Akyu Hpyi Ai Lam
Akyu Hpyi Ai Lam
Akyu Hpyi Ai Lam
Offering Prayer:- Mighty God thank you for providing us this precious hours to worship you as
one faith. Thank you Lord for your bountiful blessing in our daily lives.
We give thanks and praise you o’ Lord. We give thanks for your goodness, mercy and
righteousness, o’Lord. Please accept our heartfelt thanks and continue to grant us strength, peace
and joy. Empower us with your Holy Spirit to serve you in the newness of life. We count your
blessing and we acknowledge that it always overwhelm our cup. Thank you Lord for your
bountiful blessing. Now we bring some amount of money as we are able. Please accept our
offering Lord. Accept it and use it for the extension of your kingdom. We ask you continuously
bless whatever we need in our daily lives.
Assessory Prayer: Mighty God thank you for providing us this precious hours to worship you as
one faith and celebrate the 9th commencement Excercises of the All Nation Theological
Seminary. We especially give thanks for your goodness upon the All ation Theological seminary
throughout the year. Thank you for using All Nations Theological Seminary as your useful
instrument to produce ministers for your kingdom ministry. Bless upon all the administrators,
teaching staffs and office staffs of All Nation Theological Seminary so that they may serve with
new strength and new vision to produce more effective ministers in the future. Empower them
with your holy spirit to serve you in the newness of life. Bless upon those who support
financially to the Nation Theological Seminary so that they may receive bountiful blessing in
their daily life.
We also pray for the (graduating) students those who have received/are going to receive their
respective degree today. Holy father bless them with your bountiful blessing. Wherever they are,
whatever they do, be with them and bless them so that they may be obedient to your will and
strong in your spirit to show your love and share the good news of the gospel to the world.
We also pray for all those who are gathering here today. God you have accepted all of us as your
children in your son Jesus Christ. Direct our minds, so that we all may do what you want and not
what the world want us to do. Help all of us to obey you on earth and glorify your name by our
words and deeds. For the sake of Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us our sins. Grant us
by your Holy Spirit to discern good from evil and to do only what is right. Holy God, enable us
to forgive others, that with new life we may serve you and all men.
We also pray for our country and for all countries in the world, that every human being may live
at peace with justice and honour. Bless upon the message which we have heard today/ are going
to receive today and nurture our faith through that message. Dear God, refresh our spirit and
remind us to seek your touch in our daily life so that our wholeness of life may glorify your
name more and more. Lord, fill us with your love and power. Let your blessing fall upon us. We
submit the rest of our lives unto your hand.We pray all these things in the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
We are celebrating Mg Mg birthday thanksgiving celebration. We especially give thanks for your
goodness upon the life of our beloved professor Dr Mg Mg. He expresses his heartfelt thakns to
you o’Lord for your healing upon his heart problem, and for what you have done upon his life
and his family. Thank you Lord! Your unending mercy turned the darkness of death into the
down of new life; the darkness of grief to the peace in his life. That is why he give
heartfeltthanks for your goodness, mercy and righteousness. Pleace accept his heartfeltthanks
and continue to give him strength, peace, joy and long life. Empower him with your holy spirit to
serve you in the newness of life. Bless his family and his wife so that they may be more helpful
in the kingdom ministry as a good family members. Bless his youngest son to pass the exam with
flying color. Bless his parents, brothers, and sisters, nephews and nieces, and all of his relatives
those who are living in Myanmar and abroad.Holy father bless them with your bountiful
blessing. Wherever they are, whatever they do, be with them and bless them. O’Lord thank you
for your sending our admireable presedent to deliver your message. Bless upon the message and
nurture our faith through that message. Dear God, refresh our spirit and remind us to seek your
touch in our daily life so that our words and deeds may magnify your glory more and more.
Lord, fill us with your love and power. Let your blessing fall upon us. We submit ourselves unto
your hand.
Thanksgiving prayer
Eternal and loving God, today we give thanks to you for your goodness through all the years of
worship and witness in this place; for your grace in calling us to be your people for your love
revealed to us in Christ your son, for your gift of the spirit and the joy of salvation; for all who
have been members of this congregation, for those whose wisdom guided our congregation. Give
us the assurance that we too belong to that great company, and that we too may find the peace
that passes understanding through Jesus Christ our Savior.
Prayer in English
Lord, help us trust you all the time, regardless of what comes our way. Please draw me back to
your ways and teach me what's most important. May I learn to always put you first. Please
provides the strength we need to follow and obey your will. Let us celebrate together before God.
Blessed savior, make me humble. Take away my sinful pride. Help me stay close by your side.
Lord, you see what's in my heart. Help me live the kind of life that's loving, kind, and true. Lord
grant me a heart of compassion, so burdened for others' needs that I will show your kindness in
attitudes, words, and deeds. Dear Lord, help us to follow the timeless standards of the Bible in
speech, clothing, and other lifestyles matters. May all we say and do bring glory to you. Lord, we
desire to walk closely with you every day. Help us to seek You diligently and follow you
obediently. As we read Your Word, O Lord, Our spirit will be fed; we then can share with others
that precious living bread. Wherever I am, whatever I do, O God, please help me to live in a way
that makes me credible as your representative. Lord teach us from your holy Word the Truth that
we must know, and help us share the joyous news of blessings you bestow. Lord, help us to turn
to you not only in sadness but also in joy. May we learn to trust you in all seasons of life.
Father, thank you for the spirit fill us with love and power; change us into Chirst's own
image day by day and hour by hour. Lord, help us always put Your first in everything we say and
do so that your light will shine through us and show the world their need of you.
Lord, give me a listening heart and help me to cooperate with you when you point out
changes that needs to be made in my life. I want to honor you and please you.
Help me dear Lord, to be honest and true in all that I say and all that I do; give me the courage to
do what is right, to bring to the world a glimpse of your light. O Lord, help me in every way to
have a faithful heart; teach me to have and serve your church. Give me the insight, Lord, as I
hear your Word today, so I will truly understand your message and your way. Thank you , Lord,
for dying for me on the cross of Calvary; help me always to remember what you did to set me
free. Although I may not understand the path you are laid for me, complete surrender to your
will, Lord this my prayer shall be.
Almighty and everlasting God, we thank you for giving this precious time to celebrate the
Baccalaureate service of MIT at this Judson Church, this evening. Your blessing is always
overwhelms the cups of MIT, that is why we praise your name, Your love, and mercy Lord.
Now we unite our hearts and pray for the graduating students who are standing and bow
down before you, Lord. By Your wonderful blessing these students have already completed all
the requirements of their respective degree programs and celebrating Baccalaureate service with
heartfelt thanks. Lord, we come to adore you that You did a great thing in their lives. We praise
you for the good gifts to bestow upon them.
Lord, once again we dedicate their lives unto your mighty hands so that they may become
good instruments for your Kingdom ministry. As they begin again a new chapter of their lives in
your ministry, bless them Lord, so that they may always learn to put You first in their daily lives.
They may always read Your Word, the Bible, and learn to love You and to serve as You want
them to serve in the ministry. Help them trust you all the time, regardless of what comes their
way. Lord, give them a listening heart and help them in every way to have a faithful heart.
Please provide the strength they need to follow and obey your will. Help them dear Lord,
to be honest and true in all that they say and all that they do. Give them the courage to do what is
right and to bring the world a sense of peace. May their lives maintain Your sense of purpose and
continue to live as examples of faith, hope, love and courage to all.
Direct their minds, souls and bodies so that they may do what you want and not what the
world want them to do. Grant Your wisdom upon them, and help them to serve in the ministry
faithfully and effectively.
Bless all of us who are gathering here this evening. We pray all these things in the name
of Our Lord Jesus Christ. A men.
Almighty and everlasting God, we thank you for giving this precious time to unite our hearts and
pray for all those who graduate today. Lord you have done a great ting in their lives. That is why
we praise your name, goodness and mercy Lord.
Creator God we ask your mighty hand to be upon all those who graduate today. Bless their lives
from this day on with goodness and love. Help them to use their gifts wisely and to walk into the
future with faith, hope and love. Give them strength to resist the temptations of greed, laziness,
pride and envy as they strive to do and be their best.
Lord, we pray that you will give them direction, purpose and perseverance as they enter the next
phrase of their lives. We ask that may your spirit would empower them with great foresight,
godly wisdom, daily discipline, and a sense of purpose as they enter a new season of their lives.
Give them clearness of mind to move forward into the plans and purposes that you have for
them. May these young people gain wisdom from you and have the boldness to stand up for what
is right wherever they work, study or socialize.
Please provide the strength they need to follow and obey your will. Help them dear Lord, to be
honest and true in all that they say and all that they do. Give them the courage to do what is right
and to bring the world a sense of peace. Lord, may their lives maintain your sense of purpose and
continue to live as examples of faith, hope, love and courage to all.
Please direct their minds, souls, and bodies so that they may not only search for justice, equality
and human dignity, but also serve for the reconciliation and unity of all humanity and the whole
of creation in their daily lives.
We pray all these things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Prayer in English
Lord, help us trust you all the time, regardless of what comes our way. Please draw me back to
your ways and teach me what's most important. May I learn to always put you first. Please
provides the strength we need to follow and obey your will. Let us celebrate together before God.
Blessed savior, make me humble. Take away my sinful pride. Help me stay close by your side.
Lord, you see what's in my heart. Help me live the kind of life that's loving, kind, and true. Lord
grant me a heart of compassion, so burdened for others' needs that I will show your kindness in
attitudes, words, and deeds. Dear Lord, help us to follow the timeless standards of the Bible in
speech, clothing, and other lifestyles matters. May all we say and do bring glory to you. Lord, we
desire to walk closely with you every day. Help us to seek You diligently and follow you
obediently. As we read Your Word, O Lord, Our spirit will be fed; we then can share with others
that precious living bread. Wherever I am, whatever I do, O God, please help me to live in a way
that makes me credible as your representative. Lord teach us from your holy Word the Truth that
we must know, and help us share the joyous news of blessings you bestow. Lord, help us to turn
to you not only in sadness but also in joy. May we learn to trust you in all seasons of life.
Father, thank you for the spirit fill us with love and power; change us into Chirst's own
image day by day and hour by hour. Lord, help us always put Your first in everything we say and
do so that your light will shine through us and show the world their need of you.
Lord, give me a listening heart and help me to cooperate with you when you point out
changes that needs to be made in my life. I want to honor you and please you.
Help me dear Lord, to be honest and true in all that I say and all that I do; give me the courage to
do what is right, to bring to the world a glimpse of your light. O Lord, help me in every way to
have a faithful heart; teach me to have and serve your church. Give me the insight, Lord, as I
hear your Word today, so I will truly understand your message and your way. Thank you , Lord,
for dying for me on the cross of Calvary; help me always to remember what you did to set me
free. Although I may not understand the path you are laid for me, complete surrender to your
will, Lord my prayer shall be.
Father, allow me to serve others with joyful heart; never keeping score. Allow me to give
of myself, of my talents, and of my goods, of my time and of my energy, my heart and soul. Hel[
me understand the needs of others, never criticizing, never demeaning, never scolding and never
condemning. You have been so gracious to me, always loving, forgiving and restoring. Allow me
to serve others as you serve, with gentleness, compassion, and tenderness, never diminishing the
worth of another. Choosing to extend mercy to the brokenhearted, like you have repeatedly
shown it to me.
Lord, teach me your way of treating others, eating, drinking. Teach me compassion for the
suffering, the poor, the blind, and the lame. Teach me your way of looking at people.
O Lord, we thank you for being with us through our worship service. And now we come
to you again with unite our hearts for the celebration of the fare-well service. By your grace we
MIT community always receive new blessing and fresh joy in our everyday lives. Your blessing
is always overwhelms the cups of MIT, that is why we praise your name, your love, your
goodness and mercy Lord. Now we pray for Saya.... Lord! Thank you for your using him/her as a
good servant at MIT for several years. By your grace, she got admission to study master program
at ... University in Thailand. We praise you for the good gifts to bestow upon him/her. Lord,
bless upon her preparation to go to Thailand and upon her study there so that she will ever have
succeed and good fortune in her undertakings. God as she begins this new stage in life, help her
retain strength of spirit. May her life maintain your sense of purpose and continue to live as
examples of faith, hope love and courage to all. Bless all her family members and relatives, and
friends those who are going to supp0ort her in her study. Direct her mind, soul and body so that
she may do what you want and not what the world want her to do. Grant your wisdom upon her
and help her to do all the academic work successfully and bless her to come back to MIT with
great successful achievement. Bless all of us those who are gathering here this morning. we pray
in ......
Father, we pray for those graduating from high school or college this year. What a tremendous and
long-range accomplishment this is in their lives. We ask that You would empower our graduates with
great foresight, godly wisdom, daily discipline, and a sense of purpose as they enter a new season of
their lives. May their hearts be fully consecrated to You as they use their natural giftings and learned
skills in the marketplace. Though much about their future is not yet revealed, You have given absolute
direction about their personal spiritual walk. No matter what field of study or where they locate
geographically may they listen intently to Your command: “This is the way; walk in it.” No matter what
season of life, help us to never forsake the unchanging, fundamental truths we learn from steadfastly
walking in Your way. We joyfully acknowledge that it is the best way and we thank You for it in Jesus’
name, Amen.
Lord God,
We ask for your almighty hand to be upon all those who graduate today. Bless their lives from this day
on with goodness and love.
Help them to stay true to their dreams, to use their gifts wisely, and to walk into the future with faith,
hope, and great love.
Almighty and everlasting God, we thank you for giving this precious time to celebrate the
Baccalaureate service of MIT at this Judson Church, this evening. Your blessing is always
overwhelms the cups of MIT, that is why we praise your name, Your love, and mercy Lord.
Now we unite our hearts and pray for the graduating students who are standing and bow
down before you, Lord. By Your wonderful blessing these students have already completed all
the requirements of their respective degree programs and celebrating Baccalaureate service with
heartfelt thanks. Lord, we come to adore you that You did a great thing in their lives. We praise
you for the good gifts to bestow upon them.
Lord, once again we dedicate their lives unto your mighty hands so that they may become
good instruments for your Kingdom ministry. As they begin again a new chapter of their lives in
your ministry, bless them Lord, so that they may always learn to put You first in their daily lives.
They may always read Your Word, the Bible, and learn to love You and to serve as You want
them to serve in the ministry. Help them trust you all the time, regardless of what comes their
way. Lord, give them a listening heart and help them in every way to have a faithful heart.
Please provide the strength they need to follow and obey your will. Help them dear Lord,
to be honest and true in all that they say and all that they do. Give them the courage to do what is
right and to bring the world a sense of peace. May their lives maintain Your sense of purpose and
continue to live as examples of faith, hope, love and courage to all.
Direct their minds, souls and bodies so that they may do what you want and not what the
world want them to do. Grant Your wisdom upon them, and help them to serve in the ministry
faithfully and effectively.
Bless all of us who are gathering here this evening. We pray all these things in the name
of Our Lord Jesus Christ. A men.
Heavenly father, you are our Lord, our savior, our protector, our sustainers, because of you, we
are saved. We have safely life, we have safely place to dwell in and we are happy to serve in
your ministry.
Thank you Lord, for your using us as a minister family life, even though we do not deserve,
that’s why at first we confess our sins, short coming and trespasses, do forgive us our sin, and let
us know your wills in our daily life and strengthen us to follow your will in our daily life and
glorified your name. And Oh Lord at first we would like to pray for my father, be with him,
guide him and bless him and no disease may harm upon his life and anything to harm upon in his
daily life. Instead they may always see your goodness in their daily life and they may recover a
good happiness in every second. Let him a good wisdom to know that you are the greatest one,
you are Lord of lord and they may always progress this spirituality.
And Oh Lord, we would like to pray for my younger brother and his family. Now they are safely
arrive at Lashio township with his mother-in-law’s family. Let continually protect their life.
Don’t let anything to harm upon their life. Actually they are at the new environment and new
situation. No disease may harm upon their life. Nothing may disturb and destroy their journey to
come to Ygn and to go back to Japan again. When they are living here at Myanmar and live with
his siblings and closed relatives and friends all their fellowship may be meaningful for their life.
And also give them a good spirituality and a good vision for their family life. So that they may
more try hard to promote their family life in terms of spiritual, financial and social dealing with
And Oh Lord bless my younger sister. Now she is with my Aunty at Mdy. She is working as a
pianist and also serving as a pianist at a Church choir.
Consecration prayer
Almighty and everlasting God, we thank you for giving this precious time to unite our
hearts and pray for the graduating students who are standing and bow down before you, Lord
(for all those who graduate today). Lord, You have done a great thing in their lives. That is why
we praise your name, your goodness and mercy Lord.
Creator God, we ask for your mighty hand to be upon all those who graduate today. Bless
their lives from this day on with goodness and love. Help them to use their gifts wisely and to
walk into the future with faith, hope and love. Give them strength to resist the temptations of
greed, laziness, pride and envy as they strive to do and be their best.
Lord, we pray that you will give them direction, purpose, and perseverance as they enter
the next phrase of their lives. We ask that may your spirit would empower them with great
foresight, godly wisdom, daily discipline, and a sense of purpose as they enter a new season of
their live. Give them clearness of mind to move forward into the plans and purposes that you
have for them. May these young people gain wisdom from you and have the boldness to stand up
for what is right wherever they work, study, or socialize.
Please provide the strength they need to follow and obey your will. Help them dear Lord,
to be honest and true in all that they say and all that they do. Give them the courage to do what is
right and to bring the world a sense of peace. Lord, may their lives maintain Your sense of
purpose and continue to live as examples of faith, hope, love and courage to all.
Please, direct their minds, souls and bodies so that they may not only search for justice,
equality and human dignity, but also serve for the reconciliation and unity of all humanity and
the whole of creation in their daily lives.
We pray all these things in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. A men.
We ask for your almighty hand to be upon all those who graduate today. Bless their lives from this day
on with goodness and love.
Help them to stay true to their dreams, to use their gifts wisely, and to walk into the future with faith,
hope, and great love.
Christ, Teacher and Lord,Bless all in this school As we seek to end our year With the grace you
so generously provide.We give thanks for the studentsAnd the faculty, the administrators,
And all who have contributedTo this year of nurturing and growth.We affi rm all the positive
moments,Of insight, of the excitement of learning,Of accomplishment, of creativity,
Of laughter, of a sense of community.We recognize the times of struggle,
Of diffi cult work, of misunderstanding,Even of failure--we give these
To you for transformation,
So they can become seedsThat will fi nd fertile soil.As we leave for the summer,May we take
with usThe knowledge thatYou will keep us all In your embrace soWe may rest and be restored
And so we can continue inThe ongoing discoveryof your Love.
At the end of this school year wegive thanks to God:For all the teaching and learning
that have taken place in our school,both in and out of the classroom,For the talents and gifts that
have been shared and the challenges that have been faced For the burdens that have been lifted
and the hurts that have been healed For the respect and care that have been given.
We give thanks for the friendships that have just begun and for those that have grown.
For the faith that has been lived in our daily struggles,For the hope that has lifted our
hearts on the dark daysAnd for the love that has kept us going.We give thanks for the community
that we are and we ask you Lord -Bless our students as they sit their exams: may your Spirit
inspire them with confidence and calmness Bless our families as we take our holidays, may our
time together leave us with memories to cherish. Pour out your love on us that we may return
renewed and refreshed to continue our journey together .We make this prayer through Christ
May God's blessing go with us today End of school year blessing for teachers and children
May God's blessing go with us today,At the end of this school year we pray.That you keep us safe and
give us rest So we start again renewed and refreshed.Full of health, full of fun Ready to come and learn
May God's blessing go with us today,As we begin our school holiday.Give your peace and your joy,
To every girl and every boy.Help the teachers to enjoy the break,and prepare and plan for the new
May God's blessings await us next year,To embrace each new challenge without fear.
Fill this school with your love,and guide our hearts from above.Full of faith, full of hope,
full of joy, and full of love.
Closing prayer:O God, we thank you for our time together to pause and reflect on the mission for which we are called. Send down your Spiri
t and renew our hearts and minds. Renew us as we break for the summer in need of refreshment. Renew our parish, that we may envision a future
of vitality and growth. May this time apart grow hearts grateful for each other and the work of God, that we may return together refreshed,
open to each other and always to the movement of grace in our lives. Amen.
CLOSING PRAYER: Lord, we give you thanks for calling us to se
rve this Catholic school community. By the
power of your Holy Spirit, may the seeds of the Gospel you have planted in hearts and
called us to water in our school continue to grow. Grant us a peaceful and restful
summer, that we might be ready to respond with joy to your ongoing call to serve one
another in Christ, in whom you make all things new. We make this prayer to you in his
name. Amen
And may almighty God bless us, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Here we are Lord; your people, your Church meeting together in your presence. We welcome
each other and we welcome You. Make yourself known to us new ways through our worship, our
prayers and our understanding of your Word today.
This is your day and we shall praise you! This is your day and we shall declare your name!
This is your day,and we shall worship a risen Saviour and our King!
We meet as family in the presence of our heavenly Father. We meet as brothers and sisters in Christ,
accepting the responsibility this places upon us - to love one another as you have loved us. We meet as
your lights in this dark world, and pray that through our words and our lives others might be drawn into
your family, and accept you as their Saviour and Lord. Amen
Lord God, in a universe that seems so immense it is easy to feel insignificant as we stand here
today. Yet we know that we are precious in your sight - unique individuals loved and blessed in
so many ways. We stand in awe of the one who has created all things and dedicate this time and
all our days to your service. Accept this offering we pray, our sacrifice of praise and worship.
In our meeting together let us remember that we worship the God who created this world, the
God who spoke through his prophets from generation to generation, led his people from captivity
to liberty, healed the sick, fed the hungry and was faithful even when faced with rejection. The
same God who wants all people to be drawn to his love and grace, to know his forgiveness and
the joy of his Salvation. Let us put aside all that hinders and join together in worship and praise.
Glorious Trinity make your presence known in this place,through our worship,
our prayer,the reading of your Word,and in the fellowship we shall enjoy. Amen
Through our hymns and songs, our prayer and meditation, the joining of our lives in fellowship
we worship you, Father Son and Holy Spirit. Enfold us in your love, and empower our worship
that your name might be glorified in this place and in our lives.
We are gathered here today, Lord God as your people to offer you our sacrifice of prayer and
worship. We come from different walks of life; some are well educated, others not; some have
walked with you for many years, others are just starting their journey; some are strong, others
weak; some are full of joy, others burdened by care.
You love each of us in equal measure. You pour your blessings on us in equal measure.
We join together to worship the God of Abram, the God of Jacob and the God of David. We
worship the One True God; creator of all; Lord of all; our strength and hope; our light and our
salvation. We join together as family, joined by the hands of fellowship, brothers and sisters of
our heavenly Father. Amen
This is the day that the Lord has made.This is the day when he can be found.
God of all, breath of life,Living water, Saviour, friend.Come as the hungry, feed on his Word
Come as the thirsty, drink of his Love Come as the faithful, worship the Lord.
We worship a God of Promise, whose saving Grace brought a people from captivity into a land of
promise, whose enduring love still leads us from places of captivity into a promise of peace, forgiveness
and eternal life. The promises of God endure forever. The promises of God will be fulfilled. Amen.
We meet together in the presence of a God whose love is freedom, whose touch is healing,
whose voice is calm. We meet not in our own strength but in the knowledge that God's Spirit
abides within us, in our worship today and in our daily lives when we depart from this place. The
blessing receive is shared, in the hope that others might be drawn to the God we serve. Amen
Into your presence we come,God of Grace and Peace,who was, and is and ever shall be
the eternal One.Into fellowship we come,bound together in the love that died and rose again for
us,our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Let us be still for a moment as we draw near to worship God... Take just a few seconds to remind
yourself why we are gathered together today... Listen, God speaks even through the background
noise of the world around us...
Lord God, in this short time together, open our ears and our eyes to see your vision for this place
and our part within it. Teach us, hear our prayers and enable us for service wherever you might
take us, to your praise and glory. Amen.
May the Peace which passes all understanding, which has its source within the very nature of
Father, Son and Spirit be with us as we meet, to still our souls and join our hearts as one. May
the gentle whisper of the God of peace speak to us through our worship, the reading and
understanding of scripture, and be the message of our lives as we leave this place. Amen
We meet as family in the presence of our heavenly Father. We meet as brothers and sisters in Christ,
accepting the responsibility this places upon us - to love one another as you have loved us. We meet as
your lights in this dark world, and pray that through our words and our lives others might be drawn into
your family, and accept you as their Saviour and Lord. Amen
Sovereign Lord, we meet together to celebrate the gift of your Holy Spirit to the church. Bless us
as we seek to serve you in this place. Fill us with your Spirit as you did early one morning in
Jerusalem over two thousand years ago, that we might better be your voices, hands and presence
in the world, and draw others into your kingdom. Amen
Lord God, in a universe that seems so immense it is easy to feel insignificant as we stand here
today. Yet we know that we are precious in your sight - unique individuals loved and blessed in
so many ways. We stand in awe of the one who has created all things and dedicate this time and
all our days to your service. Accept this offering we pray, our sacrifice of praise and worship.
In the meeting of our lives,be the focus of all that we are.In the singing of the hymns,the prayers
that we shall make,the reading of your Wordand the preaching of the same.Speak to us,
encourage and forgive us.In the meeting of our lives, Lord,
be the focus of all that we are. Amen
We have gathered here today, Lord God as your people to offer you our sacrifice of prayer and
worship.We have fed on your Word, been refreshed through your living water, felt the encircling
of your Spirit around this fellowship and around individual lives.
As we go from this place may we continue to know your presence and power in the very
different lives that we lead, to your praise and glory.
As we take our worship, praise and prayer from this place and into our daily lives, may our lives
be sustained through the love of our Heavenly Father. May we feel the presence of our Saviour
walking beside us, and know the power of the Spirit in both our actions and our words.
May the Father’s hand keep you from stumbling,the footprints of Jesus
give you confidence to follow,and the fire of the Spirit keep you warm and safe
in your walk with God this day.
May the love of Jesus Christ bring us wholeness,the grace of God the Father grant us peace,
the breath of Holy Spirit instil passion and the unity between them give us strength
for this and every day. Amen
May God's Word be in your heart.May God's Word be on your lips.May God's Word be in your
touch.May God's Word direct your feet.On this day and all your days to come May God's Word be the
life you live.
May the grace of God uphold you,the peace of God surround you,the love of God flow from you
and the strength of God protect and bring you safely through this day.
Let us begin with a moment of silence to welcome God's presence -Good and Loving God,
We thank you for creating the world in all its beauty.We thank you for memory, which enables
us to build on the experiences of the past;for imagination, which admits us to a wider world than
we could otherwise know;and for foresight, by which we plan for the future.Bless this unseen
work that we do on behalf of our students who,through their Jesuit education,
will strive to make a difference in the world.We ask this in your name.
-Joseph P. Shadle
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We are humbled to be entrusted with the service and promotion of social justice in our local and
global communities.We ask that You guide us in this service.We praise You for Your generous
gift of life and love and ask for Your help in sharing that love with everyone we meet.
-Sheila Doran
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Lord, we are meeting today to conduct matters of business.Guide our hearts and our minds in the
spirit of fairness, right thought and speech. Impart Your supreme wisdom upon our
activities so that our affairs may reach a successful conclusion.Thank You for being our source
of guidance today. Amen.
God, our Creator, You give us life and support us with love.Send your Spirit of compassion to
dwell in our midst as we meet here today. Help us to be respectful and just in our
discernment and decisions. May we be mindful of the needs of all in our community and help us
to honor one another in a courteous manner. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Good and loving God, Source of every grace and blessing,We give You thanks this day for the
many gifts you have given us. We seek to be good stewards, Lord. Bless us as we
gather here to share Your gifts. Send us Your Spirit and be pres-ent among us in the mouths of
all who speak, in the ears of all who listen, and at the heart of all we say and do. We ask this in
Jesus’ name. Amen.
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An Invocation
Holy One, Dear One,One Who knows us more intimatelythan we know ourselves.We present
ourselves in this assembly at the start of a new academic year in the hopes that You will reveal
Yourself in our midst, in our thoughts, in our desires, in our conversations, in our work, in our
frustrations, in our anguish, in our enthusiasm, in our joys and in the blessed peace that is an
inherent, if elusive, part of our very selves. Help us open our hearts and minds to our own
largesse that we might become the people. You love to call Your own.
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Loving God,
We come to you filled with gratitude for making us partners in your ongoing work of creation.
You call us to be part of this community and bless us with a unique legacy.That began with
Ignatius Loyola and has been passed. From generation to generation.
The gift of our mission, founded on the practice of reflection and discernment,
Enables us to make decisions which call us to stand in solidarity and kinship.With all those who
share our earthly journey. And moves us to perform active service rooted in justice and love.
These gifts of our Ignatian heritage invite us to be part of a tradition. That builds on the wisdom
of the past.With a vision open to the opportunities of the future.These gifts also challenge us to
move beyond our norm,To broaden our imagination,To deepen our trust, And to establish your
kingdom here on earth. Fill us with enthusiasm and wonder as we receive these gifts. With open
minds, generous hearts, and a willing spirit. Following the example of St. Ignatius, may we, too,
"labor and ask for no reward except that of knowing we are doing your will." May we take full
possession of this heritage and joyfully pass it on. To those generous men and women.Who walk
behind us into the future.
Prayer 1
Hear us, O God, above us.Hear us, O God, within us,We ask on this day that you lead us to value
and to celebrate our diversity, And to recognize and to offer up on the altar of our common
purpose the distinctive gifts by which we enrich each other and our mission. Help us to cherish
both our talents and our interdependence as we make common cause in the service of you and all
your people.
Prayer 2
Most merciful God,be with us today as we gather together in this place. As we awoke this
morning, we felt the first chill of winter's frost.Yet, you brought us a beautiful day full of blue
sky and the amazing array of colors of the fall leaves.We are so grateful for the beauty you give
to us. Beauty that is given freely to us.we do nothing to earn it. Your abundant grace and
unconditional love for us is evident all around! We are indeed blessed!
May all that we do further our Ignatian mission with our co-workers and the students you trust to
our care.May we always feel the protection of your loving arms around us.
Prayer 3
God of All, God of all blessings, open our hearts that we may recognize the gifts You have given
us. God of all wonders, open our eyes that we may see You in all things. God of justice, open our
ears that we may hear the cry of the poor and disenfranchised. God of all time, open our minds to
the joys of reflective moments with You. We stand, in gratitude for Your gifts. We stand, in awe
of Your wonders. We stand; ready to do Your good work. We stand, in this moment; ready to
learn and open to growth.
- Donna Geraci
Prayer 4
Gracious God, With joy, we now join here together to celebrate, as some look back on times past
and as others look forward to times yet to come. We rejoice in the opportunity to become better
acquainted with our colleagues while finding You in them. We are grateful for the
encouragement we receive to seek to know You as the source and substance of the mission and
identity of our place of employment. We are humbled to be entrusted with the service and
promotion of social justice in our local and global communities. We ask that You guide us in this
service. We praise You for Your generous gift of life and love and ask for Your help in sharing
that love with everyone we meet.
Prayer 5
Dear Heavenly Father,Thank you for the opportunity to gather here today to celebrate the Xavier
Mentor-Mentee Program. In learning from our mentors, please help us to use the advice they
have given us to make the most of our time here and in life after Xavier. Bless this food and
bless all of us as we go to do Your work in the world. We ask this in Your name. Amen.
Prayer 6
Gracious God, We thank you for having called us here together. At the start of this academic
program we ask for your help. For the students, Please open their minds to learning and new
ideas, Provide them with strength and perseverance, and help them to be patient. For the
sponsors, families, friends, and loved ones, Help them to be supportive and understanding
throughout this program. For the faculty, Challenge the students and help them grow
intellectually. All this we ask in your name,
- Rob Munson
Prayer 7
Lord Jesus, our brother, you have promised to be present among us whenever we come together
in your name. Remain with us as we meet for the benefit and love of your people. Guide us in
our discussions, and help us to do everything for your honor and glory and for the salvation of
your Church. Amen.
Prayer 8
Heavenly Father, send the Spirit of your Son to remain with us during our meeting.
Let him guide us, and inspire us to think and speak according to the mind of Jesus.
Fill us with your joy and love, and help us to put our plans into practice.
Prayer 9
Lord, We bow our heads collectively. To give you thanks for your ever present grace
Glory and honor for the countless mercies bestowed upon us.
Father, We ask that you grant us the patience to endure all hardships
The wisdom to make a difference in the situations which we can control
And the understanding to navigate through the difficult times we all face
And when the end of each day approaches Let your magnificent peace settle our hearts and
minds As your everlasting love carries us all from day to blessed day.
In Jesus name, Amen.
- David Bryant
Civic Meeting 1
Lord our God, look with love on the people of this community and keep them safe in your
service. Guide the members of this council, and help them to work together
for the good of all. Bless their plans and deliberations, and bring them to success.
Civic Meeting 2
Blessed are you, Lord our God, maker of the universe and Father of all. Guide the members of
this meeting and help them to serve the people of N. Bring success to their work and reward
them for the good they do. Amen.
Business Meeting 1
Father in heaven, bless us as we gather today for this meeting. Guide our minds and hearts
so that we will work for the good of our community, and help all your people. Teach us to be
generous in our outlook, courageous in face of difficulty, and wise in our decisions. Amen.
Business Meeting 2
Praise to you, Lord God, king of the universe: you have made the world for us to live in.
Grant us light to know the needs of our community, and strength to make wise decisions
for the benefit of all. Do not let self-interest or greed influence us, for you have chosen us to
serve your people. Amen.
Heavenly Father, maker of heaven and earth, you have chosen us to be your people:
help us to give you glory in everything we do. Bless this N., and let it bring may people together.
Help us to meet one another in joy and to gain many benefits from being here together. Amen.
Special Project 1
Blessed are you, Lord God, ruler of all creation: you know our hearts and our plans, and guide all
that we do for your glory. Grant that this project will be for your honor and for the benefit of all
your people. Amen.
Special Project 2
Heavenly Father, maker of heaven and earth, we praise you for your glory. Bless us as we
continue to do our work, and bless all that we do for you. Help us to carry out all our activities
for your honor and glory and for the salvation of your people. Guide us in all we do, and help us
to build up your kingdom and come to our reward through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
We offer salutations and respect to all present at this meeting and to all who will be affected by
it. We brush off the chairs on which we sit - to make a clear space for a meeting of minds. We
brush off from our clothing any debris picked up on the way - to clear our minds of extraneous
matters. We wipe the blood from our hands - to acknowledge and apologize for any hurt we have
inflicted. We wipe the tears from our eyes - to acknowledge and forgive any hurt we have
received. We take the lump out of our throats - to let go of any sadness or disappointment. We
take the tightness out of our chests - to let go of any fear or resentment. We acknowledge and
pray for guidance - to the Great Creator Spirit of All Life. Amen.
(Adapted from historic treaty meeting protocol of the Iroquois, also known as the
Haudenosaunee, or Six Nations Confederacy; by Ralph Metzner)
- Debbie Ford
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Peace Within
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A New Semester
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In Times of Transition
God of Love,
You are with us in every transition and change.
As we enter into this new era with excitement and even some anxiety,
we recall your deep compassion, presence, and abounding love.
We thank you for the gifts, talents and skills with which you have blessed us.
We thank you for the experiences that have brought us to this moment.
We thank you for the work of others that gives breadth and depth to our own work.
Be with us as we move forward, rejoicing with you and supporting one another.
We ask this in your Holy Name.
- Joe Shadle
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Lord, God, we gather together unified in Your name this morning seeking guidance, wisdom,
and support as we reflect on past accomplishments of the division and look ahead to working
together to promote a brighter future for the University. Lord, grant us courage, boldness, and
discernment as we engage in meaningful discussion in an effort to grow closer as a campus
Guide our minds and hearts throughout the year so that we work for the good of our community
and help all Your people. Fill us with the grace of the Spirit and continue to remind us that all
that we do and accomplish is for the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of You, and for the
service of humanity. Help us to grow in peace and understanding with one another.
Lord, we thank You for the blessings that you have bestowed upon Xavier University and its
employees. Help us to realize how thankful we are to be working at such a wonderful institution,
and that God's presence accompanies us each day of our career.
In closing, bless our families, friends, and coworkers with the gifts of kindness, patience, love,
and respect. Give us the grace to share these gifts. Empower us to enjoy the second half of this
summer, whether at work or on vacation, before welcoming the students back at the end of
August, as You lead all of us through a successful academic year.
Lord, we bring before you these prayers and the prayers that we hold silently in our hearts. We
ask all of this in God's name. Amen.
- Allen Zernich
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Dear God,
- Connie Perme
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- Joe Shadle
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For more prayers from the Xavier University President's Cabinet Meetings click here.
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Let's put ourselves in the hands of our loving God and pray together
We give thanks for the students and the faculty, the administrators,
and all who have contributed to this year of nurturing and growth.
Of accomplishment, of creativity,
of misunderstanding,
Even of failure…
We praise and thank You for the gift of this school year.
And guide each day as You have done this past year.
Wishing all of you a wonderful summer filled with blessings and God’s grace…
Be safe and enjoy the days ahead of rest and relaxation!!
as she continues on the road of life. May the love that is in our hearts be a bond that
unites us forever, wherever
we may be. May the power of your presence bless this moment of our leave-taking.
Pause for quiet reflection remembering the gifts that
has shared with us over the years.
: We know that God goes with you.
As you journey onward, may you remember always that our love and appreciation
for you are etched on our
hearts . . .
As you meet the poor, the pained, the stranger on your way, may you see in each
one the face of our
Christ . . .
As you walk through the good times and the hard times, may you never lose sight of
the shelter of God’s loving
arms . . .
As you question your decisions and wonder about the fruits of your choices, may the
peace of God reign in your
heart . . .
We praise and thank you, God of the journey, for
who is soon to leave. We entrust her into your
loving care, knowing that you are always the Faithful Traveler and Companion on
our way. Shelter her and protect
her from all harm and all useless anxiety. May the future be a source of many
enriching and transforming
moments. Amen.
Let us extend our hands and pray together the following blessing:
A Scottish Blessing
May the blessing of light be on you
Light without and light within.
May the blessed sunlight shine on you like a great peat fire,
So that stranger and friend may come and warm themselves at it.
And may light shine out of the two eyes of you,
Father God,
As we say farewell to our loved ones we entrust them into your care. We pray for happiness and joy to
be ahead of them, for wisdom and guidance to be beside them, and for grace and truth to be behind
them, pushing them onwards into your goodness. We know that you will always love and protect them,
wherever they go.
Lord God,
Thank you for the extraordinary love, commitment and creativity this wonderful teacher has given this
Thank you for the way he/she has served us and given out so much to the children we care for.
We pray that he/she would go on to find new treasures each day, and that the blessing of Christ would
be upon all that he/she does, forevermore.
Lunch prayer
Almighty God,
We come to you today and give thanks for all our teachers.
Thank you for the way in which they give of themselves each day in the classroom,
Serving and instructing the next generation of this land.
We thank you for them all now.
Father, please fill their hearts with courage now by your mighty Spirit.
Fill them with your strength, so they may rise to every challenge and not grow weary.
Fill them with your wisdom, so that they may be able to make good judgement when guiding and
helping others.
Fill them with your peace, so that when stress and anxiety comes it would not overwhelm them.
Fill them with your joy, so that the passion they have for their subject may become a infectious passion
that spreads.
A Teacher's Prayer
A prayer sutable for a teacher to pray for their own work and students
Father, above all, may I love and care for each student I teach.
Show me how to serve as Christ serves
Give as Christ gives
Love as Christ loves.
and grant that those who teach and those who learn may find
you to be the source of all truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
source: Book of Common Prayer, 1979 version, Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA.
A prayer prayed by Frankie Mendez at a in-service training session for teachers in the
Philippines. Although some of the lines are specific to this conference, a good deal of this prayer
is useful for teachers to meditate on and be refreshed by. The film is just under 4 minutes long
(the rest is just black screen!):-
Almighty God,
Father, please fill his/her heart with courage now by your mighty Spirit.
Fill him/her with your strength, so he/she may rise to every challenge and not grow weary.
Fill him/her with your wisdom, so that he/she may be able to make good judgement when guiding and helping
Fill him/her with your peace, so that when stress and anxiety comes it would not overwhelm him/her.
Fill him/her with your joy, so that the passion he/she has for his/her subject may become a infectious passion that
Lord God,
your spirit of wisdom fills the earth
and teaches us your ways.
Dear God,
As countless teachers begin to prepare for a new school year ahead, grant them an abundance of
Your wisdom. Prepare their hearts to welcome and love our loved ones, and may we make sure
to show them love and respect in return. Give them grace as they help students who aren’t
thriving, courage to say what needs to be said, tools and knowledge on how and when to speak
love, and strength when they feel weak. When they feel unseen, remind them that no moment goes
unnoticed. They are shaping the future in one million small - yet incredibly important - ways
every day. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the gift of learning they share with our
children. Bless them, Lord, and may they see even just a glimpse of how their faithfulness will
forever impact generations to come.
find time to walk through the halls of the school giving a hug or
a reassuring smile to a child. Let them not be afraid to put their
arms around someone or hold a hand, as if to say, "it will be
okay". Father, let not the paperwork become so heavy as to
crush their "spirit of giving".
And Father, forget them not; for they too are human. Send
someone to cross their path to say a cheery "good morning...",
that really means: "I'm glad you're here!" And a teacher or a
child who would say, "guess what I did..." which really means
"I'd like to share this with you because you're important to me."
But most important, send them a hand with a loving touch.
Send them the hand that understands for it was pierced. Send
them that hand that hugged small children, taught the wise and
calmed the sea.
Send them, Father, the loving hand of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
In Jesus' name we pra
Almighty God, we thank you for being with us throughout our worship service. And now we come
to you again with unite our hearts for the celebration of the honoring program for the visisting
professors and fare-well program for sayama Kaw Mai.Firstly,
We give thanks for all our visiting professors.
Thank you for the way in which they give of themselves each day in the classroom,
Serving and instructing the new generation of this land for the kigdom ministry. Thank you for the
extraordinary love, commitment and creativity this wonderful they have given this school, mit.
Thank you for the way they have served us and given out so much to the students we care for.
We pray that they would go on to find new treasures each day, and that the blessing of Christ would be
upon all that they do, forevermore.
Good and loving God,
As we say farewell to our loved one, sayama Kaw Mai, we entrust her and her family into your care. We
pray for happiness and joy to be ahead of them, for wisdom and guidance to be beside them, and for
grace and truth to be behind them, pushing them onwards into your goodness. We know that you will
always love and protect them, wherever they go. God as sayama begins this new stage in life, help
her retain strength of spirit. May her life maintain your sense of purpose and continue to live as
examples of faith, hope love and courage to all.
We also pray for Ko Butch and Ma Phyu who provide alunch for us. Bless
their family so that they may be your treasured possession and a
chanel of flowing your blessing.
We praise and thank You for the gift of this school year2016-17.It has been a time filled with grace and
blessings,With challenges and opportunities. We give thanks for the students and the faculty, the
administrators,and all who have contributed to this year of nurturing and growth. As we leave for the
summer,May we take with us the knowledge that You will keep us all in Your embrace so that we may
rest and be restored,And we may continue in the ongoing discovery of Your Love.
May we be generous and considerate, not thinking only about ourselves, but helping others enjoy the
blessings of the summertime. Lord God, Creator of all things, guide our steps and strengthen our hearts
during these months of summer and vacation days. Grant us refreshment of mind and body. May we
constantly strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our loved ones and in the world around
us as we enjoy the warm days of summertime. And bless us, according to Your will, With the fulfillment
of our summer hopes and dreams. Watch over us in the weeks of rest ahead, And guide each day as You
have done this past year. Help us return to school with a new spirit and a new energy. May we continue
to growIn age, wisdom, knowledge and grace All the days of our lives. We ask this through Christ our