Ielts Handbook - Theory PDF
Ielts Handbook - Theory PDF
Ielts Handbook - Theory PDF
Writing Task 2:
1. Opinion Questions - To what extend do you agree or disagree - Page 59
2. Opinion Questions - Discuss both views and give your opinion - Page 73
3. Opinion Questions - Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages - Page 78
4. Opinion Questions - Positive or negative development - Page 82
5. Direct Questions - Problems/Causes-Solutions - Page 86
1. How to Answer Part 1 Questions - Page 90
2. How to Answer Part 2 Questions - Page 93
3. How to Answer Part 3 Questions - Page 96
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả
The line graph compares the amount of beef, pork, broilers, and turkey consumed by
Americans between 1955 and 2012.
It clearly shows that the amount of beef and pork consumed in the US decreased while the
figures for broilers and turkey increased over the whole period. Also, beef was by far the
most popular of the four types of meat in almost every year of the 57-year period.
In 1955, the average amount of beef consumed by Americans was the highest, at around
58 pounds per person per year, then it increased sharply to a peak of 90 pounds in 1976
before decreasing gradually by around 40 pounds in 2012. Meanwhile, US pork
consumption fluctuated between about 38 and 55 pounds from 1955 to 2000 and reached
just over 40 pounds per capita in 2012.
Starting in 1961, the yearly consumption of broilers stood at just about 15 pounds. This
figure rose remarkably and hit a peak of 60 pounds in 2009, but then went down
slightly to 55 pounds which was the highest figure at the end of the period. Likewise, a
stable growth from roughly 5 to over 10 pounds was recorded in turkey consumption.
2. Cấu trúc của một bài Ielts writing task 1 nói chung và Line graph nói riêng.
Một bài line graph thường chia thành 4 phần (Introduction, Overview, Body 1 và Body 2)
v Introduction:
Viết đơn giản, ngắn gọn bằng cách paraphrase đề bài, dùng các từ vựng khác biệt nhưng
nghĩa không thay đổi, nhằm giới thiệu tới người đọc một cách tổng quát mình định nói gì
ở bên dưới.
v Overview:
Tóm tắt tổng quan biểu đồ bằng cách chọn 2 ý chung của biểu đồ để viết ( thông thường
nêu xu hướng chung ( tăng, giảm) của biểu đồ và đưa ra 1 ý khác tiêu biểu của biểu đồ ví
dụ cái nào lớn nhất, nhỏ nhất, tăng mạnh nhất, nhẹ nhất…).
v Body 1:
Miêu tả chi tiết số liệu bằng cách chọn những số liệu tiêu biểu và so sánh chúng với nhau
ở các mốc thời gian trong biểu đồ.
v Body 2:
Miêu tả chi tiết số liệu bằng cách chọn những số liệu tiêu biểu và so sánh chúng với nhau
ở các mốc thời gian trong biểu đồ.
Đọc một bài mẫu (đọc bài mẫu cuối sách) và xem lại cấu trúc chung được nêu ở dưới
Ø Bước 2:
Đọc các bài mẫu khác (cùng dạng line graph, hiểu được cấu trúc của một bài viết, lên một
khung chung cho một bài viết (như mình làm ví dụ bên dưới), ghi chú lại các từ, cụm từ
có thể paraphrase cho nhau trong bài mẫu, hiểu cách phát triển một bài writing task 1.
Ø Bước 3:
Viết lại chính những bài mẫu đã đọc, và các bài khác, dùng những kiến thức đã tổng hợp
(khung bài viết, từ vựng, cụm từ)
Ø Bước 4:
Ép thời gian xuống còn khoảng 15 phút cho một bài, nhờ thầy, cô chấm, sửa bài cho bạn.
The line graph compares the amount of beef, pork, broilers and turkey consumed by
Americans between 1955 and 2012.
It is clear/obvious that/ It clearly shows that + Xu hướng chung 1+Xu hướng chung 2.
It clearly shows that the amount of beef, and pork consumed in the US decreased while
the figures for broilers and turkey increased over the whole period. Also, beef was by far
the most popular of the four types of meat in almost every year of the 57-year period.
Body 1:
So sánh 2 dây đầu, phân tích từng dây một, chú ý các điểm đỉnh, đáy, đầu, cuối.
In 1955, the average amount of beef consumed by Americans was the highest, at around
58 pounds per person per year, then it increased sharply to a peak of 90 pounds in 1976
before decreasing gradually by around 40 pounds in 2012. Meanwhile, US pork
consumption fluctuated between about 38 and 55 pounds from 1955 to 2000 and reached
just over 40 pounds per capita in 2012.
Body 2:
So sánh các dây còn lại, phân tích từng dây một, chú ý các điểm đỉnh, đáy, đầu, cuối.
Starting in 1961, the yearly consumption of broilers stood at just about 15 pounds. This
figure rose remarkably and hit a peak of 60 pounds in 2009, but then went down slightly
to 55 pounds which was the highest figure at the end of the period. Likewise, a stable
growth from roughly 5 to over 10 pounds was recorded in turkey consumption.
1. Introduction
v The graph shows the percentage of CO2 emissions per person in the UK,
Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007.
• The line graph gives information about the proportion of CO2 emitted by each person
in four different countries from 1967 to 2007.
• The line chart compares four different nations in terms of the average proportion of
CO2 that each individual in those countries released each year over a period of 40
v The graph shows the proportion of visitors to Ha noi, Ho chi minh and Da nang
cities between 2000 and 2005.
• The line graph illustrates the percentage of people who went to three different cities,
namely Hanoi, Ho chi minh and Da nang from 2000 to 2005.
• The line chart compares three different cities, namely Hanoi, Ho chi minh and Da
nang in terms of the percentage of visitors who went to these areas over a period of 5
v The graph shows the spending on housing, food and healthcare in France from
1998 to 2005. Units were measured in dollars.
• The line graph compares the amount of money spent on three different categories by
people in France over a 7-year period. Units were measured in dollars.
• The line chart illustrates the expenditure on housing, food and healthcare by citizens
in France over a period of 7 years, starting from 1998.
v The graph shows the consumption of beef and pork by people in the UK between
1960 and 2000. Units were measured in pounds.
• The line graph compares the amount of beef and pork consumed by British people
over a period of 40 years, starting from 1960.
• The line chart gives information about the beef and pork consumption in the UK from
1960 to 2000. Units were measured in pounds.
v The graph shows the number of people who commuted to work by train, bus and
car from 1990 to 2010.
• The line graph illustrates the number of workers who travelled to work by three
different forms of transport over a period of 20 years.
• The line chart compares the number of people who went to work by train, bus and car
between 1990 and 2010.
v The graph shows oil production in the US, UK and Iran between 1990 and 2006.
Units are measured in million tons.
• The line graph compares the amount of oil produced in the US, UK and Iran from
1990 to 2006.
• The line chart gives information about how much oil was generated in three different
countries over a period of 16 years, starting from 1990.
2. Overview:
Bước 1: Nhìn điểm đầu và điểm cuối của biểu dồ, xác định dây nào tăng lên dây nào
giảm xuống.
Bước 2: Viết 1 câu thể hiện sự tăng giảm của các dây.
Bước 3: Nhìn vào dây cao nhất và dây thấp nhất, hoặc các điểm nhấn của biểu đồ để tìm
ra điểm nổi bật thứ 2.
Bước 4: Viết 1 câu thể hiện điểm đặc biệt ở bước 3, chú ý dung từ nối.
Phân tích:
Điểm đầu và điểm cuối:
Ø Dây 1 và 2 giảm
Ø Dây 3 và 4 tăng
3. Body 1
Bước 1: Chia số dây thành 2 phần, phân tích điểm đầu, điểm cuối, điểm đỉnh, điểm đáy
của từng dây.
Bước 2: Phân tích dây đầu của phần 1 và thể hiện sự so sánh, tăng giảm.
Bước 3: Phân tích các dây còn lại của phần 1
Chú ý:
• Tùy vào trường hợp điểm đầu/cuối có thể nói là cao nhất, phổ biến nhất, chiểm tỷ lệ
nhiều nhất.
• Tùy vào trường hợp điểm đầu/cuối có thể nói là điểm thấp nhất, kém phổ biến nhất,
chiếm tỷ lệ thấp nhất
The line graph below shows average carbon dioxide ( C02) emissions per person in
the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007.
Ø Dây 1 – giảm đều từ đầu tới cuối, năm 1967 cao nhất
Ø Dây 2 – tăng lên đỉnh rồi giảm mạnh ở cuối chu kỳ
In 1967, the yearly amount of CO2 caused by each individual in the UK was the highest
at about 11 tonnes, but then it went down gradually to only around 9 tonnes over the next
40 years. However, the figure for Sweden rose moderately to reach a peak of over 10
tonnes in 1977 from roughly 9 tonnes in 1967, which was followed by a remarkable
decrease of nearly 5 tonnes at the end of the period.
4. Body 2
Bước 1: Phân tích điểm đầu, điểm cuối, điểm đỉnh, điểm đáy của từng dây ở phần 2.
Bước 2: Phân tích dây đầu ở phần 2 và thể hiện sự so sánh, tăng giảm.
Bước 3: Phân tích các dây còn lại của phần 2.
Chú ý:
• Tùy vào trường hợp điểm đầu/cuối có thể nói là cao nhất, phổ biến nhất, chiểm tỷ lệ
nhiều nhất.
• Tùy vào trường hợp điểm đầu/cuối có thể nói là điểm thấp nhất, kém phổ biến nhất,
chiếm tỷ lệ thấp nhất
The line graph below shows average carbon dioxide ( C02) emissions per person in
the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007.
Phân tích:
The average amount of CO2 emitted in Italy stood at just over 4 tonnes in 1967 and this
showed a sharp increase to almost 8 tonnes in 2007. Similarly, Portugal saw the lowest
amount of CO2 generated by each person at the beginning of the period with only about
1 tonne, but this figure increased rapidly to the same as that for Sweden in 2007.
5. Body 1 – Cách 2
Bước 1: Nhìn điểm đầu và chia các điểm đầu thành 3 nhóm, 1 nhóm cao nhất, nhóm giữa
và nhóm thấp nhất.
Bước 2: Viết câu đầu thể hiện điểm cao nhất, so sánh với nhóm 2 hoặc nhóm còn lại sao
cho phù hợp.
Bước 3: Viết nhóm còn lại, nếu là nhóm cuối thì thể hiện điểm thấp nhất.
Chú ý:
• Tùy vào trường hợp điểm đầu/cuối có thể nói là cao nhất, phổ biến nhất, chiểm tỷ lệ
nhiều nhất.
• Tùy vào trường hợp điểm đầu/cuối có thể nói là điểm thấp nhất, kém phổ biến nhất,
chiếm tỷ lệ thấp nhất
The graph below shows the number of overseas visitors to three different areas in a
European country between 1987 and 2007.
In 1987, the number of foreign tourists who visited the coast was the highest, at 40.000
people which was twice as high as that for the mountains. However, the figure for the
lakes was by far the lowest with only 10.000 people going to these areas during the same
year. – cách 1
In 1987, the coast accounted for the highest number of foreign tourists, at 40.000
people which doubled the figure for the mountains. However, the lakes were less-widely
chosen by overseas visitors with only 10.000 people. (the lakes were less popular for
overseas visitors with only 10.000 people going to those areas in that year) – cách 2
6. Body 2 – Cách 2
Bước 1: Tìm điểm đặc biệt của từng dây (điểm cao nhất (đỉnh), điểm thấp nhất (đáy), và
các điểm giao nhau)
Bước 2: Gộp các dây có xu hướng giống nhau, hoặc ngược nhau để viết.
Bước 3: Viết lần lượt từng dây, từ dây đơn giản đến dây phức tạp
The graph below shows the number of overseas visitors to three different areas in a
European country between 1987 and 2007.
Over the next 20 years, the number of international tourists to the coast went down
slightly to its lowest point of approximately 35.000 people in 1992, and then rose
remarkably by roughly 40.000 in 2007. By contrast, the figure for the lakes went up
rapidly to a peak of over 75.000 in 2002, which was followed by a sharp decline of
25.000 in 2007. The number for the mountains fluctuated and increased moderately to
around 35.000 at the end of the period.
The line graph compares the amount of beef, pork, broilers, and turkey consumed by
Americans between 1955 and 2012.
It clearly shows that the amount of beef and pork consumed in the US decreased while the
figures for broilers and turkey increased over the whole period. Also, beef was by far the
most popular of the four types of meat in almost every year of the 57-year period.
In 1955, the average amount of beef consumed by Americans was the highest, at around
58 pounds per person per year, then it increased sharply to a peak of 90 pounds in 1976
before decreasing gradually by around 40 pounds in 2012. Meanwhile, US pork
consumption fluctuated between about 38 and 55 pounds from 1955 to 2000 and reached
just over 40 pounds per capita in 2012.
Starting in 1961, the yearly consumption of broilers stood at just about 15 pounds. This
figure rose remarkably and hit a peak of 60 pounds in 2009, but then went down slightly
to 55 pounds which was the highest figure at the end of the period. Likewise, a stable
growth from roughly 5 to over 10 pounds was recorded in turkey consumption.
The line graph compares the amount of beef, pork, broilers and turkey consumed by
Americans between 1955 and 2012.
It clearly shows that the amount of beef and pork consumed in the US decreased while the
figures for broillers and turkey increased over the whole period. Also, beef was by far the
most popular of the four types of meat in almost every year of the 57-year period.
Between 1976 and 2012, the consumption of beef decreased significantly by around 40
pounds per capita per year. By contrast, the amount of broillers consumed in the US went
up sharply by 30 pounds. The average figures for pork and turkey also rose to roughly 43
and 12 pounds per year respectively.
The graph shows the spending on books in four countries from 1995 to 2005
The line chart compares four different countries in terms of the amount of money they
spent on books over a period of 10 years, starting from 1995.
Overall, it is clear that the expenditure on books in all countries increased over the whole
period. In addition, the most significant increase was recorded in the spending on books
by Austria but Germany still saw the highest figure throughout the 10-year period.
In 1995, the amount of money spent on books by Germans was the highest, at exactly 80
million dollars, then this figure fluctuated and went up moderately to approximately 95
million dollars in 2005. Similarly, the yearly spending of French people on books rose
gradually from around 55 to 75 million dollars during the same period.
At the beginning of the period, 50 million dollars were allocated for books in Italy, but it
rose modestly to over 60 million dollars in 2005 after some fluctuations. Meanwhile,
Austria accounted for the lowest amount of money, with just 30 million dollars in 1995.
This figure increased steadily to 40 million dollars in 1999, then remained unchanged
until 2001 before overtaking that for Italy and reaching over 70 million dollars at the end
of the period.
The graph shows the spending on books in four countries from 1995 to 2005
The line graph compares the amount of money spent on books in Germany, France, Italy
and Austria over a period of 10 years.
Overall, it clearly shows that the expenditure on books in all countries rose over the
period shown. In addition, books were spent more by people in Geremany than other
nations in every year of the period.
In 1995, the amount of money used for books in Germany was the highest, at 80 million
dollars, which was significantly higher than the figures for France and Italy, at about 55
million and exactly 50 million dollars respectively. However, Austria saw the lowest
spending on books in that year with only 30 million dollars.
From 1995 to 2005, the spending on books by French people increased gradually to over
75 million dollars. Similarly, the figures for Germany and Italy fluctuated and went up
slightly to approximately 95 and 60 million dollars respectively during the same period of
time. However, the amount of money allocated for books by Australians rose steadily to
40 million in 1999, then remained unchanged until 2001 before overtaking that for Italy
and reached over 70 million dollars at the end of the period.
The line chart compares the UK, Sweden, Italy and Portugal in terms of how much CO2
each person in these countries released each year over a period of 40 years starting from
It clearly shows that the amount of CO2 caused by each individual in the UK and Sweden
decreased, while an average person in Italy and Portugal generated more and more CO2
throughout the 40-year period. Also, the figure for the UK was far higher than other
countries in all years.
In 1967, the yearly generation of CO2 in the UK was the highest, at about 11 tonnes,
decreasing gradually to only around 9 tonnes over the next 40 years. However, the figure
for Sweden rose moderately to reach a peak of over 10 tonnes in 1977 from roughly 9
tonnes in 1967, which was followed by a remarkable decrease of nearly 5 tonnes at the
end of the period.
The average amount of CO2 emitted in Italy stood at just over 4 tonnes in 1967, and then
it rose sharply to almost 8 tonnes in 2007. Similarly, Portugal saw the lowest number at
the beginning of the period with only about 1 tonne, but this showed a rapid increase to
the same as that for Sweden in 2007.
The line graph compares the average emissions of CO2 per person in four different
countries over a period of 40 years.
It clearly shows that the amount of CO2 caused by each individual in the UK and Sweden
decreased, while the figures for Italy and Portugal increased over the whole period. In
addition, the UK generated more CO2 emissions per capita than other countries in every
year of the period.
In 1967, the average amount of CO2 emitted by each person in the UK was the highest, at
nearly 11 tonnes which was far higher than the figures for Sweden and Italy, at over 8 and
4 tonnes respectively. However, CO2 generation in Portugal was the lowest in that year
with only roughly 1 tonne caused by each Portuguese inhabitant.
From 1967 to 2007, the quantity of CO2 per person in the US went down gradually to 9
tonnes per person per year. By contrast, the numbers for Italy and Portugal rose sharply to
about 8 and 6 tonnes respectively. However, Sweden saw an increase in its CO2
production to a peak of over 10 tonnes in 1997, which was followed by a remarkable
decline of approximately 5 tonnes at the end of the period.
The graph below shows the quantities of goods transported in the UK between 1974
and 2002.
The line graph gives information about the amount of goods transported by four different
forms of transport in the UK from 1974 to 2002.
It is clear that more and more products were carried by three out of the four modes of
transport over the period. Also, the road was responsible for a higher amount of
commodities than other means of transport in every year of the period.
In 1974, the road accounted for the highest amount of goods transported in the UK with
about 70 million tonnes, rising to nearly 100 million tonnes in 2002. However, the
transportation of products by pipeline stood at just about 5 tonnes in 1974, then it rose
sharply to a peak of approximately 25 million and remained unchanged until 1990 before
falling to exactly 20 million tonnes from 1994 to 2002.
Starting at nearly the same point of roughly 40 million tonnes, the figures for
commodities transported by water and rail stayed at almost the same level until 1978.
Over the next 24 years, while transporting by water became more popular with around 65
million tonnes after some fluctuations, the figure for rail transportation declined
moderately to about 30 million tonnes, which was followed by a modest jump of 10
million tonnes at the end of the period.
The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a
European country between 1979 and 2004.
The line graph compares the average amount of chicken, beef, lamb and fish consumed by
each person in a European country from 1979 to 2004.
Overall, it is clear that chicken consumption increased while the figures for beef, lamb
and fish decreased over the whole period. Also, the consumption of fish was far less than
meat whereas chicken became the most eaten meat at the end of the period.
In 1979, the amount of beef which was consumed by each individual in the country was
the highest, at about 210 grams per person per week. This figure rose to a peak of nearly
250 grams in 1980s, but then fell to just around 100 grams in 2004. Fish was the least
popular food with around 60 grams eaten weekly in 1979 and this showed a gradual
decline by approximately 5 grams after 25 years.
Starting at almost the same amount of roughly 150 grams, the figures for chicken and
lamb showed opposite trends. There was a gradual decrease of roughly 100 grams in the
weekly consumption of lamb. By contrast, chicken saw an upward trend, making it
become the most consumed meat in 2004 with over 250 grams per person per week.
The graph shows waste generation in the UK, measured in millions of tonnes from
three different sources between 1990 and 2005.
The line graph compares three sources in terms of their waste output in the UK over a
period of 15 years, starting from 1990.
It is clear that the amount of waste generated from transport increased, while the figures
for other sectors decreased, leading to a decline in the overall output. In addition,
households always produced less waste than other sources during the same period.
In 1990, the industry sector accounted for the highest amount of waste generated, at
nearly 6 million tonnes and this showed a sharp decline to only 2 million tonnes in 2005.
However, the amount of waste was much lower from transport and household sources in
most years of the period given. Starting at almost the same point of 1 million tonnes in
1990, while waste production from transport fluctuated and increased remarkably to
nearly 3 million tonnes, making it become the largest waste source in 2005, the figure for
households remained stable until 1999, but then this sector managed to cut down waste
production to 0 tonnes in 2005.
The Industry, transport and households produced a total of around 8 million tonnes of
waste in 1990 which remained relatively constant over the next three years. However, this
figure saw a gradually fall to roughly 5 million tonnes at the end of the period.
The graph below gives information from Annual Energy Outlook 2008 about
consumption of energy in the USA since 1980 with projection until 2030.
The line graph illustrates the amount of energy consumed by people in the US between
1980 and 2030.
Overall, the consumption of five out of the six types of energy increases over the whole
period. In addition, petrol and oil have been the most significant kinds of energy and will
continue this trend into the future.
In 1980, petrol and oil were the main energy sources with 35 Qu consumed by
Americans, decreasing to its lowest point of about 30 Qu in 1985, but then the amount of
energy generaged from petrol and oil, is guessed to increase sharply to nearly 50 Qu in
2030. The respective figures for natural gas and coal stood at around 20 and 15 Qu in
1980 and fluctuated up to 25 Qu in 2015. Over the next 15 years, while coal is expected to
become the second most popular fuel with approximately 33 Qu, the figure for natural gas
is predicted to stay at the same level.
Starting at similar points of roughly 3 Qu in 1980, the figures for nuclear and renewable
energy are guessed to remain relatively constant, at just under 10 Qu throughout the
period. However, Hydropower will become the least consumed energy with a projected
value of about 2.5 Qu at the end of the period.
The graph below shows the average number of UK commuters travelling each day
by car, bus or train between 1970 and 2030
The line graph illustrates the average number of people in the UK using three different
forms of transportation to go to work from 1970 to 2030.
It is clear that the number of commuters who travel each day by car and train increases,
while the bus is less commonly chosen by British workers over the period of 30 years.
Additionally, the car has been the most popular means of transport and this trend is
guessed to continue in the future.
In 1970, around 5 million people in the UK chose to travel to their workplaces by car,
which was nearly 1 million higher than the number of bus users. However, figure for
commuters using the train was far lower. There were only 2 million workers taking the
train to commute to work in that year.
The line graph below shows the percentage of tourists to England who visited four
different attractions in Brighton.
The line graph compares the proportion of travellers to England who went to four distinct
destinations in Bringhton, namely Art gallery, Pavilion, Pier and Festival over a period of
20 years.
Overall, it is clear that the percentage of tourists in England who visited the Pavilion and
Pier increased, while the figures for the Art gallery and Festival decreased over the whole
period. The Pavilion was by far the most popular destination for visitors in almost every
year of the period.
In 1980, the Festival attracted the highest proportion of tourists, at 30% and this showed a
slight decline to about 27% in 2010. The Pavilion ranked second in the first year with
about 23% of visitors. This figure rose significantly to reach a peak of approximately 48%
in 1995, but then fell down by around 18% at the end of the period.
The Pier was the least attractive place in 1980 with only 10% but then it gained popularity
and its figure fluctuated up to roughly 23% in 2010. By contrast, although the Art gallery
accounted for over 20% of tourists from 1980 to 2000, it became the least chosen
attraction with just under 10% in 2010.
The graph below shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from
work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000.
The bar chart illustrates the percentage of workers who used three different forms of
transport to go to work in a European city from 1960 to 2000.
Overall, it clearly shows that the the proportion of commuters using cars increased while
taking buses, riding bikes and walking to workplaces became less common over the
whole period. In addition, the car gained its popularity to become the most significant
mode of transport for workers in the city.
In 1960, the percentage of people walking to and from workplaces was the highest, at
35% but it declined considerably to just 10 % in 2000. By constrast, the car was the least
popular vehicle in 1960 with only about 7% of workers choosing cars for their journeys to
and from work. This figure rose sharply to reach a peak of around 37% at the end of the
Using bikes to go to and return from work was the second most popular choice in 1960, at
approximately 27%. However, this mode of transport was not commonly chosen by
commuters in the city with only about 7% in 2000. During the same period, the figure for
bus peaked at nearly 27% in 1980 from exactly 20% in 1960, which was followed by a
drop of around 10% over the next 20 years.
The chart below shows the number of films produced in five countries in three
The bar chart compares five different countries in terms of the number of films they
produced from 2007 to 2009.
Overall, it clearly shows that film production in A and D decreased while the figures for
other countries increased over the whole period. In addition, A was the biggest film
producer in every year of the period.
In 2007, there were about 88 films made by people in A. This figure remained unchanged
in 2008 and declined slightly to 80 films in 2009. The second biggest producer was B
with approximately 50 films in 2007 and 2008, and then it increased remarkably to 70
films in 2009.
The figures for film production in other countries were by far lower than in A and B. In
2007, D produced nearly 15 films which went down significantly to its lowest point in
2008, at roughly 10 films, then rose by 4 films at the end of the period. However, the
figures for C and E rose gradually from around 9 to 18 films and 10 to 13 films
respectively during the same period.
The graphs below show the figures for population distribution in a country for 1900-
The bar chart gives information about the proportion of people in a particular country
living in three different areas over a period of 150 years.
It clearly shows that the percentage of citizens living in rural places decreases from 1900
to 2050. It is also clear that suburban areas are predicted to become the most popular
places for the country’s citizens.
In 1990, over 60% of people in the country chose to live in the countryside. This figure
was about twice as high as the proportion of people living in urban locations. However,
living in surburban areas was the least poplular choice for the country’s population. There
was around 8% of people who settled in these places in that year.
Over the next 150 years, while the proportion of rural population is predicted to go down
significantly to nearly 10%, the figure for suburban citizens is expected to reach the
highest point in 2050, with a projected value of about 57%. The percentage of urban
citizens in the country increased remarkably to approximately 38% in 2000, which is
guessed to remain unchanged in the final year of the period.
(1): Quality of resources (2): suitable degree courses (3): close to parental home (4):
quality of teaching (5): good sports & social activities
Introduction: - Đọc hiểu và paraphrase lại đề bài
The charts above compare the proportion of students who chose to study at a particular
university for five different reasons in two years: 1987 and 2007.
Overview: - 1 câu nêu xu hướng tăng giảm, 1 câu nêu ra cái nào cao cái nào thấp
It is clear that the percentage of students who paid attention to suitable degree courses and
their parents’ home increased while other factors became less necessary for students
from 1987 to 2007. In addition, most students took part in the university in both years
because of suitable degree courses.
Body 1: Nhóm 1 và 2 vì ngược xu hướng tăng giảm
In 1987, there was 21% of students who decided to study at the university because of its
quality resources. This figure declined slightly to 17% over the next 20 years. By
contrast, the percentage of those who paid attention to appropriate programs, increased
moderately by 2%, from 35% in 1987 to 37% in 2007.
Body 2: Nhóm các số liệu còn lại và viết xu hướng tăng giảm
During the same period of time, the proportion of learners who focused on the distance
from their house to the campus increased more than twofold, from 10% to 22%. In
contrary, the quality of teaching and good sports & social activities became less
important factors. There were 15% and 19% choosing this university due to these two
categories in 1987, but then these figures declined remarkably to only 8% and 6%
respectively at the end of the period.
The charts show the spending of a school in 1981, 1991 and 2001.
The pie charts give information about the proportion of money spent by a school on five
different categories from 1981 to 2001.
It is clear that the spending on other workers’ wages and resources declined while the
figures for other categories increased over the whole period. In addition, the school spent
the most money on salaries for teachers, while the least amount of money was used for
In 1981, insurance accounted for the lowest expenditure with only 2%, rising slightly to
8% in 2001. By contrast, the school’s spending on salaries for other workers decreased
gradually from 28% in 1981 to 15% in 2001.
The school allocated 15% of their budget for furniture and equipment in 1981, and then it
went down sharply to its lowest point in 1991, at 5%, and soared to 23% in 2001.
However, the figures for the spending on teachers’ salaries and other resources peaked at
50% and 20% in 1991 from 40% and 15% in 1981, which were followed by drops of 5%
and 11% respectively.
The pie charts below show the average household expenditures in a country in 1950
and 2010.
The pie charts illustrate the average spending of each household in a particular country on
six different categories between 1950 and 2010.
Overall, the percentage of money spent by each family in the country on housing and
education decreased while the figures for other sectors increased over the whole period.
In addition, while households in the country used the most money for housing in 1950,
food was paid more than other sectors in 2010.
In 1950, housing accounted for the highest proportion of spending by each family in the
country, at nearly three quarters of the total expenditure. However, this figure declined
sharply to just 22% in 2010. Food expenses, on the other hand, saw a significant rise from
11.2% to 34% over the 60-year period.
The lowest spending in the first year was for healthcare which took up 2.4% of the
average household expenditure and this showed a similar trend despite a minor increase
of 2.1% in 2010. However, the respective figures for both transportation and others went
up considerably from 4.4% and 3.3% to 19.2% and 14% during the same period. The
education expenditure, on the other hand, remained relatively stable, with over 6% in both
The pie charts show the comparison of different kinds of energy production of
France in two years.
The pie charts illustrate the production of five types of energy in France in 1995 and
Overall, it clearly shows that the percentage of petrol produced in France decreased while
the figures for the others increased from 1995 to 2005. In addition, coal and gas were the
most significant sources of energy in both two years.
In 1995, coal accounted for the highest proportion of energy generated, at 29.8%, which
increased slightly to 30.93% in 2005. Likewise, a small growth of nearly 0.7% to 30.31%
was recorded in gas production and this was also the second biggest source over the 10-
year period.
With regard to the other energy sources in this country, Petrol came in third with 29.27%
in the first year and this showed a remarkable decline to nearly a fifth at the end of the
period. By contrast, nuclear and other sources of energy are responsible for just 6.4% and
4.9% respectively in 1995 which rose towfold in 2005. Although these sectors gained
more popularity, they generated the least amount of energy.
The table shows the weight of people in a particular country from 1999 to 2009. – Có
The table compares the proportion of people in a particular country who were in three
different physical conditions between 1999 and 2009.
Overall, it clearly shows that the percentage of both men and women who had normal
weight in this country increased while the figures for other two conditions declined over
the period given. In addition, the country saw a higher proportion of normal-weight
citizens than underweight and overweight people in all years of the period.
In 1999, 43% of women who had normal weight was recorded in the country. The
proportion of normal-weight females increased sharply to 56% in 2009. Similarly, the
figure for men also rose gradually from 48% to 54% during the same period of time.
The proportions of men who were underweight and overweight were the same in 1999
with 26%, and declined slightly by 3% at the end of the period. Likewise, the percentage
of overweight women was 28% in 1999, then it fell down signigicantly to just 15% in
2009, which was also the lowest number shown on the chart. However, the proporortion
of underweight women almost remained stable through the period with 29%.
The table below shows the information on visitor statistics in 1996, 1998 and 2000
for six World Heritage sties in Australia. Unit: thousands
Central Eastern
810 790 770
Rainforest Reserve
The table compares the number of people who visited six different heritage destinations in
Australia from 1996 to 2000.
(The table compares six different heritage distinations in Australia in terms of the number
of people who visited them from 1996 to 2000.)
It is clear that the number of visitors to those heritage sites increased throughout the
period shown, except Central Eastern Rainforest Reserve and Macquarie Island. It is also
clear that Great Barrier Reef attracted more tourists than other places.
In 1996, there were 1,167,000 people paid visits to Great Barrier Reef, compared to
810,000 people to Central Eastern Rainforest Reserve. Over the next 4 years, the quantity
of travellers going to Great Barrier Reef rose remarkably to 3,200,000. By contrast, the
figure for Central Eastern Rainforest Reserve declined slightly by 40,000 people.
From 1996 to 2000, the number of travellers came to 483Shark Bay went up from 84,000
in 1996 to 102,000 in 1998, but then fell down to 89,000 in 2000. In contrast, the number
for Macquaire Island decreased to its lowest point (310) in 1998, which was followed by
an increase of 20 tourists in 2002. During the same period, the figures for Blue Moutains
and Tasmaninan Wilderness increased gradually from 526,000 and 450,000 to 581,000
and 483,000 respectively.
Introduction: Đọc đề, hiểu bài và paraphrase lại đề bài một cách khéo léo
The bar chart compares six different sports in terms of the proportion of young females
aged 16 to 25 in a particular country who took part in and watched them in 2000.
Overview: Viết 1 câu so sánh theo chiều ngang, 1 câu so sánh theo chiều dọc
It is clear that tennis was by far the most popular sport for young female adults in the
country in 2000. It is also clear that most sports attracted more players than audiences,
except tennis.
Body 1: Gom 3 môn thể thao đầu tiên và so sánh trong 1 body
In 2000, the percentage of female people aged 16 to 25 who watched tennis was 50%,
which was 20% higher than the proportion of those who participated in this sport. The
figures for young females between 16 and 25 watching Athletics and Basketball were
similar at around 15% which was slightly lower than that for players at 20% and
about 22% respectively.
Body 2: Gom 3 môn còn lại và so sánh trong body 2
Females who were 16 to 25, paid more attention to playing than watching other sports.
There was approximately 5% of 16-25 females who spent time playing Badminton and
Horse riding & racing, compared to nearly 12% and 15% watching these sports
respectively. Likewise, golf attracted 30% of 16-25 female players which was three
times as high as the percentage of golf viewers.
The chart shows the expenditure of two countries on consumer goods in 2010.
The bar chart compares the amount of money spent by people in France and the UK on
five different consumer goods in the year 2010.
Overall, British people spent more money on three out of the five consumer goods than
people in France in 2010. In addition, while consumers in both countries spent the most
money on cars, the least amount of money was paid for perfume.
People in the UK paid out over 450.000 dollars for cars, compared to about 400.000 used
by French citizens. During the same year, books were also spent more by the British than
the French, about 400.000 and 300.000 dollars respectively. Likewise, Consumers in the
UK spent around 350.000 dollars buying cameras which was far higher than that in
France, at nearly 150.000 dollars.
The figures for spending on computers and perfume were higher in France than in the
UK. There were around 370.000 dollars paid by French people for computers, compared
with approximately 350.000 by British people. Whereas French consumers used roughly
200.000 dollars for perfume, the expenditure on that good in the UK was only about
140.000 dollars which was the lowest figure shown on the chart.
The chart gives information about the percentage of British people chosing four
kinds of holiday accommodation in 2010.
The bar chart shows the proportion of people in the UK who chose four different kinds of
accommodation on their vacations in 2010.
It clearly shows that that the hotel was by far the most popular choice of accommodation
for British people in the year 2010. It is also obvious that while carnavan came in second
in Northern Ireland, self-catering was more widely chosen than carnavan and camping in
the remaining countries.
In 2010, the percentage of people in England chosing self catering and carnavan were
lower than that in Scotland, at about 28% and 6%, compared with nearly 30% and 12%
respectively. By contrast, around 55% of visitors in England stayed in hotels and roughly
12% in camps. These figures were approximately 3% and 7% higher that for those in
During the same year, the figures for travellers in Wales choosing self-catering and hotels
were 28% and 48%, were higher than that in Northern Ireland, at approximately 12% and
45% respectively. In contrary, about 9% of tourists from Wales rested in carnavan on
their holidays which was nearly 3 times as low as the proportion of those from Ireland.
The figures for camping in both two countries were similar, at over 11%.
The chart gives information about the percentage of British people chosing four
kinds of holiday accommodation in 2010.
The bar chart shows the proportion of people in the UK who chose four different kinds of
accommodation on their vacations in 2010.
It clearly shows that the hotel was by far the most popular choice of accommodation for
British people in the year 2010. It is also obvious that while carnavan came in second in
Northern Ireland, self-catering was more widely chosen than carnavan and camping in the
remaining countries.
In 2010, the hotel was the first choice of accommodation for holidaymakers in the UK
with almost half visitors in the four countries decided to choose this kind of
accommodation. By contrast, the proportion of people staying in camps on their holidays,
was far lower and similar, at around 13% for England and Northern Ireland, 7% for
Scotland and 15% for Wales.
During the same year, self-catering ranked second in England, Scotland and Wales with
nearly 30% of visitors who chose to cater themselves. This figure was about three times
as high as the proportion for Northern Ireland. However, the percentage of Irish people
choosing carnavan form was over 31%, was remarkably higher than the figures for
visitors from England, Scotland and Wales, at approximately 7 %, 12% and 8%
The chart shows transport preferences among young people from different countries
in 2005.
The bar chart compares three different modes of transport in terms of the percentage of
young people in the UK, US, Germany and France preferring them in 2005.
Overall, it is clear from the chart that young people in Germany preferred bicycles to
other forms of vehicles in 2005. By contrast, using cars was by far the most favourite
choice for young people in the other countries during the same year.
In 2005, France saw the highest percentage of car lovers, with about 75% which was
around 35% higher than that in Germany. The figures for cars in both the Great Britain
and United states were the same, at 60%.
With regard to motorcycles, there was 30% of young Americans who preferred
motorbikes for their journeys. This figure was almost twice as high as that for Germany.
However, only 10% of the youth in the UK and France had a preference for this form of
In terms of bicycles, Germany saw an interesting trend where riding a bike was the first
choice for almost half young adults in that country. While the UK came in second, with
just under 30%, the USA and France showed less interest in bikes, at about 15% and 10%
The charts below show the percentage of time younger and older people in the US
spend on various Internet activities in their free time in 2010 (excluding email).
The two pie charts compare the proportion of free time spent on six internet activities by
Americans in two different age groups in 2010.
It is clear that making booking was spent the least percentage of free time by young
Americans but the older group spent the most free time making booking in 2010. In
addition, playing games also made a noticeable difference while the figures for other
activities showed a little difference during the same year.
In 2010, the lowest proportion of time of 18-26-year-old citizens was spent on making
booking, at only 5% which was five times as low as the figure for the 60-70 age group.
By contrast, the younger age group used 21% of their free time to listen to music and
watch movies but this was 6% higher than that used by the older group. Both young and
old users spent an equal rate of 12% buying products online.
During the same year, Americans who were 60-70 years old allocated only 5% of their
leisure time playing games but a significant disparity was seen in the figure for 18-26-
year-olds with 18%. However, young and old people in this country spent similar
proportions of time on researching data and social networking which together accounted
for nearly 45% in each group.
The pie charts show the average spending on food in the world in 2008 compared to
two countries; China and India.
The three pie charts compare the proportion of money spent on four kinds of food by
people in China, India and all over the world in 2008.
Overall, it can be seen from the chart that people in both countries and the world spent the
most money on processed food. In addition, while the spending on nuts and seeds in the
world and India was lower than other categories, the lowest figure in China went on
Animal food. Other kinds of food showed only a little difference between three areas.
In 2008, processd food was the main source of food in the world with 41%, compared to
34% and 39% in China and India respectively. By contrast, nuts and seeds only accounted
for 4% of consumer spending in the world, which was almost one fifth and a quarter of
the respective figures for China and India.
The expenditure on vegetables and fruits in India was 23% which was far lower than the
percentage of money used for this sector in the world and China, at around 30%. On the
other hand, Chinese consumers allocated the least proportion of their income for food
produced from animals in comparision with 27% in India and 26% in the world during the
same year.
The tables below compare working hours of full-time and part-time workers in
Greece, Netherlands, UK compared to European average in 2002.
Men Women
UK 37.5 37
Men Women
UK 29.0 28.0
The tables show the amount of time spent by full-time and par-time workers in Greece,
Netherlands, the UK and the average figures for Europe in 2002.
Overall, men in those areas spent more time working than women. It is also clear that the
average amount of time allocated by a European for both two types of work was higher
than that in most countries.
In 2002, men and women in Europe spent 40.4 and 39.2 hours per week respectively on
working full time, compared to 42.5 hours used by men and 39.9 hours used by women in
Greece. However, the figures for Netherland and the UK were far lower and similar
between men and women, at 38 hours and around 37.25 hours respectively.
With regarding to part time jobs, there were 32.0 hours used by men in Europe for these
jobs which was 2 hours lower than that spent by women. The figures for men in Greece
and the UK, at 30.0 and 29.0 hours, were roughly 1 hour more than the numbers of hours
used by women. By contrast, the quantity of part-time working hours among Dutch
women was 29.2 which was higher than that of males, at 28.3 hours.
Introduction: Viết 1 câu paraphrase cho bar chart và 1 câu cho pie chart
The bar chart compares the proportion of five different reasons why Americans travelled
and the pie chart illustrates six main problems for public transport in the US in 2009.
Overview: Viết 1 câu nêu đặc điểm chính của bar chart, 1 câu của piec chart
Overall, it is clear that the main reason why people in the US travelled was to commute
to and from work. In addition, the price of travel was the most significant problem for
passengers during the same year.
Body 1: Phân tích bar chart.
In 2009, almost half trips made by US citizens were to go to and from their workplaces.
This percentage was far higher than the figures for journeys for purposes of shopping
and personal reasons, at 16% and 19% respectively. However, one in ten trips was for
social or recreational activities while visiting friends or relatives accounted for the
lowest proportion of only 6%.
Body 2: Phân tích pie chart.
Regarding to the pie chart, the proportion of problems related to the cost of travelling was
36% which was nearly twice as high as that for issues about safety and aggressive
drivers. While highway congestion was the main issue for 14% of the travelling public,
the access to public transport and space for pedestrians were less important problems
with just under 10%.
The charts A and B show the share of the UK and Australian cinema market in 2001
and cinema admission in the UK and Australia from 1976 to 2006
The bar chart shows the proportion of films screened in Australia and the UK in 2001 and
the line graph compares the number of cinema attendants in those countries between 1976
and 2006.
Overall, US films were far more popular than films from other countries in both Australia
and the UK. In addition, the number of audiences who went to movie theaters in both
countries increased over the whole period.
In 2001, the proportion of US movies screened in the UK was the highest, at about 75%
which was approximately 10% higher than that in Australia. Similarly, the figures for
Australian and UK films shown in the UK were over 10% and 20%, were four times
higher than the figures for Australia. By contrast, films produced in other countries were
more popular in Australia than in the UK, at approximately 18% and 4% respectively.
Regarding the line graph, there were over 100 million citizens in the UK who went to the
cinema in 1975 and this showed a sharp decline to the lowest point of roughly 55 million
people in1985, which was followed by a remarkable growth to about 160 million people
in 2000s. During the same period, the number of Australian audiences rose gradually
from around 25 to 80 million.
The graph below shows the demand for electricity in England during typical days in
the winter and summer. The pie chart shows how electricity is used in an average
English home.
The charts above illustrate the daily demand for electricity in England on typical winter
and summer days and how each English household uses this electricity.
Overall, it obviously shows that the electricity demand in the winter is significantly higher
than in the summer. It is also clear that the average consumption of electricity for heating
rooms and water is far higher than the figures for other sectors.
We can see from the line chart that the daily consumption of electricity fluctuates during
both seasons. The demand for electricity in the winter peaks at nearly 50.000 units
between 10 p.m and 11 p.m while the electricity consumption in the summer is the
highest from 1 p.m to 2 p.m, at around 20.000 units. However, an average family
consumes the least amount of electricity between 7 a.m and 8 a.m in both the summer and
winter, with approximately 30.000 and 15.000 units respectively.
With regard to the pie chart, heating rooms and water accounts for the highest percentage
of electricity consumed by each English family, with over half of total electricity (52.5%)
which is three times higher than the proportion of electricity used for ovens, kettles and
washing machines. The figures for the two other categories are equal and each comprises
of 15% of the total electricity.
The pie charts and table give information about the total value and sources of fish
imported to the US between 1988 and 2000.
The table shows the total value of fish that the US imported and the three pie charts
illustrate the percentage of fish imported to the US from three different areas in 1988,
1992 and 2000.
Overall, it is clear that the United states spent more and more money buying fish from
1988 to 2000. It is also obvious that the proportion of fish imported from Canada
decreased while China and other countries became more important sources of fish over
the whole period.
Regarding the table, the value of imported fish in the US went up significantly over the
12-year period. Starting at 6.57 billion dollars in 1988, this value went up considerably to
8.52 billion dollars in 1992. The next 8 years also saw an increase of 2.2 million dollars in
the total value of fish imported by this country.
In terms of the three pie charts, most fish in the US was provided from Canada in 1988,
comprising of 60% and decreasing remarkably to just 28% in 2000. By contrast, the
figure for China rose more than twofold from 13% to 30% during the same period. Other
nations became the main source of fish for Americans with 46% in 1992 and 42% in
The maps below show changes in the art gallery ground floor in 2005 and present
The plans below show a school library five years ago and the same library now
The maps illustrate different changes in the layout of a school library as it was five years
ago and at present.
Overall, the library has changed remarkably since 2013. Five new features can be seen in
the second picture, and the main change involves the addition/appearance of new desks
for students to use their laptops.
Looking at the maps in more detail, we can see that the classroom in the west of the
library has been replaced by a recording studio. Similarly, the room for the borrowing and
returning desk has been separated into two smaller rooms with different functions.
Other changes are that more private tables have been put for students to study in the
center of the school library. There were two areas in the north and south for booking
shelves but the one in the south has been removed to put more desks for laptop users, and
the tables in the northeast are now only used for laptops, not computers. Finally, a
conference room has been built in the site of the office in the southeast of the library.
The diagrams below give information about the Mont-Blanc Road Tunnel and the
Seikan Railway Tunnel.
The maps compare the cross-sections of two tunnels namely the Mont-Blanc road and the
Seikan Railway.
Overall, it clearly shows that the most noticeable difference between the two tunnels is in
the location of the tunnel. In addition, the Seikan Railway tunnel is much longer than the
Mont-Blanc road.
We can see that the length of the Seikan Railway tunnel is 53.85 km which is nearly five
times longger than that of the Mont-Blanc road tunnel. Also, the construction of Seikan
railway took more time than the Mont-Blanc Road, at 42 years and 8 years respectively.
The Mont-Blanc road tunnel is responsible for connecting two different countries of
France and Italy. By contrast, Amori and Hakodate cities which are located in two distinct
islands in Japan, are connected through the Seikan Railway tunnel. Finally, the Mont-
Blanc Road goes through a 3.500-meter mountain, while the Seikan Railway passes
beneath the Tsugaru Strait with the depth of 240 meters
The maps illustrate different changes in the layout of West Park Secondary School from
1950 to 2010.
Overall, the school changed remarkably over the 60-year period. Five new features can be
seen in the third picture and the main change is that the school increased in size and a car
park and recreational areas were built to serve car users and students.
In 1950, there were houses located in the northwest of the area next to the school which
was demolished to make way for a small car park and an area for science block which
was also a part of the school in 1980. During the same period, the farmland behind the
housing area was replaced by a sports field while no change was seen in the layout of the
playground in the southeast behind the school.
Over the next 30 years, the car park was expanded towards the south and occupied the
sports field. As a result, the sport field was moved to the east and took a third of the
original playgroud area. The science block and school building remained unchanged
between 1980 and 2010.
The diagram below shows how solar panels can be used to provide electricity for
domestic use.
The picture gives information about different stages in the process of producing electricity
for domestic use from solar panels.
It is clear that there are five distinct stages in the electricity production, beginning with
getting energy from the sun and ending with the provision of energy for domestic use.
At the first stage in the process, a range of solar panels on the rooftop of a house are
responsible for getting solar energy from the sunlight, which is then converted into DC
current. Next, this type of current is turned into AC current by an inventer which also
controls the electricity and the production process. At the step three, the electricity is
provided for domestic use by an electrical panel.
At the fourth stage shown on the diagram, a utility meter transfers any spare energy to the
grid. Finally, if the amount of energy used for the house overtakes the amount of solar
electricity produced by such panels, a utility grid will supply enough energy for this
The diagram illustrates different stages in terms of how milk is produced and delivered to
Overall, it is clear from the picture that there are seven distinct stages in the process of
producing milk, beginning with taking milk from cows, then producing milk and ending
with the provision of dairy prodcuts to consumers.
At the first stage in the process, cows are grazed in farms in order to eat grass. Next, a
milking machine is responsible for getting fresh milk from cows twice a day which is then
kept and preserved in refrigerators. The fourth step shows that refrigerated milk is
transported every day to a dairy by a tanker.
At the fifth stage shown on the diagram, raw milk is produced into either cheese, cream
and butter which are additional products or processed milk which is pasteurized and
packaged carefully in forms of bottles. Finally, milk products are provided to consumers
through supermarkets and shops.
The diagram shows the life cycle of the frog ( giống hệt bài : the honey bee)
It clearly shows that there are six distinct stages in the development of a frog, beginning
with the matting between male and female frogs and ending with the appearance of
mature adult frogs.
At the first stage in the life cycle of a frog/the life cycle of a frog begins when, a couple of
female and male frogs mate together, then the female one lays a number of flogspawns
which are located in a particular place in the water. At the stage three, each frogspawn
hatches and the immature tadpole emerges.
At the fourth stage of the life cycle, the small tadpole grows remarkably with the
appearance of two legs and a long tail. Following that the tadpole continues to develop
into a young frog which has two additional legs but the tail is shorten. Next, as the young
frog emerges, its body develops in size, and it has no tail and the mature frog is ready to
leave the water and become an adult frog.
Some children can learn more efficiently by watching TV. Therefore, children
should watch TV regularly both in school and at home?
Do you agree or disagree?
Answer – balanced essay
Câu 1: Paraphrase lại câu topic của đề bài
It is true that TV programs are becoming more and more important for children’s
Câu 2: Trả lời phần thesis
While I agree that watching TV brings about some negative effects on children, I believe
they should be given the opportunity to watch TV in their classes and at home because of
many benefits.
Body 1: Đưa 1 hay 2 lý do tại sao ti vi mang lại ảnh hường không tốt cho việc học
On the one hand, some negative impacts on children can be seen when they spend time
watching TV. (Câu topic sentence)
Firstly, TV shows are highly addictive so children may waste a great deal of time,
leading to bad results and problems at school. ( Câu supporting sentence 1)
In fact, homework is often forgotten as young people tend to immerse themselves in
cartoon films or entertainment shows on TV after coming home from school. ( câu ví dụ,
hoặc giải thích chi tiết co supporting sentence 1)
Secondly, exposure to TV on a daily basis would result in a sedentary lifestyle and
deleterious health effects. ( Câu supporting sentence 2)
As a result, young learners might find it difficult to study effectively because their health
is not good enough. ( câu ví dụ, hoặc giải thích chi tiết co supporting sentence 1)
Body 2: Đưa 1 hay 2 lý do tại sao ti vi mang lại ảnh hường không tốt cho việc học
On the other hand, I still believe that children should be encouraged in watching TV.
The main reason is that they may broaden their knowledge by watching educational
programs which are displayed on television regularly.
By watching the wild animal channel, children would have a deeper understanding
about animals that are living side by side with us.
Furthermore, kids are often reluctant to study from teachers and books while they
would be keen to study about what they learn from television or the internet.
Therefore, TV shows may act as a good source of information for young learners to
enhance their knowledge efficiently.
Some children can learn more efficiently by watching TV. Therefore, children
should watch TV regularly both in school and at home?
It is said that children nowadays are able to acquire knowledge more effectively through a
range of TV programs therefore they should be given the opportunity to watch TV in their
classes and at home.
Nhiều thông tin thì sao? Giúp gì Cho việc mở rộng kiến thức? ví dụ?
By watching the wild animal channel, children would have a deeper understanding
about what difficulties that animals have to encounter to protect their lives so they would
take part in animal conservation in the future. Television also keeps children up to date
with the latest information about language and other essential skills which are all
important in anyone’s life. ( câu ví dụ, hoặc giải thích chi tiết)
While children are often indifferent to knowledge given by their teachers and other
sources, they are likely to study efficiently from TV programs which are often attractive
and funny. (Câu chốt đoạn)
Some children can learn more efficiently by watching TV. Therefore, children
should watch TV regularly both in school and at home?
It is true that TV programs are becoming more and more important for children’s
education. While I agree that watching TV brings some negative effects on children, I
believe they should be given the opportunity to watch TV in their classes and at home
because of many benefits.
On the one hand, some negative impacts on children can be seen when they spend time
watching TV. Firstly, TV shows are highly addictive so children may waste a great
deal of time, leading to bad results and problems at school. In fact, homework is often
forgotten as young people tend to immerse themselves in cartoon films or entertainment
shows on TV after coming home from school. Secondly, exposure to TV on a daily basis
would result in a sedentary lifestyle and deleterious health effects. As a result, children
may find it difficult to study effectively because their health is not good enough.
On the other hand, I still believe that children should be encouraged in watching TV. The
main reason is that they can broaden their knowledge by watching educational programs
which are displayed on television regularly. By watching the wild animal channel,
children would have a deeper understanding about animals that are living side by side
with us. Furthermore, children are often reluctant to study from teachers and books
while they would be keen to study about what they learn from television or the internet so
TV shows may act as a good source of information for young learners to enhance their
knowledge efficiently.
Some children can learn more efficiently by watching TV. Therefore, children
should watch TV regularly both in school and at home?
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is said that children nowadays are able to acquire knowledge more effectively through a
range of TV programs, therefore they should be given the opportunity to watch TV in
their classes and at home. I completely agree with this point of view.
Furthermore, watching television also brings about a higher level of emotion which helps
students study more effectively. This is because TV shows that are designed carefully and
vividly often draw learners’ attention more efficiently than books and novels. If a child
spends time watching English movies, he will immerse in those films with special sound
effects and scenes, which indirectly helps them improve their English. While children are
often indifferent to knowledge given by their teachers and other sources, they are
likely to study efficiently from TV programs which are often attractive and funny.
In conclusion, it seems to me that parents and teachers should let their children watch TV
at home and in school because of various positive impacts related to the precious
knowledge and motivation on children.
Both local and international works are necessary – chọn viết kiểu balanced essay
biết sâu sắc hơn về đất nước của • Vậy nên cần có những tác phẩm từ
Paraphrase topic: bạn đọc kỹ topic, paraphrase bằng cách đổi vế của câu, câu chủ động, bị
Đưa ra câu trả lời của mình cho topic theo hướng nửa này nửa kia.
Bạn có thể sử dụng mẫu câu sau cho nhiều bài khác nhau.
The question related to ----topic--- has become a heated topic in recent years/ has
drawn attention from the public---
Museums and art galleries should concentrate on works that show history and
culture of their own country rather than works of the other parts in the world.
The question related to whether museums and art galleries should focus on domestic
works which represent historical and cultural aspects of their own country or external
works from other countries, has drawn attention from the public in recent years. In my
opinion, both types of them should be shown in these places.
More example:
The question related to the influence of computers on education has drawn attention from
the public in recent years. While I agree that computers are very convenient and useful for
readers, I believe traditional libraries should be maitained as they are not only the best
place to store valuable documents but also an effective studying environment for all
Bước 3: Viết câu topic của body 1 – liên kết chặt chẽ với phần introduction.
Câu topic sentence của đoạn là câu nêu ra tổng quan, idea chung của cả đoạn.
Bạn có thể dùng các mẫu câu sau:
To begin with,
• It is important to---
The first supporting point is that • It is necessary to---
• ---- is of necessity to ---
Firstly, • Ving -----
• To begin with, local works play a vital role in educating people about their own history
and culture.
• On the one hand, displaying local works related to history and culture is necessary.
• On the one hand, it is very important to show local history and culture in museums and
art galleries.
Bước 4: Viết câu luận điểm để giải thích cho câu topic
Bạn có thể sử dụng câu điều kiện hoặc mệnh đề quan hệ.
• If people are given opportunities to approach domestic works in museums and art
galleries, they might have a closer insight into the history and culture of their nation.
• People who have opportunities to approach domestic works in museums and art
galleries might have a closer insight into the history and culture of their nation.
Bước 5: Viết câu ví dụ hoặc đưa ra luận cứ để giải thích cho luận điểm ở trên.
Bạn nên dựa vào luận điểm để tự đặt câu hỏi, viết chi tiết hơn cho luận điểm.
For example, through fossils and other historic objects in Hanoi museum, teenagers in the
capital have a profound understanding of historical events of Vietnam and various
difficulties their ancestors experienced to gain independence from imperial powers. Also,
they learn interesting cultural aspects passed onto different generations. Therefore, they
will take pride in their history and preserve those valuable features.
The question related to whether museums and art galleries should focus on domestic
works which represent historical and cultural aspects of their own country or external
works from other countries has drawn attention from the public in recent years. In my
opinion, both types of them should be shown on these places.
On the one hand, it is very important to show local history and culture in museums and art
galleries. If people are given opportunities to approach domestic works in museums and
art galleries, they might have a closer insight into the history and culture of their nation.
For example, through fossils and other historic objects in Hanoi museum, teenagers in the
capital have a profound understanding of historical events of Vietnam and various
difficulties their ancestors experienced to gain independence from imperial powers.
Also, they learn interesting cultural aspects passed on to different generations. Thus,
they will take pride in their history and preserve those valuable features.
On the other hand, displaying works from other parts of the world also brings certain
values. Firstly, people are often indifferent to what they learn from museums or art
galleries as they are too familiar with the traditional history which they have learnt for a
long time from books and teachers. By providing pieces of art of other cultures, museums
and art galleries can attract more visitors to discover about what they have not known in
the world. Secondly, the appearance of international art works contributes to the cultural
diversity, which helps young people understand more about other cultures and therefore
adapt to multinational companies easily in the future.
In conclusion, local works in museums and art galleries act as good sources of historical
and cultural information of a nation but works from other countries also help these
areas more attractive and bring about benefits to young people.
Bước 8: Đọc lại và soát lỗi chính tả và ngữ pháp của cả bài
I completely agree that it is a waste of money – chọn viết kiểu One-side essay
It is true that the advent of computers has led to various positive impacts on education.
Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money maintaining traditional libraries as
most library functions can be replaced by advanced computer technology. I completely
agree with this point of view.
Computers are seen as an ideal vehice for storing knowledge which is the main
function of traditional libraries. Computers with the internet access can provide a wealth
of information for readers to improve their knowledge. The website Wikipedia, for
example, acts as a valuable source of information related to all aspects of life so people
can find books about the environment, education, technology and so on. According to a
research conducted by Cambridge University some years ago, an increasingly number of
students in many parts of the world choose to study at home because they can find a lot
of suitable documents on Wikipedia to do research and enrich their knowledge.
It is true that…( giới thiệu topic)… While it can be argued that/ many people think
that…(View A), I believe that …(View B)…
There has always been considerable discussion in terms of ---( giới thiệu topic)---. It is
argued by some that ---(View A), I believe that --- ( View B)---
Body 1:
There are several reasons why/ I undrstand why people think …( View A)
Explain in detail
Explain in detail
Body 2:
View A… View B
Chú ý: bạn đồng ý quan điểm nào thì viết vào body 2.
The range of technology available to people is increasing the gap between the rich
and the poor. Others think it has an opposite effect.
There have always been considerable discussions in terms of the influence of technology
on human beings. It is argued by some that the advent of technology is responsible for
widening the gap between social classes, I believe that technology is an ideal vehicle for
people to get closer to each other.
On the one hand, I understand why some people are of the fervent conviction that
technological devices increase the gap between rich and poor people. They argue that
technological advances have led to the appearance of various luxurious products which
are so costly that only the rich in the society are able to afford. Take supercars as a
typical example, these cars are often equipped with upper-level performance engines
and other state-of-the-art equipment. Also, they have to experience rigorous testing
processes about safety before delivering to customers, so they are too expensive in the
market. It is impossible for poor people who live on small salary to buy this kind of cars
which may cost them a fortune but many rich individuals buy exorbitant cars to separate
them from society.
On the other hand, I believe that there do exist many technological inventions which
reduce the differences between wealthy and poor people. The advancement of
technology has brought many opportunities for most people from a variety of
backgrounds to approach a range of technological products which are affordable in the
market. It is exemplified by a high proportion of families in Vietnam who use air
conditioners and washing machines on a daily basis. In the past, it was difficult for
impoverished people to possess have these products which are limited in numbers and
expensive. However, not only well-off households in cities but also rural families in
the countryside can buy them to improve their living standards as they are not only
diverse in size and quantity but also cheap.
In conclusion, there are some high-tech devices which are prohibitely expensive for
poor people, but I believe that many technological products are low-cost help to narrow
the gap between rich and poor people.
Đề số 1:
The range of technology available to people is increasing the gap between the rich
and the poor.
Đề số 2:
The range of technology available to people is increasing the gap between the rich
and the poor. Others think it has an opposite effect.
Đề số 1:
Ø Giám khảo đưa ra một luận điểm và hỏi bạn mức độ đồng ý hoặc không đồng ý với
quan điểm đó, tức là bạn có lựa chọn đồng ý, không đồng ý hay nửa này nửa kia.
Ø Ở đây xuyên suốt cả bài là quan điểm của bạn và bạn phải giải thích nó.
Đề số 2:
Ø Giám khảo đưa thêm một luận điểm 2 đối lập với luận điểm 1 và yêu cầu bạn phải
thảo luận về cả 2 luận điểm đó, đồng thời đưa ra ý kiến về việc bạn đồng ý quan
điểm nào hơn. Vì vậy, nếu bạn đồng ý quan điểm thứ 2 thì bạn phải giải thích tại sao
những người khác lại đồng ý với quan điểm một.
Ø Ở đây bạn phải thảo luận cả 2 ý, tuy nhiên một quan điểm là ý của người khác, bạn
phải giải thích tại sao họ lại nghĩ như vậy và một quan điểm là ý của bạn.
v Introduction:
There have always been considerable discussions in terms of the influence of technology
on human beings. It is argued by some that the advent of technology is responsible for
widening the gap between social classes, I believe that technology is an ideal vehicle for
people to get closer to each other.
Câu 1:
Cover lại topic bằng cách đưa ra một câu mang tính khái quát, ở đây bạn có thể thấy rằng
vế 1: tăng khoảng cách giữa ngườ giàu và nghèo và vế 2: giảm khoảng cách giữa người
giàu và nghèo – cả 2 về đều là sự ảnh hưởng của công nghệ lên xã hội ( tăng hay giảm).
Vì vậy, mình đưa ra câu khái quát cho cả 2 vế là “the influence of teachnology on
human beings”.
Câu 2:
Trả lời cho câu hỏi phần thesis kèm theo quan điểm của bản thân bạn.
v Body 1:
On the one hand, I understand why some people are of the fervent conviction that
technological devices increase the gap between rich and poor people. They argue that
technological advances have led to the appearance of various luxurious products which
are so costly that only the rich in the society are able to afford. Take supercars as a
typical example, these cars are often equipped with upper-level performance engines
and other state-of-the-art equipment. Also, they have to experience rigorous testing
process about safety before delivery to customers, so they are too expensive in the
market. It is impossible for poor people who live on small salary to buy this kind of cars
which may cost them a fortune but many rich individuals buy exorbitant cars to separate
them from society.
Rephrase lại ý 1 của phần Introduction, và thể hiện rằng đó là ý kiến của người khác (
some people are of ferven conviction that)
Đưa ra các luận điểm để bổ sung ý cho câu topic sentence, sử dụng các ví dụ, dẫn chứng
để giải thích cho luận điểm của bạn.
v Body 2:
On the other hand, I believe that there do exist many technological inventions which
reduce the difference between wealthy and poor people. The advancement of
technology has brought many opportunities for most people from a variety of
backgrounds to approach a range of technological products which are affordable in the
market. It is exemplified by a high proportion of families in Vietnam who use air
conditioners and washing machines on a daily basis. In the past, it was difficult for
impoverished people to possess have these products which are limited in numbers and
expensive. However, not only well-off households in cities but also rural families in
the countryside can buy them to improve their living standards as they are not only
diverse in size and quantity but also cheap.
Rephrase lại ý 2 của phần Introduction, và thể hiện rằng đó là ý kiến của bạn ( I believe
that )
Đưa ra các luận điểm để bổ sung ý cho câu topic sentence, sử dụng các ví dụ, dẫn chứng
để giải thích cho luận điểm của bạn.
v Conclusion
In conclusion, there are some high-tech devices which are prohibitely expensive for
poor people, but I believe that many technological products are low-cost contribute to
narrow the gap between rich and poor people.
Khẳng định lại một lần nữa bằng cách tổng hợp thông tin chính của body 1 và body 2
Câu 2:
While I accept that ---- I believe that they are more likely to have a harmful impact.
In my view, the drawbacks/disadvantages of those changes are more significant than the
Body 1:
Body 2:
However, I would argue that these benefits are outweighed by the drawbacks/ the
drawbacks are more significant
On the other hand, I suppose the drawbacks of --- would eclipse those analyzed
It is true that there has been an increase in the number of low-cost commodities for
consumers in recent years. Although there are still some drawbacks of this trend, I
believe that its benefits are more significant.
On the one hand, the availability of affordable products in the world brings about some
disadvantages. Firstly, buyers may have to face with the risk of buying poor quality
products which are inexpensive in the market. This is because companies need to cut
down some kinds of budgets to serve for their mass production and do not pay
attention to the commodities’ quality. Secondly, it would be very difficult for small
producers to compete with big companies/ entrepreneuses which dominate the market
with a huge amount of money. As a result, many businesses will be on the verge of
bankruptcy as they are not able to make enough profits from products with reasonable
On the other hand, I would argue that the downsides given above are eclipsed by a variety
of positive points. The first supporting point is that people have a chance to approach
different kinds of affordable commodities. For example, most citizens in Vietnam can
possess a smart phone from some famous brands in the world such as apple since it is
much more affordable now than in the past. Furthermore, thanks to a greater demand for
cheap products, big companies may take advantage of their financial sources to launch
more factories and hire a lot of employees, which contributes to a lower unemployment
rate and boost the economy/form a prosperous nation.
In conclusion, I believe that the drawbacks in terms of the quality of low-cost products
and competitions between companies are outweighed by its benefits related to customers
and the economy.
v Introduction:
It is true that there has been an increase in the number of low-cost commodities for
consumers in recent years. Although there are still some drawbacks of this trend, I
believe that its benefits are more significant.
Cover lại topic và nói rõ ràng điểm tốt và điểm xấu cái nào nhiều hơn, nếu bạn đồng ý
điểm tốt nhiều hơn thì bạn phải thể hiện được điều đó.
v Body 1:
On the one hand, the availability of affordable products in the world brings about some
disadvantages. Firstly, buyers may have to face with the risk of buying poor quality
products which are inexpensive in the market. This is because companies need to cut
down some kinds of budgets to serve for their mass production and do not pay
attention to the commodities’ quality. Secondly, it would be very difficult for small
producers to compete with big companies/ entrepreneuses which dominate the market
with a huge amount of money. As a result, many businesses will be on the verge of
bankruptcy as they are not able to make enough profits from products with reasonable
Rephrase lại ý 1 của phần Introduction, thể hiện tổng quan rằng hàng hoá giá rẻ mang lại
những ảnh hưởng xấu
Đưa ra các luận điểm để bổ sung ý cho câu topic sentence, sử dụng các ví dụ, dẫn chứng
để giải thích cho luận điểm của bạn.
v Body 2:
On the other hand, I would argue that the downsides given above are eclipsed by a variety
of positive points. The first supporting point is that people have a chance to approach
different kinds of affordable commodities. For example, most citizens in Vietnam can
possess a smart phone from some famous brands in the world such as apple since it is
much more affordable now than in the past. Furthermore, thanks to a greater demand for
cheap products, big companies may take advantage of their financial sources to launch
more factories and hire a lot of employees, which contributes to a lower unemployment
rate and boost the economy/form a prosperous nation.
Rephrase lại ý 2 của phần Introduction, câu này bạn phải thể hiện rằng điểm tốt nhiều hơn
điểm xấu
Đưa ra các luận điểm để bổ sung ý cho câu topic sentence, sử dụng các ví dụ, dẫn chứng
để giải thích cho luận điểm của bạn.
v Conclusion
In conclusion, I believe that the drawbacks in terms of the quality of low-cost products
and competitions between companies are outweighed by its benefits related to customers
and the economy.
Khẳng định lại một lần nữa bằng cách tổng hợp thông tin chính của body 1 và body 2
It is true that…( giới thiệu topic)… While I agree that…(View A), I believe that …(View
It is said that --- In my opinion, this trend have both positive and negative in equal
Body 1:
Explain in detail
Explain in detail
Body 2:
View A… View B
Chú ý: bạn đồng ý quan điểm nào hơn thì viết vào body 2.
Chú ý: đọc bài mẫu để thấy được sự khác nhau giữa khung một bài hoàn toàn đồng
ý là tốt hoặc xấu hoặc nửa này nửa kia.
It is true that the advent of technology in recent years has enabled people to visit a
number of remote places in the world. In my opinion, this trend could have both positive
and negative consequences in equal measure.
On the on hand, visiting isolated communities and locations would be seen as positive
for two main reasons. Firstly, an increase in the number of tours to those areas
contributes to the cultural diversity and brings a great deal of knowledge about local
citizens. If they have the chance to talk with tourists from different places, they are able
to have a deeper understanding about other cultures and a more well-rounded
perspective of life. Secondly, foreign tourists contribute a lot to the society visited as
they use a large amount of money for food, accommodation, souvenirs and other
services, which is considered an economic boost for this area.
On the other hand, the trend towards visiting far-away destinations can be considered
on the opposite angle. Travel companies may invest a lot of money in land to build tourist
attractions in isolated areas. In fact, the local people would have to suffer from some
looses and negative changes as they depend heavily on land to make agricultural
products for a living. Furthermore, visitors from other countries often discharge rubbish
and toxic unrecycled waste when they pay visits to other locations. As a result, some
negative impacts on the environment can be seen due to the rise in tours to remote
communities and nations.
In conclusion, the popularity of tours to isolated communities and countries help travelers
enrich their knowledge and the economy of the area visited, but the damage to farmars
and environment should be equally considered.
v Introduction:
It is true that the advent of technology in recent years has enabled people to visit a
number of remote places in the world. In my opinion, this trend could have both positive
and negative consequences in equal measure.
Cover lại topic và nói rõ ràng rằng bạn cho nó hoàn toàn là điểm tốt, hoàn toàn là xấu hay
cả tốt cả xấu. ( với bài này mình cho rằng cả tốt và xấu)
Body 1:
On the on hand, visiting isolated communities and locations would be seen as positive
for two main reasons. Firstly, an increase in the number of tours to those areas
contributes to the cultural diversity and brings a great deal of knowledge about local
citizens. If they have the chance to talk with tourists from different places, they are able
to have a deeper understanding about other cultures and a more well-rounded
perspective of life. Secondly, foreign tourists contribute a lot to the society visited as
they use a large amount of money for food, accommodation, souvenirs and other
services, which is considered an economic boost for this area.
Rephrase lại ý 1 của phần Introduction, thể hiện tổng quan rằng xu hướng đó lại được cho
là tốt.
Đưa ra các luận điểm để bổ sung ý cho câu topic sentence, sử dụng các ví dụ, dẫn chứng
để giải thích cho luận điểm của bạn.
v Body 2:
On the other hand, the trend towards visiting far-away destinations can be considered
on the opposite angle. Travel companies may invest a lot of money in land to build tourist
attractions in isolated areas. In fact, the local people would have to suffer from some
looses and negative changes as they depend heavily on land to make agricultural
products for a living. Furthermore, visitors from other countries often discharge rubbish
and toxic unrecycled waste when they pay visits to other locations. As a result, some
negative impacts on the environment can be seen due to the rise in tours to remote
communities and nations.
Rephrase lại ý 2 của phần Introduction, câu này bạn phải thể hiện rằng tại sao xu hướng
đó lại được cho là xấu
Đưa ra các luận điểm để bổ sung ý cho câu topic sentence, sử dụng các ví dụ, dẫn chứng
để giải thích cho luận điểm của bạn.
v Conclusion
In conclusion, the popularity of tours to isolated communities and countries help travelers
enrich their knowledge and the economy of the area visited, but the damage to farmars
and environment should be equally considered.
Khẳng định lại một lần nữa bằng cách tổng hợp thông tin chính của body 1 và body 2
Body 1:
Furthermore, ---
Body 2:
There are several actions that governments could take to solve/address/tackle the
problems described above.
The government should take some immediate actions to mitigate this situation.
Finally, ---
Various measures can be taken to tackle the problems that are certain to arise as ---(
something happens)---
The world of work rapidly changes and employees cannot depend on the same job
and working conditions for life.
Give causes for rapid changes and suggest some ways for people to prepare for their
It is true that nowadays workers are no longer dependent on the same work environment
for a long time due to changes in the job market. This essay will analyze some possible
causes and I believe that several measures can be taken into account to address this
There are two principal reasons why the job market has changed remarkably in recent
years. It has become more and more competitive due to the population explosion, which
has forced many employees to change their workplaces. Take Vietnam as a prime
example, various workers have flocked to the countryside or small towns in search of job
opportunities for their living because it is very difficult for them to live in Hanoi and
other densely populated cities. Moreover, governments have been investing a huge
amount of money in education systems, leading to more well-educated workforces.
Hence, people have to apply themselves to develop practical skills unless it is
impossible for them to maintain their job and compete with younger candidates.
Despite those changes mentioned above, I still believe that people can take some methods
to have a good preparation for their future. An effective solution is for governments to
change policies in which citizens have to control their childbirth and encourage the
expansion of more companies and factories through taxes. Hence, people will have more
chances to seek for a job, which helps them earn enough money to raise their family
and meet different needs in their life. Another possible method is that various exchange
programs between companies need to be held around the world, therefore workers have
opportunities to become more versatile by learning important skills from others to meet
all requirements.
In conclusion, reasons related to the population and education lead to some changes in the
world of work. However, governments and companies can take immediate steps to help
workers prepare carefully for their future career.
v Introduction:
It is true that nowadays workers are no longer dependent on the same work environment
for a long time due to changes in the job market. This essay will analyze some possible
causes and I believe that several measures can be taken into account to address this
Cover lại topic và trả lời hai câu hỏi về nguyên nhân và giải pháp cho luận điểm
Body 1:
There are two principal reasons why the job market has changed remarkably in recent
years. It has become more and more competitive due to the population explosion, which
has forced many employees to change their workplaces. Take Vietnam as a prime
example, various workers have flocked to the countryside or small towns in search of job
opportunities for their living because it is very difficult for them to live in Hanoi and
other densely populated cities. Moreover, governments have been investing a huge
amount of money in education systems, leading to more well-educated workforces.
Hence, people have to apply themselves to develop practical skills unless it is
impossible for them to maintain their job and compete with younger candidates.
Đưa ra các luận điểm để bổ sung ý cho câu topic sentence, sử dụng các ví dụ, dẫn chứng
để giải thích về các nguyên nhân của vấn đề.
v Body 2:
Despite those changes mentioned above, I still believe that people can take some methods
to have a good preparation for their future. An effective solution is for governments to
change policies in which citizens have to control their childbirth and encourage the
expansion of more companies and factories through taxes. Hence, people will have more
chances to seek for a job, which helps them earn enough money to raise their family
and meet different needs in their life. Another possible method is that various exchange
programs between companies need to be held around the world, therefore workers have
opportunities to become more versatile by learning important skills from others to meet
all requirements.
Đưa ra các giải pháp để bổ sung ý cho câu topic câu toptic sentence, chú ý rằng, các giải
pháp phải đi kèm với nguyên nhân ở trên, xử lý nguyên nhân, vấn đề ở trên
In conclusion, reasons related to the population and education lead to some changes in the
world of work. However, governments and companies can take immediate steps to help
workers prepare carefully for their future career.
Khẳng định lại một lần nữa bằng cách tổng hợp thông tin chính của body 1 và body 2
1. Providing Reasons
2. Providing Examples
Do you like to keep fit?Yes! I like to keep fit. I am keen on sports! For instance, I play
basketball every week and use the gym whenever I have the chance.
Do you like learning a new language?
Yes! I really do! Take learning English as example. I love reading English magazines and
listening to English podcasts.
3. Providing Details
What responsibilities do you have at work?
My greatest responsibilities at work are negotiating and maintaining relationships with our
clients. I also need to stay organized and be sure to make sure I understand the products I'm
5. Making Speculations
How to Answer IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions
I. First Strategy
In the first strategy, the structure of the response is divided into 3 parts:
1. Introduction: In the introduction, you can rephrase the question a little, and then use a
sentence to introduce what you will talk about. Just a simple introductory phrase like,
"I'm going to talk about..." or "I'd like to talk about..." will work just fine. The
introduction usually takes up around 10 seconds. Or you can say something like,
"Hmm..this is an interesting topic. My first thought is.." or, "That's a tough
question for me, but if I had to choose, I'd choose..". Then, you'll want to move on to
talk about the main points.
2. Main points: When you've decided what you want to talk about, the first thing you'll
want to do is to think about question words like "who," "what," "where," or "when,"
and then, you can start coming up with basic responses to these questions. You can write
down a few of your ideas on your paper. Next, you can start looking at the bullet points,
and then choose two of them to talk about. Again, you can write down a few ideas for
each bullet point on the card. Finally, you want to focus on questions that start with
"why". Usually there is a "why" question on the question card.
3. Extension: If up to this point, you have still not used all 2 minutes of your time, you can
extend your answer by talking about how you feel overall and what you might like to
do in the future in regards to the topic. Doing that should help you add another 20
seconds. You can always start with sentences like "Overall, I feel .., and "I think in the
future I will....".
Example Question:
Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you have. You should say:
what it is
what you used it for
how long you have used it
and describe why it is important to you
Sample Answer:
This is an interesting topic. My first thought is that I find a lot of electronic equipment
useful, but today I am going to talk about the laptop I have.
My laptop computer is manufactured by HP. This laptop has a good configuration and it
supports most of the latest software. It came with the Windows 8 operating system and a
warranty for three years. I remembered my mom bought it for me as a present. We bought it at
Best Buy. I remember it was black friday, so the computers were on sale and we got a great
As for what I use it for, I'd say it is useful in virtually all aspects of my life, including
studying, and entertainment. For instance, I use my laptop to take notes. I remember I used to
take notes by hand in highschool. It was extremely time-consuming. Now with my laptop, I can
type notes directly into a document. It is just much faster and much more flexible. I also use my
laptop for entertainment purposes. For example, when I get home from school, I listen to music
on my laptop. On weekends, I like watching my favorite TV shows on Netflix. If I didn't have
my laptop, I would have to use my phone to watch videos, and I think the phone's screen would
be too small for me to really enjoy the programme.
With regards to how long I have used it, well, I had my old laptop for over 5 years, but I
finally decided to upgrade and bought my current one a year ago.
Finally, I want to talk about why the laptop is important to me. As I said earlier, this laptop
has become an essential piece of equipment for me in almost every aspect of my life. I use it to
watch movies and listen to music. I also use it to take notes. I even use it to write a blog, and
play games occasionally.
Overall, I feel I am a bit emotionally attached to this laptop as it has become a part of my life. I
think in the future, I will continue to use it until it stops working. Even if it breaks, I'll
probably still keep it and treat it as a valuable.
Example Question:
Describe people that you know and believe to be very good parents. You should say:
Sample Answer:
There are lots of ways to be a good parent, and today I'd like to tell you three stories about my
experiences with parenting. Well, first of all, when I was growing up, I think I was very
fortunate to have good parents. My parents both worked very hard, but also took the time to
make sure they taught us valuable lessons and spent time with us every day. I remember that we
would always have dinner at the dinner table together, and my mother and father would ask me
and my siblings questions about our day and make jokes with us. They are still very important
people in my life now. Next, I'd like to talk about some great parents that I know today. They
are my friends who are new parents. Even though they are still learning about how to be good
parents, I watch them lose sleep each night and sacrifice their own comfort regularly for the
sake of their baby. The mother is so patient, even when she has not had time to take a shower or
relax, she always smiles and plays with the baby. The father works hard and even after a long
day, he still takes time to give his wife a break when he comes home from work, so she can
have some time to herself. The couple is not only kind to their baby, but they are also kind to
each other. For my last story today, I'm going to tell you about a TV show I saw that has
influenced how I think I want to be a parent in the future. The show is called "Parenthood," and
it's a sitcom about a few different families. Although they are all very different, the thing that
holds them together is their support, honesty, and love for one another. I hope that when I
become a parent someday, I can give my family the same amount of all of those things, and be
accepting of my children even if they are different from how I expected them to be.
How to Answer IELTS Speaking Questions Part 3
Sample Question
What do you think cities will be like in 50 years time?
Describe the prediction: I think cities in the future will be more densely populated. At the
same time, people will still require transportation, so I think the transportation in future cities
will be more modern, fast, and convenient.
Describe the current trend and say this trend will probably continue: In fact, I think there
is a growing trend across the world of futuristic cities emerging where transportation is
becoming more convenient to meet the growing demands of population. This trend will
probably continue going forward.
Describe how you feel about this prediction: I personally like this trend as more futuristic
cities will emerge. A good example of a futuristic city is I think I will say it is Tokyo, where
people have access to clean transportation, and live in compact spaces, like high-rises.
1. State that there have been changes over the past decades
2. Describe the first comparison
3. Describe the second comparison
4. Describe how you feel about this change (Optional)
Sample Question
How has teaching changed in your country over the past few decades?
Model Answer and Analysis:
State that there have been changes over the past decade: In the past few decades, there have
definitely been some noticeable changes in education through generations.
Describe the first comparison: I mean ..most notably, students today can no longer be
punished physically by teachers, while in the past, that was pretty common.
Describe the second comparison: Another way that education has changed is teacher student
interaction. Today, it’s more normal to see students answering questions and having
discussions, while in the past, the teacher simply lectured, and the students listened silently.
Describe how you feel about this change: Overall, I think education is making progress in my
Sample Question
What are the differences between living in the city and the countryside?
State that there are a few differences between two things: For me, there are quite a few
differences between life in the city and life in the country. Life in the city and in the country is
vastly different.
Describe the first comparison: First of all, the way people interact with each other is different.
For example, in a small town, people usually wave to say hello, and notice strangers in town.
But in a big city, most people ignore each other and try to give each other space in public.
Describe the second comparison: Another big difference between the two is the amount of
noise, which is higher in cities, and lower in small towns.
4. Provide solutions to a problem:
Sample Question
How can we stop violence on TV?
Briefly talk about the problem: I think violence on TV is the most problematic for children,
but there isn’t really a simple way to make it stop, because there is a demand for action, horror,
and excitement on TV.
Talk about the first solution: The way I see it, there are two possible ways to deal with violent
TV shows. The first is to make policies that actually ban that kind of programming altogether,
although that would likely not be popular.
Talk about the second solution: The second way could be to educate people on why violent
TV shows are problematic, and see if they will stop watching the shows to lower the demand
for them.
Describe how you feel about the problem and the solutions: I mean either way, I think this
problem probably isn’t going to disappear with just one simple solution.
Sample Question
What are some of the causes of water pollution?
Model Answer and Analysis:
Briefly talk about the phenomenon: Water pollution definitely has more disastrous effects on
our health
Point out the cause or effect: From what I understand, water pollution is caused mostly by
human activity, so it seems like the likely sources of water pollution would be factories, runoff
from farms, and sewage from cities.
Provide an example of the cause or effect: For instance, I’ve seen a few studies recently that
declared the Australian Great Barrier Reef to be dead due to man-made pollutants and garbage
in the water.
Describe how you feel about the phenomenon: I think it’s quite sad, as that probably could
have been prevented if people paid more attention to the effects big industry has on the
Sample Question
How popular is watching television in your country?
Answer the question: As far as I know, watching TV is probably one of the most popular
pastimes for people in my country.
Give examples of how most people do things: For example, in the evening, almost every
home I pass has the TV in the living room switched on, and families will be sitting around
together watching shows. I think most people like watching the news, or watching dramas.
Give examples of how you do things: As for me, I also watch quite a bit of TV when I’m at
home. For instance, I watch sitcoms on Friday nights after work.I guess other people in my
country probably do the same thing as I do.
*For these question types, you can use the following structure to form your speaking
Sample Question
Do you think people spend too much money on electronic devices?
Answer the question: If you ask me, yes, I think that some people spend too much money
trying to keep up with the latest trends in technology.
Explain the reason: However, I can understand why they do it, because these days devices
become obsolete almost immediately after they are purchased.
Give examples to support your reasons: For example, a new smartphone might have some
great new camera today, but tomorrow, another one will appear with an even better camera.
Then, everyone will want to upgrade to the new device. As for me, I am satisfied with using a
slightly outdated device in order to save money until I really need a new one.
Sample Question
Do you generally read a lot of books or do you prefer watching T.V?
Answer the question: Even though I love to read, the reality is I spend quite a bit more time
watching TV.
Explain the reason: I think the main reason I watch more TV is because it’s lazier, which is
unfortunate. But at the same time, there are some great shows to choose from.
Give examples to support your reasons: For instance, one of my favorite shows is “Dexter”,
which has great writing, an interesting plot, and well-developed characters, just like a book. I
think in the age we live in now, TV is just going to keep getting better and better, so I am going
to probably continue watching more TV.
9. Talk about a hypothetical situation
Sample Question
If you could influence or had the power to change the world with your writings what would you
want to change?
Answer the question: If I could change the world with my writings, my biggest priority would
probably be to educate people about how and why they need to make changes to what they buy,
what they eat, and consume to help save the environment.
Explain the reason: The main reason is that people nowadays are using so much disposable
plastic and products. This has led to many environmental problems. If my writing could change
our consumption habits, that would have a drastic effect on our environmental footprint.
Give examples to support your reasons: For example, I’ve seen a few studies recently
predicting that, by 2050, the mass of plastic in the world’s oceans will exceed the mass of all
the fish that live there. If that happens, the entire food chain will be severely damaged.