Analysis of Ratios
Analysis of Ratios
Analysis of Ratios
Prepared by :
Ashar ali
Mashal Khalid
The liquidity of a business firm is measured by its ability to satisfy its short-term
obligations as they came due. Liquidity refers to the solvency of the firm’s overall
financial position__ the ease with which it can pay its bills. Basic measures of liquidity
Net working capital, although not actually a ratio, is commonly used to measure a firm’s
overall liquidity. This requirement is intended to force the firm to maintain sufficient
operating liquidity and helps to protect the creditor. Fauji Fertilizer Company shows a
sufficient amount of working capital in all the years of its performance. NWC has been
gradually increasing by the year 2001.But it has decreased from 5585658 in the year
2001 to 395860 in the year 2002. This positive NWC shows good liquidity position of the
Current Ratio
The quick ratio is similar to the current ratio except that it excludes inventory, which is
generally the least liquid current asset. Quick ratio is an extended version of current ratio
in which only very quick assets (which can be quickly liquidated) are considered. A rule
of thumb is that figure of Hh8€h4he short-term liquidity position of the firm is very
healthy because of the following points:
1. Current ratio of the firm is 1.08 times which shows that the firm has more current
assets as compared to the current liabilities.
4. Cash ratio of the company is also very good which 6.73% of total assets is
Activity ratios are used to measure the speed with which various accounts are converted
into sales or cash. With regard to current accounts, measures of liquidity are generally
inadequate Basic measures of activity are:
Total assets turnover indicates the efficiency with which the firm uses all its assets to
generate sales. Generally, the higher a firm’s total asset turnover, the more efficiently its
assets have been used. This measure is probably of greatest interest to management,
because it indicates whether the firm’s operations have been financially efficient. Fauji
Fertilizer Company turns its asset over in 2002 by .6 times and it was .86 times in the
year 2001 This shows that the total assets turnover has been very low. Thus it shows
inefficiency of the management of the firm to use assets to generate revenuers.
Net fixed assets turnover of the company is 1.76 times in the year 2002 which has
significantly decreased as compared to the last year’ s turnover of 7.85 times. This is not
a good sign for the company..
Gross fixed assets turnover of the company 0.8 times has decreased from the last year
figure of 1.02 times that is not in the favor of the company.
Average age of inventory tells that for how many days on average the inventory is held
.The greater the number of days, the inefficient will be the management. Average age of
inventory of the company has reduced to 80 days in the year 2002 from 104 days in 2001
This shows inventory is kept for less number of days as compared to the last year.
Average collection period indicates that how many days are required to collect amount
from the trade debts. The earlier the cash is received from the debtors; the better will be
for the company. Average collection period of the company has increased to 30 days in
the year 2002 from the year 2001 figure of 27 days. This shows inefficiency in the
collection of Accounts receivable
Account receivable turnover indicates that how many times accounts receivable is
converted into cash a high turnover indicates the efficiency of the management. Accounts
receivable turnover has decreased to 11.98 times in 2002 from 13.61 times in the year
2001. This is not a good sign for the company.
Operating cycle of any company shows the number of days lapsed from the acquisition of
raw material till the receipt of cash from the sale of finished goods. Operating cycle of
the company is 92.08 days in 2002 and is 117.94 in 2001.This is a good sign for the
Accounts payable turnover indicates that how many times accounts payable converted
into cash payments. It should be maximum one. Accounts payable has increased to 6.4
times in 2002 from 5.26 times in 2001 that is not a good sign for the company.
Average payment period indicates that after how many days the payment to creditors is
made. This time period should be maximum one. Average payment period of the
company has decreased to 56 days from 68 days in 2001. This is not good sign for the
Activity ratio shows that the management of the firm is quite active in utilizing its assets
to generate sales for the business. Thus we can say that operating efficiency of the
business is very good due to the following reasons:
The debt position of a firm indicates the amount of other people’s money being used in
attempting to generate profits. In general, the financial analyst is most concerned with
long-term benefits, because these commit the firm to paying interest over the long run as
well as eventually repaying the principally borrowed. Because the creditors’ claims must
be satisfied before, the distribution of earnings to share holders. Basic measures of debt
The debt ratio measures the proportion of total assets financed by the firm’s creditors.
The higher this ratio, the greater the amount of other people’s money being used in an
attempt to generate profits. FFC’s debt ratio has increased to 61.79% in the year 2002
from 32% in the year 2001. This shows that the company has increased its dependence on
the outsider’s sources of finances. This ratio is slightly high than the acceptable limit of
60%. This shows that there is a significant increase in the debts of the company.
The debt-equity ratio indicates the relationship between the long-term funds provided by
creditors and those provided by the firm’s owners. It is commonly used to measure the
degree of financial leverage of the firm. FFC’s debt equity ratio is 161.69% in the year
2002 and has increased significantly from 47.05% in the year 2001. This shows that debts
are more as compared to shareholders equity So this shows risk for the investors.
Interest coverage ration tells that how many times the firm is able to pay its financial
charges out of its profit .A high ratio is desirable. This ratio for the company is 8.24 times
in the year 2002 and has significantly decreased from 19.14 times in the year 2001. This
shows not good sign for the company. It shows that due to high debts financial charges of
the company has increased.
Fixed assets of the firm are almost 2.24 times its long-term debts in the year 2002. There
is a significantly decrease 11.44 times in this ratio in this year This shows that the firm
has got more LTD in this year.
Operating cash flow of the company is 27.51% of the amount of total debts of the
company. This shows good sign for the firm. This ratio has decreased as compared to the
ratio of 41.09% in the year 2001.This shows that the firm has earned less from its
operations in this year as compared to the previous year.
Long-term solvency of the company is also very good because their profitability ratios
are very high and the firm is using debts. Interest coverage of the company is also very
good. And fixed assets to net worth is 1.74 times.
There are many measures of profitability. Each related the return of the firm to its sales,
assets, equity, or share value. As a group, these measures allow the analyst to evaluate the
firm’s earnings with respect to a given level of sales a certain level of assets, the owners’
investment, or share value. Without profit, a firm could not attract outside capital. Basic
measures of profitability are:
The gross profit margin measures the percentage of each sales dollar remaining after the
firm has paid for its goods. The higher the gross profit margin, the better and the lower
the relative cost of merchandise sold. Gross profit margin of the company has decreased
in the year 2002 as compared to last year, which has gross profit margin of 47%. This
decrease is due to increased cost of goods sold.
The operating profit margin measures the percentage of each sales dollar remaining after
all costs and expenses other than interest and taxes are deducted. It represents the pure
profits earned on each sales dollar. A high operating profit margin is preferred. Operating
profit margin of the company has decreased to 31.09% in 2002 as compared to the year
The net profit margin measures the percentage of each sales dollar remaining after all
costs and expenses, including interest and taxes, have been deducted. The higher the
firm’s net profit margin, the better. The net profit margin is commonly cited measure of
the firm’s success with respect to earnings. Net profit margin of the company has
decreased to 18.31% in the year 2002 against 26.74% in the year 2001. This has just
reduced due to the industry crisis.
Return on Total asset of the company has decreased to 10.91% in the year 2002 from 22.93% in
the year 2001. It shows inefficiency of the company management to generate profit on the total
The firm’s earnings per share (EPS) are generally of interest to present or prospective
stockholders and management. The earnings per share represent the number of dollars
earned on behalf of each outstanding share of common stock. They are closely watched
by the investing public and considered am important indicator of corporate success.
Earnings per share of the company has decreased to 11.98 per share in the year 2002
against 12.49 per share in the year 2001. This is just because of industry crisis.
Profitability position of the firm is very good though it has decreased yet it is very good
due to the following points:
3. Net profit, Return on investment, Return on total assets, all are very good and are
10.40%, 21.26%, 7.93% respectively.
Equity investor is more interested in the dividends of the company. It is also concerned
about the profitability positing of the firm. For the purpose of equity investor we
calculated the following ratios:
Dividend per share of the company of the company is 9 per share in the year 2002 and it
was 8.5 in the year 2001. Company has increased its dividend to a little bit extent.
Dividend per share of 9 is ideally good.
Dividend yield ratio the company is 10.59% in the year 2002 and last year this ratio was
10%. For those investors who want to earn current profit ,for them this ratio is good but
for those investors who want to earn capital gain low dividend yield ratio is acceptable.
Company‘s %age of earnings retained are just 31.95% and 24.89 % in both the current
years of 2001 and 2002 respectively. This shows more attractiveness for the equity
investor. There is a decreased in this ratio due to the more distribution of the dividend as
compared to the last year.
Operating cash flow to cash dividend compares operations cash flow to cash dividend
paid by the firm. A high ratio is desirable .The company is generating sufficient cash
from its operations to declare cash divided This ratio has improved to 2.17 times in the
year 2002 against the last year figure of .76 times. It shows that the firm has sufficient
cash available for the distribution of dividend.
The stocks of the company are being traded 7.1 times its earnings. This shows investor’s
confidence on the firm’s ability to generate earnings and growth opportunities for the
firm. Price earnings ratio of 7.1 times shows that to earn one rupees the investor is willing
to invest 7.1 rupees in business.
Book value per share is good one if it is below the market price of its shares. Book value
per share of the company is 41.96 per share, which shows investor’s confidence on the
firm’s ability to generate profits.
From the point of view of equity investor the firm is very much attractive because of the
following s points:
1. Dividend per share of the company is 9 per share, which is very much attractive for
the investor.
2. Dividend payout ratio of the company is also very high i.e. 75% of the earning per
3. Earring per share of the company is also very high whichsi11.98 per share.
4. operating cash flow /cash dividend of the firm is 2.17 times of the cash dividend.
From our analysis we might conclude that the liquidity position of the firm is good,
operating performance is also well as compared to the past year. The firm is operating in
a good manner, but from the last year the firm has obtained loans from the outside
sources. As the firm is a levered firm so this debt will increase the profits of the firm very
Common Statement Analysis
(Vertical Analysis)
Asset side