Mm4app 007 DC Link Coupling en
Mm4app 007 DC Link Coupling en
Mm4app 007 DC Link Coupling en
Application Description
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2.5 Revisions/author
Line fuses
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Line reactor
DC link fuses DC link fuses
Braking resistor
3~ 3~ 3~
Fig. 2-1: Block diagram of the DC link coupling with one supply inverter -
example for operation with a three-phase line supply
o 1-ph. 200-240V AC
o 3-ph. 200-240V AC
o 3-ph. 380-480V AC
o It must be ensured that only frequency inverters having the same
voltage level 1/3-ph. 200-240V AC and 3-ph. 380-480V AC are
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When engineering the drive system it is important to ensure that the rated
input current of the frequency inverter connected to the line supply is not
exceeded. The rated input currents are specified in Catalog DA51.2 and
Tables 2-1 and 2-2. However, the overload capacity of the frequency
inverter, specified in Catalog DA51.2, can be utilized. In practice, it
therefore makes sense to connect - as a maximum - the same power as
the supply inverter rating at its DC link.
This means, that in total, for the complete DC link group, only the power of
the supply frequency inverter can be drawn from the line supply. The DC
link coupling, described here, with one supply inverter is therefore practical
for applications where the frequency inverters connected to the DC link of
the supply inverter predominantly operate in the regenerative mode or the
power rating of the supply inverter is significantly higher than the connected
frequency inverters.
4.2 Options required at the line supply input of the supply inverter
Under certain circumstances it is no longer guaranteed that the EMC limit
value classes are fully maintained. This is the reason that it is absolutely
necessary that the EMC Guidelines, specified in the frequency inverter
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When engineering the DC link couplings, it must be noted that the DC link
current IDC, provided by the supply inverter, does not correspond exactly to
the line current IN (specified in Tables 2-1 and 2-2). The DC link current IDC
can be more precisely specified in relationship to the frequency inverter
output current IA . The DC link current IDC is then given by:
VA 1
IDC = 1.35 • IA • cosϕ Motor • •
V max ηINV
In this case:
cosφMotor = 0.86
VA / Vmax = 1 (operation at the max. frequency inverter voltage)
ηINV = 0.97
IDC = 1.20 • IA
At the rated operating point with the rated output current IAN:
Table 2-1: Rated currents and required DC link fuses of the MICROMASTER420 and
MICROMASTER440 frequency inverters with a line supply voltage 1/3-ph. 200-240V AC
Table 2-2: Rated currents and required DC link fuses of the MICROMASTER420 and
MICROMASTER440 frequency inverters with a line supply voltage
3-ph. 380-480V AC.
Possible fuse disconnectors:
for fuses 3NC14.. : 3NC1492
for fuses 3NE80.. : 3NP40
Note: The fused disconnectors may only be switched when
in a no-current condition. Used in compliance with
degree of pollution 2.
It is extremely important to ensure that the polarity of the DC link coupling is
not interchanged as otherwise the connected frequency inverters could be
The cable cross-sections required are obtained from the power rating of the
frequency inverters connected to the supply inverter. The cable cross-
section is selected starting from the supply inverter corresponding to the
sum of the powers connected there and the resulting sum of all of the DC
link currents. The cable cross-section can be lower the greater the distance
to the supply point if the total connected power of the frequency inverters in
the particular section of the line is lower. As an alternative, a DC bus bar,
connected to the supply inverter can be used.
The DC link currents which flow for each frequency inverter (at the rated
operating point) are specified above under Point 2.3. The sum of the DC
link currents of the frequency inverters connected to the supply inverter are
then used to select the cable cross-section of the DC link connection. In
addition, the type of cable routing and ambient temperature must be taken
into account.
The DC link couplings must be appropriately implemented for the voltages
which occur. The voltage strength required is as follows:
In order to reduce EMC noise, shielded cables must be used for the DC link
coupling. The shield should be connected at both ends through the largest
possible surface area. For frequency inverter sizes A, B and C, the optional
When implementing the DC link couplings, it is also important that the
plant/system and country-specific regulations are carefully observed.
If the DC link coupling, originating from the supply inverter, is no longer
fused using the line-side fuses as a result of the low cable cross-section,
then this must be fused (protected) as close as possible to the supply
inverter. The fuses, specified in Tables 2-1 and 2-2 can be used for this
purpose. If the sum of the powers of the frequency inverters connected to
the DC link is less than that of the supply inverter, then this can also be
fused at the DC circuit output using fuses which have a lower rated current.
The rated current of the particular DC link fuses is then dependent on the
connected power and the cable cross-section used for the DC link
connection. The cables up to the fuses must be implemented and routed so
that they are short-circuit proof.
o the frequency inverters, connected to the DC link have the same line
fuses - as specified in the Operating Instructions - as for the supply
Example 1:
Line fuses
3 x 200A
contactor Cable cross-section
2 x 25mm²
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Line reactor
2 x 80A 2 x 40A 2 x 32A
PE implementation PE PE
and routing
3~ 3~ 3~
Line fuses
3 x 10A
Line reactor
Copyright © Siemens AG 2005 All rights reserved
3~ 3~ 3~
In this particular case, the DC link does not have to be fused, because:
o All of the frequency inverters require line fuses of 3x10A and these are
used at the input of the supply inverter.
o The total DC link current (summed) of the two connected frequency
inverters each with 0.55kW is, according to Table 2-2 IDCtot = 2*2A = 4A.
For this current, a cross-section of 1.5mm² (routing type B2, 2
conductors conducting current, 40°C ambient temperature) can be used
which are adequately protected using the 3x10A line fuses.
The total length of the DC link couplings as a sum, starting from the supply
inverter is 5m.
o The integrated braking chopper is only active if the frequency inverter
had received an ON command and is actually operational. When the
appropriate frequency inverter is powered-down, then energy cannot be
pulsed in the braking resistor.
o The braking resistors, which are used in the Catalog DA51.2, are
specified for a duty cycle of 5%. The duty cycle can be increased
corresponding by using several braking resistors with a duty cycle of 5%
or other suitable braking resistors. For the DC link coupling, the
regenerative energy could also be supplied from (several) other
inverters. In this case it must be ensured, that the braking power which
is dissipated in continuous operation in the braking resistor does not
exceed the rated power PINVN of the braking inverter. The maximum
short-time braking power Pbrakeshort can be calculated with the minimum
possible restistance of the braking resistor Rmin (Table 5-4 of the
MICROMASTER 440 Operating instructions) and the maximum possible
DC link voltage VDCmax
(DC 420V at 230V-units resp. DC 840V at 400V-units).
This means the following: Pbrakeshort = VDCmax² / Rmin
For the DC link coupling the highest permitted value of the duty cycle x
in the Parameter 1237 at MICROMASTER 440 is: x ≤ (PINV N / Pbrake short
) * 100%
The max. motor cable length of all of the frequency inverters connected in
the DC link group may not exceed, in total, 200m (shielded) and 300m
(non-shielded). Otherwise, their rectifier and the EMC filters could be
overloaded due to the discharge (leakage currents) which flow with respect
to PE and which flow back through the supply inverter. An output reactor
should be used for the individual frequency inverters for motor cable lengths
exceeding 50m (shielded) and 100m (non-shielded) as specified in Catalog
Copyright © Siemens AG 2005 All rights reserved
The frequency inverters, coupled through the DC link, must be located next
to one another in the electric cabinet in the same sequence as their rated
powers. Generally, the supply inverter is the inverter with the highest power
rating in the DC link group. The frequency inverters must be arranged
directly next to one another in order to keep the DC link couplings as short
as possible.
In order that the supply inverter is not thermally overloaded, when one of
the connected frequency inverters receives an ON command then the
supply inverter must also receive an ON command. This therefore
guarantees that its fan is operational and the cooling is adequate. If the
supply inverter is powered-up as a result of the internal fan, but the
connected motor may not rotate, then the setpoint can be inhibited in front
of the ramp-function generator for both MICROMASTER420 and
MICROMASTER440 using parameter P1142. This guarantees that the
motor does not rotate even if a setpoint is present.
If an option is inserted at the BOP link interface at the supply inverter (e.g.
Profibus module, encoder module, etc.) then for frequency inverter sizes A,
B, and C, the fan is always operational when the line supply voltage is
connected and an ON command to power-up the fan is not necessary.
Copyright © Siemens AG 2005 All rights reserved
When a short-circuit or ground fault occurs in the DC link (in the DC link
coupling or within a frequency inverter), there is a risk that all of the
frequency inverters, connected to the DC link, will be destroyed. This is the
reason that when the drive system is engineered, this aspect should be
carefully taken into account. The number of frequency inverters within a DC
link group should be kept as low as possible.
The frequency inverter without integrated EMC filter can also be used in a
DC link group connected to an IT line supply. In this case the Y capacitor of
the frequency inverter should be removed. A description is provided in the
Operating Instructions of the frequency inverter.
Line fuses
Copyright © Siemens AG 2005 All rights reserved
Line reactors /
DC link fuses
Braking resistor
3~ 3~ 3~ 3~ 3~
Motor Motor Motor Motor Motor
Fig. 3-1: Block circuit diagram of a DC link coupling with three supply inverters,
example for operation with a three-phase line supply
o 1-ph. 200-240V AC
o 3-ph. 200-240V AC
o 3-ph. 380-480V AC
o It must be ensured that only frequency inverters having the same
Copyright © Siemens AG 2005 All rights reserved
Overdimensioned by more than a factor of 1.35 as a frequency inverter
which is not a supply inverter operates in the motoring mode and the total
supply power must be at least 1.35 times larger than the sum of the
motoring powers in the drive group.
5.2 Options which are required at the line supply input of the supply
VA 1
IDC = 1 .35 • IA • cos ϕ Motor • •
V max η INV
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In this case:
IDC = DC link current at the DC link terminals of the
frequency inverter
IA = frequency inverter output current (motor current)
cosφMotor = motor power factor
VA = frequency inverter output voltage
Vmax = max. frequency inverter output voltage
ηINV = efficiency of the inverter module
IDC = 1.20 • IA
At the rated operating point with the rated output current IAN:
Rated currents and recommended DC link fuses for MICROMASTER 420/440 inverters, versions with/without
Table 3-1: Rated currents and the required DC link fuses of the MICROMASTER420
and MICROMASTER440 frequency inverters with a line supply voltage 1/3-ph. 200-240V
Possible cylindrical fuse disconnectors:
for fuse 3NC14.. : 3NC1492
for fuse 3NC22.. : 3NC229x
Rated currents and recommended DC link fuses for MICROMASTER 420/440 inverters, versions with/without
Table 3-2: Rated currents and required DC link fuses of the MICROMASTER420 and
MICROMASTER440 frequency inverters with a line supply voltage 3-ph. 380-480V AC.
Possible fuse disconnectors:
for fuse 3NC14.. : 3NC1492
for fuse 3NE80.. : 3NP40...
It is extremely important to ensure that the polarity of the DC link
connections is not interchanged as otherwise the connected frequency
inverters could be destroyed.
b. The cross-sections of the cables after the DC link fuses to connect the
drive inverters with one another are dimensioned so that these
correspond to the sum of the rated currents of the line fuses of all supply
inverters multiplied by a factor of 1.2.
Further, the routing type and ambient temperature of the DC link coupling
must be taken into account. As an alternative to using cables to establish
the DC link coupling, after the DC link fuses, a DC busbar, routed in
parallel, can be used. This low-inductance coupling offers the advantage
that the equalization currents between the supply inverters can be reduced
- thus reducing the load on the inverters. Further, using a DC busbar, it is
easier to reduce the cross-section of the DC link coupling. Starting from the
DC busbar, it is possible to branch to the DC link fuses of the frequency
inverter with a short-circuit proof connection with a lower cross-section.
The DC link currents which flow for each frequency inverter (at the rated
operating point) are specified in Tables 3-1 and 3-2.
A shielded cable must be used for the DC link coupling in order to reduce
EMC noise/disturbances. The shield should be connected at both ends
through the largest possible surface area. For frequency inverter sizes A, B
and C, the optional shield connecting plate can be used. For the DC link
fuses, the shield should be connected to the mounting plate. The DC link
fuse ratings depend on the rated DC link current of each individual
frequency inverter connected to the DC link. The DC link fuses required for
the frequency inverters are specified in Tables 3-1 and 3-2. In this case a
fuse must be provided in both the positive and negative branches of the DC
Copyright © Siemens AG 2005 All rights reserved
Braking resistor
3~ 3~ 3~ 3~ 3~
Motor Motor Motor Motor Motor
Fig. 3-2: DC link coupling involving 3 supply and 2 additional frequency inverters
connected at the DC link.
The cable cross-section required is also dependent on the routing type and
the ambient temperature. In the example, routing type B1, 2 conductors
conducting current in the cable duct and an ambient temperature of 40° C
were assumed.
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For the DC link couplings, it is also important to observe the plant/system
and country-specific standards and regulations.
For the DC link coupling the highest permitted value of the duty cycle x
in the Parameter 1237 at MICROMASTER 440 is: x ≤ (PINV N / Pbrake short
) * 100%
The max. motor cable length of all of the frequency inverters connected in
the DC link group may not exceed, in total, 200m (shielded) and 300m
(non-shielded). Otherwise, their rectifiers and the EMC filters could be
overloaded due to the discharge (leakage currents) which flow with respect
to PE and which flow back through the supply inverter. An output reactor
should be used for the individual frequency inverters for motor cable lengths
exceeding 50m (shielded) and 100m (non-shielded) as specified in Catalog
The supply inverters must be located next to one another in the electric
cabinet in the same sequence as their rated powers. Next to the supply
inverters, the inverters connected to the DC link must also be located next
to one another in the same sequence as their rated powers. The DC link
Copyright © Siemens AG 2005 All rights reserved
In order that the supply inverters are not thermally overloaded, when one of
the connected frequency inverters receives an ON command then all of the
supply inverters must also receive an ON command. This guarantees that
their fans are operational and the cooling is adequate. If the supply
inverters are powered-up as a result of the internal fan, but the connected
motor may not rotate, then the setpoint can be inhibited in front of the ramp-
function generator for both MICROMASTER420 and MICROMASTER440
using parameter P1142. This guarantees that the motor does not rotate
even if a setpoint is present.
If an option is inserted at the BOP link interface at the supply inverters (e.g.
Profibus module, encoder module, etc.) then for frequency inverter sizes A,
B, and C, the fan is always operational when the line supply voltage is
connected and an ON command to power-up the fan is not necessary.
When a short-circuit or ground fault occurs in the DC link (in the DC link
coupling or within a frequency inverter), there is a risk that all of the
frequency inverters, connected to the DC link, will be destroyed. This is the
reason that when the drive system is engineered, this aspect should be
carefully taken into account. The number of frequency inverters within a DC
link group should be kept as low as possible.
The frequency inverter without integrated EMC filter can also be used in a
DC link group connected to an IT line supply. In this case the Y capacitor of
the frequency inverter should be removed. A description is provided in the
Operating Instructions of the frequency inverter.
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