, corrosion inhibitors. This approach cannot be
applied to systems running on MDEA or MDEA-based formulated products since the
atmospheric boiling points of MEA and MDEA are 171°C (340°F) and 247°C (477°F)
respectively. Significant thermal degradation would result if MDEA was reclaimed at
atmospheric pressure. The costs and operating complexity associated with setting up an on-
line vacuum reclaimer are considered prohibitive. Therefore, to fill the need for on-line
reclaiming of MDEA-based specialty products, Union Carbide developed an electrodialysis
process. This technology, commercially known as the UCARSEP® Process, has been
successfully used in the field [12]. By coupling this with a strategy of HSAS control via
neutralization, the advantages of this technology are further strengthened.
+6$6&RQWURO9LD One proven means of mitigating the effects of HSAS is to neutralize using a stronger base
1HXWUDOL]DWLRQ than the amine in question. This will raise the system pH, deprotonate the amine, and render
it available again for acid gas removal purposes. The overall effect is shown below:
There is a lot of evidence in the literature for the benefits of neutralization as a means of
controlling HSAS problems [9, 10]. More importantly, this is also supported by industry
experience [13]. Caustic has been used as the strong base, but this is not the most suitable
choice since sodium salts are not always soluble in chemical solvent systems. Caustic can
also be an unintentional source of chlorides and, if not administered carefully, can lead to
concerns with over-neutralization, precipitation/fouling, and stress corrosion cracking. A
proprietary neutralizing agent has been developed by Union Carbide for use in the many
situations where caustic proves unsuitable.
Union Carbide’s experience has been that without neutralization, HSAS anion levels of up to
10,000 ppmw can be tolerated without significant corrosion. Since neutralized salts are less
corrosive than the corresponding amine salts [9, 10], a higher level of anions is permissible if
neutralization is practiced. Trouble-free operation with anion levels as high as 50,000 ppmw
Page 9 of 13 *Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company Form No. 170-01406
is possible with judicious and regular neutralization to maintain the HSAS levels at ~1 wt%.
Any system’s corrosion-free contaminant level is influenced by the type of anion as well as
its concentration. Although it can be misleading to generalize, it has been found that a
contamination level of <30-40,000 ppmw anions (coupled with <1-2 wt% HSAS) is a practical
upper limit. Neutralization is thus a very pragmatic and effective solution to the HSAS
problem. For example, after implementing a program of neutralization, one user reported
greatly improved operation: comparing the six month period before and after treatment, the
number of heat exchanger washes was reduced from four to none, the number of absorber
washes went from ten to none, and the number of filter changes was reduced from sixteen to
four [10].
Being able to operate safely at higher anion levels has the added benefit of extending the
time before solvent reclamation is required. Depending upon the relative rate of incursion
and loss, the need for reclamation may be averted completely. As the level of contamination
increases, mechanical solution losses, which are fairly constant if viewed over a long enough
time frame, account for larger and larger contaminant losses. This increases the time
between reclamation and decreases the amount of salt that has to be removed when
reclamation is required. Taking advantage of unavoidable system losses in this way is far
removed from setting up a deliberate purge-and-makeup procedure to control HSAS.
(OHFWURGLDO\VLV Electrodialysis (ED) has been widely used in the water treating industry for many years.
7HFKQRORJ\IRU Recognizing that it has beneficial characteristics for salt removal and fits very well with
+6$65HPRYDO neutralization, Union Carbide adapted it to the unique conditions encountered in acid gas
cleanup [14].
The technology can be tailored to the specific requirements of any treating unit to provide a
dedicated on-site HSAS removal capability. Typically several hundred cell pairs are required,
but the exact number and membrane area needed are governed by the required salt removal
duty. However, the overall process is very compact and the space requirement is small.
For systems where a permanent unit cannot be justified because the contamination problem
is periodic or controllable through judicious neutralization, a mobile ED unit capable of
removing up to ~0.2 mole/sec of salts has been built. The unit can be brought on-site and
cleanup accomplished on-line in a minimal amount of time. Only a small slip-stream of
contaminated lean solution is required (typically <1 % of circulation) and experience has
shown that the operation of the treating unit is unaffected by the reclamation. The process is
fully automated and operates 24 hours a day. Process and utility hookups are simple, and
power consumption costs are minimal. A source of good quality water for brine make-up is
required. Water has to be added to the brine loop to maintain a constant salt concentration in
the brine, but water is neither added nor taken out of the solvent itself.
6XPPDU\ Chemical solvent-based processes are well suited for acid gas cleanup of gasifier product
streams. The combination of a specially formulated solvent and well designed equipment
can be used to meet a variety of product gas and/or emission requirements. Superior
selectivity for H2S over CO2, enhanced COS removal, and efficient total CO2 removal can be
achieved more economically with specialty solvents than with corresponding generic amine
In providing the intimate contact necessary to meet H2S and CO2 specifications, there is
more than adequate contact for a chemical solvent to absorb other contaminants from the
gas. Solvent contamination can be directly linked with increased levels of foaming, fouling,
and corrosion. These symptoms in turn result in increased solvent losses, off-specification
operation, and possible equipment failure/replacement. The extent to which the acid gas
cleanup systems can handle these diverse contaminants, or to which provision is made to
remove them upstream, will have a great impact upon the operability of the unit and overall
plant reliability. Since reliability is a key concern in gasification applications, it is imperative
that these issues are taken into account at the design stage.
1. "Gas Purification", 4th ed., A.L. Kohl and P.C. Reisenfeld, Gulf Publishing Company,
Houston, Chapter 2, 1985.
3. "Purification and Recovery Options for Gasification", D.J. Kubek, E. Polla, and P.F.
Wilcher, Presented at "Gasification Technologies Conference", San Francisco, Oct 2-4,
4. "Tertiary Ethanoloamines More Economical For Removal of H2S and Carbon Dioxide",
F.C. Reisenfeld et al, Oil & Gas Journal, pp 61-65, 1986.
5. "Increase Amine Unit Capacity With UCARSOL® Solvents", D.L. Dwyer, Presented at
AIChE Spring Meeting, Houston, TX, 1993.
6. "The Shell Gasification Process for Conversion of Heavy Residues to Hydrogen and
Power", L.O.M. Koenders, S.A. Posthuma, P.L. Zuideveld, Presented at "Gasification
Technologies Conference", San Francisco, Oct 2-4, 1996.
9. "The Role of Anion Contaminants on Corrosion in Refinery Amine Units", L.E. Hakka, S.F.
Bosen and H.J. Liu, Presented at the AIChE Spring Meeting, Houston, TX, 1995.
10. "Neutralization Technology to Reduce Corrosion from Heat Stable Amine Salts", H.J. Liu,
J.W. Dean, and S.F. Bosen, Paper 95572, Presented at "Corrosion in Gas Treating",
Corrosion 95, NACE International Annual Conference and Corrosion Show, Orlando, FL,
March 29,1995.
11. "Controlling Corrosion in Amine Treating Plants", R.B. Nielsen, K.R Lewis, J.G.
McCullough, and D.A. Hansen, Laurence Reid Gas Conditioning Conference Proceedings,
University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 1995.
12. "Clean Amine Solvents Economically and On-line", J. Price and D. Burns, Hydrocarbon
Processing, Vol 74, No.8, pp 140-141, August 1995.
13. Proceedings of the 1994 NPRA Question & Answer Session on Refining & Petroleum
Technology, Session V.A, Question 3, Washington D.C. 1994.
14. "Removal of Salts From Aqueous Alkanolamines Using an Electrodialysis Cell with Ion
Exchange Membranes”, R.A. Gregory and M.F. Cohen, European Patent 286143, 1998.
15. “The On-Line Removal of Non-Regenerable Salts from Amine Solution Using the
UCARSEP® Process”. D. Burns and R.A. Gregory, Seventy-Fourth Annual GPA Convention
Proceedings, San Antonio, TX, March 13-15, 1995.
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