025 TTMLP Arg
025 TTMLP Arg
025 TTMLP Arg
Unit on
Malvinas Islands
Main Linguistic Objectives: you want, you can ask comprehension questions on the
information provided by the videos. Tell students to comment
lTo work on different genres: encyclopaedia format; videos;
on the differences between what they have imagined or knew,
and what the videos presented.
l To work on reading strategies: prediction; use of cognates;
Then, show the video about Port Stanley/Puerto Argentino and
reading to find specific information; guessing meaning from
ask students to tick the places the filmmaker visits. It is
context; global reading.
advisable to check the meaning of the different places before
l To practise answering questions. doing the activity. Watch the video at
l To work on listening strategies: listening and watching for http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7MDwLvpYfg.
specific information; inferring meaning from context.
Teenage life in Malvinas
Critical thinking skills: recognizing, listing, identifying, Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Each group has a
naming, retrieving, recalling, finding, comparing, interpreting, different text to read. Ask students to underline the ideas they
summarizing, discriminating, transferring. want to share with the rest of the class. Each group presents
their ideas. Print the texts from:
The Islands
Ask students what they know about Malvinas Islands. They can
use L1 to do the brainstorming. Do activity A on page 16.
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A) Do you know the names of these places in Spanish?
1) Falkland Islands
2) East Falkland
3) West Falkland
4) Port Stanley
5) Falkland Sound
C) Now, read the text and check if your predictions were true.
The Malvinas Islands (also known as Falkland Islands) are located 480 km east of Argentina and 1,400 km north of the
Antarctic Circle. The archipelago consists of two main Islands (Soledad and Gran Malvina, also known as East and West
Falkland) and 778 smaller islands, with a total land area of approximately 12,000 square kilometres. The terrain is
mainly hilly to mountainous grassland. Shrubs abound, but there are no native trees. The climate is cool, damp and
often windy. An impressive diversity of animal life includes elephant seals, sea lions, penguins and other birds.
There is a resident population of 2,478 of whom 2,115 live in the capital, Stanley. The majority are of British descent,
although there are a few immigrants from South America, Chile in particular. There are also about 2,000 military and
civilians based at Mount Pleasant Complex.
English is both the official language and the language of daily life. The vast majority of the population identify with
Anglican religion.
The currency is the Falkland Island Pound (FIP). There is no unemployment, but much of the work is seasonal, such
as peat cutting and sheep rearing, and many islanders supplement their incomes with small-scale mechanical or
agricultural projects. Apart from working with sheep by-products (wool, hides and meat), the settlers grow vegetables
such as cabbages, potatoes and cauliflower.
Until recently, sheep rearing and wool processing was the major industry. The fishing industry has grown rapidly and
so has tourism. Oil has been discovered near the islands lately. The primary products produced for export are wool,
hides and meat. The main imports are food, drink, building materials and clothing.
Except for defence, the islands are self-sufficient.
Education is free and compulsory from the age of six through fifteen. There is a primary school and a secondary school
in Stanley, as well as three settlement schools on farms in rural areas. Students who do not attend these schools are
home-schooled with the aid of travelling teachers, and radio and telephone lessons. There are not any institutes of
higher education, but citizens are eligible to receive funding for vocational and higher education classes in Great
The King Edward VII Hospital in Stanley is the only hospital. It was destroyed by a fire in 1984 and rebuilt in 1987. The
care provided is free, with the exception of eyeglasses, dentures and cosmetic dentistry.
Territory: Islas Malvinas. Also called Falkland Islands in English speaking countries.
Status: British overseas territory, claimed by Argentina.
Population: ............................................. Capital: .............................................
Area: ............................................. Major language: .............................................
Major religion: ............................................. Monetary unit: .............................................
Industries: ......................................................................................................................................................................
Main exports: .................................................................................................................................................................
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E) Working with language.
1) Write a title for the text.
2) Read the first paragraph again and underline cognates (words that are similar in spelling and meaning in English and
your language).
3) Find examples of the following items in the text. Then, add two more (in each word list).
Climate words
processing, fishing, tourism, g) cabbages, potatoes, cauliflower; 4) a) 7, b) 4, c) 10, d) 1, e) 8, f ) 2, g) 9, h) 5, i) 3 , j) 6; G) Governor’s House, Memorial, Tavern.
exports: wool, hides and meat. E) 3) a) shrubs, trees, b) elephant seals, sea lions, penguins, birds, c) cool, damp,windy, d) Anglican, e) English, f) sheep rearing, wool
area: 12,000 km2; language: English; religion: Anglican; monetary unit: FIP (Falkland Islands Pound); industries: sheep rearing, wool processing, fishing, tourism;
Key: A) 1) Islas Malvinas, 2) Isla Soledad, 3) Isla Gran Malvina, 4) Puerto Argentino, 5) Estrecho de San Carlos; D) population: 2,478 inhabitants; capital: Port Stanley;
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A Bit of History
T his lesson plan can be
used on its own or as the
second part of the lesson
Tell students to read the rubrics for
activity B, and ask what they imagine
the text would be about. Go through
provide the base form of the
irregular verbs. There is a list of
irregular verbs to download from
plan presented last year in the three possible titles and tell www.ediba.com
The Teacher’s Magazine N° 188, students to predict what information
March 2016: Malvinas Islands. the text should present according to the Download another
photocopiable activity
different headings. Let them read the from www.ediba.com
Objectives: text and choose the correct title.
Teach or revise how the years are said Go through the text in activity D on
• To revise and practise Past Simple.
in English. You may want to refer to the page 23, and check comprehension.
• To work on words related to war. Students now can check their
explanation given in the Usage Box.
• To work on reading strategies: Tell students to write down all the years predictions to question 5, activity A.
prediction; use of cognates; skimming mentioned in the text. You may also Read the rubric together with your
and scanning. give them some other years if they need students and have them do activity D,
more practise. in which they have to complete the text
• To work on speaking strategies:
with the past form of the verbs in
expressing a particular meaning in Go back to the answers students gave
different grammatical forms. brackets.
in activity A. Ask them to compare
their predictions to the information Ask students to find out information
from the text, and then to answer the about the war to discuss in class. You
Critical thinking skills: recognising, questions correctly. Question 5 cannot may also call a Malvinas War Veteran
listing, identifying, finding, defining, Centre, so they can give a talk at school
be answered yet, because the text does
comparing, explaining, recalling about their experience during the war.
not provide the information.
information, generalising, synthesising,
understanding cause and effect, Teach or revise the time expressions in As a final task, students make posters
integrating, the text: at that year, a year later, etc. to display at school about what they
by asking students to what year they have learned.
Start the class by asking students what
refer to. Then, do activity C. Karina Uzeltinger
they know about Malvinas Islands.
Depending on students’ level, you may
Write on the board any information
ask them to work in pairs or
given. Tell them they are going to read
individually. They can also present the
a text about the history of the Islands.
timeline in their computers if they are
Go through the questions in exercise A
available in class.
on page 22 explaining any unknown
words. Let them work in pairs Teach or revise Simple Past. Use the
predicting the answers if they do not Grammar Box. Tell students to
know them. Go through the answers underline all verbs in the past in the
each group has given, but do not tell text and to classify them into regular
them whether they are right or wrong. and irregular verbs. Then, ask them to
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C) Read the text again, and make a timeline. Add any information you may know and it is not presented
in the text.
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D) Read the following text, and put the verbs in brackets into the past form.