Ruiz-Gonz-lez Et Al-2019-Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
Ruiz-Gonz-lez Et Al-2019-Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
Ruiz-Gonz-lez Et Al-2019-Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
Systematic Review
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research VOLUME 63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
L. Ruiz-González et al. • Physical therapy in Down syndrome: meta-analysis
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research VOLUME 63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
L. Ruiz-González et al. • Physical therapy in Down syndrome: meta-analysis
situation of PT in this syndrome and facilitate the carrying out tasks, mobility and walking indices).
creation of new lines of research on this subject. Studies were excluded from this review if (1) the
sample included people without DS, but the outcome
Methods data were not shown separately for participants with
DS, and (2) more than one intervention were
The present review was conducted and reported compared at the same time. Two reviewers
following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items independently assessed the titles and abstracts
for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) according to the criteria established earlier.
guidelines on systematic reviews of randomised
controlled trials (Hutton et al. 2015). Assessment of the risk of bias
For the evaluation of the methodological quality of
Search strategy
the studies included in this review, the Physiotherapy
The search of the literature for the present review was Evidence Database scale (Maher et al. 2003) was
made during June 2018 using the databases and the used. When the criterion of each category is met, a
searches detailed in Table 1. Filters about publication point is awarded, except for criterion number 1,
dates or language were not applied. A total of 510 which is not used for the calculation of the total score
potential articles were found. of the scale. Therefore, the possible score on the scale
ranges from 0 to 10, with a higher score indicating a
Eligibility criteria higher quality in the methods used in the study. A
study with a score of 6 or more is considered as
Studies included in this review met the following
evidence level 1 (6–8: good; 9–10: excellent), and a
inclusion criteria: (1) the participants were children
study with a score of 5 or less is considered as
and adults diagnosed with DS; (2) a physical
evidence level 2 (4–5: fair; <4: poor) (Foley et al.
intervention was performed according to the World
Confederation for Physical Therapy statement
(WCPT 2011), such as therapeutic exercise, manual
Data extraction
therapy techniques, patient-related instructions and
orthotic devices; (3) the study design was a Two researchers independently reviewed and
randomised controlled trial; and (4) the outcomes extracted the data from each study in a systematic way
were within the measured dimensions of the and arriving at a consensus on all the items. The
International Classification of Functioning, Disability following information was extracted from the studies:
and Health (VanSant 2006). Specifically, our targets author, year of publication, characteristics of the
were the outcomes related to body functions (such as participants (number of participants in both groups,
vestibular, cardiovascular and respiratory, weight average age, gender, severity of ID, average weight,
maintenance and movement-related functions) and average height and presence of co-morbidity), in
activities and participation (such as motor skills, addition to the characteristics of the intervention
Total found
Databases articles Search
PubMed 140 (“Down Syndrome”[Mesh]) AND (“Physical Therapy Specialty”[Mesh] OR “Physical Therapy
PEDro 97 Down syndrome
WoS 69 TS = ((Physiotherapy OR “physical therapy”) AND “Down syndrome”)
Scopus 204 TITLE-ABS-KEY (Physiotherapy OR physical therapy) AND “Down syndrome”
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research VOLUME 63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
L. Ruiz-González et al. • Physical therapy in Down syndrome: meta-analysis
carried out (type, frequency, duration of the session, vibration, early intervention techniques (infant
measures of results, measurement instrument and massage and neurodevelopmental therapy) and
results). orthotic devices.
Statistical analysis
A meta-analysis was applied to compare changes in
As stated in Fig. 1, the search was carried out through
the effect size (post-intervention and pre-
the combination of keywords in the databases,
intervention) between the intervention group and the
retrieving a total of 510 documents.
control group. For the meta-analysis, the
standardised mean difference was calculated along
with the 95% confidence interval, with a significance Risk of bias
level set to P < 0.05. Heterogeneity was determined
Table 2 shows the scores of the Physiotherapy
by the chi-square test and the I2 statistic. When
Evidence Database scale for each article included in
homogeneity was observed, a fixed-effect model was
the review. It was considered that 13 of the studies
used. In the case of heterogeneity, a random-effects
have a high methodological quality, with results on
model was used. The results of all the subgroups
this scale equal to or higher than 6 (Li et al. 2013).
included in this meta-analysis were represented in
Seven studies used a method of concealment of group
Forest plots. The statistical analyses were carried out
assignment. Given that the studies analyse physical
with the statistical software REVIEW MANAGER 5.3
interventions versus control groups, neither the
(The Cochrane Collaboration) (The Nordic
participants nor the therapists could be blinded in any
Cochrane Centre 2014).
of the studies. The lowest score reached was 3,
obtained by two articles. The maximum score was 8,
Study subgroups included in the meta-analysis
and a total of four articles obtained this score.
For the statistical comparison, the outcome measure,
the type of intervention carried out and the
Data extraction
measurement instrument were considered. To
compare the studies, it was necessary that they As shown in Table 3, a total of 842 subjects
measured the same concept with the same participated in the studies included in this review.
instrument, in addition to applying similar The study that used the smallest sample size was
interventions. Among the interventions, therapeutic Millar et al. (1993), with 14 participants. On the other
exercise group was divided into three subgroups, hand, the study with the largest sample size was Lin &
according to the classification of interventions Wuang (2012), with a total of 92 participants.
proposed by Ryan et al. (2017) in their Cochrane Regarding the age of the participants, most of the
review of exercise interventions in cerebral palsy. In studies (Harris 1981; Ulrich et al. 2001; Rahman &
this way, therapeutic exercise includes aerobic Shaheen 2010) analysed subjects of average age less
training (walking/jogging, exercise with an ergometer, than 18 years. However, the rest of the studies (Chen
treadmill training and treadmill training with partial et al. 2014; Shields et al. 2013; Shields et al. 2008;
body weight support), resistance training (progressive Rimmer et al. 2004; Carmeli et al. 2002; Varela et al.
resistance training, weight-bearing exercises, strength 2001; Hernandez-Reif et al. 2006; Silva et al. 2017;
exercises, learning to ride a bike, conditioning and Eid et al. 2017; Millar et al. 1993) carried out their
jumping training and circuit training including interventions with participants whose average age
plyometric jumps) and mixed training (exercise exceeded 18 years. Only three studies (Carmeli et al.
programmes that include a combination of different 2002; Rimmer et al. 2004; Silva et al. 2017) conducted
types of interventions, e.g. treadmill training + Wii their research with participants over 30 years of age,
games and training sessions focused on the standing up the study of Carmeli et al. (2002) for
development of general physical qualities). On the being the study with older participants. According to
other note, the rest of the groups were based on other the studies detailing the gender of the participants,
interventions, such as balance training, full-body 60.1% were men and 39.9% were women.
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research VOLUME 63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
L. Ruiz-González et al. • Physical therapy in Down syndrome: meta-analysis
In Table 4, the studies were classified into five et al. 2012; Aly & Abonour 2016), full-body vibration
groups according to the similarity between the (Eid 2015; Villarroya et al. 2013), early intervention
interventions. In this way, the most used was the techniques, such as infant massage (Hernandez-Reif
therapeutic exercise (Shields et al. 2013; Shields & et al. 2006) or neurodevelopment therapy (Harris
Taylor 2010; González-Agüero et al. 2012; González- 1981), and orthotic devices, such as the
Agüero et al. 2014; Rahman & Rahman 2010; Gupta supramalleolar orthosis (Looper & Ulrich 2010;
et al. 2011; Ferry et al. 2014; Ulrich et al. 2001; Looper & Ulrich 2011).
Rahman & Shaheen 2010; Ulrich et al. 2011; Shields Table 5 shows the main characteristics of the
et al. 2008; Eid et al. 2017; Millar et al. 1993; Chen interventions carried out in the different studies of this
et al. 2014; Carmeli et al. 2002; Varela et al. 2001; Lin review. The duration of the interventions ranged from
& Wuang 2012; Rimmer et al. 2004; Silva et al. 2017). 1 day (Chen et al. 2014) to 12 months (Ferry et al.
This group included aerobic training (Millar et al. 2014). Other interventions did not have a defined
1993; Ulrich et al. 2001; Chen et al. 2014; Carmeli duration. That is the case of three studies (Ulrich et al.
et al. 2002; Varela et al. 2001), resistance training 2001; Looper & Ulrich 2010; Looper & Ulrich 2011) in
(Rahman & Shaheen 2010; Shields et al. 2013; Shields which the intervention ended when the subject
et al. 2008; Shields & Taylor 2010; Ulrich et al. 2011; acquired the ability to walk. The frequency of the
González-Agüero et al. 2012; González-Agüero et al. intervention ranged from only 1 day (Chen et al. 2014)
2014; Eid et al. 2017) and mixed training (Lin & to every day (Rahman & Shaheen 2010). Different
Wuang 2012; Rimmer et al. 2004; Rahman & methods were used to measure outcomes: scales
Rahman 2010; Gupta et al. 2011; Ferry et al. 2014; (Ulrich et al. 2001; Harris 1981; Looper & Ulrich 2010;
Silva et al. 2017). Moreover, other interventions were Hernandez-Reif et al. 2006; González-Agüero et al.
based on balance training (Jankowicz-Szymanska 2012; González-Agüero et al. 2014; Rahman &
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research VOLUME 63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
L. Ruiz-González et al. • Physical therapy in Down syndrome: meta-analysis
Table 2 Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale score for clinical trials included in the review
PEDro scale
The ‘×’ symbol indicates that the item where it is found has been punctuated.
Shaheen 2010; Rahman & Rahman 2010; Gupta et al. 1993; Varela et al. 2001; Rimmer et al. 2004; González-
2011; Lin & Wuang 2012), dynamometer (Carmeli Agüero et al. 2014), heart rate monitor (Varela et al.
et al. 2002; Rimmer et al. 2004; Gupta et al. 2011; Lin & 2001) and gas consumption control (Millar et al. 1993;
Wuang 2012; Chen et al. 2014; Ferry et al. 2014; Eid Varela et al. 2001; Rimmer et al. 2004; González-
2015; Eid et al. 2017), balance platform (Jankowicz- Agüero et al. 2014). In the assessment of motor skills,
Szymanska et al. 2012; Aly & Abonour 2016; Villarroya 1-repetition maximum (1RM) test (Rimmer et al.
et al. 2013; Eid 2015; Eid et al. 2017), anthropometric 2004; Shields et al. 2008; Shields & Taylor 2010;
measurements (Ulrich et al. 2001; Ulrich et al. 2011; Shields et al. 2013) and Bruininks–Oseretsky test of
Silva et al. 2017), physical and functional tests (Ferry motor proficiency (Rahman & Shaheen 2010; Rahman
et al. 2014; Carmeli et al. 2002; Shields & Taylor 2010; & Rahman 2010; Lin & Wuang 2012; Silva et al. 2017)
Shields et al. 2013; Ulrich et al. 2011; Shields et al. were the most used.
2008; Millar et al. 1993; Varela et al. 2001; González-
Agüero et al. 2014; Rimmer et al. 2004; Silva et al.
Study subgroups included in the meta-analysis
2017), bone densitometry (González-Agüero et al.
2012; Ferry et al. 2014), video recording (Looper & Different subgroups have been established according
Ulrich 2011), activity monitors (Ulrich et al. 2011; to the measurement of the effect: muscle strength
Shields et al. 2013), electrocardiogram (Millar et al. (subgroups 1a and 1b), balance (subgroups 2a and
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Severity of Average
intellectual weight Average Co-morbidity
Study Groups Average age Females : Males disability (kg) height (cm) among theparticipants
Varela et al. (2001) IG (n = 8) 22.0 (3.8) 0:8 IQ = 39.4 (12.2) 62.2 (10.7) 153.6 (21.5) ND
CG (n = 8) 20.8 (2.3) 0:8 IQ = 38.4 (7.4) 60.1 (7.4) 157.3 (4.1)
Years Mild to moderate
Ulrich et al. (2001) IG (n = 15) 302.6 (52.6) ND ND 8.2 (0.90) 69.2 (2.62) Nine participants were born with
CG (n = 15) 312.1 (66.1) 8.1 (0.92) 69.6 (2.74) heart disease and required surgery (of
Days which seven were in the intervention
Carmeli et al. (2002) IG (n = 16) 63.5 (2.0) 10:6 IQ between 56 and 75 ND ND 15% of the participants had heart
CG (n = 10) 63.3 (4.8) 6:4 Mild disease. Other conditions of co-
Years morbidity were depression and
possible adverse reactions to the
Rimmer et al. (2004) IG (n = 30) 38.6 (6.2) 16:14 ND 80.5 (20.0) 151.0 (9.0) Four participants were diagnosed
CG (n = 22) 40.6 (6.5) 13:9 76.0 (18.2) 151.0 (4.0) with heart disease
L. Ruiz-González et al. • Physical therapy in Down syndrome: meta-analysis
Hernandez-Reif et al. IG (n = 11) 24.36 (10.57) 5:6 ND ND ND ND
(2006) CG (n = 10) 25.1 (7.95) 3:7
Shields et al. (2008) IG (n = 9) 25.8 (5.4) 2:7 Mild to severe (20% mild, 78.4 (13.5) 158.8 (7.12) ND
CG (n = 11) 27.6 (9.5) 5:6 80% moderate to severe) 61.2 (6.7) 152.0 (10.0)
Rahman & Shaheen IG (n = 13) 4.56 (0.44) 8:5 IQ between 36 to 67 ND ND ND
(2010) CG (n = 13) 3.92 (1.16) 7:6 Mild to moderate
Rahman & Rahman IG (n = 15) 10.92 (1.16) 8:7 IQ between 36 to 67 ND ND ND
(2010) CG (n = 15) 11.56 (0.44) 9:6 Mild to moderate
IG (n = 10) 642 (121) ND ND 10.26 (0.61) 78.67 (2.74) ND
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
Table 3. (Continued)
Severity of Average
intellectual weight Average Co-morbidity
Study Groups Average age Females : Males disability (kg) height (cm) among theparticipants
Villarroya et al. (2013) IG (n = 16) 15.93 (2.48) 11:19 ND 48.44 (8.83) 148.75 (8.2) ND
CG (n = 13) 15.64 (2.93) 51.93 (14.10) 147.57 (12.6)
Chen et al. (2014) IG (n = 12) 21.76 (4.79) 0:20 Moderate to severe 80.30 (22.92) 145.86 (11.6) ND
CG (n = 8) 17.77 (3.49) 70.96 (24.25) 151.40 (7.8)
IG (n = 14) 13.7 (2.6) 8:6 ND 40.1 (9.6) 141.9 (12.5) ND
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
Table 3. (Continued)
Severity of Average
intellectual weight Average Co-morbidity
Study Groups Average age Females : Males disability (kg) height (cm) among theparticipants
CG (n = 15) 9.26 (0.79) 6:9 IQ = 57.06 (2.98) 29.53 (3.22) 119.06 (2.81)
Years Mild
Aly & Abonour IG (n = 15) 8.11 (1.26) 4:11 IQ = 48.33 (6.38) 21.46 (2.44) 120.46 (5.46) ND
(2016) CG (n = 15) 8.34 (1.07) 5:10 IQ = 50.33 (4.70) 22.06 (2.4) 119.26 (4.35)
Years Mild to moderate
Silva et al. (2017) IG (n = 12) 18–60 Years ND ND 72.97 (15.12) ND ND
CG (n = 13) 70.01 (69.65)
Eid et al. (2017) IG (n = 15) 10.26 (0.79) 7:8 IQ: 56.46 (5.62) 30.53 (3.22) 120.06 (2.81) ND
CG (n = 16) 10.05 (0.68) 7:9 IQ: 57.18 (4.38) 30.2 (3.29) 119.2 (2.19)
Mean (standard deviation); IG, intervention group; CG, control group; IQ, intellectual quotient; ND, not described.
L. Ruiz-González et al. • Physical therapy in Down syndrome: meta-analysis
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research VOLUME 63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
L. Ruiz-González et al. • Physical therapy in Down syndrome: meta-analysis
Therapeutic exercise Aerobic training 5 (Millar et al. 1993; Ulrich et al. Walking/jogging, exercise with an
2001; Chen et al. 2014; Carmeli ergometer, treadmill training and
et al. 2002; Varela et al. 2001) treadmill training with partial body
weight support
Resistance training 8 (Rahman & Shaheen 2010; Progressive resistance training,
Shields et al. 2013; Shields et al. weight-bearing exercises, strength
2008; Shields & Taylor 2010; exercises, learning to ride a bike,
Ulrich et al. 2011; González- conditioning and jumping training
Agüero et al. 2012; González- and circuit training including
Agüero et al. 2014; Eid et al. 2017) plyometric jumps
Mixed training 6 (Lin & Wuang 2012; Rimmer Exercise programmes that include
et al. 2004; Rahman & Rahman a combination of different types of
2010; Gupta et al. 2011; Ferry interventions (e.g. treadmill
et al. 2014; Silva et al. 2017) training + Wii games and training
sessions focused on the
development of general physical
qualities …)
Balance training 2 (Jankowicz-Szymanska et al. Exercises programmes targeted at
2012; Aly & Abonour 2016) improving the quality of balance (e.
g. exercises on rehabilitation ball
and core-stability exercises)
Vibration 2 (Eid 2015; Villarroya et al. 2013) Full-body vibration
Early stimulation 2 (Harris 1981; Hernandez-Reif Neurodevelopment therapy and
et al. 2006) massage therapy
Technical aid 2 (Looper & Ulrich 2010; Looper Supramalleolar orthosis
& Ulrich 2011)
2b), cardiovascular function (subgroups 3a and 3b) bench and leg press was performed independently in
and body mass index (BMI) (subgroup 4). The two subgroups.
results show that three of the subgroups (1a, 1b and Three studies (Shields et al. 2008; Shields &
2a) presented favourable results in a significant way. Taylor 2010; Shields et al. 2013) measured
In contrast, the results were inconclusive for four of bench press in upper limbs and leg press muscle
the subgroups (2b, 3a, 3b and 4). strength in lower limbs valued by 1RM, with
Figures 2–8 present the results related to the meta- resistance training as the intervention. Both the
analyses of the subgroups. individual results and the overall result obtained
show that the interventions performed had a positive
effect on the maximum strength bench press and leg
Muscle strength
The study by Shields et al. (2008) had a positive
In the meta-analysis performed in this work, muscle effect on the upper limbs strength, but on the other
strength was assessed in the different studies through hand, no significant improvements were obtained on
tests for maximum strength generation, such as 1RM. the lower limbs. In another study by Shields et al.
The generation of maximum muscular strength was (2013), the effect of the intervention on muscle
tested by establishing the amount of weight that each strength at week 24, although diminished, is
participant could lift in a bench press and a sitting leg maintained for both the upper and lower extremities,
press (Shields et al. 2008). The meta-analysis for being higher in the lower limbs. Nevertheless, the
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Session duration
Harris (1981) IG: Three times/ 40 min 9 weeks Motor development -The Bayley Scales of No statistically significant
Neurodevelopment week Infant Development difference was found
therapy -Peabody Developmental between the groups.
CG: No additional Motor Scales However, there was a
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
Varela IG: Exercise in Three times/ 15–25 min 16 weeks VO2 max, VM max, -Stress tests in treadmill Training did not improve
et al. (2001) an ergometer week HR max, RER, and rowing-ergometer the cardiovascular capacity
CG: No regular distance covered, with gas consumption of the participants.
physical activity working level, body control, heart rate However, exercise
weight and monitor and resistance and work
percentage of body fat electrocardiogram capacity were improved in
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
Table 5. (Continued)
Session duration
Ulrich IG: Training Five times/ 8 min Until the child Motor development -The Bayley Scales The IG learned to walk with
et al. (2001) on a treadmill with week learned to walk and growth of Infant Development help (P = 0.03) and to walk
partial weight support -Battery of 11 independently (P = 0.02)
CG: No training anthropometric significantly faster than the
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
(2004) training and strength week aerobic capacity, strength cycle ergometer with significantly improved
training exercise (upper and lower limbs) control of gas cardiovascular fitness: VO2
15–20 min and body composition consumption and max (mL·min ); VO2 max
1 1
strength (weight, BMI and skin electrocardiogram. (mL·kg ·min ); HR max;
CG: No training exercises folds) -1RM bench press time of exhaustion; and
and seated leg maximum workload (all
press machine. Hand values P < 0.01). Also the
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
Table 5. (Continued)
Session duration
Study Intervention Frequency Intervention duration Outcome measure Measuring instrument Results
Shaheen (2010) PT + weight-bearing CG: 60 min total balance The Bruininks–Oseretsky significant improvements in
exercises Test of Motor Proficiency the static (P = 0.006),
CG: Traditional PT dynamic (P = 0.002) and
total (P = 0.002) balance in
the IG after the
Rahman & IG: Traditional Two times/ Conventional 6 weeks Balance -Sub-scale of the scale The results revealed a
Rahman (2010) training + Wii week programme The Bruininks–Oseretsky significant improvement on
games 60 min Test of Motor Proficiency the balance (P = 0.000)
CG: Traditional PT IG + 30 min when the IG was compared
Wii-Fit games with the CG.
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
Table 5. (Continued)
Session duration
Looper & IG: Treadmill Five times/ 8 h/day use of Until the child Gross motor -The Gross Motor All children showed
Ulrich (2010) training + week the orthosis learned to walk function Function Measure significant improvements in
supramalleolar 8 min/day the gross motor scores
orthosis treadmill over time (P < 0.001). One
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
Table 5. (Continued)
Session duration
Ulrich IG: Learning to Five consecutive 75 min 5 days Lower extremities -Manual muscle tester The participants who
et al. (2011) ride a bicycle days muscle strength, -Keep the balance learned to ride spent
-Scale, meter, balance, height, weight, on one leg significantly less time in
plicometer skin folds and sedentary activity at
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
Gupta IG: Strength and Three times/ ND 6 weeks Lower limb strength and -Dynamometer After the training, the IG
et al. (2011) physical balance weeks balance -Sub-scale of The participants showed a
training Bruininks–Oseretsky scale statistically significant
CG: They continued Test of Motor Proficiency improvement (P < 0.05) in
their normal activities the strength of the lower
limbs of all the muscle
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
Table 5. (Continued)
Session duration
Study Intervention Frequency Intervention duration Outcome measure Measuring instrument Results
statistically significant.
Except for the time in the
maintenance of the CoG
within the circle of 13 mm
at the beginning and the end
in the intervention subjects
(P = 0.0014).
Lin & Wuang IG: Treadmill Three times/week 25 min 6 weeks Lower limb strength and -Dynamometer IG had significant
(2012) training + Wii sports agility -Subtests of the Bruininks– improvements in agility
games Oseretsky Test of Motor (P = 0.02) and muscle
CG: Everyday Proficiency – Second strength of all muscle
activities Edition groups evaluated (P < 0.05).
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
Table 5. (Continued)
Session duration
Shields et al. IG: Progressive IG: 2 times/week IG: 45–60 min 10 weeks both Execution of work tasks, -Weighted box stacking There was no difference
(2013) resistance training groups muscular strength and test and a weighted pail between the groups for the
physical activity carry test execution of work tasks. IG
CG: Social activities CG: 1 time/week CG: 90 min -Tests of maximum increased muscle strength in
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
Table 5. (Continued)
González-Agüero IG: Circuit training Two times/week 20–25 min 21 weeks Working time, VO2 max, -Test of effort in a After 21 weeks of training,
et al. (2014) that includes RER max, HR max, VM treadmill with control the IG improved its
plyometric jumps max of gas consumption and cardiorespiratory
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
Table 5. (Continued)
Session duration
Eid (2015) IG: PT + vibration Three times/ Both groups 1 h, 6 months Balance and muscle -Biodex Stability System There was a statistically
programme week the GI plus strength of knee flexors -Manual dynamometry significant improvement in
GC: PT programme 5–10 min of full- and extensors favour of the IG regarding
body vibration
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
Table 5. (Continued)
Session duration
Study Intervention Frequency Intervention duration Outcome measure Measuring instrument Results
Silva et al. (2017) IG: Wii-based Three times/week 1 h 8 weeks -Body weight -Segmental body IG obtained significant
-Static arm strength 30-s sit-ups; bent arm Oseretsky Response speed
-Speed and agility hang; 6-min walk; subtest (P = 0.028).
-Balance beanbag overhead throw Participants from the
-Flexibility -Bruininks–Oseretsky control group also
-Explosive leg power Response speed subtest experienced improvements
CG: Usual daily -Trunk strength -Timed up and go in the handgrip test
activities -Muscular endurance (P = 0.039).
-Aerobic endurance
-Right and left
hand coordination
-Functional mobility
Eid et al. (2017) IG: Conventional Three times/ 45 min 12 weeks Leg strength and -Isokinetic dynamometer After the intervention, each
physical Week physical therapy postural balance -Biodex Stability System group showed significant
L. Ruiz-González et al. • Physical therapy in Down syndrome: meta-analysis
(P < 0.05).
IG, intervention group; CG, control group; ND, not described; VO2, oxygen consumption; HR, heart rate; RER, respiratory exchange ratio; VM, minute ventilation; BMI, body mass index; RM, repetition maximum;
CoG, centre of gravity.
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research VOLUME 63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
L. Ruiz-González et al. • Physical therapy in Down syndrome: meta-analysis
Figure 2 Subgroup 1a: Forest plot for strength (1-repetition maximum) measured by bench press. [Colour figure can be viewed at]
Figure 3 Subgroup 1b: Forest plot for strength (1-repetition maximum) measured by leg press. [Colour figure can be viewed at]
Figure 4 Subgroup 2a: Forest plot for balance (centre of gravity mediolateral displacement). [Colour figure can be viewed at]
Figure 5 Subgroup 2b: Forest plot for balance (centre of gravity anterolateral displacement). [Colour figure can be viewed at]
Figure 6 Subgroup 3a: Forest plot for cardiovascular function (oxygen consumption max). [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.
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Journal of Intellectual Disability Research VOLUME 63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
L. Ruiz-González et al. • Physical therapy in Down syndrome: meta-analysis
Figure 7 Subgroup 3b: Forest plot for cardiovascular function (heart rate max). [Colour figure can be viewed at]
Figure 8 Subgroup 4: Forest plot for body mass index. [Colour figure can be viewed at]
meta-analysis performed in this study shows positive revealed that the data provided by the studies were
effects in both upper and lower limbs. inconclusive.
Two studies (Villarroya et al. 2013; Eid 2015) analysed In the study by Rimmer et al. (2004), a favourable
the effects of their interventions (based on vibration effect on the BMI of the participants of adult age was
therapy) on displacements of the centre of gravity in obtained after the training of cardiovascular exercises
the stabilometric platform. The oscillations in the and strength (mixed training). By contrast, the study
mediolateral direction were reduced after the by Silva et al. (2017) did not obtain conclusive results
intervention in both studies. However, the on the decrease of the BMI of its participants. In this
anteroposterior oscillations were not reduced in the sense, the meta-analysis shows inconclusive results.
work of Villarroya et al. (2013), and in this case, the
global effect of the meta-analysis did not provide Discussion
conclusive data. In this way, the meta-analysis shows
positive effects on the improvement of mediolateral First, we would like to note that, to the best of our
oscillations. knowledge, this is the first meta-analysis
summarising the findings on PT interventions in the
DS population in the literature. Once the analysis of
Cardiovascular function
the studies retrieved has been performed, some
The effects of exercise on the maximum absorption of comments and considerations about the articles
VO2 (VO2 max) were studied in two of the reviewed included in the meta-analysis and systematic review
trials (Millar et al. 1993; Varela et al. 2001). The same need to be addressed.
researchers that studied VO2 max measured the The findings on strength levels highlight the
maximum heart rate with an intervention based on benefits of the resistance training programmes on the
aerobic training. The maximum heart rate study improvement of muscle strength in people with DS.
aimed to determine if there were changes in the effort Shields et al. (2008) stated that the intervention had a
and intensity of the exercise that the participants positive effect on the upper limbs’ strength but no
could reach after carrying out the intervention. significant improvements on the lower limbs. The
Nonetheless, the two studies (Millar et al. 1993; authors suggested that people usually exercise the
Varela et al. 2001) did not have favourable effects on lower limb muscles in their daily life activities more
this parameter. Then, the results of the meta-analysis frequently than their upper limb musculature being,
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
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Journal of Intellectual Disability Research VOLUME 63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
L. Ruiz-González et al. • Physical therapy in Down syndrome: meta-analysis
therefore, more effective an intervention in these last way, the results of the meta-analysis performed show
muscle groups. Furthermore, the same authors in a that interventions based on mixed training are not
later study (Shields et al. 2013) stated the possibility effective to improve BMI.
that the participants trained during the intervention From our systematic review, not all the studies were
period continued to train voluntarily after the end of included in the meta-analysis. Therefore, some
the programme. paragraphs about ‘additional evidence’, highlighting
According to the postural balance analysis, two their findings, are provided.
studies applied to adolescents (Villarroya et al. 2013) Accordingly, others studies included in this review
and children (Eid 2015) evaluated the effects of have also studied the balance (Gupta et al. 2011; Aly &
vibration on the number of the centre of gravity Abonour 2016; Jankowicz-Szymanska et al. 2012; Eid
oscillations in the anteroposterior and mediolateral et al. 2017; Carmeli et al. 2002; Rahman & Rahman
directions in the stabilometric platform. In that way, 2010; Rahman & Shaheen 2010; Silva et al. 2017) and
Eid (2015) research had better results in both strength (Carmeli et al. 2002; Rimmer et al. 2004; Lin
directions and Villarroya et al. (2013) in mediolateral & Wuang 2012; Chen et al. 2014; Silva et al. 2017; Eid
oscillations. These outcomes suggest that et al. 2017) in people with DS. Most studies obtained
interventions based on vibration therapy are effective some improvements in the balance and the strength of
in improving balance in children and adolescents with their participants after the interventions,
DS. strengthening the previously commented idea that the
Besides, the PT influence in cardiovascular exercise programmes are effective for improving these
function was also analysed. In that way, the effects of capacities.
aerobic training interventions on the maximum Additionally, previous studies have observed lower
absorption of VO2 were studied in two of the reviewed levels of bone mineral density in people with DS
trials (Millar et al. 1993; Varela et al. 2001). None of (González-Agüero et al. 2011; González-Agüero et al.
the studies obtained significative improvements in 2012). In this way, in the present review, two studies
cardiovascular capacity in people with DS. Millar (González-Agüero et al. 2012; Ferry et al. 2014)
et al. (1993) suggested that the intervention based on measured the effect of training programmes on bone
walking/jogging may not be sufficiently motivating or mineral density at the lumbar spine level obtaining
may become monotonous, thus affecting performance favourable results.
and effort of some participants. Furthermore, it is well known that walking is an
Finally, according to the meta-analysis, some especially important skill for young children. Its
comments about the effect on BMI need to be stated. impact is multidimensional, affecting motor,
As previously addressed, the overweight and obesity cognitive and social development (Agulló & González
prevalence in people with DS is a common problem. 2006; Malak et al. 2015; Jung et al. 2017; Ulrich et al.
Thus, the health promotion through initiatives that 2001). Ulrich et al. (2001) reveal the opportunity
encourage greater participation in physical activities offered by the treadmill intervention on the gait
can be an essential pillar when working with this development of children with DS. Subsequently,
population (Bertapelli et al. 2016; Rimmer et al. 2004; other studies not included in this review have focused
Ulrich et al. 2011). In the study by Rimmer et al. on studying the most optimal intensity of this type of
(2004), a favourable effect on the BMI of the intervention for motor development and gait in these
participants of adult age was obtained after the children (Wu et al. 2007; Wu et al. 2010; Ulrich et al.
training of cardiovascular exercises and strength. 2008). In this sense, it is also widespread to provide
Moreover, Silva et al. (2017) incorporated the use of children with SD orthoses to improve the gait
new technologies as a form of therapy in adults. The functionality (Looper & Ulrich 2011). Looper &
advantages of the use of videogames include the Ulrich (2010) showed the effects of supramalleolar
prevention of monotony and boredom, the increase of orthosis on gait in children with DS, presenting some
motivation and the ability to provide direct feedback adverse effects in children who have not yet reached
and allow the execution of a second task (Bonnechere the gait.
et al. 2016). Nonetheless, no improvements were Moreover, some studies incorporated the use of
obtained in the reduction of BMI in adults. In this new technologies as a form of therapy. This is the case
© 2019 MENCAP and International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and
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Journal of Intellectual Disability Research VOLUME 63 PART 8 AUGUST 2019
L. Ruiz-González et al. • Physical therapy in Down syndrome: meta-analysis
of Lin & Wuang (2012), Rahman & Rahman (2010) studies that composed some subgroups, the data
and Silva et al. (2017), who used Nintendo Wii® provided by the statistical analysis should be taken
games in their interventions. Given the good results with caution.
obtained in both studies in children and adolescents,
the use of new technologies could be a useful tool in Conclusions
the PT treatment of people with DS.
Regarding the interventions, the results of our In the present systematic review and meta-analysis, an
study show that the most used was therapeutic overview of the research evidence on PT intervention in
exercise. In this way, resistance training was effective DS is provided. Concerning our primary objective, the
to improve muscle strength, but aerobic training and different modalities of PT interventions seem to be
mixed training were not effective in improving effective in the improvement of different motor
cardiovascular function and BMI, respectively. outcomes related to DS. In this sense, interventions
Furthermore, interventions based on vibration based on resistance training are effective in the
therapy show benefits on balance. Despite being an improvement of the strength of upper and lower limbs.
extensive revision collecting works of different Furthermore, interventions based on vibration therapy
interventions, other types of PT interventions are have a positive effect on balance, specifically in the
not present in the works found, for example, reduction of mediolateral displacements of the centre
respiratory PT, which may be of potential use if we of gravity. Moreover, the evidence of improvement of
take into account that respiratory problems have the anteroposterior displacements of the centre of
high morbidity and contribute to the reduction of gravity, cardiovascular capacity or decrease of the BMI,
the quality of life of this group (Colvin & Yeager was inconclusive. These findings suggest that PT is
2017). Another example would be the PT approach recommended to improve strength and balance.
to orofacial stimulation and swallowing disorders, Finally, the outcomes of the present study suppose an
with oral problems also being characteristic of evidence-based framework in which clinical therapists
this population (Arumugam et al. 2016). Besides, can base their interventions with DS subjects.
further research is needed on essential aspects that,
despite having been studied previously, have not Source of funding
been clarified yet. Therefore, all this leads to
highlight the clear need for more research in PT No external funding was received for the research
in the DS. reported in the paper.
Some limitations of this study need to be addressed. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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