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Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o what is environment ? 
o different types of environment
o scope of environmental Hygiene
o importance of environmental Hygiene
o impact of environmental Hygiene.


 Environment means the surroundings of an organism. The French word

‘Environner’ means ‘to surround’. Environment includes water, air, land and
their interrelationships and interactions with living organisms and their
properties. All physical and biological surroundings of an organism and their
interactions indicate its environment. According to the Encylopedia of Science
and Technology, environment is a collective term describing the conditions
surrounding an organism.

Science is an
study which
deals with the
interaction of
a human
species with
other species
and the non-


 Environmental Studies include the study of atmosphere, the land ,the oceans and
the chemical cycles that flow through physical and biological systems.
 According to Newman, Environmental studies deal with the disturbances in the
environment and their reduction through societal changes. According to him
Environmental Science is the study of processes which occur in water, air, soil
and in living organisms leading to pollution, and solution to minimize the
environmental impacts.   


 There are two types of environment. The first one in Natural Environment and
the other one is Man-made Environment.
 Natural Environment: The natural environment comprises
o Atmosphere (500kms above the surface of earth),
o Hydrosphere (surface and ground water resources on earth’s crust),
o Lithosphere (earth’s crust which includes rocks and soil)
o Biosphere (region where life exists on earth-between 10,000 m below sea
level and 6,000 m above sea level).
 Man-made Environment: The man made environment comprises
o Human groups (religious and communities).
o Material infrastructure built by man (rural and urban settlements,
railways, roads etc.).
o Production relationships (factors of production-primary, secondary and
tertiary activities).
o Institutional systems (education, commercial and marketing).


 Environment consist of mainly four categories:

o Physical factors ( physical, chemical and both natural and man-made
biological factors).
o Social factors (Social and Cultural life, population and its density,
community composition, educational factors, religions, values, family
structure and politics).
o Economic factors (Employment, unemployment, underemployment levels
and sources of income, production, demand patterns, land values, taxes
and trade).
o Aesthetic factors (People deriving pleasure on seeing historical,
archaeological and architectural objects or sites, scientific areas and
 Environment is defined as the sum total of physical and biological factors that
influence the life of an organism. It is the sum total of physical, social, cultural,
economic and aesthetic factors, which affect individuals and communities and
determine their form, character , relationship and survival.



 Environmental studies have multiple scopes. The study is very important for
everyone. The scope are as follows
o Environmental studies create an awareness among people on natural
resources. People come to know about conservation of resources and their
management following certain code of conduct.
o They provide knowledge about richness and conservation of biodiversity.
o The study provides knowledge about ecological systems and their cause,
effect and relationship.
o The study helps us to understand about environmental pollution and its
control. It helps us to know about the causes and consequences due to
natural and man-induced disaster.
o The study helps us to know the problem of overpopulation, health hygiene,
o They teach us the need for sustainable development and enable us to
convert our theoretical into practice.


 Environmental study helps us to find practical solutions to the present

environmental problems. Since it is a comprehensive view of various
environmental systems, we are able to analysis aquatic, terrestrial and
atmospheric systems.
 Life originated on the surface of the earth 3500 million years ago. But now,
human population has been increasing at an alarming rate, depleting the once
abundant natural resources. In 1950, the world population was 2.5 billion; In
1994, it became 5.6 billion and in 2050 it would be 9 billion! The natural
resources are depleted due to overconsumption by the ever increasing
population. The resources are limited on earth but the methods of exploiting
them are on the increase.
 Environmental study enables people to pursue sustainable development. It
motivates students in community action and makes them participate in activities
relating to environmental protection. Environmental study is a multidisciplinary
approach to the study of human interaction with the natural environment. In
integrates humanities with social sciences, biological sciences and physical
sciences in order to investigate the concerns of environment and establish
stability and sustainability. This results in more environmental pollution. The
resources are overexploited and are made scarce for the future generation. So,
environmental education and training are the need of the hour to save our
natural resources and biodiversity.
 Environmental study enables people to pursue sustainable development. It
motivate students in community action and makes them participate in activities
relating to environmental protection. Environmental study is a multidisciplinary
approach to the study of human interaction with the natural environment. It
integerated humanities with social sciences, biological sciences and physical


sciences in order to investigate the concerns of environment and establish

stability and sustainability.

Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies

 Since many physical , chemical and biological parameters are used to describe
environment, an interdisciplinary approach is required to environmental studies.
One needs ‘knowledge’ inputs from many disciplines to study the various
environmental issues facing him/her. Each discipline in its own way . It is not
complete in itself. So, a multidisciplinary approach is essential to solve the
present complex environmental problems. In addition, the applied sciences are
more useful to plan new strategies to improve the environment, thereby
preventing any further adverse effects.
 Refinement of one’s knowledge is possible only when there is multidisciplinary
approach and a grasp of a comprehensive view of issues. Hybridization of
different disciplines leads to newer directions for research and methods of
analysis to solve the present problems of environment.
 The quality of environmental analysis is enhanced when sensor based in situ data
collection, remotely sensed data products and Geographical Information System
(GIS) based analysis are carried out. Mathematical modelling and calculations
using statistical analysis to compare data from various regions are used to study
environment in a better way. To study the natural resources, modern
geographical and geological is very useful.


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o What is Ecosystem ?
o Concept of Ecosystem
o Types of Ecosystem
o Components Ecosystem
o Producers, consumers and decomposers in Ecosystem.


 An ecosystem is a group of living communities of species interacting with one

another and with their non-living environment, exchanging energy and matter.


 The term ecosystem was first introduced by Sir Arthur Tansely (1935). The
relationship between biotic and abiotic components is called holocoenois.
Previously, Russian ecologist, Sukachev in 1944, coined the term ‘biogeoconeosis’
to include environment in the study of Biological communities. This term
biogeocoenosis is equivalent to term ecosystem.
 Earnst Haekel (1869) coined the word ‘Ecology’, which is the study of organisms
in their natural home interacting with their surroundings. Ecology is often
defined as the study of ecosystems. According to Utpary (1954), ecosystem is a
complex system in which living and non-living constituents are interacting with
one another, triggering an exchange of energy and matter.


 We may consider the living component of ecosystem from the point of view of
levels of organization for better understanding of ecosystem and ecology. All
living things are made up of protoplasm which is the physical basis of life. The
protoplasm is organized into cells which are again, organized into tissue. The
tissues organize themselves into organs, organs into systems and systems into
organisms. One kind of organisms (one kind of species) living together to form a
small or large assemblage is called a population. Several population of different
plant and animal species interacting with one another are called a biotic
community or community. A community with its interacting populations for
energy and nutrients constitutes and ecosystem.
 The largest ecosystem is called biosphere or ecosphere (entire habitable part of
the earth) in which plants and animals , living part of the community interact
with environment (non-living part)
 Ecosystem can be broadly classified into (i) natural ecosystem (ii) man made
ecosystem. The natural ecosystem comprises Terrestrial ecosystem (Forest,
Grassland and Desert E.S) and Aquatic ecosystem  ( Freshwater E.S - Lake, Pond,
Ditch, Swamp, River, Spring and Stream E.S and Marine E.S - Ocean and Sea
E.S). Man-made ecosystem (or) Artificial ecosystem are those ecosystems which
are modified by human activities. For example, crop field, urban, industrial
laboratory and space, space crafts, gardens, parks and aquariums are artificial




 There are four major types of ecosystems. They are as follows

o Forest Ecosystem
o Grassland Ecosystem
o Desert Ecosystem
o Aquatic Ecosystem


 Forest ecosystem is dominated by trees. Forests are natural plant communities.

They are found in the region where there is moderate to high rainfall. They are
the climax communities occupying 19% of the total land area in India. There are
different types of forests depending upon the climate. They are as follows:


 Tropical rain forests: They are evergreen forests found occurring near the
equator. They get high temperature, high humidity and heavy rainfall. These
forests are famous for richest biodiversity. There are three layers, namely
topmost layer of tallest trees. (e.g,. Lianes and orchids), shrub layer (many
shrubs) and ground layer (herbs) eg., The silent valley in Kerala.
 Tropical deciduous forests: They are found a little away from the equator . There
is a warm climate throughout the year. Monsoon rainfall occurs during the
monsoon seasons. Since drought prevails in the forest during most part of the
year, the leaves fall down during dry season.
 Tropical scrub forests: In this type of forest, dry season is longer. So, deciduous
and armed shrubs and trees grow here.
 Temperate rain forests: They occur in areas where there is adequate rain fall.
Coniferous trees like firs, redwoods and pines dominate these forests. There are
also evergreen trees, with broad leaves.
 Temperate Deciduous forests: Here, moderate temperature occurs. The trees like
poplar and oak grow in these forests.
 Evergreen coniferous forests (or) Boreal forests: They are found in the South of
arctic tundra. There will be long winters. The temperature will be mild in
summer. The trees are represented by fir, pines, spruce and cedar which have
needle-shaped leaves. There is less species diversity due to acidic soil.

Components of forest ecosystem

 The following are the different components of forest ecosystem:

 Abiotic factors
o Organic and inorganic substances in soil and air, temperature, light and
rainfall are some of the abiotic components. The minerals in the soil vary
depending upon the type of forest.
 Biotic factors
o Producers
 They include mainly trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants .


The trees include Tectona grandis (Teak), Butea

monosperma Dipterocarpus Quercus, pine , cedrus etc.
o Consumers
 Primary consumers: They include herbivores like flies, ants, bugs,
beetles and spiders and large herbivorous animals such as deer,
elephants, squirrels, mongoose etc.
 Secondary consumers: Snakes, lizards, foxes, birds and feeding
 Tertiary consumers: Lion, tiger, etc are the top carnivores.
o Decomposers
 They include fungi like Aspergillus, Polyporus, Trichodendron and
bacteria like Bacillus, Clostridium etc.
 The rate of decomposition varies from forest to forest.


 Grassland occurs in places where there is cold climate during winter and hot
climate during summer. Rainfall is average. Grasslands and inhabited mainly by
tall grasses.
 There are the types of grasslands. They are as follows

o Tropical grassland is dominated by tall grasses. Example: Africa and

Savannas. They occur near borders of tropical rain forests. Animals such
as zebras, giraffes and antelopes live here. Termites and mounds are found
o Temperate grassland occurs on slopes of hills. Winters are very cold and
summer is hot. Overgrazing leads to absence of trees and shrubs. Example:
Africa-Velds, US and Canada-Prairies, S America- Pampas and Central
Europe and Asia- Steppes.
o Polar grassland (Arctic Tundra) is characterized by the following:
 Severe cold and strong winds
 Summer sunshine (small annual plants grow)


 Animals-Wolf, fox, reindeer

 Below soil thick layer of ice remains frozen throughout the year
o Abiotic factors
 They include soil, inorganic components in the air, rainfall,
minerals in soil.
o Biotic factors
 Producers
 There are different varieties of grasses namely Dichanthium
Cynodon, Cenchrus and Sachharum. But there are no trees.
 Consumers
 Primary consumers: They include cow, buffalo, bison, bull,
deer, rabbit, rat , insects, termites and millipedes.
 Secondary consumers: They include snake, garden lizard,
calotes, bird, fox and jackals which feed on herbivores.
 Tertiary consumers: They include hawks and vulture, which
feed on secondary consumers.
 Decomposers
 Mucor, Rhizopus, Penicillium and Aspergillus are of the
fungi which decay the dead organic matter.
 Bacteria also acts on dead organic matters and affect the
mineral cycling.


The desert ecosystem occurs in a region where there is less rainfall and snow and more
evaporation. The main features of the ecosystem are as follows:

 Rainfall less than 25cm in a year

 Evaporation exceeding precipitation (rainfall, snow etc.,)
 1/3 of the world’s land area is desert.
 Little species diversity, with xerophytic characters.
 Day to hot , night too cold due to copper insulator of atmosphere.



 Tropical deserts e.g. Sahara in Africa and Thar in Rajasthan with sand dunes.
 Temperate deserts e.g., Mojave in Southern California.
 Cold deserts e.g., Gobi deserts in China.
 Abiotic factors
o The factors include more temperature, less rainfall, less mineral cycling
and soil has more nutrients but less water.
 Biotic factors
o Producers
 They include shrubs, armed plants, grasses few trees fleshy plants
like Euphrobia, Agaves with adapatations, lichens and
o Consumers
 Primary consumers (herbivores): Camles, rats , insects and birds.
 Secondary consumer: Snake, lizard with thick skin.
 Decomposers: Fungi and Bacteria are some of the thermophilic


 Aquatic ecosystem deals with water bodies and the biotic communities. It is
either freshwater or marine.
 A pond ecosystem is a self regulating and self sufficient fresh water ecosystem.
Here fresh water is stagnant, receiving water during rainy season.


 There are three region in this ecosystem

o Littoral (surface of water with sunlight)
o Limnetic (sunlight penerates into less deep water)
o Profundal ( No sunlight with deep region)
 The various components of the ecosystem are as follow:
 Abiotic factors
o The biotic components are temperature, light, water, organic and
inorganic compounds like C,H,O,N,P, Ca, S and carbohydrates, proteins
and lipids. The amount of minerals present at any time in the pond is
called standing state.
 Biotic factors
o Producers
 They include phytoplankton (Ulothrix, Spriogyra, Oedogonium,
Diatom and Zygnenna). There are larger plants like Marsilia,
Vallisneria, Azolla, Eichhornia, Salvinia, Wolffia and Pistia.
o Consumers
 Primary consumers: They include Zooplankton, worms, protozoan
and crabs (Herbivores).
 Secondary consumers: They include insects, small fish which feed
on herbivores.
 Tertiary consumers: These are some fish, crane and hawks.
o  Decomposers ( or) Micro consumers: These include Bacteria, fungi like
Aspergillus and Pythium.

Ocean Ecosystem


 The Ocean ecosystem is larger than the other ecosystems on earth. Oceangraphy
is the study of the oceans. There are two environments in the ocean. The open sea
environment (pelagic -40 -50 feet from the surface) and deep sea environment)
 Two thirds of earth’s surface is marine water. In sea water, more salt and metals
are present. Oceans are major sinks of CO2, regulating biogeochemical cycles,
hydrological cycles thereby earth’s climate.
 These are two major life zones-coastal zone and open sea. The coastal zone will be
warm with nutrient rich shallow water. There is high primary productivity due to
more nutrients and light. The open is the deeper part of the ocean.
 Abiotic factors
o They include salt, organic and inorganic compounds O2, light,
temperature, tides and waves.
 Biotic factors
o Producers: They include phytoplanktons, algae, angiosperms, grasses
mangrove plants like Rhizophora, Avicennia and Sonneratia.
o Consumers: There are three types of consumers:
o Primary consumers: They include small fish, crabs, protozoans and
o Secondary consumers: They include big fishes like herring, saat and
o Tertiary consumers: They include very big fishes like cod, hedak, and
o Decomposers: They include Bacteria and Fungi.

Estuaries or Estuarine Ecosystem

 At the mouth of a river where fresh water and sea water meet, estuary is present.
The estuary is always affected by tides of the sea. Mixing of fresh water and salt
water helps the producers in the ecosystem to get more nutrients and energy. The
organisms show wide range of tolerance to salinity and temperature because
there are variations in the stream flow and tidal currents (eg. Tidal marshes and
coastal bays).
 The abiotic factors are salt and organic and inorganic compounds. The biotic
factors include macrophytes , microphytes and phytoplanktons. There are many
endemic species. The consumers resemble marine ecosystem. There are
migratory species of fishes eg., cels and salmons, These migratory fishes spend
half of their life in salt water and half in freshwater. They get a lot of food in
estuaries which are highly productive ecosystems.
 Since the estuaries provide more food for man and other animals, we have to
protect the estuary ecosystems by all means.



Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o structure of ecosystem
o abiotic and Biotic substances in ecosystem
o functions of ecosystem
o food web
o types of pyramids in ecosystem.

Abiotic substances

 Physical factors: They include sunlight, shade, temperature, rainfall, wind,

latitude, altitude, soil type and water.
 Chemical factors: They include
o inorganic factors-C,N2,P,K, H2,O2,S
o Organic factors-Protein, Carbohydrates and fats.

Biotic substances

 Producers: They are producing their own food and therefore they are called
autotrophs, (eg. Green plants and bacteria).
o Photo-autotrophs : Green plants prepare food during photosyntheses
 Photo-autotorphs: Green plants prepare food during

                    Photosynthesis = 6CO2 +12H2O    ---------------  C6H12O6 + 6O2 +6H2O
                                                                              Chlorophyll          (Glucose)

o Chemto- autotrophs: Sulphur bacteria prepare organic compounds from

H2S and Co2. 

                          H2S +CO2   ________ organic compounds



 Organisms get their food by feeding on other organisms or organic matter. They
are called heterotrophs.
 Primary consumers: Herbivores (or) Plant enters derive their nutrition directly
from plants. e.g. Rabbit, Cattle, Elephant, Camel, Insect, Deer, etc.
 Secondary consumers: They are carnivores deriving their energy from herbivores
Example: Frog and small Bird.
 Tertiary consumers: They are also carnivores that feed on other carnivores.
Examples are snake, Big fish, Fox, Eagle, Tiger, Lion and Wolf.
 Omnivores: They feed on both plants and animals. Example- Man, Rat, Birds and
 Detrivores: They feed on dead organisms and wastes. Examples are Beetles,
Termites, Ants, Crabs and Earthworms.


 They are the heterotrophs (e.g. Bacteria and fungi) acting upon faecal matters,
exudates and dead bodies. They perform on invaluable service in the ecosystem
by decomposing the above organic matter and make it available for reuse.






 Ecosystems have various functions performed by the structural components to

ensure the persistence of the system. The green leaves (producers) prepare starch
and the roots absorb water and minerals from the soil.
 The solar energy is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis. The
herbivores which feed on plants are consumed by carnivores.
 The decomposers break down the complex organic materials of dead decaying
matter into simpler ones which are used by producers.
 The major functional attributes of the ecosystems are as follows.
o Trophic structure
o Food chain
o Food web, Ecological pyramids
o Energy flow
o Nutrient cycle
o Productivity
 Primary Production
 Secondary Production
o Ecosystem Regulation
o Ecological Succession
 Trophic structure
o The producers and consumers are arranged in the ecosystem in a definite
manner and their interactions along with population size are expressed as
trophic structure. The trophic structure (food) of ecosystem is based on
the existence of several trophic levels.
 Food chain


o The sequence of eating and being eaten in a ecosystem is known as Food

chain. In the ecosystem , many trophic levels are connected through food
o Example: Pond Ecosystem: Here, the following food chains take place
from one trophic level to other trophic levels.
o Phytoplankton ------Zooplankton ------Small fish --Big fish ----Tuna.
o Phytoplankton --Zooplankton ----Fish ---Bird -----Vulture.
o Phytoplankton ----Crab ----Carnivore ---Insect ----Small fish ----Big
fish ---- Crane ----Crocodile
 Grassland Ecosystem (Grazing food chain): This food chain extends from
producers through hervbivores to carnivores. The following food chains are
available in this ecosystem
o Grass -------Grasshopper -------Frog -------Snake -----Hawk.
o Grass -----Rabbit ------Fox -----Tiger.
o Grass -----Butterfly ------Frog ------Snake ----- Hawk
 Detritus Food Chain: This type of food chain starts with dead organic matter and
passes through detritus feeding organisms in soil. This food chain does not
depend upon direct solar energy.
o Example: Dead organic matter Algae Crabs Small fish Big fish (Mangrove
o Dead organic matter Fungi Bacteria( Forest Ecosystem).



 In the process of food chains, energy flow, nutrient cycling, ecological balance
and biological magnification of some chemicals take place. Pesticides and heavy
metals are nonbiodegradable. They are carried along the food chain.

(C1) Food Web


 It is a network of Food chains where different types of organisms are connected

different levels. There are a number of options of eating and being eaten.
 Food web opens flow of food energy.
 Food web gives greater stability to the ecosystem.
 In a linear food chain if one species becomes extinct then the species in the
subsequent trophic levels are affected.
 In a food web number of options are available at each trophic level e.g. a field
mouse may be eaten by a wild cat, a snake or an owl.


(C2) Ecological Pyramids

 They were first devised by Charles Elton (1927) So they, are also called Eltonion
 Graphic representation of trophic structure and function of an ecosystem starting
with producers at the base and successive trophic levels forming the apex are
called Ecological Pyramids.
 There are three Parameters of each Trophic level:
o Number of individuals
o Amount of Biomass

o Amount of Energy
 Three types of Pyramids are as follows:
o Pyramid of numbers
o Pyramid of Biomass
o Pyramid of Energy


(C2a) Pyramid of Numbers

 It is a graphic representation of number of individual organisms at each trophic

level, with producers forming the base and the carnivores at the tip.


(C2b) Pyramid of Biomass

 The amount of living matter present in an environment is called biomass.

 Biomass of Trophic level depends upon reproductive potential and lonevity of the
 Biomass is high in long-lived organisms.


Inverted Pyramid in Aquatic Ecosystems


 The pyramid of biomass in aquatic ecosystem is inverted. The biomass trophic

level depends upon the reproductive potential and longevity of the membrane. In
the case of long lived organisms, the biomass is high.
 The biomass of phytoplankton is less than biomass of zooplanktons. The biomass
carnivores is higher than the herbivores.


(C2c) Pyramid of Energy

 Example: Pond ecosystem

 It is a graphic representation of the amount of energy trapped per unit time and
area in different trophic levels of food chain. The producers are at the base and
carnivores are at the top.




Learning objectives


 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o what is food chain ?
o different types of food chain
o what is Biodiversity ?
o uses of Biodiversity
o threats and conservation of Biodiversity


 The transfer of food energy from the source in plants through a series of
organisms with repeated stages of eating and being eaten is known as the food
chain. A food chain always starts with plant life and ends with an animal. Animals
that eat only plants are called herbivores. Animals that eat other animals are
called carnivores. For example, a simple food chain links the plant, the insect
(that eat plant), and the frog (that eat the insect), and the snake (that eat the frog)
and the eagle (that eat the snake).

 Why there are more herbivores than carnivores?

o When a herbivore eats, only a fraction of the energy (that it gets from the
plant food) becomes new body mass; the rest of the energy is lost as waste
or used up ( by the herbivore as it moves). Likewise, when a carnivore eats
another animal, only a portion of the energy from the animal food is stored


in its tissues. In other words, organisms along a food chain pass on much
less energy (in the form of body mass) than they receive.
 The further along the food chain you go, the less food ( and hence energy)
remains available.
 The above pyramid-shaped food chain shows many trees & shrubs providing food
and energy to giraffes. Note that as we go up, there are fewer giraffes than trees &
shrubs and even fewer lions than giraffes.
 Most food chains have no more than four or five links. This is because the
animals at the end of the chain would not get enough food (and hence energy ) to
stay alive.
 Most animals are part of more than one food chain and eat more than one kind of
food in order to meet their food and energy requirements.
 A change in the size of one population in a food chain will affect other
populations. This interdependence of the populations within a food chain helps
to maintain the balance of plant and animal populations within a community. For
example, when there are too many giraffes; there will be insufficient trees and
shrubs for all of them to eat. Many giraffes will starve and die. Less giraffe means
less reproduction, less food is available for the lions to eat and some lions will
starvae to death. When there are fewer lions, the giraffe population will increase.


 Grazing Food Chain

 Parasitic Food Chain
 Detritus Food Chain

Grazing Food Chain

 Food chain begins from a green plant. The food chain in aquatic and terrestrial
grazing ecosystems are shown below

Components Aquatic Food Terrestrial Food Chain

Producer Phytoplankton Grass
Primary Consumer Zooplankton Grass hopper
Secondary Consumer Fish Snake

Parasitic Food Chain

 The food chain begins with plant but then goes herbivores of huge number of
ectoparasites (parasites living outside the host)
 Dead plant and animals ---> Earthwork ---> Frog ---> Snake


Detritus Food chain

 The food chain starts from organic matter of decaying animal and plant to
microorganisms and then to detritus feeding organism, the follows to their
 The example is mangrove ecosystem. The food chain follows the following steps
o Mangrove leaves fall into the warm and shallow water.
o The leaves are eaten by fungi, bacteria, protozoa, etc, living on algae. Algae
are eaten by small animals, like crabs, copepods, insect larvae, etc.
o Small animals are eaten by small fish and then by large fish followed by
fish eating birds.


  The term biodiversity refers to the wealth of plants, animals and micro
organisms that contain precious genes and formulate delicate ecosystems.


 Biodiversity refers to variety and variability among the living organisms and
ecological complexes in which occur. This includes diversity within species,
between species and of the ecosystem. It is defined as the totality of genes,
species and ecosystems of a region.
 Biodiversity or Biological diversity comprises Genetic diversity, Species diversity
and Ecosystem diversity.

Genetic diversity

 It refers to the variation of genes within the species stores as immense amount of
genetic information. Genetic variation is seen among the individuals within a
species . For instance, in cattle there are many varieties with respect to colour,
milk yield, size or disease resistance.
 The genetic variation may be in alleles, entire genes or in chromosomal
structures. It leads to better adaptation of species to the changed environment.
New species are formed due to genetic variation.

Species diversity

 It refers to the various species found within a region. Variability found within a
species or between different species of a community. Species diversity is
measured by species richness (number of species per unit area) and evenness or
equitability (evenness in the number of individuals of a species).


 In the case of species richness, higher species diversity represents greater species
diversity. In the second case, evenness of species represents higher species

Ecosystem diversity

 It refers to the variations in the biological communities in which the species live.
The diversity within a community is called alpha diversity. The diversity between
communities is called Beta diversity. Examples are Tropical Rain Forest and
Boreal Forest.
 The present diversity has developed over millions of years of evolution and
therefore ecological balance should not be disturbed. The diversity of the habitats
over total landscape or geological area is referred to as Gamma diversity (or)
Landscape diversity. For example Forest ecosystem, aquatic ecosystem,
Grasslands, Deserts, mangroves etc.


 Biodiversity is very essential for the health of biosphere and it provides the raw
materials for man in order to make him adapt to the changing environment.
 Man derives many direct and indirect benefits from the living things. Biodiversity
provides ecological services also. The uses of biodiversity are as follows.

Consumptive use value

 It includes food, medicine, fuel, fibre, timber, clothing, etc. 80,000 species are
edible wild plant species. 90% of the crops have been domesticated from wild
tropical plants. 75% of the world population depends upon plants for medicines.
 For instance, penicillin from a fungus name Penicillium, quinine from a plant
namely, Cinchona, tetracycline from a bacterium and cancer-curing drugs like
vinplastine and vinchristine from a plant namely, Catharanthus
roseus (Nithyakalyani) are obtained.

Productive use value

 The products are commercially usable

 The wild gene resources are traded to introduce desirable traits in the crops and
domesticated animals.
 Productive uses of biological resources are fuel, timber, musk, tusk, ivory, honey ,
fibre, gums, resins, medicines, silk, wool etc.

Social value

 Biodiversity in India is related to our religious, cultural and spiritual uses.


 Many plants like Tulsi, Pipal, Hibiscus and Datura are considered to be sacred.

 Peacock, cow, snake, bull and owl have a place in our spiritual areana.

Ethical value

 We must protect every life. It is based on the concept ‘Live and let live’
 We must enjoy watching all animals-Kangaroo, Giraffe, Zebra etc., though they
are not useful to us directly. We should not cage birds for our pleasure and

Aesthetic value

 Biodiversity provides us a good deal for fun and recreation. This type of tourism
is known as ecotourisum which generates 12 billion dollars as income per year.
 If we have a lion in a zero we get about Rs . 2 crores as income per year. But if we
kill the lion we get only Rs. 50,000/-
 A teak fetches Rs. 50,000/- if cut down; but it lives, its value is priceless by way of
its ecological role.

Option values or unknown benefits

 We must try to explore the potentials of biodiversity for future benefit of

mankind. We must protect the biodiversity in order to find out drugs to fight
diseases like cancer and AIDS.


Biodiversity in India

 In India biodiversity is rich due to favourable climate and natural environmental

conditions. India has 8.1% of the world’s total biodiversity in contrast to her 2.4%
of the world area. India occupies seventh position of plant rich
nations( megadiversity countries). The first position is occupied by Mexico. There
is enormous loss of biodiversity and one of the root causes identified for the loss
is the wrong model of development we have followed so far. The development has
centered on the following:
o Commercial and monocultural agricultural practices.
o Large scale industrial expansion
o Increasing the consumption of goods and benefits through exploiting
natural resources without giving importance of sustainability.
 The man-made communities have replaced the natural communities in order to
protect life on earth. Man must learn to control and adjust the balance in nature
that are altered by his activities.


Biodiversity in TamilNadu

 TamilNadu has a rich biodiversity. The state has 5 National Parks, 20 wild life
sanctuaries and 2 biosphere reserves.
 It is estimated that 9% of the freshwater fauna of India is found in Tamil Nadu.
The insects dominate the fresh water animals. There are about 31 species of
molluscs and 153 species of fishes in Tamil Nadu.
 In Vedanthangal Birds Sanctuary many species of birds are seen. They visit this
sanctuary from far off places during migratory season.


 Though the rate of loss of species has been a slow process in the past, the process
of extinction has become fast in recent years. It has been reported that
approximately 10,000 species become extinct every year. This raises an alarm
regarding the threat to biodiversity. IF this trend continues 1/3 or 2/3 of our
current biodiversity would become extinct by the middle of the 21 stcentury.

Factors causing loss of biodiversity

 Loss of Habitat
o Destruction of habitats due to clearing of forests and grasslands for
agricultural lands, pastures, settlement areas or project development lead
to loss of habitat. These factors are responsible for the disappearance of
thousands of species. According to the world Health Organisation (WHO)
estimates, about 80% of the population of developing countries relies on
traditional medicines, mostly drugs from plants. In order to meet the
demand, about 86% of plant collection involves destructive harvesting.
Many plants become endangered, besides loss and degradation of natural
habitats take place due to overharvesting.
o The wetlands, mangroves and estuaries with rich biodiversity are under
threat. They are destroyed, as if they have no value. For example estuarine
ecosystem in Adyar, Chennai has disappeared posing a major treat to
nearly 170 species of birds, many of which nest and breed there. Tropical
forests disappear at the rate of 0.6% per year in our country. Marine
biodiversity is also threatened by human intervention.
o The wetlands in India are distributed in different geographical regions.
Most of the wetlands in India are linked with major river systems. India
has 27403 wetlands covering 4.1 million . Of these , 2,175 are natural and
the rest are manmade. Wetlands occupy 18.4 of the area of our country of
which 70% are under rice cultivation. In India, out of an estimated 4.1
million ha of wetlands, 1.5 mha are natural and 2.6 mha are man-made.
Wetlands provide food and shelter for mammals and birds.
 Poaching of wild life


o The illegal commercial hunting is called poaching. There are two types of
hunting subsistence hunting (killing animals for food) and sport hunting
(killing animals to sell their meat, fur, horns, tusks etc.)
 Man-Animal conflicts
o Sometimes, wild animals threaten human beings. This leads to conflict
between wild life and man. For example elephant in Sambalpur, Orissa
killed 195 humans in 5 years. The villagers killed 98 elephants in
retaliation and injured 30 elephants.


 When the habitats of wild animal are destroyed by man, the animals are forced to
come out of the forest in search of food to the nearby human settlements and
attack human beings when they come in contact with them accidentally.
 When rice, sugarcane , etc., are not cultivated within the sanctuaries, the animals
move out in search of food. One adult elephant needs 2 quintals of green fodder
and 150 litres of water daily. If this is not available, the wild animals move out.
 The weak and injured animals have a tendency to attack man. A tigress attacks
man in order to protect its cubs. Once a tiger tastes the flesh of a man
accidentally, it becomes a man-eater.
 When wildlife corridors are converted into human settlements, the path of wild
life is disrupted and animals attack the settlements.
 Since the compensation by the government in lieu of crop damage is not enough,
the agonized farmers kill the wild animal to protect their crops.


 The enormous value of biodiversity emphasizes the need to conserve biodiversity.

Biodiversity is a natural reservoir with tremendous economic potential.
 Wildlife is a gift of nature to be nutured. Biodiversity is an important resource for
man and nation. So its conservation and rational use are the need of the hour to
achieve sustainable development.
 World wide fund for Nature (WWF 1994) works to conserve biological diversity
as follows.
o Creating and maintaining systems of effective and sustainable protected
o Promoting practices of sustainable development
o Conserving certain species of special concern.
o Promoting environmental education to enable people to manage the
natural resources sustainablely.
 Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) helps to provide policy guidelines
which regulate the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. The code of
conduct for Responsible Fisheries adopted in 1995, provides principles to
conserve, manage and sustainable use living aquatic resources. F.A.O encourages
all countries to implement this code. A model of Forest Harvesting Practice was


published 1996 to encourage improved management to help conserve forests. The

codes were developed for the Asia-Pacific and, West and Central African regions.
 The International Plant Protection Convention is to protect plants by setting
standards for pest control. This protects biodiversity by preventing pests
including invasive alien species.
 In India, Biological Diversity Act 2002, regulates access to biological resources of
the country with the purpose of securing equitable share in benefits arising out of
the biological resources and knowledge relating to biological resources.
 National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) which was set up under the Biological
Diversity Act 2002, deals with requests for access to genetic resources by
foreigners. It protects resources and ensures economic benefits to local

Methods of Conservation

 There are two methods of conservation of biodiversity.

o In-situ conservation (within habitat)
o Ex-situ conservation (outside habitats)

In-situ conservation of Biodiversity

 This is achieved by protection of wild flora and fauna in the natural habitat itself.
This is called ‘in situ’ or site conservation. E.g. Biosphere Reserves , National
Parks, Sanctuaries and Reserve forests. There are 13 Biosphere reserves, 80
national parks and 420 wildlife sanctuaries and 120 Botanical gardens in India.

Ex-situ Conservation of Biodiversity

 Preserving plants and animals away from their natural habitat is called Ex-situ
 In the National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR) Karnal, Haryana,
the semen of Domesticated bovine animals is protected. About 90 million cattle
were being produced world wide by 1977 using artificial insemination involving
frozen semen.
 In the National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Allahabad, several fish species
are preserved.
 Tissue culture methods help in conservation of varieties of crop plants and trees.
Moreover, aromatic plants and medicinal plants are also conserved by means of
Gene bank. (Seed bank, Pollen bank, DNA libraries, etc.)




Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o What is the meaning of natural resources ?
o Different types of natural resources
o Uses and abuses of forest resources
o Uses and abuses of mineral resources
o Impact on the environment due to abuses.


 Natural resources comprise abiotic resources and biotic resources. Abiotic

resources consist of land, water, air , sunlight and minerals. Biotic resources
consist of forests with wild plants and animals, human population, coal , oil and
natural gas produced million years ago.

Types of Natural resources

 There are two types of natural resources

o Renewable natural resources
o Non-renewable natural resources

Renewable Natural resources

 They are inexhaustive and can be regenerated within a given span of time. For
example, water, air, soil fertility, wild plants and animals, human beings and
energy resources like wind energy, tidal energy, hydropower, solar energy and
biomass energy.

Non-Renewable Natural resources

 Non-renewable natural resources are minerals, fossil fuels such as coal,

petroleum and some species of plants and animals. Sometimes, renewable
resources become non-renewable if we exploit them without any control. Some
species, if overexploited, become endangered or even extinct.

Natural resources

 The following are the natural resources

o Forest resources


o Mineral resources
o Soil resources.
o Water resources
o Food resources
o Energy resources


 Forest are important renewable renewable natural resources. Trees, shrubs and
herbs dominate forest ecosystem. 33% of the world’s area consists of forest lands.
Insects, birds and animals live there. Native forest has naturally growing plants
and trees. Man-made forest consists of species of trees, shrubs, etc., grown by
man. Boreal coniferous forests are found around the Arctic Sea, 55 0 to 650 north
latitude .Temperate forests are found on either side of the earth 30 0 to
550 latitude north. Tropical rain forests are found between 300 north latitude and
300 south latitude.

Uses of forests

 Productive function: Forests provide raw materials like pulp for paper industry
and ingredients for pharmaceutical industry. They also provide fuel, fruits, nuts ,
timber, turpentine, gum, paints herbal oil, honey and alkaloids.
 Protective function: Forests provide shelter for insects, birds, animals etc., and
aid in their reproduction, provide food and ensure their free movement. They
prevent drought soil erosion and loss of water.
 Regulative function: Regulation of environmental equilibrium is successfully
achieved by forests. For example , regulation of Carbon-di-oxide (CO2), Oxygen
(O2) ,water (H2O)
and minerals is very essential for a healthy environment. Solar energy is
absorbed, retained and released by forests. During photosynthesis by green
plants, starch is formed from carbondioxide and water in the presence of sunlight
and it is stored . In this process, Carbon-di-oxide (CO 2) is taken in and Oxygen
(O2) is released to maintain equilibrium in atmosphere and aid in reducing the
global temperature. An increase in global temperature poses a threat to human
beings throughout the world.
 One acre of forest absorbs 4 tons of Carbon-di-oxide (CO 2) and releases 8 tons of
Oxygen (O2), thereby regulating carbon cycle, flood and drought . It is the forest
which helps in economic development and maintenance of land value.

Abuses of forests

 In India, in the olden day (Period of Mauriya and Gaudilya), there was more
forest cover and less deforestation. During the period of Ashoka, many trees were
planted. In the beginning of 20th century, there was 30% of forest cover; but by


the end of 20th century, there was only 19.4% of forests left. This is mainly due to
over exploitation of forests for commercial purposes like timber, food, etc.
 According to the National Forest Act recommendations (1988), 33% of total area
and 67% of hilly area must be preserved as forest area. We should not destroy
forest for our short-term benefits as it would lead to permanent loss of forests in
an area forever.


 Deforestation occurs at an alarming rate. In India, we have lost 40 million

hectares of forests during the last 100 years. Of the total land area of 329 million
hectares, 174 million hectares of forests, agricultural and non-agricultural lands
have been degraded. Deforestation in temperate countries is one per cent only.
But, it is 40% in tropical countries! Tropical forests are reduced by 10 million
hectares per year. This will lead to 90% reduction of forests in the next 60 years.

Causes of deforestation

 The following are the causes of deforestation

o Overpopulation and shifting cultivation have resulted in a loss of 51
million of hectares forests.
o The increase in demand for fuel in another reason. The demand was 200
to 500 million tons in 2001, whereas it was only 65 million tons in 1947.
o Increasing demand for raw materials for industries . About 900 million
trees are cut down in a year to supply raw materials needed for American
pulpmills and paper.
o Growing needs of food and development of various projects
o Overgrazing, increase of pests, mining, forest fire and construction of

Consequences of deforestation

 Soil erosion; 6000 million tons of soil get eroded every year in India.
 Frequent floods are a common occurrence.
 Threatening of wild life species and their habitats, loss of biodiversity, erosion of
genetic diversity and loss of economy take place.
 The hydrological cycle is affected and rainfall is reduced.
 Global warming, climate and drought occur.
 Landslides in hilly areas and increase in wind speed occur.


 Minerals are non-renewable natural resources. They occur naturally as in

organic, crystalline solids with physical properties. There are thousands of
minerals in the world.

 A nation’s economy depends mainly on minerals which are used by man everyday
for various activities. On the basis of usage of minerals, there are two types of
Human civilization namely Bronze Age and Iron Age. We extract about
74m.metric tons of iron and steel per year.
 Minerals are mainly of inorganic origin but minerals like coal, petroleum and
amber are of organic origin. Industrialisation and overpopulation lead to
exploitation of minerals. Environmental problems arise when mineral
exploitation is pursued unscientifically by man.


 Development of Industrial plants and machinery.

 Generation of energy using coal, lignite and uranium.
 Construction, settlements and housing.
 Weapons and arnaments/ Transportation.
 Communication-Telephone wires, cables and electronic devices.
 Medical system-Ayurvedic system.
 Alloys, Jewellery (Gold, Platinum, Silver and Diamond)
 Agriculture-Fertilizers, seed dressing and fungicides


 Minerals have been exploited by way of open cast mining (stripped of unwanted
materials lying above the mineral-bearing strata cast extraction of minerals),
underground mining (coal seams) and placer mining (surface mining from
stream bar or beach deposits).
 U.S.A exploit huge amounts of minerals and energy resources and has become
the richest nation. Japan has the most efficient technologies with with respect to
coal and oil.
 In India, energy-generating minerals such as coal and lignite are found in West
Bengal, Maharashtra, M.P., A.P., and Orissa. The important ore, uranium taken
from uranite ore and pitchblende are found in Jharkhand, A.P. (Nellore),
Megalaya and Rahasthan.
 Commercially used minerals are aluminium (bauxite ore) and iron ore
(Haemetite and Magnetite), found in Jharkhand, West Bengal, Maharashtra,
M.P, and Tamil Nadu. The copper pyrites (Copper ore) are found in Rajasthan,
Bihar, A,P, M,P., Karnataka and West Bengal.

Environmental Impact

 Mining is a dirty industry creating largest environmental disaster zones in the

world. Each step in the mining produces a lot of waste minerals which cause
 Environmental damage occurs due to the careless exploitation of minerals.


 They are as follows:

o Water pollution takes place due to washing loose materials from waste
dumps near adjacent water sources. Mine drainage and coal washing
operations also cause water pollution. Surface water is contaiminated by
acid mine.
o Air pollution is caused by release of noxious gases such as Sulphur di-
oxide (SO2), Nitrogen di-oxide (NO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) into the
atmosphere. Hydrocarbons, suspended particulate matter, Silicon
(Si),Fluoride (FL), asbestos and metallic dust are released into the
atmosphere affecting the vegetation and causing health hazards.
o Noise pollution takes place due to blasting and operating of heavy
o Soil erosion and feiling of trees take place. Minerals cause diseases like
silicosis, flurosis and asbestosis. The economic devaluation of the land is
an important impact.

Remedial Measures

 We must follow ecofriendly mining technology. Microbes must be used in

leaching technique to utilise low grade ores. Bacteria and Thiobacillus,
ferruxidans are used to extract gold embedded in Iron sulphide ore. Moreover,
some strains of bacteria remove impurities of ore. Growing vegetation in mined
area helps to prevent the discharge of toxic drainage to minimize environmental



Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Soil resources
o Uses and abuses of soil resources
o Water resources
o Uses and abuses of water resources
o Impact on the environment due to abuse



 Soil is the most finite and valuable resource upon which we depend for our basic
amenities of life. So, we should preserve soil by all means. The total area of India
is 328.73 mha. of which the potential area is 264.5 mha. About 187.8 m ha of land
have been degraded due to water shortage, wind erosion, salinity, alkalinity and
water-logging. Soil is thin covering over land containing organic materials, living
organisms, air and water.
 Soil is a renewable source. But it is regenerated at a very slow rate i.e., 2.5 cm soil
for 200-1000 years. Soil becomes non-renewable resource when the rate of
erosion is faster than the rate of renewal. A cross section of soil horizon is called
soil profile.


 The rapid increase of population results in demand for limited land resources
which are subject to degradation. Land degradation takes place due to natural
and man-induced or arthropogenic activities. Natural causes are soil erosion,
land slide, volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, droughts and desertification.
 Man induced causes are deforestation, mining, over-irrigation, dam construction
and use of more fertilizers. The flood havoc witnessed in Mumbai and Tamilnadu
(Nov.2005) was perhaps due to increase in global temperature and green house
gases. The average annual erosion rate of land is 20-100 times more than renewal

Man-induced landslides

 Overirrigation of slopes for farming

 Diversion of surface water onto sensitive slopes
 Cutting of trees and forest fires along the slopes
 Construction work along the slopes
 Hydroelectric projects, large dams, reservoirs, construction of roads and railway
lines and mining.
 Mining combines with natural factors for landslides Example: Land slides
between Rishikesh and Byasi on Badrinath Highway due to construction of roads
and mining.

Soil erosion

 Top soil moves from one place to another resulting in loss of fertility of soil. One
third of world’s croplands is getting eroded. Two thirds of degraded lands lie in
Asia and Africa. Soil erosion takes place due to normal erosion by natural process
and accelerated erosion by overgrazing, deforestation and mining.
 Two types of agents cause soil erosion. The first one is climatic agent (water and
wind) and the other is biotic agent (overgrazing by 35% damage to soil, mining
and deforestation by 30% and unscientific modern farming practices by 28%)



 The croplands are converted into desert like land. The desertification may be
moderate (10-25% drop in productivity), sever (215-50% drop) and very severe
(more than 50% drop).
 The causes for desertification are overgrazing, disforestation, surface mining,
quarrying , unscientific farming, overcultivation, low rainfall, more drought and
global warming.


 Water is an elixir of life. It is a renewable and indispensable natural resource. The

volume of water on the earth is 1.4 billion cu km of which 93% is sea water, 4.1%
is fresh water on land, 0.2% is glaciers and 0.0001% is humidity of air. The
amount of underground water is 8 million cu.km.
 Totally 97% of earth’s surface is filled with water. If earth is flat, it will be two feet
under water. About 1% of water is needed by man. About 60-65% of water is
present in the body of animals and plants. Of the total rainfall, 77% of rain falls
on the sea and 23% on land. About 84% of water vapour rise from sea surface
whereas 16% from land.


 Water is used by man for almost all developmental activities such as drinking,
irrigation, washing, transportation, waste disposal in the industries and coolant
for the thermal power plants.
 It is the water which shapes the earth’s surface and regulates the climate. 70% of
water is used for agriculture in the whole world (93% in India and 4% in Kuwait)
and 25% of water for industries (70% in Europe and 5% in less developed
countries). The per capita use of water in a family of 4 members in the USA is
1000 m3 per year, many time more than in the developing countries.


 Man overexploits surface water due to overpopulation. Hence, drought condition

prevails. 41% (2.4 billion) of people in the world live under drought condition
with very less amount of water. It will increase to 48% (3.5 billion) in 2025 and 9
billion in 2050.
 The withdrawal of ground water is more than its recharge level. So, the sediments
in aquifer get compacted and sinking of overlying land surface leads to damage in
buildings, fracture in pipes, reversing the flow of sewer canals and tidal flowing
takes place. The lowering of water table and intrusion of sea water take place due
to mining of ground water.
 If irrigation is done with brackish water, it raises the water table in the ground
leading to water-logging and salinity problems. So, agricultural operations will


suffer. The surface water is largely used for irrigation (93% in India) , industrial
use, public water supply, navigation, hydroelectric generation and thermal power
 The ground water resources in India is estimated at 395.6 billion cubic meters.
But we use only 10% of this water. The total requirement of water in India in
2050 would be 1,422 billion cubic metres.


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o What is environmental pollution?
o Classification of pollutants 



 The world pollution is derived from latin word ‘pollutionem’, meaning ‘defile or
make dirty’
 Pollution is defined as a deviation from the natural composition of a part of the
environment resulting in adverse effect on life.
 Pollution is an unfavourable change in the physical or biological characteristics of
our air, land and water (or basic amenities) causing harmful effect on our life or
that of other desirable species and cultural assets. Therefore, it is defined as, “
The addition of the constituents to water, air, or land, which adversely alter the
natural quality of the environment”.
 Natural pollution is the act of nature and man cannot control its occurrence that
easily. Eg, natural forest fires, volcanic eruptions, earthquake, etc. Artificial
pollution is due to the activities of man and is under his control. Eg, industrial
effluents and emissions, thermal and radioactive emissions, etc.
 Environmental pollution is the result of urban- industrial technological
revolution and speedy exploitation and completion for the same with the
intention of grabbing every bit of natural resources without any empathy. The
mad rat race among nations over the entire globe for development jeopardized
the existence of man itself. The craze of progress in agriculture, industry,
transportation and technology is taken as the general criterion of development of
the nation. Such activities of man have created adverse effects on all living


organisms in the biosphere. The splendid plentifulness of nature is a heritage that

should never be spoiled but at least in paper.
 Today India occupies 7th position among industrialized developing countries of
the world. Rapid demand for energy leads the progress in the directions of
thermal and nuclear energy sources, which generate enormous pollution to the
 According to US President’s Science Advisory Committee, Environmental
pollution is the unfavourable alteration of our surroundings, wholly or largely as
a by-product of man’s actions, through direct or indirect effects of changes in the
energy pattern, radiation level, chemical and physical constitution and
abundance of organisms.


 The material, which causes the pollution of the environment is called pollutants.
Pollutants are undesirable substances present in the wrong place, at the wrong
time and in the wrong quantity.


 Pollutant is a harmful solid, liquid or gaseous substance present in such a

concentration in the environment , which tends to be injurious for the whole
living biota.
 Pollutant s need not be material substance. Noise, radiation, thermal energy etc
are also pollutants.


 Primary pollutants: The substances emitted directly from an identifiable source

are called primary pollutants. Eg., sulfur dioxide , nitrogen oxides , etc.
 Secondary Pollutants: These are derived substances or effects from primary
pollutants. Eg, peroxyacetyl nitrate.
 Biodegradable pollutants: The pollutants that can be readily decomposed by
natural processes or by engineered methods in a relatively small time are called
biodegradable pollutants. Eg, municipal sewage.
 Non-biodegradable pollutants: Pollutants, which are resistant to biological
action of normal organisms in the environment, are called non-biodegradable
pollutants. Eg, DDT, mercury, lead, etc.



Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o How soil, air and water is polluted ?
o Causes of air, water and soil pollution
o Effect of air, water and soil  pollution
o Control measures of air, water and soil pollution.



 Engineers Joint Council of USA defines air pollution as “ the presence in the
outdoor atmosphere of one or more contaminants, such as dust, fumes, gas, mist,
odour, smoke or vapour in quantities, with characteristics, and of duration which
as to be injurious to human, plant and animal life or to property, or which
unreasonably interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property”.


 According to the Bureau of Indian Standards. IS-4167 air pollution is “ the

presence in ambient atmospheres of substances, generally resulting from the
activity of man, in sufficient concentration, present for a sufficient time and
under circumstances such as to interfere with comfort, health or welfare of
persons or with reasonable use or enjoyment of property”.


 Thermal power amounts to more than 70 per cent of power generation and 1000
tons of coal is burnt per year to produce.
 1 MW power, producing the following pollutants ( in tons/ MW/ year)
 Ash 750, carbon dioxide 7000, Sulfur dioxide 12, Oxides of Nitrogen 20. In
addition, carbon monoxide, and cancer causing heavy metals , present as
impurities in coal, is also released.
 Thermal power stations are responsible for about 14% of the global air pollution,
while transport systems and industry contribute 60% and 16% respectively.



 The impacts from the air pollutants of thermal power plants are as follows
o Green house effect from CO2 release
o Corrosion of structures by SO2 and NO2
o Acid rains and death of aquatic life.
o Irritation of eyes and mucous membranes and respiratory distresses
o Anemia due to CO which destroys red blood cells
o Cancers due to some metal particulates
o Reduced yield of crops and dwarfed growth of plant life.

Control Measures

 Proper Sitting: 25 km away from outer boundaries of cities, and sensitive

ecosystems, and sufficient distance from highways, coastline, agricultural land
 EIA: Detailed assessment of impacts on the land, water, air and socioeconomic
 SPM Removal : Particulate removal from stack gases using settling chambers,
cyclone separators , bag glitters and electrostatic precipitators.
 Removal of Gases: Removal of SO2 from exhaust gases by absorption, adsorption
 Subjecting the polluting body or company to rigorous control using Air
(Prevention and Protection of Pollution) Act.

Air pollution from refineries

 Pollution due to petroleum refineries encompases three stages , viz crude oil
production, transportation and refining operations. Maximum pollution occurs
during refining, where crude oil is subjected to distillation, cracking and hydro
cracking operations to give naphtha , kerosene, diesel oil, gasoline, fuel oil,
lubricants, LPG, asphalt, coke, grease and waxes. Air pollutants comprise of H 2S,
NH3, SO2, NOX, HF, HCL, CHX, aldehydes, mercaptans, smoke, CO, CO2, fumes,
mists and dusts. The major pollutants are SO2, H2S, CHX and SPM. They are
controlled as follows.
 SO2: De sulfurisation of effluent gases, besides pollution control can meet the
sulphur shortage. The desulfurization processes employed are: Cat- OX, Cal-OX,
NOs- OX and ammos- OX. In the cat- OX, SO2 is catalytically oxidized to SO3 and
converted to sulfuric acid ; with and efficiency of 93%. In the cal- OX & NOs- OX
processes, SO2 is scrubbed with and alkaline solution. In the Ammos – OX
process ammonium sulfite and sulfate solutions are used for scrubbing SO2.
 H2S: Ethyl amines are most commonly used to remove H2S along with CO2,
carbon disulfide and carbonyl sulfide. Sulfur is recovered in the process and the
absorbent amine is recycled, H2S can also be removed by adsorption using
activated carbon, alumina, zeolites, bauxite or iron oxide. The adsorbent can be
regenerated and reused, by a suitable method.


 NH3: Ammonia is scrubbed by dilute sulfuric acid to form ammonium sulfate.

Alternatively NH3 is oxidized to NO2, which can be absorbed in water to give
 CHX: Hydrocarbons can be processed for recovery by cooling and adsorption, if
economically feasible . Otherwise they are disposed off by catalytic or non
catalytic combustion. Flares are provided for combustion of waste hydrocarbons.
 Particulates: SPM (Suspended Particulate matter) in the tail gases are controlled
by cyclone separators, , scrubbers, filters and electrostatic precipitators.


Global effect of air pollution

 Troposphere and stratospheric ozone depletion, aerosol scattering and

absorption of solar and terrestrial radiation, green-house gas warming, rain and
precipitation quality, long-range transport of air-pollutants, heat-islands and
urban air quality are known to be main global air pollution problems.
 The environment in which we live is unfortunately the host medium for air
pollutants. Man is the sole culprit in polluting the air and he alone should take
the responsibility to clean the atmosphere and protect the environment.

Green House Effect (GHE)

 Solar energy is in the form of light radiation has wavelength in the range of 0.2 to
4 µm. It will lose solar energy after striking the earth and will be converted to
heat energy of longer wavelengths. Thus the wavelength of this terrestrial
reradiation, from earth to atmosphere is more (4-100um).
 After striking earth since energy decrease, the wavelength increases. Carbon
dioxide has radiation absorption bands in the range of 12-18 mm wavelengths.
Thus if CO2 is present in the atmosphere, it allows the incoming solar radiation to
pass through. This is the origin of the term ‘ Green House Effect’ since the glass in
a green house also is transparent to short wavelength solar radiation and absorb
the long wavelength radiation, emitted from inside the green-house. CO2, water
vapour, methane N2O, ozone and CFCs cause similar effects and hence are called
green house gases. As these green house gas molecules absorb energy, their
temperature increases and they themselves start radiating heat. Only part of it
escapes out into the space while the remaining is radiated back to earth further
increasing its temperature.
 Green house effect is essential for mankind and life. But man’s activities are
accelerating or enhancing the warming process to cause concern.


Sources of Green Houses Gasses

 Main source of GHE is carbon dioxide, contributes about 50% . Presently more
than 10,000 million tons of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere every
year by industries. USA alone produces about 2500 million tones of CO2 per year.
 The carbon dioxide concentration in the pre-industrial era was 265-290 ppm and
today it is about 350 ppm.

Heat Islands

 The heat energy release causes a significant climate change in cities and may
result in global climate effects. Because of the thermal capacitance of the streets,
buildings and industries for solar input and because of energy dissipation, cities
are warmer than their rural surroundings.
 A difference of 60C is common is urbanized and industrialized cities. Hence
become heat island.

Acid Rains

 Thermal power plants, industries and other sources release thousand tones of
oxides of nitrogen and sulphur into the atmosphere everyday. These gases
undergo transformation in the atmosphere from nitrates, sulphates, nitric acid or
sulphuric acid droplets. Some of these pollutants can travel 200-300 km in a day.


Thus compound emitted in one place may cause effect of concern on another
 Rain in the purest source of water ‘Acid Rain’ means any precipitation-rain snow,
or dew, which is more acidic than normal. Acid rain in general has the pH less
than 5.6. In developed countries acid rains with pH <4.5 are common.

Ozone Holes

 Earth has a protective unmbrella in the form of Ozone Layer of 24 km thickness

in the stratosphere about 15 km away from the earth’s surface . The concentration
of ozone in stratosphere is about 10 ppm. It is essential for the life to sustain on
earth. It absorb the dangerous ultraviolet radiation (UV-β rays with wavelengths
from 200-280 nm) from the sun and convert it to heat and chemical energy. It is
this activity that is responsible for the rise in temperature. The layer is highest at
equator and lowest at the poles.
 In nature , ozone is continuously formed and destroyed through photochemical
interaction and equilibrium in ozone concentration is ensured. However this
equilibrium is upset due to the discharge of anthropogenic air pollutants such as
Chloro Fluoro Carbons (CFSs) into the atmosphere. The CFCs release free
radicals of chlorine, fluorine and bromine, which destroy the stratospheric ozone
as a result of which the ozone layer is thinned. The patches of thinned ozone
layers are known as “Ozone Holes”. By definition the ozone hole represents only a
depletion of ozone concentration but not an empty space in the atmosphere.

Indoor Air pollution

 As civilization improved man has constrained his life to indoors and started living
more and more indoor within the structures built by him. This led to the sever
problem of “ Indoor Pollution”. Man and several thousands of household
products made by him pose a serious threat to indoor air quality. These products
include cleaners, detergents, paints, air fresheners, etc. Indoor air pollution often
leads to severe health hazards like irritation to eyes, nose, throat, headache and
respiratory problems. It is proved that indoor pollution increases the tension and
decreases the productivity of workers.


 Causes of Indoor Air pollution: Improper ventilation and exhaustive use of

synthetic waxes, paints fumigants etc are the causes

Control of Indoor Air pollution

 Source Removal


o Sources other than human such as motor vehicles, wastes, appliances that
are not in use etc to be moved out. Smoking must be practically prohibited
in indoor.
 Improved Building Design
o Better consideration to instantaneously remove combustion production
during cooking and related enjoyment activities. Preferably use low
fuming heating agents, attached with chimney in the kitchen. Better
exhaust in the toilet in favourably placed position ion the house for better
aeration and lighting.
 Tobacco smoke
o Cigarette smoking is injurious to others health too and hence many
legislations to prevent it with due license to manufacture and distribute
the same. Typically about 500 ppm carbon monoxide is inhaled in each
smoke which inactivate about 5% of hemoglobin . Other pollutants of
cigarette smoke inclues carcinogens such as aldehydes, tar, hydrogen
cyanide, nicotine, lead etc.
o The effects of cigarette smoking include lung cancer to smokers and also
others living in the environment. Smokers recover slowly from acute virus
infections. Cigarette significantly causes air pollution.
 Air Pollution from Cement Industry
o Cement is manufactured by crushing two types of stones, argillaceous and
calcareous, brought from the quarry. The fine powders are blended in right
proportion and slurry is prepared by adding water. The slurry slides down
an inclined klin kept rotating on its axis, as very hot air blows through the
klin. Due to the heat and rolling action clinker balls are formed and they
roll out of the kiln. The clinker is pulverized to fine powder, which is the
final product, cement. The above process in called a dry process. In an
alternative wet process the raw material stones are crushed in a wet state
and the slurries are blended in proportion.
o The air pollution from cement factories comprises mainly of
 Dust, cement , crushed stone power and ash content of coal fuel
burning for power and
 So2, NOX, CO and CO2 , as combustion products of coal.
o Silica dust causes a lung disorder known as ‘silicosis’. Vegetation is
affected by cement dust clogging the process of the leaves there by
affecting the gas exchange process of the plant. The cement dust settling
on the soil will adversely alter the soil composition affecting the land
productivity. Noise and heat pollution also add to the nuisance in the
o To control air pollution in cement factories the following measures are to
be recommended:
 Wet process of cement manufacturing should be encouraged. Since
the dry process has more pollution potentials.
 Pulverization of clinker and transport of materials in the process
flow should be enclosed to prevent dust spillage.


 Superior grade coal should be used, if coal firing is the source of

 Air pollution control equipments like bag filters and electrostatic
precipitators should be used. Unlike in other industries cement dust
pollution control in the cement industry is rewarding to the
management, since pollution means loss of the product itself.
 Green belt should be developed around the industry to reduce the
dispersion of dust, noise and heat, which are efficiently absorbed by


Art Treasures

 Polluted air containing oxides of sulphur and nitrogen and particulates

deteriorate building materials and may ultimately result in a loss in structural
integrity. When buildings dating from antiquity and structures of great artistic
and histortic values are disfigured the loss is irreparable.
 Less than 100 years of exposure to air pollutants in London has done more
damage to the Cleopatra’s Needle than what was caused by nature during 3500
years in the dry atmosphere of Egypt.
 The miraculous and historical monuments built by long years of hard labour are
losing their faces. Disintegeration of stone caused largely by the expansion of iron
by corrosion had badly demaged the houses of parliament in London.
 In India, Taj Mahal, a miracle in marble is facing the grave danger from pollution
caused by foundaries , power houses, railway yards, Mathura refinery and other
industrial units. Similarily, Sri Channakeshava temple at Belur (Hasan district,
Karnataka), Jagannath temple at Puri, and Konark Sun temple on East Coast of
India are badly by particulates present in the air


 The quality of water is a vital concern for mankind since man is made up of 79%
water. Earth’s surface contain 71% water yet only 1% is drinkable and its quality
also going down in addition to shrinkage of amount. Due to indiscriminate use of
water for industrial purpose, it is being contaminated by industrial wastage,
sludge, oil, etc.


 According to section 2 of “ The Water (prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,

1974 (Act No.6 of 1974), “ water pollution means such contamination of water or
such alteration of the physical, chemical or biological properties of water or such
discharge of any sewage or trade effluent or of any other liquid, gaseous or solid
substance into water ( whether directly or indirectly) as may, or is likely to, create
a nuisance or render such water harmful or injurious to public health or safety, or
to domestic, commercial, industrial , agricultural or other legitimate uses, or to
the life and health of animals or plants or of aquatic organisms.”


 Sewage and Other Wastes

o Sewage is a wastewater coming out from domestic waste and animal or
food processing plants. It includes human excreta, paper, cloth, soap,
detergents, etc. Due to accumulation of sewage and other wastes, it loses
its self purification capacity and microorganisms can not live it. It has very
high biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand


 Eutrophication
o Domestic sewage contain large amount of phosphates, nitrates and other
nutrients and thus it become nutrient rich. The water bodies become
highly productive or eutrophic and the phenomenon is known as
eutrophication. It stimulates the luxuriant growth of algae in water. It
completes with other aquatic forms, leading of depletion of oxygen.
Further the algal growth releases some toxic chemicals, which kills fish,
birds and other animals , thus water begins to stink.
 Industrial Effluents
o Effluents from industries like breweries, tanneries, dying textiles, paper
and pulp mills, steel industries, mining etc. The pollutants include oils,
greases, plastics, metallic wastes, suspended solids, phenols, cyanides,
DDT, etc. Most of them are non-biodegradable.
 Agricultural Discharges
o The agricultural chemicals and are fertilizers and pesticides. They are
discharged into water bodies.
 Physical Pollutants
o In this class, heat and radioactive substances coming out from thermal
power plants and nuclear power plants.


 Oxygen Depletion
o Due to organic compounds overloading the chemical oxygen demand
(COD) increases. Consequently, the water contains less amount of oxygen


to breach the living forms in water. This leads to death of many life forms
to low dissolved oxygen (DO).
 Nitrogenous and Phosphorous Compound
o The nutrients nitrogen and phosphorous promotes the growth of algae
which prevents other plant’s prosperity.
 Pathogens
o Water pollutants invariably encourage the ideal condition growth and
proliferation of disease causing microorganism (pathogens). This spreads
diseases like cholera, flu, etc.
 Toxic Compounds
o Heavy metals, pesticides, cyanides, lead, mercury, dyes, etc, are the
ingredients of many industrial effluents discharged in water.  


Treated Wastewater Disposal and Effluent Reuse

Urban sewage

 With urbanization the water consumption increases with larger proportions of

industrial water needs. 80 to 90 percent of the water consumed ends up as
sewage, with its large pollution potentials.
 Untreated sewages find their way into natural streams, lakes , sea and ground
water, destroying the water quality in these natural water bodies and upsetting
the ecological balances. Thus shortage of good water resources, death of aquatic
life, health hazard to man and animal, corrosion of structures and aesthetic
degeneration result. To avoid such consequences the following steps are
o Consumption of water by urban communities should be reduced, by
avoiding wastages and leakages , by adopting less water consuming
industrial processes and by treating and reusing wastewaters.
o Wastewaters should be treated with the objectives of reducing
environmental pollution, enabling the reuse of treated wastewater and
recovering the useful matter present in the wastewater.
o Water quality modeling and management of the receiving natural water
bodies should be undertaken to preserve their quality while availing their
waste (self) purification potentials thereby reducing the treatment costs.

Useful Constituents in Sewages

 More than 99% of sewage is mere water that is polluted the 1% impurities with all
the evil attributes. Hence water is the most abundant component of the
wastewaters to be put to reuse. The other components of wastewaters and their
potentials for recovery and reuse as follows:


o Organic matter is abundant in municipal sewage and some industrial

wastes, particularily distilleries, sugar factories , food processing
industries, slaughter houses, dairies etc. From this organic matter, manure
and fuel gas can be realized. Anaerobic digesters constructed in distilleries
may recover the entire cost in two, three years due to generation bio-gas
that can be replace the huge conception of coal. Also, as bio-gas is a clean
fuel, pollution problem from the industry can be minimized.
o Chemicals in industrial wastes can be varied depending on the industry.
Some chemicals will have recovery value and can partly pay for the waste
treatment processes. However the emphasis should be to reduce the
concentration of the effluents by suitable process alternations in the

Methods of Recovery

 Organic matter in sewage can be recovered by aerobic and anaerobic bacterial

applications. Setting tanks, activated sludge process, anaerobic sludge digesters,
biogas plants etc, can enable the recovery of manure and fuel gas from organic
components of sewages. The chemical in sewages are recovered by precipitation,
adsorption, volatization, chelation, solvent extraction, ion filters, reverse osmosis,

Reuse of Treated Wastewaters

 Some of the possible reuses of treated wastewaters are as follows:

 Where water scarcity is acute, the treated wastewater may be given further
treatment (often called tertiary treatment) to make it potable. Even today many
places treat sewage and reuse it for domestic purposes including drinking.
 Cooling towers in industries for heat exchange can use treated sewages.
 Irrigation and development of greenery can be largely benefited by treated
sewages due to the micro nutrients like N,P,S , mineral salts etc, present in
treated effluents. Development of sewage sickness of the soil and spread of
sewage borne communicable diseases are the inherent hazards of sewage
farming, necessitating, a careful management of the systems.
 Treated effluents can be used to recharge the ground waters . Soil systems have
an excellent purification potential with rational management. The ground water
resources can be saved from depletion by artificial recharging with sewage
effluents, treated to the needed extent. Surface spreading, percolation tanks and
injection wells are the methods of recharging.
 Pisiculture is possible in ponds formed by treated sewage effluents, with careful
 Sewage can be treated to any required quality and can be used for secondary
purposes for industries. To cite an example, Madras Refineries Limited treats the
municipal sewage of Madras by several advanced treatment processes to reuse it
as the process water.



 Our Globe consists of 29% land remaining eater. Out of which the fertile land is
very less. Up to 19th century a good ecological balance was maintained the
available land was sufficient to support the population. At present the population
of about 6 billion it become a burden for Mother Earth.
 Besides the population, industrialization, urbanization, modernization, use of
unethical practices of insecticides, fertilizers etc have created a great concern over
land and is degrading fast in an unimaginable speed.
 Soil pollution is the result of urban technological revolution and speedy
exploitation of every bit of natural resources.



 Industrialisation
o As the result of man’s technology, invented more than 50 lakhs substances
of which more than 70,000 are used in abundance or abnormal quantities.
o Further 30,000 being added every year. The production carried out in
industries and too liberates wastes, sludges that are dumped on the
innocent earth. These foreign substances percolate into soil and spoil it.
This leads to loss of soil characteristics and its fertility.
 Population
o Considerable portion of the soil is polluted by man by his own waste by
spreading it irregularly. His needs and creeds also increasing and some
which he tied to get it from soil leading to over exploitation and loosing its
required properties.
o As a matter of fact, man is trying to cultivate thrice or ever four times in a
year on a land in order to get the expected from the land. He is happy in
destroying for his temporary well being to built house, laying roads, etc.
All as a while leads to ecological imbalance and soil become barren lands
due to water logging, draughts etc.
 Fertilizer, Insecticides and Pesticides
o Ever growing population needs ever demanding food. From the limited
land wants to get maximum and achieve sufficiency. The achievement is
attained by means of Fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides as
supplements for crops.
o They are used excessively to achieve the creed needs. This leads to the
accumulation of chemicals leading to change in pH and other properties of
soil and become unusable forever.
 Polluted Water
o As every activity one way other needs water and leading to its pollution,
which in turn discharged in a stable , body the soil.
o The polluted water from industries and the acid rain etc pollute the soil.
 Mining and Soil Pollution
o Soil damage and environmental damage are inevitable during mining.
Large quantity of topsoil and vegetation are removed mining. This lead to
loss of fertile land, soil erosion etc. Further mining waste dumps also lead
to soil pollution.
o According to recent estimate in India about 20,000 hectares of land has
been degraded due to mining and another 55,000 hectares of land being
degraded to meet the requirements of mining.
 Municipal Garbage and Composts
o Corporation dispose domestic wastes on the surface of the soil. The
components get of it get into the soil and it become unusable.
o The major portion of the waste includes detergents. oils, plastic materials
 The Man the Ultimate Pollutant
o The mad rat race among nations over the world for development has
jeopardized the existence of man himself. According to Josae de Casro, “
Underdevelopment itself represents a type of pollution”. So development

is aimed but alternate pollutants are incorporated in the land. Today living
together nature of the man with nature is no longer exists.
o According to International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 1972
in Stockholm conference on Environment, “ the war economy in which we
live must be converted into peace economy and the enormous savings
resulting from partial disarmament must be used to obtain such type of
development that would not only be more equitable but also non polluting
o Bary Commoner’s third law of ecology states that. “ nature knows best”.
o As a whole man’s existence in the globe is in peril and he has to take a sole
responsibility in pollution including soil pollution.
o F.C.I and Tata Thermal Plants emit and add 1000 tons of pollutants to soil
every year.


 In Chembur, Mumbai trees without leaves, they neither grow flowers nor
vegetables in the garden.

Food Poisoning

 After exploding nature the food grain produced on soil in contaminated with all
such chemicals used since they are non-biodegradable and hence they are not an
advisable food for human. According to estimate more than 5 lakhs people die
every year due to above such consequence. Accordingly we are authorized to
drink Pepsi, Cola containing insecticides similar level in the ground water and
court found to be safe and use it or not is given to ultimate consumers. Seller
beware rule need not be used all the time.
 Metallic contaminants added in the soil destroy beneficial bacteria and
microorganisms in the soil.
 Severe agricultural crop damage is caused by high or low acidity of soil. It is
estimated that more than 30% of the world’s irrigated land is now affected by
salinity of soil.
 Indian urban washes account about 20 million tons every year. It is spread over
land surfaces causes foul odour and spread diseases.
 Radioactive pollutants dumped on sol surface get into fruits and vegetables due
to nutrient cycle mechanism and causes great invisible harm initially then leads
to cancer and genetic disorders.
 Pesticides like DDT, polychlorinated biphenyls, organo phosphorous compounds
etc cause nervous disorders, mutation etc in man.
 Tuberculosis, Cholera etc spread due to the spread of pathogens live in polluted



 Control of soil pollution includes the following steps.

o Collection of Waste
o Disposal of waste
o Recovery of resources
 Collection of Waste
o The waste products are to be collected in a common place to aid the
common treatment processes as a whole . In industries it is done through
pipeline to avoid the exposure to greater environment during transport. In
municipality it is done in periodical collection in closed containers or
plastic bags.
 Disposal of Waste
o Usually land fill method is adopted to dispose solid waste. In this method
the waste is put into a deep pit and then covered with soil.
 Recovery of Resources
o This method is adopted to decrease the amount of waste and also to
achieve maximum utilization of given resource. Some of the methods
include production of biogas, vermicompost, electricity from waste etc.
 Sewage Treatment
o All sewage coming out should be treated in treatment plants before
discharging, or using it for irrigation purposes.
 Sludge Treatment
o Sludge is the solid waste after the sewage treatment is known as sludge.
Sludge should be properly disposed usually by incineration or by
converting it to a useful product.



Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o How marine is polluted?
o Causes and effect of marine pollution
o Control measures of marine pollution
o What is thermal pollution?
o Causes and effect of thermal pollution
o Control measures of thermal pollution.



 River what it carries ends up in the sea. Besides these discharges, discharge of
oils, petroleum products and radioactive wastes are dumped into the sea.
 Huge quantity of plastic is being added to the sea. Over 50 million lb plastic
packing materials are being dumped into the sea of commercial fleets, whereas
over 300 million lb entering inland waterways in USA.
 Rivers bring large amount of pollutants including industrial effluents, drainage,
washings pesticides, nutrients, etc. Oil drilling , damage of oil tanks, breakage of
coastal pipelines, direct discharge of industrial and agricultural waste also
contributes to marine pollution. In addition , marine environment is polluted by
dumping of radioactive materials and wastes. Few elite industrially and
technologically developed countries do it. Generally it is done in remote and
continental shelf areas which leads to marine pollution to the neighboring state.  


 Mercury Pollution


o It is entering sea through natural means and also through industrial

effluents. Both organic and inorganic mercury is poisonous. Mercury
poison is responsible to Minamata disease, which caused several deaths.
 Lead Poisoning
o The chief sources of lead are the effluents from lead and lead processing
industries. In some plastic industries lead is used as a stabilizer. Lead is
also used in insecticides, food , beverages, ointments and medical
concoctions for flavoring and sweetening.
 Fluoride Pollution
o Fluoride is present in water, as naturally and also effluents coming out
from industries like toothpaste manufacturing. Many times ground water
itself contaminated with fluoride.
 Foaming Agents
o Foaming agents are used in the detergent industry and are released in sea
as sewage. It causes danger to fish and are get into oyster or clams. When
human eat them without proper cooking spread diseases.
 Pesticides
o Pesticides like DDT get accumulated in sea and it in turn end up inside the
sea animals through food chain, which are consumed by human being. The
concentration of non bio degradable pesticides increases when move up in
the food chain. Thus a fish, growing in 0.1 parts of DDT per billion parts of
water will have about 57 mg of DDT per kg of body weight. In India our
human mother milk contains.27 mg DDT which is more than the limit
prescribed by FAO.
 Chlorinated and Hydrogenated Hydrocarbons
o They are used in fire extinguishers , aerosol propellants, flame retardants
and also as solvents. Of the amount used about 25% leak out to
environment in which about 10% end up into oceans.
 Heavy metals
o Heavy metals such as Chromium, Cadmium, Mercury, Lead and Nickel are
dangerous and major health hazards.
o It is entering sea through natural means and also through industrial
effluents. Both organic and inorganic mercury is poisonous. Mercury
poison is responsible to Minamata disease, which caused several deaths in
o The chief sources of lead are the effluents from lead and lead processing
industries. In some plastic industries lead is used as a stabilizer. Lead is
also used in insecticides, food, beverages, ointments and medical
concoctions for flavoring and sweetening.
 Oil Pollution
o Oil spills in ocean is another potential pollution. In Torrey Canyon
Disaster spilled 117000 tons of crude oil in English Channel on March 18,




 Domestic sewage contain large amount of phosphate, nitrates and other nutrients
and thus it become nutrient rich. The water bodies become highly productive or
eutrophic and the phenomenon is known as eutrophication. It stimulates the
luxuriant growth of algae in water. It competes with other aquatic forms, leading
to depletion of oxygen. The plants starts taking in oxygen and giving out
carbondioxide and hence a situation of oxygen deficiency created and animals
 Further the algal growth releases some toxic chemicals which kills fish, birds and
other animals, thus water begins to stink.
 In 1965, Lake Erie (USA) more than 80 tons of phosphate added daily. Each 400
g phosphate encourages about 350 tons of algal slime. This growth appeared as
big mounds, clogging pipes and interfered fishing and navigation.
o Organic pollution causes excessive multiplication of harmful organisms
and the consequences will be passed on to human being eventually.
o Hence metals, chlorinated hydrocarbons, DDT, etc get accumulated in
marine food and its products and finally reached to man and animals by
food chain.
o The oil spread due to oil spills forms a surface layer over water for several
hundred square kilometer, which prevent the oxygen dissolution from the
environment and hence marine living being die due to lack of oxygen.
o Radioactive nuclei having half life period with several million years are get
in to mineral deposits or other living organisms. As the radiations are
harmful which leads to many type of cancers in man and other animals.
o Heat causes local ecological imbalance in energy flow and biological
equilibrium . In tropical countries animals live little lower than the lethal
limit and increase in temperature leads to distress of even death.  


 Dumping of sewage to rive and sea should be prevented by stringent laws.

 Toxic and hazardous chemicals should not be allowed to be discharged into the
 Coastal areas, which are rich in biodiversity and economic importance, should be
protected from public voyage and other disturbing activities.
 Oil tankers should be up to norms having double layer of protection, which
prevents the oil pollution episodes.
 Building star hotels, tourism, etc around costal area should be minimized and


 Indoor Noises


o It involves baby crying, playing of radios, banging doors, conversation

movement of furniture , kitchen noise , type writers, etc.
 Outdoor Noises
o Largest source is automobile traffic on the road. Others include railway
traffic, loud speakers, nearby factory activity, etc.   


 Auditory System
o Medical research confirmed that, noise pollution cause human auditory
failure, temporary, permanent or acoustic trauma.
 Annoyance
o A noise is said to be annoying if an exposed individual or a group of
individuals would reduce the noise, avoid or leave the noisy area if
possible. Both loudness and annoyance increase with increasing sound
 Effect of Human Performance
o Noise increase accident levels, percentage of rejection in the work place. A
risk of hostile behavior of human also reported due to noise.
 Effect of Circulatory System
o Noise reduces the blood supply by shrinking blood vessels. It causes
headache and temporary laziness.
 Effect of Nervous System
o Noise stimulates nervous system, which causes irregular heart beat.
Prolonged exposure of noise causes nervous breakdown and temporary
deafness. It makes man sleepless and disturbs brain.
 Other Effects
o Noise levels of 150 Db can cause a rash under the collar, in between
fingers, and the thighs. It can cause dizziness nausea and vomiting.
o Loud noise increases the heart beat of foetus of a pregnant woman.
o Very high noise can damage buildings develop cracks.  


Reduction of Noise at source

 Select a better machinery even if expensive which produces lease noise. Some
extent noise may have a relation with
 Handling materials and equipments gently, which produces noises when it is
handled improperly. For example, trolleys, trucks etc.
 Better supporting structures and tight fixing can reduce the noise up to 3 dB.
 Use of resilient materials like rubber, springs , felt etc can reduce noise.
 Noise isolation can be achieved by enclosing noise producing area from the other
or keeping away from the normal human activity.


 Better maintenance and greasing the machine will lead to reduction of noise and
machine performance.

Noise Control by Absorption of Reflected Sound

 Ceiling
o The absorptivity of the ceiling can be increased by introducing large
absorbing area. By using suspended grid systems or by vertically
suspending panels of noise absorbing materials can be used for this
 Screens
o Sound reduction of about 10 dB can be achieved by using proper screens
near the noise location. Woolen boards, perforated asbestos, teak plywood
etc are used for this purpose.
 Noise Pollution by Design
o Proper aquastics of building could reduce the noise and echoing to a great
extent. Excellent sound insulation is achieved by construction of glassed
windows without space by filling with sound absorbing material.
 Planting Trees
o The presence of trees near the noise site can reduce the noise by 8-10 dB.
It has been reported that dense evergreen forest can reduce the noise by 18
dB by multiple scattering by dense barrier.
 Use of Ear Protection Aids
o In noise industries workers are provided with ear protection aids, like
earplugs, headphones, noise helmets etc.
 Noise Control by Town Planning and Legislation
o It is the duty of the planners to segregate industrial area, highways etc
from the residential area.
o Legislators are to make acceptable law and their coordinates to help in
implementing the same in letter and spirit.



Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Nuclear hazards
o Natural sources of radioactivity


o Anthropogenic source of radioactivity

o Bio safety
o Risk assessment.


 Radioactive pollution is a form of pollution of air, water and soil with radioactive
substances like radium, thorium and uranium present in nature.
 Natural decay in which unstable isotopes give out fast moving particles,
radiations or both until new stable isotope is formed. Isotopes release energy as
gamma rays (high energy electromagnetic radiation (or) Ionisation particles i.e.,
alpha particles (high speed positively charged electrons) and beta particles (high
speed negatively charged electrons).

Sources of Radioactivity

Natural Sources


 Cosmic Rays from outer space and radiation from earth’s surface (Radium- 224,
Uranium-238, Thorium-232, Potassium- 40, Carbon-14)

Anthropogenic Sources

  Nuclear power plants, Nuclear accidents, X-rays, diagnostic kits, test labs etc,
where radioactive substances are used. 
  Nuclear explosion- Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.   


Genetic damages

 Radiation causes mutations in the DNA thereby damaging the genes and
chromosomes . This is often seen in children, affecting several generations.

Somatic Damage

 Radiation affects the body resulting in burns, miscarriage, eye cataract and
cancer of bone, thyroid, breast , lungs and skin . Even small done of radiation
over a period of time may cause adverse effects. Alpha particles have more energy
than beta particles. So they are dangerous when entering into our body through
inhalation or food.
 Beta particles penetrate our skin and damage internal organs.
 Radioisotopes with intermediate halflives require long time to enter our body.
They enter environment during mining of Uranium.
 Radioactive Iodine (I-131) is accumulated in the thyroid gland causing cancer.
 Strontium- 90 causes cancer in the bone marrow or Leukaemia.
 Single body with dose of over 500 rems could result in death in 4 or 5 days.
 Delayed effects after 20 years-blood cancer (or) leukemia and other cancers.
There is noe remedy available, once a person is exposed to radiation.


 Installation of nuclear power plants must be done after studying long term and
short term effects.
 Proper disposal of wastes from lab using radioisotopes should be done.
 At present, burning high level irradiated wastes deep inside earth’s crust is being
done. (Volcano and tectonic plate movements of rocks are hurdles for this type of
safety method).
 It appears almost impossible to find a safe and permanent resting place for the
nuclear wastes for hundreds of thousands of years or millions or years.



Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Environmental protection acts
o Constitutional provision for the act
o Different types of acts
o Activities and objectives of the act
o The related issues.


 Environmental legislations are meant for the protection of our environment, UN

conference on Human Environment was held at Stockholm on 5th June 1972, the
world Environment Day. The conference emphasised the environmental
protection. India was the first country to make provisions for protection and
conservation of environment in its constitution, after the UN conference on
Human environm

Constitutional Provisions- 42nd Amendment-1976 Article 48 A of the Indian


 The state shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to
safeguard forests and wildlife of the country.

Article 47, Article 48 and Article 51 A (g)

 It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural
environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have compassion
for living creatures. It shall be the duty of state to protect and improve
environment and public health and provide water, air and environment, free of
pollution for the public.


 This Act has been a landmark in the history of protection of wildlife which was
transferred from state to concurrent list in 1976.


 After enactment of Wildlife Protection Act (1972). Indian Board of Wildlife (1952)
took up the task of setting up wildlife national parks and sanctuaries.

Major activities and objectives

 Restriction and prohibition of hunting and trapping wildlife.

 Protection of rare plant species.
 Botanical Survey of India (BSI) and Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) to preserve
endangered, rare and threatened species.
 Setting up of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries to preserve biodiversity.
 Empowering zoo authority with control of zoo and captive breeding of the
endangered species.
 Controlling the trade of some wildlife species, wildlife products and trophies.
 Setting guidelines for issuing license for arms near wildlife sanctuaries.
 Legal powers to officers and punishment to offenders.
 Impounding of all weapons, tools and vehicles used for wildlife offences.
 Breeding programme for endangered species.


 Ownership certificates for animal articles (like tiger, leopard skins etc., are
allowed. It leads to illegal trading.
 The offender is fined upto upto for Rs. 25,000 or imprisoned for 3 years or both.
But these measures are not enough to deal with the poachers and wildlife


ACT- 1974 (AMENDED IN1988)

 This act was enacted under Article 252 (1) of the Constitution as a social welfare


 To prevent and control water pollution.

 To establish Central and State Boards for water pollution control.
 To empower the Central and State Boards to prevent water pollution.

Functions of Central Board

 To advise the Central Government regarding the prevention and abatement of

water pollution.
 To plan for the prevention, control and abatement of water pollution.


 To provide technical assistance and guidance to state boards and sponsor

investigation and research regarding water pollution.
 To lay down standards for a stream or well waters.
 To organize nationwide programme for prevention and control of water
 To establish or recognize labs for analysis of water samples.

Functions of State Board

 To advise the State Government about prevention and abatement of water

 To plan a programme for prevention and control of water pollution.
 To encourage research and investigation regarding waters pollution
 To take legal samples of trade effluent in accordance with the procedure and take
necessary action.
 To organize mass education programme in collaboration with Central Board.
 To evolve efficient method of sewage and trade effluents disposal.


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Diaster management
o Different types of diasters
o Impact of diasters
o Management of diasters
o Mitigations for disaster.


 Natural Calamities like cyclones, flood, earthquake, volcanoes and landslides are

normal natural events in the formation of earth, but they are disastrous when
they strike human settlements.
 In India, natural disasters occur frequently . For example, about 260 million
people are being affected by frequent floods which occur in eight major river
valleys in 40 million ha..
 Drought affects nearly 86 million people 14 states including Tamilnadu.


 About ten million people are affected by cyclones in the entire 5700km long
coastline of peninsular India in 9 states. This impact of earthquake is much more
than the other disasters because about 400 million people in the seismic zones IV
and V (55% of total area of India) are being greatly affected.
 About ten million people living along the entire sub Himalayan region and
Western Ghats suffer a lot due to landslides. Since the disasters strike human
settlements often in different parts of the world, they have to learn to minimize
the effects of disasters.


 Tropical cyclones in the warm oceans are formed to heat and moisture. Sea
surface temperature should be above 260C. Cyclones move like a spin (120-400
km/hr) with a diameter of 100-1500 km.
 The following are the examples of types of cyclones:
o Hurricane in the Atlantic, Caribbean and North East Pacific areas.
o Typhoons in Western Pacific areas.
o Cyclone in the Indian Ocean.
o Willy Willies in the sea around Australia.
o Cyclones occur more in the Bay of Bengal than Arabian Sea.


 It is not possible to stop cyclones. But we can follow certain measures to escape
from their devastation. The measures are as follows:
o Planting of trees along coastal belts.


o Construction of dams and wind breaks.

o Installation of wide roads for the people to evacuate quickly in
o Installation of better working system.
o Construction of proper drainage.
o Disaster prediction i.e., announcement of cyclone warning to people would
help in minimizing the impact.  


 Inundation of extensive land area with water for many is called floods. Flood
causes colossal loss of human lives and property.


 It is caused by natural and human factors.

 Natural Factors: Heavy and prolonged rainfall , blocking of free flow of the rivers
due to landsides and overflowing of river banks.
 Human Factors: Building activities, channel manipulation through diversion of
river course, construction of bridges, deforestation, changes in land use and
blockage of water courses by plastics. Recently in Chennai, the intensity of
flooding of roads and residential colonies increased due to the accumulation of
plastics in water courses.



 The impact of flood can be minimized by the following steps

o The discharge of waste must be hastened.
o The flow of water must be diverted.
o The return runoff water from river must be delayed.
o The flood situation must be announced to the people in advance through


 A sudden movement of Earth’s crust (or) a motion of the ground surface is known
as earthquake.
 Earth’s crust has many tectonic plates of solid rock which slowly move along their
 Hypocenter is a point of sudden energy release.
 Epicenter is the place on the ground surface (fault lines or planes of weakness)
recording seismic waves (first movement) for the first time.
 The intensity of energy released by an earthquake is measured by the Richter
scale devised by Charles F. Richter.
 Sesimometer is an instrument used to measure seismic waves.

Severity of an earthquake


S.No Richter Severity of Earth quake

1. Less than 4 Insignificant
2. 4-4.9 Minor
3. 5-5.9 Damaging
4. 6-6.9 Destructive
5. 7-7.9 Major
6. More than 8.9 Great

Tusnamis-(High Sea waves) (Japanese word)

 Severe earthquakes under sea water generate high sea waves and these are
referred to as tsunami in Japanese language. They travel at a speed up to
1000mk/hr or more. They rise from 15 meters to 65 meters in height at sea shore,
causing vast devastation in coastal areas.
 The first Tsunami hit India in 1945, when Indians were engaged in the war of
Independence. At that time, people did not worry about Tsunami much. Even
now there is a danger of Tsunami in the Arabian sea. People are not aware of this
danger. But the animals are capable of learning the tsunami strike in advance
with the help of their ultrasonic radiation. Thus, they often escape from the
danger. Therefore, it is better to train sea animals as done in China, in order to
caution the human beings about tsunami in advance. A tsunami-warning
instrument is to be fixed in the Bay of Bengal to track tsunami in advance.
 Generally tsunami strikes during the beginning or towards the end of a month.
For example, tsunamis struck on 27th August 1883, 25th November 1945 and
26th December 2004. In some countries, tsunami struck in the beginning of the

Case studies

 Earthquake on 26-12-04 with 9 Richer scaler occurred under sea near Sumatra in
Indonesia and it created tsunami waves to a height of 10m in India (Tamil Nadu),
Malaysia, Thailand and Andaman island. About 2.5 lakhs of people died due to
tsunami waves.
 In TamilNadu , tsunami caused death and destruction in the low-lying areas near
sea shore from Chennai to Kanyakumari.
 In China, 8,30,000 people in the year 1556 and 50,000 people in the year 1976
died of tsunami.



 Natural factors: Friction due to moving of tectonic plates creates stress which

leads to fractures and causes earthquakes.
 Human factors:
o Underground nuclear testing causes earth tremor.
o Collection of huge amount of water behind a dam also causes earthquake.
o Pouring liquid wastes into deeper wells creates tremor.


 Earthquake causes damage to buildings, roads, factories, dams and bridges.

 Water supply and electricity supply and Telecommunication are completely
 In hilly areas, land slides occur damaging dams and causing floods

Mitigation of earthquakes

 By constructing earthquake resistant buildings or by making pads or floats

beneath the buildings we can reduce the impact of earthquake.
 By making wooden houses in seismic zones, the effects of earthquake can be


 The moving down of coherent rock of soil mass due to gravitation is called
landslide. The sudden rockslides are more dangerous then slow landslips.



 Human activities like hydroelectric Projects, dams, construction of roads, railway

lines, mines and deforestation cause landslides.


 Landslides can be minimized by stabilizing the slopes by adopting the following

 Afforestation in vulnerable areas so that vegetation consolidates the slope
materials and provides cohesion with the help of root and also retards water flow
and erosion.
 Providing slope supported by wired stone blocks.
 Providing concrete support at the base of slope.
 Draining the surface and subsurface water.


Learning objectives


 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Sources of water supply
o Natural sources
o Surface water
o Underground water
o Water quality and its classification.


Environmental Hygiene

 It is a branch of medical sciences that deals with the effect of living conditions on
health, devises measure to prevent the occurrence of disease and establishes
conditions that ensure preservation of health.

Sources of Water Supply and Water Quality

 Water is indispensible to support life and to help in the productive processes of

 Water is also needed for many other operations in the farm to maintain the
cleanliness of animals and their habitations and to process many of the animal
products like milk, butter, cheese and meat.
 Water is also needed for cleaning various utensils used in the handling of animal
 This aspect has a direct bearing on public health, hence the water supplies should
confirm standards.
 Lack of knowledge on the quality of water and its source will bring down the
efficiency of farm management leading to general breakdown in the health and
production of animals.
 The natural sources of water
o Rain water
o Surface water
o Brooks
o Streams
o Rivers
o Lakes
 Underground Water
o  Subsoil water
o  Deep ground water
o  Springs


 This is precipitation of water which is obtained as the condensation of moisture

in the form of rains, snow and dew.

 The amount of rain water depends upon the rainfall, and the distribution of rain
over a period in particular region.
 The two monsoons , the south west and north east monsoons bring about 80 per
cent of total rainfall.
 The average rainfall for Tamil Nadu state is about 1143 mm to 1270 mm per
 The rain water must be collected in suitable natural basins or artificial reservoir
and stored as a source for use in the farm.
 Rain water at its origin is the least polluted water with minimum impurities but
as it descends down it gathers various impurities /pollutants depending upon the
activities of the region.
  Rain water collected under the rural conditions is less polluted than that
collected under the urban conditions.
 Rain water collected from highly industrialized places are heavily contaminated
with toxic matter or harmful matters.
 In general rain water is comparatively pure and is soft in nature with less of
dissolved impurities.
  It is insipid in taste and some times it will  acidic in reaction, having plumbo
solvent characters with corrosive properties.  


  Surface water is the natural collection of rain water, that has fallen on the earth,
washed the surface and collected in the form of rivers and lakes. These are most
common and economical sources under natural farming conditions, where there
is a good rainfall. In the absence of good rainfall, most of these sources will be
dried up.
 Surface sources in general provide a poor quality water sometimes the water may
be dangerously polluted by manure and land washings.
 The quality of such water changes due to the influence of rain and sun.the lake
water is highly impure even when it is freshly collected. The river water is least
populated as its origin but as it travels it gathers impurities in the form of land
washings and household sewage and various industrial effluents discharged into
the river.
 Polluted river water when it travels more distance it undergoes certain amount of
self purification, due to natural sedimentation, absorption of oxygen and
oxidation, percolation into the beds and reappear in the form of springs.
 The exposure of vast sheet of water to the ultra -violet rays of the sun is also
responsible for self purifications.
 The mineral content of the river water depends upon geological strata of the earth
through which the water flows.
 The chemical character of river water is subjects of wide variation according to
the nature of the gathering grounds and also to the different geological
formations through which the river bed passes.


 Dissolved solids taken up in one are may be deposited in another area. The
bacterial quality of water depends upon the amount of river pollution taking
place and the chances given for self purification of water.
 Hygienic measures should be taken for the protection of surface water sources to
prevent pollution and contaminations by preventing the mixing up of industrial
wastes wash water from livestock farm and dwelling places.
 Public health acts as well as river pollution prevention act should be enforced
undue pollution with sewage, industrial effluents should be checked.
 Gathering grounds or catchment are such as lakes should be protected by high
raised wall/fencing, preventing unauthorized entry of livestock and human
beings and should be maintained as per the public health regulations.


 Two categories of Underground Water

o Sub soil water 

o Deep ground water
 The water is held beneath the soil and it has to be tapped in the form of wells or

Sub Soil water

 This water is held above the first impermeable layer and it rises and falls
according to the season and rainfall of the locality.
 The sub soil water is liable to gross contamination form organic vegetable wastes
and livestock excretory pollutants.
 The fitness of the sub soil water as a source for the livestock should be regarded
with suspicion and such water has to be submitted to bacteriological examination
before put to use.

Deep ground water

 This water lies below at least one impermeable stratum. As it has percolated to a
greater depth it is usually free form significant bacterial pollution.
 Water is protected form surface pollution by the presence of impermeable
 Even this ground water sources may occasionally be grossly polluted and
contaminated due to certain natural faults such as cracks, and fissures in the
course of rock formation.
  Mineral contents of ground water is generally very high. 



 These are natural outlets of underground water and they supply the water at the
surface of the earth in the form in different springs

Land spring or dip spring (intermittent)

 Whenever there is a dip in the land exposing the impermeable stratum to the
surface the water comes out in the farm of land spring. The water is doubtful
purity and its supply is seasonal.

Fissure spring

 This spring occurs due to the presence of deep fissure or crack in the rock upto
the water bearing stratum.

Junction spring

 This spring results form the geological fault occurring due to two different strata
coming together and forming a junction.
 Deep ground water comes out in the form of spring at the junction of the strata.
 The last two springs are permanent springs supplying good quality water with
lesser seasonal fluctuations. These natural springs can be developed into good
water sources.
 An artificial basin should be constructed for collection of such water.
 Fence should be provided all around to prevent unauthorized entry of human
beings and animals.
 The quality of water is similar to that of the deep underground water.  


 Classification of water according to their palatability and wholesomeness is as




Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Sources of water contamination
o Leachates
o Solid wastes
o Main sources of water contamination
o Possible sources of water contamination.


 Sewage from un-sewered area

 Faulty municipal sewerage system
 Storm water run off
 Industrial effluents
 Agricultural - Leachates from household and industrial solid wastes and
infiltration of fertilizers and pesticides from agricultural  areas. 
 The house hold effluents are discharged into open sewers which often infiltrate
into the surface water sources.   Deficiencies in the sewerage systems such as
overflow of untreated sewage from deficient pumping stations and clogged
sewerage pipelines. Leakages from badly maintained sewerage pipelines are
major pollutant sources and clogging of sewers often occur due to uncontrolled
dumping of solid wastes.
 In many places where sewers are connected to the storm drains. This results in
contamination water sources. In general many drains are silted up and choked
with vegetation. Thus large areas particularly the low lying areas are flooded
during rainy seasons and water stagnates for several weeks after the rains. This
may result in contamination of potential ground waters. Furthermore the
washout of accumulated waste and debris from the storm drains during the rainy
season results in pollution of sediments in the surface waters near the outfalls.    
 Non treated or poorly treated waste water from the textile   plants , tanneries,
distilleries leachates from hazardous waste. eg fertilizer, petrochemical and
caustic soda plants also contaminate the water  
 Agriculture: Due to uncontrolled use that significant amount of fertilizers and
pesticides infiltrate to the surface water. 



Main Source Area Possible Sources

Sewerage Systems  Lack of systems in un sewered areas, slum areas.
 Leakages and over flow from the sewerage pipelines.
 Overflow fom deficient pumping sytems.
 Inadequate sewerage treatment facilities inclusive
and pumping station for treated waste water.

Storm Water  Over flow from drainage with wash out of

accumulated waste.

Industrial effuents  Inadequately treated industrial effluents.

 Leakage and spillages of chemicals.
 Irrigation water from distilleries and textile plants.

Municipal solid waste  Leachates from inadequate collection facilities,

dumping sites and unprotected land fills.
 Uncontrolled dumping into surface waters and

Industrial solid wastes   Leachates from onsite storage, uncontrolled 

inclusive of hazardous dumping sites and unprotected landfills.
Energy plants  Leachates from coal, cinders and fly ash.

Agriculture  Infiltration of fertilizers and pesticides

Sea water  Over exploitation of ground water, tidles



Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Bacteriology of water
o Influencing factors
o Faecal and non faecal coliforms
o Soil bacteria
o Iron bacteria.


 The presence of bacteria in water depend largely on the character of the water
and on the source from which it is drawn.
 Classification of Bacteria
o The bacteria found in water may be broadly classified into two main
 Firstly, Saprophytic bacteria which are indigenous to water are
adapted to live and multiply at temperature lower than body heat
eg: at 20-220c and derive their nutrient from decaying organic
matter. These free living forms are of little importance from the
hygienic standpoint except that their presence in a water in very
large number denotes an abundance of organic matter.
 The Second broad group which may be called the adventitious
water microorganisms are introduced from outside sources and are
incapable of surviving in water for an indefinite period. Amongst
these are included bacteria precipitated from the air by rain or
snow, soil bacteria washed in after heavy rainfall and excretal
bacteria from human or animal sources.
 Coliform Bacilli
 Soil Bacteria
 Iron Bacteria


 The coliform bacilli constitute a group of organisms of diverse origin.

 The most important member is Escherichia coli whose natural habitat is the
human and animal intestine .
 The other member E. aerogenes and E. cloacae are found in soil and on
vegetation and they are regarded as saprophytes. All these microbes may be
found in sewage.
 The first type is dominant organisms found in faeces and for this reason is
commonly referred to as faecal coli whilst the other two referred to as non faecal


 The E. coli  does not normally live for any length of time outside the intestinal
tract of man and animals, the presence of this organism in water can be regarded
as almost certain evidence of recent excretal pollution of human or animal origin.
 There is no very satisfactory method at present for distinguishing between faecal
coli of human origin on the one hand and those of animal origin on the other. But
the topographical circumstances relevant to the water supply may sometime help
in assigning faecal coli to their probable source. 


 Ground water lying near the surface will usually contain free living bacteria
derived from the upper few inches of the soil complex.
 These bacteria include aerobic forms which break down organic material into its
simple component elements of carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen. This resolution
process is further carried on by two groups of nitrogen oxidizing organisms which
convert ammoniacal nitrogen to acid radicles that in combination with existing
soil bases form nitrites and nitrates.
 The first of these bacterial groups (Nitrosomonas) converts ammonia to nitrites
whilst the second (Nitrobactor) completes the oxidation process by converting
the nitrites to nitrates, which constitute the completely oxidized state of nitrogen.
 The bacteria which initiate breakdown of organic material as well as those
involved in the oxidation of nitrogen require for their efficient functioning the
provision of adequate moisture, oxygen , suitable bases and an environmental
temperature over 50c.
 This process of converting the soil organic matter to nitrites and nitrates is called
biological scavenging.
 If the process is interrupted it leads to accumulation of acid radicals which cause
souring of the soil. Water draining from such soil in which these condition
pertain will be acid in character.
 Another example of failure of this biological scavenging process sometime occurs
in connection with land treatment of sewage tank liquor, where as a result of
excessive application of the sewage liquor the alkaline bases in the soil become
exhausted and consequently the conversion of the acid formed by the nitrifying
bacteria to nitrates and nitrites does not occur and they accumulate in the soil
rendering it “sewage sick”. Such soil may have its purifying properties restored by
the addition of 1-2 tons of lime per acre, combined with a period of rest from
further sewage application.


 Certain of the bacteria have the power of abstracting iron from the water in which
they live and of depositing it in the form of ferric hydroxide in the mucilagenous
sheath with which they are invested.



 The best known iron bacteria but not the most widespread it consists of minute
filaments attached by one end of some solid object .
 Generally the service supply pipes become coated with a rusty pile of crenothrix
and such pipes were actually obstructed by a hard ferruginous deposit.
 The water is unusable for domestic supply owing to its bad taste and smell.


 Another iron bacteria and it is more widespread, it forms a slimy coating on the
inner surface of iron supply pipes, this coating may become so thick that it
considerably reduces the capacity of the pipes.
 The organisms also plays a part in the formation of the hard rusty nodules and
incrustations that are commonly seen in water pipes in some areas.
 The organism also accelerate the deposition of rust probably through their
oxidation processes.
 Chlorination of water is one of the remedies that have been found satisfactory in
the control of iron bacteria. 


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Physical evaluation of water
o Necessity and importance
o Different parameters
o Inference
o Judgment.


 water sample is evaluated physically for colour, turbidity, odour, taste and
electrical conductivity
o Colour and Turbidity
o Odour and Taste
o Electrical Conductivity



 Natural waters rarely show colours other than yellow or reddish brown, which
usually indicate the presence of peat acids or , in the case of turbid water,
suspended particles clay or iron oxides: occasionally algal growth is responsible
for the appearance of a green or red colour.
 Few waters which can be considered satisfactory contain appreciable quantities
of suspended organic matter.
 Its presence in any quantity encourages the growth of micro-organisms, renders
the water difficult to filter, and frequently makes sterilization difficult. Suspended
mineral matter, on the other hand , is less objectionable.
 Its presence tends to be seasonal, occurring usually after periods of heavy rain,
although when in the form of hydrated oxide of iron it appears as a permanent
turbidity in ferruginous waters.


 Odour and taste can only give an indication of sewage contamination if it is

excessive , but they are useful in detecting other unusual types of contamination
which are difficult to detect chemically.
 For example, the accidental contamination with small quantities of paraffin oil or
similar substances sometimes occurs; chemical methods may not be sufficiently
sensitive to detect traces of these compounds, and in such cases taste and smell
may be the only guides to the presence of these contaminants.
 Peaty water nearly always has a slight adour. Certain waters contain sulphuretted
 Decomposing aquatic fauna and flora in service mains are not infrequently the
cause of “smelly” water.
 Rain water has a flat insipid taste. Soft waters taste “soft”, Ferruginous waters
taste of ink. Waters containing much sodium chloride have a brackish taste.
  The water from newly laid mains may have a tarry flavour.
 Water treated with bleaching powder tastes of chlorine if the available chlorine in
the water exceeds three of four parts per million.
  Hard waters, and also those containing nitrates and carbonic acid, are more
palatable than soft waters of those free from gas in solution.


 Chemically pure water is a non-conductor of electricity, but the solution in it of

ionisable salts renders it conducting, the case with which an electric current is
transmitted being directly proportional to the concentration of ionisable salts in
solution. This fact is made use of in the examination of natural waters, the
electrical conductivity of the water being an indirect measure of the amount of
dissolved substance present it.
 It should be noted that, by itself , the electrical conductivity gives no indication of
the nature of the substances in solution.


 Values of electrical conductivity for natural waters vary from about 100 gemmhos
for soft waters derived from the older crystalline rocks to about 2,000 gemmhos
for very hard waters derived from the newer and softer rocks; sea water has a
conductivity of about 50,000 gemmhos.
 In the absence of sodium salts, the electrical conductivity is proportional to the
hardness, one degree of hardness raising the electrical conductivity by about 20
units. Thus such a water with a conductivity of 500 units , would possess a
hardness of approximately 250.
 The determination of electrical conductivity finds its greatest use in indicating
changes in the amount of dissolved solids present in a water where the
composition of the dissolved solids fraction is known and is fairly constant. 


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Chemical evaluation water
o Necessity and importance
o Different parameters
o Inference
o Judgment.


 The complete chemical examination of water in respect of its suitability or

otherwise for drinking and for ordinary domestic uses normally includes
determination of total solids, pH, hardness , free and albumoinoid ammonia,
nitrate , nitrite, chlorides, and action on metals.
 It may also be necessary to examine waters for unusual constituents such as lead,
zinc, arsenic, copper, iron, aluminium, magnesium, fluorides and cyanides,
whose presence may be suspected from a consideration of the source of supply or
from a history of toxic symptoms arising in man or animals drinking the water.
 Whilist the chemical examination and the interpretation of the results falls
strictly within the province of the experienced analyst, some knowledge of the
procedures involved will greatly aid the veterinary surgeon in appreciating the
significance of the analytical findings.
 Total Solids
 pH value
 Hardness


 Chlorides
 The Nitrogen Constituents
 Reducing Powder or "Oxygen Absorbed"


 The method of determination employed is briefly as follows:- The residue left

after evaporating a measured volume of water is weighted and the result
calculated to parts per 100,000 of water.
 The estimation is usually carried out on filtered water if appreciable quantities of
suspended solids are present, so that suspended solids are reported separately
from dissolved solids.
 The residue consists of all the non-volatile substances which were present in
solution in the original water.
 The organic content of the residue can be assessed from the appearance of the
residue after gentle ignition, considerable charring indicating a high content of
organic matter.
 Satisfactory waters rarely contain more than 80 parts per 100,000 of dissolved
solids, and for most purposes should contain much less; they rarely contain more
than a mere trace of organic matter.


 The pH of natural waters is of importance chiefly from the point of view of

possible corrosion of metals.
 Waters with low pH values, especially if the acidity is due to dissolved
carbondioxide or to humic acids are potentially plumbo-solvent; they corrode
most metals to some degree.
 Akaline waters , particularly if the alkalinity is due to dissolved sodium carbonate
are corrosive of zinc.
 It should be pointed out that waters which are neutral in reaction are not
necessarily non-corrosive, e.g. neutral solutions of chloride and nitrates will
corrode most metals.
 The pH value of a sample of water should, therefore, be considered along with
other determinations, particularly with the qualitative composition of the
dissolved solid fraction. 


 The hardness of water refers to its soap-destroying power and is due to the
presence of calcium and magnesium salts in solution.
 It is usual to distinguish between waters that are “temporary” hard and those that
are “permanently” hard .


 Temporary hardness is due to the presence of the bicarbonates of calcium and

magnesium in solution, permanent hardness is due to the chloride, sulphates
and, to a lesser extent, the nitrates of calcium and magnesium.
 Hardness, whether temporary or permanent, is expressed as parts of calcium
carbonate per 100,000 parts of water; “degrees ‘’of hardness are numerically
equal to parts of calcium carbonate per 100,000 parts of water.
 A total hardness of more than 30 is sufficient to render a water unsuitable for
most purposes , although if required for drinking only a considerably higher
hardness might be tolerated.
 Waters with hardness less than 5 are very soft, and such hardness values should
be considered along with pH value for possible plumbo-solvent action.  


 Chlorides are rarely absent from natural waters, being present chiefly as sodium
chloride, with occasionally magnesium, potassium and calcium chlorides.
 The chloride content of waters derived from rocks near the sea is invariably high;
waters from deep wells may contain sufficient to impart a brackish taste.
 The presence of chloride considered alone is therefore of little significance as
regards hygienic quality, but as sewage contains appreciable quantities of it, if the
chloride is present together with free ammonia, nitrite or appreciable quantities
of nitrate, this finding may support an indication of sewage pollution.
 Uncontaminated surface waters (except near the sea ) rarely contain more than 2
parts of chloride per 100,000; well waters may contain considerably greater


 Uncontaminated water supplies are rarely completely free from nitrogenous

constituents, and in such waters nitrogen may be present in the form of humic
acids or nitrates.
 Waters contaminated with sewage or other decaying organic matter may contain,
in addition to these, ammonium salts or easily decomposable amides , and
 As ammonium salts and nitrites are quickly oxidised in natural waters to nitrate,
their presence is taken as a strong indication of recent contamination with
 Quantitatively the ammonium salts and easily decomposable amides are
estimated by distilling a sample of the water made alkaline with sodium
carbonate; the amount of ammonia distilling off is estimated calculated to part
per 100,000 and reported as “Free Ammonia.”
 Humic acids and the more complex nitrogenous compounds such as protein do
not liberate ammonia on boiling with sodium carbonate, but do so when distilled
with an alkaline solution of potassium permanganate. This ammonia is estimated
calculated to parts per 100,000 and reported as “Albuminoid Ammonia.”


 Satisfactory waters rarely contain any free ammonia at all, and the presence of
more than 0.005 parts per 100,000 must be regarded as significant of pollution.
 If the amount of free ammonia present is greater than the amount of albuminoid
ammonia then sewage contamination is certain. Many satisfactory waters, e.g.
peaty waters, contain appreciable quantities of albuminoid ammonia but such
waters yield their albuminoid ammonia slowly, and they contain only traces of
free ammonia.
 In waters other than moorland waters, the albuminoid ammonia may be
significant of sewage pollution if it is a present in concentrations greater than
0.01 parts per 100,000.
 The presence of nitrate is of no significance in the absence of other nitrogenous
constituents. If, on the other hand, free ammonia is present then the presence of
nitrate is an added indication of pollution.  


 The pollution of natural waters is invariably accompanied by an increase in the

amount of organic matter present in solution. This dissolved organic matter is
easily oxidised and the amount of available oxygen absorbed by the water from a
oxidising solution gives a measure of it.
 The ability of water to reduce a dilute solution of acid potassium permanganate
referred to as the Reducing Powder or Oxygen Absorbed figure, and is reported as
parts of available oxygen absorbed per 1000,00 parts of water.
 Many natural waters contain dissolved organic watter that is innocuous .
Moorland waters, for example, contain peat acids, and if the reducing powder of
such waters is not in excess of about 0.1 parts per 100,000, they may be regarded
as satisfactory.
 In the case of other waters the reducing power should not normally be in excess
of 0.05 parts per 100,000.
 In all cases the reducing power should be considered in the light of the other
estimations, e.g. free ammonia and chloride, that indicate possible


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Microbiological evaluation of water
o Necessity and importance


o Different test
o Interpretation
o Judgment.


 An understanding of the significance of the results obtained by the bacteriological

examination of water supplies presupposes a knowledge of the possible bacterial
forms which may be found in water. These forms may be broadly classified into
two main groups.
 Firstly, saprophytic bacteria which are indigenous to water, are adapted to live
and multiply at temperatures lower than body heat, e.g. at 20-220C., and derive
their nutriment from decaying organic matter. These free-living forms are of little
importance from the hygienic standpoint, except that their presence in a water in
very large numbers denotes an abundance of organic matter.
 The second broad group , which may be called the adventitious water micro-
organisms, are introduced from outside sources and are incapable of surviving in
water for an indefinite period.
 Amongst these are included bacteria precipitated from the air by rain or snow,
soil bacteria washed in after heavy rainfall, and excretal bacteria from human or
animal sources. It is with the two last named that the microbiological evaluation
of water supplies is almost entirely concerned.
 It has already been mentioned that the present bacteriological techniques used
for the detection of sewage pollution of water supplies are directed to the
demonstration of known excretal bacteria, especially organisms of the coliform
group, and , to a lesser extent, faecal streptococci and Clostridium welchii.
 The reason for this greater concentration on the coliform bacilli is partly because
of the greater ease with which they can be demonstrated by cultural methods, and
partly because Cl.welchii has been found to survive considerably longer in water
than members of the coliform group.
 The presence therefore of this organism alone in a water sample may indicate a
pollution more distant in time than is the case with members of the coliform


 The coliform bacilli constitute a group of organisms of diverse origin. Whose

natural habitat is the human and animal intestine and named as Escherichia coli.
 Some of the coliform groups appear to have their primary habitat in the soil and
on vegetation and may, therefore, be regarded as saprophytes; these comprise
the E.aerogenes,and E cloacae.
 The typical E. coli does not normally lead a saprophytic existence outside the
human and animal intestine.
 It is the dominant organism found in faeces, and for this reason is commonly
referred to as “ faecal coli,” whilst the saprophytes referred to as “non-faecal coli”.


 The observations of various workers suggest that at ordinary temperatures non

faecal coli group tend to survive longer in water than do faecal coli, through
factors other than temperature probably play a part in determining the relative
length of survival of these organisms.
 Since E coli does not normally live for any length of time outside the intestinal
tract of man and animals , the presence of this organism in water can be regarded
as almost certain evidence of recent excretal pollution of human or animal origin.
 The further significance of the coliform group as an indication of the nature and
time of pollution will be returned to later.
 It may be mentioned here, however, that there is no very satisfactory method at
present for distinguishing between faecal coil of human origin on the one hand
and those of animal origin on the other.
 A consideration of the topographical circumstances relevant to the water supply
under examination may sometimes help in assigning faecal coli to their probable
 For example , in the case of surface waters where sheep commonly graze the
gathering grounds , and in the absence of any known sources of human pollution,
the faecal coli isolated from samples are in all probability of animal origin.
 A similar conclusion may sometimes be arrived at in the interpretation of the
bacteriological findings in the case of a well or stream water, where the
topographical survey on the spot indicates excretal pollution by livestock and, as
far as can be seen after careful investigation, there is little possibility of
contamination from human sources. 


 This organism is normally an intestinal inhabitant . It is a spore-forming

organism, which survives for a considerably longer time in water than the
coliform bacilli, and usually resists chlorination.
 Its presence in water indicates that faecal pollution has occurred, and the finding
of Cl.welchii in the absence of members of the coliform group indicates that the
contamination is not of very recent date.
 The chief value of looking for this organism would seem to lie in the detection of
remote or intermittent pollution in surface or shallow water supplies , such as
those from a pond or a well.
 Supplies from these sources are commonly used on farms and by small rural
communities and their frequent examination by the coliform test is seldom, if
ever , practicable.
 An occasional examination for coliform bacilli might in any case yield misleading
results, since these organisms might have died out since the last access of
pollution. In circumstances such as those mentioned, then, the demonstration
of Cl. welchii will show that water is subject to contamination, and will indicate
the necessity of taking steps to eliminate the source of pollution, or otherwise
prevent it gaining access to the water. 



 Streptococci of various types are present in a number of situations in the human

and animal body. In human faeces the most characteristic type is that usually
referred to asStr.faecalis.
 The value of a bacteriological test for the detection of these organisms in water
supplies appears to be largely undecided at the present time. Many workers are of
the opinion that it adds little to the information yielded by the test for coliform
 Other workers, on the other hand, believe that it has a considerable value in
assisting the interpretation of bacteriological analysis when the results of the
coliform test are irregular or indefinite.
 Thus, for example , when it is uncertain whether certain irregular types of
coliform bacilli are or are not of faecal origin, the accompanying presence of
faecal streptococci will constitute presumptive evidence that the irregular
coliform types are derived from faeces. 


 The bacteriological examination of water supplies for organisms of the coliform

group comprises the most suitable and the most generally applicable test for
evidence of pollution.
 The complete examination comprises a number of separate procedures by which
it is possible not only to demonstrate the presence of coliform bacilli, but also to
assign them to the sub-groups already mentioned.
 The complete test for coliform bacilli comprises the following procedures (i) the
presumptive coliform count, (ii) the differential coliform test, and plate counts at
220C and 370C.
 The particular test or combination of tests required for any given sample
submitted for examination will be decided by the bacteriologist after
consideration of the relevant details pertaining to the circumstances under which
examination of the water supply in question became necessary.
 The importance of supplying as full particulars as possible when forwarding
samples to a laboratory for examination can, therefore, be readily understood.
 By the plate counts at 220C and 370C, the total number of viable bacteria per unit
volume of water is determined. Most of the bacteria growing at 220C , are
saprophytic types which are non-pathogenic to human beings or animals.
 It may be thought that the plate count at 220C, is immaterial; to come extent this
is true, but it may be pointed out that this count affords some indication of firstly
the amount of food substance available for bacterial nutrition, and secondly the
amount of soil, dust and other extraneous material carrying bacteria with it that
has gained access to the water.
 On general grounds the greater the number of organisms developing at this
temperature, the larger is the amount of available organic matter present, and the
less suitable is the water for human consumption.
 The bacteria developing at 370C on the other hand, are mainly parasitic or
potentially parasitic, though not necessarily pathogenic, types derived from soil,
sewage or excretal material , and must therefore be regarded as evidence of the

possible presence of pathogenic types such as members of the typhoid ,

paratyphoid group.
 The presumptive coliform count, together with the differential coliform test, is by
far the most delicate index of excretal pollution. These tests are carried out on a
quantitative basis and the results reported, according to the most recent
recommendations, in the following manner
o Probable number of coliform bacilli present in 100 ml.
o Probable number of faecal coli present in 100 ml. 


 The interpretation of the results of the bacteriological examination for coliform

bacilli, as well as those for the other intestinal bacteria, calls not only for careful
consideration of all the relevant factors, but also for considerable experience in
this work.
 Final decisions have yet to be reached as to the meaning of all the data obtainable
in the laboratory, and any conclusions reached must still be to some extent
reflections of individual experience and , therefore , variable.
 The bacteriological condition of a water, too , has to be considered in relation to
many other factors such as season, nature and topography of the source of
supply, the frequency of examination, etc.
 The following quotations give the most authoritative information available at the
present time regarding the interpretation of results and the hygienic classification
of water supplies
o  E. coli is essentially an index of recent excretal pollution. The finding of
this organism in water in more than minimal numbers can never be safely
o  The presence of organisms of the saprophytic group in water in the
absence of faecal coli may be due either to (a) contamination of the water
with soil; (b) contamination of the water with excretal material at a time
sufficiently distant to allow faecal coli to die out; (c) Contamination of the
water with the excreta of a person who is discharging the saprophytic
organisms in almost pure culture; this must be relatively uncommon; (d)
inadequate treatment of an initially polluted water with chlorine; which
has only succeeded in killing off the more susceptible faecal coli. Which of
these explanations is correct can be determined only by inquiry into the
source and history of the water.
o  The finding of a high proportion of faecal coli among the total
coliform organisms is indicative of heavy or recent excretal pollution. On
the other hand, a result showing that the majority of the coliform
organisms appear to belong to saprophytic group , or to irregular types
may be regarded as indicative of a slight, infrequent, or remote excretal
pollution; or perhaps if no faecal coli are present at all, of simple
contamination with soil that may or may not have been excretally polluted
some time previously.


o  In practice it is unwise to neglect completely the presence of organisms of

the saprophytic group. Even though no faecal coli can be found , their
presence may indicate a minor degree of pollution which at any time might
become serious. Their appearance in a water, particularly a deep well
water, from which they are normally absent, sometimes heralds the advent
of pollution and enables steps to be taken in time to stop further pollution
or , if this is impossible, to protect the consumer by suitable treatment of
the water.
o  In general terms, the presence of faecal coli denotes recent and possibly
dangerous excretal contamination, which must be urgently attended to.
The presence of saprophytes in an untreated water suggests less recent
contamination, which though not immediately dangerous is nevertheless
sufficient to call for further steps towards obtaining greater purity of the
supply. The presence of saprophytes in a treated water suggests either
inadequate treatment or the access of undesirable material to the water
after treatment. 


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Biological evaluation of water
o Algae in water
o Fungi in water
o Protozoa in water
o Problems and remedy.


 All natural waters, excepting possibly some of the deepset underground waters,
are inhabited by a diverse plant and animal life, the chief phyla of the former
being Algae, Fungi and Bacteria, whilst the animal kingdom is represented by
Protozoa, Sponges, Rotifers, Molluscs, various free-living “worms”, Insects,
Fishes and Amphibia.
 The kinds of plants and animals found in any particular water depend largely on
the character of the water and on the source from which it is drawn, and, as far as
contaminant intestinal bacterial of human or animal origin are concerned, on the
degree to which the water has been exposed to sewage and/or manurial pollution.


 In general , the flora and fauna of surface waters are more abundant and more
diverse than those of underground waters, whilst those of the deepest
subterranean waters are relatively poorer than the life of sub-soil waters.
 A few minute Crustacae feeding on bacteria and fungi are able to live in deep
wells and in the subterranean waters on which they draw, but if the wells be of
great depth or are poorly aerated the water will usually be devoid of living things.
 Few, if any, of the forms of life, apart from contaminant bacteria of intestinal
origin, which may be found in natural waters would appear to be toxic or harmful
to man or animals drinking the water.
 In the following paragraphs, some account is given of the more important forms
of plant and animal life which are to be found in water supplies, and which may
give rise to problems during the purification, storage, and distribution of the


 The algae constitute the most ubiquitous form of plant life existing in freshwater;
the majority are microscopic in size but some are visible to the naked eye, eg., the
bright green thread-like algae often seen in ponds and streams.
 From the point of view of water supply, three groups of algae are of great
importance, namely the Isokcnatae or Green Algae, the Myxophyceae or Blue-
Green Algae, and the Diatoms.
 These and other groups of algae, which may only flourish moderately in the
running water of rivers and streams, generally increase markedly in the
comparatively still waters of lakes and storage reservoirs. This increase in useful
in some ways.
 The aeration of the water by the algae helps to purify it and, as will be mentioned
later, they play a vital role in the purification of water supplies by filtration
processes but, if their growth becomes excessive, they may interfere with
 Such excessive increases in the algal population of open storage reservoirs can be
controlled by the application to the water of a chemical algicide, such as copper
sulphate which is used at the rate of 1kg to 4.5kg. CuSo4 per 45,46,000 litres of
water. Care must be taken to ensure the even distribution of the
CuSO4 throughout the reservoir.
 The usual method of application is to tow a bag of the along carefully planned
lines in the reservoir .
 It is better policy to use Cuso4 as a preventive against excessive algal
multiplication in a reservoir than as a curative, in which case the dead algae
undergoing decomposition may render the water unfit to use for time.
 Objectionable taste due to algal growths may be removed by dosing the water the
with powdered activated carbon at the rate of 1 to 5 parts per million. The
covering over of small reservoirs will effectively reduce algal growth therein.
 A great bulk of algae passing on from storage reservoirs to the filter beds during
periods of algal abundance introduces mechanical difficulties in the filtration of


the water, and unless the filtration plant is frequently cleaned the filter beds will
become choked.
 The use of algicides in the filter beds is not practicable, as the purification of vary
large quantities of dead algae may be even more objectionable than the presence
of the living plants in the water.
 If it is necessary to remove offensive tastes after filtration about 0.5 part per
million of potassium permanganate may be used. 


 Ground-water lying near the surface will usually contain free-living bacteria
derived from the upper few inches of the soil complex.
 These bacteria include aerobic forms which break down organic material into its
simple component elements of carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen.
 This resolution process is further carried on by two groups of nitrogen-oxidising
organisms, which convert ammoniacal nitrogen to acid radicles that in
combination with existing soil bases form nitrites and nitrates. The first of these
bacterial groups ( Nitrosomonas) converts ammonia to nitrites, whilst the second
( Nitrobacter) completes the oxidation process by converting the nitrites to
nitrates, which constitute the completely oxidised state of N 2.
 The bacteria which initiate the breakdown of organic material, as well as those
involved in the oxidation of nitrogen, require for their efficient functioning the
provision of adequate moisture, oxygen, suitable bases and an environmental
temperature of over 50c. Unless this requirements are satisfied, the disintegration
of organic matter cannot proceed to completion and the end products
represented by the humic acids now formed cause “souring” of the soil.
 Water draining from a soil in which these condition pertain will be acid in
character, as for example, the acid waters draining from water-logged peat
accumulations, in which the incomplete breakdown of the excessive amounts of
vegetable organic matter is due to the absence of oxygen and of suitable bases.
 The plant remains are finally converted to true peat by anaerobic bacteria. Sandy
soils, which are always characteristically low in mineral matter, may also under
certain conditions accumulate organic matter, because in the absence of soil
bases (lime) the decomposition of plant debris cannot proceed, and layers of peat
may be formed.
 Similarly, even on heavy land plant debris may tend to accumulate, e.g., many old
grass-lands have matted turves many inches thick which show little or no signs of
decomposition if ploughed in unless lime is used to correct the soil acidity .
 Another example of failure of this biological scavenging process sometimes
occurs in connection with land treatment of sewage-tank liquor, where as a result
of excessive application of the sewage liquor the alkaline bases in the soil become
exhausted, and consequently the conversion of the acids formed by the nitrifying
bacteria to nitrates and nitrites does not occur and they accumulate in the soil,
rendering it “sewage-sick”.
 Such soil may have its purifying properties restored by the addition of 1 to 2 tons
of lime per acre, combined with a period of rest from further sewage application.



 Certain of the Bacteria have the power of abstracting iron from the water in
which they live and of depositing it in the form of ferric hydroxide in the
mucilagenous sheath with which they are invested.
 The “ochre-beds” sometimes seen on boggy moorland streams are produced by
the deposition of the iron impregnated sheaths of these bacteria, which sink to
the bottom of the stream when the bacteria die.
 The presence of iron in their surrounding medium is not essential to the life of
the Iron Bacteria, for they can flourish in its absence.
 The iron seems to be assimilated by the bacteria probably in the form of ferrous
bicarbonate, along with nutrient materials, is oxidised to the insoluble hydrated
ferric oxide, and is then deposited in this form in the filament sheaths of the
 Crenothrix is perhaps the best known of the Iron Bacteria, though possibly it is
not the most widespread.
 As normally found, it consists of minute filaments attached by one end to some
solid object.
 Each filament consists of a single row of cells, the whole being invested by
mucilagenous sheath.
 Rapid multiplication of Crenothrix in supply reservoirs has occasionally
produced spectacular effects in the water drawn from the service main. The water
was unusable for domestic supply owing to its bad taste and smell.
 The effect in water supply systems due to Gallionella, another of the Iron
Bacteria, is less striking than those of Crenothrix, but this organism in probably
far more widespread.
 Gallionella forms a slimy coating on the inner surface of iron supply pipes, from
which streamers extend into the water; this coating may become so thick that it
considerably reduces the capacity of the pipes, Gallionella also plays a part in the
formation of the hard rusty nodules and incrustations that are commonly seen in
water-pipes in some areas.
 The exact role of the bacteria in the production of these is uncertain, but it is
thought that in some way they accelerate the deposition of rust, probably through
their oxidation processes.
 Chlorination of the water is one of the remedies that have been found satisfactory
in the control of Iron Bacteria and the troubles arising there from in public
supply systems.


 Since all free-living fungi are saprophytic, i.e. derive their nourishment from
decomposing organic material, the occurrence of fungi growing in water is
evidence of the presence in the water in question of decomposing organic
substances, and therefore of possible excretal pollution.


 The number of species of aquatic fungi is small, and of these the only one which
needs consideration in relation to the purity of water supply is the association of
fungi, bacteria and protozoa, commonly known as the “Sewage Fungus” which
may be found in streams and rivers into which sewage effluent is discharged.
 The appearance presented by this growth is that of a dirty yellow or greyish jelly-
like film covering the bottom and sides of the watercourse in which it occurs, and
which is especially abundant where the current is slow or the watercourse
 It may be found growing plentifully in drains which carry off the effluent water of
sewage farms. Whenever this fungus occurs, it is certain sign of the presence in
the water of a large quantity of organic compounds and, therefore, of possible
pollution either with sewage effluent, or perhaps with raw sewage. 


 Members of all the chief groups of fresh water animals are to be found in one or
other of the various sources from which water supplies are drawn.
 They may gain access to purification plants at waterworks, but rarely cause
serious trouble in these.
 In the past, before the sand filtration of public water supplies was universally
adopted , there are several instances where Sponges, Polyzoa and Mollusca are
reported to have flourished abundantly in service pipes and mains.
 The sand filtration of water effectively excludes the minute larval stages of these
animal types, which can pass readily through the strainers used to stop the
grosser inclusions of natural waters.
 Should these larvae, on the other hand, gain access to the water pipes, they may
lodge at suitable sites and develop into the adult forms. The latter feed on
Diatoms and other Algae which are invariably present in unfiltered water, and
may multiply so greatly as to seriously reduce the capacity of the pipes.
 They afford lodgment, too, to a whole host of organisms which would otherwise
to swept on by the current, and when members of this pipe fauna die their decay
pollutes the water and favors the growth of saprophytic bacteria.
 The common freshwater fishes are usually to be found in sources of water supply,
such as rivers and natural lakes.
 They are thought to exercise a beneficial influence on the quality of the water, in
that they feed on the smaller plant and protozoal forms, and so possible limit the
numbers of these.
 For this reason, artificial impounding reservoirs for the storage of water are
commonly stocked with fish, generally trout.



Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Water purification
o Natural purification
o Large scale purification
o Small scale purification
o Physical and chemical agents in purification.


Water Purification

 The method employed depends upon quantum of water to be purified.

Large Scale Purification

 The aim is to ensure the absence of pathogenic organisms, other factors like
relative hardness in the water.
 The treatment received by public supplies at the present time may comprise one
or all of the following processes.
o Storage
o Filtration with or without the aid of coagulants.
o Chemical sterilization

Small Scale Purification

 Boiling
 Chlorination
 Potassium Permanganate


 The storage of water in large open reservoir is practiced principally as a water

conservation project and it also fulfils an important function as a water purifier.
 Sedimentation of suspended matter results in the removal of turbidity and
sedimentation also carries down with it an appreciable quantity of organic
 Exposure to sunlight and the oxygenation of the water by respiring algae effect
the removal of many pathogenic and other organisms.
 Although algal growth is confined to the surface layer, the oxygen introduced into
the water through its agency diffuses downward, raising the oxygen content of the
middle layer.


 The bottom of the reservoir is frequently devoid of available oxygen and is the site
of anaerobic decomposition of organic materials.
 To avoid the removal of the tainted water from the bottom of the reservoir, and
the filter blocking algae from the surface, means are usually provided for drawing
off water from the reservoir at points between these layers.


 Filtration is normally carried out by allowing the water flowing from the reservoir
to percolate through sand, and two types of sand filters are recognized slow sand
filters and rapid sand filters.
 The slow sand filters when first put into use act simply as strainers removing
solid matter in suspension without retaining bacteria but after a time the sand
grains become coated with a film of organisms which are effective in biologically
purifying the water as it passes through the filter.
 Slow sand filters which have reached this condition are said to have “ripened”
and such filters require careful supervision to maintain them in this ripened
condition out of doors .
 Slow sand filters function efficiently , but as they only pass about 120 litres per
square metre per hour they suffer from the obvious drawback that they need to be
very extensive to cope with a large volume of water.
 In rapid sand filters the water drawn from the reservoir is forced through the
filter under pressure, either by means of a pump or by maintaining a head of
water above the filter.
 Suspended particles are removed but biological purification does not takes place.
Purification is effected in this case by introducing a coagulant before filtration or
by sterilizing with chlorine afterwards.
 Coagulants in the form of freshly precipitated hydroxides of many metals possess
the property of adsorbing considerable quantities of organic matter and this
property is made use of in removing organic contaminants from water, the
metallic hydroxide in common use is aluminium hydroxide.
 In practice the aluminium hydroxide precipitate is formed in the water by adding
to it either aluminium sulphate or sodium aluminate. In both cases the
aluminium salt is hydrolysed to aluminium hydroxide which settles rapidly,
dragging with it at the same time the organic matter dissolved or suspended in
the water.
 Bacterial contamination is largely removal by this procedure and the removal of
filter blocking particles permits of a more rapid and efficient filtration
 Impure water when it has filtered is improved is appearance , colour, taste and
odour. Its organic matter is reduced and its bacterial content may be reduced 99
per cent.
 The microorganisms that are pathogenic to man are more easily killed in the film
than are the harmless ones and coliform bacilli which are always found in sewage
are taken as the index of the efficiency of the filtration because if they are absent


form filtered water it may rightly be presumed that pathogenic organisms are
 If water containing much suspended solid matter or muddy water is habitually
drunk by animals it leaves an even increasing deposit of silica, mica in the
alimentary tract.
 This is a cause of colic, constipation and in the case of mica which forms a coating
on the mucous membrane, malnutrition. Water of this nature can be roughly
filtered by passing it through a gravel and sand bed or in case of emergency,
through coarse canvas.


 Its aim is to destruction of all non sporulating pathogenic organisms, particularly

those of intestinal origin, which may be present in it.
 Sterilization of water, whether on a large or small scale by the use of chemicals
should always be preceded by some form of filtration so as to remove the grosser
particles of organic matter.
 The chemical substance used for sterilization must not impart a disagreeable
taste to the water nor make it harmful to animals or people, while at the same
time it must possess sufficient germicidal power to effect its purpose.
 The sterilizing agent most frequently used for the treatment of potable waters are
chlorine and ozone. Chorination is more generally applicable and is cheaper than
ozonisation, although the latter process possesses certain advantage over the
 In both processes the essential feature is the introduction into the water of the
sterilizing agent in such concentration as to leave a small residuum of free agent
after a contact time between agent and water of sufficient duration to ensure
destruction of pathogenic bacteria.
 Efficient sterilization can only be carried out in water free from suspended
organic matter, since bacteria embedded in particles of organic material may not
be reached by the sterilizing agent .
 Also organic matter reduces the efficiency of most chemical sterilizing or
disinfecting agents, the concentration of sterilizing agent available for the
destruction of bacteria being reduced rapidly to negligible proportions.



 Except for domestic purposes or for the sterilization of very limited amounts of
water, boiling is impracticable in most circumstances, as for instance in the
supply of water for a dairy form.
 Boiling is however of great value when there is reason to believe that the filters of
a public supply have become temporarily faulty or when owing to heavy flooding,
surface water has gained entrance to wells or springs. When such an accident as
the letter occurs, warning is usually given by the turbid appearance of the water.



 Is the best method for the routine treatment of small supplies of water, the
chlorine being readily obtainable in the form of chloride of lime (bleaching
powder). The latter should be added to the water in such quantity that free
chlorine will be available to the extent of at least one part per million of water.
This may be done by first preparing a solution of chloride of lime consisting of 30
gms of chloride of lime to 250ml water, which will suffice to treat 2000 gallons of
a water not containing an excessive amount of organic matter. After chlorination
the water should be allowed to stand in an open tank for four hours before being
 In the case of waters which contain much organic matter or are heavily
contaminated by bacteria, super chlorination followed by dechlorination should
be the method adopted . After standing for not less than 30 minutes, small
quantities of this water may be dechlorinated by adding sodium thiosulphate ,
which removes the taste of chlorine

Potassium permanganate

 Potassium permanganate very rapidly decomposes in the presence of organic

matter, yielding nascent oxygen. It is feeble disinfectant in water, but has a
specific action on the vibrio cholera owing to the lethal effect of oxygen on this
particular organism. A better reaction is obtained by the addition to the water of
some dilute acid .
 This treatment is not used on a large scale but is sometimes adopted for the
disinfection of wells and water tanks. The amount of permanganate added must
obviously vary with the degree of pollution.
 The treatment of wells is effected by adding to each gallon of water 3.9 gms of
permanganate with 12 ml of strong hydrochloric acid, leaving for twenty four
hours; pumping until the water is colourless , removing dead aquatic fauna.


 Chlorination is essentially the addition of “free” chlorine to water; it may be

introduced as chlorine gas, as sodium hypochlorite, or as bleaching powder.
 Chlorine gas is used in large scale practice while sodium hypochlorite and
bleaching powder find use in small scale sterilizers. The two recognized
procedures for the treatment of water by free chlorine are normal chlorination
and super chlorination.
 In normal chlorination the concentration of chlorine is brought to such a level
that a residuum is left after a contact time between chlorine and water of at least
half an hour; this contact time is extended as along as practicable.
 It is arranged for the residuum of chlorine to be so small that it imparts no
detectable smell or taste to the water , so that the water is available for use
without further treatment.


 Difficulties occasionally arise where the water before treatment contains

substances that react with chlorine to yield products possessing a powerful and
objectionable taste.
 Traces of phenol compounds for example , even in concentrations as low as 1 part
in 2000 millions, react with chlorine to produce chlorphenols which impart a
very objectionable and persistent iodoform like taste and smell to the water.
 These difficulties may sometimes be obviated by super chlorination which results
in the complete destruction by oxidation of the substances concerned, but the
safest procedure appears to be removal of such compounds before chlorination
by filtering the water through charcoal.
 Super chlorination is adopted where the contact time between water and
sterilizing agent is necessarily reduced (where storage tanks are not available or
their use is inconvenient. In this process chlorine is introduced into the water to a
concentration about ten times that used in normal chlorination.
 Rapid and complete sterilization is effected in a few minutes but the treated water
contains a very high residuum of the free chlorine and must be dechlorinated.
 Sulphur dioxide (in large scale practice) and sodium thiosulphate ( in small scale
practice) are the dechlorinating agents in general use.
 The advantages of super chlorination lie in the very short contact time required
for sterilization and also in the fact that as the high concentration of chlorine
tends to oxidize organic matter completely there is less tendency for taints of the
chlorphenol type to develop.


 A combination of chlorine and ammonia is now widely used for the sterilization
of water.
 It is less affected by the presence of organic matter and its sterilizing action is
more prolonged than that of chlorine.
 Its only advantage over chlorine is that it does not to the same extent give raise to
iodoform and chlorinous tastes in the water.
 Its bactericidal effect is however, very much slower than that of chlorine and long
contact is therefore necessary which in many circumstances is a decided
drawback to the use of chloramine.


 Ozonisation is practiced chiefly for the sterilization of swimming bath water.

 It is generally preferable to chlorination for this purpose as no objectionable taste
or smell is imparted to the water.
 It is of interest to note that the efficient sterilization by ozone is due in part to the
presence of impurities in the form of oxides of nitrogen which are more toxic to
bacteria than ozone itself .
 The wider use of ozonisation is prevented by the high initial cost of the ozone
production plant and the high consumption of electric current by the plant in use.



Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Disposal of sewage
o Large scale disposal
o Small scale disposal
o Methods of disposal
o Treatment of sewage.


 Sewage consists of a mixture of solid and liquid human excreta, waste water from
dwelling houses and usually road water and rain washings, it may also contain a
greater or lesser amount of trade wastes. The disposal of sewage in a manner
which will be free from nuisance and danger to public health through
contamination of water and food supplies is a matter of great importance in
connection with food control and inspection.
o Sewage and animal health
o Conservancy Methods
o Composition and Strength of sewage
o Disposal of water carried sewage by dilution
o Purification treatment of water carried sewage
o Classification of sweage treatment
o Preliminary treatment
o Artificial biological treatment
o Bioaeration or Activated sludge process
o Chemical Sterilization of Sewage Effluent
o Small scale sewage purification and disposal
o Disposal of Farm Wastes
o Removal of Manure from Buildings


 It has frequently been alleged that the drinking water polluted by domestic
sewage has given rise to symptoms of poisoning in cattle and other animals.
 It has been affirmed that cattle may be rendered ill by drinking water containing
sewage. In this connection it is important to make it clear that there are two kinds


of sewage namely household or domestic sewage and industrial sewage. The

latter consists of waste products from factories and its composition will naturally
vary with the industry concerned, but if it contains some poison whether
chemical or bacteriological it is liable to cause harmful effects on stock. Domestic
sewage is also a product of variable composition and consists of water containing
human faeces and urine as well as kitchen waste.
 It is especially in connection with the effluent from works engaged in the disposal
of domestic sewage that so called sewage poisoning of animals and particularly
cattle has been alleged. It has been stated that the symptoms of so called sewage
pollution in cattle resemble in some respects those of johne’s disease , and there
can be no doubt that streams contaminated with faeces from cattle with Johne’ s
disease play a large part in the spread of infection. Intestinal parasites such as
nematodes are also quite commonly transmitted in a similar manner, and in
countries where the human population carries the cestode T. saginata, cattle
grazed on the sewage farms become invariably infected with cysticercus bovis
from the eggs which have been passed in the human feaces. There is possibility
that bacteria pathogenic to cattle may be also conveyed by water.
 In general human sewage does not injure cattle, since cattle and other stock are
commonly kept on sewage farms where they eat grass wet with sewage and even
drink sewage with no apparent harm.
 On the other hand there is plenty of evidence that some industrial effluents are
definitely poisonous for animals. Thus cyanide in toxic amounts have been found
in the drinking water of animals on several occasions, which is being discharged
into drinking water in the effluent from factories.
 The method of sewage disposal may be divided broadly into the conservancy and
water carriage systems.


Conservancy Methods

 It is now practically confined to rural areas where the water supply is inadequate
for the installation of a water carriage system. The simplest method of disposing
of human excreta is burial in the soil. Since proper disposal is of some
importance owing to the risk of flies carrying pathogenic bacteria such as typhoid
bacilli from infected excreta to the milk.
 The human excreta should be buried in shallow trenches and covered with top
soil without chemicals since disinfectants and antiseptics merely retard
putrefaction. The faeces decompose without causing any harm. The place chosen
for the ultimate deposition should be distant from the house and not near a well.

Water Carriage System

 In this system the private drains from dwelling houses and other buildings empty
into public sewers, which convey the sewage to a purification works where it is


treated so as to render the resulting effluent suitable for ultimate disposal into
the sea or into rivers and streams.


 Sewage is a mixture of saline matter in solution and nitrogenous and

carbonaeous organic matter in solution and suspension together with a certain
amount of grit and mineral matter.
 The strength of an ordinary domestic sewage depends on the amount of water
used per head of population. If there are industrial wastes the strength will
usually be increased.
 These are of course great variations daily, seasonal and those due to storm water.
Industrial wastes such as those from breweries, gas works and dairies etc
introduce additional complications.
 Chemical analyses of sewage usually indicted in parts of 100,000 (1) The solids in
suspension and in solution (2) organic nitrogen, ammonical and albuminoid (3)
Chlorides and (4) Quantity of oxygen required for oxidation of the organic matter
to produce a non putrefactive effluent.
 In the sewage settling solids will be about two third of the total. About three
fourths of the total suspended solids would be organic. The non settling solids are
in a very fine state of division or in colloid form. The total suspended matter
appears to be very small in the sewage.
 Disposal of water carried sewage by dilution



 This is a way of disposal of sewage from coastal towns. The following points are
taken into consideration.
 The state of the tides, action of discharging rivers and influence of prevailing
winds, tending to carry the sewage to the foreshore the possible deleterious
effects of the sewage on boating and bathing. The pollution of the beach by the
deposit of solids, the possible injury to fishing and the possible infection of shell
fish by sewage contaminated with pathogenic organisms such as typhoid bacilli.
 The sewage is either discharged in its crude state into the sea , or after it has been
screened and treated in a settling tank, but unless the position of the outlet and
the tidal flow are particularly favourable, further preliminary treatment is usually
carried out. In some cases tanks are used to store the sewage during the raising
tide and to enable discharge to take place during the ebb tide only. As a method
of purifying sewage screening is not very effective, particularly if the sewage has
travelled through several kilometers of pipes, because by the time that it has
arrived at the screen it is already in a state of emulsion, the solids having become
disintegrated but not reduced while passing through the pipes.



 Where the stream is large enough to give a dilution of over 500 volumes the
crude sewage may be discharged into the stream.


 The object of a sewage purification works are

o To separate the solids and suspended matter, which are for the most part
putrifiable from the fluid portion.
o To purify the fluid portion, so that it can be ultimately discharged into a
river or stream with safety and without causing a nuisance and  To dispose
of the more solid portion of the sewage which becomes settled out to form
o The treatment of sewage depends on whether it is generated from
residential or industrial area. Sewage from a purely residential town with a
good water supply is comparatively easy to treat that from a
manufacturing town with a less generous water supply and with the
inclusion of industrial wastes presents for more difficulty.
o The volume of sewage is usually stated in gallons per head of population
per day, this may very from about 10 gallons up to 100 gallons or even
more, depending on the water supply available and the habits of the
community under consideration. A common figure for daily dry weather
flow is 30-40 gallons per head.
o The sewerage systems may be separate or combined in the first mentioned
separate sewers are provided for sewage and for rain water. In the
combined system rain water and sewage are carried in one sewer. The
latter method is the more common and where it is adopted the quantity of
sewage to be dealt with is of course greatly increased in wet weather.


  Preliminary treatment
o  Arrangement for dealing with storm water
o  Screening
o  Detritus or Grit tanks
o  Sedimentation or Precipitation tanks
o  Disposal of sludge
o  Treatment of tank liquor


 Storm water
o The quantum of storm of upto three times the dry weather flow should be
dealt with in the works as ordinary sewage. Anything over this amount
should be diverted to special storm tanks.
  Screening


o This is necessary to remove gross solids such as lumps of faeces or paper

etc. The process may consist of coarse or fine screening. In the former
method the sewage is passed through fixed screens made up of vertical
iron bars which are 1 cm to 5 cm apart. These screens may remove as much
as 10 percent of the total suspended matter in the sewage. Fine screens are
of various types, the opening being from 0.5 to 1 cm in wide.
  Detritus or Grit tanks
o  These are intended to remove the heavier inorganic matter such as road
grit which is easily settled.
  Sedimentation or Precipitation tanks
o These are tanks usually built of concrete, which may be worked with or
without the addition of chemical precipitants, and in which finer solids in
the sewage are allowed to settle by sedimentation the resultant precipitate
or sludge is pumped out daily or weekly as may be found necessary in
o Tanks may be operated on the fill and draw method or on the continuous
method. In the former the top liquid is drawn off leaving the sludge.
Continuous flow tanks may be designed for horizontal flow or vertical flow.
o Horizontal flow tanks are usually long in relation to width. Where the
bottom is flat the sludge may be removed after the removal of the
supernatant liquid. The capacity of a sedimentation tank is usually fixed to
give a period of detention of 6 to 8 hours in the tank.
o Chemical precipitation of the suspended matter is adopted where sewage
is very concentrated or where trade wastes have to be removed. Lime or
lime and ferrous sulphate or sulphates of aluminum are used as
precipitants. The amount of sludge produced by the aid of precipitants is
greater than with simple sedimentation.
 Disposal of sludge
o One of the most troublesome parts of sewage treatment is the disposal of
sludge including screenings and detritus. Screenings and detritus are
always very offensive and are usually dealt with by shallow burial The
screenings may also be burnt. The sludge may also be discharged into the
open sea .Where sea disposal is not possible, disposal on land is resorted
to either direct or after partial dehydration. Where direct disposal is
adopted the sludge is pumped on the land and after drying is ploughed in.
o Sludge has considerable manurial value but before it can handle the water
content must be reduced. This may be done on sludge filter beds , where
the sludge is spread on comparatively thin layers of porous material, such
as ashes well under drained. In some cities the sludge may be pressed into
cake and afterwards converted into manure.
o Sludge may be digested in deep tanks during which process a considerable
amount of gas is given off, consisting chiefly of methane with a small
proportion of Co2 and H2. These gases are collected and utilised for power
generation. Digested sludge contains of course considerably less organic
material than the original and is non-putrefactive. It may be used for
raising the level of low lying areas of land without causing any offence. In


some cases the digested sludge is used as a base in the manufacture of

artificial manure.
 Septic tanks
o  If sewage were held sufficiently long in a tank the greater proportion of
the organic matter would pass into solution and little or sludge remain
such a tank would then become a septic tank. This is due to putrefaction of
organic matter under anaerobic condition. Septic tanks constitute a
suitable means of sewage treatment for single houses or for all
communities provided that not too much inorganic solids are carried in
the sewage.


Percolating or trickling filters

 Trickling filters are really aerating beds, not filters they consist essentially of
circular beds of broken stone of various sizes on which sewage is distributed.
 The broken stone becomes coated after a short period with a gelatinous covering
which in the presence of oxygen forms a nidus for aerobic bacteria which is then
said to be ripened or activated.
 Distribution of the tank liquor is obtained by means of a revolving sprinkler
driven by a constant head of water or by the intermittent discharge of a siphon.

Contact beds

 It comprise tanks filled with broken stone the object being to permit digestion of
organic material by aerobic bacteria.
 The tank is filled and the liquor allowed to remain in contact with the material in
the bed for a sufficient period to allow purification to take place, thereafter the
tank is emptied, and in the process air is drawn into the interstices of the stone,
thus providing the oxygen necessary for the bacteria.
 The cycle of operation occupies eight to twelve hours, the resting period being
about half this to keep the beds in condition.

Humus tanks

 The effluent from percolating filters and contact beds often contain a good deal of
fine organic matter termed humus.
 It is necessary to allow this to settle before discharging the final effluent into a
stream. This may be done by holding the filter effluent in tanks.


 In this method screened sewage free from detritus is purified in tanks largely by
aerobic bacterial action.


 The bacteria are attached to the particles of ripened or activated sludge which is
mixed with the incoming sewage and mixed liquid is kept in continuous motion
during its passage through aeration tanks in order to prevent settlement of the
sludge, secondly to bring the organic matter in contact with activated sludge and
thirdly to supply the bacteria with oxygen.


 Pathogenic bacteria, typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli have frequently been

isolated from sewage and sewage effluents.
 To make the effluent innocuous disinfectants such as pure chlorine, bleaching
powder and chloros (containing 10% available chlorine) added.
 In the case of a ordinary sewage, it has been found that these would have to be
added in the proportion of atleast 10-15 parts of available chlorine per million
parts of sewage, in addition a long period of contact would have to be allowed.


 Where no public sewer is available, other methods such as the impervious

cesspool or a septic tank installation must be adopted for the disposal of sewage.


 Cesspools of two kinds may be met with pervious and impervious.

 The pervious cesspool is a chamber built of concrete or brick or stone rendered in
cement and surrounded if necessary by puddled clay, having the bottom open so
that the liquid percolates into the soil, this type of cesspool is thus a soak-away
pit and it is obvious that to be effective it must be situated in a sufficiently porous
 In the impervious cesspool the wall and the bottom is made of impervious
material through which nothing can be percolate.
 In both types of cesspool decomposition of the sewage which is affected by
bacteria is incomplete so that there is a continuous accumulation of partially
decomposed evil smelling material which has to be removed periodically.
 During the process of decomposition objectionable gases including large volumes
of hydrogen sulphide are given off.
 In the pervious cesspool comparatively little material accumulates; with the
impervious type frequent emptying is necessary.
 In the case of singe houses or farms it is a common practice to provide an
overflow drain, the liquid being disposed of by irrigation over land. When no
overflow is provided the whole of the liquid requires to be pumped out.
 The cesspool is not placed in proximity to a well or other water supply

Septic tank Installation


 An installation suitable for the purification and disposal of sewage from isolated
building usually comprises
o  a single from of septic tank designed to retain the sewage for a period of
time sufficient to permit anaerobic digestion of its organic solids and to
allow insoluble matter to settle out as sludge and
o  a percolating filter or a contact bed in which the effluent from the septic
tank is purified by aerobic bacterial action. The final effluent should be fit
for discharge into a stream or for disposal by subsoil irrigation without any
potential risk arising. Rain and other surface water should not be allowed
access to a septic tank. The sludge needs removal only at long intervals
extending in some cases to as long as two years.


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Disposal of farm wastes
o Necessity
o How to collect?
o How to store?
o Counteract the problems.


 A proper system for the hygienic disposal of animal excreta is essential for the
preservation of animal health and as an aid to the control of disease.
 The disposal of excreta, together with the straw or other material used for
bedding is complicated by the fact that this material has a considerable manurial
value and usually has to be conserved or stored in some way until it can be
conveniently applied to the land.

Collection and storage of animal manure

 Collection of dung and bedding from stable or cow shed.

 Storage of solid manure so that it’s potentially disease bearing state is rendered
innocuous whilst at the same time its land fertilizing capacity is conserved.
 Conveyance of voided urine to an outside drainage system.
 Disposal or conservation of liquid manure.



 The collection of solid manure in animal habitations under ordinary management

is usually carried out once or twice daily.
 Removal from the building is usually effected either by means of a wheelbarrow
or similar vehicle or often by simply throwing the manure through an open door
on to a dump situated immediately outside the buildings.
 From the hygienic point of view a serious objection to this latter method is the
close proximity of the dung heap to the buildings.
 While transporting these materials should not scattered or spilt and give rise to
unnecessary filth on the yards and roadways where a barrow has to be used ,it
should be made of metal and have widely slopping sides so that is easily retains
the manure placed in it being of metal it can be washed and disinfected
 If number of animals kept are large means. It can be transported either by
bullock cart or tractor.

Manure pit

 Should be for away from the stable or cowsheds, not only as a safeguard against
smell, but also as a preventive measure against the nuisance of flies. Fresh
manure forms an ideal breeding ground for the common house fly, a pest which
may easily become a hindrance to clean milk production. Flies also cause
considerable annoyance to the cows in summer, and there is some evidence that
they may be a factor in the spread of mastitis.
 The common practice of depositing the manure in a dump immediately outside
the buildings and into which the drainage system empties is most objectionable.
A concrete pathway should connect the building and manure pit and where it is
possible accessibility to the latter from a hard road is an advantage when it comes
to transferring the manure to the land.
 The space required for a manure pit depends on number of factors. These include
the number and species of animals kept the nature of the food consumed, the
amount of bedding supplied and the extent to which it is re-used or discarded
and the length of time the manure is to be stored. The manure pits have a
capacity of not more than 1 cubic metre unless it be emptied every 48 hrs. It is
suggested that a manure pit should be of such a size as to ensure that it must be
emptied every 6 to 8 weeks.
 If bedding is used it should be separated from manure and can be dried for
further use
 Approximate quantity of dung expelled per animal per day
o Horse    -   10-12 Kg
o Ox         -   30-35 Kg
o Sheep   -   1-3 kg
o Swine   -   1.5-3kg
 The capacity manure pit for 100 cattle per day is 6.4 sq metres. The retaining
walls about 1.2-1.5 metres high preferably of brick or concrete. Bottom should

always be impervious, cement concrete is the best material, there should be a fall
to one end where a drain leads to the liquid manure tank.
 The manure pit should be roofed over with galvanized iron or other suitable
material to prevent the leeching of the valuable soluble constituents, nitrogen,
phosphates and potash from the manure.
 The roof must allow free circulation of air over the manure, otherwise the latter
may get too hot and so deteriorate.
 To make the stored manure to become fertilizer anaerobic condition is essential
hence the manure mass is tightly packed.
 These conditions essential for the making of good manure also serve to prevent
the multiplication of flies and to bring about the destruction of certain pathogenic
bacteria and strongyle and other worm larvae.
 In certain circumstances manure may be directly applied to the land without
storage, but it is to be spread on arable land or on field not being used for
livestock since it may remain potentially infective with the organisms of
tuberculosis paratuberculosis and with parasitic ova and larva for considerable

Liquid maure

 The urine and other organic liquid waste should be drained with surface channels
and collected in liquid manure tank.
 The advantage of surface channel are not blocked, and economy to construct.

Liquid manur Tank

 The channels from the animal houses still converge at the inspection chamber.
 From this chamber one pipe carried the liquid to the settling chamber.
 The settling chamber is constructed of cement concrete throughout or with
cement concrete floor and walls of brick faced with cement. From the settling
chamber liquid alone carried to liquid manure pit and liquid is pumped out.
 The tank must be made of impervious material throughout and the bottom
should be constricted of reinforced concrete.
 The sides may also be build of reinforced concrete or alternatively be brick built
and faced inside with a good coating of cement Absolute gas tightness in a liquid
manure tank is essential in order to conserve the anmonia.


Learning objectives


 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Health implications of farm wastes
o Organism involved
o Manure as a breeding material for flies
o Fly borne diseases
o Methods to prevent.


 It may be stated as a general principle that manure is potentially that manure is

potentially dangerous to the health of livestock and in its disposal therefore all
measures which will serve to keep manure. With its content of bacteria, protozoa,
worm eggs and larvae from contaminating the food or water of livestock should
be adopted. Hence the manure should be adopted. Hence the manure should be
removed from animal horse frequently and thoroughly and it should be disposal
safely. Regarding the safety one method is to disregard the organism content of
the manure and to secure its disposal in such a manner as to effectively keep it
from being a source of to susceptible animals. Its other method is to treat it in
such a manner that the organisms in it are destroyed.


 Organisms pathogenic to livestock occur in animal excreta. Some are excreted in

the droppings or urine of diseases or carrier animals. Eg swine fever flies use the
faeces as sutiable breeding material. The mycobactrous peratuberculosis remain
viable for bovius faece as long as 246 days.
 The anthrax bacillus is another micro organisms which occurs in the excreta and
to carrier eatening animal and birds of prey, considered as potential
dissemenatures of infection particularly in hot climate when flies are abdunent.
 Amongest other bacteria which occur in excreta and may cause disease are
organisms belonging to the clostridium and salmonella group.
 Of the protozoa which are excreted in faeces, coccidia are important in the
production of disease amongst both animal and birds. Owing to the resistant
nature of the oocysts especially when sproulated they not only remain alive for
periods of many months but are difficult to destroy by most chemical
 Numerous helminths occur in the droppings of livestock mostly in the egg stage
but a few as larvae and may transmitted from the diseased to the healthy animal
by contaminated food or water which contains the infective stages of the worms.
The red worm of strongyles of horses, the lung worm of cattle dictyocaulus
viviparous, habronema species of horses which use house fillies and stable flies as
 Organisms which use faeces as breeding material are precipally insects
particularly flies. They are mostly important in playering the role of
disseminators of diseases producing organisms.


 The pathogens found in faeces may also be carried on the clothing and footwear
of persons whose business is to remove faeces another from sheds and stables.
They may contaminate food stuff as for example when doing is distributed over
land when green crops are being raised for animal food. Birds may to some extent
be responsible for disseminating pathogenic organisms service some species
frequent manure heaps in search of seeds and insects and in doing so pick up
infective material on their feet and legs and convey it else where.

Manure as a breeding material for flies

 Of the flies which select manure as a breeding material the most important is the
house fly musca domestica and somoxys calicitrans commonly known as the
stable fly or biting house fly. Horse , pig and to a lesser extent cattle doing
appears to bethe most favoural materials in which these species and flies breed.
The flies oviposits only in material which can provide food in a readily
assemilable form, suffered moisture and usually warmth and shelter for the
developing maggots.
 The fly also breed in decaying and fermenting organic matter of various kinds
and in poultury droppings. It does not breed in cow dung scattered in fields.
Although horse manure is the chief breeding site this material is attractive
to oviposting house flies only so long as it is and not much older than twenty for
 The stomoxys calcitrans deposits its eggs in moist decaying vegetable matter
shown as piles of waste litter and find stuffs that may collect in a farm yard,
get wet and decay as are with urine or have certain amount of manure added to
 The flies in great numbers may result in epidemics of typhoid fever and other
disease. The whole life cycle of muscle domestic can be completed under very
favourable circumstances in 8-9 drop. The rate of development rares greatly
depending upon the temperature of the air and of the feval material and upon the
nature of the ford and other factors. The eggs are deposited in small matter of
120-150 in cervices below the surface of the manure. After housefly may deposit
five or six such batches during her life time and may produce in all for 60 to 900
or more eggs. The maggots avoid light and burrow into and feed upon their food
material. They do not to have occur throughout a manure heap but are usually
restricted to the superficial layer, at the most from 10 to 12cm deep, because the
head produced by fermentation makes t impossible for them to love it deeper
levels. To pupate the maggot leaves the manure heap to find a drier and cooler
place outside the base of the heap her which to undergo its metamorphosis.


 The house fly not merely a nuisance in disturbing the rest of men and animals, in
certain circumstances a carrier of disease and therefore a serious danger
to human and animal health.


 The disease which this insect carrier or is capable of carrying are at restricted to
dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever and some infection of man  by parasitic
helminths, the fly is also an important factor in the spread of infertile or summer
diarrhoea which results from the consumption of fly contaminated milk
 The flies also act as vectors of habronema species parasitic in horses. The
organisms cornyebacterium pyogens responsible for summer moisture or dry
cows and heifers is transmitted by flies.


Incineration and burial

 Manure is a valuable land fertilizer and wherever possible should not be burnt or
deathy buried. When however it is neither practicable nor desirable to conserve it
as a fertilizer incineration is the best method of disposing of it.
 Regarding burial it should be buried deeply since simple burial of the material in
sand or ordinary soil will not prevent the development of house flies which have
considerable powers of borrowing upwards both as mature maggots and as newly
hatched flies to gain the soil surface.
 Furthemore the simple burial or ploughing under of manure cannot be
guaranteed to dispose of nematode eggs and larvae. The larvae of equine
strongyles can migrate upwards for varying distances according to the nature of
the soil and moreover can live for many month under favourable conditions of
temperature and moisture in the soil.
 Similarily cattle are sheep roundworm larvae such as Ostertagia, Haemonchus
and Nematodirus can all regain the soil surface after being ploughed under, in
fact ploughing in may help development of the nematodes by breaking up the soil
and faeces.

 Uses of chemical agents

 The application of chemicals and oily fluid to manure in order to deter flies
from oviposting and for killing fly larvae, worm eggs and larvae and other
pathogenic organisms has been suggested. The general use of these substances
for the purpose of combating the fly nuisance is however of doubtful value
o Most chemical when applied in large quantities to manure regard
fermentation and so prolong the period of fly infestation.
o Most chemicals if they are to be effective require to be used in large
quantities so that this form of treatment is expensive are deleterious to the
manure rendering it totally unfit for agricultural uses.
o Before they can be effective as larvicides most chemicals require to
be intimately mixed with the manure a coating procedure requiring
considerable labour and careful supervision .


o Some of the substance which have been suggested may have poisonous
effects should be the treated manure be allowed to come in contact with
plants or animals.
 These are however certain substances relatively free from the
objection enumerated above which have been should to be effective in preventing
the housefly from breeding in manure heaps are of these is powdered hellebore
which has no ill effect upon the manure or a crops to which the manure is later
applied. To prepare for use one half pound of the powder should be mixed in 10
gallons of water and left to stand for 24 hrs. This amount applied with a spray or
watering can to the manure as soon as it is removed from the stable is sufficient
to treat 10 cubic feet of manure, during application the manure must be turned
over so as to bring the liquid into contact with every part of the mass. Another
satisfactory agent is powdered borax this may be applied dry at the rate of 1 lb of
borax to each 16 cubic feet of manure which must then be watered care being
taken not the add more water than the manure will sock up. A solution of 1 lb
borax in 6 gallons of water may also be used . A degree of caution is necessary in
adding borax to manure which is later to be used for agricultural purposes
because in large quantities their chemical may have bad effects upon crops. A
third chemical that has been recommended is sodium fluosilicate applies as a
solution of 1 lb in 15 gallons of water until the manure is thoroughly soaked.
 Benzene hexachloride and DDT can be sprayed on manure heaps and other fly
breeding places. The larvae, young and emerging flies and also adult flies are get
killed. Approximately 200 mg DDT per square feet of manure and surface will
give adequate control during fly season if spraying carried out at 2-6 weekly
intervals. Urine particularily horse urine is lethal to strongyles larvae, as a
rule the addition of 30-40 per cent by weight of urine to fresh faeces will kill the
free living stages of equire strongyles. Some fertilizers are also lethal to eggs and
larvae urea at 0.75 per cent by weight to fresh faeces will kill struggles.

 Manipulation of manure

 It is biological method which involves manipulation of the accumulated manure

heap itself in such a way as to kill the preliminary stages of both flies and
worms without the addition of any special larvicidal substances. This method its
relatively less costly and is preferable. There are three main procedures by which
eggs and larvae in animal manure may be destroyed through biological effects
these procedures may for conveniences be called
o spreading or drying
o turning over the surface and
o close packening.


 Suitable for hot dry climates, this method consists in spreading within 24 hours
of its being voided each day’s output of manure in a thin layer so that it may be
subjected to rapid desiccation by sun and wind.


 Rapid and regular daily drying is essential as only the eggs and pre infective
stages of struggles are easily destroyed by desiccation. Moreover dry or drying
manure does not attract over poisoning flies and any maggets already present
therein cease development and die.
 The method should be worked on the “ Three day system” using three areas of
ground each just large enough to take one days output of manure when it is
spread out thinly. Each area is covered in turn and before re-using an area again
the dries along may where necessary be swift raced to one sole for burning.


 The basic principle of both this and the close packening method is the utilization
of  the natural heat which is generated in fermenting manure  for the purpose of
destroying the eggs, larvae and pupae of flies and the eggs and larvae of round
worms normally present in the dung of farm livestock. A well packed stock of
horse manure becomes very hot after a interval of manure becomes very hot after
or interval of from one to three days. The temperature attained vary at different
depths, at 2.5 cm below the surface the heat regenerated may lie between 30-36 0c
at 10 cm below the surface it will range between, 63-690C, at 15 cm depth it will
commonly be about 700C whilst, at a depth of 25 cm it will be about 710C.
 In general a temperature level that will destroy the strongyles of horses will also
destroy almost any of the related parasites of other livestock, as equine red
worms are amongst the most hardy of the nematodes so far as resistance and
viability of the larvae and concerned. As a rule sufficient heat will be generated by
fermentation in a tightly packed stock of horse manure to kill during the first
three days all fly larvae and worm eggs one larvae buried at a depth of 15 cm
below the surface.
 Atmospheric warmth combine with moisture accelerates the temperature of
organic manure whereas dry heat or cold retard it. Finally it must be noted that
whilst the lethal effect of the heat generated in fermenting manure is undoubtly
great, the killing of eggs and larvae is not occurred by this means alone, gases
liberated during the decomposition of dung also exert considerable toxic action
or these stages.
 It would appear, then that a surface method of dealing with fresh manure so as to
free it from these free living forms of parasitic life is to bury it in a mass which is
already undergoing fermentation fresh manure instead of being thrown or to the
surface of the stock should be buried at a depth which ensures a surrounding
temperature high enough to prevent eggs hatching and to kill any larvae that may
be present. The outside layer at the stock must be buried periodically in a similar
fashion. The procedure outlived here is the essence of the turning over the
surface method which it must be recognized entails a degree of labour one of



 The simplest form of this method consists of making a compact block of manure
of any desired horizontal dimension but, which for ease in its subsequent
treatment should not exceed about 150 cm height.
 The site selected must have a hard level surface, and to the block must be firmly
pressed down with shovels or other means The following are methods of close
packening patton, Barbar, Alnutt and Hutchison trap.

Patton's method

 Patton's is the simplest form of trap consisting merely of an empervious floor

upon which its manure is placed.
 Around the edge of the floor, but quite clear of the packed manure, runs a trench
or gutter which has straight and smooth sides and is 10cm deep 15cm wide, into
which the third stage larvae of musca fill during their migration.
 The larvae so trapped should be collected daily for destinction.

Baber's method

 It has got four compartments each sufficiently large to hold a week's output of
maure. Each compartment is floured with cement concrete slopening document
at the edges to a surrounding gutter. Retention of the manure is secured by a
enclosure of strong iron posts and wire -netting erected an the floor.
 The manure must be tightly packed into the various compartments in turn and
must be moistered if it is too dry and be protected against heavy rainfall by a
covering of some sort against heavy rainfall by a covering of some sort.
 Any maggots not killed by the heat of fermentation and leaving the manure to
seek a fermentation and leaving its manure to seek a pupation site or trapped in
the gutter from which pupation site are trapped in the gutter from which their
escape through crawling up the walls can be their escape through crawling up the
walls can be prevented by filtering a metal over hang to the edges of the gutter.
 The gutter slope to a sump of appropriate size into which the drainage from the
manure is collected. If desired the gutter may be filled with any suitable
disinfectant or fly poison.

Allnutt's method

 It have the receptable , killed on three sides and set on a cement concrete or other
strong impervious platform and having a gutter running across the open front.
 The surrounding walls and the partition are provided or their inner surface a few
can from the top with a baffle or ledge projecting inward in order to prevent
migrating larvae which have crawled up the walls from escaping over the edge.
 The manure is stored below the baffle level. The gutter is constructed in front of it
and is half with a solution of cresol to kill migrating larvae.
 Here one compartment being filled and tightly packed fermentation and
decomposition can proceed in the other which is already full. The system allows


the front and top layers of manure to be periodically removed and deposited in
the centre of the stack with the least difficulty.

Hutchison's method

 Manure is stored as a platform perforated by may fine slits which stand over

a shallow concrete basen sloping slightly to one carrier where there is an outltet
pipe and containing water to a depth of 1.5 cm in the shallowest part. Here
the maggots leave the manure through the slits of the platform to pupate.
 The water should be drawn off at intervals and the dead and dying
maggots destroyed.


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Sanitation of animal house
o Objectives
o Drainage Laying of drainage system
o Testing of drainage system.


 The dictionary meaning of the word sanitation is the science of safeguarding

health. According to the World Health Organization environmental sanitation
embraces the control of all those factors in man’s (in our context animals)
physical environment which exercise a deleterious effect on the physical
development ( to productivity), health and survival. The physical environment
encompasses the non-living objects and physical factors affecting the animals,
viz., air, ventilation, lighting, noise , climate and water. In fact the term sanitation
covers the whole field of controlling the environment of animals with a view to
prevent disease and promote health.
 The basic problems encountered during the maintenance of sanitation in animal
houses included the lack of awareness and ignorance of nearly 80% of our
population about the role of environmental sanitation in the protection and
promotion of their own health and safety and in the alleviation of their poverty.

Water requirements for animals/animal houses


 Dairy cows and buffaloes under average feeding conditions require about 28
litres of water per day for maintenance purpose and additional 3 litres of water
for each litre of milk produced. In addition, for washing and cleansing of cow-
sheds, the animal themselves, utensils, etc., an average of another 45-70 litres of
water per cow is necessary. Thus, for all purposes, a daily supply of 110 litres of
water per cow is necessary.
 A horse under average stable-feeding conditions will drink about 36 litres of
water per day. For washing and other general stable purposes, an additional 36
litres of water is required. An average daily allowance of 18 litres of waste per
head would be sufficient for sheep and goats. For pigs, about 40 litres of water
may be provided per day head for all purposes. On an average 100 hens require
20-30 litres of water per day.

Objectives of sanitation

 The aim of ensuring sanitation within animal horses are (i) to establish hygienic
atmosphere and structures and (ii) to create conditions for comfortable living of
the livestock (including poultry and ducks) so that they may remain healthy and


 This aspect is of prime importance in maintaining good sanitation. Farm

livestock are hometherms. They maintain a thermal balance between the heat
they produce or gain from the environment and the heat they loose to it.
 The heat produced and released by the body is related to the working efficiency
and production. While small amount of heat is lost with excretions and
secretions, the main losses are through radiation, convection, conduction and
 The temperature of surroundings, air temperature and humidity of air inside the
sheds and movement of air within and outside the buildings determine the heat
loss/ gain by convection.
 Temperature regulation of the body is a function of immense importance
especially during hot and cold weather to maintain good health and productivity.
Similarly, the atmosphere with 30 to 90 per cent relative humidity allows the
livestock to thrive well. The moisture produced by the animals within the sheds
has to be removed through proper ventilation.
 Air movement inside the animal house requires due attention to ensure health
and productivity of livestock. Air temperature above and below body temperature
tend to reduce dissemination of body temperature and compels animals through
more exercise, more feed intake and sufferings.
 The animals should be kept in thermo comfort zone, within which they capable of
giving an optimal performance. They should not be forced to huddle or separate
themselves warm or cool, respectively. They should remain in complete harmony
with their environment. Development of such a zone depends on many factors,


viz., species , age, weight and sex of animals and feeding rate, acclimatization,
husbandry system.  


 To maintain sanitation in animal house one has to pay attention in drainage. The
drainage system may conveniently be divided into three sections which all inter
connected. That part inside and outside the building situated above ground level
and leading to.
 The underground drain pipes and fittings in turn or connected to,
 The public sewer cesspool, septic tank or other means of disposal.
 The general principles of only drainage system
 The pipes should be made of non absorbent material and be laid with air and
water tight joints.
 The drains should be laid in straight lines between points of access all changes of
direction or gradient being open to inspection. All connections being on made
that the incoming drain points in the direction of the flow of sewage.
 The drain should be laid to gradients which will ensure their being self cleaning.
 All inlets to fowl drain should be trapped.
 No drain should pass under buildings.
 All entrance to drains should be outside the building.
 There should be ample means of access for inspection.
 The drainage should be disconnected from the sewer or other outfall by means of
a proper intercepting trap.
 The drainage system should be properly ventilated.
 It is desirable to provide a separate system of drains to take the rainwater in most

Drain pipes

 Pipes for underground drains must possess strength to withstand the pressure of
the super imposed soil and the weight and jar of traffic. Strength is also necessary
to resist the internal pressure of gases. Drain pipes must have a smooth internal
face so that the free passage of waste matter is not hindered. The internal surface
must also resist the corrosion of liquids or gases.
 Pipes must be durable be able to withstand alternating temperatures, the action
of chemicals and the friction of sand and other solid particles. Absolute
impermeability to gases and water is an essential feature without which any drain
pipe is not only useless but extremely dangerous as otherwise the surrounding
soil would soon become the stoneware or fireclay pipes when well laid are always
cleaner than iron drains and will in ordinary circumstances remain practically
tight for long periods. On the other hand iron pipes will remain perfectly tight for
long periods but do not remain for any length of time perfectly clean. Because of
greater length of iron pipes fewer joints are required than with stoneware fireclay



 The drainage pipes must be laid in straight line if abrupt deviations from the
straight are necessary bend are used. At the curve chokage is liable to occur the
curved pipes are frequently provided with removable bolted covers.


 Junctions at right angles are to be avoided for free flow. Junction should have
inspection chambers and it is covered by lid which is securely bolted down. The
optimum size of the pipe for livestock farm is 10-15 cm internal diameter.


 Is to prevent the gas escaping from the sewer to the house.

 Syphone trap
o The reliability of a trap depends primarily upon the depth to which the in-
bent portion of the piping. An ideal trap effectively prevent sewer gases
under ordinary circumstances from passing up the inlet pipes. It must be
self cleansing.
 Dip stone, mason’s or built trap
o It is a receptacle built of brick. It is of the worst forms of traps. It is not self
cleaning, allow to settle solids.
 Buchan’s Intercepting Syphon trap
o It is provided with an abrupt inlet and a gradual outlet, and the seal in this
trap is very effective
 Gully trap
o In the drainage system the fluid alone pass into the drain and at the same
time hold back the more solid portion. For this purpose gully traps are
placed at the inlet of the drains, they are designed to catch and retain any
solid matter.


 When laying drain pipes and fittings in a drench care must be exercised to see
that the trench has a firm bottom. If the soil is of a loose character it is well to
make a solid bed of concrete for the pipes.
 The gradient of its pipes should be such as to ensure a steady and even passage of
sewage. For ordinary drains from most animal habitations a speed of 10
cm/second is satisfactory and this attained in a 10 cm pipe if there is a gradient of
one in forty and in a 15 cm pipe with a gradient of one in sixty is maintained .
 All joints must be made perfectly gas and water- proof and the material used for
sealing the join must be able to resist the action of fluids from without and of
fluids and gases from within. One part of cement and one part of sand makes a
excellent jointing material for stoneware or fireclay pipes.



 Defects in drains may be due to several cause

 Blockage of the pipes or fittings through the entrance of solid objects.
 In sufficient gradient or conversely to steep a gradient.
 Imperfect laying of traps so that these become tilted out of line so reducing the
depth of the seal.
 Bad workman-ship in laying drains.
 Using pipes which are too large or two small.
 Too many bends in a system.

Testing of drains

 Drains must be tested after laying to ensure that they are gas and water tight and
that the water seals of the traps are satisfactory. Tests are carried out on the
various sections of a drainage system during its construction and a final test on
the whole system when completed. Thereafter periodical tests should be made
from time to time to ascertain that the system remains satisfactory as defects may
developed from various causes which if not rectified may cause serious pollution.
 The methods of testing drains are described below
o The air and smoke tests: The air test consists of plugging the open ends of
the drains and ventilating pipes and the pumping in air under a pressure
sufficient to be indicated on a pressure gauge. If the gauge does not show
that a fixed pressure is being mentioned this denotes a leak or leakage.
These can generally be located by filling the pipes with dense white smoke
afterwards plugging the pipes and applying the same pressure before. This
will force the smoke out at the defective parts and enable them to be
located and made good. This test should be continued until the gauge
remains steady and proves that the drains are sound.
o Hydraulic test: In the hydraulic test the outlet of a drain or a section of it
is plugged with a extending rubber bag or other patent stopper, and the
section to be tested then filled with water . The water is left in for two or
three hours and if a leak exists its pressure will be indicated by a fall in the
head of water at the point of observation.


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about


o Disinfection of animals houses

o Necessity Ideal disinfectant
o Physical agents
o Chemical agents.


 The term disinfectant is applied to agents which kills or prevent multiplication of

microorganisms, particularly those which cause disease i.e. bacteria, protozoa,
fungi or viruses, Disinfectants are usually applied to in animate surfaces
 Since few disinfectants act instantly, ample time must be allows for their
bactericidal effect. As bacterial agents, most disinfectants seem to act more
effectively when applied in solution then as an emulsion powder, aerosol or gas
because solutions penetrate to a greater depth.
 Germicidal activity of disinfectant solutions is greater when they are heated
because hot solutions penetrate manure and other organic debris better than
cold. It is extremely important to remove as much organic matter as practicable
from the areas to be disinfected.
 The disinfectant should be applied as spray with sufficient force to drive the
solution into all cracks and services.  


 The ideal properties of a disinfectant are

o It should be rapidly effective.
o It should have a broad spectrum of activity excluding bacteria, viruses and
o It should not allow emergence of resistant populations.
o It should not be inactivated by protein.
o It should be minimally toxic.
o It should be non straining and un corrosive.
o It should not has the skin by direct action or sensitization.
o It should be adourless and decodorsing.
o It should possess residual action after rienseing.
o It should have detergent properties and it should be simple and economics
to use.  


There are two types of disinfectants

 Physical agents
 Chemical agents  



 Two important physical agents or heat and light

 Heat
o Heat sterilization is an efficient and convenient procedure. Moist heat has
the advantage of penetrating climps of organic matter and reaches
surfaces not readily available to chemical disinfectants.
o Dry heat requires higher temperatures and larger exposure periods than
moist hat. Moist heat produces its germicidal effect by protein
Coagulation, whereas dry heat oxidizes or -------------- microorganisms.
 Light
o Ultraviolet light has antimicrobial activity. Ultraviolet wavelength of 254-
280 nm are most effective against gram negative and non sporulating
bacteria, while stephylocci and streptococci as well as viruses are


Chemical agents may be classified as follows

 Oxidising agents
 Reducing agents
 Acids and alkalis
 Alcohol
 Phenol and cresols
 Dyes
 Detergents and surface active agents
 Miscellaneous organic compounds

Oxidising agents

 Oxidising agents are rapid in action, and can be divided into those which release
oxygen oxidation without the release of oxygen the halogens.


 Hydrogen peroxide solution

o An aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide is colourless and adourless but
has a characteristic taste. Hydrogen peroxide is relatively stable when
slightly acidified but decomposes is alkaline media and in contact with
organic matter and metals. Hydrogen peroxide is a deodorant by virtue of
the strong oxidizing effect of the nascent oxygen produced in contact with
organic tissue. The second action is mechanical cleansing action resulting
from the rapid release of oxygen

Potassium permanganate


 Consists of dark, adourless, purble crystals with a metabolic luster, which are
solubless water giving pink to deep purple solutions depending on
concentrations. Solutions of potassium permanganate have strong oxidizing
properties without releasing gaseous oxygen.


 Sodium Hypochlorite- contains approximately 0.5% W/V of available chlorine.

Reducing agents

 Formaldehyde useful to disinfect straw, clotheing, hay etc a 2% formaldehyde in

used as spray.

Sulphur dioxide

 Sulphur dioxide is liberated as a gas when sulphur is ingnited. It is used as

fumignant disinfectant for animal houses to destroy bacteria and viruses,
parasites and vermin. for every 3m3 of our 0.5 kg of sulphur should be burned.
The disadvantage is it attack and corrodes metal, -------- fabries and blackes dyes.

Acids and Alkalis

 The strong mineral acids can be used as disinfectants but their corrosive actions
limit their usefulness to disinfection of -------- surfaces.
 Several alkalis are in common use as disinfectant, e.g sodium hydroxide, sodium
carbonate and quick lime. Most bacteria are inactivated above pH 9, but a
particular property of the alkalis is their antiviral activity. A 4% solution of
sodium carbonate (washing soda) is employed in the cleansing and disinfection
procedures required after or outbreak of fat and mouth disease.
 Acid alcohol is effective in inactivating bacterial spares.

Phenol and Cresols

 Phenols and cresols and their derivatives such as the various chlorinated cresols
and phenyl mercuric compounds are used.
 Phenol is toxic but it is a good disinfectant even at low concentration (0.5%)
 Cresol is straw coloured liquid which darkens with age and exposure, less soluble
in water but soluble in organic solvents. Cresol in very effective against acid fast
bacteria but less effective against viruses and it has no effect on spores. It act
even in the presence of organic matter. Solution of cresol and soap (Lysol) is
preferred because of its greater solubility in water. Phenol should not be used in
------ since it ----- mick and mink products. Phenol and cresol are toxic to cats
and dogs.


 Cholroxyloenol: Is a white or creamy white crystalline substance with a slight

phenolic adour. It is insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents and soap
solutions . It is bactericide mainly against gram positive bacteria.


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Recycling of farm wastes
o Necessity
o Different types of farm wastes
o Collection
o Zero waste management.


 The farm waste may be solid, semisolid or liquid. Some waste may be treated
primarily as sewage and the residues emanating from the digestion tank serve as
manure. The sludge from the primary sedimentation tank could be disposed by
land bury or by composting while the liquid effluent after the separation of
activated sludge in the secondary sedimentation tank is disposed to courses.
Besides, the sludge may also be disposed in the sea as done in Mumbai, spread
over the land or used as manure.
 The effluent from secondary settling tank, ie disposed into water courses such as
rivers and streams should be diluted at least 8:1 (water: effluent) in manner that
it should not contain > 10 ppm of suspended solids and 10ppm of BOD. Since
people may use as source waters, the effluents needs essentially to be rendered
pathogen free by chlorination. If chemicals are not removed from the water it
could prove toxic to man, fish, agriculture and limits its use for other purpose.

Oxidation pond

 It is a cheap method of sewage treatment. It is an open shallow pool 1 to 1.5m

deep with an inlet and outlet. It functions in the presence of algae, certain types
of bacteria and sunlight. The organic matter is oxidized by bacteria to CO 2 ,
ammonia and water.
 The algae with the help of sunlight utilizes CO2 , water and inorganic minerals for
their growth and liberates oxygen which together with atmospheric oxygen
induces the process of oxidation in the pond. It can become profitable of sewage


purification for a small community. Twenty two acres of land is required to

develop an oxidation pond.

Oxidation ditches

 With the use of mechanical rotors for extended aeration, the aerated lagoons can
also be used for purification of sewage and wastes generated by townships with
5000 to 20000 population. Only one acre of land is required for an oxidation
ditch and 2.5 acres for aerated lagoon.

Collection of wastes

 Dung, feed wastes, soiled bedding , etc. forming solid wastes and waste water
constituting liquid manure can be collected separately or flushed out together
with plenty of water through hose pipes. The former group of wastes are lifted
into wheel barrows or trolleys and drawn out by bullock carts.
 Solid manure is to be collected and removed from the shed at least twice daily
and should be stored in manure pit with impervious walls which is located at a
minimum distance of 10m from a well, river, tank or boundary of an adjoining
land property to safeguard against the menace of foul odours and flies.


 The production of manure is on an average 40 kg per day per one adult unit ( one
adult cattle or buffalo above 3 years of age). One calf blow one year or one adult
sheep or goat or pig produces manure roughly equal to 1/3rd of an adult unit.
 Aggregates of small globules are voided by sheep and goats, which are quite hard
and can be swept of floors. For pig paddock, 0.5 m wide trench covered with slats
or iron grills can be provided along the outer border where the animals will void
the faeces which will drop through the grill to fall at the bottom of the trench,
from where it can be collected periodically.

Manure pit

 Simple manure pit for villages can be constructed by digging out on an elevated
land 4x3 sqm pit of 2 m depth with a roof constructed of locally available
material. The objective is to desiccate the manure quickly to dung cake, and to
prevent entry of rain water into the pit to overcome leaching of plant nutrients.
 Another way is to construct a brick walled pit with cement concrete bottom.
There should be fall of base to one end from where a drain is to lead to the liquid
manure chamber. This pit as usual would have roof at a height of permitting free
circulation of air over the manure yet preventing leaching of valuable soluble
plant nutrients. It also prevents anaerobic conditions causing deterioration of


 The manure is well turned periodically to ensure uniform decomposition of fresh

manure that is added to the pit daily. It is essential for destruction of eggs and
larvae of parasites which are normally present in the dung of animals.

Biogas plant

 At village or farm level, the disposal of farmyard manure can be utilized for
production biogas, fertilizer or compost. The Ministry of Non-Conventional
Energy Resources, Govt. of India, is implementing biogas program, - gas being
produced from cattle dung, other organic wastes and / or human excreta in a
system popularly known as Gobar-gas plant through the process of digestion. The
plant consist of
o Mixing tank and inlet
o Digester
o Gas holder or storage dome
 The slurry from the biogas plant is a good quality manure free from weeds, sedds,
foul smell and pathogens.

 Biogas plant

Liquid manure

 When the slurry from the biogas plant is used in liquid form as it comes out, it
can be easily distributed in the field by linking the outlets with the main irrigation
channel or through an appropriate handling system.



 Rectangular pits of 3x2x1.5 m are dug. A layer of straw, animal bedding, garbage
and leaves is first put in the pit. Digested slurry is then allowed to flow into the
pit. Alternate layers of refuse and slurry are laid until the pit is full. Bamboo poles
having holes 10cm apart are placed in the compostable material for aeration.
Finally the pit is plastered with mud layer. This will minimize the loss of nitrogen
from the pit. After one pit is filled, the same process is repeated for filling another
pits because compost from such pits is usable as manure only after 3 to 4 months.
Composting process consist of compost heaps, semi-dried slurry and slurry filter


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Sources of air pollution within animal house
o Natural air pollution within animal house
o Man made air pollution within animal house
o Effect on animal health
o Effect on animal production.


 It is necessary to know
o The impurities that may be present in the atmospheric air
o How they accumulate
o To what degree they can be tolerated by man and domesticated animals
o How polluted air may be purified.

The composition of atmospheric air

 Pure air is a mixture of various gases including a quantity of water vapour, it has
the following approximate composition by volume
o Oxygen : 20.94%
o Carbondioxide : 0.28 to 0.04 %
o Nitrogen : 78.04%
o Argon : 0.94%
o Helium, Krypton, neon, etc. : Traces


 There are also traces of ammonia, ozone, nitric acid, free hydrogen and methane
on an average air contains about 1.4% moisture which exists as a gas and not in
the form of droplets.

Pollution of atmospheric air

 Can be man made are naturally occurring the main sources of air pollution are
stationary and area sources, mobile sources, agricultural sources and natural

Stationery and area sources

 A stationary source of air pollution refers to an emission source that does not
move (Chemical and manufacturing) industries. Stationary sources are defined as
large emitters who release relatively consistent qualities and quantities of
 The term area source is used to describe the many smaller stationery sources
located together whose individual emissions may be low but whose collective
emissions can be significant.

Mobile sources

 Mobile source of air pollution refers to a source that is capable of moving under
its own power.
 In general mobile sources imply on road transportation. In addition there is also
a non road or off road category that that includes gas powered lawn tools and
mowers, farm and construction equipments, recreational vehicles, boats, planes
and trains.

Agricultural sources

 Animals also eliminate CO2 into the atmosphere

 The following is the average figures for the hourly excretion of CO2.
o Lactating cow : 5 .8 cubic feet
o Horses : 3.9 cubic feet
o Swine : 1.3 cubic feet
o Sheep : 0.55 cubic feet
 From animal houses ammonia is emitted, ammonia is also emitted from manure
storage areas or from the land after the manure is applied in crop production, the
misapplication of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides can potentially result in
aerial drift of these materials.

Natural sources


 An erupting volcano emits particulate matter and gages, forest and prairie fires
can emit large quantities of pollutants, plants and tress emit hydrocarbons, and
dust storms can create large amounts of particulate matter.  


 In domestic animals natural resistance to disease particularly respiratory

affections is lowered by continued living in polluted surroundings. With regard to
production milk yield in cows and egg production in poultry is lowered.
 The CO2 concentration in dairy cow sheds usually lies between 0.2. and 0.3 per
cent. At a concentration of 7.8% the horse is said to be able to live but exhibits
severe dyspnoea


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Standards of ventilation
o Types of ventilation.


 Ventilation in animal houses required for removing stale air and to replace it by
fresh air. Very little or too much of it is injurious to the health of animals and
their attendants.
 The stagnant air becomes warmer and more humid in improperly ventilated
animal houses. Condensation of water on the surface, bedding and floor makes
them wet and animals become uncomfortable.
 It eventually leads to concentration of animals at places causing accumulation of
excreta and expired air in pockets. All these factors are also lead to concentration
of dust, particulate matter, ammonia, other gases and pathogenic micro-
organisms carried by animals facilitating exacerbation of respiratory and enteric
diseases, mastitis and other illnesses.


 The standards of ventilation have been based on the efficiency of ventilation in

removing odour and obnoxious gases. The gases generated are mainly CO 2 , NH3,
H2S, methane, CO and fumigation gases like HCHO, etc. The threshold limit


value for animals is lower than that for man and deserves utmost attention. Three
standards are considered for ventilation.
o Cubic space: The air of the animal house would appear fresh as long as the
amount of carbon dioxide produced during respiration does not exceed
more than two parts in 10,000 parts of air. This would depend on the type,
age, and number of livestock housed therein.
o Air change: It is more important than the cubic space requirement
because the cooling effect power of the air is to be maintained
satisfactorily. The number of air changes per hour is calculated by dividing
the total hourly air supply to the house by the cubic capacity of the house.
o Floor space: the floor space per animal is more important than the cubic
space. Height in excess of 3 meters is ineffective from the point of view of
ventilation as the products of respiration tend to accumulate at the lower


 There are broadly two types of ventilation

o Natural
o Mechanical

Natural ventilation

 Natural ventilation is the simplest system of ventilation which depends on three

forces such as wind, diffusion and inequality of temperature.
 Broadly three types of natural ventilation are in use;
o A fixed open ridge with a protective cap is sufficient in climatic housing for
o A simple chimney type of insulated flue is satisfactory for a limited area of
controlled outlet ventilation.
o Hopper type windows fitted with gussets to prevent direct draughts
serving as principal inlets and small baffled openings left open during cold
or windy weather.

Mechanical or artificial ventilation

 Mechanical or artificial ventilation can be effected by four means;

o Exhaust ventilation: air is extracted to the outside from the inside by an
exhaust fan operated electrically
o Plenum ventilation: fresh air is blown into the room by centrifugal fans so
as to create a positive pressure and replace the ventilated air
o Balanced ventilation: this is a combination of exhaust and plenum system
of ventilation.
o Air conditioning: it is the simultaneous control of all factors affecting both
physical and chemical conditions of atmosphere within a structure.



Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Controlling the source and agent
o Preventing the susceptible host from the source of infection or agents of


 From the disease control point of view, the weakest link in a disease transmission
process is the agent or the source of the disease. Any measures to eliminate this
source is the easiest way by which the disease problem can be checked. The
important tools to achieve this are,
o Early detection and notification: when a disease is diagnosed and notified
to the authorities at a very early stage, it becomes very easy to stamp out
the etiological agent before it spreads into the masses. Early diagnosis
makes it easy to carry out detailed epidemiological studies in a more
effective manner and helps the authorities to take pre-emptive measures
before the agents spreads in a larger population.
o Epidemiological investigation: Epidemiological investigation involves
identification of the source of infection and factors influencing its spread
in the population. Successful epidemiological studies ensure
implementation of prompt disease management measures right at the
initiation stage of a disease process.
o Quarantine and isolation: Quarantine and isolation measures are the
oldest communicable disease prevention and control measures. It is
applied for the livestock imported from other countries in order to
minimize the risk of transmission of and exotic disease in importing
countries. A large number of infectious diseases of humans and animals
particularly those that are air-borne, can be controlled by physical
isolation of the diseased hosts till they get rid of infections either through
treatment or naturally after the infective stage of the disease has passed.
o Sanitation and disinfection: Majority of the water borne diseases are
transmitted through sewage contaminated drinking water. It is , therefore,
of paramount importance to either prevent such sewage from
contaminating water sources or to treat it in such a manner that the risk of
contamination with infectious diseases is either eliminated or minimized.
Treatment of industrial effluents or smoke which prevent the discharge of


harmful and toxic chemical hazards due to water and air pollution.
Regular disinfection of hospitals, animal sheds, meat processing plants,
human and animal dwellings, public places will reduce the risk of spread
of both water and air borne pathogens.
o Legislation: Legislative measures are important tools in controlling water
and air-borne diseases. The health hazards caused by pollution of water
and air due to both biological and chemical agents can be effectively
checked by bringing about comprehensive legislation against agencies
polluting the water sources and air and implementing it in true spirit.



 Complexity of a disease process makes it virtually impossible to prevent its

occurrence merely by attempting to control the source and agent of the disease. It
is therefore of prime importance to protect the susceptible host from the disease
agents. This can be achieved by the following ways.
o Immunoprophylaxis
o Chemoprophylaxis
o Community participation
o Monitoring and surveillance


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Effects and controls of acid rain
o Depletion of ozone layers
o Methane production.


Acid rain

 Acid forming gases (SO2, N2O) from industries and fossil fuel combustion, are
oxidise after traveling thousand of kilometer in the atmosphere to form acid rain.
 Sulphur-di-oxide (SO2) ð Sulphuric acid (H2So4), Nitrous oxide (N2O) ð Nitric
acid (HNO3) : HCI ð Hydrochloric acid (HCI ACID); CO2 ð carbonic acid .


Effects of acid rain

 Deterioration of buildings (Taj Mahal with marble)

 Damage of statues, metals, fishes and leaves of trees.
 Sufferings of aquatic animals.
 Damage to trees by insects and fungi which are tolerant to acid rain.

Control of acid rain

 To reduce emission of SO2 and N2O from industries and power plants by

installing modern equipment.
 To add lime in the lakes and soils to neutralize acid rain.
 To use natural gas instead of fossil fuels.
 To use sulphur scrubbers to control the addition of sulphur in the air during
combustion of fossil fuels.


Depletion of ozone layers

 Ozone layer is in stratosphere it is anatural sun screen filtring ultra violet rays
from sunlight protecting living organisms for the past 450 million years. The
thinning of the stratospheric ozone layer is referred to as ozone hole.

Pollutants causing O3 depletion

 Among the pollutants which cause O3 depletion, the prominent ones are CFC’s
CH4 and N2O. Of these three pollutants, CFC’s are the most damaging gas of
ozone layer and are used as coolants in refrigerators and air conditioners. They
enter from the troposphere to the stratosphere and remain there for 65-110 years,
depleting O3.
 Anthropogenic emissions of CFC’s are the main cause of worrying seasonal ozone
losses in both the hemispheres of our earth. Long-lived chloride compounds of
CFC’s are mainly responsible for ozone losses.
 Markus Rex, an atmosphere scientist at the Alfred Wegener Institute of Polar and
Marine Research in Potsdam, Germany, saw new data for the break – down rate
of a crucial molecule, dichlorine peroxide (Cl2O2). The rate of photolysis (light
activated splitting) of this molecule was extremely low in the wavelengths
available in the stratosphere – much lower than the currently accepted rate.
 The rapid photolysis of Cl2O2 is a key reaction in the chemical model of ozone
destruction developed 20 years ago. At least 60% of ozone destruction at the
poles points only to an unknown mechanism.



 Methane which is 20 times effectual than carbon di oxide

 Methane is produced in rice field if it is flooded which leads to anerobic situation
and the organic matter in the soil decays and releasing methane.
 Bovine flatulence, bacteria in fogs, fossil fuel refineries


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Green house effect
o Global warming.


 The increase in the global mean temperature is called global warming. The global
warming is due to increase in green house gases in the atmosphere.
 A green house means a special house in which delicate plants are grown with
controlled temperature inside than outside but with less radiation. This is called
green house effect which is due to glass walls, high Carbon-di-oxide (Co 2) content
and high water vapour in the green house. The green house allows short wave
radiations inside but prevent the long wave, i.e, infrared radiations from the
earth’s surface. That is why the green house is warmer inside than outside.
 In the same way, green house effect occurs in our environment. Some
atmospheric gases allow short wave radiations through them but absorb long
wave radiations from the earth and reflect the heat to earth. These gases are
called green house gases.

Green House Gases

 The green houses gases include Carbon-di-oxide (CO2), Oxygen (O3), Methane,
Nitrous Oxide (N2O), Chlorofluoro carbon (CFC), water vapour and Hydro
Fluorocarbons (HFC). The predominant gases are CO2 and water vapour. About
70 million tons of CO2 per day are dumped into the earth’s atmosphere.
o The average global temperature is 150C.
o If there are no green house gases, the temperature would be – 18 0C.
o The green house gases increase the temperature to 330C.
o The moderate heat trapped by mainly CO2 and water vapour keeps planet
warm enough to allow species to exist.
o The level of H2O vapour is constant but CO2 is increased.


o Man contributes to the increase of methane, N2O and CFC’s. This leads to
enhanced green house effect.


Global warming

 Thermal expansion of ocean and melting of glaciers and polar ice sheets and
increase in sea level.
 Increase in sea level at the rate of 1 to 2 mm/yr during 20th Century.
 Increase by 30C would increase the see level by 0.2 to 1.5 meters over the next 100
 1 meter rise of sea level will inundate many cities like Sydney, Cairo, Bangkok etc.
 Negative impact on human settlements, fisheries, tourism, agriculture and
coastal ecosystems.

Effects of global warming

 Change of weather and climate

 In the 20th century, the global temperature increased by 0.60C.
 Earth’s mean temperature may increase by 1.5 to 5.50C by 2050.
 The moisture carrying capacity will increase.
 The temperature of the troposphere will increase, whereas the temperature of
stratosphere will decrease.
 This causes more rain at higher latitudes and less at lower latitudes.
 Extreme drought and floods will be increased.
 In tropical and subtropical areas, human diseases will be increased.
 Rise in Sea level

Effects on living organisms

 Distribution pattern of organisms changes and many species will shift to

mountain areas.
 Rapid rise in temperature leads to the trees to die and it would result in creation
of scrub vegetation.
 Many species disappear due to inability to migrate fast.

Effects on agriculture

 Increase in plant diseases, pests and weeds resulting in the reduction of crop
 In temperate region, small increase in temperature may increase crop production
but more temperature decreases the crop productivity.




Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Tannery, wool, bone and blood meal industry pollution and its control
o Chemical hazards
o Impact of hazards and prevention
o Treatment of tannery effluent.


Tannery, wool, bone and blood meal industry pollution and its control

 Tanning is a chemical process that is used to convert animal hides and skins into
leather. The term hide used for the skin of large animals (e.g., cows or horses),
while skin is used for that of small animals (e.g. sheep). In the tanning process,
chemical reactions convert the semi-soluble protein “collagen”, present in the
corium of animal skins and hides into tough, flexible and highly durable leather.
 The tanning process uses acids, alkalis, salts, enzymes and tanning agents to
dissolve fats and non-fibrous proteins and chemically bind the collagen fibers

Chemical hazards

 The large variety of acids, alkalis, tannins, solvents, disinfectants and other
chemicals in a tannery can be respiratory and skin irritants. Dust of vegetable
tanning materials, lime and leather and chemical mists and vapours arising in the
various processes may be responsible for causing chronic bronchitis.
 Several chemicals may cause contact dermatitis. Chrome ulceration may occur in
chrome tanning, especially on the hands. Exposures in the beamhouse operations
are mainly due to sulphur compounds such as sulphides and sulphates. Since
these are alkaline substances, there is a potential to generate hydrogen sulphide
gas, if these substances , there is a potential tog generate hydrogen sulphides gas,
if these substances come into contact with acids.



 In many countries tannery effluents are discharged into sewers or inland surface
water or brought onto the land with irrigation water.
 The high concentrations of salt and hydrogen sulphide affect the quality of water
and may cause bad taste and odour. Though the suspended matter (lime, hair,
fleshigns, etc.) makes the surface water turbid, it eventually settles at the bottom.
 Both processes create unfavourable conditions for aquatic life. Mineral tannery
waste water that is discharged on land, affects the productivity of soil adversely
and may cause land to become infertile. As a result of infiltration, the quality of
ground water is also affected adversely.
 Discharge of untreated tannery effluents into the sewer system causes deposition
of calcium carbonate and choking fo the sewer. It is possible to treat the waste
water effectively before it is discharged into surface water. As a result of this
purification, the chromium and BOD levels of the purified water are relatively
low. However, the sludge in the wastewater systems has to be brought to special
dumping grounds because of its chromium content.
 The tanning industry discharges different types of waste, primarily in the form of
liquid effluents containing organic matter, chromium sulphide, ammonium,
pentachlorophenol (PCP) and other salts which not only affect the quality of the
environment, but also are toxic for flora and fauna.
 Some times the concentration of chromium in tannery effluent reaches upto 6500
ppm, however, pentachlorophenol used as biocide concentration reaches upto 25
ppm, thus, major pollutant of the effluent.


 Treatment of tannery waste water is required prior to discharge. The major

prevention measures of tanning are flashing of hides after washing, recycling of
spent chrome tanning solution, recycling and decontamination of toxic chemicals
removing toxic sulphides and chromium. In all the processes dealing with solid
and liquids, it is very important to define the optimum conditions to carry out the
solid-liquid separation.
 The studies involve the definition of the type pollutant and treatment methods,
including physical, chemical and biological methods. Sulphides are deadly toxic
materials and must be destroyed chemically. The normal treatment system in the
industry is to collect the entire sulphide containing wastes, and then oxidise the
sulphides with air with a manganese suphate catalyst.
 Lime solution, free of sulphide, can be used to neutralize the acid wastes to adjust
the pH to the acceptable range. Chromium present in very high concentration
together with pentachlorophenol needs special attention for removal from the

Primary treatment of the effluent

 The mixing of the acid and alkaline wastes at a control pH results in the
coagulation of the suspended solids.


 The removal of the coagulated materials by primary treatment results in a

decrease of the suspended solids by about 80 percent and BOD by 50-70 percent.

Chemical treatment of the effluent

 Several physicochemical processes have been developed for the removal of

pollutants from industrial effluents. Various chemical techniques such as
coagulation, precipitation and reverse osmosis etc. are used to remove PCP from
 A chemical method for oxidative degradation of PCP in soil, under unsaturated
condition and neutral pH was developed. Reagents used were heme (Fe++) as a
catalyst and hydrogen peroxide as on oxidant. Heme and peroxide (Fenton
reagent) could degrade PCP efficiently in a short period of time, either in liquid or
unsaturated soil systems. However, the problems underlying the industrial non-
acceptability of the physicochemical treatment technology are those associated
with cost and reliability.
 Sulphides are deadly toxic materials and must be destroyed chemically. The
normal treatment system in the industry is to collect the entire sulphide
containing wastes, and then oxidize the sulphides with air and manganese
sulphate catalyst. The lime solution, free of sulphide, can be used to neutrlise the
acid wastes to adjust the pH to the acceptable range.
 Traditionally, chromium removal was made by chemical precipitation,
oxidation / reduction, ion exchange, filtration, membranes and evaporation of all
which are extremely expensive.
 The toxicity of heavy metal chromium is associated with a particular form of that
metal, called Gr (IV). The toxicity may be removed by converting Cr (IV) to Cr
(III), a non-toxic form of the metal, by adding more electrons to the metal
through a chemical process called ‘reduction”.


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about handling of stray
and fallen animals.


 Stray animals roam about freely and create nuisance for the community in a
number of ways including damage to crops. They can be a serious hazard for


vehicular traffic especially in congested urban areas. These animals are more
likely to be exposed to diseases and environmental toxicities. When old and weak,
their movements become restricted. Thus, the dung and urine excreted by these
animals become serious threats to environmental safety. Besides, the filth created
by such animals helps in the propagation of a variety of insects. Fly breeding can
become a real threat to community health and environment.
 The menace of stray animals can be minimized by collecting these animals in
what are called cattle pounds which are managed by pound keepers. The activity
is regulated by the cattle trespass act, 1921.
 There are a number of private organizations that deal with the problem of old and
decrepit animals. In recent times, however, some goshalas have begun keeping
even healthy for breeding purpose and production. The goshalas are supported by
charitable organization and occasional grants from the Government sources.
 There has been a growing awareness about the welfare of animals. The activities
concerning animal welfare in India are regulated by Animal Welfare Board of
India through the provision of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals act, 1960.
 Stray animals dying in open areas cause enormous damage to environment. They
not only pollute the environment with foul gases/odours but also invite vultures
and other birds and wild animals to create nuisance. These animals need to be
collected immediately and disposed off in an economic and efficient manner by
cremation, burial, rendering or by composting as relevantly suitable.


Learning objectives

 At the end of this lesson the learner will be able to know about
o Distillery Industry
o Petroleum Industry
o Food and Beverage Industry
o Pesticide Industry
o Dye Industry
o Pharmaceutical industry
o Heavy Metal Industry.


 Population explosion and rapid industrial development for the essential

commodities have led to formation of various contaminants in the environment.
During the last five decades xenobiotic compounds have been increasingly added


to the environment by industrial activities. Some of them are highly toxic,

recalcitrant, and have higher bio-accumulating and biomagnifications properties.
 The following are the major industries which pollute the environment.
o Pulp and paper industries
o Distillery industry
o Petroleum industry
o Food and Beverages industry
o Pesticide industry
o Dye industry
o Pharmaceuticals industry
o Heavy metal industry
 Pulp and paper are manufactured from wood, non-wood fibres and recycled
fibres. The primary raw material used in paper manufacturing is cellulose fibre,
which constitutes 50% of wood. The pulp and paper industry is both huge and
small in size, technically diverse, operate on a wide variety of manufacturing
processes on a large number fibre types. There are two main pulping methods,
mechanical and chemical. The yield of the pulp by mechanical process is as high
as 90-95%, but the quality fo the pulp is of low grade, highly colorued, and
contains short fibres. In the chemical process, the wood chips are cooked with
appropriate chemicals in an aqueous solution, at an elevated temperature and
pressure so as to break the chips into a fibrous mass. The yield of the pulp by this
process is about 40-50% of the original wood material. Chemical pulping is
carried out in two media: alkaline and acidic.
 Paper mill effluent is a white colorued effluent noted for low pH value and high
suspended solids. BOD and COD values are not so high. It also contains filler size
material and pigments.
 Impact on air quality is an important concern of the pulp and paper industry,
even though it is not often the most dangerous for human health. Odour, smoke,
vapour and dust are emissions that people recognize immediately as
characteristic of a pulp mill. Hydrogen Sulphide, Methyl Mercaptan, Dimethyl
Sulphide and Dimethyl Disulphide. Total Reduced Sulphur (TRS) emissions, Sox
and NOx emissions are different compounds which are a major source of odour
and main factors of air pollution.
 Hazardous material in the pulp and paper industries can fall into two different
risk classes, such as first: inflammable, corrosive, reactive, toxic, pathogenic,
mutagenic, and second: general hazards associated with industrial facilities like
electrical, structural, mechanical or general conditions like ergonomy,
temperature, noise and oxygen deficiency which can lead to accidents. The
effluent, even upon dilution by the receiving waters, can cause adverse effects on
the reproduction and behaviour of aquatic organisms. The effluents from pulp
mill using bleaching were identified as a priority for the assessment of their effect
on human health and environment.


Treatment of Air Pollutants


 Electrostatic precipitators, thermal precipitators and bioscrabbers are used for

the removal of air pollutants from pulp and paper mills.
 Wet scrubbers are applied to provide a more effective removal of fine particles, in
the size range of 0.1 to 2.0 m radius from an exhaust gas stream.

Treatment of Waste Water

 One of the main constraints on effluent discharge from the pulp and paper mill
industry is its brown or black colour due to the dissolved lignin based compounds
derived from the blow – heat condensate, pulp-Decker washing, chlorine and
alkali bleach waste, black liquid spillage and foul evaporator condensate.
 The waste water should be treated and discharged.


 Molasses is one of the most important raw materials used in fermentation

industries due to its low cost and ready availability. Molasses Waste Water
(MMW) from the above industries, however, contains high pollution load and a
large amount of dark brown pigment, melanoidins, which is poorly decolourised
by physiochemical methods and the usual biological treatments, such as activated
sludge systems, aerated lagoons and anaerobic methods viz. anaerobic lagoon,
anaerobic digester, anaerobic contact reactor, anaerobic filter, Up flow Anaerobic
Sludge Blanket reactor (UASB) and anaerobic fluidized and expanded bed
 Benzo(a)pyrene, a Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) and phenolic
compounds are also seen in the molasses wastewater, and this appears to be one
of the causes of toxicity to flora and fauna. The high organic load of the effluent
causes eutrophication When disposed in soil, MSW acidifies soil and affects
agricultural crops. About 2.7 billion litres of alcohol is produced by about 285
distilleries in India, servicing as a basic chemical for a large number of chemical
industries, therefore, increasing the demand for alcohol in the future.
 Molasses spent wash in such effluents is nearly 15 times in volume of the total
alcohol production, about 40 billion litres of MSW effluent, if disposed of
untreated in water courses can cause great stress on aquatic life. Anaerobic
digestion of MSW containing effluents results in dark brown sludge which is used
as a fertilizer, and other value added products biogas, food and feed and
commercial products.


 Most of this waste is disposed of in hazardous landfills, which results in a high

costs to the producers, without relieving them of the liabilities associated with
these wastes. Some wastes are treated by thermal methods, especially in cement
kilns or thermal desorbers.
 Conventional land farming bioremediation processes for the treatment of these
wastes are not environmentally acceptable. By optimizing fermentation process


parameters and by paying particular attention to strategies for increasing

hydrocarbon accession to the petroleum degrading mixed culture, a cost effective
bioreactor-based process with a relatively short cycle-time has been developed.
 Process constancy has been proven over hundreds of full scale runs by the
conversion of hazardous into non hazardous waste. Supporting studies have
illustrated the contrasting physiological mechanism exhibited by different
component organisms in the mixed culture, particularly with respect to their
association with the hydrocarbon substrate.
 In addition, the beneficial effects of using surfactants to improve hydrocarbon
accession and the effects of key surfactant properties on degradation have been
shown. From a different perspective, the process for the degradation of refinery
oil wastes could be viewed as a low cost (or negative cost) fermentation process
for the production of biomass, capable of transforming other hydrophobic
 Environmental requirements provide scope of microbiologist to optimize culture
dependent and independent techniques in which oily soil slurry and sludge may
be treated, with volatile organic carbon containment, and where rates and extent
of hydrocarbon degradation are maximized.
 Petroleum biodegradation research is advancing on many fronts i.e. anaerobic
hydrocarbon degradation (lagging behind aerobic systems), hydrocarbon
accession to microbes (role of biosurfactants and their production), microbial
consortia approach for degradation, microbial de-emulsification,
desulphurization and denitrogenation of crude oil.
 Bacteria with selected petroleum metabolishing enzymes, amenable to being
linked to electronic interfaces, are being engineered and developed as biosensors.
These systems have applications in monitoring environmental contaminant
concentration and toxicities during implementation of remedial process and also
have potential applications to control environmental processes.


 Some environmental impacts of waste and effluents derived from the agricultural
and food processing industry are inevitable. Their composition is extremely
varied, depending on both the nature of the product and the production
techniques employed, resulting in various pollution effects of the different food
processing industries. There are, however, certain characteristic of particular
food processing industries as described above. Which may be useful in evaluating
pollution factors and as consequence, in applying appropriate treatment
operations for environmental protection objectives.
 Generally, attention must be placed on minimization of waste through advanced
manufacturing practices and constructive utilization of what is unavoidable by
recycling and bioprocessing of by products and waste into edible food, feed, fuel
and chemicals with industrial application in order to prevent pollution and
minimize the effects of effluents on the environment.
 Research work that will help the entire agricultural and food processing industry
identify , develop and implement new and better systems for producing high-


quality and economical foods with reduced adverse effects on the environment
and better utilization of the raw materials, is urgently needed.
 In our time of environmental concern, much greater efforts are required to solve
the problems of air emissions, water discharges, and too much waste. No doubt,
appropriate technologies, techniques processes and treatment methods are
available to a great extent for the different types of the food processing industry.
However, further environmental related research is needed to evaluate.
o The qualitative and quantitative chemical composition of the solid, liquid,
and gaseous by-products and waste, as well as the extent to which they are
released to the environment
o The environmental media into which they are discharged
o The qualitative and quantitative environmental impact of waste and by-
products from the food processing industry.
o The available techniques for waste recovery and reutilization, and effective
methods for waste bioconversion and upgrading in order to minimize
environmental pollution.
o Improved packaging technologies to reduce the quantity of solid waste and
environmental impact, thereof,
o Alternatives to toxic chemicals used in agricultural and food processing
operations, and
o Policy and authority options which should be aimed at controlling and
strengthening existing environmental regulations, or even posing stricter
 Last but not least, increased efforts should be concentrated to motivate of the
consumers, producers, and authorities to conserve energy, water and raw
materials, and to minimise the generation of waste materials by re-utilization and
upgrading techniques, and in consequence, to prevent pollution of the


 Indiscriminate and non-judicious use of pesticides has led to acute

contamination of food and food products, ground water and air. Misuse of
pesticides is a serious problem in most of the developing countries, including
 Availability and sale of banned and outdated pesticides is quite common.
Precautionary measures to be taken by the personnel involved in spraying
operations are hardly followed, thereby leading to serious health problems in
farm workers.
 The waiting period recommended for different pesticides before the product is
harvested, is hardly ever followed. Pesticides are necessary at present, but they
are not a long term solution for crops and human health.
 In this context, we need to lay greater emphasis on biological control within the
frame work of IPM. Recent years have seen tremendous efforts to understand the
natural diversity of biodegradation, with the aim of exploiting these findings for
bioremediation purposes.


 New genes, enzymes and metabolic route have been discovered for the aerobic
and anaerobic degradation of organic pollutant. Methods have been fine – tuned
to gain a more detailed insight into structure-function relationships, leading to
the identification of structural elements and single amino acids (and therefore
nucleotides) that determine protein activities and specificities.
 The broad knowledge acquired has allowed us to use culture independent studies,
based on functional characteristics to assess the diversity and quantity of
catabolic genes in response to pollution, rather than just changes in community
 The integration of new methodologies, like stable isotope probing, has allowed
changes in the community to be linked with functional characteristics and has
enabled active community members to be identified.


 Dyes and intermediates are among the inorganic and organic chemicals which we
encounter as technological and functional necessities in nearly every sphere of
our daily lives. The environmental problems associated with the manufacture and
use of dyes are so complex and varied that only a discerning appraisal can put
them into proper perspective.
 An attempt has been made to define and evaluate these problems and to show,
with reference to selected examples, what measure have been and are being
implemented to overcome them.
 A good deal of creative, interdisciplinary effort and meticulous attention to minor
details will be necessary to master existing and future environmental problems in
this area. Dyes and intermediates are partly relatively stable in the aquatic
environment and cannot efficiently be degraded under wastewater plan
 Degradation of these substances in sludge, under aerobic conditions proceeds via
oxidation of the substituents located on the aromatic ring system or in the side
chain. As this reaction only leads to a partial degradation, genetic modification of
the enzymatic system of different microorganism may be studied to make the
system more active.


 The pharmaceuticals industry is one of the most important industries for modern
civilization. The life of millions animals and human depends on the life saving
medicine manufactured by this industries. These medicines are metabolized in
the body, a part is utilized and the rest is excreted as it is or along with metabolic
products. These medicines entire in the environment and cause severe problems.
 The toxicity of this compounds is generally very high has they have the capacity
to interfere the biological systems including changes at biochemical levels. Apart
from this the pollutants are also generated during the manufacturing process of
medicines. Thus the pharmaceuticals industry has becomes one of the major
causes of concern.


 The pollutant generated during the manufacturing process are easier to tackle as
an industry is point source of pollution and it is possible to install pollutant
specific treatment facilities. However the pollution caused by the usage of
medicine is very difficult to control because of its disbursed nature.
 There are many studies which have confirmed the presence of pharmaceutically
active compounds in surface ground and drinking water. Though the
concentration of this is usually in PPM or lower, the toxic effects of this
compounds are well known. The sewage treatment plants are not efficient enough
to degrade all the products. At the same time it is not possible to stop the use of
medicines as, the adverse effect has not using the medicine on society outweigh
way the potential adverb effects of the presence of such compounds in the
environment. Thus one of the most effective way of dealings with this problem is
the use of source separation management practices.
 Source separation of urine and hospital effluent from the normal waste water will
reduce the amount of toxic effluent to a great extent. Also it will be possible to
install more efficient, specially designed and costly treatment technologies for the
treatment of toxic compound thereby reducing the risk of environmental


 Rapid industrialization, increased anthropogenic activities, modern agricultural

practices and faulty waste disposal methods have increased the concentration of
elemental pollutants in the environment, which cause toxicity to all living
 Contamination of radionuclide has also become problematic since the
development of nuclear technology in the second half of the 20 th century.
 Other sources of radioactive contamination include, naturally occurring
radioactive materials such as uranium, thorium, radon and radium. Recognition
of the ecological and human health hazards of the pollutants has led to the
development of several technologies for remediation.
 However, due to the prohibitive cost of some of these technologies, attention has
been diverted towards the development of alternate / complementary
technologies, such as bioremediation, which uses materials of microbial and
plant origin.
 Bioremediation of radionuclides, heavy metals and organic waste has been a
major recent activity in the laboratory and compared to the conventional
treatment methods, these biomass-based systems are more acceptable in being
cost effective, with high efficiency of detoxification of even very dilute effluents,
and in minimizing the disposable sludge volume.
 In conclusion strive to archive proper and balanced nutrition by choosing fresh
(organic when possible) fruits, vegetables, grains, lean meat, and cold-water fish.
Consider taking supplemental antioxidants, herbs, minerals, amino acids,
phytoextracts, detoxifying agents, protective agents, and fibre as adjuncts to a
healthy diet to enhance vital organ functioning and to aid your body’s natural
detoxifying actions against heavy metals.



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